He is lost apa lion and tiger are two different species of creatures but humans are one species like a black dog and a brown one all dogs of different hue colour is skin deep
I have been married for 42 years to a white man. I didn’t go looking for a white man but I fell in love with a man who was white and he fell in love with me a black woman. 42 years later we are happily married. 5 grandchildren out of our 3 children. I wish the Apostle didn’t say God doesn’t like that. God loves us all
Apa pataurwa chokwadi chakazara asi zvinongorwadza kuzvitambira chete that is true . We are not allowed to create rimwe rudzi risina kusikwa namwari . Handina kuziva kuti mubible zvirimo apo musamutuke zvenyu vasati vapinda mazviri siyai
Sometimes I really wonder y pastors end up confused by what they claim to know. We all come from Adam and Eve .we scattered around the world . With time climate and same grouping we became different from each other and I don't think it's something that the Pastor doesn't know
In any case very few people in Southern Africa are pure African blood. Vazhinji vedu we have traces of mixed race. Manhunt wese aripanyika today akaberekwa naNoah saka mixed race inyaya ye colour yeganda neculture, zvimwe verse takafanana. Izvi I think mafungiro enyu Apostle
I am one those mixed children, i have always asked myself who i am, which one of my parents do i belong 100% and being a Christian knowing what the word of God says about intermarriages. I feel pipo should just go by what the bible says. I have made a vow that when i get married, either to a black man or white man, every fruit of my womb going down should marry that particular race and never change. My reason is so that the confusion may stop with me and that we can build a less confused family tree. It matters to know where one comes from, it becomes an issue when one parent is gone back where he or she came from , leaving the children with a parent who hardly knows the genealogy of the other parent. My 2cents.
@nakisomadzivire6915 do you not know where your father's side is nekwaanobva or your mother's side is nokwaavanobva...wether blue,pink or whatever. Why should you stress on such things.Asi wakahurwa. What confusion are you talking about.???? Chiwenga unopenga...paridza shoko rinopinza vanhu kudenga...saka havasi vanhu...bvapo
@@abigailmpofu4210why are you minimising someone’s experience. I live in the UK. People of dual heritage don’t fit anywhere. Black people disown them, white people don’t own them either. They live in a crisis.
I think this Chiwenga guy is now getting lost, trying to bring the law given to Moses for the Israelites Jews to the New Testament believers. This is now becoming a cult. Galatians 3 vs 26, 26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. New Testament believers are not under the law but we are saved by grace through faith in Christ. Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:20-22 … Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations- “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” which all concern things which perish with the using-according to the commandments and doctrines of men? We were Gentiles Ephesians 2 vs 12, people without God or law. remember that at that time you were separated from Christ [excluded from any relationship with Him], alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise [with no share in the sacred Messianic promise and without knowledge of God’s agreements], having no hope [in His promise] and [living] in the world without God.
Apa apostle vashaya nyaya havo, in the old testament it was not to corrupt the chosen nation whereas in the new testament the sons of God are those who believed in the gospel. So the question is if interracial people who are believers marry are they corrupted.
Sei vanhu veku rokesheni tine hunhu wakafana no matter where you go? Environment you are brought up in. Obama mukaradi but he was a lawyer and president. Mukaradi eku Borrowdale ne ekuArcadia act very differently
Its a Lie and total confusion( Read Eph 2:14-15). Christ died to reedem all the different races into one pure blood of holiness and righteousness. We as believers are recreated in as new being or born again not of carnal blood but of the spirit( John 3:5-6, John 1:12). Currently we don't have original Hebrews and that race is completely wiped out and God does allowed it to be that way. Today we have mixed races as per GOD'S PLAN and no holy spirit has ever been sent by Christ to rebuke intermarriages unlike in the old covenant when the prophecy about Christ was not yet fulfilled...as stated in book of Ezra. Apostles is losing the true gospel which he initially preached as he mixes African traditions and morals with salvation,,,,Zvino ndiani achamudzora sezvo vateveri vake vanongonzwa munhu hapana anonzwa mweya kti vamutsiurewo sezvo Peter chaiye akatombotsiurwa na Paul despite the seniority in the gospel.
He is crazy. It was because the other nations were not worshipping God . Even if you married to your race it doesn't help if they worship Idol. If you're believer you must get married to a believer the race does not matter in Christ. This apostle us confused.
