Interview starts at 06:19 Theme: general bias worldview questions vs. nuanced answers. Excellent interview! Thiel is a man of nuance. She asks in general about tariffs with a hint of baked-in conclusions. He answers separately in directional and specific terms. She asks about foreign policy in general terms. Thiel answers about specific geopolitical areas of the world and the need to weigh each strategy on its own. She asks in general about fears of skepticism vs conspiracy theories. He answers in terms of dogmatic vs. free/innovative approaches to problems. Laziness bias is to conclude quickly at a general level. It’s a complex world and only thoughtful people like Thiel navigate it well.
One of the most important issues discussed is at 1:09:00 . Just logic, and history repeating itself is really just people being people and forgetting that simple fact.
Bari Weiss makes sweeping statements as if they are fact, using emotive terminology , and then asks Peter Thiel to explain her perspective . Fortunately he keeps her in check and rather attempts to formulate a balanced narrative . This is my first and last viewing of Free Press , which seems to be an oxymoron.
Thiel isn't innocent of pretentious elitism either. He once claimed the Culture Wars, which just decided the biggest election of the most powerful nation on earth was low brow. I don't trust the guy, but I do acknowledge his introspections.
She's literally misinterpreting Thiel's statements and will Segway into topics by summarizing his thoughts in a way that is not accurate. I didn't realize she was this deluted until I sat down and watched her talk.
It is like watching two different life forms attempt to communicate. You have this thoughtful elucidation of complex topics contrasted with questions from your local mall barista. Hard to watch, but I cant stop watching.
Highly recommend Behind the Bastards podcast on peter thiel. He's quite a force in US politics. He's extremely elitists, one could argue neo feudal. To present him and his billionaire buddies as counter elite is bonkers.
"who's calling the shots?" It's Isreal Zionists. Always has been. It's why they fund both sides and pump millions into election campaigns. No matter who wins or loses, Isreal always gets their way
It was a good question she asked. Did you know she and Joe and Tulsi are all friends now. She’s changed a lot. JD Vance called Trump Hitler and look at him now. Give Bari a break she’s fine she’s acknowledged she was wrong in the past, same as Vance. There are many others who are the problem today.
There is absolutely nothing kind-hearted about this guy. "Thiel explained in a 2009 essay that he had come to "no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible" ".
My great-grandfather, General Joseph Hooker who worshiped Napoleon and rode his white horse into battle, also grappled with the limitations of democracy during times of crisis and saw merit in strong, centralized leadership-some might even say a form of dictatorship. This perspective is echoed in a letter Abraham Lincoln wrote to him: "Of course, it was not for this, but in spite of it, that I have given you the command. Only those generals who gain successes can set up dictators. What I now ask of you is military success, and I will risk the dictatorship. The government will support you to the utmost of its ability, which is neither more nor less than it has done and will do for all commanders. I much fear that the spirit which you have aided to infuse into the army, of criticizing their commander, and withholding confidence from him, will now turn upon you. I shall assist you as far as I can to put it down. Neither you nor Napoleon, if he were alive again, could get any good out of an army while such a spirit prevails in it. And now beware of rashness. Beware of rashness, but with energy and sleepless vigilance, go forward and give us victories. Yours very truly, A. Lincoln" Do you take issue with General Hooker's stance? What about Lincoln's willingness to "risk the dictatorship" for the sake of success? As for me, I believe in the idea of a benevolent dictatorship and find myself drawn to it due to my Nietzschean atavistic tendencies. If historical figures like Lincoln and Hooker contemplated the balance between freedom and effective leadership, perhaps Peter Thiel's views are part of a longstanding debate about the compatibility of freedom and democracy.
I voted Trump but slowly realizing that perhaps it was all a ruse by Peter Thiel, Elon and crew to chip us all and Prison Planet us once and for all! Agh!
@@damienhenriquez9754 It was. Though it wasn't just Thiel. There are many owners who own The US Imperial Plantation, all the politicians, and beauracries.
I hope you're being sarcastic. Because the average working or lower-middle class person is against the elite class. Given the elite class has nothing but disdain for their respective classes. For being "uneducated." For being "bigots."
This is a great caution. But I think in this case this group have also inspired the people to understand their personal power to get involved and participate in a renascence of self-regulation based on technology. 30 years ago the internet gave the promise of connecting the people of the globe to co-create a brighter future, but that got co-opted by extremist globalist elites. The internet is still maturing, and I think this might be an opportunity for innovation to be introduced that can provide the transparency to empower the people to start taking control of their society, rather than hand it over to elites. For example, personal data ownership could assist in this by becoming the next asset class. You should own and control your data and get paid whenever it's used. That and we have to use these same technologies to hold these people to account to fulfill the potentials of their promises.
@@eaglesfan2285 Millions of working and lower-middle class people the world over oppose the elite class. You're just as out of touch as the elite class to not know this.
Your statement is technically true, depending on context (which you did not provide). Plenty of elites, today and throughout history, did not come from "the elite class." Some came from humble beginnings and worked their way into it. Regardless of their socio-economic origins, once they make it into the "elite class" they are "from the elite class." So again, depending on context, the elite are part of the elite. Yes, counter elites usually come from the elite class. But your statement is vague. Are you saying that a bunch of lumpenproletariat, working on farms and in factories, can't grab weapons and overthrow a government (which is always run by elites)? Do all counter elites have to have come out of Oxford or Harvard?
I really find Peter to be extremely entertaining. I don’t even have to agree with him on everything, but his points of view are always a fun ride and usually offer a completely different and sometimes ridiculous take on reality. I really enjoyed this.
Right...the democratic party as the "machine"? AI is the media is the, Mr. Theil are the machine, and you want control over it.
It's a real shame. It's like being smart for no reason. It's like watching someone intelligent just spin their tires for no reason. It would be better if he'd actually learn AND apply things. But hey, smart people being smart for no real reason, no good reason, as sort of a show, sure, I like it too. It's empty calories though, can't really learn anything from him because he hasn't really learned anything worth teaching that he even knows how to articulate, but oh well.
Watching this video was a bit like watching Rick Beato's " What Makes This Song Great" for the first time. I discovered the reason why I had loved a particular piece of music for thirty or forty years, the piece was complex and interesting, but I was never able to properly articulate that, I just knew I loved a particular song more than others. In this podcast Peter Thiel articulates complex issues in such a clear fashion, that it makes me understand why I intuitively had formed a view, but without being able to set out why I did until he articulated in such a clear and knowledgeable fashion. Thank you. Outstanding.
25 years at a minimum. I can think of the early 90's and reading about the "politically correct " Ivy League. The reaction to the Alexander Solzhenitsyn speech at Harvard at the end of the cold War by the faculty and crowd was a tell-tale moment. The progressive cult "exposed".
That's because he's been redpilling people since before Trump was even making quips about Obama's birth certificate. It didn't matter who it was, didn't matter if it was Trump, redpill became it's own thing first and then created the movement that created trump.
@@subcitizen2012What's your solution? "Redistribute wealth?" Brains like his need to be left free of constraints to INNOVATE. ELON needs to be left alone. Someone who invents like him doesn't need you and me telling the government to control him!
@@subcitizen2012 The point is Bari is still enthralled in her odd liberal obsessions that reflect her NYT days. Theil gently gave a deeper dive with adjustments. I remember Bari from her Joe Rogan interview that quickly went sideways. Thiel is much nicer.
For the most part she held a wonderful interview with good questions that showed Thiel's insights, she had a lot of research done, she mentioned his past interviews and asked if his views changed; but I agree Thiel is a genius
@@stanleywhitehughesI agree she is a great interviewer. But her takes, if you listen closely, are still kinda tired lib takes. Like trying to bring up the right being all about hítler… what is this CNN?
