SAO: Fatal Bullet Invitation α Solo + Build

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ต.ค. 2024
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    Faster run with Grim Reaper ---- • SAO: Fatal Bullet GRIM...

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  • @Blossoming_Fate
    @Blossoming_Fate 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Any advice for someone who isn't used to the Invitations or Challenges?
    *(Warning: TEXT WALL INBOUND)*
    I'm (currently) level 288 and run with the Rank 11 Gigas Gatling Gun and double Rank 11 Abaddon 3+ Launchers. I don't really use any other weapon types and these are the best I have in Gatling and Launcher categories. I don't really know what else is better nor where anything drops from so I'm kinda just sitting here hoping something happens.
    For Memory Chips, my Gigas has Phys Attack +, Weak Spot Damage +, DMG Vs lifeforms+, DMG Vs Humanoids+, DMG Vs Mechs+, Overheat Buildup/Duration -, and the seemingly worthless Medal Gaudge increass that I can't get rid of. I don't have any of the Chips Max'd out yet, but I'm working on it. On my Abaddon 3+'s I have DMG Vs Humanioids+, Weapon Attack+ Critical DMG+, DMG Vs Mechs+, DMG vs Lifeforms+, and Explosive Attack+. on the Abaddons I know my memory chips have EXTREAMELY bad values, but I'm mostly focused on maxing out my Gigas's chips for now.
    For Skills I really don't know what's supper good as I just shred ALMOST everything outside of co-op so I just run what's worked uptil this point, that being Power Form 4, Armor Form 4, Concentration 4, and Heat Detonator 4 on my Gatling. My Abaddon is set with Shield Matrix 4, Viral Shot 4, Hyper Awareness, and Human Fortress 1. The only thing I know is that Heat Detonator 4 feels like a necessity and Human Fortress has made some of the Hardcore CO-OPs actually do-able since I was being stunlocked to death from all the flinching I was was receiving. I've not used Human Fortress 2 since it adds a defense boost and I don't know if that over rights the Armor Boost 4 I have.
    I also don't really know what is good for Accessories, but since I use a Gatling that slows me down and I don't know the in-and-outs of everything yet, I have my Headpiece with Avoid Instant Death, HP Recovered over 1 Min, and HP Recovery + all maxed and Move speed + that I haven't invested in. My back slot that I'm still working on has Max HP +, Recharge time -, HP Recovered over 1 min, and VIT +. I'm not really sure if the double Max HP recovered over 1 Minute stacks, I'm just using the second for the Max HP and Recharge time.
    My gadgets are First Aid 2, Anti-Ailment 2, Anti-AR Veil, and Ion Grenade. I really don't like throwables as they never seam to go where I want them to when I use them, but I didn't know what else to use so I just put the Ion Grenade in there.
    My stats are just what I need them to be for skills, then dumped into VIT and AGI so I can hopefully not die. Without Accessories, that puts them at:
    - STR: 246 (Gigas Requirment)
    - VIT: 252 (Stat Dump)
    - INT: 193 (Viral Shot 4 Requirement)
    - AGI: 139 (Stat Dump)
    - DEX: 232 (Dual Wield Requirement)
    - LUC: 64 (Heat Detonator 4 Requirement)
    I'd like to be able to run glass cannon stuff, but I get destroyed enough as it is when doing Lievre's Invitations (especially when the Arfa-sys versions of Asuna show up) so I don't want to help them kill me faster. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I know it's possible to do at my level (your 3 levels lower in this video), but I just don't know what I'm doing and the online resources for this game feel non-existent... and sorry for the wall of text, I just don't know what all is going wrong.

