They both have good points. Their world isn’t going to get any better if they keep holding onto old prejudices. But also it’s not going to change over night or by pretending either
I think this is why America seems like a rather stagnant place. Everyone expects the President to have these wide radicalized changes go over night. But without Congress they can't do that. They get stonewalled. Even with this CEO situation, radicalized Healthcare Reform isn't gonna happen overnight. The momentum needs to be a constant hum to get progress. You can't ignore the issues forever that's how they boil over. But good change comes at a cost too.
just someone blinded by the place they live, the condition they live and in the generation they live can say something stupid like that, no haru is the only one with a good point, in fact that kind of relationship is dangerous and most of this ''prejudices'' aren't prejudices are facts, of course generalization is a problem but you can not deny the real problems that can come from this kind of relationships without emotionalisms, carnivores in fact can be danger and in fact this kind of relationship can be dangerous, and pretend that it's all prejudice and not real problems don't will solve anything, the political correctness generation can not realise the real problem this series show us and think the person being criticized do really have a point when well no she don't
That wasn’t the point. Sure people are capable of moving on from old prejudices and as a whole, should do so as a collective within reason. But at the same time, there’s that uncomfortable truth that there’s a reason the prejudice exists in the first place and sometimes it can’t be blamed on a systemic governmental issue as many would opt to blame to avoid actually thinking about it.
Haru isn't the type to stay silent on something so near to her, but she's not wrong, either. Her temper flares a bit at things she sees as hypocritical, but if you want to change other people's minds you have to approach preconceived notions delicately, which isn't something we've seen her do.
Indeed. I prefer honest change, even if motivated by personal reasons like Ako, to the indifference of people who want something unfair to change but are unwilling to do anything to make it happen. There is no easy answer or satisfactory solution that does not come with some shock on this subject.
Agreed People don’t like being challenged and confronting them like that is just going to make them double down in an effort to prove you wrong, however stupid or dangerous it might be to do so
I think insects in this world dont count? if i remember correctly i think carnivore who dont consume meat get there needed Protein from insect products and something similar (sorry, gotta read the first few mangas again to verifiy, it has been a long time.)
The beastars universe kind of tends to ignore that most animals dont simply fall into a 'herbivore' or 'not herbivore' category (eg: deer, sheep and horses will absolutely occasionally eat meat) and instead tends to put all animals strictly into either category. Since ant eaters dont really have a predator-instinct and insects arent sentient in the beastars universe i guess the autor just decided to out them in the herbivore category
A part of me is happy Haru doesn't to stand alone in this, but it's also obvious that Ako speaks from a politically correct point instead of an earnest one. She doesn't come from a bad place, but she does it only because her own boyfriend is a lion and that's mostly it.
Ako is flaunting her relationship because she hasn't taken enough time to get to know her boyfriend and it's precisely because she doesn't see him as an equal. He's a new outfit, a fashion statement.
@@JanaSzIsBasicGlitch Oh yeah. Reading someone through careful observation can give you clues as to where they got their ideas. Valuable clues for a better approach to their underlying problems. Legoshi initially picks up a lot of these, though his ability to engage is a bit underdeveloped.
@@laniakeas92Anteaters are also portrayed as herbivores in Beastars, even though ants are not plants. And, confusingly, hippos are portrayed as carnivores.
not me having a mental breakdown watching the PIGEON call an anteater an herbivore then proceed to forget it's an omnivore that can and will cannibalize it's own kind while calling carnivores brutes.
Uh, cuz like it's allowed to eat little ants(they aren't intelligent creatures) but it's forbidden to eat the real meat of fish, bird, mammals, reptiles…… So they doesn't consider the ant-eaters as carnivores.
Many animals are not just herbivores or carnivores. Obligate Carnivores (cats) have no ability to digest plants. Obligate Herbivores (some iguana species) have no ability to digest meat. Most animals are omnivorous to various degrees. Cows, horses, etc will chew on meat like baby birds to make up for nutritional deficiences. Bears love to chow on salmonberries and the like, and canines will forage on sunflower seeds for the oils. Animals are cool! Source: I work at a zoo and had to wrestle a moldy chicken breast from a peacock once. It was insane.
yeah most "herbivores" are actually just opportunistic carnivores; horses, cow, and deer will eat small animals like baby birds and mice if one comes along and they can easily catch and eat it. This anime isn't exactly scientifically accurate, so not really a fair point to make.
@@garg4531 no, more like, "I'm a bored deer, oh look baby birds to chew on" When your in the wild every amount of calories count, it's like counting every penny in your bank account, they have to take what they can and choose carefully what to spend the calories on. For a lot of animals, there aren't many true carnivores or herbivores, everything has nutritional value in some way and for a common deer or sheep or squirrel, they need to eat as much as they can when they can. And a lot of the times, it means getting a quick and easy meal that doesn't require a lot of energy being spent in turn trying to eat, so which would you rather have? Graze on grass and waste calories walking 15 feet to the next patch that you'll munch on until you're hungry again, or eat some eggs or baby birds that have more calories. Waste time chasing a rabbit and waste calories, or eat some wild blue berries? Animals constantly have to weigh in their options, it's the circle of life
I just realised are we sure ako isnt a hare not a rabbit? she seems bigger, taller and her eyes are more carnivorous. I love that actual distinction, i always wondered how a hare would be different to a rabbit in beastars
Ako is a rabbit, a Mini Rex Rabbit to be more precise. She's also not the first rabbit we've seen to have different eyes (when compared to Haru), there was the Harlequin Rabbit girl from the first season (who bullied Haru for sleeping with her boyfriend) who had somewhat similar eyes.
