A false paradise. Invaded, divided, enslaved. Oh, and I guess that by "Germany" you mean West Germany, that larger chunk of a mutilated land torn apart by the jewish war. German "prosperity" and cleanliness was a lie, and the same tribe which caused Germany´s destruction was already scheming for making of her the load of rubbish she is today ....
The West shipped all of its industry to China and then the West wonders why the peoples of the West are poor -- while China is filled with new gleaming skyscrapers.
@@tomerikrasmussen7507 I bet, the Politics in your country, like in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy asow weren't so happy with the boring, local culture?
no one in Germany demonstrate on the street nowadays which was still often around 15 years ago. Because everyone sees that demonstration has no meaning.
On this platform, you can even get instructions how to open a döner store and use it just for money laundry. that's the kind of business you find and lost cities.
Everything is going to shit because people are mentally handicapped and easily controlled. Just use meaningless words like "woke", "globalism" etc. and the sheep happily go to slaughter, all their negativity directed at an unreachable, ephemeral nothing and not the people slaughtering them - the rich who get richer off of the poverty of the people, which leads to sights like this.
I’ve said it in his last video that was filmed in Germany from several months ago that if Germany keeps following the US’s orders to support every war that the US wanted to wage against other superpowers, such as China and Russia, then Germany will follow the US into the sewers! The evidence that backs what I said is in the video! But the main difference between the US and Germany is the fact that Germany is going to suffer much more than the US since the US is Germany’s master and, because of such, the master is going to let its follower take all of the falls first before it takes a fall itself, which would only happen if the master has nobody else to take a fall for it! The US is ironing out a scheme to force most of Germany’s largest companies to move their business operations to the US so the hardship is only going to get much worse for Germany! Right now in Washington, DC the American politicians are rubbing their hands together in eager anticipation for Mercedes-Benz, BMW, BASF, Merck, etc to move their factories to the good old USA! The Ukraine War, they said, will soon reap the US major economic boom for not only would the US would be able to take over Ukraine’s natural resources and companies as payments by Ukraine to the US for helping Ukraine to pay for its war against Russia, but the US would also be able to take over Germany’s corporations as well since the costs of manufacturing anything in Germany would be astronomical due to the skyrocketing fuel prices as a result of the US’s blowing up Germany’s Nord Stream Gas Pipelines! You know, those gas pipelines that used to bring cheap Russian gas to Germany? German companies won’t be able to compete against other companies from around the world if they have to rely on gas shipped from the US with a rate that is set at 4-5 times more expensive than Russian gas! Boy, do those Americans know how to set a trap! Who says they are stupid?
That´s what you get for boarding America´s adventure in Ukraine. You should have stuck with the Minsk Accords. But no, you had to board Biden´s crazy train...
@@TML0677 Firstly, the illegal immigration killed the western countries. Secondly, specifically to Germany, it got CHEAP gas and petrol from the URSS and then from Russia for many decades then corrupted politicians followed the US's war mentality and boycotted the primary CHEAP resource that is needed to run the factories. Still now the corrupted and bribed (traitors) politicians are waging wars on China and Russia instead of maintaining good diplomatic relations and exchange of CHEAP goods!
I used to know a woman, who's now in her 60's who also grew up in Germany, she said that people there regularly scrubbed their sidewalks and stairway it used to be kept so clean. How sad that the classic German village is dissolving, like many others I assume.
Terrible it looks like there’s no mayor. They need to enforce anti graffiti paint. I’m from London. I know Germans are tough of keeping their streets clean.
@@brrrt6666 I stayed there for 10 months. It literally has nothing to offer whatsoever and there are more foreigners than German people on the streets. I dont mind foreigers obviously, but if they are the majority it feels weird.
@@fh2234 cycling infrastructure is good, rent is cheap, nightlife is alright, it's pretty safe, there's good places to enjoy a variety of foods, lots of green spaces and it's in the centre of the greater metropolitan area with good enough public transportation. It's better than its reputation really, especially the cycling infrastructure, have I talked about the cycling infrastructure?
@@brrrt6666 The German taxpayer through support and housing payments from the German government to the migrants which allows them to live in Krefeld is what is keeping Krefeld alive. The native Germans have long ago been replaced in many occupations by the migrants who are only able to survive with handouts from the government who pay for them with the taxes of the native Germans.
Kumpel Ich bin in Essen Verden aufgebracht ich bin Deutscher in San Diego Meier Eltern Sind 1978 nach USA ausgewandered Ich erkenne Deutschland uberhaubt nicht Mehr es ist unfassbar was da los geht. Ich reise zuruek September um es selber zu seven. Es greuselt mich an was du in deinen Videos uns Zeigst!!!
@@bruxodomorro my friend, stop lying to yourself . I have police buddies in Munich and in other citys, they all say the Muslim and African immigrants are the huge problem there. Wake up, stop your “scared to be a Nazi” schtick. And face reality.
Wow, even the mayor of Krefeld watched your video. And the WZ wanted to interview you! That’s quite impressive. Your awesome videos get the attention they deserve.
@@worldstar907 The mayer says Krefeld is a great place. He does not understand why people talking bad about Krefeld. According to him and the other politicians Krefeld has just a bad image because bad or stupid people talk bad about it. But it is a great place with many nice and charming places and streets. Indead there are no real problems. Politicians live in a other dimension. Or they are so used to lie, they realy believe there own lies.
shocking to see a German town like that. It has been a long time since I visited Germay but when I was there I was impressed by how clean and orderly everthing was
Finally someone showing the other side of Germany. I commend the GIV for his bravery and openness, very few Germans are ready to show the world their dirty laundry, they like to present their country as the best in everything, all the time.
@ SelfReflective I live in the USA and this is the first time I have seen Germany depicted this way. I have visited Bavaria but I never saw any of this
I worked in Southern Germany on construction about 30 years ago l thought to myself what a beautiful country and the people I met were very welcoming such a shame to see it now it’s the same here in the UK, why are the governments allowing this to happen shame on them
My friend governments allmoust in every country in Europe they are gang liders imposters and butchers they should be put behind the bars . They brought immigrants in milions to Europe and America did that to Europe for purpose to destroy Europe. Putin looks like the egnel when you comper all that
These are ---- even if we don't think of it as part of it --- really just small aspects of the way of ENTROPY. Entropy doesn't just happen in "nature," by which we erroneously think we're not part of; but we ARE a part of entropy, too, as both individuals and communities. Rome, Paris, San Francisco, New York, London, Berlin, Shanghai, Beijing, Athens.... they all were once pristine... And then they became settled, and they became crowded and dirty and smelly... and, then, later, as governments became more organized, nations became more developed, with better technologies and more wealth, these major urban cities were developed and made better... and then around the edges, wear and tears started again, with more people, more poverty, more crimes... And, then, eventually .... EVERY SINGLE one of these major, sophisticated cities will RETURN to dilapidated, abandoned places... to be reclaimed by nature again.... like the majestic Angkor Wat, the Mayan and Aztec cities, from southern Mexico to Peru... to the mighty Egyptians and Sumerian/ Mesopotamians early civilizations. Not sure why people think that is NOT the most NATURAL way of how things operate in the Universe, including here on good ole Earth... People who say bullshit things like "It's THE OTHER LOW CLASS people who are ruining everything, because in my youth, none of this decay existed..." are just COMPLETE IDIOTS, at best; at worst, they are uneducated racists. Things go up and they come down; but it takes decades & centuries & sometimes even millenniums; but they DO decay and return to nature (lower state of energy, lower state of organization) eventually.... just like OUR OWN bodies, marvelous, wondrous biological machines that start to break down once we complete our celluar growth process.... in our late 20s... by our late 30s to late 40s muscle and bone break downs have started. And the break down completes by the time we are in our 70s to 90s... And we return to the very basic molecular and atomic constituents from which we're original assembled...
@@kiabtoomlauj6249 It is not entropy. It is because the people who operate these places could never have built them in the first place. It is the difference between founding and inheriting. If you build something from the ground up, you know the business inside and out. If you are just given something with earning it, you will slowly let all the wheels fall off.
I lived in Krefeld in the early 1960s, my father was stationed there with the British army. I was a young boy aged 10 years, I recall it being a traditional German town with very friendly population, it was a really friendly place to live and play. To see the town in such a state of decay is appalling, it saddens me to see it in such a state!
@Russia Bro Z (You know, like Dragonball Z lol) Don't let nationalism push you towards certain ideologies. It's one thing to be angry at those who shame your country and/or hate on you for your ethnicity; It's another to support the hatred embodied by such a "mustache'd man"
@@martinwenzel3578 I in no way said that you should not stand up for yourself. What I said is don't go down the path of radicalisation which leads to being like the bad guys from 1939.
I was in Genoa about 4 years back and there was a street parallel to the ocean that was a no go zone. The graffiti sign read no police allowed. It had mostly Bangladeshi and African immigrants. The hotel receptionist said no one goes there and locals are moving out. First day, I walked without any issue. Second time, they started surrounding me and threatening. I became aware of the potential danger and left the area quickly. Interesting times.
We never should of let them get this far. Everything is incremental when it comes to globalists taking over every aspect of our lives. It is best that people be getting out of cities.
Frankly, behind every central station there is a ghetto where you can zoom in on grafitti and the garbage piles. That is the same all over the world at any time. That's where new arrivals to the city dwelled in the middle ages too. In Detroit or Cincinatti I proably would be robbbed in borad daylight where the shiv gang tags are on the walls. Us ranks 36th between South Africa and Azerbaijan on violence. 7th on police killing between El Salvador and Niigeria. Germany is still on the totally other end of the spectrum. I f I want chaos behind a central station I'll find it way more easily in any other place but Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. Germany is one of the safest places in the world.
@@voster77hh You clearly haven't been to the central stations of Hamburg, Frankfurt or Berlin, man. If you would call that safe compared to what it used to be like, I can't help you. Why should Germany compare itself with literal shitholes like ANC-ruled South Africa who is literally murdering and butchering the people that grow their food?
@@mikeforester3963 every capitol city is a shit stain compared to the rest of the country saying you don't know the netherlands because you haven't seen amsterdam in the 90's as just as stupid of a remark! ofcourse berlin was unsafe back then so was amsterdam paris rome new york etc!
It was all planned, it just took some time to comprehend the hate this continent has cultivated for each other in such a small matter of time. I made some revisions since I studied and observed mainstream history class and language. Present day politics is disgusting , just like it was and to meant to be a long time ago. I hope Europe will become Europe again. No more Americans, keeping Russians at bay Removal of the ruling class/ overhaul the banking system, Re-educate journalism/journalists by showing them their own mistakes and bias. Let intelligence agencies know it's not 1975 anymore where you could run around with your gadgets spying on each other and feeling kinda 😎. It's just silly how these people show up on TH-cam just like criminals and criminal gangs complaining about how rough their life and upbringing was and who are also still in the game btw... But it's all wishful thinking since we are all online.
Your video really makes a statement on these times . . . not just in your old hometown but worldwide. Your statement "It seems that nobody wants to fix it" is the scary part.
@@TML0677 You might as well ask a solid wall because no one will give you the obvious answer. Ppl prefer to panic but not to consider the why and what the expectations might be. The ridiculous thing is that Germany isn't as worse as many other countries and yet you hear narratives like "worldwide messed-up". Let them go to Turkey where the Inflation rate is at 80% to my latest knowledge
@@TML0677 All I'm saying is this is a once in 100 years experience and ppl need to come together to a dialogue, rather than to blame or to spread pessimism which is more fuel to crisis'. 🤷🏿
Es ist wirklich traurig was aus Krefeld geworden ist, 1994 wollte ich nicht dort weg, aber ich musste mit meinen Eltern umziehen. Heute bin ich froh wenn ich sehe wie es jetzt geworden ist. Es war richtig schön in den 80ern und early 90s in Gatherhof/Krefeld vom Kind zum Jugendlichen zu werden, ich vermisse diese Zeit.
Wenn die Leute nicht mit ihrem Herzen, sondern nur mit ihrem Verstand und ihrer Gier irgendwo sind, werden sie die Gegend eben vergammeln lassen. Nur noch ich und die meinen.
1986 habe ich ein halbes Jahr in dieser angenehmen Stadt gewohnt, meine Erinnerungen waren immer gut. Jetzt ist sie vergammelt und versifft, diese Stadt.
It’s sad to see the city being ruined by those who want nothing in life but to destroy. These destructive people are on our streets and in our governments and it’s a shame.
The tiny number of thugs and criminals are given more rights than the hard working people who pay taxes. The world is being destroyed by the dregs of society.