Just because you are happily married does not mean God approves your marriage. Solomon was happily married like you, did God approved his marriages? No!!! God actually end up taking his life becaz he was displeased by him. God does not like all of us, he created all of us, give things to all of us, but he has special people he likes, not all of us. Jacob and Esau are a very good example for you, did he love both of them, No! Listen to the whole sermon, explanations where given for you to learn.
This pastor is 100 % right. People don't know and understand the origins of varungu.Mwari akasika munhu mutema,it's deep.Varungu imixture ye gudo nemunhu mutema.Study,the more you study the more people will understand this.The original man is the black man.Kuroora or kuroora murungu is disgusting asi vashoma vachazvinzwisisa.Black people are so brainwashed to believe kuti murungu are superior than munhu mutema.Varungu vakagadzirwa mulab naYakub.Once Waita mwana nemurungu,wazvirasa,it's not an achievement or chinhu choshamisira,zvosemesa.
The original man is a black man yes but God forbad Isreal to intermarry because of different customs not race. God didn’t want Isreal to be led into idolatry by worshiping other Gods. Meaning God even if the person was black but not Hebrew eg Cushite God wouldn’t have approved. He’s taking scripture out of context. Moses was a black man and so was the Ethiopian woman he wanted to marry. Miriam & Aaron were questioning Moses because the woman was not a Hebrew.
Chivengwa has lost it. He's very wrong and jealous nekut aitozvidawo akazvitadza. I Corinthians 7 Nekuti ndinoda kuti dai vanhu vose vava seni. Asi munhu *mumwe neumwe une chipo chake chinobva kuna Mwari, mumwe cherudzi urwu, mumwe cherumwe rudzi.* ndiPaurosi aitaura apo. munhu akanzwanana nemuchena wake let them marry.
He is very wrong bcoz ati huku nehuku dzinoramba dziri huku; lion ne tiger hapabudi tiger kana lion. So, my question is, murungu vs mubhoyi hapabude munhu here? Interracial marriages were forbidden coz paizosangana vatendi nevahedheni, chete chete.
Vana veisrael should not marry outside of Israel...that was the basis of the actual bible message . Izvi zvekuti varungu or maChinese or whatever hazvina basa. We are all the same regardless of skin color, and HELL will NOT discriminate based on skin colour
That not the issue here, that they are an inescapable reality which humanity. With Globalization they will be more prevalent in the future. However, Apostle Chiwenga is speaking about God's position regarding the matter. It is wrong according to the scriptures provided.
Pastor you are preaching and teaching their religion and yet you dont regard them,your religoin is Chivanhu,christianity was brought by them.Do your research
In the New Testament there's no basis for this teaching...Why do these preachers stick to the OT and ignore clear teachings in the Nt ...Samaritans were a mixed race but Christ did not condemn them....Apostle Paul in 2corinth 5 v 14 to 17 teaches that we no longer have to know people according to their fleshly state but spiritual because of the gospel. THERE IS neither Jew nor Greek...black or white. THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE ON EARTH...THE HUMAN RACE which came from one Man ADAM.Our difference comes when we look at new birth...whether you are from the heavenly second Adam or the earthly First Adam who sinned.
You’re absolutely right, “There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 NLT Also, in Numbers chapter 12, God was angry at Aaron & Miriam for criticising Moses because he married Zipporah, a black woman (Ethiopian). It’s a shame that some people don’t read the word for themselves. I note over the years that Chiwenga has made several statements which don’t line up with the word of God.
We all have choices and preferences, but God's will should override our personal tastes and preferences. Its not about how we feel or like its about the position of scripture.
Those who think Apostle Chiwenga is lost on this one, you're the ones who are lost. To my understanding he is actually mincing his points. I first heard this from a white guy and with research, I later discovered a lot about a black man. We we supposed to love ourselves my people. In short, God Yahweh did not make races but He made a single race. Other races came up by human means and possibly by sinful ways. You want an original seed to mix up with fake seed? You think God is stupid than you think? White people have money yes but God did not create them and He don't want us to mix up with them.
Wrong doctrine these laws applied to the Israelites in the old testament which is the shadow God was dealing with children of Israel according to their culture that is why there were cultural laws ceremonial laws festival laws etc
We would not have the same ancestor in Adam and Noah if it was true. A pigeon and chicken right. A black chicken and a white chicken you approve why? A brown cow and black cow, would you approve. By saying these things he will soon come up with another Saviour for the black people besides Jesus Christ. But if God had given one Saviour for all mankind, He has expressly confirmed that "there is neither Jew nor Greek".