It’s been a while since I’ve watched a whole podcast. This was good. I’m sorry to see that he looks sickly. He was very politic in handling Bari’s prejudices.
Maybe he's using the Activator Serum from The Substance (look up Lucas Hedges). Maybe he's using adrenochrome. Let's get Alex Jones on the case? Monkey pox? AIDs?
how dare that **** slander the great name of Patrick Buchanan!!! Even more hilarious is when Thiel presses her for quotes from Buchanan to back up what she is saying, she just moves on. typical gatekeeper behavior
For Trump's first serious political commission he was instructed specifically to slander and sabotage Pat Buchanan's Presidential campaign and thereby destroy any radical conservative political tide. Lest you all forget.
You can hear the passion in his voice when he describes the atmosphere at Stanford in the 90s and the now-extinct eccentric professors, he clearly misses that time and those people.
In Dayton Ohio we have so many vacant houses that the mayoral race had two people campaigning on tearing them down. I’m guessing that most rust belt towns are similar. Edit - I realize you’re talking about homeless people, not vacant houses. I’m suggesting an approach to partially alleviate the problem.
I’d like to hear someone address our national debt. It seems like no one is interested - to the point where I think I’m missing something, as in, we cannot pay it so we’ve given up, or there is a way around it that I’m not aware of …
It's not a concept that exists if you only analyze situations through a Marxist lens. It's from Italian Elite Theory, which posits that counter-elites are often populist rabble-rousers who use the people to forward their own interests. They're wealthy enough to have lots of power, but not enough that status quo always benefits them.
@ronlipsius When I am unfamiliar with a phrase, I look it up. It only takes a moment to cut and paste the definition for others. I'm not sure how you concluded that publicly acknowledging I was unfamiliar with a phrase, an act of humility, was me "trying to feel smart." Regardless, I hope bullying a stranger on the internet about their intelligence has made you feel better about yourself.
I've come to believe that raw intellect is distinct from intellectual independence. I'm sure, for example, that there were other brilliant minds during the time of Gallileo. But, Gallileo had the kind of spirit that required him to speak his truth.
I am a proud Thielist. I found Peter Thiel at a very low point in my life and he gave me meaning and Truth to enjoy life. I think a lot of thielists feel this way. Thiel is a mentor who I was searching for, and I found him. He has saved lives like mine, and his positive impact on men around the world can't be underestimated
I am a proud member of a cult of personality. Claiming that someone saved them is the typical cult member claim. You need real help if Thiel is your savior.
@@canteluna Social media has made people take words very lightly. You have no idea of who Peter Thiel is, and what it takes to be a man like him. But that's just life for the vast majority. Truth might be staring you in the face, but you can't see it due to your ignorance.
Good journalism will always be critical. I agree with Thiel that Trump is the best man for the job right now but trying bringing nuance, understanding and critique to a politician without being dogmatic is always a good thing. I think she walks the line pretty well to be honest. We might just be traumatized by mainstream media that any critique of Trump is the tip of the iceberg of a massive case of TDS. This in of itself is a problem but we can’t let it get in the way of having honest conversations about the dude.
@@alysiaduemler2221 Yea good point. But there are several incredible moments in this interview where she JUST doesn't get his point, like she's unable to accept it. For instance where he tells her science is being too dogmatic, and she just keeps asking about the dangers of being too skeptical.
Yay Odd Balls!!! When the tech guys got involved I got excited about politics and our country again. We have 4 years for radical change and revolution. Let’s go
@@marcv2648 Ah yes. The people from the technocratic elite (Elon, Vivek, Marc Andreessen, etc.) in charge of the government for the next four years will look out for the average Joe. The elite are gonna look out for the lil' guy!
So what part of Thiel's actual politics do you agree it his pro-fascist views? Is it his direct relation to a NeoNazism and white supremacy movement? Is it his anti-democratic views or his belief in humans and subhumans? Maybe it's the way he used his influence at Facebook and Meta to create algorithms that were a large part of the fascist propaganda platform fed second by second to MAGA?
Genius, absolute genius. We should have all juniors and senior high school students view and have a semester long class on everything in this video. Mandatory college admissions, freshman year.
I'm surprised at the naivety of some in the comments. They seem to think that "the elite" can be replaced by something OTHER than a counter-elite. What the hell are you fantasizing about???
I get the other replies and I make more use of those timestamps than I think is "healthy"; And I do think there is/are AI tools that can do this for creators. That said, I have often found little nuggets in parts of the conversation I wasn't looking in, and would have missed had I jumped to simply "the important parts." Cheer! Merry Christmas!!
Peter Thiel explained these economic issues so well: the deficit, the tariff, the increase in the immigration population, the housing price, etc. His observation that the education costs of blue cities and states will blow up themselves is eye-opening.
You have a subjective opinion. Learn to deal with that. I barely noticed her at all. If you want to tune her out, it's not that hard. Make a choice. Choose your destiny instead of being a whiner. Be a doer.
Right-wingers somehow always find a way to pin the blame back to DEI (non-white people). The irony is, it is WHITE WOMEN who are the primary drivers of the tuition costs. Really, women in general who have driven up tuition and driven down wages. Women and HB1 visa recipients.
It’s easier than that. Allowed student debt to be dispatched in bankruptcy and the lenders will force the universities to charge reasonable rates based on value.
I like this conversation. The comments here are very angry, but Peter Thiel is often right and he’s pretty well spoken. I like the way he sees things, it’s pretty unique. I’m not endorsing his motivations and I don’t think TFP is either, however we can listen to him without calling him the Devil, I’d hope.
I tried to stay on as possible for Peter because of his support for Vance but this woman is condescending and insufferable. Too many gotcha 's and holier than thou. No thanks!!
Thank you had never seen Thiel before …..interested in JD Vance friendship with him. I’m interested in the the woman’s dislike of Trump. A necessity in NYT mindset in NE for acceptance?
Ever heard of tech or internet utopia? That the Internet would set society free and unleash information, and only the best information would rise to the top and we would all know lore truth and be able to work together and strive a better world and a better tomorrow just by turning on our computers and later looking at our phones? Those were the promises; those are the things that didn't happen. Peter Thiel and Vance and the tech bros, they now want to make you the same promises about government, politics, and the economy. They want Trump, or whoever, to be tech kings, oligarchs basically, and they want to end individual freedom and rights, and make sure their private companies become the public surveillance and data mini g systems so they can continue to make money for nothing indefinitely, it only through the private free markets, but by controlling government itself too. Elon's going to be able to hand himself space X contracts, as well as Tesla contracts to replace all the governments vehicles with Teslas. And our phones will be listening to make sure we aren't black in a white neighborhood; or trans at school; or a public servant, legislator, or professor that's only allowed to speak the officially government and capital mandated truth.
25 minutes in and I haven't heard a word about 1) post-pandemic inflation 2) tax-giveaway to billionaires 3) lack of any plan by rebublicans to help the working class 4) Trumps determination to destroy democracy 5) A lot of democrats independents hate DEI but consider a far better alternative than destruction of the working class offered by the repbulicans
Wow what an interview. I listened to it 3 times to begin to comprehend it's many profound points! Talk about soup to nuts. In a word thorough. Thanks for your efforts.
In reality other way around. She gives typical PhD take and he gives answers that only teens date speak. The lack of mental acuity in most people with a PhD degree is astounding. While people with a Master's degree are actually lucid. Their lifestyle destroys neurotransmitter activity and the things the professors demand in writing ruins logic and ability for insight or understanding.