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Well where do I start XD I will try to answer all your questions with my broken eu english then.
      I guess the most important thing and what you should do as first if you really want to get better and have more fun in this game are the bounty rewards. You should grind it up to 180 milion twice if possible to have duplicates of the most op accessories. By that I mean you can make second character and do the bounty again since the item box is shared. Its rewards are many accessories and weapons, also at 160 mil you will get handgun with overcapped chips which is the best weapon in the game and with the last update 160-180mil rewards you can get even better chips for it. That doesnt mean you have to play with the handgun doe. For basic coop runs you should be ok with anything as long as you have the right stats,maxed out chips and skills, the rest is trial and error just like in any game.
      For the stats,
      STR should be always just enough to use your weapon (unless its for sword).
      VIT is pretty much the worst stat in the game but if you struggle with glass canon builds its the only way to survive your way throught the HC coops.
      INT you always want 193 for the viral shot,electrodynamic stun, skill freeze. 221 INT is used for longer runs I personally would use for challenges since at 221 you can get power field shot instead of form... field buffs last way longer than forms so you dont have to care about rebuffing, youd need 231 for armor field buff but I dont use defense in my builds since I play around conceal, cooldowns(handgun mastery) +hypersense. You might consider 255 INT for electrodynamic stuns for certain dungeons since higher INT+debuff stacking chip in the weapon means its more effective so some enemies will get stunned just by one of these I use this tactic for my challenge run in automaton room and againts Lievre since challenge Lievre is kinda immune to skill freeze. Its just a prefference, you might keep 193 INT and the power form, this is just minmaxing in my case.
      AGI - For glass canon builds you want this one at 206+ for speed form 4 and for handgun qs skills (I d dump all my remaining points here since it makes your form lighter[with lighter form your movement speed increases] and there is no real point putting it into VIT in dps builds since you should never get hit in the first place. One point equals to 12defense so if you want tankier builds you should consider having more AGI than VIT, having kinda hybrid build and sacrificing other stats for a bit of defense is not very good idea in my opinion, if you want tanky build you should leave out the LUCK and get non crit weapons(which are all the gatlings and there are some decent ars and smgs for that too, not as powerful as the crit ones but with the current op bounty chips that you can get, most of the rank 11 are more than strong enough for the invitations atleast.
      DEX should be always maxed out since it gives you weakspot damage and crit damage. Again no matter the build, sacrificing any dex is always bad even in tanky build you should have enough cp to keep the dex untouched. There is not much else to say about this stat.
      LUCK is for crit rate you want this maxed out in crit based builds for AR,SMGs+handgun, most of the snipers benefit from crit rate aswell and the new golden shotgun from the abyss dungeon.
      Conceal is another thing that you should consider for sure... mainly for solo since if people in your party wont use it aswell it wont be very effective but the enemies will still aggro at them mostly so you can just use your team mates as meat decoys. I didnt play much in parties so I cant tell how it looks but its probably not pretty. Conceal works like stealth(you want level 4 of course) this will give you the opportunity to attack as first for most of the enemies unless its npcs like asuna kirito lievre etc...(for these it works in different way, they will start buffing even if you are close to them so there is a window to attack but once they are done they will all attack you and there are cases where they will just attack right away. By having hypersense on you can outplay them since once the skill triggers their aggro resets and you have few free seconds to attack them again, thats why handgun mastery is so good since you want to spam the quick shots and the hypersense). Conceal has its own rules that most people dont understand. You have to make sure that you dont sprint or dash around the enemies it will trigger them.You can debuff them only with viral shot if you dont want them to notice you. In boss rooms in inv and challenge you shouldnt use hypersense before killing lievre. If you do it right she wont attack you(freezing in invitation, stunning her in challenge) but there might be cases where she gets one shot of and if your hypersense triggers it will make the boss instantly aggro at you.
      Medal gauge is also a thing that you want at 100 asap since it boosts all your stats improving your dps and skill recharge times by alot and it charges up your mastery skill. You can get this fast (solo) by multikilling trash enemies with your ars or smgs for alpha versions of the invitation and challenge. It should be no problem since the first rooms are filled with lower level enemies it gets harder with the other difficulties. In party thats much easier since by buffing you can encourage other people and if atleast two people spam 5 (on pc),(triangle,ps4) and I guess Y for xbox, the medal gauge will jump up so you can get 100 right away.
      By farming up the bounty you are guaranteed to have much easier time with the content. The weapons and its overcapped chips are just too good to miss on + dps accessories with 34dex,40luck,30% movementspeed or some tanky ones if you really struggle with certain dungeon.
      For the dlc weapons. There are some you might want. One of them are the ARs if you want to try out the dps handgun build or you simply want decent sub weapon for certain crit snipers. You kinda dont need dlc smgs at this point since with the lv 300 update and new accessories you got enough stats and movement speed that its much better to just get the Ars Blue Roses which you can get here Its old video but it still applies. The best sniper in the game grim reaper is in the dlc3 aswell, you can drop it from the Facsmile Punishers in the Old South, just teleport to dome you will see 4 of them strait in from of you just kill them and teleport again to reset. The best noncrit sniper is tiamat type Z from the special challenge coop.
      If you want the best gatling in the game its Pandemonium 3+ not the type Z... the type Z is lighter but its base damage is lower. You can find the 3+ in the Lost Gate ( drops from the tank Behemoth MT-13 dont forget there are two teleports for each dlc bosses with its stronger versions). If you want some handgun and try the builds out faster miasma edge is decent pistol, you can drop it in demon cave depths from the hakai brothers.They also drop very good non crit Ars Ninjas which are good for the tanky builds. Dont forget you have to play on extreme to get these and again even for the hakai brothers there are two teleporters with their more difficult version.
      Bounty farming, well if you play in party of 4 and you can do banquet of chaos 3 in atleast one minute thats a good way to go about it.
      Or you can do this Another dead fb youtuber but it still applies. I farmed it up like this aswell having some decent ars for it is a good idea but at lv 300 it should be no problem you just want as much movement speed as possible and be able to kill them fast.
      You can get from 0 to 180 mil in around 13-14 hours if you farm it constantly without taking any breaks.

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Gadgets you want are First aid2,Anti ailment2, electro stun trap,AR veil .. I use camouflage for handgun + ars,smgs builds since there is no use for AR veil with that setup. If you use something like Ars+snipers with low cooldown reduction just like I had in this video you need it for the asuna room as you could see but I generally try to avoid that, squishy builds with long cooldowns are bad.
      The skills that you want for your dps builds are conceal, power field or form, speed form, viral shot (+armor break if you are running some higher cooldowns squishy build just like in this video), skill freeze for invitations, electrodynamic stun for challenges, and hypersense. For electro stun trap or shot againts stronger enemies you are requied to have high INT + handgun for cooldown reduction mastery since you might not be able to stun them just with one, forexample to stun ex queen in invitation you need to use 3 mines, lievre in challenge needs to be shot twice with the stun. For tanky build its kinda the same thing youd just get armor form Lv4 + human fortress Lv1 , human fortress makes your hp regen works even if you are getting shot. the rest is optional and depends on what you want
      Main chips for crit based weapons should always be the 4 ones you dont want to overcap since you swap only 4 chips on legendaries.
      Example - Blue Roses ARs The most dps you can get out of these is by having overcapped (crit damage,physical attack,weakspot damage,damage at max hp)
      That means the locked chips you want in them are (crit rate,weapon attack + 2 optional but you mostly want dmg vs mecha and dmg vs humanoids
      maybe the debuff stacking for stronger stun build up but thats just for certain dungeons or if it
      was to minmax againts one type of enemy you could get auto reload or capacity. These chips are
      are also what you want for Grim Reaper(the best crit sniper) one type of enemy + auto reload
      or double vs damages in coop like banquet of chaos forexample mecha + life form)
      For non crit ars and it would be similar youd just swap overcapped crit dmg for damage vs certain type of enemy or weapon attack. The two chips that you can use instead of crit dmg and crit rate could be another enemy type damage, auto reload, capacity etc...
      For gatlings you want the overheatup duration but I guess you already know that.Some weapons also benefit from having bulletcircle accuarcy
      If you wanted the grim reaper with explosive shot skills for farming the coop Behemoth youd just use damage vs mech + explosive attack for the last two chips
      I dont know what platform are you playing on but I guess that shouldnt matter just one tip about assist aim in the game setting option (I am not talking about the ingame assist mod for locking on enemies) you should have it set ON. This one makes it so if you scope close enemies parts (head, hands, shoulders etc) it will lock on them for abit, so you want to scope close to enemies heads and let the weapon track it for you abit and then rescope again it will aim assist on the head again so just learn to spam it like that(lmao english), you can see me doing it in this video aswell its just kinda difficult to see since I was doing it behind the AR-Veil and the head tracking behing the Veil works only around corners
      You can check out my speedruns and skill cancel video those are kinda usefull and I mostly posted the builds for it from what I remember you can ask me for certain things about that aswell. Dont be afraid to use animation cancels also it will spice up your gameplay and I think there is nice skill ceiling to it, so dont let anybody tell you how to play the game and have fun with it .