@nimrod4580 iwe nimirodhi, iwe! Midian ndiyani? Who is Midian? Do you know? Who is Jethro? Please read Gen. 25:2. Midian is Abraham's son by Keturah! So in fact, Moses and Jethro are very related through Abraham.
Maexamples amapa apostle haasi kuita. Tikatanga panaNoah kusvika patiri, how are we not the same people. My understanding according to your earlier teachings are that kana vaIsrael vachipihwa mutemo wekuroora it should apply kwatiri venyasha today kuroona mukereke yaIshe sezvo vakatiita hama dzavo mukuberekwa kwatakaitwa maverick. Saka hakuchina muGreek kana muJudha meaning race, creed, colour is no longer an issue before the new testament amongst brethren. Naizvozvo zvemadzinza ndezvechivanhu, nyama haina ushe muumambo hwedenga. Rangarirai Queen of Shebba naKing Solomon
😂😂😂😂😂 does he even know what colour was the original man? Does he know the origin of different races from a biblical perspective? I think the bible standard is "you should not be equally yoked", in the new testament. The reason why God did not want Israelites to marry other nationalities in in the old Testament was to avoid them from marrying people that worship other Gods. To date, what matters in marriage is still spiritual identity not colour. Varasika vakuru ava.
i think Apostle lost it on this one, in the Gospel of Matthew there's genealogy of Jesus. The blood of man makes family, a coloured child is also part of the genealogy of his father whether the father is White & the mother is black, thank you 🙏🙏
Ukangoona vanhu vakutenda munhu kudarika Mwari mobva maziva kuti hakuna kwatiri kuenda nemaApostle aya nema prophet aya.Zimbabwe dayi ine vanhu vaMwari chaivo vanozviti tonzwa Mwari yakasunungurwa kare .Trust God only not ngano dzose idzi .
😂 iri tricky. if you delve further you could end up digging your own hole. Loosely speaking if races are not from one god, then whose doctrine have we been teaching. My opinion is, a clean inner cup is more important than the outter cup.
This is always a problem when you take scripture out of context- reason why Israelites were forbidden to marry Canaanites is because people from Canaan had their own gods and they didn’t want Israelites to start worshipping other gods. Moses was married to a woman from Cush and when other Israelites started criticizing him they were punished for that. Ko Ruth, your people will be my people meaning she was going to a different tribe/race. So if a black person from Tanzania and a black one from Zimbabwe marry what do you call that child??? Stop it! Nothing wrong with interracial marriage
Thank you my brother so simply put but this man is taking it out of context. The same way he took scripture out of context and started calling himself amai.
Munhu wese ari pasi pezuva is a HUMAN Specie ie murungu, mutema , etc we have the same number of chromosomes. According to the bible we all originate from Adam and Eve According to history, we originate from Apies . Still hakuna homosapien wechirungu newe chitema kkkk which means chinhu one..
Mukoma apa wango ratidza hu racist whaling chete. So you agree that we are different in front of God. So which human race was made in the image of Hod?What is Colour in the human race. So why do you preach and speek in the white man’s language? Rega ndimbono Rita’s ndikudzoka.
God is impartial . He does not judge people according to race but whats inside their hearts.its kind of blasphemous for a person of your calibre preaching that the Holy God is against mixed race marriages.What matters to God is not sm1's skin colour but their heart condition.You are extremely lost preacher
My view is that Apostle is losing it here. He seems to be very lost of late. People are people, irrespective of their color. It's different from Breeding Chimpanzees and People. Its also wrong to belittle mixed races. I know white people who swear always and black people too. Marriage cultures are different accross the world cultures. Zimbabwe Culture is not the World Standard. Next he shall be saying, tribes should not not inter-marry. The DNA of Humans is the same irrespective of skin color. He might be sued for preaching hate-speech. Should different country couples inter-marry (e.g. Zim vs Nigeria)? The bottom line is, I disagree with him on this one Regards
@@mashdonmunetsi3615 What truth when his misinterpreting scripture. That’s why he told you to call him amai and you politely obliged misinterpreting scripture as well. When God told Isreal not intermarry it was not about race but culture & customs. God didn’t want Isreal to be led into worshiping other Gods. When Moses married the Ethiopian woman (black) Miriam & Aaron were not questioning him because that woman was black they were questioning him because she was not a Hebrew. Moses was not a white man if you think he was white or if you think he looked like those Modern day Ashkenazi Jews who are converts and not Hebrew by blood.
