Cities made by Carthaginians: - Carthage: modern-day Carthage. - Utica: modern-day Utique. - Hippo Regius: Modern day Annaba . - Gades: Modern day Cádiz . - Saguntum: Modern day Sagunto (Valencia) . - Carthago Nova: Modern day Cartagena (Murcia) - Panormus: Modern day Palermo . - Lilybaeum: Modern day Marsala (Trapani ) . - Hadrumetum: Modern day Sousse . - Karalis: Modern day Cagliari . - Malaca: Modern day Guelma (Algeria) . - Leptis Magna: Ancient city in nearby modern day Tripoli . - Hippo Diarrhytus: Modern day Bizerte . - Motya: Suburb of modern-day Marsala (Trapani) . - Sulci: Ancient city in modern Sardinia . - Tharros: Ancient city in modern Sardinia . - Leptis Parva: Lamta (Tunisia) . - Soluntum: Ancient city in modern Sicily . - Lixus: Larache (Marocco) . - Oea: Modern day Tripoli. - Theveste: Modern day Tébessa . - Ibossim: Modern day Ibiza Island . - Thapsus: Modern day Monastir (Tunisia) . - Aleria: Corse (France) . - Tingis: Modern day Tangier . - Abyla: Modern day Ceuta . - Sabratha: Modern day city in Libya . - Rusadir: Modern day Melilla . - Saldae: Modern day Béjaïa.
I'm sorry, there are a lot of historical inaccuracies in this video Sicily was taken by Rome after the first Punic War. Carthage fell to the Vandals in 439, not 474. Whoever Malchus is was not the King of the Vandals in was Gaiseric. After 476, the Vandals sold most of Sicily to Italy under Odoacer The Vandals didn't lose Malta until they no longer existed. The Fall of the Vandals is very random and only happened in two years. The beginning of this video was lazily done and I hope you can learn from your mistakes.
Cities made by Carthaginians: - Carthage: modern-day Carthage. - Utica: modern-day Utique. - Hippo Regius: Modern day Annaba - Gades: Modern day Cádiz - Saguntum: Modern day Sagunto (Valencia) - Carthago Nova: Modern day Cartagena (Murcia) - Panormus: Modern day Palermo - Lilybaeum: Modern day Marsala (Trapani ) - Hadrumetum: Modern day Sousse - Karalis: Modern day Cagliari - Malaca: Modern day Guelma (Algeria) - Leptis Magna: Ancient city in nearby modern day Tripoli - Hippo Diarrhytus: Modern day Bizerte - Motya: Suburb of modern-day Marsala (Trapani) - Sulci: Ancient city in modern Sardinia - Tharros: Ancient city in modern Sardinia - Leptis Parva: Lamta (Tunisia) - Soluntum: Ancient city in modern Sicily - Lixus: Larache (Marocco) - Oea: Modern day Tripoli. - Theveste: Modern day Tébessa - Ibossim: Modern day Ibiza Island - Thapsus: Modern day Monastir (Tunisia) - Aleria: Corse (France) - Tingis: Modern day Tangier - Abyla: Modern day Ceuta - Sabratha: Modern day city in Libya - Rusadir: Modern day Melilla - Saldae: Modern day Béjaïa.
@ForTheWin This is the point of view that idk why some Moroccans feel offensed when they hear those fact. Tingis and Lixus was made by Carthagnians when they wanted to go to Rome from the North African - Iberian Road. On that Road, they did Tingis and Lixus. The Pheonicians never been in Morocco, neither in Algeria. The Pheonicians has been saked from Lebanon, and abondoned in Tunis, they mixed with the Amazigh of Tunisia, they creat Carthage, and then they started the discover of the West Africa.
