I went to every church and tent church meeting in town. My Grandma took me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints meetings. One day the Missionary Elder Young asked me, "How long I was a member of the church". I wasn't. He offered to give me a Book of Mormon. I said, to ask my MOM. Both of the nice Missionaries came to Mom's house/asked her. So, by one question you can convert someone even me to the Church.
I was born into the LDS church 70 years ago. My favorite hymn is "Come, Come Ye Saints. " This particular hymn I've never heard. My great grandfather was Lorenzo Snow. I'm also related to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. My great great grandfather, Moses Worthen Meacham was one of the Prophet's personal guards at Carthage jail. I'm proud of my great grand- aunt Eliza Roxy Snow. I have one of her journals and much information my grandfather Snow wrote about her in 1911. I'm so proud of my family. May God bless them eternally.
I m a Lutheran. In this airy times 2020. This music heals the soul. We need more of this.. God Help US. SUSTAIN us. Keep our Democracy in tact. As a German American, this is all so in my memory. God Bless.
Thank you thank you for commenting. I just wanted to reply and try to share some light. God will help us get through these times! He will never forsake us. It is not in His nature. Keep hoping. No matter how rugged the way, God will guide us :)
Lately on Sundays, I've begun a routine of spending 11-33mins on Utube, listening to the peaceful, uplifting hymns of this iconic choir. . . Also, I like to maximize my spiritual enlightenment by simultaneously scrolling thru the wonderful & often inspiring comments
I remember my mother every Sunday when we go to church. She can't hear anything. But when they sing she's sing like she's know all the words. Mother I missed and I love you. I know you're happy where you are.
The pictures showing is my mom's . thanks God for today is a good day. You have made. It's a beautiful day. Help me and bless me. I love you God. .......
Thank God that I'm a member of His Church, so many people believe that the church is a crafty church but I still thank God for it and also their belief
Lord, I would follow thee. I am so grateful for the Church. I am grateful for the gospel and the Lord's teaching. As a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood, I strive to live worthily in order to serve a mission and eventually get married in one of the many beautiful temples. Lord, I would follow thee.
1. Savior, may I learn to love thee, Walk the path that thou hast shown, Pause to help and lift another, Finding strength beyond my own. Savior, may I learn to love thee- Lord, I would follow thee. 2. Who am I to judge another When I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can’t see. Who am I to judge another? Lord, I would follow thee. 3. I would be my brother’s keeper; I would learn the healer’s art. To the wounded and the weary I would show a gentle heart. I would be my brother’s keeper- Lord, I would follow thee. 4. Savior, may I love my brother As I know thou lovest me, Find in thee my strength, my beacon, For thy servant I would be. Savior, may I love my brother- Lord, I would follow thee.
I was inactive for most of my life, over a year ago I realized that it was time to come home to my savior. I just went through the holy temple for the first time this week. I've never been closer to God in my life and testify to you with all my heart, with him all things are possible. My life was in in the abyss and now I'm in the light. You can do this, have faith and the Lord will provide that way my friend!
YES! The Church of Jesus of the Latter Day Saints are Amazing! Without them, I would be in lala land! I now face so much Solace in this post! Thanks a million for helping me to pray to the Lord!😊 GOD BLESS!
Joseph,,when we sin we are chastized on occasion by the Lord. I just joined the Mormon church in September after being out of church ten years. At no time did God forsake me in those ten years & he has fully restored me to fellowship of the Holy Ghost in his people. My joy is full & the peace of being forgiven fills my heart. Don't give up on yourself or God. He does not quit working on any of us.
TheZacheaus Thank you for posting this sweet testimony. I love hearing my brothers and sisters bear testimony of the love of our Heavenly Father and our Saviors redeeming love and forgiveness and you are so right about him working on and for us All.
I joined the church at 10, and spent four years without attending- on rare occasions I did. I am now a very much active member, and my life has never felt so much joy and love. :) The gospel is a life saver.
Beautiful song. Great comments too. I'm not the most righteous person, and every time I sin God is always there, loving. It amazes me. He never forsakes us, even when we feel we deserve justice. His mercy and love is amazing
Yesterday it was my Birthday and since before yesterday I feel so many Lord blessing. This song confort Me and remark me that I always have to follow his words. I feel that HE is with me and he never abandom me.
This is Susan Evans McCloud, the writer, responding to you. I felt it would be a delight to touch base with someone who sang these words and felt this spirit during that sacred time of his own baptism. It is an honor to have been able to share this, and my own spirit, with you. Susan
Its all about daily Book of Mormon study combined with prayer. Work with your Bishop & the missionaries. Everything is worth the peace & joy that comes from being close to the Savior.