It's all happening by design. Look at all the events in the world. Klaus Schwab calls it the great reset. They want total control over people. They already have all the wealth. This has been going on for many generations. Thing can never go back to were they were. Stop consuming main stream media.
Yes but Barbara Lerner Spectre has dictated that Europe must become less "monolithic" and we MUST obey her. Diversity is strength, and urban decay means it's working!
As an American living in Krefeld right now, I can say this video is 100% true. It's really sad. I live in a beautiful Altbau right by the Hauptbahnhof, which is meticulously kept up by my landlord. My apartment is amazing and very, very cheap. I moved here during the pandemic, so the streets were quiet, and all I saw were the beautiful old buildings. But now, the minute I set foot outside to go to work everyday, I get harassed by crackheads, demanding money and even yelling insults (I understand German enough to know what they're saying to me). I have injured myself by tripping over the trash on the sidewalks, and the entire city smells like pee and marijuana. I figured out that the route from my place to the Rewe on Philadelphiastraße has the least amount of people begging for money, so that's why I shop there. Though I did walk in there one day to witness a fistfight at the cash registers (????). I love my apartment and my landlord is cool as hell, so I'm torn about leaving to go back to Düsseldorf, but between all this and the godawful Ausländerbehörde that treats me like some kind of criminal(I'm a skilled professional who has paid taxes in Germany for 7 years, and has never and will never take a dime of government money), leaving is becoming far more tempting.
I was born in Krefeld and it is really shameful what you have to experience here. Krefeld used to be a beautiful town and the people were friendly. There is almost nothing left of it.
I read the history of your city on Wikipedia, very interesting. Sad to see so much decay and homeless people, and business’s closed down. I never thought a town in Germany would be like this 😮
So many men sitting on the sidewalks, mostly young men. Very much like in cities in the US. So surprised to see this in Germany. I think a lot of the empty storefronts are from high retail rents and duplicate "luxury" goods stores that you see in every town. But I'm surprised about the Kaufhof!
This is sad. Me and both of my brothers were born in different cities in Germany, when Germany still had its identity. It’s sad seeing the different countries in Europe lose their identities due to globalism. 😢
Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher and savant Most spiritual sublime city in Germany is Rocken, Germany the birthplace of F.Nietzsche, the philosopher for the eternal day after tomorrow. The rest of Germany is run by Marxist hollow men, empty suits with the stones of department store mannequins. The real Germany is found in the Nietzsche library in Rocken free from the stench of the EU Marxists and Belgium grifters in EU leadership. The wonderful German people should exit the EU and all the wasteland of EU Marxist vapidness.
Germany still has an identity; all of Europe still has their own identity. Its time for mass deportation (not just of immigrants but those trying to use immigrants to erase the past and future of European people).
American here, but I have family from the Ost (East) of Germany. I remember it was always looked down on by the West part, but now the East seems to be cleaner and in order.
I'm an American living in East Germany currently. We have run down cities like Halle and Magdeburg, as well and other small villages that are dilapidated and desolate. There are definitely immigration problems. The empty rhetoric is always population and lack of personnel.
I spent 3 years in Germany when I was in the RAF, and I absolutely loved it, your towns were spotless and your people so nice. But from what you show us now, it looks just as bad as the UK. Soi sad, I don't know how we let this happen to either of our countries.
Great video! I grew up in Krefeld. It has never been a beautiful city by any standard, but seeing the current state of it is really shocking. I'm so glad I moved away many years ago. Every time I visit there I promise myself to never return. So many drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals... I hope you and your mother stay safe.
I lived in Germany in the early 1950s. Despite having just lost a war, the German people still had a lot of dignity. The cleanliness impressed me and it breaks my heart to see that people are now willing to walk through garbage, and ignore the graffiti that is such a stain on the city. As there seems to be no will for change, I guess it can only get worse.
Read your history book: It wasn't just a war and dignity wasn't involved in anything the Germans did. Thank god they lost but they got away with it way too easy.
Name any place in the entire world where there isn't a new arrivals poor migrants place with shiv gang tags and garbage piles behind the central station. In Detroit or cincinatti you prbably won't be able to upload the pictures from your phone because of being robbed in broad daylight on the streets, In Germany you can safely take out your phone and film a video w/o being mugged. Get real pls. Germany is an orderly place compared to all the chaos in the world. Just check the ranks of Germany and the US on violence aand police killings
There is no will to change as the germans here in rhine area our biggest state of NRW , surely know that we are soon the minority in 1-2 generations. In many cities here already 50-80% of underage people have a migrant background. We are not building our future anymore but for strangers who hate us. So we rather do nothing and try to save up to Emigrate, while our antigerman government is completing their genocide of Germany
As an english lad with a german mother.. I cant believe and am saddened by germany now.. I visited Braunschweig every two yrs from 1962..you need to stop the decline.
I lived in Germany during the early 90s, traveled the country and never saw anything even remotely like this... I would have never thought it possible.
@@swinger8532 Floods of non-whites pouring in with the goal of intentionally destroying us. All levels of governments are complicit. It's why the birders of white countries are so porous
So,so sad to see this. I spent 5 years in Germany while in military service. I remember a different Germany, and most of my memories are fond ones. This seems to be happening all over.
Hey Kumpel, ich kenne die Stadt Krefeld und Mönchengladbach noch aus den 90iger und 2000er Jahren... es waren wirkliche schöne Städte. Aber heute sieht man die Probleme! Danke für deine Videos! 😎🤙✌🇩🇪🇺🇸
I grew up in the 80s and 90s, in an atmosphere of antipathy towards Germany. Many WWII witnesses were still alive then. But on the other hand, I admired and envied Germany for its economic miracle. This country seemed like paradise to me. German shops published shopping catalogues, they were thick books, they got to Poland. The kids spent hours looking through these catalogs and it was such a big WOW, today everything is more even. Regarding your video, the reason stores are out of business is Amazon, Ebay, etc. Everyone is buying online these days. Nevertheless, something bad is happening all over the world, most of the cities are rotting.
Germany's "economic miracle" was cheap , gas, oil, fuel and power from?...from?...you bet! Their Russian friend. While people across Europe were paying 210 dollars per 1000m³ of gas, "economic miracle" was paying 40 dollars. Quite a miracle. While buying that cheap gas from Russia, was taking free gas from Romania because EU is a big family and family members must help each other, not ripping off each other. Romania used to be a self sustainable energetic nation, but now has to give gas for free to Germany, while Germany takes gas from Russia for 40 dollars 1000m³ , and sell it to Romania for 240 dollars 1000m³ Yes, a true economic miracle. That "economic miracle" killed the entire EU economy and part of US economy.
Wow, Germany is also in decay. Closed down businesses, looked like some homelessness is happening too. Problems all over the world. God help us recover from this. Thanks GIV for sharing.💯❤️👍🏾💜🙋🏽♀️✝️🙏🏾🇺🇸
Just like any new arrivals ghetto behind a central staion on full zoom on a garbage piles and shiv gang tags in the entire world. Maybe excluding Iceland, Switzerland, Monaco, Singapore or Dubai. In Detroit or Cicinnati you couldn't make this video. Either the crack dealer gang would rob your phone in broad daylight or the police would mistake it for a gun. US ranks on the other side of the spectrum - 36th on violence between South Africa and Azerbaijan. 7th on police killings between El Salvador and Nigeria. Germany is on the other end of the scale wehre you can pull a smartphpne out of your pockets w/o anyone give you a second look and film their tags or garbage pile in their ghhetto and not threaten or beat you up. I would never ever dare this in any US city behind the train station where the drug dealers and meth wh$res hang out, I recommend to drive by in a taxi and compare to a US city and zoom out. I don't recommend doing that in your own car. In germany you can use your own, Might not be the most clean oor beutful street in town, but that is expected. But you will be safe - even as a black or asian migrant or LGBTQ+ whatever person you will be totally safe. there is plenty of relaxed police and private security around. There will be zero guns in the public space. That is Germany - even on full zoom the difference is drastic by dacts and numbers. I recommend to check life outside the suburbia bubbles rat race. That reality check between US aand Europe may water your eyes. If you want stats or pictures of live around me in Hamburg Germany you are welcome.
Tolles Video, Michael! Früher hätte ein Reporter eine aufwendige Reportage gemacht - mit Interviews und Studien als Grundlage. Doch jemand wie du, jemand mit gesundem Menschenverstand, kann die Missstände auch sehen und interpretieren. Die Bürger von Krefeld können es sehen! Trotzdem werden so viele falsche Entscheidungen getroffen und Steuergelder verschwendet. Es ist deprimierend, aber umso großartiger, dass du deine Heimatstadt so kritisch betrachtest.
1923 nannte ein Mann Namens Graf von Coudenhove Kalergie in seinem Buch ,,Die PAN !!!! Europäische Union!!!!!´´(EU!!) die Grundlage seiner Zukunftsvision für Europa, und die hiess unter anderem ,,Schaffung einer mischbraunen Ra$$se´´.....by the Way, der so genannte Coudenhove Kalergie Preis wird jedes Jahr an ,,Persönlichkeiten´´verliehen, die sich der (Pan) Europäischen Idee verschrieben haben.......Merkel bekam in auch.................klingelts???
Ich war letztens noch in Maastricht, nur eine Fahrtstunde von Krefeld.Dort haben die Menschen sich noch nicht aufgegeben, dachte ich ein wenig polemisch. Sauber, freundlich und voller Leben. Aber Lokalpolitik macht einen Unterschied, eine halbe Stunde östlich von Maastricht liegt Aachen, noch schlimmer daran als Krefeld, trotz Universität und schöner kleiner Altstadt. Dort hatte ich den Eindruck, die haben die städtische Gesellschaft wirklich total an die Wand gefahren.
I understand why they closed down the street underpass. Drugs, theft, possible attacks can take place in such a place. So sad. Years ago, there was no fear of that and people were able to use the underpass for their convenience and safety!!! What has happened to our world?!!
I arrived in Germany as a young soldier from Britain in 1974. It scared me?? why it was so clean...no graffiti, no litter, even the street pathways were so clean you could almost eat from them. This was Lippstadt by the way, but I did visit colleagues in Krefeld and it also seemed a nice clean place. Another colleague had German friends who were 'Hells Angels' and they met in an old factory (all the windows and doors were intact and not vandalised......the Hells Angels wore 'aftershave'.!!!
It always hurts to see your childhood city go downhill. I have good memories of my hometown but I saw it after 10 years and the dying downtown and dilapidation of the central core was heartbreaking. Online shopping has hurt every place.
My old childhood street on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, Portlock Road. When I was a kid it was "Millionaire's Row" but also working-class people there too. And it was lush and green and there were big trees, and wonderful places. I went back in 03 and it was kind of blah.
It's a real shame to see all this poverty and closures of businesses, my friend it must be heartbreaking to see your hometown slowly meet such an end. Perhaps the mayor should start to focus on greening the town in the hope of revitalising it
"Perhaps the mayor should start to focus on greening the town in the hopes of revitalizing it" You are so woefully out of touch, just like their mayor. Please wake up.
It's all over Germany ..the once so desirable inner city is getting deserted ...locals don't notice the changes as much as someone who visits once in a while
There was a study made to make Krefeld greener. More friendly for bikes and walking. Solar energy and other future concepts. Fassade and roof greening.Following that plan would make the City much nicer and more livable. I think this plan was made 10 years ago. If not more. But the politicians startet Image campaigns instead. That helped nothing but make them feel good.
Michael, very sad about your city, just a shame it is like that now. I just found out that Krefeld was the city where Gustav Mahler premiered his Symphony Number 3, on June 9, 1902! Interesting! Keep up the nice videos!
Venice is where i grew up and with to school. Still proud, but didn't know that parts of Germany is having the same problems as we are. What a shame for the people there. Hope you haven't left us in Venice as I watch to see what happens in our neck of the woods. So with that , thank you for all the info you give to us.
Its the American system, imposed in the West by the AngloWorld. It’s a failed system imposed by the force or arms and money by a failed society called United States of America. So we can say Americans have ruined every country they have colonized including the UK. Only Japan still survives this imposed globalization.
Aging population, lack of community, people moving to bigger cities or better opportunities... easy solution is drugs for some people... What happened in China in Opium War. Happening here too... Only way to do something is use drastic measures. What do you expect. When you are too stuck in your own mind (system), how do you expect to change towards good life...
I still remember time when we went to Germany from Poland, all was nicer in Germany, bigger, just more wealthy and better organized country. Today is reverse: when we cross the border from Germany to Poland, we feel like we entered better part of Europe, more clean, safer and simply nicer. How fast it changed, incredible.
