People like to call things overpowered when they don't want to admit they don't know how to counter it. If you got killed by a Tone, it's your fault. If Tone is so simple then she should be very predictable because the playstyle is always the same, and yet y'all still die.
Titanfall community: omg I hate shitty spitfire and g2 campers Titanfall sweats : lets sweat the game out like it’s a pro tournament even though the game isn’t competitive , let’s complain about campers and loss of game player population and pretend to not realise that stomping people 24/7 isn’t a primary cause to why people use op weapons and titans
Lmao I am a tone main since i began playing titanfall like a year ago and a few weeks ago started using ronin and ion to try them out, only thing i can say is that people that doesnt know how to beat tone are retarded asf, ronin destroys tone easily, same whit ion (also ronin is weak but his leadwall is broken asf in ccq I wipe out titans like its nothing whit that thing, then nuke eject, i never understood why ronins start using melee rather than dashing and reloading), not gonna lie all titans except for maybe northstar are more fun to use than tone
@@MegaVic95 meele deal 800 damage, Guarantee. And hit dame with melee also knock them out a bit from hit back. while lead wall is 75-100 (x8 bullet) each shot. At a perfectly shot it will just deal the same 800 dmg. i can see they have their pros and con And what is ccq ?
@@BravoTango-vt8em Monarch pilots get too confident once they have 15k health and rushes into STUPID 1V4's that they will never win no matter how much health they have
That may be because you can literally see their movements during phase shift because of the giant ass electrical wall that replaces the titan model. Phase shift is a defensive measure against damage, it doesnt mask their movement.
as a former ronin player myself, I noticed people would turn around if there was no other titans around, so every time I shift I used to dash back to where I was
And use sonar to scout ahead and alert your teammates of where enemy titans are approaching from. There's defo more ways to use it than spotting anti-titan pilots and locking on without shooting
I never played competitively and just enjoyed Tone when I first started. Still my favorite. Especially for Frontier Defense. But man. I feel attacked. Lol. Great video though.
The most fun thing in this game to me, is being coming across an Ion or Ronin that know what they're doing as Tone. Genuinely fun and rewarding if you manage to kill them
Honestly, for me Tone is the most reliable titan. You don't need to be a master to make her work, and from my experiance she is the only titan that tricks enemy by simply doing something else besides the 3 shot rocket loop. Particle wall usually works when there is some distance, if not you can just punch the enemy trying to aprouch you from the front. However, tone and open space don't mix. Rocket's can be easely twarted, if you shoot them in straight line. I rarely see anyone evade them when I make them curve in weird trajectory. Sonar pulse usually helps both myself and my teammates, and lastly I ignore the salvo core until enemy is point blank, or out in the open. Yes , tone is uninspiring when you try to fight in the open ,or with close combat titans up close, but i think she has the most amount of control in the firefight's and can force enemy into making a worse mistake. I usually main tone and scorch, and as a fan of sir swag I " embrace the bullshit" when play with either of them. Sorry for bad grammar.
@@tsunamikami6877 honestly I'm not trying to argue at all man, but tones have a reason for being hated, idc what people say if you know what your doing with tone he's one of the most OP damage stacking titans and along with a perfect team support. People seem to underestimate tone or consider it a shit titan but like i have said before a competative tone can find almost always find way to counter or work around the others abilitys. Vortex shield? Mix it up and fake him out so he wastes his energy, being locked on often messes with a lot of peoples heads and they tend make mistakes that open them up. Annoying ronin getting to close? Smoke and punch tends to back them off along with a few rockets their way but im aggressive and sometimes depending on the day tend to chase back. Scorch always tearing down my missiles with his fire shield? Arc them so they go around the shield and try to fake them out consistently. I could go on but but point is if you know what your doing tone can be both balanced or OP in a single match. Hes ment to stack and deal large amounts damage in short bursts and if your agile you can practically fly around the map (depending on the terrain) raining rounds on anybody you come across and painting them with your tracking beacon for your team
I think it could be interesting if aiming down sights as Tone would change the explosive shots into some sort of "tracker module" that grants locks on enemy titans (while the normal explosive rounds would lack that ability). The trackers would have a smaller hitbox and lack any splash damage, thus giving Tone one mode to use against pilots and one against titans. It would also be cool if the trackers would be physically stuck into titans, letting Ion and Scorch use their shield to remove them just as they can remove Firestars.
People complain about tone but are fine with monarch ability spamming and then being able to ability spam again, and then again with shield and bonus damages if they gain their core
as a monarch main, i believe tone is more balanced. two reasons why monarch can be OP. 1. energy thief, especially on titan brawl where monarch is the only titan who can get health. just execute and you get a battery especially 2. fucking Superior chassis. yes it is a 3rd upgrade core but you get more max HP then scorch and legion, and all crits removed. on top of that, you can use energy thief or survival of the fittest WITH IT. i never use chassis the same reason a lot of player don't use SP. it's not fair. chassis needs a BIG nerf and energy thief should be unusable on titan brawl.
@Mayan Ruins i know, i'm just pointing out the biggest reasons why monarch (compared to tone) is more broken. i agree with what you said, i'm just saying who can be the worst and needs a few nerfs. a camping tone will always be a camping tone, but a camping monarch can become something far worse than tone or ronin. it's rewarding campers for the shitty behavior.
i'd fix Tone by making her as strong as she was before she got nerfed. in a lot of ways, Tone is Titanfall's version of Russel Case from Independence Day. a laughing stock at first, but as time goes on she sobers up, drinks some strong coffee, and saves the day by hitting the enemy with everything she has. herself included. just like Russel Case. "hehehehehehehehe. Hello, boys. I'm *baaaaaaaaaack!!"*
@Cole Cyber oh I do, ive been playing for about a year now, and tones aren’t even that hard dude, its easy to kill them, you just have to know what to do.