I haven't been going to church much at all lately, but today I went to a meeting in a small town called Pikeville,Tn. The spirit was very strong there today. Even stronger when they played this song. It's one of my favorite song's, and every time I hear it I think of my brothers Mike and Greg. Mike passed away not long ago. I would give anything if he were here so I could tell him just how much I love and miss him. Greg is still here. I hope he knows how much I love and care about him. Steve Hamilton
Listening to the Tabernacle Choir makes you understand Luther´s words: .......music is a heavenly good and comes from heaven, because the angels themselves are musicians"
Lds Member From Sri Lanka♥️ Last sunday i had play the hymn of (Lord, I Would Follow Thee) in the sacrement🥺 This feel so deep, it been 9yrs but still we listening♥️📌
Buenos días, como miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días puedo decir que es perfecta, si alguna vez tuve errores fueron míos y claro que me arrepiento por ello.
It reverberates deeply in my soul, as that is where my sorrows are hidden. I have one friends who hasn't given up on me. He would grab my wrist and yank me back onto my feet. I love this friend greatly, and I know that he will always be there for me. I'm sure your spouse will too.
This line just hit me for the first time. I've always waited for "who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly" and think about that. The line you mentioned is hidden behind that. Great one!
I remember for the first time i heard the words temple iam so empress and so much excited when the missionary invites me and my daugther to visit the temple when i saw the building of the temple icant explain what i feel that time i am excited to see what the inside i expect the lord is there now iknow god spirit is because i feel it. My body full of warm feelings iknow god is looking at me when i finish the 9 month i goto the temple to accept my covenant to promise that i obey all thy command with me that is my personal indownment after this several icant go to to the temple because of my sickness and also this pondemic iknow godlive and i believe god help me to be strong and healthy again because i want sassion again in jesus name Amen
I have done some things in my life I'm not proud of and I fell back into some of those things. I hate myself for being weak and being in the certain profession I'm in I cant let this weakness get to me. Listening to music like this reminds me what Heavenly Father did for me in basic. and I turned my back on the promise I made. Any advice would be loved and very helpful in my life. Please help a weak man find his strength again.
+cameron whipple The best advice that I have is to forgive yourself. Nobody has ever made themselves better by hating themselves, and Jesus certainly does not hate you. Ask yourself, "Where are those thine accusers?" as Jesus asked. We all sin, and many of us have done things just as bad if not worse than what you have done. We find it so easy to readily forgive others of their wrongs but not our own because we always see our wrongs are so glaring, obvious, awful, and, therefore, unforgivable. But to believe that your misdeeds are unforgivable is to believe that Christ's power to heal is limited. You are in essence saying, "He has a lot of power to reach a lot of people, but He does not have enough power to reach someone like me." That's not the case. He can reach you. The only reason why Jesus doesn't reach you is because you won't let him. Forgive yourself. Misdeeds pass. Wrongs occur. I hate to break it to you, but you will make many many more before you die. If you get hung up on this set of wrongs, just wait until the next batch, and the next batch after that, and the one after that. You can't abuse yourself with each successive fault or else there will be no end to the abuse. Forgive yourself. Jesus already has. If you forgive yourself, the love yourself that you develop in place of the self loathing will take you a long way in the direction you want to go. A lot further than your self loathing will.
+Craig Ashford Thank you for saying that to Cameron Whipple. I too am a lot like Cameron where I worked in a certain area which required me to lie and cheat to keep my job. Every day I hated my self more and more and felt like I was selling my soul to survive and keep my job to look after my family and myself. I turned my back on god as I thought he would hate me. Your words have touched me and I hope Cameron as well and has helped me understand that god will love me all I have to do is except his love and forgiveness. You are so right when you say we can forgive others and not ourselves as easy, I sure know that feeling too. Its funny you know when I was at my wits end I believe to this day that god sent me an angel to get me back on track. I was selling some furniture to this lady thinking of how much I can upsell her when I asked her what she did for a living. Her reply was that she was a nun who has just moved into our town and was buying some furniture for a flat she was moving into. Prior to this I had made several weak attempts to join a church / group, but was not successful on these occasions. Well upon this lady telling me she was a nun, I just broke down and cried and told her I was so lost and had so many troubles. She welcomed me with open arms and helped me to arrange an adult baptism as I had never been baptized. She also helped me to gain the strength to come to church and give me strength to change my job and find god again ( Thank you Sister Patsy). I hope you Cameron read this reply and get some comfort knowing that you are not alone with your feelings of shame of what you think you have done wrong and know that all you have to do is accept gods love as he will never ever stop loving you. Before I go one last story about sister Patsy was she explained gods love to me in a way that I would easily understand. I am a father of 2 young children and Sister Patsy says to me " David if you children did something very very very bad would you hate them and turn you back on them. I replied No I could never turn my back on them. Then she said would children have to earn your love again and do lots of good things to get them to love them again. I said no . She then said What would the children have to do to get me to love them. I replied nothing my love is there always all they have to do is accept my love as it is and always there for them. Sister Patsy then says "That is gods love".....smart girl that sister Patsy. God bless you cameron whipple and Craig Ashford