1:07 هنا قرطاج تمتد حتى شبه جزيرة ليبيريا يعنى اسبانيا و برتغال حتى تاريخ تسرقونه و تزورونه امام اعيوننا 😅 مسكينة تونس كل شي يسرقوه منها كل هذا حسد بغض ام عقد ام جهل!!؟؟
@@Warsawke No not only Caliphates here is a list Carthage (814 BCE-146 BCE) Numidia (202 BC-40 BC) Ifri9ya _Roman Province_ (703 CE 1160) Umayyad Caliphate in Ifriqiya (661-750) Aghlabid Dynasty under the Abbasids (771-793) Fatimids: Shi'a Caliphate, and the Zirids (909-1171) Norman Africa (1134 -1148) Almohads (al-Muwahiddin) (1147-1269) Hafsid dynasty of Tunis (1230-1574) Ottoman Caliphate, and the Beys (1299-1918) Modernity and the French Protectorate (1881-1956) Tunisian Republic (1956-Present)
@@TuNiSiA-TaMaZiGhT hamdullah??? dude without Kairouan the capital of Aghlabid dat brought Islam to the whole of Maghreb and Sicily u wouldn't be able to say Hamdullah!!! instead, u would be still worshipping moon and Tanit
Wow ! , I'm Tunisian and thank u very much ; just a remake : u could do the video continuously for all the historical periods without jumping that would be great as well , this is a whole summary for the Tunisian history : Tunisia was : Capsien , Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, Vandal, Byzantine, Umayyad, Aghlabid dynasty , Fatimid dynasty, Zirid dynasty, Normand, Hafsid daynasty, Spanish, Ottoman, French and finally independent sovereign country . Thank u so much for your effort and for your animation. Dziękuje bardzo 😉, you have a great country too (Polska) with a beautiful history especially the Polish-Lithuamian Commonwealth era , and by the way i visited Lublin, Gdansk, wrocław, and Warszawa and it's a beautiful country 😉😄
@بلقين ابن زيري the Ziride controlled PART of Algeria, ALL Tunisia and Part of Libya. (Achir , Mahdia and Kairouan were the Capital of the Zirid dynasty ) . The dynasty was spread over many land of today known Tunisia, Algeria and Libya !!!
@بلقين ابن زيري i know, but then the Capital is moved to Kairouan and then Mahdia and at the end of the dynasty they stayed in modern day Tunisia. I don't want to argue about that like a kid; it's an Algerian and a Tunisian and a Libyan dynasty since they lived there and controlled that area for several years (Tunisia borders were till Annaba in the west and Tripolitania in the east . However the Ottoman and the French redrawed the borders for their needs and you were more lucky than us . Now , it's okay we are brother and i don't wan't to argue about a very far historical facts!! and we were part of many common dynasties and empire BEFORE NOWADAYS POLITICAL BORDERS !
Corona virus 19, where concerns have become a reality. At this time, I was really grateful for this valuable video. I hope that Corona 19 will disappear as soon as possible, and at the same time, I hope that your channel will gradually develop and become a very large channel. love so much this video. like the video is the best. As we develop day by day,Always follow your luck.I sincerely hope that your channel will be very big.
It's not accurate! zirid didn't rule north Morocco. Back then the emirates of nekor was ruling east and northern Morocco. And beside that... We all know that zirids were tunisian but Algerians like usual are stealing the history of other countries...
@Brahim Khaim Let me guess , you also think Fatmids where Tunisians huh? Do me a favor and look up who the Kutama where alright? It's incredible how desperate Tunisains and Moroccans are just to add their name into history. Even if we throw away the Zirids and Hammadid and Fatimids etc.. we still have the maesiili and Massisylie, Numidians and Mauro-Romans, Kingdom of Altava and the Aures We literally have an abundance of history, you in comparison drool to the idea of Carthage and forget their origins , and the fact that after the Romans dynasty took over whereas in Algera... they did. We dont need to appropriate.
@@mazingmorocco9810 TH-cam, your official history source lmao TH-cam is a joke of a platform you can literally post whatever and people will belive it. If you're the type that drools in front of map channels over exaggerating borders and basing everything they draw upon Wikipedia hand -drawn maps you're a joke of a person. Algeria's history is the longest of the Maghreb , only Egypte can lay claim to being better. Morocco certainly not. Your history in a nutshell : Arabs , Mauritanians , Algerians , Algerians again , Arabs again , Arabs again , when do Moroccans rule Morocco? Never. Sit down before I give a history course kiddo.