I like how Ako's voice actress emphasized the word "boyfriend" over the rest of her statement. It demonstrates how the chatacter is more interested in showing off her fashion rather than the important values of a relationship.
Correct. In the wild, they'll eat insects and worms, too. (And that's before we consider what may be in the human food scraps they may also be consuming.)
Haru, I adore you, but you’re looking at the situation a bit too critically. Even if Ako is flaunting her relationship with a carnivore, it’s closer to a political statement than a fashion statement. I mean-… yeah, it’s important to remind Ako that she shouldn’t make that sort of relationship seem so light and easy, when it can potentially lead to tragedy. That could just lead to predators getting an even worse rap. However! Ako did speak out against that professor which was really important to do. That kind of bigotry needs to be called out. Haru clearly didn’t like it, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak up for Legoshi’s sake, when Ako did. Just sayin
Yeah, she fully acknowledges that she's being judgemental because she's jealous her relationship with Legoshi can't be that simple. I mean, she was about to apologize before she got bitten.
Although you are right, the issue they presented by not actually caring about the deep seeded special gap did rear it's ugly head later when Ako spoilers does in fact get mauled by her boyfriend who regrets it just like Legoshi did but the good thing is like you said Haru did kinda jump the gun, in the end of the Manga we see Ako and her bf get back together because in spite of that trauma they do genuinely wish to try and make this work even if it was partially for clout initially
Honestly though, i think she was more trying to get by first on learning to first coexist with a carnivore first before defending one. She didn't have full proof to stand on to defend carnivores in general as well as if she tried to defend them she'd have to go through the same thing she had to deal with at school except that instead of being bullied for her sharing the bed with a bunch of guys and being a completely white coated rabbit she'd be bullied for standing up for carnivores. If anything ako inadvertantly helped even if it was a trending thing to do.
idk right after haru calls her out, ako gets mad that her boyfriend didn't growl at haru for what she said, which feels more in line with how ako doesn't take their relationship seriously and that it's fetishization without any attempt at understanding him as a lion. she wasn't really speaking up for her boyfriend, but to show off the fact that she's dating a carnivore & inserting herself into a conversation, instead of standing up for carnivores in general.
I mean haru is right, if this was zootopia then yes this outlook is outdated. But in this world, theres a real danger of mentally sound people just for no reason cant handle their hunger for meat, despite not even being hungry and attack their herbivore classmates or partners. Idk why theres this racism allegory when the danger is actually real in this world and not just fear mongering.
sorry to inform but danger of black people as much as white is also real, racism came from stereotypes that DID actually come from real life expirience
It’s not just a racism allegory, it’s also a “what if” scenario. The point isn’t to recreate real world bigotry one-to-one, it’s to actually explore, in depth, the real consequences that would come of a society where all animals are sentient. This isn’t zootopia, as you said, which is supposed to be a much more simplistic real-world allegory in which carnivores aren’t actually dangerous or aggressive by nature. Beastars is, above all, a thought experiment and psychological deep dive. With furries.
I think the racism allegory comes from how there's a broader allegory about group dynamics and how we treat and view members of our in-group compared to how we treat and view outsiders. This could be applied to racism, but also to many other things including differences based on nationality, religion, socioeconomic group, and others. A real human, walking around today and fearing that people from a certain ethnic group, religion, country, or who backs the other side in one of our world's conflicts may suddenly harm them (or worse) even if they've done nothing isn't all that different from a fictional rabbit citizen worrying that the tiger in the classroom could snap and attack them because they're a carnivore. But, instead of bogging the plot down with complex, real-world social groups and conflicts (which might introduce the possibility of biased or inaccurate representations), here, the creators can simplify things down to "carnivore versus herbivore".
Haru spitting facts here. She is totally right and also can be projected in this modern society. Ok we dont each other but there are different things that can be applied here. Can you accept someone completely for who he/she is and how he/she is. Saying yes so lightly doesn't cut it
😂 The funny thing is in nature herbervores and carnivores would sometimes eat the opposite of what we expect them to eat due to the lack of nutritional value that they normally need. It's also not like they have a problem with it eating it either it's just that both sides have a better ways of digesting there's foods.
Some famous footage of a cow eating a rabbit that got too close while it was grazing. Why?; because that rabbit was worth about 4 hours of eating grass; and the cow's four chamber super stomach is going to digest the WHOLE thing. :)
I've seen a flock of chickens turn a rat into a skeleton in under a minute Our neighbors horse **hunted** squirrels until they stopped coming into his pasture! Oh and I once had to fight a deer that was trying to **eat** one of our cats Nature is not black and white and everything needs protein at some point
It’s a biological fact that carnivorous animals have less types of taste buds than herbivores. Alternatively there are animals who while defined as herbivores they are known to eat meat from time to time in periods of famine.
BUT carnivores are less likely to "plunder" an ecosystem like herbivores do. also carnivores tend to have preferred foods while herbivores tend to be stuck with what they are "designed" to eat and nothing much else.
I sorta get the impression that Ako is mostly dating Eado as a political and fashion statement, while Eado probably actually had a crush on the cute, confident bunny girl and was oblivious to her using him like that.