cameron whipple Hey!! Please don't give up! I know the saviors atonement can help us overcome weaknesses! Please watch or read this! It will really help you understand the saviors grace and how to have it in your life. God loves you and if you keep trying to follow him, he won't give up on you he will keep helping you!! watch this :) www.lds.org/ensign/2013/09/his-grace-is-sufficient?lang=eng
cameron whipple additionally, look at the words of the apostle uchtdorf "It can be discouraging at times to know what it means to be a son of God and yet come up short. The adversary likes to take advantage of these feelings. Satan would rather that you define yourself by your sins instead of your divine potential. Brethren, don’t listen to him. We have all seen a toddler learn to walk. He takes a small step and totters. He falls. Do we scold such an attempt? Of course not. What father would punish a toddler for stumbling? We encourage, we applaud, and we praise because with every small step, the child is becoming more like his parents. Now, brethren, compared to the perfection of God, we mortals are scarcely more than awkward, faltering toddlers. But our loving Heavenly Father wants us to become more like Him, and, dear brethren, that should be our eternal goal too. God understands that we get there not in an instant but by taking one step at a time. I do not believe in a God who would set up rules and commandments only to wait for us to fail so He could punish us. I believe in a Heavenly Father who is loving and caring and who rejoices in our every effort to stand tall and walk toward Him. Even when we stumble, He urges us not to be discouraged-never to give up or flee our allotted field of service-but to take courage, find our faith, and keep trying. Our Father in Heaven mentors His children and often sends unseen heavenly help to those who desire to follow the Savior." Don't give up! keep trying to live the gospel! keep trying to go to church. keep trying to read the scriptures. Call the missionaries or talk to your Bishop... they will help you with so much. they will be there for you to lean on them! If you go on Mormon.org and ask to send missionaries they will do so! Heavenly Father is your father.... He is proud of you Everytime you try and if you keep trying and keep repenting and asking for his help, every hour, you will get there and heavenly Father is proud and loves you so much for trying. you are his son... don't let Satan get in your head and make you think him and the Savior could ever stop loving you or would ever reject you if you came unto him with a repentant heart. remember what Holland said ? "I testify none of you have fallen far enough to to where the light of Christ does not shine" and the Savior himself said none who come unto him or call upon his name will he cast out but he will keep helping them as they keep trying to follow him. he loves them and like Isaiah said laid his life down for them. He lives and can help you overcome those weakness thru his grace ! I hope that talk I sent you help! also message me whenever buddy if I can help with anything! keep trying god is cheering you on in Jeffrey r. Holland's words "Today, tomorrow, and forever" and in Thomas S. Monsons words "God loves you. That love is always there, whether you feel you deserve it or not". So keep trying to go to church read his words and come unto him and call the missionaries or your Bishop so you can have that support bc you shouldn't try to do it alone :) we love you buddy and know you can do all things thru Christ who will strengthen you!!
Music is the universal language, hearing this hymn in Spanish or English, I have the same feeling, fill my heart with the same yearning and feeling of peace that only the Lord can give us.
I was pushing through the music and this is the only one I heard from the beginning to the ending. Listening to this reminds me of when I would go to church every Sunday and how much I truly miss the church and how much I would love to go back, but due to certain things that I have done, I can no longer go back. I wish that the chooses I made, I did not make at all, but due to them, I would never be excepted. If you are reading this, and you are young, please study hard and pray always and do what ever it takes so that you are able to serve a full mission and listen to nobody that says bad things about the church, if you do listen to them, you will really miss the church and will wish you never listened to them.
Our Heavenly Father will never reject His children who want to come unto Him, as long as you are willing to repent of what you've done wrong. You should definitely go back to church! Everyone will welcome you there! :)
I wish that it was that easy. You see, I have started smoking and drink coffee. Those are not the problem, I can give those up, I am in a relationship and that I an not giving up. I may be away from the church, but there are still things that I do like I am still in the church. I would not have to give up that much, but the one thing that I will not give up, the church and every church looks down on and tells me that I am going to hell for it.
Yea those habits are easier to break than the relationship.. so I guess your relationship is the problem. Well, in this case, I'd say Heavenly Father would want you to come back to Him one day. He will always be there for you no matter what. You can come back anytime you want. I'm not asking you to break it up but I think you surely know where you can find the real happiness. That's cool that you still do things like we do. You're definitely not going to hell! We'd be so happy to have you back some day! :)
once a month I do listen to the general confrence that is on-line, I am almost caught up with all of them. I am so happy that I can listen and watch all of the general confrances on here and glad that the guys don't have to wait till they are 20 to go on a mission. I wish I went on a full term mission and not just a short term mission. I learn so much and did so much and I did bring 2 new converts to the church and kept in touch with them for about 3 years. I hope that they are still in good standings with the church.
Hi Joseph, I have tears reading your notes... Desiring to come back is a good start. The first step maybe the hardest but it would all be worth it... God wanted us all to be back... He loves you.