I dont see Tone as overpowered at all because people who play Tone are always so predictable with their tracking rockets. They ALWAYS fire them after their third shot lands. - Ion Main
Tone are overpowered only because of the damage of her rockets. I think people find her.... annoying. If a tone puts up a shield, you could as well leave the confrontation and go fight somewhere else. If course there are counter to it, but it does feel more annoying compared to other titans
tone: noo you can't just block all my rockets and shoot them back at me after I hit you 2 times and used sonar pulse! ion: haha vortex shield goes vwooooooosh
I hate it when people Say that tones locks are invisible to the player. Look at the bottom center of your screen it will literally say "enemy titan locking"/ "enemy titan locked" and will disappear when tone fires thier rockets
Tone fights Ion. “Acolyte Pods: disengaged.” Tone deploys Sonar Lock. *”Sharing subject locations with other agents.”* Tone deploys Particle Wall against Ronin with Phase Dash on cooldown. “Talk to the hand. The Scorch’s hand.” List continues.
If the entire enemy team is tone, and you’re playing ion, there should be a voiceline that says “warning. Multiple leviathan class predators in the area. Are you sure that whatever you are doing is worth it”
I love how years later, people are still making vids on this game. It just makes me so happy, ya know😊 I really hope one day Respawn will decide to make TF3. And great vid, man 👍
"Tone is point and click and has no mindgames its so predictable and easy" 5:11 complains about how op it is that you can wait to shoot your salvo, aka thinking and using tactics "How op! My oponent has a brain!"
Waiting for a strike is not equal of having a sandbox of combat options to explore. Combining or rearranging your offensive, defensive and movement options in a certain situation is a good way of bringing variety to gameplay. Delaying the same combination of steps for a few seconds is not.
I just started playing yesterday and I like the sound and accuracy of the main gun, shooting endless barrage of rockers are fun and very satisfying, Tone is really fulfilling to play if you like watching rocketswarms blow up giant titans. Then I get down to comments and realize that people just hate tone and will be writing hate mails at me for enjoying a well designed mech...sigh.
yeah my 2 fav titans are Ronin and Tone and I must say, Tone is not that simpler to play, if played properly and wisely. Just fuck them all, if Tone is so good why don't they play her? The answer is they just suck at playing her wisely that's why they choose Legions lol
Me: See's tone and wants to be time as a pilot. Me after seeing tone: Places A-wall down and camps with g2 I'd miss your videos, glad you're back. Maybe you can do some streams and video with Smurfson and other titianfall TH-camrs
“When your gimmick is shooty shooty bang bang until the enemy dies, it gets stale fast.” Legion: Am I stale? Do people play as me because of simplicity? *(is depressed and drunk in a bar)* P.S: The reason I play tone time and again’s because she’s extremely efficient at tracking high-priority targets and harassing them (especially pesky pilots), even though she’s only ‘shooty shooty bang bang’ she uses a whole bunch of rockets in doing so; her core’s literally my strategy: *FIRE EVERYTHING! THE TIME FOR TALKING’S OVER, IT TIME FOR PUSHING BUTTONS!*
I will never stop watching this channel. And I especially love the beginning part of each video. This channel has never failed to make me laugh. btw I recommend you RUN from your google cause the part when google got a body one of the best parts of this video and it was terrifying but hilarious.
There are threats of being hated in the community, there are people who the minute they see tone they think, “That person is a horrible human being”. Then there are maniacs who wish for peoples ice cream to fall out of their cones!
Some guy once told me tone was op because she “only has two counters” saying “ronin can only phase once” bruh ronin can veto the locks with phase, delete the wall and just sword block the rockets so that they do barely any damage, I used to play tone and the only thing I’d change is 1: reduce splash damage against pilots 2: make arc wave stop upon deleting the wall
@@Vulpine_Cloaker yall mad because we have more health and our weapons are similer but fire faster and relatively have more damage due to consistant fire rate. While that v-tol hover makes you an easier target for us and our tracking rounds.
That's it you've got so much wrong. I'm not fully aware of the original intent of these videos, but like it or not, you are spreading misinformation. New players actually listen, and believe things you say, and you choose to use your voice to spread hate and false information? Smh. 40mm: "Will deal small damage to titans". A few moments later.. "Deals high damage and insta-kills pilots." Now that's just lazy writing. 40mm LITERALLY not being anything like laser shot, 40mm has a travel time of 203.19m/s vs laser shot's hitscan nature, and has a 0.1 degree spread even when ADS, effectively making goosers far more inconsistent past a certain point of the ejection trajectory. Plasma Railgun: It is better than the 40mm in every aspect except fire rate. Projectile speed of 253.99m/s, and past 45.72m, the projectiles have grown to their max bolt hitsize of 6, 40mm shots only have 3.5, landing shots with the PR past said range more lenient. Spread tightens to 0 degrees as soon as you've fully transitioned to ADS, the duration you hold the shot past the 0th charge has no positive effect. Again in reference to 40mm, "basically it does no damage to titans", more lazy writing. Tracker rockets: The amount of tracker rockets fired will not increase from 6-8 per locked target depending on how many targets you have three locks on. Can people not count? Tone having three locks provides the locked on target with a warning, this was added in May of 2017. Even if that weren't the case, sonar pulse (with or without pulse echo) has a clear audio cue to provide info on how many locks tone received from the ability, and it's by no means difficult to count to three of all the things tone gets locks from. Acknowledges tracker rocket mind games* But you can just use your defensive ability, or dash/sprint dodge*. Which is it? Is tone capable of using tracker rockets for pressure by holding them, or is she predictable enough to have them be countered by dodges/defensive abilities? Sloppy. Dashing fully horizontally to the left or right isn't a particularly direction to dash dodge as the direction of the dash will depend on how the tone curves her rockets. The degrees will vary anywhere from 20-90 degrees. Tracker rockets are far superior to rocket salvo. Stock rocket salvo has inconsistent spread, leading to an ~80% hitrate on average, on top of that, XO-16 has better DPS in all but a few edge case scenarios. Rocket salvo deals 250 damage per rocket contra tracker rocket's 350 per rocket, rocket salvo travels at 25.39m/s (Multi target missiles included) vs tracker rockets 45.71m/s, making MTMS much easier to dodge. For rocket salvo to be