You miss the point. She asks small minded questions and he gives profound insights. Thiel is an innovator. Bari is a cast off remnant of a dying media industry.
Im someone who likes the way Thiel thinks, though I am terrified of his Palantir system potentially being used against Americans...the one thing that bugged me about this interview is she asked him about Ukraine...and then he started talking about Israel. What?!?
@@ol_true Nah this is dumb. He is an owner in one the US Government's AI companies. They check who owns their weapons producers. The Left has been lying a LONG time about Russia collusion. The right doesn't care about any country other than America. My concern is that some the NeoCon (who are actually communist -Trotyskyists) want to fight every country but more than anything they want to protect Israel, above all else. They care less about America than they do Israel... which tells me all I needed to know that they too are Leftists.
@@ol_true Nah that could be just because of our MSM and media as a whole has been saying that for years. I get what you are saying, but I don't see anything there.
The most important question is: how do we ensure we have continuous freedom of speech and mass access to information from now on? People still live in the bubbles and after the election is only progressing.
It's way too late to care about any of that baby doll. Just stop caring. Go live on whatever bubble. It doesn't matter anymore. Let these people make their money, let the free speech people talk their free speech. Nothing's going to be the same anymore, but it will all be okay eventually, even if everything is wrong on the way.
@Bari really enjoyed this episode. Appreciate you covered a lot of topics. Good insights in to Peter’s view, don’t agree with everything but appreciate the open conversation!
First time listening to Bari and Peter. Very impressive on both sides. Looks like Im going to be doing a lot of listening to The Free Press over the weekend.
I’ve never seen in an interviewer be more thoroughly and absolutely refuted than here. Weiss 100% got slowly, softly, and COMPLETELY destroyed by Thiel. Amazing.
Huh? This was an exceptionally friendly interview, there were no questions that were intended to be adversarial or "gotchas." She was just giving him cues to react to & letting him talk. What on earth did you watch?
@thefreepress Bari, with regards to your questions on Trump's promise of tariffs, I encourage you to look at the EU's recent statement that they plan to begin buying more US LNG in place of Russian LNG in order to avoid tariffs. That is the exact negotiation strategy that Thei is alluding to. Reading Politico and Reuters reporting on it, you'll find nothing on the MASSIVE geopolitical implications of this move. If the EU transitions to US LNG in place of Russian, you kill multiple birds with a single stone; 1. Less financial support for Russia to replenish its military and use in its invasion of Ukraine. 2. Cleaner LNG with lower carbon footprint. 3. Cheaper for EU residents. 4. Jobs and cheaper energy in the US. 5. A boon for US economic growth and economic power. 6. Support for the US oil and gas industry to challenge the OPEC+ monopoly. If just the threat of tariffs causes moves like this, bring them on!
@@carlpolen7437 I recommend people read the Nov 8, 2024 Politico article titled "EU’s opening bid to avoid Trump’s tariffs: We could buy more American gas" Then ask yourself, "why wasn't the EU already buying LNG from the US instead of providing a financial windfall to Putin's Russia?"
@@devin_3875 Liquified natural gas. Per my understanding, I think what many are missing in the tariff conversation is that Trump views tariffs as a lever for negotiation, not as a one size fits all economic policy. Check out the recent Politico article titled "EU’s opening bid to avoid Trump’s tariffs: We could buy more American gas" as an example.
Tarriff on call center / remote workers too... plenty of call center jobs should be available to high school grads or those "english degrees working at Starbucks"
Contrarian take (being very Thiel-like), riffing off your apt comment: upcoming Trump administration is going to be among the greatest administrations in new tax innovation
Hugely impressive interview. I'd listened to Peter before, but this interview really impressed me with his brilliance, his very clear speaking, his ability to push back without contention or conflict, and for his belief in humanity. -- One note, maybe Bari was just trying to get him opinion without sharing her own, but Thiel's explanation of the impact of uncontrolled immigration on the cost of housing was huge - and it seemed like Bari didn't care. Instead she focused on other aspects. I'm a retired Navy officer with a very good pension, and I have a full time job. And yet I don't feel like I can afford to purchase a house for my wife, after moving her all across creation for well over 20 years. And I don't live in CA or NY. It's to the point that if you didn't purchase a home in my landlocked state more than 6 or 8 years ago, you never will be able to, if you want to live in this state.
Hopefully you pay attention and eventually change your mind about these politics and economics. It will all be writ very large for you and in plain English.
Another other driver of housing prices is the trade deficit. Those who have the trade surpluses *must* invest the surplus in America. Much of that goes into American real estate, artificially driving up prices. If Trump succeeds in his trade policies, the trade deficits may unwind and allow real estate to return to equilibrium (ie, prices before 2005). But, that's likely a 5-10 year process at least.
Is there a group chat where all the BAP people are told to comment on Yarvin and Thiel videos? Blame Blackrock. They are buying up all the houses. Businesses want cheap labor. There's an incentive for them to accept mass immigration. Immigrants are renters and they don't have enough money to buy houses unless they are Indian, Arab, or East Asian where the families pool their money together to buy houses, businesses, and get ahead. Why don't you get a VA loan? Thiel wants to accelerate capitalism. He would probably be against putting restrictions on Blackrock. Also if the price of housing went down people who already own them would be less likely to sell since they would lose their investment.
So backing the ideology of a technocrat fascist that is anti-American and anti-democracy is the answer to your woes? These men that want to control America don't care about your problems...most of them are created by them.
Biden ran in the primary, and he won with Harris on the ticket as VP, sadly, his age betrayed him, and he had to step down. Hardly a conspiracy just factually true.
I'm optimistic after this election but I'm still deeply suspicious of Peter Thil. I'm glad he's done such a long interview so I can study him more. He's certainly more trustworthy than Kamala just because of that.
Bari Weiss doesn't seem to realize how awful the state of our health is. If we don't figure out what's harming our kids we are doomed. The infectious diseases aren't going to come back the way she fears. I just don't get her blindness.
I would imagine she got her shots. An intellectual sheep. No questions about Peter’s role in the surveillance state. That said, Peter is a data guy who hasn’t really reviewed the vaccine/autism data. That is so lazy.
The title is counter-elites, not anti-elites. It’s a bit obtuse, but it implies they are elites, but they are running counter to the normal elite positions.
@RichardTavilla You right wingers get butt hurt over things like trans rights that don't even affect you. Meanwhile, Trump and his cabinet are the biggest group of crooks, sex offenders and incompetents ever assembled in Washington. If Trump actually does what he promised (and let's face it, nobody has a clue what he'll ACTUALLY do), it will FUCK the US economy and particularly the poor and middle class. Meanwhile, the one thing I'm sure that he will do is the only thing he got done in his first term - a massive tax cut for your hero Thiel and his corporations. The one thing that is absolutely certain is while you and your buddies celebrate your newfound ability to trad'sh talk trans people, most of you will be worse off, But not Thiel and Musk. They'll be richer than ever.
Bari was embarrassed by Rogan. She didn't know what Toadie meant but was using it to brand Tulsi Gabbard with. And when asked, she couldn't give examples why she thought Tulsi was a Putin "Toadie" or puppet/sycophant. Lost a lot of respect for Bari.
@@annagoldenbecause so was just so so so absolutely hilarious wrong about her. Why have all the smart people left the left. Saying Rachel Levine and obese trans health cabinet pack is great just blows me away.
How can the person who created the most advanced spying technology for the security state be considered anti establishment? Seems like a nice guy, but serious red flags . Anyone give a decent retort?