Savior, may I learn to love thee, Walk the path that thou hast shown, Pause to help and lift another, Finding strength beyond my own. Savior, may I learn to love thee- Lord, I would follow thee. 2. Who am I to judge another When I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can’t see. Who am I to judge another? Lord, I would follow thee. 3. I would be my brother’s keeper; I would learn the healer’s art. To the wounded and the weary I would show a gentle heart. I would be my brother’s keeper- Lord, I would follow thee.
I love the choir because it helps me fill better about myself (when I fell down and said because I lost my Father he passed away at home 25 years ago) I have my Mother Sister and one of my Brothers and my other Brother and Sister in law) but sometimes I wish that my Father was hear so I can get a huge from him and to talk to. Diana Knight.
It is like heaven...like being in the presence of His Majesty...among the saints who have toiled and are now in eternal glory. The Motab, the Lord is your strength!
I love the phrase in verse one "Pause to help and lift another, finding strength beyond my own." As I recover from an addiction that has cost me decades of truly living and put my marriage on the ropes and all but knocked out, I recognize the special truth in that phrase. I owe my progress to date to the Lord and the amazing recovery brothers He has brought into my life...both those who have helped me and those I have been able to assist. There is no way I could do this myself.
Lyrics: 1. Savior, may I learn to love thee, Walk the path that thou hast shown, Pause to help and lift another, Finding strength beyond my own. Savior, may I learn to love thee- (Chorus) Lord, I would follow thee. 2. Who am I to judge another When I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can’t see. Who am I to judge another? 3. I would be my brother’s keeper; I would learn the healer’s art. To the wounded and the weary I would show a gentle heart. I would be my brother’s keeper- 4. Savior, may I love my brother As I know thou lovest me, Find in thee my strength, my beacon, For thy servant I would be. Savior, may I love my brother-
Such beautiful and peaceful musci to the soul. May the Lord continue to Bless this beautiful choir so that we may be uplifted and edified by their voices. Music really does sooth the soul. Love this rendition.
Beautiful, beautiful song...I love listening to the words and pondering about how to apply them in my life. I am grateful that I can listen to the Tabernacle choir on the internet wherever I happen to be. These hymns are truly inspirational...
Lyrics 1. Savior, may I learn to love thee, Walk the path that thou hast shown, Pause to help and lift another, Finding strength beyond my own. Savior, may I learn to love thee- Lord, I would follow thee. 2. Who am I to judge another When I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can’t see. Who am I to judge another? Lord, I would follow thee. 3. I would be my brother’s keeper; I would learn the healer’s art. To the wounded and the weary I would show a gentle heart. I would be my brother’s keeper- Lord, I would follow thee. 4. Savior, may I love my brother As I know thou lovest me, Find in thee my strength, my beacon, For thy servant I would be. Savior, may I love my brother- Lord, I would follow thee.
I went to every church and tent church meeting in town. My Grandma took me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints meetings. One day the Missionary Elder Young asked me, "How long I was a member of the church". I wasn't. He offered to give me a Book of Mormon. I said, to ask my MOM. Both of the nice Missionaries came to Mom's house/asked her. So, by one question you can convert someone even me to the Church.
This is your own decision to follow Jesus Christ. It's not up to anyone else.
I was born into the LDS church 70 years ago. My favorite hymn is "Come, Come Ye Saints. " This particular hymn I've never heard. My great grandfather was Lorenzo Snow. I'm also related to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. My great great grandfather, Moses Worthen Meacham was one of the Prophet's personal guards at Carthage jail. I'm proud of my great grand- aunt Eliza Roxy Snow. I have one of her journals and much information my grandfather Snow wrote about her in 1911. I'm so proud of my family. May God bless them eternally.
u still a member?
That's awesome!
That's awesome ❤❤
As a medical doctor, I can't think of a better hymn. Thank you Lord for this opportunity 🙏
You know the Healer’s art 😊
I am Italian living in Italy I love you all
Hi I'm taking care of my special brother. .. I always his a brothers keeper.,, thank you lord for evrything
I m a Lutheran.
In this airy times 2020.
This music heals the soul. We need more of this..
God Help US.
Keep our Democracy in tact.
As a German American, this is all so in my memory.
God Bless.
Thank you thank you for commenting. I just wanted to reply and try to share some light. God will help us get through these times! He will never forsake us. It is not in His nature. Keep hoping. No matter how rugged the way, God will guide us :)
Lately on Sundays, I've begun a routine of spending 11-33mins on Utube, listening to the peaceful, uplifting hymns of this iconic choir. . . Also, I like to maximize my spiritual enlightenment by simultaneously scrolling thru the wonderful & often inspiring comments
I remember my mother every Sunday when we go to church. She can't hear anything. But when they sing she's sing like she's know all the words. Mother I missed and I love you. I know you're happy where you are.
The pictures showing is my mom's . thanks God for today is a good day. You have made. It's a beautiful day. Help me and bless me. I love you God. .......