@the great han un han the great han un han Carthaginian are libo phoenician a mixte between libyan and so called "phoenician" the true fondation of Carthage is in -1250 their where nl country in magrehb before carthage
2:32 False : Zirid is an algerian sanhadja dynsaty from algeira and their first capital was Ashir ( middle north Algeria ) And the men in the photo is its fouder Buliggin Ait Ziri, born in Ashir ( near Algiers ), he fouded the city of Algiers too, one of his son will rule Algeria ( Hammad ) and the other Tunisia ( Al Mansour ) ( also the statue is in Algiers ) so your map is false at 2:32
Les Zirides sont une dynastie berbère sanhajienne qui régna dans l'est de l'Afrique du Nord, originaire du Maghreb central, ils contrôlent épisodiquement une grande partie du Maghreb entre 972 et 1014 et vont régner sur l'Ifriqiya jusqu'en 1148. Wikipédia Capitale : Achir (avant 972); Kairouan (972-1057); Mahdia (1057-1148) Monnaie : Dinar Religion : Islam (sunnisme, ibadisme), Christianisme, Judaïsme Langue : Berbère, arabe Statut : 972-1048: Émirat vassal de l'Empire fatimide; 1048-1148: Émirat indépendant
The video and the animations are quite good for such a small mapping channel. My only complaint is about the grammatical mistakes . The english at some points is a bit off.
Thank you ! Btw when Bulgarian empire mapping was making the Reign of Simeon I i didn't know he was making it and i wanted to make it but he was first.
اسم أول ملوك الوندال هو جنسريك Genséric و ليس Malchus.. هذا بالاضافة ان نظام الخكم في قرطاج كان جمهوري و ليس ملكي.. بداية الحديث عن العهد الاسلامي من الدولة الزيرية خطأ كبير.. الدولة الأغلبية كانت دولة مستقلة فعليا و أقوى دولة حكمت افريقية مع قرطاج و الوندال و اغفالها و اغفال أمرائها عبث.. و الدولة الفاطمية كانت عاصمتها المهدية و القيروان حتى عهد المعز لدين الله هذا اضافة أن الخرائط غير صحيحة..
All these mapsare wrong...aghlabid and hafsid had Sicily...and tunisia always has been from northern libiya to north east algeria.. untill tunisia had a self controll of its land under the ottomans so the othmans invaded from algeria when it still under the ottmans directly...untill they also got self controll of their land but that time eastern algeria got its independence so it was a government under sometimes tunisia and algeria ..wich is at the same time under the ottman tunisia never has been like nowadays borders untill 1807 When i say it got independence from ottman but still under its rule it means that tunisia makes decisions by itself...but also fights in the side of turkey and never betray turkey ....its just fucking complicated
Tunisians are not arabs, there are arabists (political ideology) but not arabs! We are genetically, culturally and geographically north African (Imazighen)
@@aot_tn حام هو اخ سام و سام هو اب العرب و هما الاثنان ابناء نوح عليه السلام ابناء حام هم كنعان و هو الذي نسل منه الكنعانيون فالشام و مصريوم و هو اب المصريين و الذي نسلو منه و الثالث هو توث و هو اب الامزيغ الامزيغ و الفرس و الشاميون و حتى اليونانيين لانهم تفرعو من نسل كنعان كلهم اصلهم واحد و هم عرب غير عاربة يعني عرب خذلتهم الجغرافيا و الانتقال الجغرافي لكي يصبحو ناطقين باحرف اخرى ما عدى نسل سام لانه يعتبر اب العرب العاربة اي التي تنطق بالعربية...
To jest super fajne! Ale znalazłem jeden błąd. Muhammad VIII był w latach 1956-1957 królem Tunezji a Habib Burgiba został prezydentem dopiero w 1957 roku. Ale tak poza tym to 10000000/10.
Numidia kingdom you forget it who invaded Carthage and zirid dynasty it's an algerian state even the name prove that ziri the founder or like we called our country algeria in Dzair it's not Tunisian
Zirids never had a state before the Fatimids appointed Bologhine as the Emir of Ifriqiyya. Since then, they have been ruling the Maghreb from their capital in Kairouan and kept ruling Ifriqiyya until 1146. The Maghreb Al Awsat was ruled by the Hammadids which were a branch of the Zirids. Also, Dzair is the dialectal prononciation of Al-Jaza’ir which means “the islands”. It has nothing to do with the word Ziri and it’s nothing but pure coincidence that it sounds similar to it.
@@historiainarabic4092 He’s neither Algerian nor Tunisian. Nationality didn’t exist back then. It’s a shared history because we’re both literally the same people and we shouldn’t fight on whose Algerian and whose Tunisian.