Sure... I guess in the same way Oppenheimer could be "anti-war". I mean, I'm not defending Thiel (though I do like them) or damning him, I'm just saying somebody was inevitably manifesting technology like that. The world wasn't gonna stop... also... it IS possible to be anti-establishment in some areas and VERY establishment in others. People... and Shrek... are like onions.
Trust yourself and your gut. You're a nice person for seeing the niceness in Thiel. But something else you wouldn't quite put your finger on; something moved below the surface; you don't know what it is but you know it's there, something seems off, seems wrong. Remember that. You will know what it is eventually. Keep an eye on it.
Immigrants cannot be the main ones driving the price of housing up. It has to be greedy real estate investors taking advantage of distressed owner sales way belowmarket value.and then selling them or renting them at premium prices by doing superficial cosmetic updates. They buy hundreds of properties like this with no remorse for the first time home buyer that has sacrificed for years to afford a house.
Interview starts at 06:19
Theme: general bias worldview questions vs. nuanced answers.
Excellent interview! Thiel is a man of nuance. She asks in general about tariffs with a hint of baked-in conclusions. He answers separately in directional and specific terms. She asks about foreign policy in general terms. Thiel answers about specific geopolitical areas of the world and the need to weigh each strategy on its own. She asks in general about fears of skepticism vs conspiracy theories. He answers in terms of dogmatic vs. free/innovative approaches to problems.
Laziness bias is to conclude quickly at a general level. It’s a complex world and only thoughtful people like Thiel navigate it well.
@@eggcorn0x beautifully said
One of the most important issues discussed is at 1:09:00 . Just logic, and history repeating itself is really just people being people and forgetting that simple fact.
Laziness bias - what a great term
well said ❤
Bari Weiss makes sweeping statements as if they are fact, using emotive terminology , and then asks Peter Thiel to explain her perspective . Fortunately he keeps her in check and rather attempts to formulate a balanced narrative . This is my first and last viewing of Free Press , which seems to be an oxymoron.
Thiel isn't innocent of pretentious elitism either. He once claimed the Culture Wars, which just decided the biggest election of the most powerful nation on earth was low brow. I don't trust the guy, but I do acknowledge his introspections.
I thought it was a good interview. She really listened to him and let him talk.
She's literally misinterpreting Thiel's statements and will Segway into topics by summarizing his thoughts in a way that is not accurate. I didn't realize she was this deluted until I sat down and watched her talk.
It is like watching two different life forms attempt to communicate. You have this thoughtful elucidation of complex topics contrasted with questions from your local mall barista. Hard to watch, but I cant stop watching.
@@el_dragon170 🤣🤣🤣
"Everyone I don't like is an Assad Toadie. Also what does toadie mean?"
That was honestly so embarrassing I'm surprised she didn't retire and go into an entirely different industry.
How is she still taken seriously
Courtesy of Glen Greenwald 💪
Highly recommend Behind the Bastards podcast on peter thiel. He's quite a force in US politics. He's extremely elitists, one could argue neo feudal. To present him and his billionaire buddies as counter elite is bonkers.
57:11 “Who’s calling the shots,” she asks derisively. Thiel retorts, Trump’s calling the shots. It reminds me when Rogan shut down her Tulsi smear.
"who's calling the shots?" It's Isreal Zionists. Always has been. It's why they fund both sides and pump millions into election campaigns. No matter who wins or loses, Isreal always gets their way
Trump is calling the shots in the way Theoden was calling the shots while Grima Wormtongue was whispering darkness in his ear.
It was a good question she asked. Did you know she and Joe and Tulsi are all friends now. She’s changed a lot. JD Vance called Trump Hitler and look at him now. Give Bari a break she’s fine she’s acknowledged she was wrong in the past, same as Vance. There are many others who are the problem today.
She shows how dumb she is by her question. Trump is running circles around these IDIOTS in media.
I enjoy Peter bc he delivers the most ice-cold criticisms with a kind-hearted tone of voice.
There is absolutely nothing kind-hearted about this guy. "Thiel explained in a 2009 essay that he had come to "no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible" ".
@@felixmidas2020He's right.
And even if he weren't, that's not unkind to believe.
@@MeanBeanComedy don’t feed the bears 😂
@@MeanBeanComedy You would do well in Russia.
My great-grandfather, General Joseph Hooker who worshiped Napoleon and rode his white horse into battle, also grappled with the limitations of democracy during times of crisis and saw merit in strong, centralized leadership-some might even say a form of dictatorship. This perspective is echoed in a letter Abraham Lincoln wrote to him:
"Of course, it was not for this, but in spite of it, that I have given you the command. Only those generals who gain successes can set up dictators. What I now ask of you is military success, and I will risk the dictatorship.
The government will support you to the utmost of its ability, which is neither more nor less than it has done and will do for all commanders. I much fear that the spirit which you have aided to infuse into the army, of criticizing their commander, and withholding confidence from him, will now turn upon you. I shall assist you as far as I can to put it down.
Neither you nor Napoleon, if he were alive again, could get any good out of an army while such a spirit prevails in it. And now beware of rashness. Beware of rashness, but with energy and sleepless vigilance, go forward and give us victories.
Yours very truly,
A. Lincoln"
Do you take issue with General Hooker's stance? What about Lincoln's willingness to "risk the dictatorship" for the sake of success? As for me, I believe in the idea of a benevolent dictatorship and find myself drawn to it due to my Nietzschean atavistic tendencies. If historical figures like Lincoln and Hooker contemplated the balance between freedom and effective leadership, perhaps Peter Thiel's views are part of a longstanding debate about the compatibility of freedom and democracy.
Lindsey Graham, and probably other gay men, have spoken at the RNC before Peter.
Oooh behaaaaave 😂
I totally thought about the colorfull Miss Graham when she made the comment.
yeah for sure. i saw your dad give one.
@@lenhealy2314 Hahahahaha!
Lindsey still hasn't officially come out, can you name the others that spoke at the RNC proudly out?
"Mob of voters" That statement is all you need to know about Mr. Theil's views on democracy.
Not just his.
Listening to Peter Thiel sure makes you feel like a pawn of the elites regardless of which persuasion they are beholden to.
It’s like he sees society in 100 year spans
@@lexchess6453...being run by more efficient psychopaths.
I voted Trump but slowly realizing that perhaps it was all a ruse by Peter Thiel, Elon and crew to chip us all and Prison Planet us once and for all! Agh!
He makes me feel in-ept
@@damienhenriquez9754 It was. Though it wasn't just Thiel. There are many owners who own The US Imperial Plantation, all the politicians, and beauracries.
Guys counter elites always come from the elite class.
I hope you're being sarcastic. Because the average working or lower-middle class person is against the elite class. Given the elite class has nothing but disdain for their respective classes. For being "uneducated." For being "bigots."
This is a great caution. But I think in this case this group have also inspired the people to understand their personal power to get involved and participate in a renascence of self-regulation based on technology. 30 years ago the internet gave the promise of connecting the people of the globe to co-create a brighter future, but that got co-opted by extremist globalist elites. The internet is still maturing, and I think this might be an opportunity for innovation to be introduced that can provide the transparency to empower the people to start taking control of their society, rather than hand it over to elites. For example, personal data ownership could assist in this by becoming the next asset class. You should own and control your data and get paid whenever it's used.
That and we have to use these same technologies to hold these people to account to fulfill the potentials of their promises.
This is very accurate in my experience.
@@eaglesfan2285 Millions of working and lower-middle class people the world over oppose the elite class. You're just as out of touch as the elite class to not know this.