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sure she is smiling down at you with love, in a beautiful peaceful place.
Elizabeth Aniu .Groly be to the father
May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace
Thank God that I'm a member of His Church, so many people believe that the church is a crafty church but I still thank God for it and also their belief
As a member of the Church, I agree. I'm grateful for the Church, but I also respect other religions. :)
Wonderful song. It's great to be a part of the restored Church of Jesus Christ and his gospel.
God is great, he is love, he is owr father in heaven, his son loves us, Jesus is the Savior, he lead his church and his mercy is for all of us.
I love Heavenly Father and I love my Church and the beautiful music that our choir lifts up to His eternal throne!
Let me preach thee not by words but by my example, the catching force of what I do. Mother Teresa
Lord, I would follow thee. I am so grateful for the Church. I am grateful for the gospel and the Lord's teaching. As a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood, I strive to live worthily in order to serve a mission and eventually get married in one of the many beautiful temples. Lord, I would follow thee.
1. Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee-
Lord, I would follow thee.
2. Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.
Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.
3. I would be my brother’s keeper;
I would learn the healer’s art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother’s keeper-
Lord, I would follow thee.
4. Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother-
Lord, I would follow thee.
How sweet
I was inactive for most of my life, over a year ago I realized that it was time to come home to my savior. I just went through the holy temple for the first time this week. I've never been closer to God in my life and testify to you with all my heart, with him all things are possible. My life was in in the abyss and now I'm in the light. You can do this, have faith and the Lord will provide that way my friend!
THIS CHOIR is the best there is in Christianity! I know it better, for I studied this choir issue!
YES! The Church of Jesus of the Latter Day Saints are Amazing! Without them, I would be in lala land! I now face so much Solace in this post! Thanks a million for helping me to pray to the Lord!😊 GOD BLESS!
Beautiful. All songs of the Mormon Tabernacle are very inspiring and soul uplifting.
Joseph,,when we sin we are chastized on occasion by the Lord. I just joined the Mormon church in September after being out of church ten years. At no time did God forsake me in those ten years & he has fully restored me to fellowship of the Holy Ghost in his people. My joy is full & the peace of being forgiven fills my heart. Don't give up on yourself or God. He does not quit working on any of us.
TheZacheaus Thank you for posting this sweet testimony. I love hearing my brothers and sisters bear testimony of the love of our Heavenly Father and our Saviors redeeming love and forgiveness and you are so right about him working on and for us All.
That is true personal testimony strengthens those who are just about to give up John
I joined the church at 10, and spent four years without attending- on rare occasions I did. I am now a very much active member, and my life has never felt so much joy and love. :) The gospel is a life saver.
Thanks for sharing your experience and testimony, @Little Deku. We're glad you're here!
@@icareschooloffirstaid7944 a few
i left the church, and will never return but... There is none better to teach me the healer's art...
Return Please!
Perhaps one of the barriers to returning is having to face those that are in the church that (they feel) wronged them.
Beautiful song. Great comments too. I'm not the most righteous person, and every time I sin God is always there, loving. It amazes me. He never forsakes us, even when we feel we deserve justice. His mercy and love is amazing
모든것이 변해도 그분 과 나 는 변하지 않 씁니다 그분의 부활로
my tears is fall down when i viewed this choir , i am a mormon but i am not an active as before but i try my best .
God is love
Same to me sister
I love this song so much ♥️🇿🇲❤️
Yesterday it was my Birthday and since before yesterday I feel so many Lord blessing. This song confort Me and remark me that I always have to follow his words. I feel that HE is with me and he never abandom me.
I requested this hymn when I returned to the church! We sang this during my baptism, it has SO much feeling & HUMANITY!
This is Susan Evans McCloud, the writer, responding to you. I felt it would be a delight to touch base with someone who sang these words and felt this spirit during that sacred time of his own baptism. It is an honor to have been able to share this, and my own spirit, with you. Susan
In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see. Pure, beautiful poetry.
I enjoy every morning, tbis beautiful himns and gets me ready for the day ahead..
What a great song wordeful for the child of God
Its all about daily Book of Mormon study combined with prayer. Work with your Bishop & the missionaries. Everything is worth the peace & joy that comes from being close to the Savior.
Thank you father in heaven through your son Jesus christ Amen
I had this song at my baptism I love this hymn
I haven't been going to church much at all lately, but today I went to a meeting in a small town called Pikeville,Tn. The spirit was very strong there today. Even stronger when they played this song. It's one of my favorite song's, and every time I hear it I think of my brothers Mike and Greg. Mike passed away not long ago. I would give anything if he were here so I could tell him just how much I love and miss him. Greg is still here. I hope he knows how much I love and care about him. Steve Hamilton
Listening to the Tabernacle Choir makes you understand Luther´s words: .......music is a heavenly good and comes from heaven, because the angels themselves are musicians"
Lds Member From Sri Lanka♥️ Last sunday i had play the hymn of (Lord, I Would Follow Thee) in the sacrement🥺 This feel so deep, it been 9yrs but still we listening♥️📌
Proud of you girl ❤
Buenos días, como miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días puedo decir que es perfecta, si alguna vez tuve errores fueron míos y claro que me arrepiento por ello.
