"Fire a warning shot Patterson" "Sir this is a thermite launcher" "Eh, potato, potato. Just fire it Patterson" *scorch proceeds to burn everything in a 30 mile radius*
ATTENTION SCORCH MAINS: This is something I barely see other Scorches do. Similar to BXR from Halo 2, Scorch has a very easy reload cancel. When you reload, watch the ammo counter. As soon as the counter goes to 1 from 0, TAP not hold the button you use for Thermal Shield. This takes maybe a fifth of a second but replaces the following second or two long animation. Basically, you can cut your reload time in half with this. Once you get some practice in you can stop looking at the number and memorize exactly what frame in the animation the 0 goes to 1. This can help get a LOT more damage in, it’s very helpful. Good luck! By the way, Thermite Plating all the way, I find it is SO good. It also makes it so scorch hard counters Ronin even more.
Yes, exactly. Scorch is huge, so this helps alot. And also it allows you to shoot traps at someone while roasting them with flame shield, which kills them far faster.
Tip: against a Tone bouce your gas canister off a wall above her shield over it, followed immediately with a shot from your primary. Canister lands behind the shield and the thermite splash follows the trajectory and ignites the trap, forcing her to take damage or relocate
@@harvetwound1234 holding up the shield reduces movement speed, good tones will just walk/dash backwards while hammering you until your shield is out. Better to pulse the shield to catch the rockets and ignore the 40mm cannon damage while rushing her down. I main tempered plating for this reason
@@matthewstewart5566 If they walk backwards then they have given up their position behind the shield, you are right about tempered plating tho, easily his best ability, lets you get super aggressive but also really helps on defense.
@@connorbranscombe6819 aye, but if their positioning is good then by the time you get to the first shield under fire with shield up they've put up a second one further down, rinse repeat. Tempered plates just gives you more options doesnt it
The tempered plating kit may seem like something for inexperienced players or just dumbasses, but it can be very useful in situations where rushing is necessary, as you will not take damage from any traps that are already there, as well as being able to shoot traps at your feet while say, a ronin is trying to melee you at low health and ignite them with no repercussions. As well as removing his critical hit spots which is obviously quite useful when fighting more ranged titans as blowing your nose will deal no extra damage, as a scorch main i tend to alternate between the tempered plating and inferno shield kits, as the inferno shield kit is more useful for close quarters maps and the tempered plating kit being more useful for ranged maps such as homestead and rise. You detailed that all of the kits had uses, and I just went out of my way to explain one of them a little further.
I agree if tempered plating increases longevity with no crit spot but also allows for relentless pressure as you can continue to advance even through traps. This is great as it allows you to close the distance while still dishising out damage with abilities. Scorch is a close range titan so closing that distance while still being threatining is crucial in my opinion
i would only use it on big maps. smaller maps like boomtown is just a playground for his shield. god before that thing got nerfed the DPS was insane levels of bullshit. legion players were free terminations pre-nerf
Not just for rushing, tempered plating is super useful when you get close as well. With it you can safely put down fire walls and incin traps into the path of a titan trying to get away from your flame shield while not taking any damage yourself. And if you manage to trap someone in a corner you can easily body block them and cook them nicely with all 3 abilities for an ungodly amount of damage.
Schooch: *Gets slowed down by arc wave* is this some kind of fire thing but with electrici- Ronin: Sword core ready Scorch:... Ronin: Rekts Scorch Everyone else reading this, burn him in holy flames!
@@YourLocalChoccyMilkDealer Actually yes. A monarch running superior chassis as her third upgrade will get 6 bars of health if she has full health when activating her final upgrade core.
@@ac2038 Just a a general tip for monarch, believe or not turbo engine + energy thief for attrtion and titan brawl will be better than overcore + energy thief. In both modes you'll be playing fairly passive in the earlier stages, even after one's second upgrade. Turbo engine will give you that mobility needed to run away/reposition to a safer location to survive or once you have most of the upgrades you can go in hard and you are too fast to be escaped. 20% extra core doesn't matter if you can't break line of sight from that legion and eat two power shots.
