Can I Crack 1600?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 พ.ค. 2024
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ความคิดเห็น • 27

  • @PuddleLake1
    @PuddleLake1 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    It’s a shame you bottled that first game but I’m not sure you realised you were down a piece before he blundered his queen 😂 you’ll get to 1600 but at the moment you don’t seem to be asking yourself what your opponent is going to play before making your moves.. happens to us all 👌

  • @sorbas-irokanshi5256
    @sorbas-irokanshi5256 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    It can‘t be a good idea in the first game to play g3 and then not put the bishop on g2…that sould be the whole point of playing g3

  • @yank509
    @yank509 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    18:20 I imagine it comes up in the review but isn't Bf3 simply mate? Luckily, you were both focussed on your queen

  • @Jamie-Chess
    @Jamie-Chess หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The bottom line is, you had that third game in the bag until the blunder. Less blitz and more rapid and you’ll get to 16/1700 in no time!

    • @ChessBootCamp
      @ChessBootCamp  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for the vote of confidence bro.

  • @cydonyn
    @cydonyn หลายเดือนก่อน

    If they accept the gambit right away, the key move is d5, sort of herding the light squared bishop to the kingside. Chess Giant has a decent video covering the gambit if you want to learn it a little better, the owen defense isn't that common, but might be worth having a weapon against tucked into the back of your mind.

  • @akent008
    @akent008 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    awesume calculation at 43 minutes!!! Well done

  • @brucewallace2
    @brucewallace2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    27.40 I think White could have considered a N sac. Nf6+ looked very strong. Black must take and I thing after eXf White has serious mating chances.Needs calculated.

  • @kimw200blaze4
    @kimw200blaze4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    With the French defense, Castling on the Queenside for Black is perfectly acceptable as the C file is open for black's Queen and Rook, even while it may appear that Black's King is somewhat initially vulnerable. I think the french is an great opening for Black as it allows Black to play an good and strong counter attacking game plan.

    • @ChessBootCamp
      @ChessBootCamp  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I played it myself for a while. Learned a thing or two, for sure!

  • @brucewallace2
    @brucewallace2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    48.00 Re1?? You had over 7 mins on the clock. As Var Akobian would say "don't rush". What a throw away.

  • @ndmb6333
    @ndmb6333 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well hunty my only hope now is that you don't tilt your way down to 1300 or something like what happened last time 🙏🙏

    • @ChessBootCamp
      @ChessBootCamp  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You and me both.

  • @gwojcieszczuk
    @gwojcieszczuk หลายเดือนก่อน

    11:36 Ng5

  • @niravapurv4578
    @niravapurv4578 หลายเดือนก่อน

    13:45 good you spotted the pin and the pawn push to exploit it your back in the game here, and even better that you spoted the pin on the queen in stead of taking the knight, that i was thinking to do almost automaticly. You move very fast there so i dint get time to spot it. You spotted that fast.

  • @joseraulcapablanca8564
    @joseraulcapablanca8564 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ben, Ben, Ben, 37:48 how many times did you calculate the useless plan of taking the knight and then playing Qh5 check, not once did you look at the winning move Bb5 check, great that your opponent then missed your next useless threat. Sorry that was maybe a bit mean but is so frustrating to see a clear win that you did not even consider. Cheers mate indeed you are improving and I know what you do is so tough.

  • @GlassOfWater87
    @GlassOfWater87 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You could and should have easily won the first and second games Ben. IF only you would have kept your cool first game, you would have spotted the fork and won the game in the end for sure, since you had a lead. Game 1 tilted you and were ultimately the reason you lost the second one too. It's a pity because you can easily get to 1700 rapid if you focus on keeping your cool and not playing when you're tilted. Either way, I was amused.

  • @dashaunjefferies1168
    @dashaunjefferies1168 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ...moment of silence✊

  • @Lucan23
    @Lucan23 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don’t think you should of resigned the second game. It was only +1.4 to your opponent and you had still had queen on the board so still good drawing chances.

    • @ChessBootCamp
      @ChessBootCamp  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, I guess I just lost my mojo at that point.

  • @niravapurv4578
    @niravapurv4578 หลายเดือนก่อน

    11:00 Good thing you used lots of time on this move, here its a very tactical position with several capture sequences.
    It looks like you did not realise that Nxe5 looses a piece as your pawn is overloaded.
    I did not see it at once but as you used lot of time i realized how strong Ng5 looks here. It threathens a fork on f7 AND a serial fork on e6. Black has to find that they have to move the rook that is involved in both forks to step out of both treaths. Re8. And their position is just aquard. Not sure your follow up but i guess you can take with knight on e6 anyways and that knight looks strong although d4 pawn might be still weak.

  • @brucewallace2
    @brucewallace2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Too one dimensional . When you were faced with a decision after fxe5 you looked at Ng5 as this faced Black with a fork of R's on f7. But the bigger threat was posed to the e6 pawn. If Black moved one of his R's either Knight captures on e6 which forks R and Q...if BXN then NXB and white wins the exchange.

  • @lidaaletap2646
    @lidaaletap2646 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think you let your guard down too much and assumed you had the win in the bag, then you just stopped thinking which lead to the blunders, learning experience I would say, I think you should have kicked the Knight out when it came into your side of the board

  • @niravapurv4578
    @niravapurv4578 หลายเดือนก่อน

    16:51 you just have to find f3 here i think. You are so much up that you can give up rook for a bish or knight. Should have used just a bit more time on this one.. in this stage meaning also the moves before, try to protect the weak squares around king through focusing on simplification.
    Sad you lost that first one as your opponent played to fast and you had that one. Just your opponent also played it tricky. So we have to use aditional time to solve out the cheapos and tricks.
    In the end i think you lost a drawish endgame by activating his king unesesarily. Probably play Kh3 emediately at 20:00 forcing the trade of pawns at once. Oh, i see now that the white king is to late to save the a pawn. But are in time to protect the b pawn. Not sure if thats a draw. But at least a better try. Actually should be a draw. White king gets to c4 with black king on a4. So white has horisontal opposition and black has no improvements with pawn moves.
    Hmm oh no they have Ka5, that's lost for white anyways.
    Hmm endgame looks lost anyways.

    • @niravapurv4578
      @niravapurv4578 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Perhaps at 19:40. Already here you need play Rook to 4th row instead of you trading the pawns to secure a draw. Witout trading the rooks when your king is on a far away position. That position should be a draw. A bit unlucky that because of the pin on quenn few moves later, you cant awoid the rook trades and the folowing endgame is probably lost. Witch is not easy to see from far.

    • @niravapurv4578
      @niravapurv4578 หลายเดือนก่อน

      54:26 oh Kd5 must be a bit of a mistake from black, i think you have a4 here, forcing you to get w free pawn, perhaps its not winning yet. But at least he has t9 banby sit that pawn and its them how has to be careful. Perhaps black can take on a4 and claim you c pawn is a liability. And its true, their 4 on 3 on king side looks scary. But you have a 3 to 2 on queen side. Perhaps you can wait with a4.
      I checked it. This endgame is just lost. there was a draw litlte before this. but not easy to see or find how to draw.