@@historiainarabic4092 Bro Algeria and Tunisia didn’t exist back then that’s what I’m trying to say. We both share the same history so we shouldn’t argue who is Algerian or Tunisian.
Tunisia must return to carthage empire
Qart Hadasht will rule the world
Cities made by Carthaginians:
- Carthage: modern-day Carthage.
- Utica: modern-day Utique.
- Hippo Regius: Modern day Annaba
- Gades: Modern day Cádiz
- Saguntum: Modern day Sagunto (Valencia)
- Carthago Nova: Modern day Cartagena (Murcia)
- Panormus: Modern day Palermo
- Lilybaeum: Modern day Marsala (Trapani )
- Hadrumetum: Modern day Sousse
- Karalis: Modern day Cagliari
- Malaca: Modern day Guelma (Algeria)
- Leptis Magna: Ancient city in nearby modern day Tripoli
- Hippo Diarrhytus: Modern day Bizerte
- Motya: Suburb of modern-day Marsala (Trapani)
- Sulci: Ancient city in modern Sardinia
- Tharros: Ancient city in modern Sardinia
- Leptis Parva: Lamta (Tunisia)
- Soluntum: Ancient city in modern Sicily
- Lixus: Larache (Marocco)
- Oea: Modern day Tripoli.
- Theveste: Modern day Tébessa
- Ibossim: Modern day Ibiza Island
- Thapsus: Modern day Monastir (Tunisia)
- Aleria: Corse (France)
- Tingis: Modern day Tangier
- Abyla: Modern day Ceuta
- Sabratha: Modern day city in Libya
- Rusadir: Modern day Melilla
- Saldae: Modern day Béjaïa.
Once we become advanced in all fields one goal together yes we can return to our empire
@@Hafedh-Rebai forgot Barça
@@q9wgyo73 i have question so we descend from what professeur
I'm sorry, there are a lot of historical inaccuracies in this video
Sicily was taken by Rome after the first Punic War.
Carthage fell to the Vandals in 439, not 474.
Whoever Malchus is was not the King of the Vandals in was Gaiseric.
After 476, the Vandals sold most of Sicily to Italy under Odoacer
The Vandals didn't lose Malta until they no longer existed.
The Fall of the Vandals is very random and only happened in two years.
The beginning of this video was lazily done and I hope you can learn from your mistakes.
The Romans take North Sicily after the first Punic war
Love Tunisia From Thailand 🇹🇭❤️🇹🇳
greetings from Spain tunisian brothers
Cities made by Carthaginians:
- Carthage: modern-day Carthage.
- Utica: modern-day Utique.
- Hippo Regius: Modern day Annaba
- Gades: Modern day Cádiz
- Saguntum: Modern day Sagunto (Valencia)
- Carthago Nova: Modern day Cartagena (Murcia)
- Panormus: Modern day Palermo
- Lilybaeum: Modern day Marsala (Trapani )
- Hadrumetum: Modern day Sousse
- Karalis: Modern day Cagliari
- Malaca: Modern day Guelma (Algeria)
- Leptis Magna: Ancient city in nearby modern day Tripoli
- Hippo Diarrhytus: Modern day Bizerte
- Motya: Suburb of modern-day Marsala (Trapani)
- Sulci: Ancient city in modern Sardinia
- Tharros: Ancient city in modern Sardinia
- Leptis Parva: Lamta (Tunisia)
- Soluntum: Ancient city in modern Sicily
- Lixus: Larache (Marocco)
- Oea: Modern day Tripoli.
- Theveste: Modern day Tébessa
- Ibossim: Modern day Ibiza Island
- Thapsus: Modern day Monastir (Tunisia)
- Aleria: Corse (France)
- Tingis: Modern day Tangier
- Abyla: Modern day Ceuta
- Sabratha: Modern day city in Libya
- Rusadir: Modern day Melilla
- Saldae: Modern day Béjaïa.
@ForTheWin This is the point of view that idk why some Moroccans feel offensed when they hear those fact.
Tingis and Lixus was made by Carthagnians when they wanted to go to Rome from the North African - Iberian Road. On that Road, they did Tingis and Lixus.
The Pheonicians never been in Morocco, neither in Algeria.
The Pheonicians has been saked from Lebanon, and abondoned in Tunis, they mixed with the Amazigh of Tunisia, they creat Carthage, and then they started the discover of the West Africa.