@Manic Miner I'll agree with you, but your comment misses the point: This isn't all about money. Keeping the streets clean, well-maintained buildings, and addicts treated are signs of a healthy and prosperous society. Poland isn't like Germany in that regard because: It doesn't want to be. Places like Krefeld were once clean and well organized, but they have to actually want it. They need to stop living in the 'what can be' and accept the world as it really is. Affordable energy is certainly part of the problem, but that's a whole different discussion.
@Manic Miner bajki, stary kotku. Powtarzane przez niemiaszkow jak ty. Po prostu wasze multi kulti to syf i dramat. But you simply cannot get it. Stubborn..hahahaha
Maybe in some cities in the east of Germany can look worse but Germany in general has a very organized and clean environment. Maybe comparing the worse cities in Germany with the best in Poland works but is not fair..
Because Germany pays for all the expenses in the EU, that's why. And Poland gets the money. But I hope the people will fight and win their countries back from the greedy and corrupted EU beaurocrats. Down with this EU!
My family was from Krefeld and lived there many years until a man named William Penn talked them into traveling to Philadelphia back in the 1680's. Sad to see this sort of decline, but, honestly, it's worldwide. . .
@Curious Rex, Countries in the Far-East have not seen this rate of decline. Perhaps it has something to do with being colonized and learning from past mistakes. The colonizers were mostly from European countries which do not have much natural resources and therefore resorted to colonialism to 'steal' those resources to enrich themselves. The decline in Europe is mostly karma biting back.
@@iaam8141 The opium wars where Britain sent opium from Afganistan to China and other far east countries made those countries really tough on drugs. When I travelled to singapore everyone on the plane gets a card stating that Singapore has death penalty for drug dealers and smugglers. if you are not tough on drugs and on crime society starts to devolve slowly at first and then more rapidly.
I was Station in Krefeld for 3 years when serving in the British Army, its so sad to see the dilapidation, it spotless when I lived there in 1968 - 1971.
at least it is not like the Frankfurt rail station yet. I grew up in Krefeld and was on a visit 2019 ( I live in Australia since a long time). The downtown was depressing, nothing what I was used to. The decline was visible at every corner in the inner city. This video gives a glimpse ot it
I'm from a small village in the vicinity of Krefeld but emigrated to another country 16 years ago. I was shocked when I visited Krefeld with my daughter last year. The inner city is run down and full of junkies and homeless people.
@@firedplay Lol what capitalism? Germany is a socialist dystopia where you can do nothing for years and receive handouts. Capitalism can fix this but you will never admit this because capitalism only works for those who take responsibility for their situation.
Its a run down place. I used to live in Giessen, Frankfurt/M and Berlin (Charlottenburg). I left in 2000 cause I saw the trouble on the horizon. Unfortunately I was right. I still miss Europe, no doubt. My female friends are afraid to walk the streets late at night. I miss the days when US Armed Forces were in Germany in large numbers. Shame. Armes Deutschland aber in Amerika gibt es Unruhe und viel zu viel Kriminalitaet.
@@napoleonbonaparte4396 The government is to blame. We built up a great country and the politicians ruined everything for us. The question is what will be in the end??
@@Design770 People are not going to church anymore. As the matter of fact, churches are closing. In my town, one Baptist church and one Roman Catholic church are closed. Ethnic and religious demographics is changing everywhere. A large number of unskilled immigrants from developing and undeveloped countries need a local government assistance. Large population in local communities pushing housing markets up and governments imposed high taxes on businesses. This is one of the factors that commodities and real estate is expensive. Good example is France. I see no bright future. Life is getting harder and harder.
To be honest my hometown is not the same either. I grew up about 40 min east of downtown Vancouver BC Canada and when I went back to my city in 2015/2016 it was overcrowded. They now build huge housing developments on farmland plots in random areas, There is a lot of homeless. Not the pace I was used to ... I'll have to go back someday and look again.
Canada has much harsher emigration rules. So immigration can not be the main problem. But anywhere it getting down it is bitter for the people there. And we can not charge anyone for this. Responsabel are the leaders . Those elected ones and those rich ones.
This breaks my heart and soul. As someone who was born in the German diaspora, I have longed to return to Germany. What brief time I have spent there was so overwhelming and comforting. I finally felt like I was home. Germans thought I was German and got mad when I said I couldn't speak German. Seeing Germany flooded with non-Germans and then the gradual collapse of German social norms has been so painful. The German government won't acknowledge the diaspora, but will happily accept non-Germans as "new Germans". It is like seeing someone living in your home, abusing your wife and kids, destroying family heirlooms, and disrespecting you at every opportunity.
I feel your anguish! I was stationed twice in Germany (total 5 yrs) 35 & 45 yrs ago; it tears my heart out to see the collapse! I had come to love Germany & it’s people, culture. In this vid, seeing the old lady with the walker, I can only imagine what she must think of it all. It is all a shame.
Uh well, I could also zoom in on garbage piles and gang tags behind Detroit central station - Krefeld is a coal & steel rust belt town. What you put forth is deeply racist. The migrants simply demographically do the jobs Germans would not touch. Neither for the pay nor their low social status. Any migrant everywhere does start on square 1 doing the lowliest and worst paid jobs in the worst unsafe and rundown housing behind the central station. That is basics of sociology. German social norms are basically the Alman meme or the Birkenstock Teutonic ideological warrior with a stick up the backside. Looking at my fellow Germans we are just a bunch of people like everyone else. We do believe in education, good governance and free global markets with a social touch and hard work for our gospel of wealth. You can't judge any country by their migrant ghetto of new arrivals behind the central station. Compared to Cincinnati or Detroit you can sefely walk the road in broad daylight w/o being robbed or the police shooting you. I probably would prefer the latent German racism as a migrant over the police racism and gun violence getting me shot in the US. The US ranks 36 on violence between South Africa and Azerbaidjan. It ranks 7 on police killing between El Salvador and Nigeria. Means the migrants integrate pretty well and absolutely love the idea of a peaceful life. By numbers Germany is a very decent place to live in a central station ghetto. If you can afford suburbia you wouldn't live there like in any other country on the entire planet. Your argument is a paranoid fear of chaos - Germany is a totally orderly and efficiently policed place. Germany is on the other end of the scale of these stats. There is no one but folks on the internet disrespecting me over here as white German potatoe. That prception is too much of a matter of alienation and division sowed by Russian agitprop propaganda paid by the KGB slush funds of russian oil&gas money. Outin declared a proganda war before 2014 on the entire west and no one did care. That is what is causing chaos in the world. The is the simple and to be expected Cold War 2.0 issue Putin is waging. Putin thinks decarbonization and demographics is the end of Russia. If anyone got a issue with low birthrates then it is Russians being grown out of their own country w/o any immigration. If anyone feels existentially threatened as Petrostate than it is the deindustrialized and low-tech Russsian economy. The petrostate welfare makes Russian criminally lazy booze and meth addicts with wild dreams of past imperal glory in golden palaces with door moneky guardssaluting their Zar Putler Stalinowitch the not-so-Great. Russia has a patheic 3rd world ressource export economy of the scale between Canada and Australia. By now it is less industrialzed than Italy and tries to play 2nd against the entire top 20 and expect to win. That's totally deluded chaos mongering on their own evil PsyOps propaganda machine of KGB Siloviki oligarchs. Being high oon their own anti-western propaganda. Looking for co-addicts everywhere. Russian trolls and sponsored media seep this divison via money laundering into every media space in the world that isn't vigilant. Russia declined into a pathetic affair and we lost interest and grew complacent. Focussed on other more important things. I blame no one for that. But that is where all the chaos is currently coming from. Russia acts like a better fundend North Korea grabbing attention from anyone by causing chaos and division where it can. That is what Stalins people, Lenins people and communist do all the time. Buy, bribe and lie themselves into the media zone. Cause unrest and division. That is what they always did because it is the only path forward that they do have. We are just not paying attention because we are too busy and hate our neighbor for his stupid bumper stickers and virtue signalling. If there is one secret puppet master with a ton of playing money from vast oil&gas cash-flows and large teams of KGB trained agents and internet hackers and troll farms look no further. It would be totally naive to look elsewhere if this guy openly declares NATO and the US Russian enemies and openly stands by it all the time. Just look at the money trail they leave all over the place. Russia is feeding 2 monsters the same time to sow division - they fund Nazis and Communists at the same time. They create division to exploit by this. They push button on fear of chaos and fear of falling behind at the same time intentionally. Being a community around the center is the only answer to this outside influence incited chaos. That's classic PsyOps tactics. Russia is pouring KGB slush funds into both ends of the spectrum. They fund ultra-nationalist with the devils right hand and ultra-communist with the devils left hand. that is Russia build their empire. Not too much different from how the Romans or the Brits build theirs. I prefer the US open market democracy buy-in of Pax Americana. and NATO. That's a way more fair deal for me as a German. Sure, you may argue about shifting and distributing the burdens of that shared security alliance in peacetime. Putin just started a war and we need to focus on it, no matter if what our preference of priority may be. It is still a world of nuclear deterence with no place for nuclear blackmail. We depend on rules and world order governing that safely. Oil is devils blood and Russians use it for hellish political malevolent things. I would prefer a united and strong US world order - not neostalinist Russian imperialism triggering wars and genocide om peaceful people on a quest against Russian PsyOps, corruption and rising their weallth and peaceful nation. That Russian PsyOps chaos and dividion is the least thing a conflicted and challenged world and humanity needs. If you want order over chaos then don't buy into Putins divisive psyops propaganda. This is all about defunding Putins petrostate. Sanction him. Are Russian peaceful and willing to trade or do they chiise to walk the Iran and North Korea road? A simple question about our complacency in the West when considering to buying their petro devils blood stuff. Will that money boomerang back on us as PsyOps and divisive inflammatory proganda? Any time your hear a defund campaign that is a KGB agitprop response to defund fossil fuels. Russia considers climate action a motion against "them" - Moscovite ethnic Russians. They frame that science topic as a propaganda tool to get rid of "them". They make anyone else believe the earth is flat, there is reptiloids all over the place and aliens are around. The pour money on eveything inciting from child abuse to migration to minority issues to race. That's what Russian troll farms are tasked with. Unfortunately we invented social media "free lunch" ad fueled media spaces with no supervisors. That is total chaos as Russian KGB slush funds can easily buy what they need and leave no traces. They can freely funneely money into both the extrem left and extreme right. If you want to sow chaos and division in any well-working and orderly community that is the thing to do. If you want to divide and conquer that is the PsyOps campaing to weaken your enemy and keep it from uniting behind their flag, You pour oil into the fires under control on the fringes on both sides while no one is watching.
@@TrueNativeScot Killing millions of innocent people including your own and ruining its own country in the process. This is what happens when uneducated psychos take over the power.
Used to live in Homberg not far away from Krefeld. A kid then.., but still having a beautiful memory around Duisburg. Watching through your clip, it seems there are quite a lot of none-Germans in presence. Looks like, it's kind of related to the sudden burst of refugee problems in Germany. don't you think?
I can relate to the same scenario. I've always have been afraid to find out what my town is like today and I did that by looking up my town on the computer and I guess what I always felt was true, I found out my town was alot like yours and crime sky high! It looked like a ghost town - an apocalyptic aftermath. Man, I have tears welling up in my eyes just thinking about it! But you know what the place where I live now has become the same thing! Sorry that you have to go thru this -God Bless Us All...
Mike I really appreciate the work you put into your video s I look forward to and enjoy watching your content. When I need to be cheered up I will always go to your channel. A Big THANK YOU ! From an Australian fan. 👍
I'm from the Ruhr area and visited Burg Linn and the adjacent museum last fall. I was really surprised that the city was once very rich due to its silk industry and that the patronage of wealthy residents led to the city being an important place for art and music, even up until the 1950s. The Rhine-Ruhr region was never as fancy as other parts of Germany, but growing up here in the 90s, I can witness the slow descend of our region. I grew up in a part of town that had social housing, but it was still a nice, well kept neighbourhood with tidy streets, people planting flowers etc. Now, when I drive through that part of my home city, I get sad and mad at the same time, when I see how worn down and dirty everything is. And the city centre looks just the same as seen in the video. What's worst: In the past, we really had a strong middle class and that included both German and migrant families. Now, society is getting increasingly stratified, with migrants having a far larger risk of descending into poverty. Imo, Germany under Merkel decided to make a harsh paradigm shift and become an "immigration nation" within just a few years, without having a proper, long term plan for dealing with the challenges this will bring. Plus, our leaders failed to see the economical opportunities of many future technologies, leading to some industries basically closing up shop and moving elsewhere, further increasing the downward trend in many regions. Also our school system is pretty close to collapsing, with some federal states already cutting lessons and grading requirements in order to deal with the increased work load of fewer and fewer teachers. I am really skeptical of our government turning things around tbh.