Ko Moses haana kuroora mu Ethiopian woman sis vake vakarohwa nema perembudzi? . Kana ari murungu aparidza kudai everyone will be barking racism and segregation.
Apa Chiwenga waratidza udatawindi wako apa. Ur just empty and u know nothing about scriptures. At oneoment I say the law of Moses ended at the cross , now u bring the same law when it comes to marriage. Go to school and study the bible..... Dnt read it but study it.
Wanna wagona pawati Arasika pakutora mutemo weroora wakazotsanangurwa in Ephesians 5 Iye akusanganisa nenyaya dzeculture and race issues. Ko akanganwa here kuti tese tiripanyika nhasi we originate from the same Noah. Ko Ishe Havana here kutiidza hama dzavo despite race creed or colour pavakati hakuchina kugreek kanamujudha mukutenda? I just lost you pawazotaura zveBible school, wabva watidzosera kuvafarisi nevasedhusi, newewo warasika ipapo hama. Mese mashandisa pfungwa dzenyu in an unscriptural way
He is lost apa lion and tiger are two different species of creatures but humans are one species like a black dog and a brown one all dogs of different hue colour is skin deep
😂😂😂😂😂 yes you are right there
I have been married for 42 years to a white man. I didn’t go looking for a white man but I fell in love with a man who was white and he fell in love with me a black woman. 42 years later we are happily married. 5 grandchildren out of our 3 children. I wish the Apostle didn’t say God doesn’t like that. God loves us all
Yes God loved us all but God doesn't like a mixer of skinny colour
Apa pataurwa chokwadi chakazara asi zvinongorwadza kuzvitambira chete that is true . We are not allowed to create rimwe rudzi risina kusikwa namwari . Handina kuziva kuti mubible zvirimo apo musamutuke zvenyu vasati vapinda mazviri siyai
To Marry in the Lord is all that is needed ,it has nothing to do with race .
Hasha dzine vanhu varipano munenge matsikirwa madomasi bt chikunetsa hapana kana arikupikisa nemagwaro kuti Apostle varasika
As long as you are human marry each other.....
Sometimes I really wonder y pastors end up confused by what they claim to know. We all come from Adam and Eve .we scattered around the world . With time climate and same grouping we became different from each other and I don't think it's something that the Pastor doesn't know
They are using Zvikwambo,zvava kupera simba thats why vachizo dhomoka vangu
In any case very few people in Southern Africa are pure African blood. Vazhinji vedu we have traces of mixed race. Manhunt wese aripanyika today akaberekwa naNoah saka mixed race inyaya ye colour yeganda neculture, zvimwe verse takafanana. Izvi I think mafungiro enyu Apostle
I am one those mixed children, i have always asked myself who i am, which one of my parents do i belong 100% and being a Christian knowing what the word of God says about intermarriages.
I feel pipo should just go by what the bible says. I have made a vow that when i get married, either to a black man or white man, every fruit of my womb going down should marry that particular race and never change.
My reason is so that the confusion may stop with me and that we can build a less confused family tree. It matters to know where one comes from, it becomes an issue when one parent is gone back where he or she came from , leaving the children with a parent who hardly knows the genealogy of the other parent.
My 2cents.
@nakisomadzivire6915 do you not know where your father's side is nekwaanobva or your mother's side is nokwaavanobva...wether blue,pink or whatever. Why should you stress on such things.Asi wakahurwa. What confusion are you talking about.????
Chiwenga unopenga...paridza shoko rinopinza vanhu kudenga...saka havasi vanhu...bvapo
@@abigailmpofu4210why are you minimising someone’s experience. I live in the UK. People of dual heritage don’t fit anywhere. Black people disown them, white people don’t own them either. They live in a crisis.
You're a child of God ❣️
@@kitty9595 thank you😊
@@nakisomadzivire6915 you’re welcome
I think this Chiwenga guy is now getting lost, trying to bring the law given to Moses for the Israelites Jews to the New Testament believers. This is now becoming a cult.
Galatians 3 vs 26, 26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. New Testament believers are not under the law but we are saved by grace through faith in Christ. Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Colossians 2:20-22 … Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations- “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” which all concern things which perish with the using-according to the commandments and doctrines of men?