Spoilers for Ako Tho she gets attacked by her boyfriend they work things out and they date still. She proved to Haru and to others that just because they are carnivore and herbivore doesn't mean they can't be together.
Oh, I know. Haru isn't wrong, but she wasn't completely right either. Especially about them. When I read the parts about them I started rooting for them just as hard as I'm rooting for her and Legoshi
Likely he meant meat eaters than the ones eat mostly invertebrates... Though legoshi likely didn't like the thought of someone eating his Hercules beetle.
It’s funny, but in a spin off, it is revealed she actually does love him. I mean, she’d have, after she survived him mauling her. Oh, and before anyone thinks it’s some Stockholm syndrome thing, the lion didn’t do it on purpose, and he was utterly horrified by what he had done. It’s not revealed in the manga, but I’d say after the mauling she thought about him and realized she actually did come to love him at some point while she was dating him to be trendy.
Funny how a pigeon is talking about refined taste because as far as I know they would eat anything they can find no matter if seeds, berries, insects or snails.
Haru doesn't has any room to say things. Both rabbits, bunnies, chickens, birds, Hippo and other herbivores can easily resort to cannibalism- Sometimes for either crowding or just because they can. Edit: Forgot a word.
Actually… while hippos are mainly herbivorous, they also have omnivorous instincts and often eat the carcasses of other animals. On top of that, they’ll eat other hippos as well. Nothing in this world is truly herbivorous. While many animals are obligate herbivores they still partake in meat eating every so often. Such as a deer eating baby birds, or a horse eating chicken chicks at the farm.
The part of fashion statement isn't true, just the instinct fact yes, but overall things they're together they love each other, over the natural carnivore instinct of the boyfriend, that's amazing, brave and admirable, they stay together with their love always, until the end
Neither was wrong imo but Haru is speaking from her own experience with Legosi. They tried doing the mambo together and while one was fighting the urge to consume the other was fighting the urge to flee the whole time. So Haru can't speak for everyone's experiences so she could be jealous, but Ako was taking down someone for speaking racist against mixed couples.
1:14 Actually, most carnivores aren’t obligate feeders they refine their palates through a variety of flavors which owners may see through their pets. It just so happens that most non-meat products tend to lack the necessary proteins carnivorous animals seek and, also, are toxic for their digestive system, limiting how much of these foods they can consume.
I think they even point it out in the manga that ever since society and civilization between herbivores and carnivores began the physical sizes of bodies in some Carnivore populations began to decrease.
This show is like the creator watched Zootopia, and started asking serious questions; like “What do the meat eaters eat?” “How do predators and prey live side by side when one has an instinct to eat the other?”
Like most so-called vegetarians, rabbits are not vegetarians. They are opportunistic omnivores. Given the chance, they will hunt and eat mice and small birds.
Honestly Haru’s right Love and understanding can only get you so far, and you shouldn’t be so naive as to overlook the very real danger A lot of people who own or work with dangerous and predatory animals either know this or have to learn it the hard way. In this case all it takes is something to trigger those instincts of theirs…
The anime is so different from the manga. Things are either out of place or things were added. I also feel like the anime takes itself more seriously than the manga. It feels darker.
The manga's tone in this section of the story felt less consistent unlike the anime which felt more streamlined. I guess it makes sense since the manga was originally supposed to end with the murder arc.
I love that Haru's motivation was added to the anime - to learn botany in order to create vegetables for carnivores and open a restaurant. She wants to eat equally delicious food with Legoshi. There is no such motivation in manga. She likes gardening and, by the 25th chapter of the Beast Complex, she likes fashion. Unfortunately, the rest of the anime season 3 is terrible. He loses to the previous two (they were closer to the manga) and greatly reduces the events in the manga. I would really like to see the scene when Haru comes to Legoshi's apartment after being scared by Melon, but based on the episodes that have already been released, I understand that the anime creators will not do this because of the timing and censorship.
Herbivores actually will eat meat if it's available. Hell, one of the main characters is a stag, an animal known to eat the bones and meat of other dead animals to get the minerals needed to grow their horns. But I was never able to take the plunge with Beastars because the premise itself just seems flawed. Carnivores generally just eat because they're hungry. What's depicted is more like the equivalent of a psychotic break. I've heard it the series is supposed to represent racism and such, but I'm not sure if it succeeds in that from what I've seen. Not that the series is bad because I wouldn't know one way or the other, just that it doesn't really do what it's supposed to.
The divide between Carnivore and Herbivore isn't ever confirmed to be a racial allegory, Beastars isn't written with an allegory in mind. With Haru and Legoshi it could be sex, disability, or misogyny. With Bill and Legoshi it could be masculinity. With Gil and Po it could be being Queer. For the black market it could reference drug addiction. Also I think what classifies omnivores as carnivores in Beastars is the natural instinct to predate that overrides reason.
I understand this is an allegory for race- but they really need to find another method other than animals. No matter how much a lion, wolf, or bear love you thyre still carnivorous.