    • @Blossoming_Fate
      @Blossoming_Fate 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      ​@Epirgo Well now... that all just blurred together... Imma have to go through this bit by bit and make a Text Document jotting down everything you said in point form to make this click... Information overload sucks... Anyways Thank you SOO much. I'm seriously Hoping this helps me as the normal stuff is getting rather boring... Who knows, maybe I'll be able to beat Snowstorm Ereshkigal on Extream after this since thats the only Extreme mode boss thats evading me at the moment.
      and just to end this off... XBox One.

  • @rpggamer906
    @rpggamer906 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    You deserve to have the rarest of the SAOFB trophies, really good game play there friend. The dislikes are from those who can't reach your level of skills.

  • @RoseScar
    @RoseScar 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Its always nice hearing from my favorite sniping god, kicking ass as always

  • @mohammadazimakrambinabdulh5886
    @mohammadazimakrambinabdulh5886 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for the build. I have the game without dlc for about 1 year ago. Now i have bought all the dlc im gonna use your build. I already have that blue rose mk3 but im still at lvl206. Got a long way to go

    • @jozuLMAO
      @jozuLMAO 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Get someone to carry you through a behemoth. Works wonders. And get exp chips

  • @TheycallmeWikipedia
    @TheycallmeWikipedia 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is really helpful I'm level 268 atm and still have some levels to grind out. So this will help out a ton

  • @frtnitesmglver6732
    @frtnitesmglver6732 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not gonna lie I had to take some time to figure out if made the video faster or that's actually you but. Thanks this helped me alot along with modifications with the VIT stat

  • @katherineosaka6882
    @katherineosaka6882 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oooh epic battle fantasy music! Nice video!

  • @extendo......500
    @extendo......500 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Impressive and crazy fast run

  • @dryxir3183
    @dryxir3183 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really liked that you definitely know what you're doing I'm gonna sub! I'm new to this game and not going to lie I'm a bit confused how stats actually work in this game. I'm really wanting to figure it out and learn also I'm wanting to make a really good assault rifle build not sure how to do that or what exactly I want to do. Anyway great video man if you have any advice that would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to see if you have any videos regarding stats if not you should in the future!

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Hi I am glad you enjoy the game :). Stats in this game are easy to understand. In my videos if I show them you will see that I always have maximum DEX and LUCK... that is considered having glass cannon/speedrun build. These are for max dps but any fuck up means you are dead so you have to know how to fight every type of enemy consistently first. Most of the enemies in this game with some rare exceptions have weakspot that you should always aim for but I guess you already figured that out. My point is that the higher your DEX the higher is your damage into weakspots. It also raises critical damage you will do when you crit. LUCK is for critical rate. If you are not using sword your STR should be always just enough you need for the weapon that you are wielding since it doesnt give you any other benefits unless you are using some super heavy weapon and dont want to be overweight but those require high STR anyway. All the new players are using tanky, builds especially the ones that are looking for answers on the( fatal bullet reddit discord Dx ) Personally I wouldnt bother asking them about good builds because its full of sheeps that cant think for themselves . You can ask them for weapon locations,quests, and coop thougth :) As for the tankier builds it is like this 4 def per 1 LUCK,8 def and 30 hp per one VIT, 12 def per one AGI. AGI has different tresholds for movements speed.. well basically more AGI means you will be faster I dont remember the exact points. You can reset your stats at your home its right next to item box .. you can just load different profile just make sure you leave one of them clean. Then there is INT this one is for faster recharge times of your skills and their duration i personally use this one in my builds since power and armor forms are way too short, you want to have higher INT in your solo builds anyway since you need to have some basic skills that you should use with all the builds. Those are Power Field shot, Armor Break shot.. its to buff yourself and debuff enemy defense you should get used to these xD you will use them alot instead of Armor Break you will use Viral shot if you progress into further dlcs. Then you can use either armor field for defense or conceal... conceal makes enemies to not detect you, the higher level then its better ofc. You can literally walk up very close to some without attacking you. This doesnt mean you are completely invisible as they will attack you after you attack them first. This just means you have to kill them fast enough to not get killed. In normal playthrough it would mean that enemies will focus on your AI companions first, in coop it means you have to play well. If you want tankier build I d recommend investing alot into AGI and VIT instead of INT and just get armor form and power form(STR) since INT wouldnt give you any def benefit... but as I said you will need INT for debuff sooo.. just go with INT. There are some skills that will make your life easier also.. like human fortress , this skill will make you neglect knockbacks and stagger by roars but you should be carefull around homing missiles as with this buff you will just eat them all and die instantly(you should also use only level 1 of human fortress since level 2 gives you defense buff but its not as good as the one you would be currently using), then there is shield matrix this one will make you avoid any dmg and level 2 will also make you regenerate health. You can regen health with gadget (first aid kit), anti ailment is for stun and supression resistance. Then stun trap in gadgets is usefull you can easily stun the bigger ones and just shoot their weakspot. You can also stun enemies with electrodynamic shot ... its the same thing, the build up for stun on enemy will stack with both of these so you can combine them . As for the AR builds just use the buff/debuff.. if you want to do more damage then get more DEX againts weakspot... if the weapon has atleast 5% base crit rate you can invest in some LUCK and put crit rate chip on that weapon... as for the chips on weapons you should just watch some of my videos and ask for specific ones if you need help with that since this comment is getting way too long and there are many things that would make it twice as big xD. Hope I helped