Your statement is technically true, depending on context (which you did not provide). Plenty of elites, today and throughout history, did not come from "the elite class." Some came from humble beginnings and worked their way into it. Regardless of their socio-economic origins, once they make it into the "elite class" they are "from the elite class." So again, depending on context, the elite are part of the elite. Yes, counter elites usually come from the elite class. But your statement is vague. Are you saying that a bunch of lumpenproletariat, working on farms and in factories, can't grab weapons and overthrow a government (which is always run by elites)? Do all counter elites have to have come out of Oxford or Harvard?
I really find Peter to be extremely entertaining. I don’t even have to agree with him on everything, but his points of view are always a fun ride and usually offer a completely different and sometimes ridiculous take on reality. I really enjoyed this.
He has a really hilarious turn of phrase from time to time which is exquisite
….corporations, finding it increasingly difficult to deal with with these ideologically deranged millennial employees”
I really like his mentor, Jean-Pierre Dupuy. Very interesting guy.
Right...the democratic party as the "machine"? AI is the media is the, Mr. Theil are the machine, and you want control over it.
I sometimes enjoy: "the different and sometimes ridiculous take on reality" that I get from Bari Weiss. from inside her forlorn NYC bubble
I appreciate how he learns lessons from history but the lessons don’t completely shape his worldview, they simply inform it
It's a real shame. It's like being smart for no reason. It's like watching someone intelligent just spin their tires for no reason. It would be better if he'd actually learn AND apply things. But hey, smart people being smart for no real reason, no good reason, as sort of a show, sure, I like it too. It's empty calories though, can't really learn anything from him because he hasn't really learned anything worth teaching that he even knows how to articulate, but oh well.
Watching this video was a bit like watching Rick Beato's " What Makes This Song Great" for the first time. I discovered the reason why I had loved a particular piece of music for thirty or forty years, the piece was complex and interesting, but I was never able to properly articulate that, I just knew I loved a particular song more than others. In this podcast Peter Thiel articulates complex issues in such a clear fashion, that it makes me understand why I intuitively had formed a view, but without being able to set out why I did until he articulated in such a clear and knowledgeable fashion. Thank you. Outstanding.
Rick Beato fan here! Agree with your comment.
@@gavintiegirl Copy that!
I'd like to see him talk with Jordan Peterson.
@@ianpollard4501 No
Great analogy 😂
The Ivy League has been on a downward spiral the last 25 years.
25 years at a minimum. I can think of the early 90's and reading about the "politically correct " Ivy League. The reaction to the Alexander Solzhenitsyn speech at Harvard at the end of the cold War by the faculty and crowd was a tell-tale moment. The progressive cult "exposed".
Longer much longer.
However, studying soft fields at an Ivy is still the fastest route to cushy jobs.
@@HorrorAlgorithm0x1337 the man that takes security before adventure, is the one betraying you when times get hard.
Peter saw DJT before Elon and a lot others...he red-pilled a lot of people...a visionary...
That's because he's been redpilling people since before Trump was even making quips about Obama's birth certificate. It didn't matter who it was, didn't matter if it was Trump, redpill became it's own thing first and then created the movement that created trump.
Lady I became 64 years without Peter Thiel. And what I see is war, war, war and a world and middle class getting more and more in distress.
That's an excellent case as to why we need less Peter Thiel's in the world.
@@subcitizen2012What's your solution? "Redistribute wealth?" Brains like his need to be left free of constraints to INNOVATE. ELON needs to be left alone. Someone who invents like him doesn't need you and me telling the government to control him!
I've been on the Henry George bandwagon since 2016. Love to hear Thiel bring him up.
Have you incorporated any of his teachings into a plan?
One of Thiel's best interviews.
43:43: Wow! I have never heard this good an explanation of what "the machine" is! I am in awe of the clarity of Thiel's thinking.
Takes one to know one, perhaps.
He's a very HIGH IQ human being
A most impressive interview. Well done to you both.
Bari has not changed much from her NYT days.
And? You probably haven't changed much either most of your life. Probably the same for Thiel. So what's your point?
@@subcitizen2012 u r gay
@@subcitizen2012 The point is Bari is still enthralled in her odd liberal obsessions that reflect her NYT days. Theil gently gave a deeper dive with adjustments. I remember Bari from her Joe Rogan interview that quickly went sideways. Thiel is much nicer.
Bari Weiss is an intellectual LIGHTWEIGHT.
So what?
I'm here for Thiel. If I find that she's vacuous, like Lex Fridman, I'm gonna unsubscribe and check only if the guest is important.
Ad hominem, Ad hominem, Ad hominem, Ad hominem. Get out of Ad hominems.
True. But Tulsi she got right. Sorry
She’s a journalist, not an intellectual. And the interview was great all in all.
Bari Weiss never really has great takes… kinda like lingering lib takes but Thiel is a genius.
For the most part she held a wonderful interview with good questions that showed Thiel's insights, she had a lot of research done, she mentioned his past interviews and asked if his views changed; but I agree Thiel is a genius
@@stanleywhitehughesI agree she is a great interviewer. But her takes, if you listen closely, are still kinda tired lib takes. Like trying to bring up the right being all about hítler… what is this CNN?
Ad hominem, Ad hominem, Ad hominem, Ad hominem. Get out of Ad hominems.
@@thehigheststateofsalad repetitive - go away.
Did we watch the same interview? He did a lot stuttering and struggling to define his thoughts than she did.
It’s been a while since I’ve watched a whole podcast. This was good. I’m sorry to see that he looks sickly. He was very politic in handling Bari’s prejudices.
Bari acted a bit like the typical German TV interview host.
must be all those blood transfusions
Thiel has prejudices too you know, so do you. What's wrong with prejudices?
Maybe he's using the Activator Serum from The Substance (look up Lucas Hedges).
Maybe he's using adrenochrome. Let's get Alex Jones on the case?
Monkey pox? AIDs?
What about the Kamala Trump debate?
how dare that **** slander the great name of Patrick Buchanan!!! Even more hilarious is when Thiel presses her for quotes from Buchanan to back up what she is saying, she just moves on. typical gatekeeper behavior
For Trump's first serious political commission he was instructed specifically to slander and sabotage Pat Buchanan's Presidential campaign and thereby destroy any radical conservative political tide. Lest you all forget.
Ad hominem, Ad hominem, Ad hominem, Ad hominem. Get out of Ad hominems.
@thehigheststateofsalad you arent saying anything here
You can hear the passion in his voice when he describes the atmosphere at Stanford in the 90s and the now-extinct eccentric professors, he clearly misses that time and those people.
People who think Thiel is on their side probably also think Trump's victory is a win against the deep state
The housing nightmare needs to be on the forefront of politicians minds. It’s ridiculous this has not been discussed in depth, with a solution
Starting deportations will have some impact on that.
Not really. Trump is incapable of deep thinking on practically any substantive topic
In Dayton Ohio we have so many vacant houses that the mayoral race had two people campaigning on tearing them down. I’m guessing that most rust belt towns are similar.
Edit - I realize you’re talking about homeless people, not vacant houses. I’m suggesting an approach to partially alleviate the problem.
I’d like to hear someone address our national debt. It seems like no one is interested - to the point where I think I’m missing something, as in, we cannot pay it so we’ve given up, or there is a way around it that I’m not aware of …
What would you do about it?
Counter Elites is an oxymoron. Peter is not on the side of the working class
Thank you!
It's not a concept that exists if you only analyze situations through a Marxist lens. It's from Italian Elite Theory, which posits that counter-elites are often populist rabble-rousers who use the people to forward their own interests. They're wealthy enough to have lots of power, but not enough that status quo always benefits them.