We were Gentiles Ephesians 2 vs 12, people without God or law.
remember that at that time you were separated from Christ [excluded from any relationship with Him], alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise [with no share in the sacred Messianic promise and without knowledge of God’s agreements], having no hope [in His promise] and [living] in the world without God.
You are blessed to see the reality of a wolf in sheep' skin
Praise be to God for using you to show the truth of His grace🙏🔥
WELL DONE for posting the whole video!!! This is how reaction videos should be structured to allow viewers to have the full context.
Please link the sermon again
You learn something new every time. I was onf those people who were not bothered nazvo but lm converted
Where is the full video my brother.
I think that the Apostle is correct.
Uyu akurwara
Apa apostle vashaya nyaya havo, in the old testament it was not to corrupt the chosen nation whereas in the new testament the sons of God are those who believed in the gospel. So the question is if interracial people who are believers marry are they corrupted.
Biggest question-“ seyi macoloreds aine hunhu hwakafumuka nomatter were you go 😂😂😂😂😂Zimbabwe South Africa
Sei vanhu veku rokesheni tine hunhu wakafana no matter where you go? Environment you are brought up in. Obama mukaradi but he was a lawyer and president. Mukaradi eku Borrowdale ne ekuArcadia act very differently
Seyi vanhu vari mu lorry vaine behavior yakafanana no matter where we are
Aw my God save us from these men who claim to know you !!!
Its a Lie and total confusion( Read Eph 2:14-15). Christ died to reedem all the different races into one pure blood of holiness and righteousness. We as believers are recreated in as new being or born again not of carnal blood but of the spirit( John 3:5-6, John 1:12). Currently we don't have original Hebrews and that race is completely wiped out and God does allowed it to be that way. Today we have mixed races as per GOD'S PLAN and no holy spirit has ever been sent by Christ to rebuke intermarriages unlike in the old covenant when the prophecy about Christ was not yet fulfilled...as stated in book of Ezra. Apostles is losing the true gospel which he initially preached as he mixes African traditions and morals with salvation,,,,Zvino ndiani achamudzora sezvo vateveri vake vanongonzwa munhu hapana anonzwa mweya kti vamutsiurewo sezvo Peter chaiye akatombotsiurwa na Paul despite the seniority in the gospel.
He is crazy.
It was because the other nations were not worshipping God . Even if you married to your race it doesn't help if they worship Idol.
If you're believer you must get married to a believer the race does not matter in Christ.
This apostle us confused.
So who created varungu,mazhingzhong,makhula etc?
Yakub,they were created by inter breeding Neanderthals and black person
It's Yakub, the big headed black scientist , who had 2 brains and it took 600 years to be archived. That guy died at 150 yrs 7000 years ago. 😂
@@chellasrecordzentertainment and who created Yakub? Where do we get credible information about this
Do u have to preach about people's lives or the word of God
He gave scriptures in that same sermon you are talking about.
Just because you are happily married does not mean God approves your marriage. Solomon was happily married like you, did God approved his marriages? No!!! God actually end up taking his life becaz he was displeased by him. God does not like all of us, he created all of us, give things to all of us, but he has special people he likes, not all of us. Jacob and Esau are a very good example for you, did he love both of them, No! Listen to the whole sermon, explanations where given for you to learn.
Moses akaroora asiri wekwake ...paye paye mufundisi...her sister Miriam vakataurawo sezvamaita izvi...akapiwa maperembudzi.
Musa nyeba mufundisi...chasara kuti havapindi denga😮.
He is lost
Amen 🙏
Now he is losing it purely.
This pastor is 100 % right. People don't know and understand the origins of varungu.Mwari akasika munhu mutema,it's deep.Varungu imixture ye gudo nemunhu mutema.Study,the more you study the more people will understand this.The original man is the black man.Kuroora or kuroora murungu is disgusting asi vashoma vachazvinzwisisa.Black people are so brainwashed to believe kuti murungu are superior than munhu mutema.Varungu vakagadzirwa mulab naYakub.Once Waita mwana nemurungu,wazvirasa,it's not an achievement or chinhu choshamisira,zvosemesa.
True that. You are open minded. But I am not sure blacks marrying them or vice versa
The original man is a black man yes but God forbad Isreal to intermarry because of different customs not race. God didn’t want Isreal to be led into idolatry by worshiping other Gods. Meaning God even if the person was black but not Hebrew eg Cushite God wouldn’t have approved.
He’s taking scripture out of context.
Moses was a black man and so was the Ethiopian woman he wanted to marry. Miriam & Aaron were questioning Moses because the woman was not a Hebrew.