احب تونس و اهلها ^-^.
Well done.
Thank u
أنا تونيسي
Nice job on this Tunisia country thing I love the song
missing some dynasties such as the aghlabid, fatimid and muradid, look them up on wikipedia
I live in Tunisia
Hey amazing video dude arab golden age love the music
What name music this is? but sometimes videos deleted
Very nice video bro!
As a tunisian.. We had a bey named el beji kaid essebsi he ran away from 🇹🇳 in 2012
Woah, amazing video thank you for taking time to make this
After the death of amilkar, the next king was hanabaal, also the Roman took Carthage, sadly
اه يا تونس كيف كانت تتحكم في العالم اما توى الله غالب دمروها السراق 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳😥😥
1:07 هنا قرطاج تمتد حتى شبه جزيرة ليبيريا يعنى اسبانيا و برتغال حتى تاريخ تسرقونه و تزورونه امام اعيوننا 😅 مسكينة تونس كل شي يسرقوه منها كل هذا حسد بغض ام عقد ام جهل!!؟؟
مدينة قرطاجنة في اسبانيا تونسية
Great topic, Great Job!
Thank you !
You missed a lot of empires , but thats okay , thanks for this video anyways.
If your talking about the Caliphates, lots of countries have connections to it, If it was history of Arabs i would show all arab empire or states
@@Warsawke No not only Caliphates here is a list
Carthage (814 BCE-146 BCE)
Numidia (202 BC-40 BC)
Ifri9ya _Roman Province_ (703 CE 1160)
Umayyad Caliphate in Ifriqiya (661-750)
Aghlabid Dynasty under the Abbasids (771-793)
Fatimids: Shi'a Caliphate, and the Zirids (909-1171)
Norman Africa (1134 -1148)
Almohads (al-Muwahiddin) (1147-1269)
Hafsid dynasty of Tunis (1230-1574)
Ottoman Caliphate, and the Beys (1299-1918)
Modernity and the French Protectorate
Tunisian Republic (1956-Present)
@@TuNiSiA-TaMaZiGhT where is Husseinite and Mouradit dinasty?
Well done! Bravo!
Very informative video. Ty for sharing.
Carthage the African Empire who was capable off taking European land but were not lucky since Roman Empire exist
The only problem was that the map wasn't bug enough so we couldn't see the full extent of each country. You should have included more of the east
great video as always bro!
I m tunisian, thank you for making this video, but it lacks huge periods of missing history ... i guess the data is unavailable
Vive la Tunisie.🇹🇳
Il nostro vecchio nemico
...perché?che vi abbiamo fatto,cmq queli che odiavatte se nn lo hai studiato,erano i fenici,che presero metà della tunisia,erano fenici,"genio"
carthaginian flag/symbol was known,Carthage was a republic where is Hanibal?
2:20 Aghlabids and Fatimids:
*"Are We a Joke to You??"*
Yes you are a joke , you brought us corruption, Shiasm ..... and ottomans brought us soufism ,,. . Today we are free from you Alhamdoulillah
@@TuNiSiA-TaMaZiGhT broo ur far way from stupidity
Well said...he is just an idiot and think he is the biggest sholar...
@@TuNiSiA-TaMaZiGhT hamdullah??? dude without Kairouan the capital of Aghlabid dat brought Islam to the whole of Maghreb and Sicily u wouldn't be able to say Hamdullah!!! instead, u would be still worshipping moon and Tanit
@@granda2126 What about Kairouan? Aghlabid brought Islam ? 😁😁😁😁 Give me a break.
Nice video!
Thank you
Wow ! , I'm Tunisian and thank u very much ; just a remake : u could do the video continuously for all the historical periods without jumping that would be great as well , this is a whole summary for the Tunisian history :
Tunisia was : Capsien , Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, Vandal, Byzantine, Umayyad, Aghlabid dynasty , Fatimid dynasty, Zirid dynasty, Normand, Hafsid daynasty, Spanish, Ottoman, French and finally independent sovereign country .
Thank u so much for your effort and for your animation.