  • @jayceoptional3005
    @jayceoptional3005 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love your vids

  • @fuguehikao7532
    @fuguehikao7532 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When I go for solo I usually run with sword and pistol for ranged, always had the most succes with a squishy sword build in this dungeon

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gotta try the sword out one day i actually never played with it

    • @jayceoptional3005
      @jayceoptional3005 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      My assault build sucks

  • @noomaadiic
    @noomaadiic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @epirgo Your end screen cards are blocking view of abilities at the end. I have no idea which ones you are using. Plz think about moving/removing them for your viewers. Cheers. Great vid 👍

  • @WI-FI_GOD
    @WI-FI_GOD 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @-rajloaknauth-4316
    @-rajloaknauth-4316 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im gunna sub as well very impressive gameplay , for one you know how to build and stuff , I’m lvl 300 and do literal crap damage I suck at building. But your like so good at this game indeed deserve gratitude.

  • @andreblack1266
    @andreblack1266 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I can't do this even on a good day 😂 takes to much effort and time farming to edit my accessories so that they boost my stats also with my grim reaper the damage doesn't actually drop that much

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      farming accessories is the worst

  • @Shika_Saki
    @Shika_Saki 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I gotta say not bad! That was quite quick too I didn't think AI Nassr was so good lol great job indeed! (also I heard Epic Battle Fantasy 3 or 4 at 2:43 XD did you play that game?)

  • @RoaringArcanine931
    @RoaringArcanine931 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I rather enjoyed that
    Liked and subscribed

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I m glad ^-^

  • @BlueAccentGamingYT
    @BlueAccentGamingYT 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    First song from Cyberdimension Neptunia 4 Goddesses Online. Hehe 😜

  • @avis21X
    @avis21X 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    That was an amazing run. What are your stats?

  • @rushawnpatterson2728
    @rushawnpatterson2728 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thx I always wondered where the weak spot on that boss was , and what would you recommend for a sword and sniper build?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I woudnt say sniper and sword go very well together and for pve its not worth for sure unless you drop like good legendary blue rose or gigas cedar from the abyssal dungeon. Stat wise it would kinda work because there are good non crit snipers like tiamat type Z or Amr breakthrough4 so you could use maxed out STR n DEX build with blue rose swprd forexample since you wouldnt need that much LUC for crit rate, the main problem is what kind of skills you could take with you tho. This stuff is kinda difficult to recommend since for each hc coop might work something slightly different, only the main thing you would always get are power field , viral shot, and probably conceal or if you get hit alot guard form + hypersense and any other kinds of survival, for swords you would obviously need to run thro the dungeon first to find out which skills would be usefull since some are easier to use againts humanoids etc. I guess you dont have to stress it out too much if you play with more people since you could tune your build that way, Im just giving you the solo perspective.
      Stat wise it would look somewhat like this
      except you might get less luck and put some into vit and agi for the survival skills also accessories would be for recharge times and dex at the least for both since you are not using handgun for its mastery

    • @rushawnpatterson2728
      @rushawnpatterson2728 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo the abyssal guard dungeon?
      And if yes what stage

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rushawnpatterson2728 ye you need to get all the way to the top floors you can then reenter the 47th one to get the humanoid boss room with kureha itsuki and 2kiritos that have a chance to drop it but the drop rate is actually very low so its very grindy

    • @renakira3458
      @renakira3458 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Rushawn Patterson just so you know, the drop rates for the Blue Rose and Gigas Cedar are 0.50% for the legendary versions it’s a 0.01% chance. Have fun getting one. I was lucky and got one on my 3rd try.

    • @renakira3458
      @renakira3458 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Didn’t expect to get a heart from this xD. Also if anyone is reading this I can help you get to level 300 on PSN. TTV_Spectre_TTV is the gamertag.

  • @emiajohcamac5026
    @emiajohcamac5026 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @kevinbrendan0749
    @kevinbrendan0749 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your memory chips are mad, you must have spent over a billion credits filling every stat to max and finding those memory chips in the first place

  • @bakasussy9767
    @bakasussy9767 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    i wish i could be follow the weak parts like you xD i am really potato what is your sensivity? and where can i get these accessorys, i hope these not dlc items :/ nice video

  • @boosted__demon6852
    @boosted__demon6852 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome video!! Can you tell me how to get those accessories with 30 LUC And 30 DEX??