Vanhukadzi vakapusa pamunorara neimbwa munoda kubereka chimbwazukuru hre
Chivengwa has lost it. He's very wrong and jealous nekut aitozvidawo akazvitadza. I Corinthians 7 Nekuti ndinoda kuti dai vanhu vose vava seni. Asi munhu *mumwe neumwe une chipo chake chinobva kuna Mwari, mumwe cherudzi urwu, mumwe cherumwe rudzi.*
ndiPaurosi aitaura apo. munhu akanzwanana nemuchena wake let them marry.
Capetown always comes to mind.
Hazvisirizvo here zvakaitisa vamwe maperembudzi izvi?
So clear , thanks TF
In short he is saying ""Coloureds" should not exist
Moses akaroora mwanasikana waani, aibvepi? Where are we getting with this.
He is very wrong bcoz ati huku nehuku dzinoramba dziri huku; lion ne tiger hapabudi tiger kana lion. So, my question is, murungu vs mubhoyi hapabude munhu here? Interracial marriages were forbidden coz paizosangana vatendi nevahedheni, chete chete.
Vana veisrael should not marry outside of Israel...that was the basis of the actual bible message . Izvi zvekuti varungu or maChinese or whatever hazvina basa. We are all the same regardless of skin color, and HELL will NOT discriminate based on skin colour
Inter racial marriages are an inescapable reality which humanity we have to face so Chiwenga is unfortunately flogging a dead horse
That not the issue here, that they are an inescapable reality which humanity. With Globalization they will be more prevalent in the future. However, Apostle Chiwenga is speaking about God's position regarding the matter. It is wrong according to the scriptures provided.
I like this guy kkkkkkkk
Pastor you are preaching and teaching their religion and yet you dont regard them,your religoin is Chivanhu,christianity was brought by them.Do your research
I wanted to say the same. This guy quotes scriptures when it suits his narrative. He disregards Moses' laws always
Pakanzi Sabbath moti mutemo wakapera asi you are misquoting the old testament
In the New Testament there's no basis for this teaching...Why do these preachers stick to the OT and ignore clear teachings in the Nt ...Samaritans were a mixed race but Christ did not condemn them....Apostle Paul in 2corinth 5 v 14 to 17 teaches that we no longer have to know people according to their fleshly state but spiritual because of the gospel. THERE IS neither Jew nor Greek...black or white.
THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE ON EARTH...THE HUMAN RACE which came from one Man ADAM.Our difference comes when we look at new birth...whether you are from the heavenly second Adam or the earthly First Adam who sinned.
You’re absolutely right,
“There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28 NLT
Also, in Numbers chapter 12, God was angry at Aaron & Miriam for criticising Moses because he married Zipporah, a black woman (Ethiopian).
It’s a shame that some people don’t read the word for themselves.
I note over the years that Chiwenga has made several statements which don’t line up with the word of God.
Wedzerai volume munhu wamwari
Tthus an individual choice, no one can detect, not allowed by who, all i need is someone who respect and honour me.
We all have choices and preferences, but God's will should override our personal tastes and preferences. Its not about how we feel or like its about the position of scripture.
Kuroorwa nemurungu is minus one problem vanhu varudzi gwedu munonetsa
Wakamboroorwa nemurungu akasakunetsa hr chihure chakazara mumusoro
Coloureds came from their fathers and carry mutupo wababa vavo
I think the colour of the spirit matters and not the flesh.
Spiritual identity knows no colour. This teaching is very very very wrong. 💔💔💔💔
Hupenzi haunei nekuti nekuti wakadzidza sei uye 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Those who think Apostle Chiwenga is lost on this one, you're the ones who are lost. To my understanding he is actually mincing his points. I first heard this from a white guy and with research, I later discovered a lot about a black man. We we supposed to love ourselves my people. In short, God Yahweh did not make races but He made a single race. Other races came up by human means and possibly by sinful ways. You want an original seed to mix up with fake seed? You think God is stupid than you think? White people have money yes but God did not create them and He don't want us to mix up with them.
@@papacaleb7827 uuuuuuuu
Muchenjere heresy vakuru.
Now he's off on a tangent.
Vanenge vari kunyangwiraa bag zve no true love apo
iye Moses inga akarovora mhandara yaJethro muMidian wani
Wrong doctrine these laws applied to the Israelites in the old testament which is the shadow God was dealing with children of Israel according to their culture that is why there were cultural laws ceremonial laws festival laws etc
We would not have the same ancestor in Adam and Noah if it was true. A pigeon and chicken right. A black chicken and a white chicken you approve why? A brown cow and black cow, would you approve.
