How much of a flash does a 18 barrel give building a AR for incase shift ever happens your not allowed a flash suppressor In CA. thanking a 18 or 20 just burns all the powder
I can't really answer that because mine have always had flash hiders. The only 5.56 I've shot without a flash hider was an 11.5 and it made a fireball about twice the size of a basketball with LC m193, and little to no flash with GMM 77 grain. You might have more luck looking at videos of Ruger American Ranch 223 rifles because they tend to have plain muzzles.
Very excellent and informative video! I'm looking into their Fulcrum barrel in 224 Valkyrie
I'm sure it will be a shooter!
But you’re shooting three round groups... we have no idea what kind of accuracy that barrel really has
Is this Farragut? Bad ass gun
Close! First is Shoshone County Range in Smelterville, second is Coeur d'Alene Rifle & Pistol Club.
How much of a flash does a 18 barrel give building a AR for incase shift ever happens your not allowed a flash suppressor In CA. thanking a 18 or 20 just burns all the powder
I can't really answer that because mine have always had flash hiders. The only 5.56 I've shot without a flash hider was an 11.5 and it made a fireball about twice the size of a basketball with LC m193, and little to no flash with GMM 77 grain.
You might have more luck looking at videos of Ruger American Ranch 223 rifles because they tend to have plain muzzles.
What was your shipping time like after ordering? I just ordered the same barrel a couple days ago, and really appreciate your video!