You want to sneak up on people hes kind of a wait to play your cards kinda titan use thermal shield alot if you see another scorch I recommend trying to get behind them do some extra damage it'll be hard to see if you both use your thermal shield so make sure there not trying to maneuver there way around do not shoot titans with the thermal launcher unless you have no other option the thermal launcher is mainly for taking out pesky pilots remember thermal shield is your main Viper out
I think you're not giving the other kits enough credit. In fact, I consider Inferno Shield to only be the third best kit he has, at the bottom of the good kits. I'll give my list and my thoughts as to why I place Inferno so low. 1st - Tempered Plating Scorch's biggest flaw is without a doubt his movement speed. When combined with his CQC power, he lacks the ability to deal good damage without the engagement already starting with the enemy in an area that you can trap them in. This makes him extremely situational, causing him to not only be limited on a few maps, but also a few areas of those maps. While he can be used elsewhere, there is always another titan that can perform the same job but better. Tempered Plating is the solution to this problem. While it can still be used to help with subpar trap placement on trapped opponents, its strength lies in chasing. Now, if an enemy begins the engagement close to you - two dash distances away or less, typically - you can pretty much secure a kill or get a massively in-your-favor trade. With other kits, if the enemy commits to running or stays by positions with corners that you can't place canisters around well, you can at best get a second of punish with Flame Wall and T203; canisters either get some damage and prevent you from chasing, or do nothing. With Tempered, this is no longer the case. You throw down your firewall, you shoot your T203, and you keep sprinting at them. Want to throw canisters in their escape route to get some damage, and they keep running through the fire? No problem, you can continue the chase and relentlessly hunt them down. Can't place a Firewall down their escape route without blocking your chase? No problem, just run straight through it. Tempered can also give you better dps for Flame Shield than Inferno since you can place canisters almost directly on the target that you are Flame Shielding. With Tempered you actually want to rely on your Flame Shield to block significant enemy damage rather than using Flame Shield to deal damage, instead using T203 and abilities to deal the majority of it. Flame Shield can be used to be your finisher move that brings them to doom, followed by a termination. The reason you want to hold onto Flame Shield is because you will slow down by using it against an opponent who can already run faster than you, and you will have less defensive energy to fight them once they get a gap and turn around. I feel that you focus too much on applying it to the same playstyle as Inferno Shield, where you trap them in an enclosed space and burn them in a single go. In these scenarios, Tempered does little more than cover for your mistakes and your analysis is about right. However, its true power does not lie there. Overall, the most powerful kit because it greatly increases the number of scenarios to which you can apply Scorch. Removal of the critical weakspot also increases your tankiness, preventing enemies from getting core quickly when you chase them to death. Trades enhanced DPS to improve chasing and remove some of the opponent's counterplay. 2nd - Wildfire Launcher With the first section highlighting his issues of being slow + CQC making him situational, it shouldn't come as a huge surprise that the kit which enhances his ranged capabilities comes second. Whereas Tempered focuses on maximizing aggressive play so you can capitalize on a single mistake, Wildfire Launcher simply buffs your play overall, most notably in your fights against opponents who aren't making positional mistakes. The bonus damage is rather significant, increasing impact damage by 25% (800 -> 1000) and doubling the thermite spawned. While the thermite is inconsistent, the damage is overall increased by a significant amount in practice. While running this kit lowers your ability to swiftly eliminate opponents as well as Inferno or Tempered, the base Scorch power can be plenty effective in its own right at taking care of those scenarios while Wildfire assists with the rest. Even in those "trapper" scenarios, Wildfire is still a decent buff to the T203 damage you output during that time, especially since you can trap the target in T203's thermite. I found your explanation of why this kit is bad to be a little contradictory, as you stated "sure you can use it to kill pilots and engage fights, but at the same time, you can use Firewall to engage titans and block their escapes", yet during your Firewall rating you highlighted its weakness that enemies can easily avoid it and it doesn't cover enough area. I think this is once again you focusing too much on the trapping aspect of Scorch. Of course T203 won't be as strong to setting up those traps as a Firewall will, but you still have the problem of finding a trappable enemy that would allow such a use of Firewall. Wildfire is for those other times where you can't exactly burn the enemy to oblivion and have to scooch your way closer while they chip away at you. It also enhances Scorch's poking power, if you simply can't push the enemy at all. I rate it lower than Tempered though because the maps where you'd want to run a Scorch lend a lot more opportunities to capitalize Tempered's strengths than Wildfire. If you're playing on more open maps, e.g. Angel City or Kodai, Wildfire is the better kit. An excellent kit that greatly improves the major weaknesses of Scorch's