remotely close to tone's tracker rockets monarch has to earn three cores = 14286 damage excluding any doom/kill bonuses. "So run behind a building and wait for them." As far as a general matchup description for tone in tone vs ion, that's a quite poor one. Once tone has locks on ion, ion is under pressure and will attempt to catch tracker rockets by stuttering/holding vortex for unpredictable intervals. This constant up/down with vortex allows tone to land a significant amount of free melees through vortex/simply pressure ion in teams from contributing anything valuable, paired up with stacking 40mm damage, and the fact that ion has no way to break particle wall barring laser core makes it greatly in tone's favor. You only acknowledged tone's fundamental mechanical aspects, and end goal by presenting it in the most oversimplified, negligent way possible. This is what that looks like for a different titan: The whole playstyle of this titan is to rush in, shoot shotgun, throw some electricity, then get core to kill. You blatantly disregarded any depth to her playstyle in terms of pressure, positioning, teamwork, making decisions that affects the overall state of the game, tracker rocket curving + mind games, defensive management, target prioritization, etc. Ion outright doesn't have the uptime of sustained DPS or burst damage to level with tone consistently, scorch can see such DPS numbers in theory, however he will extremely rarely see them in practice vs remotely decent players. In reference to monarch, "She deals much more reliable damage tone." Stock monarch has 950.56 DPS for 2.92s. In the time it takes stock monarch to reach 950.56 DPS, tone has 1284.24 DPS without rocket barrage, 1523.97 DPS with rocket barrage. Tone is also not as hard countered by the enemy breaking line of sight as monarch is. Ronin has a meager 320 DPS in that time due to leadwall only being able to shoot 1.168 times within 2.92s so a more normal in practice value is 831.16 DPS from leadwall + reload. Salvo core: The rockets will self detonate after 10s, not 12s. Sword core has the highest skill ceiling out of the cores, salvo core comes in second by a large margin. Competitive level tone players (none of which helped make this video, clearly) are aware of the few, easily avoidable scenarios that causes salvo core to deal less damage than intended. "Have to play in a specific playstyle". That applies to tone smh.. You can't rush into a high fire zone since she lacks a mobile defensive and particle wall is susceptible to being overrun at closer ranges. She benefits from positioning like a hybrid of northstar/legion's general positioning. Midrange with access to multiple lines of sight/short distance between single lines of sight for a quick rotation, with sufficient cover, and preferably with an escape route should enemies push when certain abilities are on cooldown. Or positioning, usually with a teammate guard dog, ion/ronin, to take map control due to her anchoring power, and sustained burst damage. Tone being "boring" tends to be dependent on two things. 1. Your proficiency and understanding. 2. The proficiency and understanding of the people you play against. Even vs absolute potatoes comprising the opposition, you with some deeper knowledge can make tone a blast to play. Not going to acknowledge the absolute train wreck of "this is how you play tone/play against her". Your change to tone nerfed her into the ground. A titan that requires sustained line of sight to have an increased change to deal consistent damage. A large part of why monarch suffers vs certain compositions of titans is because she needs a sustained line of sight to deal greater damage, a titan that needs sustained line of sight to have a greater % chance of doing so will be even worse. As a general rule of thumb, mixing in RNG into FPS games is a poor choice. Even more so due to how the titans are designed in TTF2. Competitive players that go tone have to prioritize core usage and ability management constantly, just like all the other titans do. "Tone players to use their core more smartly." Yeah that sums up this dumpster fire of a video quite nicely.
Why have you wrote an essay about how wrong someone is and how bad their video is when this is primarily just joking around and not meant to be majorly informative.
Fun fact: to confuse the enemies even MORE you can hit a titan with the sonar lock and it counts towards tracking rockets so you only use two bullets and see other enemies
Funny thing that Tone is actually not that simple to play. I mean, you gotta move, you gotta use your sonar wisely, you gotta launch your core in the air sometimes (vs dead simple straightforward Ion laser). You gotta play with your enemies by shooting them 4-5 times or 2 times + sonar sometimes so they won't be able to count your hits and get prepared for the rockets. Even particle shield requires some minimal understanding of the game situation - it's useless if you see a Ronin or someone is just too close to you. And Tone is pretty vulnerable to a skilled player so one has to be wise and play carefully to even get the salvo core ready. It's all more complicated and requires more skills than playing Legion or maybe even Northstar. Don't get me wrong, I love Legion but come on, it's just a big gun with aim bot core ability - you just can't make a titan simpler than that. Legion is just a smart pistol in the world of titans. Sooo I guess all those people who shit on Tone and Tone players are just a bunch of pussies crying because another Tone destroyed them recently once again. Update. Ok I hear you saying Tone is too boring and simple to play blah blah. Okay dude I guess you just suck at playing tone _properly_ or forgot that Legion exists. Also good luck "rushing me down" with my 2 dashes :)
I love the Tone i didnt know it was such a hated titan so sorry i guess? idk i dont even play multyplayer much or at least i only play frontier defence
I know this is late but Northstar's railgun is always pinpoint accurate when aimed. It doesn't get any more accurate as it charges, it only increases damage.
You know, I’d say this video is very even toned. This gives the impression of an objective reviewer, while retaining a comedic quality all throughout. Truly, the review of all time. My personal favorite moment was when she said “it’s tonin’ time!” And got Tcup arrested
“When your gimmick is shooty shooty bang bang until the enemy dies, it gets stale fast”
Yeah but while tone is shoot shoot shoot rocket legion is short shoot then L O N G shoot and big shoot
The Frediah and unlimited aim bot shoot
*A-10 would love to know YOUR location*
@@thefrediah5345 Tone is like shoot shoot shoot rocket.
Legion required planing ahead situation awareness and anticipation
Or only spin your gun when shit boutta go wrong for short
Titanfall Community : Tone is overpowered.
Titanfall community : tone is trash, so easy to counter.
People like to call things overpowered when they don't want to admit they don't know how to counter it. If you got killed by a Tone, it's your fault.
If Tone is so simple then she should be very predictable because the playstyle is always the same, and yet y'all still die.