Came here for Peter Thiel.
Great talk. He has such interesting perspectives. Thanks Free Press!
Preference cascade: a situation where people's private opinions reach a tipping point and become publicly expressed and accepted.
Third-phase Schopenhauer. (It didn't work out too well for Holmes).
I truly hope that doesn't make you feel smart.
It is a silly, very low utility, boutique term among better ones - not worth learning
@ronlipsius When I am unfamiliar with a phrase, I look it up. It only takes a moment to cut and paste the definition for others.
I'm not sure how you concluded that publicly acknowledging I was unfamiliar with a phrase, an act of humility, was me "trying to feel smart."
Regardless, I hope bullying a stranger on the internet about their intelligence has made you feel better about yourself.
@ronlipsius Prurient: having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters.
@@ronlipsius you got owned here lmao
This is one of the most intelligent interviews I’ve ever watched. Thanks
I've come to believe that raw intellect is distinct from intellectual independence. I'm sure, for example, that there were other brilliant minds during the time of Gallileo. But, Gallileo had the kind of spirit that required him to speak his truth.
Yes. We still have great minds that believe flat earth that the sun revolves around.
Are comparing Thiel to Galileo??? 🥶
@@kohort1 Indeed so
Well said. In a sense, our society has fallen out of love with the truth.
@@eaglesfan2285 Only the leaders.
I am a proud Thielist. I found Peter Thiel at a very low point in my life and he gave me meaning and Truth to enjoy life. I think a lot of thielists feel this way. Thiel is a mentor who I was searching for, and I found him. He has saved lives like mine, and his positive impact on men around the world can't be underestimated
I am a proud member of a cult of personality. Claiming that someone saved them is the typical cult member claim. You need real help if Thiel is your savior.
I really hope you are a bot because this is a sad bootlicking statement. Thiel is an enemy of the people who has too much power.
@@canteluna Social media has made people take words very lightly.
You have no idea of who Peter Thiel is, and what it takes to be a man like him. But that's just life for the vast majority. Truth might be staring you in the face, but you can't see it due to your ignorance.
So you worship AGI?
Bari Weiss sounds like Tim Wise. Wait! Don't look up their early life sections on Wikipedia!
Bari's questions and discussion has a tinge of TDS about them. Peter is great to listen to.
"a tinge" is being incredibly generous. She's a full blown patient.
I appreciate her a lot because she brings people from the left and right together. Very few people not fully on the right even try.
No other liberal or former liberal even tries to listen to pro-Trump people though. She’s outstanding for that.
Good journalism will always be critical. I agree with Thiel that Trump is the best man for the job right now but trying bringing nuance, understanding and critique to a politician without being dogmatic is always a good thing. I think she walks the line pretty well to be honest. We might just be traumatized by mainstream media that any critique of Trump is the tip of the iceberg of a massive case of TDS. This in of itself is a problem but we can’t let it get in the way of having honest conversations about the dude.
@@alysiaduemler2221 Yea good point. But there are several incredible moments in this interview where she JUST doesn't get his point, like she's unable to accept it.
For instance where he tells her science is being too dogmatic, and she just keeps asking about the dangers of being too skeptical.
Yay Odd Balls!!! When the tech guys got involved I got excited about politics and our country again. We have 4 years for radical change and revolution. Let’s go
You mean technocratic dystopia?!
@@ce4062 That's what we currently have. The challenge now is to take it apart.
@@marcv2648 Ah yes. The people from the technocratic elite (Elon, Vivek, Marc Andreessen, etc.) in charge of the government for the next four years will look out for the average Joe. The elite are gonna look out for the lil' guy!
So what part of Thiel's actual politics do you agree it his pro-fascist views? Is it his direct relation to a NeoNazism and white supremacy movement? Is it his anti-democratic views or his belief in humans and subhumans? Maybe it's the way he used his influence at Facebook and Meta to create algorithms that were a large part of the fascist propaganda platform fed second by second to MAGA?
Genius, absolute genius. We should have all juniors and senior high school students view and have a semester long class on everything in this video. Mandatory college admissions, freshman year.
I'm surprised at the naivety of some in the comments. They seem to think that "the elite" can be replaced by something OTHER than a counter-elite. What the hell are you fantasizing about???
Pareto has something to say about this
Comments keep changing so I am curious to know what specific comments were made along those lines.
Power can be transferred from politicians and bureaucrats to the people. Basically, less government.
Thus exposing your own naivety?
@@subcitizen2012 because?
Timestamps for your videos please
0:00:00 Interesting conversation.
@ 😂
I get the other replies and I make more use of those timestamps than I think is "healthy"; And I do think there is/are AI tools that can do this for creators. That said, I have often found little nuggets in parts of the conversation I wasn't looking in, and would have missed had I jumped to simply "the important parts." Cheer! Merry Christmas!!
I love how nuanced Thiel is with his answers yet still ends up making sweeping statements based on “I have an intuition” using anecdotes.
Peter Thiel explained these economic issues so well: the deficit, the tariff, the increase in the immigration population, the housing price, etc. His observation that the education costs of blue cities and states will blow up themselves is eye-opening.
eYe oPeNiNg hahahaha maybe if your smooth brain fails to function
You'll get better economics from actual clowns.
Ignore the majority of the comments, this was an excellent interview. Thiel is extremely insightful, as usual.
Hi, Bari - talk less (just precise questions) - we're only interested in the guests, you see
You have a subjective opinion. Learn to deal with that. I barely noticed her at all. If you want to tune her out, it's not that hard. Make a choice. Choose your destiny instead of being a whiner. Be a doer.
@@subcitizen2012 Oh Jesus. Get over yourself
Agreed. Exactly my thought, joy
This opening was amazing! Got me excited AF to hear more about Peter Thiel
Peter Thiel is a legend
That's true, because legends aren't true.
In the minds of the ignorant, yes. You're cult members incapable of critical thinking.
Legendary reptile
College debt. The loaning needs to stop, cut the DEI bureaucracies and lower tuition.
Right-wingers somehow always find a way to pin the blame back to DEI (non-white people). The irony is, it is WHITE WOMEN who are the primary drivers of the tuition costs. Really, women in general who have driven up tuition and driven down wages. Women and HB1 visa recipients.
Your thinking too small why not just steal their endowments and redistribute that money to the alumni?
It’s easier than that. Allowed student debt to be dispatched in bankruptcy and the lenders will force the universities to charge reasonable rates based on value.
Tuition should probably go way up. College isn’t in reality needed for almost anything. It should be a luxury good. We should go back to job training.
@@dustinseth1 We already have all these beautiful campuses built there is no reason to waste them.
Great job Bari
Love this!
I like this conversation.
The comments here are very angry, but Peter Thiel is often right and he’s pretty well spoken. I like the way he sees things, it’s pretty unique.
I’m not endorsing his motivations and I don’t think TFP is either, however we can listen to him without calling him the Devil, I’d hope.
Peter Thiel certainly is an incredibly successful entrepreneur and unique visionary thinker. Yet his agenda is not transparent nor to be trusted.
I trust him way more than Bari
Peter Thiel, Elon Musk Marc Andreeson et all are elites, not counter-elites
They are elites who counter the agenda of the Globalist Elites who view Americas constitution as an obstacle to their agenda,
Exactly. They're all neofeudalists and the peasants are voting their stooges into power
Very informative conversation. Peter Thiel's knowledge of history and its interconnection to its affect on us today is fascinating.
And mostly a load of crap
This is an extremely thoughtful discussion. We need more of this!