kit while still improving the strengths of his kit. Better than Tempered on longer range maps too. Trades aggression for stronger passive play. 3rd - Inferno Shield While the previous kits focused on enhancing weaker points of Scorch to increase his versatility, Inferno Shield doubles down on the strongest move in Scorch's arsenal: trapping an opponent and burning them to death in one fell swoop. Inferno Shield is without a doubt the king of this category, as getting a surprise ambush on a Legion, or in some cases even medium chassis titans, can result in the death of the target with little damage taken on Scorch's end. Inferno Shield's bonus damage allows you to melt targets in these scenarios even faster while the increased duration prevents the target from fighting back for an even longer duration. The increased duration is also quite helpful for defending yourself or closing the gap safely while conserving enough energy to damage opponents. However, the reason it is placed down this low is because only provides a significant benefit to a situational strength of Scorch. His problems of getting close to opponents or chasing them still remains, and as such opponents can heavily abuse an Inferno Shield Scorch's lack of threat when he's not jumping at them in a corner. As the opponent's awareness/skill level rises, this kit will come into play less and less, with the only benefit remaining being extra duration. A good kit that covers a bit of Scorch's weakness through increased shield duration and greatly amplifies his ambush/trapper playstyle. Grants exceptional punishes to big mistakes at the cost of little improvements to his weaknesses. Meme - Fuel for the Fire and Scorched Earth Post is too long and these kits are too bad for me to want to describe them in their entirety. Fuel for the fire improves firewall cooldown by 18%, but there is still 4 seconds between your last firewall dissipating and your next firewall to come online. The lack of a firewall during such time - which is typically larger since the target would have avoided the last wall way before it expired - still leaves your only unpredictable option left to be T203 for an agonizingly long duration. Firewalls also aren't that strong in the first place without Tempered Plating. Very situational, the worst kit of them all. Scorched Earth adds firewall to your core for 1.5 seconds, dealing up to an additional 1650 damage. This kit has a few issues. It is useless against any opponents that you barely tapped with Core as they tried to get out of the way. Since it doesn't deal its damage instantly, enemies caught inside the core can still escape before the max damage is dealt. The firewalls also prevent you from chasing targets you cored since you can't have Tempered equipped at the same time. And even if its benefits line up, the damage is not high enough. Wildfire, Tempered, and Inferno would all get more damage during your neutral game while giving you core faster. However, it is extra damage that isn't quite as worthless as Fuel for the Fire, despite it also being a meme. Videos are still entertaining as ever, but I implore you to try Scorch with these other kits and play to their strength's rather than playing to Inferno Shield's strengths. Of course, I am always down to do live demonstrations in 1v1s :)
It feels like you are almost completely excluding the fact that the flame shield Is a defensive ability and that stops most attacks from dealing damage to you making it extremely good for blocking attacks from any distance, an essential ability for keeping scorch alive and inferno shield increases its duration further helping to fix scorches greatest weakness... its lack of range.
@@marobrother1751 "The increased duration is also quite helpful for defending yourself or closing the gap safely while conserving enough energy to damage opponents. However, the reason it is placed down this low is because only provides a significant benefit to a situational strength of Scorch. His problems of getting close to opponents or chasing them still remains, and as such opponents can heavily abuse an Inferno Shield Scorch's lack of threat when he's not jumping at them in a corner." I most definitely covered that in my comment. The increased duration lets you hang around for longer periods of time without being threatened, but it doesn't fix the fact that he still lacks anything to fight back at range, it only enables him to live 2 more seconds or so without taking as much damage. In no universe is that "fixing his lack of range". His lack of range remains a prominent issue with this kit and Scorch will still get killed by enemies that are kiting or poking him from outside his range. Not to mention hitscans can easily shoot straight through the shield and hit his feet, making increased duration a even less of a benefit against Ions, Legions, and Monarchs.
In defense of scorch's tempered plating kit: you are also way more protected VS Northstar and Tone and long range and helps you avoid legions main DPS while being able to keep the heat on your target. The no crit weakness is VERY helpful. Also let's you get very close to your targets and light their feet on fire
There are some uses for wild fire launcher and that’s room clearing such as the bank rooms in bounty hunt or testing you’re skill and turning scotch into a mortar Titan as it appears to have a heavier projectile arch also I think caustic would love scorch as both are walking war crimes
If I could make changes to Scorch, it would be this. 1. Change the thermite launcher to a multi barrelled Grenade launcher (Reloading after *EVERY* shot is slow and annoying) 2. Change the incendiary traps to ignite on impact 3. Give Scorch a finisher that involves him jamming his fist into the enemy Titan and igniting it with his flame shield from the inside.