Germany is also far behind in digitalisation. The internet is bad for the most part and many institutions and places run with letters and fax machines. You have to wait for weeks and months for certain things while in countries like Denmark, Estonia, Japan etc. things are handled directly.
I've always thought of Germany as an efficient, sensible, and progressive culture. My wife lived there for a few years and she always told me that we in America could learn alot from Germany. It is shocking to see Germany beset with many of the same problems we see here in America. I wonder if it is a mostly western thing or if it is worldwide. It portends a worrisome view of the future. I love your very interesting videos and appreciate that you don't shy away from telling things as they really are. Thank you.
Germany and other Norther countrys has to give a lot a money too southern countries like Greece and Spain. Taxes that EU use to help southern countries. In Greece they retire at young age compared to Germany. Think Greece retirement age is around 50s. Germany 60s. Lots of beggars on the street are from country's like Romania. EU alliance destroyed northern European countries. I live in Sweden. It's same situation
@@charrua59 How much money is going to Greece versus how much money has Germany made from the EU, common market, the euro etc.? Germany is leading Europe, economically, politically, to blame the Greeks for Krefeld is ludicrous. Germany has benefitted massively from the EU. How many German business operate in the EU, making huge profits etc...
@@SelfReflective You are right and you are also wrong. Maybe the companies made money, but certaintly not the germans and if greek people start to insult and mock germans as nazis, you should realize and think about who you blame. If you know nothing about the situation over here, you should better step back. The vid explains itself.
Thank you for showing us what is going on in the town you grew up in. I see in my town more empty store fronts. I live in Ontario California. I see homeless people and empty store fronts in America and in other countries. This is terrible!
GIV your video is very informative. We don’t always like reality, your hometown looks like any other city anywhere in the United States. I think it might be do to the distance between the people that have and the people that don’t. Greed is killing everything. Keep making your videos.
Greed… is a vague word. I blame defensive management: a lack of vision bigger than obsessive cost cutting, together with closely related win-lose mentality, the habit of building walls and barriers, and ignoring your users. This is _dumb greed._ Pursuit of profit is _smart greed_ and it benefits everyone. The Western society is suffering from atrophy of spirit. It's a mass mental disorder.
When I worked in the city parks department and saw taggings on the park facilities, we used a stuff called chemseal. After getting getting the graffiti off we would spray the chemseal on so next time someone tags the wall it wouldn't stick and it come right off with a pressure washer. Too bad the city worker in Krefeld don't know about that stuff.
I write this from other part of the world. Feel sorry to see so many unoccupied shops. Maybe, there are few reasons for it. 1. Online shopping has increased. 2. People used to enjoy bargaining in earlier days. 3. Clothes buying has gone down due to reduced socialization. 4. There is so much entertainment at home itself due to internet. 5. People are avoiding going around in groups as everyone gets offended too soon these days. 6. Cosmetics, perfumes, chocolates, food varieties have nothing new to offer. 7. There are fewer younger people overall. 8. People at large are guarding their money. etc. etc. etc.
@@phaedruscj3330 exactly. This decline in western countries is by design. People do not see how the plan..demic was an intentional take down of it all. Western countries are going 3rd world.
mr giv i know how you feel no one has respect for property any were usa or germany such a shame was not like that in germany 40 yrs ago when i lived there well my home town is dearborn michigan its now an arab city i hate that to well i love your videos keep them coming thanks for the hard work you do
That was so interesting to watch. Am from the UK and it is exactly the same. Perhaps less graffiti. It's kind of nice to know that others have problems too. Strangely.
So, what are all those people doing? Just passing through? Full props to the accordian man for his talent and the fact that he is smiling. Nothing sadder than the death of a city. :(
Don’t think I’ve ever commented on one of your videos GIV but I love what you do. Great content and a happy guy. It’s a shame your home town is in ruin. To be honest it looks an absolute disgrace and the councils obviously can’t keep up the upkeep lol. Thanks bro keep up the great work
I lived in Germany in the 80s. It was beautiful. Even the poorest areas were safe and clean. There was no graffiti anywhere. There was nothing like this in any city. This is terrible.
Great you are learning the language before visiting! But when you visit stay out of Krefeld. It is not worth a visit. The south of Germany is better. There politicians care more.
Thanks Mike for sharing, this is an 👀 opener to see how things really are. You show what happens when a city like we're you originally came from. It really sucks the city needs to do something about it. Your doing your best by narrator of the sites and sound, take care and stay safe.😮📱🙏
This is devastating to see. The Germany I knew used to be so clean you could eat off the streets . I loved the pretty white lace curtains and gleaming windows too.
Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher and savant Most spiritual sublime city in Germany is Rocken, Germany the birthplace of F.Nietzsche, the philosopher for the eternal day after tomorrow. The rest of Germany is run by Marxist hollow men, empty suits with the stones of department store mannequins. The real Germany is found in the Nietzsche library in Rocken free from the stench of the EU Marxists and Belgium grifters in EU leadership. The wonderful German people should exit the EU and all the wasteland of EU Marxist vapidness.
Ich komme aus Kamp-Lintfort und bin regelmäßig in Krefeld bei den Heimspielen der Pinguine. Krefeld ist wirklich nicht mehr das, was es mal war. Früher sind wir gerne zum shoppen hingefahren, mittlerweile nicht mehr.
Funny, German politicians in the European Parliament teach Polish and other countries how to live and what to do at home. Thanks for this objective presentation of the real Germany
Traurig, was aus der schönen Innenstadt geworden ist. Ich war dort schon viele Jahre nicht mehr. Gerne war ich im Cafe "Extrablatt" gegenüber vom Kaufhof. Oder um die Ecke herum im "Cafe Journal". Selbst die Disco "Königsburg" ist schon vor vielen Jahren abgerissen worden. Leider stirbt langsam das Ruhrgebiet und der Niederrhein. In meiner Jugend ging man nach Moers oder Krefeld um zu feiern. Ist leider alles vorbei! Liebe Grüße Klaus aus Düsseldorf
In 1982 Germany was a paradise. I can't believe how things have changed.
A false paradise. Invaded, divided, enslaved. Oh, and I guess that by "Germany" you mean West Germany, that larger chunk of a mutilated land torn apart by the jewish war. German "prosperity" and cleanliness was a lie, and the same tribe which caused Germany´s destruction was already scheming for making of her the load of rubbish she is today ....
Hi ,, 👋 your rite , I was a kid back then but I remember Germany was great for work ,, everything was different
The West shipped all of its industry to China and then the West wonders why the peoples of the West are poor -- while China is filled with new gleaming skyscrapers.
Norway was a paradice too in 1982 . I also cant belive what happened......
@@tomerikrasmussen7507 I bet, the Politics in your country, like in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy asow weren't so happy with the boring, local culture?
This is coming slowly to north Europe too. And people pretend all is fine. Incredible!
System. No hope. Dak will always win. Death is stronger then life. Always wins
no one in Germany demonstrate on the street nowadays which was still often around 15 years ago. Because everyone sees that demonstration has no meaning.
US started all this mess.if you think about it.
What is coming to Germany( north Europe)?this video seems to be about going not coming
@@martin840909 They have been protesting every week during covid and after !
The Döner stores are there for other reasons, like the Spilotheken, Barbershops, Betoffices, this is all mainly for washing money
Döner guys workinig smarter not harder
Doing what most europeans want to do in avoiding taxes.
Yeah lots of them also run the drug market and other shady things and some only got the money to open those stores by those things
it is like 6 doner shops of a little street, what German government do, they close their eyes? Or you are dumb?
On this platform, you can even get instructions how to open a döner store and use it just for money laundry. that's the kind of business you find and lost cities.
Wow, globalization at its finest! My hats off to you sir for your brutal honesty.
Everything is going to shit because people are mentally handicapped and easily controlled. Just use meaningless words like "woke", "globalism" etc. and the sheep happily go to slaughter, all their negativity directed at an unreachable, ephemeral nothing and not the people slaughtering them - the rich who get richer off of the poverty of the people, which leads to sights like this.
I’ve said it in his last video that was filmed in Germany from several months ago that if Germany keeps following the US’s orders to support every war that the US wanted to wage against other superpowers, such as China and Russia, then Germany will follow the US into the sewers! The evidence that backs what I said is in the video! But the main difference between the US and Germany is the fact that Germany is going to suffer much more than the US since the US is Germany’s master and, because of such, the master is going to let its follower take all of the falls first before it takes a fall itself, which would only happen if the master has nobody else to take a fall for it! The US is ironing out a scheme to force most of Germany’s largest companies to move their business operations to the US so the hardship is only going to get much worse for Germany! Right now in Washington, DC the American politicians are rubbing their hands together in eager anticipation for Mercedes-Benz, BMW, BASF, Merck, etc to move their factories to the good old USA! The Ukraine War, they said, will soon reap the US major economic boom for not only would the US would be able to take over Ukraine’s natural resources and companies as payments by Ukraine to the US for helping Ukraine to pay for its war against Russia, but the US would also be able to take over Germany’s corporations as well since the costs of manufacturing anything in Germany would be astronomical due to the skyrocketing fuel prices as a result of the US’s blowing up Germany’s Nord Stream Gas Pipelines! You know, those gas pipelines that used to bring cheap Russian gas to Germany? German companies won’t be able to compete against other companies from around the world if they have to rely on gas shipped from the US with a rate that is set at 4-5 times more expensive than Russian gas! Boy, do those Americans know how to set a trap! Who says they are stupid?
It's not globalization. It's climate policy. In Europe, it is not profitable to produce anything because of taxes on emissions.
@@imho4990 BUAHAHAHA from one idiocy to another. I swear, it's just like what ever propaganda you idiots encounter first sticks.
It's the government. They need a new Fuhrer my man, this looks really bad, soulless even.
Same in the UK. This world is in a mess.
That´s what you get for boarding America´s adventure in Ukraine. You should have stuck with the Minsk Accords. But no, you had to board Biden´s crazy train...
So what is the cause of the problem?
Germany is not in the same mess as the UK. The UK left the EU and is paying for it
@@TML0677 Firstly, the illegal immigration killed the western countries.
Secondly, specifically to Germany, it got CHEAP gas and petrol from the URSS and then from Russia for many decades then corrupted politicians followed the US's war mentality and boycotted the primary CHEAP resource that is needed to run the factories.
Still now the corrupted and bribed (traitors) politicians are waging wars on China and Russia instead of maintaining good diplomatic relations and exchange of CHEAP goods!
Western world is in a mess. There are countries getting better.
I used to know a woman, who's now in her 60's who also grew up in Germany, she said that people there regularly scrubbed their sidewalks and stairway it used to be kept so clean. How sad that the classic German village is dissolving, like many others I assume.
'Diversity' destroys all it touches.
@@freedomisslavery6840 Damn right.
Krefeld is a city and a center of industry, not a village
Thats not even considered a village
Terrible it looks like there’s no mayor. They need to enforce anti graffiti paint. I’m from London. I know Germans are tough of keeping their streets clean.
Looks like Krefeld is getting a lot of vibrant diversity.
Krefeld actually has a lot of things to offer, and migrants are pretty much what is keeping it alive.
@@brrrt6666 I stayed there for 10 months. It literally has nothing to offer whatsoever and there are more foreigners than German people on the streets. I dont mind foreigers obviously, but if they are the majority it feels weird.
@@fh2234 cycling infrastructure is good, rent is cheap, nightlife is alright, it's pretty safe, there's good places to enjoy a variety of foods, lots of green spaces and it's in the centre of the greater metropolitan area with good enough public transportation. It's better than its reputation really, especially the cycling infrastructure, have I talked about the cycling infrastructure?
@@brrrt6666 The German taxpayer through support and housing payments from the German government to the migrants which allows them to live in Krefeld is what is keeping Krefeld alive. The native Germans have long ago been replaced in many occupations by the migrants who are only able to survive with handouts from the government who pay for them with the taxes of the native Germans.
@@fh2234 I think it's alright, better than gladbach, love the borussia though.
Kumpel Ich bin in Essen Verden aufgebracht ich bin Deutscher in San Diego Meier Eltern Sind 1978 nach USA ausgewandered Ich erkenne Deutschland uberhaubt nicht Mehr es ist unfassbar was da los geht. Ich reise zuruek September um es selber zu seven. Es greuselt mich an was du in deinen Videos uns Zeigst!!!
I'm saddened to see my Germany, home away from home being destroyed. I love you Germany and God Bless you all.