Siete stupendi donate pace e serenita al mio cuore grazie fratelli e sorelle
I LOVE this hymn, we had it at our wedding 18 years ago. My favourite line "In the quiet heart is hidden, sorrow that the eye can't see".
It reverberates deeply in my soul, as that is where my sorrows are hidden. I have one friends who hasn't given up on me. He would grab my wrist and yank me back onto my feet. I love this friend greatly, and I know that he will always be there for me. I'm sure your spouse will too.
This line just hit me for the first time. I've always waited for "who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly" and think about that. The line you mentioned is hidden behind that. Great one!
@@brandonjuber3576 same here, it always humbles me.
I remember for the first time i heard the words temple iam so empress and so much excited when the missionary invites me and my daugther to visit the temple when i saw the building of the temple icant explain what i feel that time i am excited to see what the inside i expect the lord is there now iknow god spirit is because i feel it. My body full of warm feelings iknow god is looking at me when i finish the 9 month i goto the temple to accept my covenant to promise that i obey all thy command with me that is my personal indownment after this several icant go to to the temple because of my sickness and also this pondemic iknow godlive and i believe god help me to be strong and healthy again because i want sassion again in jesus name Amen
My mum's favourite, she says anytime it is sang and she didn't sing along then she's crossed the veil
The reverence of the instruments and their voices is just 🥺
I have done some things in my life I'm not proud of and I fell back into some of those things. I hate myself for being weak and being in the certain profession I'm in I cant let this weakness get to me. Listening to music like this reminds me what Heavenly Father did for me in basic. and I turned my back on the promise I made. Any advice would be loved and very helpful in my life. Please help a weak man find his strength again.
+cameron whipple The best advice that I have is to forgive yourself. Nobody has ever made themselves better by hating themselves, and Jesus certainly does not hate you. Ask yourself, "Where are those thine accusers?" as Jesus asked. We all sin, and many of us have done things just as bad if not worse than what you have done. We find it so easy to readily forgive others of their wrongs but not our own because we always see our wrongs are so glaring, obvious, awful, and, therefore, unforgivable. But to believe that your misdeeds are unforgivable is to believe that Christ's power to heal is limited. You are in essence saying, "He has a lot of power to reach a lot of people, but He does not have enough power to reach someone like me." That's not the case. He can reach you. The only reason why Jesus doesn't reach you is because you won't let him. Forgive yourself. Misdeeds pass. Wrongs occur. I hate to break it to you, but you will make many many more before you die. If you get hung up on this set of wrongs, just wait until the next batch, and the next batch after that, and the one after that. You can't abuse yourself with each successive fault or else there will be no end to the abuse. Forgive yourself. Jesus already has. If you forgive yourself, the love yourself that you develop in place of the self loathing will take you a long way in the direction you want to go. A lot further than your self loathing will.
+Craig Ashford Thank you for saying that to Cameron Whipple. I too am a lot like Cameron where I worked in a certain area which required me to lie and cheat to keep my job. Every day I hated my self more and more and felt like I was selling my soul to survive and keep my job to look after my family and myself. I turned my back on god as I thought he would hate me. Your words have touched me and I hope Cameron as well and has helped me understand that god will love me all I have to do is except his love and forgiveness. You are so right when you say we can forgive others and not ourselves as easy, I sure know that feeling too. Its funny you know when I was at my wits end I believe to this day that god sent me an angel to get me back on track. I was selling some furniture to this lady thinking of how much I can upsell her when I asked her what she did for a living. Her reply was that she was a nun who has just moved into our town and was buying some furniture for a flat she was moving into. Prior to this I had made several weak attempts to join a church / group, but was not successful on these occasions. Well upon this lady telling me she was a nun, I just broke down and cried and told her I was so lost and had so many troubles. She welcomed me with open arms and helped me to arrange an adult baptism as I had never been baptized. She also helped me to gain the strength to come to church and give me strength to change my job and find god again ( Thank you Sister Patsy). I hope you Cameron read this reply and get some comfort knowing that you are not alone with your feelings of shame of what you think you have done wrong and know that all you have to do is accept gods love as he will never ever stop loving you. Before I go one last story about sister Patsy was she explained gods love to me in a way that I would easily understand. I am a father of 2 young children and Sister Patsy says to me " David if you children did something very very very bad would you hate them and turn you back on them. I replied No I could never turn my back on them. Then she said would children have to earn your love again and do lots of good things to get them to love them again. I said no . She then said What would the children have to do to get me to love them. I replied nothing my love is there always all they have to do is accept my love as it is and always there for them. Sister Patsy then says "That is gods love".....smart girl that sister Patsy. God bless you cameron whipple and Craig Ashford
cameron whipple Hey!! Please don't give up! I know the saviors atonement can help us overcome weaknesses! Please watch or read this! It will really help you understand the saviors grace and how to have it in your life. God loves you and if you keep trying to follow him, he won't give up on you he will keep helping you!! watch this :) www.lds.org/ensign/2013/09/his-grace-is-sufficient?lang=eng
cameron whipple additionally, look at the words of the apostle uchtdorf
"It can be discouraging at times to know what it means to be a son of God and yet come up short. The adversary likes to take advantage of these feelings. Satan would rather that you define yourself by your sins instead of your divine potential. Brethren, don’t listen to him.