Dziękuje bardzo 😉, you have a great country too (Polska) with a beautiful history especially the Polish-Lithuamian Commonwealth era , and by the way i visited Lublin, Gdansk, wrocław, and Warszawa and it's a beautiful country 😉😄
Thank you
@@Warsawke thank u for putting the title in Arabic too , to be more vulnerable for Tunisians 😄
@@gemeaux2450 Any time, and the title is based on more popularity of the video.
@بلقين ابن زيري the Ziride controlled PART of Algeria, ALL Tunisia and Part of Libya. (Achir , Mahdia and Kairouan were the Capital of the Zirid dynasty ) . The dynasty was spread over many land of today known Tunisia, Algeria and Libya !!!
@بلقين ابن زيري i know, but then the Capital is moved to Kairouan and then Mahdia and at the end of the dynasty they stayed in modern day Tunisia. I don't want to argue about that like a kid; it's an Algerian and a Tunisian and a Libyan dynasty since they lived there and controlled that area for several years (Tunisia borders were till Annaba in the west and Tripolitania in the east . However the Ottoman and the French redrawed the borders for their needs and you were more lucky than us . Now , it's okay we are brother and i don't wan't to argue about a very far historical facts!! and we were part of many common dynasties and empire BEFORE NOWADAYS POLITICAL BORDERS !
Jak zwykle mega :- )
Glorious history ❤ respect from morocco🇲🇦🇹🇳
أعرق حضارتين في شمال إفريقيا تونس و المغرب 🇹🇳🤝🇲🇦
Really detailed. I like how you wrote the title in its local language too.
Thank you !
bro forgot to put the aghlabids 💀
Nice work
amazing quality as always
@@Warsawke you're welcome
Great job!
Thank you
Aghlabid and Fatimid and Rashidiya and kingdom of Africa
Love 🇹🇳 from🇲🇦😍
أعرق حضارتين 🇹🇳🤝🇲🇦
Nice 👍
Thank you !
Fajna muzyczka :3
What name music this is? but video deleted 3:09
I love m'y in Live Tunisia
Italy (southern Part, Sicily, Sardinia), Spain (most of its continental mass, Balearic Islands), Corsica:
Please help me i need the urban plan s of those periods
could you please tell me the source where u got the map of zirides dynasty, since they never conquered Morocco did they?
@@Warsawke Wikipedia information is not accurate
@@Warsawke There is no trace of the Carthaginians or the Fatimids in Morocco
@@nazhit2254 I wanted to make the history of Tunisia because nobody made it on youtube on maps, and i tried my best to make it accurate
@@Warsawke look at today part of
in wikipedia the is no morocco in today part of
The map is forged, planted by someone
Corona virus 19, where concerns have become a reality. At this time, I was really grateful for this valuable video. I hope that Corona 19 will disappear as soon as possible, and at the same time, I hope that your channel will gradually develop and become a very large channel. love so much this video. like the video is the best. As we develop day by day,Always follow your luck.I sincerely hope that your channel will be very big.
Thank you !
Really good
It's not accurate! zirid didn't rule north Morocco.
Back then the emirates of nekor was ruling east and northern Morocco.
And beside that... We all know that zirids were tunisian but Algerians like usual are stealing the history of other countries...
Do you think its a good video though?
Ziride are Algeria
Ans ruled the north morocco.
between 909 and 1047 Morocco was controlled by
Zenet(Banu Ifrenid/maghrawa)
@Brahim Khaim
Let me guess , you also think Fatmids where Tunisians huh? Do me a favor and look up who the Kutama where alright?
It's incredible how desperate Tunisains and Moroccans are just to add their name into history. Even if we throw away the Zirids and Hammadid and Fatimids etc.. we still have the maesiili and Massisylie, Numidians and Mauro-Romans, Kingdom of Altava and the Aures
We literally have an abundance of history, you in comparison drool to the idea of Carthage and forget their origins , and the fact that after the Romans dynasty took over whereas in Algera... they did.
We dont need to appropriate.
TH-cam, your official history source lmao
TH-cam is a joke of a platform you can literally post whatever and people will belive it. If you're the type that drools in front of map channels over exaggerating borders and basing everything they draw upon Wikipedia hand -drawn maps you're a joke of a person.
Algeria's history is the longest of the Maghreb , only Egypte can lay claim to being better. Morocco certainly not.
Your history in a nutshell : Arabs , Mauritanians , Algerians , Algerians again , Arabs again , Arabs again , when do Moroccans rule Morocco? Never. Sit down before I give a history course kiddo.