Hate to say it, but many leaders from the past tried to stop the cancer. But we’re called way cysts
A dying nation with low birth rates.
It is literally one city in the German rustbelt, Germany is fine
@@bruxodomorro my friend, stop lying to yourself . I have police buddies in Munich and in other citys, they all say the Muslim and African immigrants are the huge problem there. Wake up, stop your “scared to be a Nazi” schtick. And face reality.
@@bruxodomorro Reminds me of the meme pic with the dog in the burning house. "All is fine"... yeeh
Wow, even the mayor of Krefeld watched your video. And the WZ wanted to interview you! That’s quite impressive. Your awesome videos get the attention they deserve.
Good, bring back Uncle Addy. Germany and this tubby are an embarrassment. Germany is a vassal state
Instead of fixing the place… he wants to entertain our misery
tell the mayer it is over for his city
@@worldstar907 The mayer says Krefeld is a great place. He does not understand why people talking bad about Krefeld. According to him and the other politicians Krefeld has just a bad image because bad or stupid people talk bad about it. But it is a great place with many nice and charming places and streets. Indead there are no real problems.
Politicians live in a other dimension. Or they are so used to lie, they realy believe there own lies.
You can see the downfall of western society in every country😢
Yep, when ghetto culture arrives
The aristocrats and governments are raising taxes and suppressing wages. Own nothing and be happy..
There is a reason. 'New' residents don't care about living in clean well kept cities.
This is an exception in Germany. Majority of the most livable cities in the world are located in Nordic countries and German speaking countries.
They did it to themselves!
shocking to see a German town like that. It has been a long time since I visited Germay but when I was there I was impressed by how clean and orderly everthing was
It depends on which city and district you visit some are very clean, but some cities have problems. Not enough money or high debts.
It’s just a 💩 hole like lOs Ángeles
Local mismanagement
And they share the same regressive political ideology.
@@bambinaforever1402 thats good to hear
Finally someone showing the other side of Germany. I commend the GIV for his bravery and openness, very few Germans are ready to show the world their dirty laundry, they like to present their country as the best in everything, all the time.
No. We tend to always be negative about everything.
@@Shibamc Not in front of foreigners.
@@SelfReflective Especially in front of foreigners.
@ SelfReflective I live in the USA and this is the first time I have seen Germany depicted this way. I have visited Bavaria but I never saw any of this
@@rocknroll7316 I hear only bad news from Germany these days. This video fits the trend.
I worked in Southern Germany on construction about 30 years ago l thought to myself what a beautiful country and the people I met were very welcoming such a shame to see it now it’s the same here in the UK, why are the governments allowing this to happen shame on them
To be honest, the south of Germany is still quite nice even today. The video shows a typical city in the west.
My friend governments allmoust in every country in Europe they are gang liders imposters and butchers they should be put behind the bars . They brought immigrants in milions to Europe and America did that to Europe for purpose to destroy Europe. Putin looks like the egnel when you comper all that
These are ---- even if we don't think of it as part of it --- really just small aspects of the way of ENTROPY. Entropy doesn't just happen in "nature," by which we erroneously think we're not part of; but we ARE a part of entropy, too, as both individuals and communities. Rome, Paris, San Francisco, New York, London, Berlin, Shanghai, Beijing, Athens.... they all were once pristine...
And then they became settled, and they became crowded and dirty and smelly... and, then, later, as governments became more organized, nations became more developed, with better technologies and more wealth, these major urban cities were developed and made better... and then around the edges, wear and tears started again, with more people, more poverty, more crimes...
And, then, eventually .... EVERY SINGLE one of these major, sophisticated cities will RETURN to dilapidated, abandoned places... to be reclaimed by nature again.... like the majestic Angkor Wat, the Mayan and Aztec cities, from southern Mexico to Peru... to the mighty Egyptians and Sumerian/ Mesopotamians early civilizations.
Not sure why people think that is NOT the most NATURAL way of how things operate in the Universe, including here on good ole Earth...
People who say bullshit things like "It's THE OTHER LOW CLASS people who are ruining everything, because in my youth, none of this decay existed..." are just COMPLETE IDIOTS, at best; at worst, they are uneducated racists.
Things go up and they come down; but it takes decades & centuries & sometimes even millenniums; but they DO decay and return to nature (lower state of energy, lower state of organization) eventually.... just like OUR OWN bodies, marvelous, wondrous biological machines that start to break down once we complete our celluar growth process.... in our late 20s... by our late 30s to late 40s muscle and bone break downs have started. And the break down completes by the time we are in our 70s to 90s...
And we return to the very basic molecular and atomic constituents from which we're original assembled...
@@kiabtoomlauj6249 It is not entropy. It is because the people who operate these places could never have built them in the first place. It is the difference between founding and inheriting. If you build something from the ground up, you know the business inside and out. If you are just given something with earning it, you will slowly let all the wheels fall off.
@@caesars7hills892 yes a sort of social entropy.. possibly it will be rebuilt again in 50 years but it is sad to see
I lived in Krefeld in the early 1960s, my father was stationed there with the British army. I was a young boy aged 10 years, I recall it being a traditional German town with very friendly population, it was a really friendly place to live and play.
To see the town in such a state of decay is appalling, it saddens me to see it in such a state!
@Russia Bro Z (You know, like Dragonball Z lol) Don't let nationalism push you towards certain ideologies. It's one thing to be angry at those who shame your country and/or hate on you for your ethnicity; It's another to support the hatred embodied by such a "mustache'd man"
When you are ten you can live in a gulag and have fond memories of it 50 years later.
@@banedon8087 Right, wouldn't want to do anything crazy like fix the problems or stand up for ourselves, now would we? That would be so mean!
@@martinwenzel3578 I in no way said that you should not stand up for yourself. What I said is don't go down the path of radicalisation which leads to being like the bad guys from 1939.
but we western people are mostly absolutely convinced that we know all better than rest of the world
I was in Genoa about 4 years back and there was a street parallel to the ocean that was a no go zone. The graffiti sign read no police allowed. It had mostly Bangladeshi and African immigrants. The hotel receptionist said no one goes there and locals are moving out. First day, I walked without any issue. Second time, they started surrounding me and threatening. I became aware of the potential danger and left the area quickly. Interesting times.
But remember, diversity is our greatest strength.
"May you live in interesting times". Isn't that a Yiddish curse?
Globalism has been devastating to many communities :(
We never should of let them get this far. Everything is incremental when it comes to globalists taking over every aspect of our lives. It is best that people be getting out of cities.
Explain how a few abandoned buildings is a globalist problem?
It's the agenda.
Mostly the "diversity"
White liberals have destroyed the world
I remember Germany from the 90s. Cleanliness and order on the streets was amazing. It was incredibly safe too.
Today it looks quite different
You clearly haven't been to Berlin in the 1990s then.
Frankly, behind every central station there is a ghetto where you can zoom in on grafitti and the garbage piles. That is the same all over the world at any time. That's where new arrivals to the city dwelled in the middle ages too. In Detroit or Cincinatti I proably would be robbbed in borad daylight where the shiv gang tags are on the walls. Us ranks 36th between South Africa and Azerbaijan on violence. 7th on police killing between El Salvador and Niigeria. Germany is still on the totally other end of the spectrum. I f I want chaos behind a central station I'll find it way more easily in any other place but Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. Germany is one of the safest places in the world.
@@voster77hh You clearly haven't been to the central stations of Hamburg, Frankfurt or Berlin, man. If you would call that safe compared to what it used to be like, I can't help you.
Why should Germany compare itself with literal shitholes like ANC-ruled South Africa who is literally murdering and butchering the people that grow their food?
yeah plus our rivalry was fun to me (dutch neighbor) those pretend problems where bliss xD
@@mikeforester3963 every capitol city is a shit stain compared to the rest of the country saying you don't know the netherlands because you haven't seen amsterdam in the 90's as just as stupid of a remark! ofcourse berlin was unsafe back then so was amsterdam paris rome new york etc!
It’s really sad to see what Society has become.
It was all planned, it just took some time to comprehend the hate this continent has cultivated for each other in such a small matter of time.
I made some revisions since I studied and observed mainstream history class and language.
Present day politics is disgusting , just like it was and to meant to be a long time ago.
I hope Europe will become Europe again.
No more Americans, keeping Russians at bay
Removal of the ruling class/ overhaul the banking system,
Re-educate journalism/journalists by showing them their own mistakes and bias.
Let intelligence agencies know it's not 1975 anymore where you could run around with your gadgets spying on each other and feeling kinda 😎.
It's just silly how these people show up on TH-cam just like criminals and criminal gangs complaining about how rough their life and upbringing was and who are also still in the game btw...
But it's all wishful thinking since we are all online.
Luke 21,36 KJV
wow ich hatte ernsthaft in erwägung gezogen nach krefeld zu ziehen, aber dieses video war eine mehr als deutliche Warnung. Dankeschön!
Your video really makes a statement on these times . . . not just in your old hometown but worldwide.
Your statement "It seems that nobody wants to fix it" is the scary part.
That's because the only way to fix it would be considered racist.
I agree
So what is the cause of the problem?
@@TML0677 You might as well ask a solid wall because no one will give you the obvious answer. Ppl prefer to panic but not to consider the why and what the expectations might be. The ridiculous thing is that Germany isn't as worse as many other countries and yet you hear narratives like "worldwide messed-up". Let them go to Turkey where the Inflation rate is at 80% to my latest knowledge
@@TML0677 All I'm saying is this is a once in 100 years experience and ppl need to come together to a dialogue, rather than to blame or to spread pessimism which is more fuel to crisis'. 🤷🏿
Es ist wirklich traurig was aus Krefeld geworden ist, 1994 wollte ich nicht dort weg, aber ich musste mit meinen Eltern umziehen. Heute bin ich froh wenn ich sehe wie es jetzt geworden ist. Es war richtig schön in den 80ern und early 90s in Gatherhof/Krefeld vom Kind zum Jugendlichen zu werden, ich vermisse diese Zeit.
Radicalized, anti-growth, anti-prosperity, anti-freedom 'liberal-progressives' destroy everything that they touch.
Wenn die Leute nicht mit ihrem Herzen, sondern nur mit ihrem Verstand und ihrer Gier irgendwo sind, werden sie die Gegend eben vergammeln lassen. Nur noch ich und die meinen.
1986 habe ich ein halbes Jahr in dieser angenehmen Stadt gewohnt, meine Erinnerungen waren immer gut.
Jetzt ist sie vergammelt und versifft, diese Stadt.
It's so very sad.
Ich war vor ca. 35 Jahren mal in Krefeld und fand es eigentlich hübsch, aber jetzt wirkt es einfach total verwahrlost.
It’s sad to see the city being ruined by those who want nothing in life but to destroy.
These destructive people are on our streets and in our governments and it’s a shame.
The tiny number of thugs and criminals are given more rights than the hard working people who pay taxes. The world is being destroyed by the dregs of society.
It's all happening by design. Look at all the events in the world. Klaus Schwab calls it the great reset. They want total control over people. They already have all the wealth. This has been going on for many generations. Thing can never go back to were they were. Stop consuming main stream media.
Like in Ancient Rome, The Vulgar class outnumbered the productive
Yes but Barbara Lerner Spectre has dictated that Europe must become less "monolithic" and we MUST obey her. Diversity is strength, and urban decay means it's working!
Dubai is good flourishing wealthy city because women’s stay at home and make baby’s
As an American living in Krefeld right now, I can say this video is 100% true. It's really sad. I live in a beautiful Altbau right by the Hauptbahnhof, which is meticulously kept up by my landlord. My apartment is amazing and very, very cheap. I moved here during the pandemic, so the streets were quiet, and all I saw were the beautiful old buildings.
But now, the minute I set foot outside to go to work everyday, I get harassed by crackheads, demanding money and even yelling insults (I understand German enough to know what they're saying to me).
I have injured myself by tripping over the trash on the sidewalks, and the entire city smells like pee and marijuana.
I figured out that the route from my place to the Rewe on Philadelphiastraße has the least amount of people begging for money, so that's why I shop there.
Though I did walk in there one day to witness a fistfight at the cash registers (????).
I love my apartment and my landlord is cool as hell, so I'm torn about leaving to go back to Düsseldorf, but between all this and the godawful Ausländerbehörde that treats me like some kind of criminal(I'm a skilled professional who has paid taxes in Germany for 7 years, and has never and will never take a dime of government money), leaving is becoming far more tempting.
I was born in Krefeld and it is really shameful what you have to experience here. Krefeld used to be a beautiful town and the people were friendly. There is almost nothing left of it.
It's just like Southern California!