  • @ElTestok
    @ElTestok 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey! I really enjoy Your Videos, I'm new to Your channel and watches a few vids. I like what I see ;)
    I just started the game Myself and I'm wondering about Memory Chips on the Blue Rose. Would it Be Good for Me to Keep "Auto-Reload rate"? I dropped one with that chip and I wonder if I should keep instead of one of the Damage chips. If so, which One would I switch it for?
    (The idea of having the AR Reload automatically while still Fireing for an extended period of time sounds Very inticing to Me. I'm lvl 80 btw so I need some firepower to kill the enemies hahaha. I don't deal as much damage as You ;) )

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Auto reload is fine Id use it instead of humanoid damage since that is needed only in this dungeon kinda the rest should be what i have in the video.. also blue roses are pretty strong if you find nice legendary and max it out you should be able to do all the content easily :)

    • @ElTestok
      @ElTestok 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo Hey Thanks for the reply ! ;)
      In the meantime I realized I had another big Problem and I'm hoping You could help shed some light on this :s ... (Since You are a Much more experienced player than Me ^^').
      Since I'm only lvl 80, I have nowhere near the required Stats to Dual Wield the Blue Rose MK3..
      I thought Maybe I could go In Normal Mode Drop BlueRose MK2 and Dual Wield that one instead until I'm strong enough for the MK3??
      The Blue Rose MK2 I'm dropping now only have 294 power (rank7) But I figure I have 2 of them at the same time so that's 294x2=588 power compared to the 404 power of one single Blue Rose MK3 (rank 10). Or does Dual Wield only add a certain % dmg for the 2nd weapon???( Like 1.5 instead of 2x ?)
      I have not upgraded them yet so the base power isn't that high.
      I tested both against mobs in the first area (the scorpion ones and some enemy robotic gunners). I'm not sure which is better between both MK2 or the Single MK3. When fireing the MK2 it shoots 2 bullets at once every time, but it seems that It doesn't hit the same amount of damage, and a lot of the time only one shot will crit and not the other. But it does have a lot more bullets fired at the mob..
      Single Mk3 only shoots 1 bullet at a time, but it hits harder and the crit damage is higher because of raw power.
      Overall it doesn't seem like monsters die quicker with one or the other, so I'm not sure which I should equip on Me.. I haven't played with the chips yet, so wondering if I should max dual MK2 or the single MK3 until I can weild 2 of them..?
      Sorry I know this is a Long Post, I'm just really confused at the moment :s

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@ElTestok You can just use the single one in my opinion the lower rank dont do that much because chips wont affect the left hand at all so single higer rank with more base dmg is better

    • @ElTestok
      @ElTestok 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo Oh I see~~. I didn't know the chips would only affect one of the two weapons. That's nice to know ^^' So I'm probably gonna start working on some chips on the MK3 then and wield that one.
      Thanks for Your feedback I really appreciate it ;)
      (Also Tiamat or Deathwind? I like to snipe from a distance and switch to the AR when closing in)

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ElTestok Deathwind is better its like lower rank version of grim reaper which i am using mostly right now its base crit rate is much higher than Tiamats

  • @psychorelic0799
    @psychorelic0799 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice vid. Where can I find the outfit you got on?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi its school uniform you have to find all the accessories with letterrs A-Z and show them to ticket exchange npc in lobby she will be amazed and give you the design for it so you can craft it... you can try googling their locations its also under the name of achievment Accessorry Addict

  • @LittlePankek
    @LittlePankek 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    what's the name of the first song? i really like it o.o i know it's from a game

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ah its dungeon ost from the 4GO not sure which number you should be able to find it

    • @shinjioba7664
      @shinjioba7664 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The song name is “Requiem for a blue twilight”

  • @SIG6K
    @SIG6K 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    is the blue rose mk3 better then the type smg or better than the type z ar?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      mk is better than both

    • @SIG6K
      @SIG6K 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo thanks now im gonna buy the dlc to get preciate you tellin me

  • @wesselv100
    @wesselv100 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just WOW Mate you got a sub from me :)

  • @cartershomestudio1582
    @cartershomestudio1582 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello i was wondering if you have an update on all of the snipers chips so we can god roll and make it so good

  • @hmsillustrious95
    @hmsillustrious95 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    the music is from cyberdimension neptunia

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      ye the first one is from 4goddesses online

    • @nadiff9723
      @nadiff9723 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Soundtrack please ?

  • @yoesi6822
    @yoesi6822 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    im confused bc you have 14 more crit rate and crit dmg but thats it except you have max dmg stat n weak spot dmg n i don’t everything else is almost the same and i don’t do nearly as much dmg

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      In the left top corner there is medal gauge you have to stack it up to 100 by getting multikills it will boost your damage significantly. Only then if you have the same weapons and maxed out dex+luck you should do the same dmg

  • @kingkanade5764
    @kingkanade5764 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm honestly confused about how do people get like the memory chips they want on guns like do they use the transfer weapons feature or something?

  • @natsu4fairytailflame991
    @natsu4fairytailflame991 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just started this game on switch
    Do u have a website that has all the guides
    Appreciate it

  • @jayceoptional3005
    @jayceoptional3005 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice solo video also what is this theme it’s nice

    • @jayceoptional3005
      @jayceoptional3005 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      OST I mean, is it blue requiem?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jayceoptional3005 The first one is from 4goddesses online and Rabi Ribi ost in boss room, I forgot the one on the bridge

  • @Ravenleaf182
    @Ravenleaf182 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm level 300, more points to spend, my weapons are overclocked, and I still can't do this...I'm figuring out that using a controller seems to make it harder to aim, but still...I really suck at this Q_Q kudos to you for doing this...just curious, I have a grim reaper, is that an okay substitute for your Al-nassr 4+?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Grim Reaper is way better on pc, but I guess since you are on gamepad Alnassr might be more consistent and easier to use

    • @Ravenleaf182
      @Ravenleaf182 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo anything that makes aiming easier is wonderful, I did notice that I can aim so much easier with a mouse, but due to my lack of ability or coordination, thats the ONLY thing I can do better without a gamepad

    • @izumiia_
      @izumiia_ 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      same but i can do it, problem is or aim or accessories

  • @supportgamerjp2586
    @supportgamerjp2586 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    quick question now that the level is 300 what would you recommend puting the remaining 1506 Skill Points in?