Ziride is not tunsia
The History of Tunisia is way before Carthage. (T'nus)
Carthage was country before that There was no State it was the first République in histoiry and the first country in the actuel région of magrehb
@the great han un han the great han un han 😂😭😭
@the great han un han the great han un han whats this 😂😂😂
@the great han un han the great han un han Carthaginian are libo phoenician a mixte between libyan and so called "phoenician" the true fondation of Carthage is in -1250 their where nl country in magrehb before carthage
Well done!
Tunisia had more presidents in the last 10 years, than the first 55 years after their independence.
Muzyka fajnie pasuje do filmu jest spoko 👍
False : Zirid is an algerian sanhadja dynsaty from algeira and their first capital was Ashir ( middle north Algeria )
And the men in the photo is its fouder Buliggin Ait Ziri, born in Ashir ( near Algiers ), he fouded the city of Algiers too, one of his son will rule Algeria ( Hammad ) and the other Tunisia ( Al Mansour ) ( also the statue is in Algiers )
so your map is false at 2:32 Buluggin
and the dynasty
Les Zirides sont une dynastie berbère sanhajienne qui régna dans l'est de l'Afrique du Nord, originaire du Maghreb central, ils contrôlent épisodiquement une grande partie du Maghreb entre 972 et 1014 et vont régner sur l'Ifriqiya jusqu'en 1148. Wikipédia
Capitale : Achir (avant 972); Kairouan (972-1057); Mahdia (1057-1148)
Monnaie : Dinar
Religion : Islam (sunnisme, ibadisme), Christianisme, Judaïsme
Langue : Berbère, arabe
Statut : 972-1048: Émirat vassal de l'Empire fatimide; 1048-1148: Émirat indépendant
@@yesser4610 Source: Wikipédia cite ou tout le Monde peut modifier Mdr 😂
How long did this take to make?
2 weeks
@@Warsawke tbh honest I thought it would've taken a lot longer
@@Warsawke 👑
Myślicie że Vandals (Wandalowie) to są Ci sami od Wandy co nie chciała Niemca z nad Wisły z okolic Krakowa, czy nazwa jest zupełnie przypadkowa?
The video and the animations are quite good for such a small mapping channel. My only complaint is about the grammatical mistakes . The english at some points is a bit off.
Thank you ! Btw when Bulgarian empire mapping was making the Reign of Simeon I i didn't know he was making it and i wanted to make it but he was first.
Sorry but the zirids borned in Algeria, in Achir, and Bologhine Ibn-Ziri has founded Algiers !
I ll change this world like my ancestors did ;)
فيديو فيه بعض مغالطات كيما المملكة الواندلية تأسست رسميا في قرطاج بعد السيطرة عليها من حكم الرومان
معك حق
finally, a full version
@@Warsawke You forgot to put "Jasmine revolution" in event during 2011, but its a nice video ! good job !
@@bahjesaispas2667 It actually wasn't the events, it was wars
@@Warsawke ok sorry
Thank you !
اسم أول ملوك الوندال هو جنسريك Genséric و ليس Malchus..
هذا بالاضافة ان نظام الخكم في قرطاج كان جمهوري و ليس ملكي..
بداية الحديث عن العهد الاسلامي من الدولة الزيرية خطأ كبير.. الدولة الأغلبية كانت دولة مستقلة فعليا و أقوى دولة حكمت افريقية مع قرطاج و الوندال و اغفالها و اغفال أمرائها عبث.. و الدولة الفاطمية كانت عاصمتها المهدية و القيروان حتى عهد المعز لدين الله
هذا اضافة أن الخرائط غير صحيحة..
not even 50% of the tunisian history but it's okay nice try
تونس القيروان قرطاج التاريخ
Sorry! The video contains a lot of missed many imoprtant periods... Alghalibids and Fatimids and Almowahads!!
All these mapsare wrong...aghlabid and hafsid had Sicily...and tunisia always has been from northern libiya to north east algeria.. untill tunisia had a self controll of its land under the ottomans so the othmans invaded from algeria when it still under the ottmans directly...untill they also got self controll of their land but that time eastern algeria got its independence so it was a government under sometimes tunisia and algeria ..wich is at the same time under the ottman tunisia never has been like nowadays borders untill 1807
When i say it got independence from ottman but still under its rule it means that tunisia makes decisions by itself...but also fights in the side of turkey and never betray turkey ....its just fucking complicated
الحدود غالطة يش خويا تثبت قبل التكلم
Fajniusie ❤
History of Egypt next plz
But it already been done
@@Warsawke I searched the channel. There is no video for Egypt.