I read the history of your city on Wikipedia, very interesting. Sad to see so much decay and homeless people, and business’s closed down. I never thought a town in Germany would be like this 😮
Duisburg (nearby his city) is even worse. There are tons of cities like this in germany. Especially in this region (Ruhrgebiet aka "Ruhrpott")
@@TonyRedgrave1501 Yes sad, being here in the USA, I mean it everywhere and also sad to see
Lol every country has poor / ugly cities, what did you think 😅
@@starseed8087 Well u know thy always show Germany as a very advanced country, etc lol
So many men sitting on the sidewalks, mostly young men. Very much like in cities in the US. So surprised to see this in Germany. I think a lot of the empty storefronts are from high retail rents and duplicate "luxury" goods stores that you see in every town. But I'm surprised about the Kaufhof!
This is sad. Me and both of my brothers were born in different cities in Germany, when Germany still had its identity. It’s sad seeing the different countries in Europe lose their identities due to globalism. 😢
The ones at the very top benefit from Globalism. You and I don't.
Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher and savant
Most spiritual sublime city in Germany is Rocken, Germany the birthplace of F.Nietzsche, the philosopher for the eternal day after tomorrow. The rest of Germany is run by Marxist hollow men, empty suits with the stones of department store mannequins. The real Germany is found in the Nietzsche library in Rocken free from the stench of the EU Marxists and Belgium grifters in EU leadership. The wonderful German people should exit the EU and all the wasteland of EU Marxist vapidness.
Germany still has an identity; all of Europe still has their own identity. Its time for mass deportation (not just of immigrants but those trying to use immigrants to erase the past and future of European people).
Thank your WEF leaders.
Thank your American overlords and that clown puppet you call chancellor.
American here, but I have family from the Ost (East) of Germany. I remember it was always looked down on by the West part, but now the East seems to be cleaner and in order.
they are not overrun by west asians
I'm an American living in East Germany currently. We have run down cities like Halle and Magdeburg, as well and other small villages that are dilapidated and desolate.
There are definitely immigration problems. The empty rhetoric is always population and lack of personnel.
I live in Sachsen Anhalt and it is not better here, in some cities even worse.
You missed Eisenhüttenstadt Hoyerswerda and Schwedt. All deindustrialized cities after 1990😢
"The dreams in which I am dying, are the best I ever had" is a brilliant line from Tears for Fears' song Mad World.
Opioid addiction that what it does to you don’t be fooled that is what happens to you addicted to heroin and fentanyl !!!! Those dreams…. Horror!!!!
I quickly googled that lyric and sure enough that's what it was.
I spent 3 years in Germany when I was in the RAF, and I absolutely loved it, your towns were spotless and your people so nice. But from what you show us now, it looks just as bad as the UK. Soi sad, I don't know how we let this happen to either of our countries.
It’s the migrants and spread of liberalism
Darwinism > Moral Relativism > Hell
Enjoy the godless utopia.
USA is even worse!
Great video! I grew up in Krefeld. It has never been a beautiful city by any standard, but seeing the current state of it is really shocking. I'm so glad I moved away many years ago. Every time I visit there I promise myself to never return. So many drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals... I hope you and your mother stay safe.
I lived in Germany in the early 1950s. Despite having just lost a war, the German people still had a lot of dignity. The cleanliness impressed me and it breaks my heart to see that people are now willing to walk through garbage, and ignore the graffiti that is such a stain on the city. As there seems to be no will for change, I guess it can only get worse.
The corporal was right in so many ways.
Read your history book: It wasn't just a war and dignity wasn't involved in anything the Germans did. Thank god they lost but they got away with it way too easy.
Name any place in the entire world where there isn't a new arrivals poor migrants place with shiv gang tags and garbage piles behind the central station. In Detroit or cincinatti you prbably won't be able to upload the pictures from your phone because of being robbed in broad daylight on the streets, In Germany you can safely take out your phone and film a video w/o being mugged. Get real pls. Germany is an orderly place compared to all the chaos in the world. Just check the ranks of Germany and the US on violence aand police killings
@@Smarterthanyou-mthrfkr offing himself was the rightest thing he did.
There is no will to change as the germans here in rhine area our biggest state of NRW , surely know that we are soon the minority in 1-2 generations. In many cities here already 50-80% of underage people have a migrant background. We are not building our future anymore but for strangers who hate us. So we rather do nothing and try to save up to Emigrate, while our antigerman government is completing their genocide of Germany
As an english lad with a german mother.. I cant believe and am saddened by germany now.. I visited Braunschweig every two yrs from 1962..you need to stop the decline.
I lived in Germany during the early 90s, traveled the country and never saw anything even remotely like this... I would have never thought it possible.
Things are changing quickly.
I get the feeling we're heading back to times like in the 1930s.
Right at the door , petrodollar collapsed
The entire continent is going to revolt eventually.
That's very dramatic lik😂
@@nick-oi1xf you dont know the germans
@@PIasmaZombie what do you mean i mean what will germans do?
Wow, my husband worked in Krefeld several years ago, what a change. Unfortunately it is obvious why and why many places across the world have changed.
@@swinger8532 Floods of non-whites pouring in with the goal of intentionally destroying us. All levels of governments are complicit. It's why the birders of white countries are so porous
So,so sad to see this. I spent 5 years in Germany while in military service. I remember a different Germany, and most of my memories are fond ones. This seems to be happening all over.
The changes in Germany's inner cities are shocking ..it's all over the country !
Dresden heidelberg are bad 😂?
@@MegaCooliam Did they combine the two cities? That would be cool but difficult considering they are pretty far apart. Dresden-Heidelberg. 😅
It is worldwide and not happening by chance. Klaus Schwab and his ilk call it the great reset.
@@gangoffour6690 Klaus works for the Rockerfellers.
Got to love those Renegade ET`s behind Governments in action....They have infested the world...
Hey Kumpel, ich kenne die Stadt Krefeld und Mönchengladbach noch aus den 90iger und 2000er Jahren... es waren wirkliche schöne Städte. Aber heute sieht man die Probleme! Danke für deine Videos! 😎🤙✌🇩🇪🇺🇸
I grew up in the 80s and 90s, in an atmosphere of antipathy towards Germany. Many WWII witnesses were still alive then. But on the other hand, I admired and envied Germany for its economic miracle. This country seemed like paradise to me. German shops published shopping catalogues, they were thick books, they got to Poland. The kids spent hours looking through these catalogs and it was such a big WOW, today everything is more even. Regarding your video, the reason stores are out of business is Amazon, Ebay, etc. Everyone is buying online these days. Nevertheless, something bad is happening all over the world, most of the cities are rotting.
Germany's "economic miracle" was cheap , gas, oil, fuel and power from?...from?...you bet! Their Russian friend.
While people across Europe were paying 210 dollars per 1000m³ of gas, "economic miracle" was paying 40 dollars. Quite a miracle.
While buying that cheap gas from Russia, was taking free gas from Romania because EU is a big family and family members must help each other, not ripping off each other.
Romania used to be a self sustainable energetic nation, but now has to give gas for free to Germany, while Germany takes gas from Russia for 40 dollars 1000m³ , and sell it to Romania for 240 dollars 1000m³
Yes, a true economic miracle.
That "economic miracle" killed the entire EU economy and part of US economy.
The western world
@@stickfeelingsoviets had nothing to do with this. This is completely the fault of western liberal capitalism
@Stig Feeling Eastern Europe has less rotten areas than the West, North America included. But they always blame communism.😂
Too many ciapate in germany, big problem.
Thank you for that. I love the melancholic and yet heartwarming way you look at your hometown (which is my hometown, too).
Wow, Germany is also in decay. Closed down businesses, looked like some homelessness is happening too. Problems all over the world. God help us recover from this. Thanks GIV for sharing.💯❤️👍🏾💜🙋🏽♀️✝️🙏🏾🇺🇸
Sad to see another city in decay.
@@jimgiordano3613 you will own nothing and be happy agenda 2030
Just like any new arrivals ghetto behind a central staion on full zoom on a garbage piles and shiv gang tags in the entire world. Maybe excluding Iceland, Switzerland, Monaco, Singapore or Dubai. In Detroit or Cicinnati you couldn't make this video. Either the crack dealer gang would rob your phone in broad daylight or the police would mistake it for a gun. US ranks on the other side of the spectrum - 36th on violence between South Africa and Azerbaijan. 7th on police killings between El Salvador and Nigeria. Germany is on the other end of the scale wehre you can pull a smartphpne out of your pockets w/o anyone give you a second look and film their tags or garbage pile in their ghhetto and not threaten or beat you up. I would never ever dare this in any US city behind the train station where the drug dealers and meth wh$res hang out, I recommend to drive by in a taxi and compare to a US city and zoom out. I don't recommend doing that in your own car. In germany you can use your own, Might not be the most clean oor beutful street in town, but that is expected. But you will be safe - even as a black or asian migrant or LGBTQ+ whatever person you will be totally safe. there is plenty of relaxed police and private security around. There will be zero guns in the public space. That is Germany - even on full zoom the difference is drastic by dacts and numbers. I recommend to check life outside the suburbia bubbles rat race. That reality check between US aand Europe may water your eyes. If you want stats or pictures of live around me in Hamburg Germany you are welcome.
Tolles Video, Michael! Früher hätte ein Reporter eine aufwendige Reportage gemacht - mit Interviews und Studien als Grundlage. Doch jemand wie du, jemand mit gesundem Menschenverstand, kann die Missstände auch sehen und interpretieren. Die Bürger von Krefeld können es sehen! Trotzdem werden so viele falsche Entscheidungen getroffen und Steuergelder verschwendet. Es ist deprimierend, aber umso großartiger, dass du deine Heimatstadt so kritisch betrachtest.
Many churches are being turned into mosques now in Europe. Wanna get rich? Open a Burqa store. But Trump was attacked for talking about it.
Just like here in America 🇺🇸 ❤😢
1923 nannte ein Mann Namens Graf von Coudenhove Kalergie in seinem Buch ,,Die PAN !!!! Europäische Union!!!!!´´(EU!!) die Grundlage seiner Zukunftsvision für Europa, und die hiess unter anderem ,,Schaffung einer mischbraunen Ra$$se´´.....by the Way, der so genannte Coudenhove Kalergie Preis wird jedes Jahr an ,,Persönlichkeiten´´verliehen, die sich der (Pan) Europäischen Idee verschrieben haben.......Merkel bekam in auch.................klingelts???
your government poor policies and immigration destroyed your country like many others.
Ich war letztens noch in Maastricht, nur eine Fahrtstunde von Krefeld.Dort haben die Menschen sich noch nicht aufgegeben, dachte ich ein wenig polemisch. Sauber, freundlich und voller Leben. Aber Lokalpolitik macht einen Unterschied, eine halbe Stunde östlich von Maastricht liegt Aachen, noch schlimmer daran als Krefeld, trotz Universität und schöner kleiner Altstadt. Dort hatte ich den Eindruck, die haben die städtische Gesellschaft wirklich total an die Wand gefahren.
I understand why they closed down the street underpass. Drugs, theft, possible attacks can take place in such a place. So sad. Years ago, there was no fear of that and people were able to use the underpass for their convenience and safety!!! What has happened to our world?!!
Greed and Ignorance
lockdown makes people poor to poorest
Leftists happened.
I arrived in Germany as a young soldier from Britain in 1974. It scared me?? why it was so clean...no graffiti, no litter, even the street pathways were so clean you could almost eat from them. This was Lippstadt by the way, but I did visit colleagues in Krefeld and it also seemed a nice clean place. Another colleague had German friends who were 'Hells Angels' and they met in an old factory (all the windows and doors were intact and not vandalised......the Hells Angels wore 'aftershave'.!!!
Jelmoli in Switzerland (similar to Galeria) is closing its doors after 190 years!! Zurich is dying too ...
By design.
Zurich? Wooooow
Zurich?? No way. How could it be? You have so much money from all the dictators and criminals from all over the world. 😅
@@user-wm2tw but even Credit Suisse is doing it tough! And UBS... And Deutsche Bank....and ...oh look at that distraction over there!
Don't worry. The next referendum will fix it!
It always hurts to see your childhood city go downhill. I have good memories of my hometown but I saw it after 10 years and the dying downtown and dilapidation of the central core was heartbreaking. Online shopping has hurt every place.
My old childhood street on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, Portlock Road. When I was a kid it was "Millionaire's Row" but also working-class people there too. And it was lush and green and there were big trees, and wonderful places. I went back in 03 and it was kind of blah.
Not online shopping. People don't have money anymore because the recession and high rent.