Titanfall community: omg I hate shitty spitfire and g2 campers
Titanfall sweats : lets sweat the game out like it’s a pro tournament even though the game isn’t competitive , let’s complain about campers and loss of game player population and pretend to not realise that stomping people 24/7 isn’t a primary cause to why people use op weapons and titans
TF community acts like Legion doesn't exist bcs that's the simplest titan to play lol
Lmao I am a tone main since i began playing titanfall like a year ago and a few weeks ago started using ronin and ion to try them out, only thing i can say is that people that doesnt know how to beat tone are retarded asf, ronin destroys tone easily, same whit ion (also ronin is weak but his leadwall is broken asf in ccq I wipe out titans like its nothing whit that thing, then nuke eject, i never understood why ronins start using melee rather than dashing and reloading), not gonna lie all titans except for maybe northstar are more fun to use than tone
@@MegaVic95 meele deal 800 damage, Guarantee. And hit dame with melee also knock them out a bit from hit back.
while lead wall is 75-100 (x8 bullet) each shot. At a perfectly shot it will just deal the same 800 dmg.
i can see they have their pros and con
And what is ccq ?
Plot twist: He actually dislikes tone because she sounds the most like google
I mean yea
Ty for saying she
@@Umar_D_Snorlax that matters? Ok.
Titans don’t really have a gender though, they just have a masculine or feminine voice
@@cripple8339 people say he a lot
@@persontheguyman223 that is very true
Tone: puts down particle wall
Ronin and scorch: what's your coffin size bro
I can relate not because I'm a tone main but because I main Ronin and I've gotten so much hate mail just because I obliterate them
Just put up your shield and punch the shit outta them so they give you your personal space
Anyone: uses defensive abilities
Ronin: Don't make me laugh.
Atlas size, k?
@@aidanmcauley3272 Scorch
"take away her defensive option and she has no defensive options."
"In terms of defensive options, we have no defensive options."
Wise words
"every 60 seconds in africa, a minute passes"
As a northstar main, i am offended
No shit Sherlock same with Northstar and monarch
The gun shield getting hit by tracking rockets : I am too weak
The gun shield eating 95% of a salvo core: Unlimited power
That never works.
why is that? does the salvo core rockets do less damage
Why do the comments not understand that joke bruh moment
Well, I guess it’s the end of Let’s Talk. It was one hell of a journey!
He never talked about hard cover tho
Foxy TheLitlePirate or Smart pistol
He still didnt do all the tacticals abd boosts though.
Don’t forget about pilots and maybe titanfall 1 weapons if he so chooses to do so.
"I do not fear the man who practiced ten thousand kicks once, i fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times." -Bruce Lee
I fear the man who shoots ten thousand guided rockets at me.
@@zzandril same
@@zzandril yes nothing will save you from that shit
The flying tea cup: every titan is trash
Me: then who tf am I supposed to use
The one that has part of you in him.
@@sonder_1620 yes
Be a legionnaire: Step 1. Shooty bang bang
Papa scorch
Scorch: *Very thicc and slow*
Tone's core: _It's free real estate._
But the thermal shield with the kit can stop 80% of your core rockets if full energy
@@catinusz.4741 that's why you bap them with tracker rockets first to make them think you don't have your core ready
@@catinusz.4741 only against noob players,good tone players launch salvo into the air so it hits from behind
let's talk
I thought Monarch at 3rd core also fit that category
How can you not hate tone?
@@BravoTango-vt8em Monarch pilots get too confident once they have 15k health and rushes into STUPID 1V4's that they will never win no matter how much health they have
I main monarch
@@BravoTango-vt8em 3rd core monarch isn't 0 core tone
When I started playing titanfall, I just thought of tone thinking
How strange that I'm replying to Ash's husband?
Is she still mad at me?
Bravo Tango 7274 If you’re talking about you crushing her like a stress ball, then yes
*paint as many targets as you can with the 40mm*
Beware or be squared
Ok never mind Ash is Path’s wife not revenant’s
I find ronins way more predictable than tones.
"Oh you went invisible?" *turns around*
That may be because you can literally see their movements during phase shift because of the giant ass electrical wall that replaces the titan model. Phase shift is a defensive measure against damage, it doesnt mask their movement.
thank you im not going to do that anymore
Seriously does no one know that arc wave instantly breaks particle walls?!
as a former ronin player myself, I noticed people would turn around if there was no other titans around, so every time I shift I used to dash back to where I was
Things to remember if you decide to play Tone:
- Stay a distance from other Titans
- Learn to be evasive
- Use particle wall wisely
And use sonar to scout ahead and alert your teammates of where enemy titans are approaching from. There's defo more ways to use it than spotting anti-titan pilots and locking on without shooting
i think you spelled spam the shit out of tracking rockets wrong
Or just don’t play tone
And don’t forget: shooty shooty bang bang
I never played competitively and just enjoyed Tone when I first started. Still my favorite. Especially for Frontier Defense. But man. I feel attacked. Lol. Great video though.
@@beanmachine5564 I just... I just like mechs that fire rocket barrages
@@BroderickJohanson thats probably why I use tone
There’s just something cathartic about locking on to a target asking for a serving of rockets to the face.
@@GG-671 Same. I like rockets and the tracker cannon is satisfying
Fun Detected: Launching Anti-Fun Countermeasures - Tone's core
Rip Lord Vaughny
EPG -ESSUS but we have smurfson so it okay
@@desireheard3540 indeed
@@desireheard3540 indeed
I'm guessing you main Ronin.
It seems that Google home is your toxic wife
ZilverXxProGamerXx lolll
Or tsundere waifu
Depend on how you look at it
I'm sorry
You just described a Karen
"You need a new name, its ether Karen or cortana"
How can you make google home get so toxic? I wanna try that out for having funny arguments with a robot just for fun.
Tone main: exists
r/Titanfall: so you have chosen... Death
Also console spitfire mains
That too
Shit, I'm in danger.