Beastars wasn't exactly written with an allegory for race or an allegory in mind like Zootopia. A lot of the conflict between herbivores and carnivores can be interpreted as allegories for; Abuse, Sexuality, Gender, Misogyny, Masculinity, Violence, Class, Poverty, and or Drug Addiction. And those would be both totally wrong and totally valid interpretations at the same time
Beastars is a great show and I get the message of shows like it but it's still funny to learn more about animals and realize that most herbivores will actually eat meat if given the chance. 🤣 Sheep have eaten birds, squirrels and deer are also known to pick off baby birds, and giraffes will suck on bones to get valuable nutrients.
I like the anime, but there is no such thing as a true herbivore, every creature on earth is an opportunistic carnivore. If it's safe to eat, and there's no competition, Deer will eat meat because it provides more energy than vegetation. So when characters get sick from eating vegetables or meat, it's stupid. Carnivores would only get malnourished off of veggies
They both have good points. Their world isn’t going to get any better if they keep holding onto old prejudices. But also it’s not going to change over night or by pretending either
I think this is why America seems like a rather stagnant place. Everyone expects the President to have these wide radicalized changes go over night. But without Congress they can't do that. They get stonewalled.
Even with this CEO situation, radicalized Healthcare Reform isn't gonna happen overnight. The momentum needs to be a constant hum to get progress.
You can't ignore the issues forever that's how they boil over. But good change comes at a cost too.
Thats balkans except its all bad no good @@AceHufflepuff
just someone blinded by the place they live, the condition they live and in the generation they live can say something stupid like that, no haru is the only one with a good point, in fact that kind of relationship is dangerous and most of this ''prejudices'' aren't prejudices are facts, of course generalization is a problem but you can not deny the real problems that can come from this kind of relationships without emotionalisms, carnivores in fact can be danger and in fact this kind of relationship can be dangerous, and pretend that it's all prejudice and not real problems don't will solve anything, the political correctness generation can not realise the real problem this series show us and think the person being criticized do really have a point when well no she don't
That wasn’t the point. Sure people are capable of moving on from old prejudices and as a whole, should do so as a collective within reason. But at the same time, there’s that uncomfortable truth that there’s a reason the prejudice exists in the first place and sometimes it can’t be blamed on a systemic governmental issue as many would opt to blame to avoid actually thinking about it.
Preach! 👏
Haru isn't the type to stay silent on something so near to her, but she's not wrong, either. Her temper flares a bit at things she sees as hypocritical, but if you want to change other people's minds you have to approach preconceived notions delicately, which isn't something we've seen her do.
Indeed. I prefer honest change, even if motivated by personal reasons like Ako, to the indifference of people who want something unfair to change but are unwilling to do anything to make it happen. There is no easy answer or satisfactory solution that does not come with some shock on this subject.
People don’t like being challenged and confronting them like that is just going to make them double down in an effort to prove you wrong, however stupid or dangerous it might be to do so
There is literally an Ant-Eater in the room
that's not a herbivore in the slightest
I think insects in this world dont count? if i remember correctly i think carnivore who dont consume meat get there needed Protein from insect products and something similar (sorry, gotta read the first few mangas again to verifiy, it has been a long time.)
Ants aren't considered people in this world, so they make a popular meat substitute.
Lmao you're right but maybe when it comes to 'lesser' organisms like insects an exception is made
The beastars universe kind of tends to ignore that most animals dont simply fall into a 'herbivore' or 'not herbivore' category (eg: deer, sheep and horses will absolutely occasionally eat meat) and instead tends to put all animals strictly into either category. Since ant eaters dont really have a predator-instinct and insects arent sentient in the beastars universe i guess the autor just decided to out them in the herbivore category
kibi is a tapir, not ant eater, which are indeed herbivores, pigeons on the other hand eat bugs and worms so yeah lol
A part of me is happy Haru doesn't to stand alone in this, but it's also obvious that Ako speaks from a politically correct point instead of an earnest one. She doesn't come from a bad place, but she does it only because her own boyfriend is a lion and that's mostly it.
To bad she does it only to be popular.
Politically correct is always bull
Ako is flaunting her relationship because she hasn't taken enough time to get to know her boyfriend and it's precisely because she doesn't see him as an equal. He's a new outfit, a fashion statement.
@@GabrielBoorom Probably, thats why you want "let's talk phase" that seem to be sometimes really big problem...
Oh yeah. Reading someone through careful observation can give you clues as to where they got their ideas. Valuable clues for a better approach to their underlying problems. Legoshi initially picks up a lot of these, though his ability to engage is a bit underdeveloped.
At least Haru isn't being bullied or isolated
Or sleeping with random herbivore students 😅
The sad thing about this is that is that Haru was right to be cautious. Ako found out in the worst way possible.
I hope that doesn't imply what it sounds like it's implying :|
@@vtr0104yeah he almost ate her ;_;
@Dingus-69420 Damn Nature... you scary :(
Ako was still a real one tho. She may have been naive but she does have integrity.
But then asked Legoshi to kiss her at the black market in a shop that sell dead rabbits 😅
Last year a pigeon died on my balcony and next morning his acquaintances ate his dead body.
Pigeons are opportunistic omnivores, it’s part of why they’re so successful in urban environments
Congratulations, you learnt that pigeons are omnivores. I saw 2 of them hunt a squirrel in Central Park... Nature's fcking wild, man!
@@garg4531 yeah, I,just wrote this because in series they were portrayed as herbivores.
@@laniakeas92 ah right
@@laniakeas92Anteaters are also portrayed as herbivores in Beastars, even though ants are not plants. And, confusingly, hippos are portrayed as carnivores.
not me having a mental breakdown watching the PIGEON call an anteater an herbivore then proceed to forget it's an omnivore that can and will cannibalize it's own kind while calling carnivores brutes.