@@sepep6288 I mean other people done it
@@Warsawke make an accurate one of modern Egypt. (Starting from Muhammad Ali's reign in the 1800s)
@@sepep6288 Maybe i even make whole of Egypt fro B.C.E etc
Arabs : We have complex history!!!
Greeks : *Hold my temples*
Tunisian are not arabs
@@ahmedawedni2362 we are !, talk for yourself!
Tunisians are not arabs, there are arabists (political ideology) but not arabs! We are genetically, culturally and geographically north African (Imazighen)
@@aot_tn حام هو اخ سام و سام هو اب العرب و هما الاثنان ابناء نوح عليه السلام ابناء حام هم كنعان و هو الذي نسل منه الكنعانيون فالشام و مصريوم و هو اب المصريين و الذي نسلو منه و الثالث هو توث و هو اب الامزيغ الامزيغ و الفرس و الشاميون و حتى اليونانيين لانهم تفرعو من نسل كنعان كلهم اصلهم واحد و هم عرب غير عاربة يعني عرب خذلتهم الجغرافيا و الانتقال الجغرافي لكي يصبحو ناطقين باحرف اخرى ما عدى نسل سام لانه يعتبر اب العرب العاربة اي التي تنطق بالعربية...
great job!
@@Warsawke you're welcome
Where is the Otto-Tunisia?
The Tunisian capital should be called Carthage
interetsing video
Please the history of united arab emirates every year 1971-2020
No history.. just a fucking useless state...cost of OMAN
you don't have a history
The United Arab Emirates has no history. It was always part of Oman until the British Empire split up Omani land creating the Emirates. 🇴🇲
Tondo !
Witam i pozdrawiam
The aghlavids also... there's a lot of nation you ignore
Thank you
from tunisia
History of North America/ The Americas?
Tunisia must return to Hafisd Kingdom, Tunisia have to return big, Ottomans reduced it
Arabs, ottomans, spanish where are all of them???
What do you mean?
Vandals were Iranic. What?
To jest super fajne! Ale znalazłem jeden błąd. Muhammad VIII był w latach 1956-1957 królem Tunezji a Habib Burgiba został prezydentem dopiero w 1957 roku. Ale tak poza tym to 10000000/10.
Ok nice
We will be back inchalh
Alot of Missing Things on this Video
I will make a new version and try correcting these mistakes
@@Warsawke you forget Aghlabids capital in kairouan and Fatimids: capital in mahdia
The maps are wrong
Numidia kingdom you forget it who invaded Carthage and zirid dynasty it's an algerian state even the name prove that ziri the founder or like we called our country algeria in Dzair it's not Tunisian
Zirids never had a state before the Fatimids appointed Bologhine as the Emir of Ifriqiyya. Since then, they have been ruling the Maghreb from their capital in Kairouan and kept ruling Ifriqiyya until 1146. The Maghreb Al Awsat was ruled by the Hammadids which were a branch of the Zirids.
Also, Dzair is the dialectal prononciation of Al-Jaza’ir which means “the islands”. It has nothing to do with the word Ziri and it’s nothing but pure coincidence that it sounds similar to it.
@@-Blast the statue of the founder of Zirid empire is in Algiers now not Tunisia
@@historiainarabic4092 He’s neither Algerian nor Tunisian. Nationality didn’t exist back then. It’s a shared history because we’re both literally the same people and we shouldn’t fight on whose Algerian and whose Tunisian.
@@-Blast No i didn't fight you you're my bro but he's an algerian he born in Algeria
@@historiainarabic4092 Bro Algeria and Tunisia didn’t exist back then that’s what I’m trying to say. We both share the same history so we shouldn’t argue who is Algerian or Tunisian.
The History of the turkey Every year
This is not Turkey this is Tunisia there is more of its history
Nsit iste3mar fransa w barcha 7keyet o5ra moch tari5 kamel
Occupy of tunisia [1881]
Good!. #Rosalina
Thank you !