My childhood city boomed after I emigrated thence. And my destination went downhill. Prosperity runs away from me. I must be that evil immigrant. LOL.
@@brexitgreens 😂
@@stevemuzak8526 Don't forget energy prices. That affects EVERYTHING.
It's a real shame to see all this poverty and closures of businesses, my friend it must be heartbreaking to see your hometown slowly meet such an end. Perhaps the mayor should start to focus on greening the town in the hope of revitalising it
"Perhaps the mayor should start to focus on greening the town in the hopes of revitalizing it"
You are so woefully out of touch, just like their mayor. Please wake up.
It's all over Germany ..the once so desirable inner city is getting deserted ...locals don't notice the changes as much as someone who visits once in a while
There was a study made to make Krefeld greener. More friendly for bikes and walking. Solar energy and other future concepts. Fassade and roof greening.Following that plan would make the City much nicer and more livable.
I think this plan was made 10 years ago. If not more.
But the politicians startet Image campaigns instead. That helped nothing but make them feel good.
Love your sincere and quite confronting reality check videos!
I lived in Krefeld in 1995 as an exchange program . It was great. This is really sad.
Well you have seen they already build new office space. This place needs some care but its not a hopless case.
"I dont think the mayor really liked it cause he thought I had a different gender" Classic, keep doing what your doing Mike. Alles Gute!!!
Incredible! It reminded me of those dying towns in the American midwest.
Michael, very sad about your city, just a shame it is like that now. I just found out that Krefeld was the city where Gustav Mahler premiered his Symphony Number 3, on June 9, 1902! Interesting! Keep up the nice videos!
I traveled to Germany and saw a lot of beautiful places, but I was shocked at the level of Graffiti in city's like Dresden.
Berlin is also bad with it. And got a lot dirtier as well. 😢
Venice is where i grew up and with to school. Still proud, but didn't know that parts of Germany is having the same problems as we are. What a shame for the people there. Hope you haven't left us in Venice as I watch to see what happens in our neck of the woods. So with that , thank you for all the info you give to us.
The people will have to make things happen if the government continues ruin everything. Closing the border would be a nice start.
Its the American system, imposed in the West by the AngloWorld. It’s a failed system imposed by the force or arms and money by a failed society called United States of America. So we can say Americans have ruined every country they have colonized including the UK. Only Japan still survives this imposed globalization.
I recently visited your city, Krefeld. Whatever you said is 100% correct. 😢
Aging population, lack of community, people moving to bigger cities or better opportunities... easy solution is drugs for some people... What happened in China in Opium War. Happening here too... Only way to do something is use drastic measures. What do you expect. When you are too stuck in your own mind (system), how do you expect to change towards good life...
I live in Krefeld for 30 years. And he showed Krefeld as it is.
Sad for you from England.
I still remember time when we went to Germany from Poland, all was nicer in Germany, bigger, just more wealthy and better organized country. Today is reverse: when we cross the border from Germany to Poland, we feel like we entered better part of Europe, more clean, safer and simply nicer. How fast it changed, incredible.
@Manic Miner I'll agree with you, but your comment misses the point: This isn't all about money. Keeping the streets clean, well-maintained buildings, and addicts treated are signs of a healthy and prosperous society. Poland isn't like Germany in that regard because: It doesn't want to be. Places like Krefeld were once clean and well organized, but they have to actually want it. They need to stop living in the 'what can be' and accept the world as it really is.
Affordable energy is certainly part of the problem, but that's a whole different discussion.
@Manic Miner bajki, stary kotku. Powtarzane przez niemiaszkow jak ty. Po prostu wasze multi kulti to syf i dramat. But you simply cannot get it. Stubborn..hahahaha
@Manic Miner So Germans are idiots, what else is new?
Maybe in some cities in the east of Germany can look worse but Germany in general has a very organized and clean environment. Maybe comparing the worse cities in Germany with the best in Poland works but is not fair..
Because Germany pays for all the expenses in the EU, that's why. And Poland gets the money. But I hope the people will fight and win their countries back from the greedy and corrupted EU beaurocrats. Down with this EU!
My family was from Krefeld and lived there many years until a man named William Penn talked them into traveling to Philadelphia back in the 1680's. Sad to see this sort of decline, but, honestly, it's worldwide. . .
Renaissance traders are turning in their graves while watching this video.
@Curious Rex, Countries in the Far-East have not seen this rate of decline. Perhaps it has something to do with being colonized and learning from past mistakes. The colonizers were mostly from European countries which do not have much natural resources and therefore resorted to colonialism to 'steal' those resources to enrich themselves. The decline in Europe is mostly karma biting back.
@@iaam8141 The opium wars where Britain sent opium from Afganistan to China and other far east countries made those countries really tough on drugs. When I travelled to singapore everyone on the plane gets a card stating that Singapore has death penalty for drug dealers and smugglers. if you are not tough on drugs and on crime society starts to devolve slowly at first and then more rapidly.
Excuse me, not in the Far East.
China is thriving.
I was Station in Krefeld for 3 years when serving in the British Army, its so sad to see the dilapidation, it spotless when I lived there in 1968 - 1971.
at least it is not like the Frankfurt rail station yet. I grew up in Krefeld and was on a visit 2019 ( I live in Australia since a long time). The downtown was depressing, nothing what I was used to. The decline was visible at every corner in the inner city. This video gives a glimpse ot it
I'm from a small village in the vicinity of Krefeld but emigrated to another country 16 years ago. I was shocked when I visited Krefeld with my daughter last year. The inner city is run down and full of junkies and homeless people.
Blame the capitalists not your fellow citizens.
u migrated to where?
@@firedplay Lol what capitalism? Germany is a socialist dystopia where you can do nothing for years and receive handouts. Capitalism can fix this but you will never admit this because capitalism only works for those who take responsibility for their situation.
Its a run down place. I used to live in Giessen, Frankfurt/M and Berlin (Charlottenburg). I left in 2000 cause I saw the trouble on the horizon. Unfortunately I was right. I still miss Europe, no doubt. My female friends are afraid to walk the streets late at night. I miss the days when US Armed Forces were in Germany in large numbers. Shame.
Armes Deutschland aber in Amerika gibt es Unruhe und viel zu viel Kriminalitaet.
Not females, but I'm afraid to go out at night and even in the morning. Depends on the neighborhood. I became a home person.
@@napoleonbonaparte4396 The government is to blame. We built up a great country and the politicians ruined everything for us. The question is what will be in the end??
@@Design770 People are not going to church anymore. As the matter of fact, churches are closing. In my town, one Baptist church and one Roman Catholic church are closed. Ethnic and religious demographics is changing everywhere. A large number of unskilled immigrants from developing and undeveloped countries need a local government assistance. Large population in local communities pushing housing markets up and governments imposed high taxes on businesses. This is one of the factors that commodities and real estate is expensive. Good example is France. I see no bright future. Life is getting harder and harder.
To be honest my hometown is not the same either. I grew up about 40 min east of downtown Vancouver BC Canada and when I went back to my city in 2015/2016 it was overcrowded. They now build huge housing developments on farmland plots in random areas, There is a lot of homeless. Not the pace I was used to ... I'll have to go back someday and look again.
Why won't Canada give the homeless a land?
Compared to Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, this is like Beverly Hills.
@@brexitgreensthey do. It’s called the “sidewalk” and “area around dumpsters”.
Canada has much harsher emigration rules. So immigration can not be the main problem. But anywhere it getting down it is bitter for the people there. And we can not charge anyone for this. Responsabel are the leaders . Those elected ones and those rich ones.
Es ist erschreckend, wie sich diese Stadt verändert hat.
This breaks my heart and soul. As someone who was born in the German diaspora, I have longed to return to Germany. What brief time I have spent there was so overwhelming and comforting. I finally felt like I was home. Germans thought I was German and got mad when I said I couldn't speak German. Seeing Germany flooded with non-Germans and then the gradual collapse of German social norms has been so painful. The German government won't acknowledge the diaspora, but will happily accept non-Germans as "new Germans". It is like seeing someone living in your home, abusing your wife and kids, destroying family heirlooms, and disrespecting you at every opportunity.
I feel your anguish! I was stationed twice in Germany (total 5 yrs) 35 & 45 yrs ago; it tears my heart out to see the collapse! I had come to love Germany & it’s people, culture. In this vid, seeing the old lady with the walker, I can only imagine what she must think of it all. It is all a shame.
Uh well, I could also zoom in on garbage piles and gang tags behind Detroit central station - Krefeld is a coal & steel rust belt town. What you put forth is deeply racist. The migrants simply demographically do the jobs Germans would not touch. Neither for the pay nor their low social status. Any migrant everywhere does start on square 1 doing the lowliest and worst paid jobs in the worst unsafe and rundown housing behind the central station. That is basics of sociology.
German social norms are basically the Alman meme or the Birkenstock Teutonic ideological warrior with a stick up the backside. Looking at my fellow Germans we are just a bunch of people like everyone else. We do believe in education, good governance and free global markets with a social touch and hard work for our gospel of wealth. You can't judge any country by their migrant ghetto of new arrivals behind the central station. Compared to Cincinnati or Detroit you can sefely walk the road in broad daylight w/o being robbed or the police shooting you.
I probably would prefer the latent German racism as a migrant over the police racism and gun violence getting me shot in the US. The US ranks 36 on violence between South Africa and Azerbaidjan. It ranks 7 on police killing between El Salvador and Nigeria. Means the migrants integrate pretty well and absolutely love the idea of a peaceful life. By numbers Germany is a very decent place to live in a central station ghetto. If you can afford suburbia you wouldn't live there like in any other country on the entire planet. Your argument is a paranoid fear of chaos - Germany is a totally orderly and efficiently policed place. Germany is on the other end of the scale of these stats. There is no one but folks on the internet disrespecting me over here as white German potatoe.
That prception is too much of a matter of alienation and division sowed by Russian agitprop propaganda paid by the KGB slush funds of russian oil&gas money. Outin declared a proganda war before 2014 on the entire west and no one did care. That is what is causing chaos in the world.
The is the simple and to be expected Cold War 2.0 issue Putin is waging. Putin thinks decarbonization and demographics is the end of Russia. If anyone got a issue with low birthrates then it is Russians being grown out of their own country w/o any immigration. If anyone feels existentially threatened as Petrostate than it is the deindustrialized and low-tech Russsian economy. The petrostate welfare makes Russian criminally lazy booze and meth addicts with wild dreams of past imperal glory in golden palaces with door moneky guardssaluting their Zar Putler Stalinowitch the not-so-Great. Russia has a patheic 3rd world ressource export economy of the scale between Canada and Australia. By now it is less industrialzed than Italy and tries to play 2nd against the entire top 20 and expect to win. That's totally deluded chaos mongering on their own evil PsyOps propaganda machine of KGB Siloviki oligarchs. Being high oon their own anti-western propaganda. Looking for co-addicts everywhere.
Russian trolls and sponsored media seep this divison via money laundering into every media space in the world that isn't vigilant. Russia declined into a pathetic affair and we lost interest and grew complacent. Focussed on other more important things. I blame no one for that. But that is where all the chaos is currently coming from. Russia acts like a better fundend North Korea grabbing attention from anyone by causing chaos and division where it can.
That is what Stalins people, Lenins people and communist do all the time. Buy, bribe and lie themselves into the media zone. Cause unrest and division. That is what they always did because it is the only path forward that they do have. We are just not paying attention because we are too busy and hate our neighbor for his stupid bumper stickers and virtue signalling.
If there is one secret puppet master with a ton of playing money from vast oil&gas cash-flows and large teams of KGB trained agents and internet hackers and troll farms look no further. It would be totally naive to look elsewhere if this guy openly declares NATO and the US Russian enemies and openly stands by it all the time. Just look at the money trail they leave all over the place.
Russia is feeding 2 monsters the same time to sow division - they fund Nazis and Communists at the same time. They create division to exploit by this. They push button on fear of chaos and fear of falling behind at the same time intentionally. Being a community around the center is the only answer to this outside influence incited chaos. That's classic PsyOps tactics.
Russia is pouring KGB slush funds into both ends of the spectrum. They fund ultra-nationalist with the devils right hand and ultra-communist with the devils left hand. that is Russia build their empire. Not too much different from how the Romans or the Brits build theirs. I prefer the US open market democracy buy-in of Pax Americana. and NATO. That's a way more fair deal for me as a German. Sure, you may argue about shifting and distributing the burdens of that shared security alliance in peacetime. Putin just started a war and we need to focus on it, no matter if what our preference of priority may be. It is still a world of nuclear deterence with no place for nuclear blackmail. We depend on rules and world order governing that safely.