Uh, cuz like it's allowed to eat little ants(they aren't intelligent creatures) but it's forbidden to eat the real meat of fish, bird, mammals, reptiles…… So they doesn't consider the ant-eaters as carnivores.
Their world simply divides animals into two categories, so binary that they never discuss the issue of omnivores
That’s bigotry for you: often hypocritical.
pigeons are not omnivores, they are seedivores. They only eat seeds and grains, and sometimes greens.
@@garden.of.thistles Buddy, go back to school.
Haru couldn't have expected how prophetic her statement would turn out to be - and I bet she'd have wished for the contrary.
Gardening is her best skill also pigeons are not vegetarians if they're desperate enough to eat
Many animals are not just herbivores or carnivores. Obligate Carnivores (cats) have no ability to digest plants. Obligate Herbivores (some iguana species) have no ability to digest meat. Most animals are omnivorous to various degrees. Cows, horses, etc will chew on meat like baby birds to make up for nutritional deficiences. Bears love to chow on salmonberries and the like, and canines will forage on sunflower seeds for the oils. Animals are cool! Source: I work at a zoo and had to wrestle a moldy chicken breast from a peacock once. It was insane.
Key word is “desperate enough to eat”, which means “not under normal circumstances”
Yeah this series presents the animal world like it’s neatly divided, but reality is way more messy.
yeah most "herbivores" are actually just opportunistic carnivores; horses, cow, and deer will eat small animals like baby birds and mice if one comes along and they can easily catch and eat it. This anime isn't exactly scientifically accurate, so not really a fair point to make.
@@garg4531 no, more like, "I'm a bored deer, oh look baby birds to chew on" When your in the wild every amount of calories count, it's like counting every penny in your bank account, they have to take what they can and choose carefully what to spend the calories on. For a lot of animals, there aren't many true carnivores or herbivores, everything has nutritional value in some way and for a common deer or sheep or squirrel, they need to eat as much as they can when they can. And a lot of the times, it means getting a quick and easy meal that doesn't require a lot of energy being spent in turn trying to eat, so which would you rather have? Graze on grass and waste calories walking 15 feet to the next patch that you'll munch on until you're hungry again, or eat some eggs or baby birds that have more calories. Waste time chasing a rabbit and waste calories, or eat some wild blue berries? Animals constantly have to weigh in their options, it's the circle of life
I just realised are we sure ako isnt a hare not a rabbit? she seems bigger, taller and her eyes are more carnivorous. I love that actual distinction, i always wondered how a hare would be different to a rabbit in beastars
Ako is a rabbit, a Mini Rex Rabbit to be more precise. She's also not the first rabbit we've seen to have different eyes (when compared to Haru), there was the Harlequin Rabbit girl from the first season (who bullied Haru for sleeping with her boyfriend) who had somewhat similar eyes.
Haru is specifically called a dwarf rabbit, that´s why she is smaller than the other rabbits in the series.
I think Harus first boyfriend/lover was actually a hare, so she’s probably just a rabbit
@@DRAG0NSPIRIT10 i wish haru had this. aku is the only one with proper eyes....while the other look simply weird
Haru is a Dwarf Rabbit. Her species is explicitly stated earlier on in the story to be smaller and weaker than other rabbits.
I like how Ako's voice actress emphasized the word "boyfriend" over the rest of her statement. It demonstrates how the chatacter is more interested in showing off her fashion rather than the important values of a relationship.
I don't think pigeons are strictly herbivores.
Correct. In the wild, they'll eat insects and worms, too. (And that's before we consider what may be in the human food scraps they may also be consuming.)
Haru, I adore you, but you’re looking at the situation a bit too critically. Even if Ako is flaunting her relationship with a carnivore, it’s closer to a political statement than a fashion statement. I mean-… yeah, it’s important to remind Ako that she shouldn’t make that sort of relationship seem so light and easy, when it can potentially lead to tragedy. That could just lead to predators getting an even worse rap. However! Ako did speak out against that professor which was really important to do. That kind of bigotry needs to be called out. Haru clearly didn’t like it, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak up for Legoshi’s sake, when Ako did. Just sayin
Yeah, she fully acknowledges that she's being judgemental because she's jealous her relationship with Legoshi can't be that simple. I mean, she was about to apologize before she got bitten.
Although you are right, the issue they presented by not actually caring about the deep seeded special gap did rear it's ugly head later when Ako spoilers does in fact get mauled by her boyfriend who regrets it just like Legoshi did but the good thing is like you said Haru did kinda jump the gun, in the end of the Manga we see Ako and her bf get back together because in spite of that trauma they do genuinely wish to try and make this work even if it was partially for clout initially
Honestly though, i think she was more trying to get by first on learning to first coexist with a carnivore first before defending one. She didn't have full proof to stand on to defend carnivores in general as well as if she tried to defend them she'd have to go through the same thing she had to deal with at school except that instead of being bullied for her sharing the bed with a bunch of guys and being a completely white coated rabbit she'd be bullied for standing up for carnivores. If anything ako inadvertantly helped even if it was a trending thing to do.
idk right after haru calls her out, ako gets mad that her boyfriend didn't growl at haru for what she said, which feels more in line with how ako doesn't take their relationship seriously and that it's fetishization without any attempt at understanding him as a lion. she wasn't really speaking up for her boyfriend, but to show off the fact that she's dating a carnivore & inserting herself into a conversation, instead of standing up for carnivores in general.