    • @supportgamerjp2586
      @supportgamerjp2586 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      and are all of your skills maxed out?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Id put it all into AGI also yes in this video they are all maxed out except matrix shield since u need a lot of VIT for higher level

    • @supportgamerjp2586
      @supportgamerjp2586 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo i see ok thank you, i just wish i had an accessory with that recharge time, DEX, LUC and Physical defense, i got like 2 that both have DEX and LUC maxed out but ones got AIDWH (Avoid Instant Death When HP is low) and health overtime, and the other has MS (Movement Speed) and Weight, but all in all i have almost everything except the AR and Conceal 4, but again thank you i've been dreaming to try and solo this

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@supportgamerjp2586 Np dude, also the 3 skills for the sniper except skill freeze are kinda optional... you could maybe get another matrix shield or hypersense instead of electrodynamic stun, I am also not using defense at all at this point so you could just go for 221INT and get another skill to play around ... if you really struggle you could get like 2x matrix shield and hypersense, as I said tho its up to you. For Asuna room if you want to kill them the way I did in this video you need to track their heads by scoping in and out near them(aim assist in the options needs to be ON), there is a small window on AR Veil near the corners where you can track their heads without being instantly killed but it takes practice. Good luck ^∇^

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Not so Wealthy Gamer Hello. Well the best Z weapon is long stroke Z that you get at 160 milion bounty for sure. I dont like the smgs or ars that much since roses and moonlights are still better. Shotgun is kinda decent vs humanoids Bob etc. And the sniper is very nice if you just like to snipe things. I d say handgun is the best and tiamat,shotgun are fun I dont like launchers or gatling at all and even if you wanted gatling the Z one is actualy worse than normal pandemonium... its base dmg is lower

  • @kevin_brok
    @kevin_brok 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Its ok to kill the queen with physical gun? I only have 2 optical gun ordinal ray (Legendary)and benetnash gatling gun (legendary) it don't have any build yet.if it ok can i run it solo with tiamat/grim reaper and cyber mtx? Which skill i should use for solo run?

  • @tylerbrodsky9225
    @tylerbrodsky9225 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just picked up the game, I played back at launch, completed the story but moved on. Looking for a build like this, I prefer smg over assault would it work? I like the high dex and luck but not sure what to level first. Prefer sniping both PvP and pve, but smg the melt up close is fun too. Any tips on what to level early or place to get a good sniper/smg near the start of the game?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi sure smgs work too for example LMG moonlights later on they have high crit rate. For your first playthrough i recommend high DEX , put just enough STR so you can use weapons and then put rest into INT VIT and AGI so you can survive since you wont minmax weapons yet points in LUCK are not necessary .. as for early sniper what i did i just farmed few levels in first map and then bought gray Al Nassr from normal weapon shop there should be some smgs and other snipers too... also dont forget to pick up skills they really help alot the main ones you should focus on are Power field shot/Guard field shot so you can buff your power and def and also armor break shot so you can debuff the target defense... speed form and healing field are not bad early skills either also once you get some money you can buy higher rank weapons from predatory general shop i wouldnt really focus on farming any weapons before you get into NG+ where you can get rank 7 weapons + .. at this point you could even get carried by some co op missions and get some op weapon for rushing through the story

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว there is also this site for rank 7-11 weapon stats and locations

    • @tylerbrodsky9225
      @tylerbrodsky9225 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo thanks for the quick reply, I don't currently have any dlc which sucks, does that limit my max rank on weapons? I'll probably rush the story since I've already done it. So do i have to progress to ng+ to get rank 7+? The coop online was fun but it'll be nice to not be the one carrying the team this time XD launch was funny watching people run around with barely a clue what to do.

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tylerbrodsky9225 i think you can get higher rank in co op but ye in basic game you can only go and upgrade up to rank 7 ... when you get into forgotten woods around that time you will open extreme difficulty that you can change in main screen options in that mode you can get rank 7 .. but still you should do the basic game on NG+ with extreme difficulty on since it will raise up Lisbeths upgrading profiency which you will need once you decide to get dlcs in the future .. i dont really recommend doing coop without dlcs tho that would just ruin your experience in the main game if you got some op weapon... extreme ng+ also opens up two new dungeons one is in first map the watch tower will be active there is Genbu boss which drops the best rank 7 sniper Deathwind.. i mean ye there is plenty of stuff for you to shoot at untill you decide to buy dlcs just dont ruin your experience by getting boosted in coop

  • @devildarkin
    @devildarkin 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    how can i farm this accessories

  • @nineburn6077
    @nineburn6077 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Once I see, for some reason, I immediately understand what kind of build you are that must be your deff is low... Nice try..

  • @Kazami-YuujiFicser2001
    @Kazami-YuujiFicser2001 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The build can use for ar ninja and pistol?

  • @Falmic
    @Falmic 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just now i saw something. How you get steady scope aim?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ITS THE decreased detectability while crouching on my accessory that does that

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Al Nassr is steady when you shoot

    • @Falmic
      @Falmic 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo Oo - thanks! good to know

  • @Zero-it4xu
    @Zero-it4xu 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What’s the name of the second song?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @WI-FI_GOD
    @WI-FI_GOD 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I how do I get to lvl 100 with out help?

  • @Yummynomnom123
    @Yummynomnom123 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    how do you deal so much damage wtf!