Oil is devils blood and Russians use it for hellish political malevolent things. I would prefer a united and strong US world order - not neostalinist Russian imperialism triggering wars and genocide om peaceful people on a quest against Russian PsyOps, corruption and rising their weallth and peaceful nation. That Russian PsyOps chaos and dividion is the least thing a conflicted and challenged world and humanity needs. If you want order over chaos then don't buy into Putins divisive psyops propaganda. This is all about defunding Putins petrostate. Sanction him. Are Russian peaceful and willing to trade or do they chiise to walk the Iran and North Korea road? A simple question about our complacency in the West when considering to buying their petro devils blood stuff. Will that money boomerang back on us as PsyOps and divisive inflammatory proganda?
Any time your hear a defund campaign that is a KGB agitprop response to defund fossil fuels. Russia considers climate action a motion against "them" - Moscovite ethnic Russians. They frame that science topic as a propaganda tool to get rid of "them". They make anyone else believe the earth is flat, there is reptiloids all over the place and aliens are around. The pour money on eveything inciting from child abuse to migration to minority issues to race. That's what Russian troll farms are tasked with.
Unfortunately we invented social media "free lunch" ad fueled media spaces with no supervisors. That is total chaos as Russian KGB slush funds can easily buy what they need and leave no traces. They can freely funneely money into both the extrem left and extreme right. If you want to sow chaos and division in any well-working and orderly community that is the thing to do. If you want to divide and conquer that is the PsyOps campaing to weaken your enemy and keep it from uniting behind their flag, You pour oil into the fires under control on the fringes on both sides while no one is watching.
Seems like a "you" problem to be honest. Germany doesn't belong to you, please stay away it sounds like you have a psychotic episode
What about WW2 and what horrible things Germany did to others? Does that breaks your little bleeding heart by any chance?
@@TrueNativeScot Killing millions of innocent people including your own and ruining its own country in the process. This is what happens when uneducated psychos take over the power.
Used to live in Homberg not far away from Krefeld. A kid then.., but still having a beautiful memory around Duisburg.
Watching through your clip, it seems there are quite a lot of none-Germans in presence.
Looks like, it's kind of related to the sudden burst of refugee problems in Germany. don't you think?
How about interviewing some of the locals ? Get their opinion of the town. Great videos, keep them going, thanks
You won‘t find anyone speaking German
Tut mir leid lieber Freund! Krefeld ist nicht allein. Uberall im Westen das gleiche Lied. Kopf hoch, alles Gute! Mike - England
The decline of the West, so some nutjobs can try to remake it in their utopian mindsets.
I can relate to the same scenario. I've always have been afraid to find out what my town is like today and I did that by looking up my town on the computer and I guess what I always felt was true, I found out my town was alot like yours and crime sky high! It looked like a ghost town - an apocalyptic aftermath. Man, I have tears welling up in my eyes just thinking about it! But you know what the place where I live now has become the same thing! Sorry that you have to go thru this -God Bless Us All...
Mike I really appreciate the work you put into your video s I look forward to and enjoy watching your content. When I need to be cheered up I will always go to your channel. A Big THANK YOU ! From an Australian fan. 👍
I'm from the Ruhr area and visited Burg Linn and the adjacent museum last fall. I was really surprised that the city was once very rich due to its silk industry and that the patronage of wealthy residents led to the city being an important place for art and music, even up until the 1950s. The Rhine-Ruhr region was never as fancy as other parts of Germany, but growing up here in the 90s, I can witness the slow descend of our region. I grew up in a part of town that had social housing, but it was still a nice, well kept neighbourhood with tidy streets, people planting flowers etc. Now, when I drive through that part of my home city, I get sad and mad at the same time, when I see how worn down and dirty everything is. And the city centre looks just the same as seen in the video.
What's worst: In the past, we really had a strong middle class and that included both German and migrant families. Now, society is getting increasingly stratified, with migrants having a far larger risk of descending into poverty. Imo, Germany under Merkel decided to make a harsh paradigm shift and become an "immigration nation" within just a few years, without having a proper, long term plan for dealing with the challenges this will bring. Plus, our leaders failed to see the economical opportunities of many future technologies, leading to some industries basically closing up shop and moving elsewhere, further increasing the downward trend in many regions.
Also our school system is pretty close to collapsing, with some federal states already cutting lessons and grading requirements in order to deal with the increased work load of fewer and fewer teachers. I am really skeptical of our government turning things around tbh.
Germany is also far behind in digitalisation. The internet is bad for the most part and many institutions and places run with letters and fax machines. You have to wait for weeks and months for certain things while in countries like Denmark, Estonia, Japan etc. things are handled directly.
That's not quite true. Japan is incredibly backwards in this regard too.
Love this guy so cool and real
GIV always looks happy and well fed when he’s visiting mom. We love your mom GIV. ❤❤
And if you don’t know, then now you do 😆 Hey 👋🏻 Mike another great vlog my friend. Please give our love and respect to Mom back in Germany 🇩🇪 🙏🏻❤️💪🏻🙌🏻
I've always thought of Germany as an efficient, sensible, and progressive culture. My wife lived there for a few years and she always told me that we in America could learn alot from Germany. It is shocking to see Germany beset with many of the same problems we see here in America. I wonder if it is a mostly western thing or if it is worldwide. It portends a worrisome view of the future. I love your very interesting videos and appreciate that you don't shy away from telling things as they really are. Thank you.
Germany and other Norther countrys has to give a lot a money too southern countries like Greece and Spain. Taxes that EU use to help southern countries. In Greece they retire at young age compared to Germany. Think Greece retirement age is around 50s. Germany 60s. Lots of beggars on the street are from country's like Romania. EU alliance destroyed northern European countries. I live in Sweden. It's same situation
@@charrua59 Thank you. That makes sense.
Your wife is right ...
@@charrua59 How much money is going to Greece versus how much money has Germany made from the EU, common market, the euro etc.? Germany is leading Europe, economically, politically, to blame the Greeks for Krefeld is ludicrous. Germany has benefitted massively from the EU. How many German business operate in the EU, making huge profits etc...
@@SelfReflective You are right and you are also wrong. Maybe the companies made money, but certaintly not the germans and if greek people start to insult and mock germans as nazis, you should realize and think about who you blame. If you know nothing about the situation over here, you should better step back. The vid explains itself.
so sad , I come from Wuppertal and now live in Holland, sometimes I visit Wuppertal and see the inflation is worse in Holland
Thank you for showing us what is going on in the town you grew up in. I see in my town more empty store fronts. I live in Ontario California. I see homeless people and empty store fronts in America and in other countries. This is terrible!
Was all over Germany in the 90's. Wow what a difference it used to be so clean and well ordered .
GIV your video is very informative. We don’t always like reality, your hometown looks like any other city anywhere in the United States. I think it might be do to the distance between the people that have and the people that don’t. Greed is killing everything. Keep making your videos.
Greed… is a vague word. I blame defensive management: a lack of vision bigger than obsessive cost cutting, together with closely related win-lose mentality, the habit of building walls and barriers, and ignoring your users. This is _dumb greed._ Pursuit of profit is _smart greed_ and it benefits everyone. The Western society is suffering from atrophy of spirit. It's a mass mental disorder.
Have to say this is one of your best videos to date, you take us along and showcase the scene, this is real reporting, top job on this video.
When I worked in the city parks department and saw taggings on the park facilities, we used a stuff called chemseal. After getting getting the graffiti off we would spray the chemseal on so next time someone tags the wall it wouldn't stick and it come right off with a pressure washer. Too bad the city worker in Krefeld don't know about that stuff.
I write this from other part of the world. Feel sorry to see so many unoccupied shops. Maybe, there are few reasons for it. 1. Online shopping has increased. 2. People used to enjoy bargaining in earlier days. 3. Clothes buying has gone down due to reduced socialization. 4. There is so much entertainment at home itself due to internet. 5. People are avoiding going around in groups as everyone gets offended too soon these days. 6. Cosmetics, perfumes, chocolates, food varieties have nothing new to offer. 7. There are fewer younger people overall. 8. People at large are guarding their money. etc. etc. etc.
Once you lock stuff down it isn't easy to unlockdown
It has a lot to do with poverty. Stores can't stay open when there is constant crime.
@@phaedruscj3330 exactly. This decline in western countries is by design. People do not see how the plan..demic was an intentional take down of it all. Western countries are going 3rd world.
Landlords are greedy too. The rent is too high.
This is very simple and very true, the cosmetics, chocolates thing made me smile with nostalgia. The think is, it is progress and greed quite simply.
I always enjoy your creativity German In Venice. Good real in-depth content! Keep creating!
mr giv i know how you feel no one has respect for property any were usa or germany such a shame was not like that in germany 40 yrs ago when i lived there well my home town is dearborn michigan its now an arab city i hate that to well i love your videos keep them coming thanks for the hard work you do
That was so interesting to watch. Am from the UK and it is exactly the same. Perhaps less graffiti. It's kind of nice to know that others have problems too. Strangely.
Thanks to globalism. Germany is looking like LA.
its called Great Reset
So, what are all those people doing? Just passing through? Full props to the accordian man for his talent and the fact that he is smiling. Nothing sadder than the death of a city. :(
16:39 Social issues seen through local art. Thank you man, Rock on German!
😂, this is the placed where I was made! 😅 Brother you got me with that. Keep it up, with these great videos.
Don’t think I’ve ever commented on one of your videos GIV but I love what you do. Great content and a happy guy. It’s a shame your home town is in ruin. To be honest it looks an absolute disgrace and the councils obviously can’t keep up the upkeep lol. Thanks bro keep up the great work
I lived in Germany in the 80s. It was beautiful. Even the poorest areas were safe and clean. There was no graffiti anywhere. There was nothing like this in any city. This is terrible.
Kremlin bot.
@@johndong7524 Why would you say that?
@@IWantATimeMachine0000 Cause it's true.
@@IWantATimeMachine0000 And I think your mother drank vodka by the bottle while being pregnant with you.
The 80 was the last of the good years. From then it gets worse and worse every year. Not just in Krefeld.
I’m a British traveller looking to visit Germany 🇩🇪 soon. I’m learning the language. It’s sad to see what’s happening in this town.
hurry up then, while it still has some remains of civilization
Great you are learning the language before visiting! But when you visit stay out of Krefeld. It is not worth a visit. The south of Germany is better. There politicians care more.
My heart breaks for the people of your city. People in cities in America are dealing with the same thing
Thanks Mike for sharing, this is an 👀 opener to see how things really are. You show what happens when a city like we're you originally came from. It really sucks the city needs to do something about it. Your doing your best by narrator of the sites and sound, take care and stay safe.😮📱🙏
We all need to open our eyes and see what is being done to us and who is doing it. If we don't fix it Noone will good job and you and mom be safe ❤
This is devastating to see. The Germany I knew used to be so clean you could eat off the streets . I loved the pretty white lace curtains and gleaming windows too.
Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher and savant
Most spiritual sublime city in Germany is Rocken, Germany the birthplace of F.Nietzsche, the philosopher for the eternal day after tomorrow. The rest of Germany is run by Marxist hollow men, empty suits with the stones of department store mannequins. The real Germany is found in the Nietzsche library in Rocken free from the stench of the EU Marxists and Belgium grifters in EU leadership. The wonderful German people should exit the EU and all the wasteland of EU Marxist vapidness.
Many areas still are. Krefeld is an old heavy industry city. That industry left. Like the rust belt in the US
When time passes. Things change. In my city where I grew up, same thing. It’s sad. We were lucky to have what we had when we were younger.
Things don't change just because "time passes".
@@liamthompson9090with time things change…
i just stumbled on this guy and i love him already
Ich komme aus Kamp-Lintfort und bin regelmäßig in Krefeld bei den Heimspielen der Pinguine. Krefeld ist wirklich nicht mehr das, was es mal war. Früher sind wir gerne zum shoppen hingefahren, mittlerweile nicht mehr.
That is so sad😔take care Mike 😊
Funny, German politicians in the European Parliament teach Polish and other countries how to live and what to do at home. Thanks for this objective presentation of the real Germany
Traurig, was aus der schönen Innenstadt geworden ist. Ich war dort schon viele Jahre nicht mehr. Gerne war ich im Cafe "Extrablatt" gegenüber vom Kaufhof. Oder um die Ecke herum im "Cafe Journal". Selbst die Disco "Königsburg" ist schon vor vielen Jahren abgerissen worden.
Leider stirbt langsam das Ruhrgebiet und der Niederrhein. In meiner Jugend ging man nach Moers oder Krefeld um zu feiern. Ist leider alles vorbei!
Liebe Grüße
Klaus aus Düsseldorf