You think she'll listen? She's an Anime character
0:41 hello there my name is markiplier
seen markiplier meet scp furry named scp 1471 also know as malo v1.0.0
I mean haru is right, if this was zootopia then yes this outlook is outdated.
But in this world, theres a real danger of mentally sound people just for no reason cant handle their hunger for meat, despite not even being hungry and attack their herbivore classmates or partners.
Idk why theres this racism allegory when the danger is actually real in this world and not just fear mongering.
Even in the real world racism can be justified.
Normal people going into the true ghettos are dangerous. No go zones exist for a reason.
sorry to inform but danger of black people as much as white is also real, racism came from stereotypes that DID actually come from real life expirience
Because irl, racists use cases of criminals from discriminated group to make an argument that the whole group must be like that
It’s not just a racism allegory, it’s also a “what if” scenario. The point isn’t to recreate real world bigotry one-to-one, it’s to actually explore, in depth, the real consequences that would come of a society where all animals are sentient. This isn’t zootopia, as you said, which is supposed to be a much more simplistic real-world allegory in which carnivores aren’t actually dangerous or aggressive by nature.
Beastars is, above all, a thought experiment and psychological deep dive. With furries.
I think the racism allegory comes from how there's a broader allegory about group dynamics and how we treat and view members of our in-group compared to how we treat and view outsiders. This could be applied to racism, but also to many other things including differences based on nationality, religion, socioeconomic group, and others.
A real human, walking around today and fearing that people from a certain ethnic group, religion, country, or who backs the other side in one of our world's conflicts may suddenly harm them (or worse) even if they've done nothing isn't all that different from a fictional rabbit citizen worrying that the tiger in the classroom could snap and attack them because they're a carnivore.
But, instead of bogging the plot down with complex, real-world social groups and conflicts (which might introduce the possibility of biased or inaccurate representations), here, the creators can simplify things down to "carnivore versus herbivore".
Love that the world gets expanded on in Beast Complex
Haru spitting facts here. She is totally right and also can be projected in this modern society. Ok we dont each other but there are different things that can be applied here.
Can you accept someone completely for who he/she is and how he/she is. Saying yes so lightly doesn't cut it
I love rabbit soup
Ako isn't wrong either
Haru is one of the worst and the most over hyped girls in anime only because you people have just as awful of a personality as she does
@@dust9497 Slow down. She sucks a little bit on the likability scale, but let's not pretend she's the absolute worst, lol
The height gap between Ako and her boyfriend. 💀🔥
Oh, so this is one of the rabbit Illymations is voicing (the tan one)
Ew. That girl is a borderline psychopath
OMG, I had no idea it was her until now. That's amazing. Thanks for sharing.
😂 The funny thing is in nature herbervores and carnivores would sometimes eat the opposite of what we expect them to eat due to the lack of nutritional value that they normally need. It's also not like they have a problem with it eating it either it's just that both sides have a better ways of digesting there's foods.
That also happens in beastars remember Louis eating with the shishigumi?
I’ve seen a pigeon rat a dead pigeon. I’ve seen a rabbit rat her children, horses, cows and deers eat birds and snakes.
All mammals are omnivores.
Casual geographic made a vid about that topic
Some famous footage of a cow eating a rabbit that got too close while it was grazing.
Why?; because that rabbit was worth about 4 hours of eating grass; and the cow's four chamber super stomach is going to digest the WHOLE thing. :)
I've seen a flock of chickens turn a rat into a skeleton in under a minute
Our neighbors horse **hunted** squirrels until they stopped coming into his pasture!
Oh and I once had to fight a deer that was trying to **eat** one of our cats
Nature is not black and white and everything needs protein at some point
Where you live, in the Mountain? @@mysticfire5850
Except Koalas. They eat NOTHING but eucalyptus.
It’s a biological fact that carnivorous animals have less types of taste buds than herbivores. Alternatively there are animals who while defined as herbivores they are known to eat meat from time to time in periods of famine.
BUT carnivores are less likely to "plunder" an ecosystem like herbivores do. also carnivores tend to have preferred foods while herbivores tend to be stuck with what they are "designed" to eat and nothing much else.
1:14 speciest
man is just out with it.
And later down the line, Ako got attacked by Eado. Their relationship wasn't even real until after the attack.
I sorta get the impression that Ako is mostly dating Eado as a political and fashion statement, while Eado probably actually had a crush on the cute, confident bunny girl and was oblivious to her using him like that.
they're both a bit into each other but for Ako its more a political statement.
Eado looks so old with that grey mane. Lions really got done dirty with this adaptation.
Spoilers for Ako
Tho she gets attacked by her boyfriend they work things out and they date still.
She proved to Haru and to others that just because they are carnivore and herbivore doesn't mean they can't be together.
Oh thank Crom.
Oh, I know. Haru isn't wrong, but she wasn't completely right either. Especially about them. When I read the parts about them I started rooting for them just as hard as I'm rooting for her and Legoshi
How bold coming from a pigeon...of all bird species... They're omnivores...
Likely he meant meat eaters than the ones eat mostly invertebrates... Though legoshi likely didn't like the thought of someone eating his Hercules beetle.