Don't know. Lately they have been defending tones
darykeng people mainly use these overpowered tactics to counter people who sweat the game out as if it’s a pro tournament
Tone is my favorite Titan :( 89% of my Titan time is on her. Never knew until now she was so despised and trashed on by everyone lol
Same thing here
Same lol, I've been a Tone main for so long I don't even care if she's hated
Same, I just happened to pick her up when I started and didn't understand why the whole enemy team was bitching when I had a good game 🤣
true chads ignore the meta. play like an alpha dom Tone main and let your smudgeness shine
@@SpaceMissile question what lobbies do you have because tones get destroyed
How am i just discovering this gem of a game. Best FPS I've ever played. And been loving tone!
The most fun thing in this game to me, is being coming across an Ion or Ronin that know what they're doing as Tone. Genuinely fun and rewarding if you manage to kill them
Dash backward shoot shoot f shoot q dash backward shield shoot shoot repeat
@@brianr.6376 you can't catch me, i'm the gingerbread man
Ronin is insane
I love smashing cocky ronins as tone
Flying Tea Cup: "Hover is useless up close"
Dinosaurd123: "RREEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee"
Tone: puts up a Partical wall, fires off rockets, uses lock on sensors, doing general Tone things
*arc wave*
Honestly, for me Tone is the most reliable titan. You don't need to be a master to make her work, and from my experiance she is the only titan that tricks enemy by simply doing something else besides the 3 shot rocket loop. Particle wall usually works when there is some distance, if not you can just punch the enemy trying to aprouch you from the front. However, tone and open space don't mix. Rocket's can be easely twarted, if you shoot them in straight line. I rarely see anyone evade them when I make them curve in weird trajectory. Sonar pulse usually helps both myself and my teammates, and lastly I ignore the salvo core until enemy is point blank, or out in the open. Yes , tone is uninspiring when you try to fight in the open ,or with close combat titans up close, but i think she has the most amount of control in the firefight's and can force enemy into making a worse mistake. I usually main tone and scorch, and as a fan of sir swag I " embrace the bullshit" when play with either of them. Sorry for bad grammar.
Why are you the way that you are?
@@tsunamikami6877 why do you suck with tone when you play him?
I don’t play Tone. Cuz he’s despised by the community and I’d feel bad for the other people in the lobby.
@@tsunamikami6877 honestly I'm not trying to argue at all man, but tones have a reason for being hated, idc what people say if you know what your doing with tone he's one of the most OP damage stacking titans and along with a perfect team support. People seem to underestimate tone or consider it a shit titan but like i have said before a competative tone can find almost always find way to counter or work around the others abilitys. Vortex shield? Mix it up and fake him out so he wastes his energy, being locked on often messes with a lot of peoples heads and they tend make mistakes that open them up. Annoying ronin getting to close? Smoke and punch tends to back them off along with a few rockets their way but im aggressive and sometimes depending on the day tend to chase back. Scorch always tearing down my missiles with his fire shield? Arc them so they go around the shield and try to fake them out consistently. I could go on but but point is if you know what your doing tone can be both balanced or OP in a single match. Hes ment to stack and deal large amounts damage in short bursts and if your agile you can practically fly around the map (depending on the terrain) raining rounds on anybody you come across and painting them with your tracking beacon for your team
What about
"Talking about aegis rank" that would be fun
Ye that would be amazing
I imagine teacup saying “the last rank if f*cking bonkers”
And let’s talk grapple
I think it could be interesting if aiming down sights as Tone would change the explosive shots into some sort of "tracker module" that grants locks on enemy titans (while the normal explosive rounds would lack that ability). The trackers would have a smaller hitbox and lack any splash damage, thus giving Tone one mode to use against pilots and one against titans. It would also be cool if the trackers would be physically stuck into titans, letting Ion and Scorch use their shield to remove them just as they can remove Firestars.
Better than nerfing her low ass damage. I’m a Tone main
@@Goofyahh1337 that would make me not hate tone
Too late, Monarch has already claimed the "most annoying and obnoxious titan" title from Tone
Honestly tones are worse...unless it's a core 3+ monarch
@@williamvalorious4403 monarch is wors because all of her abilitys are just overpowerd
Redstone_Orange r/engrish
@@suctioncupman1607 who?
Only if you know how to use them correctly.
I have literally lost all composure when Google Home swore at Flying Teacup, her sarcasm is just the icing on the cake
Four years... and this stuff is still more enjoyable then even most current day stuff!
Imagine tone being a stryder,
God that would be horrific.
I can imagine
Commit no
like stryder with the brute titan weapon in TF1. never played but it looks wack.
Imagine tone was an ogre
@@Santiago-ct2rv makes sense because she's a stationary unit with her particle wall.
That *delete game* button lookin pretty fine right now
People complain about tone but are fine with monarch ability spamming and then being able to ability spam again, and then again with shield and bonus damages if they gain their core
Meh, people just can't forget how OP Tone was, you know, before nerf
Toasted Toons exactly. On core 1 she does as much damage as legion.
i don't mind monarch as much because monarchs primary isn't a player instakill
as a monarch main, i believe tone is more balanced.
two reasons why monarch can be OP.
1. energy thief, especially on titan brawl where monarch is the only titan who can get health. just execute and you get a battery
especially 2. fucking Superior chassis. yes it is a 3rd upgrade core but you get more max HP then scorch and legion, and all crits removed. on top of that, you can use energy thief or survival of the fittest WITH IT. i never use chassis the same reason a lot of player don't use SP. it's not fair.
chassis needs a BIG nerf and energy thief should be unusable on titan brawl.
@Mayan Ruins i know, i'm just pointing out the biggest reasons why monarch (compared to tone) is more broken.
i agree with what you said, i'm just saying who can be the worst and needs a few nerfs.
a camping tone will always be a camping tone, but a camping monarch can become something far worse than tone or ronin. it's rewarding campers for the shitty behavior.
i'd fix Tone by making her as strong as she was before she got nerfed. in a lot of ways, Tone is Titanfall's version of Russel Case from Independence Day. a laughing stock at first, but as time goes on she sobers up, drinks some strong coffee, and saves the day by hitting the enemy with everything she has. herself included. just like Russel Case.