I tried to stay on as possible for Peter because of his support for Vance but this woman is condescending and insufferable. Too many gotcha 's and holier than thou. No thanks!!
I consider this one of Thiel's best interviews--maybe because he was motivated to contrast his values and ideas with hers.
@@kreek22 Yes, fascinating to watch him navigate this.
Peter Thiel is one of the nicest people who builds drones that autonomously target and kill people.
Bari has this smugness about her. Like she thinks she has it all figured out but she doesn't.
Thiel is one of the most smug people on earth. Try not to let anyone else's intellect or knowledge distract you from him.
Great interview. Really great interview.
Thank you had never seen Thiel before …..interested in JD Vance friendship with him. I’m interested in the the woman’s dislike of Trump. A necessity in NYT mindset in NE for acceptance?
Ever heard of tech or internet utopia? That the Internet would set society free and unleash information, and only the best information would rise to the top and we would all know lore truth and be able to work together and strive a better world and a better tomorrow just by turning on our computers and later looking at our phones? Those were the promises; those are the things that didn't happen. Peter Thiel and Vance and the tech bros, they now want to make you the same promises about government, politics, and the economy. They want Trump, or whoever, to be tech kings, oligarchs basically, and they want to end individual freedom and rights, and make sure their private companies become the public surveillance and data mini g systems so they can continue to make money for nothing indefinitely, it only through the private free markets, but by controlling government itself too. Elon's going to be able to hand himself space X contracts, as well as Tesla contracts to replace all the governments vehicles with Teslas. And our phones will be listening to make sure we aren't black in a white neighborhood; or trans at school; or a public servant, legislator, or professor that's only allowed to speak the officially government and capital mandated truth.
Thiel is a brilliant thinker. Goodness this is so refreshing...
25 minutes in and I haven't heard a word about 1) post-pandemic inflation 2) tax-giveaway to billionaires 3) lack of any plan by rebublicans to help the working class 4) Trumps determination to destroy democracy 5) A lot of democrats independents hate DEI but consider a far better alternative than destruction of the working class offered by the repbulicans
You have TDS or just generally progressively tarded?
Wow what an interview. I listened to it 3 times to begin to comprehend it's many profound points! Talk about soup to nuts. In a word thorough. Thanks for your efforts.
Bari asks high school questions. Thiel gives PhD level analysis.
In reality other way around. She gives typical PhD take and he gives answers that only teens date speak.
The lack of mental acuity in most people with a PhD degree is astounding. While people with a Master's degree are actually lucid.
Their lifestyle destroys neurotransmitter activity and the things the professors demand in writing ruins logic and ability for insight or understanding.
You miss the point. She asks small minded questions and he gives profound insights. Thiel is an innovator. Bari is a cast off remnant of a dying media industry.
Im someone who likes the way Thiel thinks, though I am terrified of his Palantir system potentially being used against Americans...the one thing that bugged me about this interview is she asked him about Ukraine...and then he started talking about Israel. What?!?
Exactly. Not to mention his using the Russian way of saying THE Ukraine. Can he be more obvious with who he surrounds himself with?
@@ol_true Nah this is dumb. He is an owner in one the US Government's AI companies. They check who owns their weapons producers.
The Left has been lying a LONG time about Russia collusion. The right doesn't care about any country other than America.
My concern is that some the NeoCon (who are actually communist -Trotyskyists) want to fight every country but more than anything they want to protect Israel, above all else. They care less about America than they do Israel... which tells me all I needed to know that they too are Leftists.
Haven’t barely started but does he say keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev?
You're on the right track.
@@ol_true Nah that could be just because of our MSM and media as a whole has been saying that for years. I get what you are saying, but I don't see anything there.
The most important question is: how do we ensure we have continuous freedom of speech and mass access to information from now on? People still live in the bubbles and after the election is only progressing.
Platforms like The Free Press certainly help
It's way too late to care about any of that baby doll. Just stop caring. Go live on whatever bubble. It doesn't matter anymore. Let these people make their money, let the free speech people talk their free speech. Nothing's going to be the same anymore, but it will all be okay eventually, even if everything is wrong on the way.
@Bari really enjoyed this episode. Appreciate you covered a lot of topics. Good insights in to Peter’s view, don’t agree with everything but appreciate the open conversation!
The odd balls are still elites. What you smoking silly woman.
A Thiel E-cigarette with a doo-doo scent
who are these guys replacing? "normal" elites Warren Buffett? Bill Gates? Boris Johnson?
They are elites but they are not the establishment.
@@EdwinSteiner Then maybe the title should be changed to reflect that they are anti- or counter-establishment.
@@lols12169 counter-elites is the correct term. they are elites that are counter to the other elites.
First time listening to Bari and Peter. Very impressive on both sides. Looks like Im going to be doing a lot of listening to The Free Press over the weekend.
I’ve never seen in an interviewer be more thoroughly and absolutely refuted than here. Weiss 100% got slowly, softly, and COMPLETELY destroyed by Thiel. Amazing.
Huh? This was an exceptionally friendly interview, there were no questions that were intended to be adversarial or "gotchas." She was just giving him cues to react to & letting him talk. What on earth did you watch?
This was food. Thank you.
Always interesting to listen to Peter Thiel. Always painful to listen to Bari Weiss.
That's subjective. For others it's the complete other way around. Which is also subjective. But the fact that it's subjective is objective. Nice talk.
@@subcitizen2012 Thanks for sharing. What's a toady?
excellent guest, very wise man 😊
Arguing that Biden was the best chance for democrats in 2020 speaks volumes about the lack of quality of the party.
I love Peter Thiel since I first read an interview with him in Barron’s about 20 years ago.
Elite is talking about anti-elite😂😂😂! Theil, Musk, Trump....anti-elite.😂😂😂
Counter-elites (like counter-revolutionaries), not anti-elites.
You really just don’t Get it
@thefreepress Bari, with regards to your questions on Trump's promise of tariffs, I encourage you to look at the EU's recent statement that they plan to begin buying more US LNG in place of Russian LNG in order to avoid tariffs.
That is the exact negotiation strategy that Thei is alluding to.
Reading Politico and Reuters reporting on it, you'll find nothing on the MASSIVE geopolitical implications of this move. If the EU transitions to US LNG in place of Russian, you kill multiple birds with a single stone;
1. Less financial support for Russia to replenish its military and use in its invasion of Ukraine.
2. Cleaner LNG with lower carbon footprint.
3. Cheaper for EU residents.
4. Jobs and cheaper energy in the US.
5. A boon for US economic growth and economic power.
6. Support for the US oil and gas industry to challenge the OPEC+ monopoly.
If just the threat of tariffs causes moves like this, bring them on!
Exactly. So many people just hear “Trump” “Tariffs” and just lose their damn minds. Single factor thinkers.
@@carlpolen7437 I recommend people read the Nov 8, 2024 Politico article titled "EU’s opening bid to avoid Trump’s tariffs: We could buy more American gas"
Then ask yourself, "why wasn't the EU already buying LNG from the US instead of providing a financial windfall to Putin's Russia?"
@@StumblingThroughItAll What’s LNG, please? Thanks for the comment. I’ve been confused about tariffs discourse
@@devin_3875 Liquified natural gas. Per my understanding, I think what many are missing in the tariff conversation is that Trump views tariffs as a lever for negotiation, not as a one size fits all economic policy. Check out the recent Politico article titled "EU’s opening bid to avoid Trump’s tariffs: We could buy more American gas" as an example.
@ Thank you, that’s helpful!
So elite they're the richest people alive, good one. This is simply an inner elite conflict. You just think so low of your audience.