I can never unhear Terriermon when Haru talks.
Don't you mean Kari?
@AGolfHitter I do, I realized after I posted it but didn't fix it
@@hallowseve6340 Ohhh. I love terriermon I have a very expensive plush on him. Anyway good day to you.
Heh, wait until later, down the line. I am happy that Ako didn't leave him and her eyes got open.
It’s funny, but in a spin off, it is revealed she actually does love him. I mean, she’d have, after she survived him mauling her. Oh, and before anyone thinks it’s some Stockholm syndrome thing, the lion didn’t do it on purpose, and he was utterly horrified by what he had done. It’s not revealed in the manga, but I’d say after the mauling she thought about him and realized she actually did come to love him at some point while she was dating him to be trendy.
I honestly wish Eado was sent to Gohin instead of prison... Poor bastard. 😥
It's so funny to see the divide cause herbivores will just randomly eat another herbivore like oh, there goes the deer eating a bird.
Can't wait for the horse or the cow to start eating snakes and birds just randomly 😂
Funny how a pigeon is talking about refined taste because as far as I know they would eat anything they can find no matter if seeds, berries, insects or snails.
Being scared of mentioning you don’t want kids because unhappy parents take it as an insult
Haru doesn't has any room to say things.
Both rabbits, bunnies, chickens, birds, Hippo and other herbivores can easily resort to cannibalism- Sometimes for either crowding or just because they can.
Edit: Forgot a word.
Nothing's an herbivore when there's unattended eggs of a different species 💖💖💖💖
Actually… while hippos are mainly herbivorous, they also have omnivorous instincts and often eat the carcasses of other animals. On top of that, they’ll eat other hippos as well. Nothing in this world is truly herbivorous. While many animals are obligate herbivores they still partake in meat eating every so often. Such as a deer eating baby birds, or a horse eating chicken chicks at the farm.
She did eat a udon with egg in it 😅
The part of fashion statement isn't true, just the instinct fact yes, but overall things they're together they love each other, over the natural carnivore instinct of the boyfriend, that's amazing, brave and admirable, they stay together with their love always, until the end
pigeons and most birds for that matter are omnivores (even most herbivores are oppurtunistic carnivores)
hell even parrots can eat meat, like some people would sometimes feed their pet parrots some bits of chicken
Out of context. Love Harus voice👌❤️
Neither was wrong imo but Haru is speaking from her own experience with Legosi. They tried doing the mambo together and while one was fighting the urge to consume the other was fighting the urge to flee the whole time. So Haru can't speak for everyone's experiences so she could be jealous, but Ako was taking down someone for speaking racist against mixed couples.
Haru foreshadowing their breaking point in one sentence
@eeveefennecfox i meant their relationship before the spin off
If the University is able to develop better ways of growing plants, one would think they would have invented time and research into lab grown meats.
1:14 Actually, most carnivores aren’t obligate feeders they refine their palates through a variety of flavors which owners may see through their pets. It just so happens that most non-meat products tend to lack the necessary proteins carnivorous animals seek and, also, are toxic for their digestive system, limiting how much of these foods they can consume.
I think they even point it out in the manga that ever since society and civilization between herbivores and carnivores began the physical sizes of bodies in some Carnivore populations began to decrease.
Not me who is obsessed with Beastars at the point to name my gerbil Haru 😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣
This show is like the creator watched Zootopia, and started asking serious questions; like “What do the meat eaters eat?”
“How do predators and prey live side by side when one has an instinct to eat the other?”
It's always easy to tell in any frame which animals are 3D and which are not.
Reading Beast Complex will completely change your ideas on Ako and Eado
Haru is being weird here tho
(And right)
That rabbit looks way too fine
Which one
This series tries to tackle real life problems about race and relationships. I hope the complete series of Beastars will come to DVD.
while it does do that, it isn't just an allegory for real life discrimination.
Of course, the PIGEON would immediately begin their lecture by spewing racism. 🙂
Any YES. He DOES love her.
Like most so-called vegetarians, rabbits are not vegetarians. They are opportunistic omnivores. Given the chance, they will hunt and eat mice and small birds.
Honestly Haru’s right
Love and understanding can only get you so far, and you shouldn’t be so naive as to overlook the very real danger
A lot of people who own or work with dangerous and predatory animals either know this or have to learn it the hard way. In this case all it takes is something to trigger those instincts of theirs…
In Haru's case, there is a biblical saying:
"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?"
Aww bunnies ❤❤
Patrick Stewart is a Pigeon !?!?😂
Last time I heard he voices a poop emoji so nothing out of the ordinary here. 😅
Daman Mills. Sounds like him, though.
"We herbivores hav-"
Anteaters are considered herbivores since Beastars' society doesn't view insects as intelligent beings.
Ako does seem like the type of person who would date a carnivore simply for the trends.
either that know...considering that irl lions be Packin...if you know what I mean ;)
For some reason Im now wondering how this world woud've been like during the earlier points in history..
Like ancient times, the middle ages, etc.
Ako is so short and tiny compared to the Lion
As much as I hated the hypocrisy, Ako didnt deserve what happened to her.....
Me seeing this after watching a pigeon devour a beef and pork loaf on the street xD "refined palett"
Nah I'm for anybody who does this @1:18, the fight after they were both right in their points of view too.