"hehehehehehehehe. Hello, boys. I'm *baaaaaaaaaack!!"*
12000 damage salvo core? No thanks.
Me, a Legion main, reading this: *sweating intensifies*
An idea for the next Let’s Talk: the grappling hook and how it’s integral to the game
This video is basically just Let's Talk: Monarch Pt. 2
I just unlocked him and literally yeeted everything out of existence in frontier Defense lol
*Ion mains would like to know your location*
@@ieatfeet5585 for what using a character in a video game?
Its frontier defense holly fuck didn't know there was a vendetta against some characters in the pve mode...
@Cole Cyber oh I do, ive been playing for about a year now, and tones aren’t even that hard dude, its easy to kill them, you just have to know what to do.
Tone: Ho ho, then come close as you like.
Scorch: ORA!!!
Scorch: bruh *walks around shield*
Legions: dash past the shield and bitch slap the Tone for a few seconds before he runs back to his boyfriends
@@codyhahn2013ok mr “skillful” (legion just has to shoot constantly to win)
I dont see Tone as overpowered at all because people who play Tone are always so predictable with their tracking rockets. They ALWAYS fire them after their third shot lands. - Ion Main
CALL ME JIG hello there, still subbed
Tone are overpowered only because of the damage of her rockets.
I think people find her.... annoying.
If a tone puts up a shield, you could as well leave the confrontation and go fight somewhere else.
If course there are counter to it, but it does feel more annoying compared to other titans
tone: noo you can't just block all my rockets and shoot them back at me after I hit you 2 times and used sonar pulse!
ion: haha vortex shield goes vwooooooosh
@@EngorgedBanana best thing about catching the tracking rockets, is that when you throw them back at Tone's shield, it destroys the whole thing
@@EngorgedBanana depends if the tone has the ability to stop shooting.
I hate it when people Say that tones locks are invisible to the player. Look at the bottom center of your screen it will literally say "enemy titan locking"/ "enemy titan locked" and will disappear when tone fires thier rockets
Tone fights Ion.
“Acolyte Pods: disengaged.”
Tone deploys Sonar Lock.
*”Sharing subject locations with other agents.”*
Tone deploys Particle Wall against Ronin with Phase Dash on cooldown.
“Talk to the hand. The Scorch’s hand.”
List continues.
If the entire enemy team is tone, and you’re playing ion, there should be a voiceline that says “warning. Multiple leviathan class predators in the area. Are you sure that whatever you are doing is worth it”
I was just on TH-cam an hour and a half thinking “hey, I wonder when FlyingTeaCup is gonna make a Tone video” and then this dropped.
Alright teacup
Its time to do a lets talk for every single weapon in the game
Yes, but please one category at a time.
Let's Ahoy for dat
@@bytezero3818 everything good till he gets to the spitfire
Imagine having 6 tones grouped up then they all use their ult at the same time
I raise you one better
Frontier defence tone final upgrade doubles missles they fire, so in effect it is 8 tones all using their cores
death time
its called a core, this isnt apex legends.
@@CorrupToast who said anything about apex legends?
@@Queen_Of_Moths1 he called it an ultimate, when it's called a core. An ultimate is from apex legends
As an ion main, heres how to counter tone:
I love how years later, people are still making vids on this game. It just makes me so happy, ya know😊
I really hope one day Respawn will decide to make TF3. And great vid, man 👍
Im just concerned “how a game can be better than titanfall 2” i hope they dont screw it up.Titanfall 2 is my favourite game
Now is the time my brothers v:
"Tone is point and click and has no mindgames its so predictable and easy"
5:11 complains about how op it is that you can wait to shoot your salvo, aka thinking and using tactics
"How op! My oponent has a brain!"
That's what you consider using your brain. Delaying powers to wait for an oppopportunity is something every titan does
Meanwhile, ronin: "hurr durr, I'm a shitty little tin can who needs a sword and phase shift to be good"
Waiting for a strike is not equal of having a sandbox of combat options to explore. Combining or rearranging your offensive, defensive and movement options in a certain situation is a good way of bringing variety to gameplay. Delaying the same combination of steps for a few seconds is not.
His idea for tone sounds a ton better than what it already is
I just started playing yesterday and I like the sound and accuracy of the main gun, shooting endless barrage of rockers are fun and very satisfying, Tone is really fulfilling to play if you like watching rocketswarms blow up giant titans.
Then I get down to comments and realize that people just hate tone and will be writing hate mails at me for enjoying a well designed mech...sigh.
yeah my 2 fav titans are Ronin and Tone and I must say, Tone is not that simpler to play, if played properly and wisely. Just fuck them all, if Tone is so good why don't they play her? The answer is they just suck at playing her wisely that's why they choose Legions lol
I like it because the cannon from titanfall 1 was my favorite weapon
Tone is just a Titan who will be an easy target for all Titanfall players
Tea cup is made of 1. Tea bag 2. Sugar 3. Smartness 4. And don’t forget to mix the sugar in the tea
Me: See's tone and wants to be time as a pilot.
Me after seeing tone: Places A-wall down and camps with g2
I'd miss your videos, glad you're back. Maybe you can do some streams and video with Smurfson and other titianfall TH-camrs
Some people wish for world peace, others wish for happiness, but ı wish for Ronins to learn what personal space is.
Still the most badass sentence.
Edit: Nice Tomska reference.
Vinson Dynamics is grateful for your work.
Go away robot lady I'm loyal to marvin
Tone is the titan embodiment of the smart pistol. Also known as the bitch gun.
To continue the series; maybe summarize each category of weapons, e.g. Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, etc...
Love your videos!
Still can’t get over how northstars the one who says MOVE CYLCOPS 🤔
I mean, they all have one eye each...
@@chasetoyama8184that's not true. Legion has multiple eyes and Scorch has 2 eyes.
@@paperclip6377 true. Technically if you count each little glowy bit as an eye then legion has like six and scorch 12 or so.
“When your gimmick is shooty shooty bang bang until the enemy dies, it gets stale fast.”
Legion: Am I stale? Do people play as me because of simplicity?