We have all seen a toddler learn to walk. He takes a small step and totters. He falls. Do we scold such an attempt? Of course not. What father would punish a toddler for stumbling? We encourage, we applaud, and we praise because with every small step, the child is becoming more like his parents.
Now, brethren, compared to the perfection of God, we mortals are scarcely more than awkward, faltering toddlers. But our loving Heavenly Father wants us to become more like Him, and, dear brethren, that should be our eternal goal too. God understands that we get there not in an instant but by taking one step at a time.
I do not believe in a God who would set up rules and commandments only to wait for us to fail so He could punish us. I believe in a Heavenly Father who is loving and caring and who rejoices in our every effort to stand tall and walk toward Him. Even when we stumble, He urges us not to be discouraged-never to give up or flee our allotted field of service-but to take courage, find our faith, and keep trying.
Our Father in Heaven mentors His children and often sends unseen heavenly help to those who desire to follow the Savior."
Don't give up! keep trying to live the gospel! keep trying to go to church. keep trying to read the scriptures. Call the missionaries or talk to your Bishop... they will help you with so much. they will be there for you to lean on them! If you go on Mormon.org and ask to send missionaries they will do so! Heavenly Father is your father.... He is proud of you Everytime you try and if you keep trying and keep repenting and asking for his help, every hour, you will get there and heavenly Father is proud and loves you so much for trying. you are his son... don't let Satan get in your head and make you think him and the Savior could ever stop loving you or would ever reject you if you came unto him with a repentant heart. remember what Holland said ? "I testify none of you have fallen far enough to to where the light of Christ does not shine" and the Savior himself said none who come unto him or call upon his name will he cast out but he will keep helping them as they keep trying to follow him. he loves them and like Isaiah said laid his life down for them. He lives and can help you overcome those weakness thru his grace ! I hope that talk I sent you help! also message me whenever buddy if I can help with anything! keep trying god is cheering you on in Jeffrey r. Holland's words "Today, tomorrow, and forever" and in Thomas S. Monsons words "God loves you. That love is always there, whether you feel you deserve it or not". So keep trying to go to church read his words and come unto him and call the missionaries or your Bishop so you can have that support bc you shouldn't try to do it alone :) we love you buddy and know you can do all things thru Christ who will strengthen you!!
Simply forgive yourself
Listening to this music reminds me of the good days when everything had meaning...!
Very beautiful and peaceful.
It's amazing how powerful the Spirit can be but how comforting and wonderful as well.
Am grateful, I loved my church as jesus love me.
This is my favorite Hymn so gorgeous in its sound and message.
Music is the universal language, hearing this hymn in Spanish or English, I have the same feeling, fill my heart with the same yearning and feeling of peace that only the Lord can give us.
O Signor che io possa sempre l' esempio tuo seguir , cari saluti Paolo from Italy
Da, Fr. Kish is a great Romanian soloist! I like him very much! He really praises Jesus Christ with his marvelous voice!!!!
To the wounded and the weary I will show a gentle heart, hallelujah!
Good to remember! Every time you want to bully, who are you to judge another!
Hi sister shnaga good morning. and happy new year please tell me do you really believe that the church is true ?
Who's listening to this in May 2021?
Thanks for the sweetest praise songs.
I was pushing through the music and this is the only one I heard from the beginning to the ending. Listening to this reminds me of when I would go to church every Sunday and how much I truly miss the church and how much I would love to go back, but due to certain things that I have done, I can no longer go back. I wish that the chooses I made, I did not make at all, but due to them, I would never be excepted. If you are reading this, and you are young, please study hard and pray always and do what ever it takes so that you are able to serve a full mission and listen to nobody that says bad things about the church, if you do listen to them, you will really miss the church and will wish you never listened to them.
Our Heavenly Father will never reject His children who want to come unto Him, as long as you are willing to repent of what you've done wrong. You should definitely go back to church! Everyone will welcome you there! :)
I wish that it was that easy. You see, I have started smoking and drink coffee. Those are not the problem, I can give those up, I am in a relationship and that I an not giving up. I may be away from the church, but there are still things that I do like I am still in the church. I would not have to give up that much, but the one thing that I will not give up, the church and every church looks down on and tells me that I am going to hell for it.