The anime is so different from the manga. Things are either out of place or things were added. I also feel like the anime takes itself more seriously than the manga. It feels darker.
The manga's tone in this section of the story felt less consistent unlike the anime which felt more streamlined.
I guess it makes sense since the manga was originally supposed to end with the murder arc.
poor Ako (if you know)
Fr but I'm glad things work out when the story continues into Beast Complex. It kind of makes me relieved.
I love that Haru's motivation was added to the anime - to learn botany in order to create vegetables for carnivores and open a restaurant. She wants to eat equally delicious food with Legoshi.
There is no such motivation in manga. She likes gardening and, by the 25th chapter of the Beast Complex, she likes fashion.
Unfortunately, the rest of the anime season 3 is terrible. He loses to the previous two (they were closer to the manga) and greatly reduces the events in the manga. I would really like to see the scene when Haru comes to Legoshi's apartment after being scared by Melon, but based on the episodes that have already been released, I understand that the anime creators will not do this because of the timing and censorship.
Haru burned the coal and want to warn others XD
Porch Droppings, you’re an omnivore. Read the room. (0:54)
All I will say is one has a happy ending and one doesn’t
is that kari's (from digimon) english voice actor for haru?
It is.
Haru you do realize you're talking about your boyfriend right
Haru are you jealous
Because if you are don't be
is markiplier the rascist pigeon
Listen White Rabbit you don't have to be jealous I know that
Man I just look at ako and I see the panel from the manga im sad now
since when pigeons are herovite?
I smile plant fear Shocked Why? confused anxiety
This is just woah
Adult Zootopia!
Why did Netflix think of this sooner 🤔
disney and netflix the same rival because of the jungle book remake and reboot be worse was a bug's life and antz by pixar and dreamworks rival
"The heart can't overcome instinct."
Dang, hits deep.
I love her voice .. Wait is that Lisa Loud?!
Pigeons are omnivores. They thrive on puke and dirty , molded garbage left overs. Weird speech imo
Drop your KFC and they will savage it until the bone is clean
They will also devour rotten new york alley rats.
Herbivores actually will eat meat if it's available. Hell, one of the main characters is a stag, an animal known to eat the bones and meat of other dead animals to get the minerals needed to grow their horns. But I was never able to take the plunge with Beastars because the premise itself just seems flawed. Carnivores generally just eat because they're hungry. What's depicted is more like the equivalent of a psychotic break. I've heard it the series is supposed to represent racism and such, but I'm not sure if it succeeds in that from what I've seen. Not that the series is bad because I wouldn't know one way or the other, just that it doesn't really do what it's supposed to.
The divide between Carnivore and Herbivore isn't ever confirmed to be a racial allegory, Beastars isn't written with an allegory in mind.
With Haru and Legoshi it could be sex, disability, or misogyny.
With Bill and Legoshi it could be masculinity.
With Gil and Po it could be being Queer.
For the black market it could reference drug addiction.
Also I think what classifies omnivores as carnivores in Beastars is the natural instinct to predate that overrides reason.
Haru is not a girl’s girl. Smh 🤦🏼♀️
Hey question.. how do you get these clips?
Okay is that pigeon is trying to be racist
And also I want to say shut up
And another thing I'm a carnivore I'm proud of it
I understand this is an allegory for race- but they really need to find another method other than animals.
No matter how much a lion, wolf, or bear love you thyre still carnivorous.
Beastars wasn't exactly written with an allegory for race or an allegory in mind like Zootopia.
A lot of the conflict between herbivores and carnivores can be interpreted as allegories for;
Abuse, Sexuality, Gender, Misogyny, Masculinity, Violence, Class, Poverty, and or Drug Addiction.
And those would be both totally wrong and totally valid interpretations at the same time
The prof is a pigeon. A sky rat and opportunist feeder... not quite a vegetarian either...
Where did you get the clips
... aren't pigeons omnivorous?
Probably isn't as much as a Stigma since Pigeons don't pose as much as a physical threat compared to other predators.
Beastars is a great show and I get the message of shows like it but it's still funny to learn more about animals and realize that most herbivores will actually eat meat if given the chance. 🤣
Sheep have eaten birds, squirrels and deer are also known to pick off baby birds, and giraffes will suck on bones to get valuable nutrients.
I mean Haru is not wrong in this one
Not wrong but rude projection
Why does Haru sound like...Velma?
Lisa Loud
Is Ako dies ? Or she survives ?
Spoiler warning
She survives, and works things out with her boyfriend, they remain together so far.
@@LokiToxtrocity yeah , you can clearly see she was breathing
@@happyswing Hey you asked I answered.
@@LokiToxtrocity i know , i am fully agree. I just... Laid a fact ) Thank you!
Why does haru va sounds familiar In eng
Lisa Loud from The Loud House
@ I was like wait a minute I know that voice
Is Markiplier the bird teacher? Am I the only one who heard his voice?
Is she alive after getting mauled?
from what I've heard yes and they're still a Thing
Isnt she was her bully?
different bunny, the one that had beef with Haru looked like Two Face from Batman
I like the anime, but there is no such thing as a true herbivore, every creature on earth is an opportunistic carnivore.
If it's safe to eat, and there's no competition, Deer will eat meat because it provides more energy than vegetation.
So when characters get sick from eating vegetables or meat, it's stupid.
Carnivores would only get malnourished off of veggies