Tarriff on call center / remote workers too... plenty of call center jobs should be available to high school grads or those "english degrees working at Starbucks"
Contrarian take (being very Thiel-like), riffing off your apt comment: upcoming Trump administration is going to be among the greatest administrations in new tax innovation
The FP is my new favorite. Very impressed with all of you as of late, keep it up.
Hugely impressive interview. I'd listened to Peter before, but this interview really impressed me with his brilliance, his very clear speaking, his ability to push back without contention or conflict, and for his belief in humanity. -- One note, maybe Bari was just trying to get him opinion without sharing her own, but Thiel's explanation of the impact of uncontrolled immigration on the cost of housing was huge - and it seemed like Bari didn't care. Instead she focused on other aspects.
I'm a retired Navy officer with a very good pension, and I have a full time job. And yet I don't feel like I can afford to purchase a house for my wife, after moving her all across creation for well over 20 years. And I don't live in CA or NY.
It's to the point that if you didn't purchase a home in my landlocked state more than 6 or 8 years ago, you never will be able to, if you want to live in this state.
Hopefully you pay attention and eventually change your mind about these politics and economics. It will all be writ very large for you and in plain English.
Another other driver of housing prices is the trade deficit. Those who have the trade surpluses *must* invest the surplus in America. Much of that goes into American real estate, artificially driving up prices. If Trump succeeds in his trade policies, the trade deficits may unwind and allow real estate to return to equilibrium (ie, prices before 2005). But, that's likely a 5-10 year process at least.
Is there a group chat where all the BAP people are told to comment on Yarvin and Thiel videos?
Blame Blackrock. They are buying up all the houses. Businesses want cheap labor. There's an incentive for them to accept mass immigration. Immigrants are renters and they don't have enough money to buy houses unless they are Indian, Arab, or East Asian where the families pool their money together to buy houses, businesses, and get ahead. Why don't you get a VA loan? Thiel wants to accelerate capitalism. He would probably be against putting restrictions on Blackrock. Also if the price of housing went down people who already own them would be less likely to sell since they would lose their investment.
So backing the ideology of a technocrat fascist that is anti-American and anti-democracy is the answer to your woes? These men that want to control America don't care about your problems...most of them are created by them.
REALLY good interivew Bari!! wow, you pushed back just the right amount, really well done
Agreed. When the Democratic Party decided to ‘make the decision’ for the voters by not holding a primary, they lost me.
Biden ran in the primary, and he won with Harris on the ticket as VP, sadly, his age betrayed him, and he had to step down. Hardly a conspiracy just factually true.
Great interview, Smart and honest man
I'm optimistic after this election but I'm still deeply suspicious of Peter Thil. I'm glad he's done such a long interview so I can study him more. He's certainly more trustworthy than Kamala just because of that.
Bari Weiss doesn't seem to realize how awful the state of our health is. If we don't figure out what's harming our kids we are doomed. The infectious diseases aren't going to come back the way she fears. I just don't get her blindness.
That tangent of hers kind of ruins the video. She knows nothing about biology.
I would imagine she got her shots. An intellectual sheep. No questions about Peter’s role in the surveillance state. That said, Peter is a data guy who hasn’t really reviewed the vaccine/autism data. That is so lazy.
Overdiagnosis, prescriptions, and poor parenting. It's not that complex
These elites don’t understand that being the smartest person in the room does not mean you should run the world
The title is hilarious. Can't wait for the next video: The pope on the triumph of the anti-catholics.
Tell me you don’t know any elite theory without telling me
The title is counter-elites, not anti-elites. It’s a bit obtuse, but it implies they are elites, but they are running counter to the normal elite positions.
I see quite a few people who don't know the definition of a "counter-elite" are now proudly displaying their ignorance in the comments. 🧐
Get a counter to count me in.
Thanks Whitney Webb! That idiot has people all screwed up with her fantasy stories about how the world is ending.
You could have just explained instead of using this as an opportunity to feel superior to strangers
Great interview, from questioning to response. Really enjoyed it!
One of the best two hours I’ve spent in my life.
Didn't expect Thiel to be a Georgist!
Surprise. Hopefully you figure things out.
Billionaire thinks hes not part of the elite. How did people get stupid enough to take this nonsense seriously?
Because you don’t get it. You will criticize Trump’s picks but be ok with Rachel Levine an obese trans health trans health expert. It’s hilarious
@RichardTavilla You right wingers get butt hurt over things like trans rights that don't even affect you. Meanwhile, Trump and his cabinet are the biggest group of crooks, sex offenders and incompetents ever assembled in Washington. If Trump actually does what he promised (and let's face it, nobody has a clue what he'll ACTUALLY do), it will FUCK the US economy and particularly the poor and middle class.
Meanwhile, the one thing I'm sure that he will do is the only thing he got done in his first term - a massive tax cut for your hero Thiel and his corporations. The one thing that is absolutely certain is while you and your buddies celebrate your newfound ability to trad'sh talk trans people, most of you will be worse off,
But not Thiel and Musk. They'll be richer than ever.
Money = / = Elite or Elite views
@Pezzerd yeah, they're just like the rest of us. Thiel is always stressing over the cost of eggs and milk.
Very impressed with Peter, smart and thoughtful. He knows his history, which is so important.
What an incredible episode. Bari has gained a new fan
Bari was embarrassed by Rogan. She didn't know what Toadie meant but was using it to brand Tulsi Gabbard with. And when asked, she couldn't give examples why she thought Tulsi was a Putin "Toadie" or puppet/sycophant. Lost a lot of respect for Bari.
What's up with this thing where people are all up in arms about Tulsi Gabbard?
@@annagoldenbecause so was just so so so absolutely hilarious wrong about her. Why have all the smart people left the left. Saying Rachel Levine and obese trans health cabinet pack is great just blows me away.
She was made an absolute fool by Professor Joe Rogan 😂 Hey, she's still good at what she does. I'm here for Thiel, though.
How can the person who created the most advanced spying technology for the security state be considered anti establishment?
Seems like a nice guy, but serious red flags . Anyone give a decent retort?
Sure... I guess in the same way Oppenheimer could be "anti-war". I mean, I'm not defending Thiel (though I do like them) or damning him, I'm just saying somebody was inevitably manifesting technology like that. The world wasn't gonna stop... also... it IS possible to be anti-establishment in some areas and VERY establishment in others. People... and Shrek... are like onions.
Trust yourself and your gut. You're a nice person for seeing the niceness in Thiel. But something else you wouldn't quite put your finger on; something moved below the surface; you don't know what it is but you know it's there, something seems off, seems wrong. Remember that. You will know what it is eventually. Keep an eye on it.
Peter Thiel is rooted in theology, history, and psygology; always worth listening!
Really great interviewer. Very calm, never interrupted, genuienly curious and prepared. Really well done.
plz stop intervening & let the person complete their sentences
Thiel is incapable of finishing sentences.
Tariffs hurt ordinary people. They don't hurt investors or policy makers......
Great this was a valuable 2 hours or so. Honest and thank god out of the eco chamber!!!
Immigrants cannot be the main ones driving the price of housing up. It has to be greedy real estate investors taking advantage of distressed owner sales way belowmarket value.and then selling them or renting them at premium prices by doing superficial cosmetic updates. They buy hundreds of properties like this with no remorse for the first time home buyer that has sacrificed for years to afford a house.
I don’t think you understand how markets work
Yep, us gay/nerds have finally arrived!!! Go Elon! Go Peter! Go Trump! Make America Great Again! Make Orwell Fiction Again!!