    • @IVIUT3D
      @IVIUT3D 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Only hitting weak points, every miss is a dip in damage

  • @Falmic
    @Falmic 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice, really nice. But why Nasir? Grip Reaper is not better?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Since the queen is spamming so much Nasr is way more consistent.But i will try grim once i find good one to minmax it againts her

    • @Falmic
      @Falmic 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo In addition, I have to admit that a very risky build. do you play with such low vit / agi every day? Is this just for this event?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Falmic No not just for this event actually thats my thing i hate playing like other people so i put everything into dps and find a way to play around enemies with that

    • @Falmic
      @Falmic 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo More my respect to you ;] But dont forget, that other players have to max vit / agi cuz they are too low in skill (like me ^^)

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@Falmic thanks and no harsh feelings I get the logic behind stacking defense if you struggle playing the game generally speaking. There is just so many people that pick up minigun stack defense and tell everybody its the best way to play this game to me sao was always about the individiality which there is plenty of room for in this game imo id like to see more of that. And also dedicated servers for pvp =D

  • @uhohstinkey1436
    @uhohstinkey1436 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yo how did you get the LUC to 315

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      you can have +30 in each accessory

    • @uhohstinkey1436
      @uhohstinkey1436 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok thank you

    • @tasty9897
      @tasty9897 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Epirgo and how can i get or farm this

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tasty9897 your best bet is grinding bounty up to 180milion you will get op accessories and chips in weapons. the best way to grind it is in the frontier killing bee queens

  • @dszn9975
    @dszn9975 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did you farm the Gas mask on extreme bro ? Plsss reply lol I’m good but I ain’t this GOOD

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi I did, not sure if thats necessary tho... You just buy the thing from Argo that makes all accessories drop legendary and farm Queen Bees at the start of the Solitary Sands.. well thats what i did ... There is other way to farm them also... some people farm solo hero quests for tickets... then exchange them for accessories , you simply log out without saving if you dont get anything good and you will have your tickets back for the exchange again. I m not sure if you know but if you have dlc 2 you can expand your home and Lisbeth will give you quest.. after finishing it a machine for enhancing accessories will appear

  • @wpunlucky2632
    @wpunlucky2632 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    just use quickshot omegalul

  • @kevinkevin6445
    @kevinkevin6445 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ey bro can you updaye because new max lvl so not sure about them extra skill points

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Not much would change for this build you can just put the points into AGI for more defense and movement speed,

  • @maikuanime5841
    @maikuanime5841 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    did you make a video using abaddon or crimson while doing a run in invitation

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nope I dont think I ever used Launchers actually did you ?

    • @maikuanime5841
      @maikuanime5841 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo no i saw a video someone used a crimson to play the invitation A and a handgun that was it tho they did not show the build

  • @isaacguadarrama5703
    @isaacguadarrama5703 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you have any tips for getting your bounty higher

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think the best way is to farm Banquet of chaos 3 its 275 coop you get over 700k for one run

  • @jovannivelez6560
    @jovannivelez6560 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yo nada I am level 128 and I think when I first started off the game I fucked up and by that I mean I did put points in stupid categories so I know I could just re make a data thing and start new but I don’t know what to do so can u plz help me because rn I love the handguns and I don’t know what to focus on upgrading plz help

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can reset your stats at your home its right next to storage just load it and you will get all your cp and sp back no need for doing new character at all, For handgun you want to use quick shot skill, make sure to upgrade your armor break, powerd field, armor field shot buffs and debuf these 3 are important . In the late game if you want to do alot of dmg you will have to focus on max dex and luck with high int on handgun with recharge times on both accessories ,,, you dont need much STR just get enough to be able to equip the handgun .. when exping and doing offline story for the first time focus on dex agi vit... with enough int for your buffs and debuffs,

    • @jovannivelez6560
      @jovannivelez6560 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Epirgo Nadalia thanks bet I’ll try all of that do u think all of te debuff s are necessary tho?? Like should I actually use em

    • @jovannivelez6560
      @jovannivelez6560 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Epirgo Nadalia and good video by the way lol keep the work up bro fr :)

    • @jovannivelez6560
      @jovannivelez6560 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If u be consistent u can grow your channel for sure

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jovannivelez6560 defense debuff is neccessary againts every late boss you can reduce their defense by like 25% with lv 4 also power buff and defense gives you 25% boost so the difference is huge

  • @ZeSaylent
    @ZeSaylent 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What is the second music??

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    • @ZeSaylent
      @ZeSaylent 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo yeay thx

    • @ZeSaylent
      @ZeSaylent 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@epirgo and the last?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @ZeSaylent
      @ZeSaylent 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo ahhhhh yessss

  • @scooterfoxx
    @scooterfoxx 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    how do people find these weapons with max chips.. i can't even find those and i've been grinding for WEEKS

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      you dont find them with maxed chips you have to upgrade then at Lisbeths its called Transforming

  • @em0tionalwr3ck34
    @em0tionalwr3ck34 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey if you mind what memory chips do you recommend in building AR blue rose MK3???

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      weapon attack, physical attack,critical rate, critical damage, weak spot damage, damage at max HP
      these six as main chips the other two can be what you need ,, like dmg vs.Mech,humanoid,lifeform either two of these or one with ammo capacity or auto reload rate

    • @em0tionalwr3ck34
      @em0tionalwr3ck34 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Okay thanks for letting me know it's just I reached level 300 and I'm still weak lol

  • @KnightApollo
    @KnightApollo 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    where the hell dis u get those stats from holy fuck

  • @ZMB_21
    @ZMB_21 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bruh crit rate 44% and dmg 44% HOWWW??

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe u are missing some dlcs?