*(is depressed and drunk in a bar)*
P.S: The reason I play tone time and again’s because she’s extremely efficient at tracking high-priority targets and harassing them (especially pesky pilots), even though she’s only ‘shooty shooty bang bang’ she uses a whole bunch of rockets in doing so; her core’s literally my strategy: *FIRE EVERYTHING! THE TIME FOR TALKING’S OVER, IT TIME FOR PUSHING BUTTONS!*
I love phasing through the shield as ronin, and then executing the tone where it stands.
These videos are probably gonna help these so called "legends" that have never played titanfall
Ah yes the Titan equivalent to the spitfire
Yes A-Wall Spitfire campers now have a TITAN for them to use
Only really happens because noobs get stomped by tryahards
@@sandboxman9174 exactly. Tone is actually pretty vulnerable against skilled players
A B there is counters the everything
This is my favorite titan. I know, I'm sorry.
don't be sorry for making wise decisions
@@AB-vl6et right!?
I'm a TONE main, and I think his not OP, the problem is that he is very annoying, he's dealing always some kind of damage
I just like how most of her abilities are a ton of missiles. Also her main gun is fun to shoot.
I usually use tone when I’m bored in Frontier Defense or there are a ton of enemy titans.
That is completely fine. The problem most people have with him is in the multiplayer. He can be unstoppable and painful to play against at times.
when your a legion and you hear
sword core activated
sweating intensify
She has evolved!
Let’s finish of this lovely series with the living embodiment of Satan, TONE
Titanfall 2, jojokes, tone.... Is this the perfect video?
tell me you're not a tone main without telling me you're not a tone main. that being said funny video man
I will never stop watching this channel. And I especially love the beginning part of each video. This channel has never failed to make me laugh.
btw I recommend you RUN from your google cause the part when google got a body one of the best parts of this video and it was terrifying but hilarious.
If you play tone, you deserve to have your ice cream fall on the street out of the cone
There are threats of being hated in the community, there are people who the minute they see tone they think, “That person is a horrible human being”. Then there are maniacs who wish for peoples ice cream to fall out of their cones!
me who mains tone : haha favorite weapon from tf1 goes PING
I knew I should have bought and Alexa
The Alexa: just says nothing
You should make the next video with and Alexa in it.
Tone is just really good Northstar
4:17 made me fall out of my chair....
in laughter
any wanna aprove for "Lets Talk: Apex "Legends"'?
I play Apex but... no
why tho
n o
leave the message at the tone
When he says monarch is everyone’s punching bag
Me with monarch: 4 titans killed in one minute 10 in 3 minutes
i think everyone is my punching bag
This grunt had a siezure when he got cornered
Some guy once told me tone was op because she “only has two counters” saying “ronin can only phase once” bruh ronin can veto the locks with phase, delete the wall and just sword block the rockets so that they do barely any damage, I used to play tone and the only thing I’d change is 1: reduce splash damage against pilots 2: make arc wave stop upon deleting the wall
Splash damage was already nerfed once before tho.
Fuck it, do it again
"Tone is overpowered"
Theres 3 titans that can literaly catch everything it throws at them and throw it back -a tone main
If your clever you can find ways around those fuckers
Tone is annoying to medical monarch players. - That medical monarch
I think TONE isn't OP, I think that he is very annoying, because he is dealing any damage always, his core, his tracking rockets
While those f%ckers are stuck on the ground playing with those pea-shooters us northstar's are soaring through the air with pride. -A Northstar main.
@@Vulpine_Cloaker yall mad because we have more health and our weapons are similer but fire faster and relatively have more damage due to consistant fire rate. While that v-tol hover makes you an easier target for us and our tracking rounds.
10:15 ah I see you are a man of culture as well
That's it you've got so much wrong. I'm not fully aware of the original intent of these videos, but like it or not, you are spreading misinformation. New players actually listen, and believe things you say, and you choose to use your voice to spread hate and false information? Smh.
40mm: "Will deal small damage to titans". A few moments later.. "Deals high damage and insta-kills pilots." Now that's just lazy writing.
40mm LITERALLY not being anything like laser shot, 40mm has a travel time of 203.19m/s vs laser shot's hitscan nature, and has a 0.1 degree spread even when ADS, effectively making goosers far more inconsistent past a certain point of the ejection trajectory.
Plasma Railgun: It is better than the 40mm in every aspect except fire rate. Projectile speed of 253.99m/s, and past 45.72m, the projectiles have grown to their max bolt hitsize of 6, 40mm shots only have 3.5, landing shots with the PR past said range more lenient. Spread tightens to 0 degrees as soon as you've fully transitioned to ADS, the duration you hold the shot past the 0th charge has no positive effect. Again in reference to 40mm, "basically it does no damage to titans", more lazy writing.
Tracker rockets: The amount of tracker rockets fired will not increase from 6-8 per locked target depending on how many targets you have three locks on. Can people not count? Tone having three locks provides the locked on target with a warning, this was added in May of 2017. Even if that weren't the case, sonar pulse (with or without pulse echo) has a clear audio cue to provide info on how many locks tone received from the ability, and it's by no means difficult to count to three of all the things tone gets locks from. Acknowledges tracker rocket mind games* But you can just use your defensive ability, or dash/sprint dodge*. Which is it? Is tone capable of using tracker rockets for pressure by holding them, or is she predictable enough to have them be countered by dodges/defensive abilities? Sloppy. Dashing fully horizontally to the left or right isn't a particularly direction to dash dodge as the direction of the dash will depend on how the tone curves her rockets. The degrees will vary anywhere from 20-90 degrees. Tracker rockets are far superior to rocket salvo. Stock rocket salvo has inconsistent spread, leading to an ~80% hitrate on average, on top of that, XO-16 has better DPS in all but a few edge case scenarios. Rocket salvo deals 250 damage per rocket contra tracker rocket's 350 per rocket, rocket salvo travels at 25.39m/s (Multi target missiles included) vs tracker rockets 45.71m/s, making MTMS much easier to dodge. For rocket salvo to be remotely close to tone's tracker rockets monarch has to earn three cores = 14286 damage excluding any doom/kill bonuses.