By saying these things he will soon come up with another Saviour for the black people besides Jesus Christ. But if God had given one Saviour for all mankind, He has expressly confirmed that "there is neither Jew nor Greek".
I agree 💯 mwari haana kusika mu coloured saka isu we cant give birth makaraadhi simple
God wacho akatondipa spouse murungu , Mwari ndinomutenda nekudza family, verse rinoti berekanai muwande 😂 tiri kuwanda
Why are you speaking their language pastor kwanai
What about Moses with a kushi woman
iye Moses inga akarovora mhandara yaJethro muMidian wani
@nimrod4580 iwe nimirodhi, iwe! Midian ndiyani? Who is Midian? Do you know? Who is Jethro? Please read Gen. 25:2. Midian is Abraham's son by Keturah! So in fact, Moses and Jethro are very related through Abraham.
Thats your thinking
Maexamples amapa apostle haasi kuita. Tikatanga panaNoah kusvika patiri, how are we not the same people. My understanding according to your earlier teachings are that kana vaIsrael vachipihwa mutemo wekuroora it should apply kwatiri venyasha today kuroona mukereke yaIshe sezvo vakatiita hama dzavo mukuberekwa kwatakaitwa maverick. Saka hakuchina muGreek kana muJudha meaning race, creed, colour is no longer an issue before the new testament amongst brethren. Naizvozvo zvemadzinza ndezvechivanhu, nyama haina ushe muumambo hwedenga. Rangarirai Queen of Shebba naKing Solomon
Rubbish rubbish kana mashaya zvekutaura please nyararayi.
This is Rubbish.....
This is shocking ...!!!!!!!
😂😂😂😂😂 does he even know what colour was the original man? Does he know the origin of different races from a biblical perspective? I think the bible standard is "you should not be equally yoked", in the new testament. The reason why God did not want Israelites to marry other nationalities in in the old Testament was to avoid them from marrying people that worship other Gods. To date, what matters in marriage is still spiritual identity not colour. Varasika vakuru ava.
What a load of rubbish this is heresy
i think Apostle lost it on this one, in the Gospel of Matthew there's genealogy of Jesus. The blood of man makes family, a coloured child is also part of the genealogy of his father whether the father is White & the mother is black, thank you 🙏🙏
Zva zii
Saka females should not talk kuchurch 😂 kwaaaa hanzi false church.
Saka toti varungu havasi vanhu here?
Culture yakasiyana zvakafanana muzimba oroora muxhosa unenge uri patytie
Zvekuti murungu haasi munhu wazvionepi ko
@@WilbertNyakudya-xm4gl chivengwa igava iro. iye Moses inga akarovora mhandara yaJethro muMidian wani
Ukangoona vanhu vakutenda munhu kudarika Mwari mobva maziva kuti hakuna kwatiri kuenda nemaApostle aya nema prophet aya.Zimbabwe dayi ine vanhu vaMwari chaivo vanozviti tonzwa Mwari yakasunungurwa kare .Trust God only not ngano dzose idzi .
hatiteere vanhu totera true word ukarwadziwa nachiwenga unogara une bp
@@BlessingMutinhima True word reiki when he’s taking scripture out of context. No wonder you are a man who happily calls another man amai.
@@TribeofLevi0404 Vanhu vasingazive ndovanokasira kugumbuka,kuti baba kunamufundisi hupenzi
@@taonachitenga4102 Asi kuti amai kumunhurume ndihwo husiri hubenzi??
😂 iri tricky. if you delve further you could end up digging your own hole. Loosely speaking if races are not from one god, then whose doctrine have we been teaching. My opinion is, a clean inner cup is more important than the outter cup.
Unopened iwe
all of u u a wrong because unceptable things a not acceptable look at indians culture is culture if u a living in sin it not mean u a right...
Chokwadi Apostle
This is always a problem when you take scripture out of context- reason why Israelites were forbidden to marry Canaanites is because people from Canaan had their own gods and they didn’t want Israelites to start worshipping other gods. Moses was married to a woman from Cush and when other Israelites started criticizing him they were punished for that. Ko Ruth, your people will be my people meaning she was going to a different tribe/race. So if a black person from Tanzania and a black one from Zimbabwe marry what do you call that child??? Stop it! Nothing wrong with interracial marriage
Thank you my brother so simply put but this man is taking it out of context. The same way he took scripture out of context and started calling himself amai.