  • @VeryCashMoney
    @VeryCashMoney 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    wait how do you unlock skill freeze I don't have that

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You have to finish dlc 4 its the fifth map Frontier

  • @ventez5733
    @ventez5733 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Decent time

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      One of my first runs. I was kinda suprised Al Nassr worked and it kinda sucks its optical ,could be potent with 50% dmg chip in challenge, it would be the strongest sniper if you couldnt roll with the bolt ones for sure

    • @ventez5733
      @ventez5733 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo a really good time solo would be sub 4 min

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ventez5733 you mean with semi snipe ? because 4 min is still pretty slow today... with 50% altered roses and grim or handgun you can do like 2 and half

    • @ventez5733
      @ventez5733 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@epirgo it's not as slow as u think the solo record is a 3:06 my personal is a 3:16

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ventez5733 noob lol

  • @thenightmare2766
    @thenightmare2766 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I cant find viral shot or skill freeze shot in my skills can u help?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      i think you need to finish dlc 4 with different dialogue choices

  • @ItzShxro_
    @ItzShxro_ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    What armor are u wearing?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Its school uniform you need to do accessory addict achievment

  • @arielvalcar947
    @arielvalcar947 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi bro how do u upgrade those stats that high?:)))):))

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      you need to use higher % chips to get over certain softcap

  • @kensune651
    @kensune651 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    how to get AR Blue Rose MK3 11 Rank??

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว u probably found out already but there u go anyway (*^▽^)/

  • @miklosuarez8570
    @miklosuarez8570 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don’t forget he using type a weapon, your dmg won’t look like that lol

  • @angelbdl92
    @angelbdl92 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where did u get that strong AR Blue Rose?? 😯😯😯😯

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You just gotta grind abit :)

    • @angelbdl92
      @angelbdl92 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@epirgo but how? With Liz's help.mine is maxed out to power: 980 😓

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@angelbdl92 U will get rank11 weapons for bounty with overcapped chips you wont have to upgrade anything.. you cant even do that wiithout dlcs, your chips are capped at around 25. Also check this video out my friend made it, might be of use to you

    • @mohammadazimakrambinabdulh5886
      @mohammadazimakrambinabdulh5886 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      U gotta have the collapse of balance dlc i think(sorry if im wrong). In the lost gate dungeon at the midpoint guard 2. But u have to play it in extreme mode. At that spawn mode, sometimes a golden drone will be there (it depends on ur luck). Btw i teleported a few times at that point until the golden drone drop the rifle 🤣

    • @ZeSaylent
      @ZeSaylent 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mohammadazimakrambinabdulh5886 uhhh i drop the legendary ar without extreme mode 🤔

  • @arenburento8959
    @arenburento8959 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    How did you get your skill up to 315?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      30dex+luck in both accessories

  • @yozora0121
    @yozora0121 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Where to get items with 30+ on them

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      you get two of them for 130-140 mil. bounty

  • @Wspgab_
    @Wspgab_ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ok so i dont have DLC so what can i replace the skill freeze shot with

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      With electrodynamic stun 4, you will need high INT for that, its done this way in special challenge. Two of those are enough to stun lievre I didnt really test it out in invitation but it should be the same

    • @Wspgab_
      @Wspgab_ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Epirgo Im deciding whether to use sword or sniper which is easier?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Wspgab_ Sniper is easier to use for sure.The only viable swords for pve are in end game also, so its not worth it until then

    • @Wspgab_
      @Wspgab_ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Epirgo Can you make a support build? nobody
      is support these days so i might be one

  • @virglox4379
    @virglox4379 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What’s your psn ima need to get your help with this mission no cap I can’t find no help frfr

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i dont have psn i play on pc try to look for some fatal bullet discords there might be ps players to help you out

    • @virglox4379
      @virglox4379 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @pkphantom
    @pkphantom 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Enemies seem kind of weak

  • @calliewickham7551
    @calliewickham7551 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m nearly Max level yet can’t even damage the Asuna ? Enemies

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Might be a problem in the build i ve shown them in both this and the latest video . You have to make sure to have 315 DEX + LUCK also the Ars i am using are fully maxed and have humanoid dmg on them and then i only headshot them by abusing the aimlock in this game by repeatedly scoping at it

    • @calliewickham7551
      @calliewickham7551 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Epirgo Nadalia my AR’s are maxed I wonder why did you have such high luck?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@calliewickham7551 luck gives you crit rate

  • @VeryCashMoney
    @VeryCashMoney 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I finished the dlc I didn't get the skill

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You did the wrong ending . you have to get Yunas request quest at the end for that to trigger you have to choose "we'll search everywhere"[hard quest choice] when talking to Eiji.Sou you have to be carefull about dialogue choices

  • @diequid
    @diequid 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    How do you level up skills?

    • @devo4778
      @devo4778 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      By used them

    • @Blossoming_Fate
      @Blossoming_Fate 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Best way to lvl skills fast in my experience is to equip a pistol as your main weapon and farm Remnant wasteland scorpions till you have the Weapon Arts ready. Use the arts and just spam the skill you want to improve.
      For example when I was leveling Healing Field Shot, I just held RB and Spammed Y in order to cast the skill as much as possible. Never had to actually fire the healing field once. In the even that the skill doesn't fit on the pistol's skill thing (ie. Horizontal Square) just use the Weapon Arts and switch weapons as the Arts work on all skills you have regardless of the weapon it's equipped to.

  • @tashii-kun7598
    @tashii-kun7598 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey how can I find this sniper?

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The one in the video you get at 127.5 milion bounty other than that you can drop it in defensive battle 8 or in the Frontier from the s-type sniper drones sadly idk their locations D: I think they are in the field somewhere

    • @epirgo
      @epirgo  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Ahhahash ye its still rng you can get many weapons from there

    • @tashii-kun7598
      @tashii-kun7598 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Epirgo Nadalia thanks man I’ll check it out

  • @123ididabeautifulpee
    @123ididabeautifulpee 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    HI just getting back into the game and saw your accessories had 30 dex and 30 luc is there any way to farm for those. if so can you let me know

    • @tridunt
      @tridunt 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      bounty rewards 120-140mil