"So run behind a building and wait for them." As far as a general matchup description for tone in tone vs ion, that's a quite poor one. Once tone has locks on ion, ion is under pressure and will attempt to catch tracker rockets by stuttering/holding vortex for unpredictable intervals. This constant up/down with vortex allows tone to land a significant amount of free melees through vortex/simply pressure ion in teams from contributing anything valuable, paired up with stacking 40mm damage, and the fact that ion has no way to break particle wall barring laser core makes it greatly in tone's favor.
You only acknowledged tone's fundamental mechanical aspects, and end goal by presenting it in the most oversimplified, negligent way possible. This is what that looks like for a different titan: The whole playstyle of this titan is to rush in, shoot shotgun, throw some electricity, then get core to kill. You blatantly disregarded any depth to her playstyle in terms of pressure, positioning, teamwork, making decisions that affects the overall state of the game, tracker rocket curving + mind games, defensive management, target prioritization, etc.
Ion outright doesn't have the uptime of sustained DPS or burst damage to level with tone consistently, scorch can see such DPS numbers in theory, however he will extremely rarely see them in practice vs remotely decent players. In reference to monarch, "She deals much more reliable damage tone." Stock monarch has 950.56 DPS for 2.92s. In the time it takes stock monarch to reach 950.56 DPS, tone has 1284.24 DPS without rocket barrage, 1523.97 DPS with rocket barrage. Tone is also not as hard countered by the enemy breaking line of sight as monarch is. Ronin has a meager 320 DPS in that time due to leadwall only being able to shoot 1.168 times within 2.92s so a more normal in practice value is 831.16 DPS from leadwall + reload.
Salvo core: The rockets will self detonate after 10s, not 12s. Sword core has the highest skill ceiling out of the cores, salvo core comes in second by a large margin. Competitive level tone players (none of which helped make this video, clearly) are aware of the few, easily avoidable scenarios that causes salvo core to deal less damage than intended.
"Have to play in a specific playstyle". That applies to tone smh.. You can't rush into a high fire zone since she lacks a mobile defensive and particle wall is susceptible to being overrun at closer ranges. She benefits from positioning like a hybrid of northstar/legion's general positioning. Midrange with access to multiple lines of sight/short distance between single lines of sight for a quick rotation, with sufficient cover, and preferably with an escape route should enemies push when certain abilities are on cooldown. Or positioning, usually with a teammate guard dog, ion/ronin, to take map control due to her anchoring power, and sustained burst damage.
Tone being "boring" tends to be dependent on two things. 1. Your proficiency and understanding. 2. The proficiency and understanding of the people you play against. Even vs absolute potatoes comprising the opposition, you with some deeper knowledge can make tone a blast to play.
Not going to acknowledge the absolute train wreck of "this is how you play tone/play against her". Your change to tone nerfed her into the ground. A titan that requires sustained line of sight to have an increased change to deal consistent damage. A large part of why monarch suffers vs certain compositions of titans is because she needs a sustained line of sight to deal greater damage, a titan that needs sustained line of sight to have a greater % chance of doing so will be even worse. As a general rule of thumb, mixing in RNG into FPS games is a poor choice. Even more so due to how the titans are designed in TTF2.
Competitive players that go tone have to prioritize core usage and ability management constantly, just like all the other titans do.
"Tone players to use their core more smartly." Yeah that sums up this dumpster fire of a video quite nicely.
Thank you!
Why have you wrote an essay about how wrong someone is and how bad their video is when this is primarily just joking around and not meant to be majorly informative.
If I had a nickel each time there was a beep in the vid I would have all cosmetics in the game
How to change Tone :
1: click on her
2: Click on delete
3: Make new, better Tone
L stars bad.
That's like saying ions gun can't kill a pilot without aiming
I’ll always be a tone main, I don’t care if people hate her
7:49 “on the useless mini map”
Teacup just said you can't one shot a pilot but than emidently sniped a grut
Fun fact: to confuse the enemies even MORE you can hit a titan with the sonar lock and it counts towards tracking rockets so you only use two bullets and see other enemies
Funny thing that Tone is actually not that simple to play. I mean, you gotta move, you gotta use your sonar wisely, you gotta launch your core in the air sometimes (vs dead simple straightforward Ion laser). You gotta play with your enemies by shooting them 4-5 times or 2 times + sonar sometimes so they won't be able to count your hits and get prepared for the rockets. Even particle shield requires some minimal understanding of the game situation - it's useless if you see a Ronin or someone is just too close to you. And Tone is pretty vulnerable to a skilled player so one has to be wise and play carefully to even get the salvo core ready. It's all more complicated and requires more skills than playing Legion or maybe even Northstar. Don't get me wrong, I love Legion but come on, it's just a big gun with aim bot core ability - you just can't make a titan simpler than that. Legion is just a smart pistol in the world of titans. Sooo I guess all those people who shit on Tone and Tone players are just a bunch of pussies crying because another Tone destroyed them recently once again.
Update. Ok I hear you saying Tone is too boring and simple to play blah blah. Okay dude I guess you just suck at playing tone _properly_ or forgot that Legion exists. Also good luck "rushing me down" with my 2 dashes :)
sonar lock also lets you shoot around corners too
I love the Tone i didnt know it was such a hated titan so sorry i guess? idk i dont even play multyplayer much or at least i only play frontier defence
I was waiting for this, the runt, the TONE
Tone prime be like
Gotta love walking in an open field as a ronin to meet a enemy tone with their core and instantly be blown to the crustacean period.
I love tf2 references in tf2 videos
11:22 "How's the weather?"... I haven't asked that question in ages. I'm not angry, you are!
I know this is late but Northstar's railgun is always pinpoint accurate when aimed. It doesn't get any more accurate as it charges, it only increases damage.
You know, I’d say this video is very even toned. This gives the impression of an objective reviewer, while retaining a comedic quality all throughout. Truly, the review of all time. My personal favorite moment was when she said “it’s tonin’ time!” And got Tcup arrested