Mukwane imi
Vanhu tose we must love one and another
Munhu wese ari pasi pezuva is a HUMAN Specie ie murungu, mutema , etc we have the same number of chromosomes.
According to the bible we all originate from Adam and Eve
According to history, we originate from Apies . Still hakuna homosapien wechirungu newe chitema kkkk which means chinhu one..
Mukoma apa wango ratidza hu racist whaling chete. So you agree that we are different in front of God. So which human race was made in the image of Hod?What is Colour in the human race. So why do you preach and speek in the white man’s language? Rega ndimbono Rita’s ndikudzoka.
God is impartial . He does not judge people according to race but whats inside their hearts.its kind of blasphemous for a person of your calibre preaching that the Holy God is against mixed race marriages.What matters to God is not sm1's skin colour but their heart condition.You are extremely lost preacher
My view is that Apostle is losing it here. He seems to be very lost of late.
People are people, irrespective of their color. It's different from Breeding Chimpanzees and People.
Its also wrong to belittle mixed races. I know white people who swear always and black people too.
Marriage cultures are different accross the world cultures. Zimbabwe Culture is not the World Standard.
Next he shall be saying, tribes should not not inter-marry.
The DNA of Humans is the same irrespective of skin color.
He might be sued for preaching hate-speech.
Should different country couples inter-marry (e.g. Zim vs Nigeria)?
The bottom line is, I disagree with him on this one
@@NeskiAfrika Yes my brother its good to disagree on these issues
@@NeskiAfrika I understand that Apostle before he brings out a subject he would have spent time researching it.
@ Nesbert Mutsaka Whether you agree with the Apostle or not, it doesn't change the truth.
@@mashdonmunetsi3615 What truth when his misinterpreting scripture. That’s why he told you to call him amai and you politely obliged misinterpreting scripture as well.
When God told Isreal not intermarry it was not about race but culture & customs. God didn’t want Isreal to be led into worshiping other Gods.
When Moses married the Ethiopian woman (black) Miriam & Aaron were not questioning him because that woman was black they were questioning him because she was not a Hebrew. Moses was not a white man if you think he was white or if you think he looked like those Modern day Ashkenazi Jews who are converts and not Hebrew by blood.
@@TribeofLevi0404 You are a gentile who know not God
I think this pastor needs help!
Ko Moses haana kuroora mu Ethiopian woman sis vake vakarohwa nema perembudzi? . Kana ari murungu aparidza kudai everyone will be barking racism and segregation.
iye Moses inga akarovora mhandara yaJethro muMidian wani
It not about race, it was about culture & customs that’s why Miriam and Aaron were questioning him. Moses was not a white man.
King Solomon and Queen Sheba too
Cross breeding among people IS allowed
You are very right. Inonzi thorough breds
Saka pamitemo yevana veIsrael, mutemo waasingade ndewe Sabata chete😂
wanozia mwari chete kuwa msabata hazvirewi kuti unozia mwari mitemo yamwari neyesabata zvakasiana mitemo yesabata ndee wanhuu inzwa yamwari irikutaurwa yaurikurambaa
Apa Chiwenga waratidza udatawindi wako apa. Ur just empty and u know nothing about scriptures. At oneoment I say the law of Moses ended at the cross , now u bring the same law when it comes to marriage. Go to school and study the bible..... Dnt read it but study it.
Wanna wagona pawati Arasika pakutora mutemo weroora wakazotsanangurwa in Ephesians 5 Iye akusanganisa nenyaya dzeculture and race issues. Ko akanganwa here kuti tese tiripanyika nhasi we originate from the same Noah. Ko Ishe Havana here kutiidza hama dzavo despite race creed or colour pavakati hakuchina kugreek kanamujudha mukutenda? I just lost you pawazotaura zveBible school, wabva watidzosera kuvafarisi nevasedhusi, newewo warasika ipapo hama. Mese mashandisa pfungwa dzenyu in an unscriptural way
I don't really agree with this
Anopenga uyu mface uyu
Nonsense 😂😂😂😂😂
Nonsense 😂
zvamunomboti mutemoi wakapera wani...
Icho chibaba cheruzivo rwe Bible
Fine but that doesn't mean your interpretation is divine.Look at diseases you got known solution!