Yea those habits are easier to break than the relationship.. so I guess your relationship is the problem. Well, in this case, I'd say Heavenly Father would want you to come back to Him one day. He will always be there for you no matter what. You can come back anytime you want. I'm not asking you to break it up but I think you surely know where you can find the real happiness. That's cool that you still do things like we do. You're definitely not going to hell! We'd be so happy to have you back some day! :)
once a month I do listen to the general confrence that is on-line, I am almost caught up with all of them. I am so happy that I can listen and watch all of the general confrances on here and glad that the guys don't have to wait till they are 20 to go on a mission. I wish I went on a full term mission and not just a short term mission. I learn so much and did so much and I did bring 2 new converts to the church and kept in touch with them for about 3 years. I hope that they are still in good standings with the church.
Hi Joseph, I have tears reading your notes... Desiring to come back is a good start. The first step maybe the hardest but it would all be worth it... God wanted us all to be back... He loves you.
Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee-
Lord, I would follow thee.
2. Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.
Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.
3. I would be my brother’s keeper;
I would learn the healer’s art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother’s keeper-
Lord, I would follow thee.
Thank you may the Lord bless thee!
Thank you
Mormo Tabernacle Choir is the best. All are professional singers. I loved it.
One of My favorites Hymns ever...love the way that even at an Hymn can teach you what the Savior wants f r om all of us..
I love the choir because it helps me fill better about myself (when I fell down and said because I lost my Father he passed away at home 25 years ago) I have my Mother Sister and one of my Brothers and my other Brother and Sister in law) but sometimes I wish that my Father was hear so I can get a huge from him and to talk to. Diana Knight.
This is my favorite music as an adventist
God bless you all!!
What a lovely way, to start any morning!😊
Thank you for sharing.
It is like heaven...like being in the presence of His Majesty...among the saints who have toiled and are now in eternal glory. The Motab, the Lord is your strength!
I love the phrase in verse one "Pause to help and lift another, finding strength beyond my own." As I recover from an addiction that has cost me decades of truly living and put my marriage on the ropes and all but knocked out, I recognize the special truth in that phrase. I owe my progress to date to the Lord and the amazing recovery brothers He has brought into my life...both those who have helped me and those I have been able to assist. There is no way I could do this myself.
¡Be the Glory to Our God in the name of Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour!
I love to hear the primary kids sing this song! It teaches a great message to all of us!
Very spiritual beautiful choir my favorite hymn as well GB🙏🙌🎹🎧🎵🧡🧡💚💚
Simply sounding like Angels xo to you
The most beautiful song
1. Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee-
Lord, I would follow thee.
2. Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.
Who am I to judge another?
3. I would be my brother’s keeper;
I would learn the healer’s art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother’s keeper-
4. Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother-
One of My favorites Hymns eveeer..... love the way that even at an Hymn can teach you what the Savior wants from all of us...
Hi Marce good morning. and happy new year please tell me do you really believe that the church is true ?
This is a beautiful Christmas songs I love to hear
Absolutely Beautiful 🎶🎤🧡💚🧡
Sublime Heavenly Beautiful
The sounds of TMTC never fail to give me goosebumps.... and move me to tears.
Lord be with us all ❤
Adoro la bella música.. Un coro de Ángeles
For ever love God...
Beautiful Hymn
Such beautiful and peaceful musci to the soul. May the Lord continue to Bless this beautiful choir so that we may be uplifted and edified by their voices. Music really does sooth the soul. Love this rendition.
We sang this at a baptism on Saturday and I have been obsessed with it ever since
What was most important to me I found written in the scriptures: care. As in I care about you ❤
A very uplifting hymn. Blessings
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is my "idol" how I wish I am given the opportunity to visit watch them live. If not only in heaven!!
La chorale me fait aller le Dieu tout puissant l'intelligence suprême 🙏🙏🙏🙏
What a great song. I am good friends with the man who wrote this hymn.
This song brings peace to my heart. My favorite Hymn
Lord forgive us 😢😢😢
Beautiful singing !
Quiero amarte salvador y por tu senda caminar que deleite con hermosas voces del coro del tabernáculo
Woooow great and wonderful
Lindo o coral do Tabernáculo .👏👏👏 De a Igreja De Jesus Cristo Dos Santos Dos Últimos Dias.Belos Hinos .😇
Beautiful, beautiful song...I love listening to the words and pondering about how to apply them in my life. I am grateful that I can listen to the Tabernacle choir on the internet wherever I happen to be. These hymns are truly inspirational...
I loooooove this song.
A very reverent hymn to the Lord.
I would follow my savior wherever ....
Amazing song.
It is just closing our eyes and talk with God.
This is one of my favorite hymns. #MoTab
1. Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee-
Lord, I would follow thee.
2. Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.
Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.
3. I would be my brother’s keeper;
I would learn the healer’s art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother’s keeper-
Lord, I would follow thee.
4. Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother-
Lord, I would follow thee.