If you play frontier defence you can unlock and upgrade for the gunthat gives it morw ammo but its only useable in the game mode unfortunatly and if you keep playing after more and more won battles you can unlock an ability for the flame trap that makes it explode after the gas is released but i do agree with you that the thermite launcher need more ammo to begin with
I haven’t been around the TitanFall community in a while, let alone the game. I came back to see that you’re still going strong with tutorials and tips.
the point of tempered plating was to bamboozle a enemy by just flying through the thermite pool you laid at a corner, regularly a thermite choke is functionally a stand-off because whoever turns that corner gets smoked even before they face the enemy, thermal plating lets you catch someone off guard by just, taking the corner anyways being full health instead of half cooked to death when you do so.
Scorch, the titan who's shield is often used more like a primary than the primary, which is used to light your traps. You also use your shield and firewall to light them.
I wish if there was a kit for the scorch that turned his gun into a flame thrower instead of a single shot , this way you can do better damage at close range but sacrificing range or better yet replace fire wall with the flame thrower
The core concepts of scorch won't change. Scorch balance changes: Thermite from firewall should stick. It should be somewhat wider, last longer, and have a minor slow effect making it harder to avoid, kinda like lava. All of scorch fire should get a consistency update. Canisters and flame wall especially. 2 shots with t203, faster reload. Removal of the animation cancellation glitch with flame shield for faster reload so that the reload is faster, but not too fast. Wildfire launcher made permanent. Less damage from own thermite without tempered plating. Scorch is a niche titan, he needs specific map circumstances and/or a specific titan composition to be most effective.
My favorite trick for rodeos is to put your butt against a wall and look straight up with flame shield. Pilot will still get your battery but when they’re done they’ll jump off right into the flames. So satisfying.
Something I can say I enjoy about this video is that he isn't just showing his best plays as scorch, he doesn't care if he dies in the clips. A lot of people just don't show their deaths so they look better.
FINALLY!! I main scorch and came to this video to see how other people we're playing scorch and heard that and was like dafuq? Thank you for being someone who can read.
I dunno. I feel like scorch should have been immune to his flames by default and maybe the replacement kit could be extra shots (or 3 shots should have been the default as well)
Scorch: Ghost rider coming from behind you and placing his hands on your face... Not only can you barely do anything but you virtually and literally scream out in pain.
I started off as a Tone main, even got the prime version of it. Then along came frontier defence and I played scorched as the Tank, and I loved it. Now I main Scorch in multiplayer and even got his prime
it's surpirsing how accurate those thermite lobs can be. The number of times, I as a pilot have been SNIPED by a sorch is insane. You don't understand true fear until you are in the middle of your grapple arc with no way to change directions quick enough when a ball of fesitering thermite sends your dead ragdolled body flying.
@@millwalllover3633 Monarch is overrated, it basically relies on having shitty teams who ignore you, anyone competent will focus on you and you'll be down before you ever get your 3rd upgrade core, her damage output is honestly nothing special, shes basically a jack of all trades for killing pilots/titans.
imo, the shield kit seems really strong, but most of the time I just end up using tempered plating and trying to mostly play in close quarters (using the kit to don't have to worry about stepping on my flames) because I end up doing better than with the enhanced shield. I don't know if it's just that I'm bad at the game or something else, but most of the time I find it easier to close in the gap having liberty to step on my own flames than just having enhanced damaged but not being able to use it. Again, I don't know if it's just me, but I don't think the shield kit is as good as it seems.
I switched from inferno shield to tempered plating after the buff, and use the Gass canisters defensively. Drop one where you are, raise the shield, and let this ronin or inferno shield scorch come for you. The flying tea cup make fun of us, but... It works quite well.
@@bedhunter ahh i remember pre nerf inferno.... ronin spammers couldn't even challenge him back then... sigh. i miss those days. now ronins are bigger cunts running around with brass balls.
Same, I simply don't play defensive enough for inferno shield to be viable and I get so damn restless having to wait on my traps to burn out or the firewall to cool off before I can continue chasing the guy that had a good 10s headstart to run away
@@greed_xiii i never used his traps as damage in the first place. i used to use it as a dare to stay and fight under the premise of the flare gun doing less damage than the traps behind my enemy. they fought on my terms and many were terminated or ran through abundant flames to me shooting their back for easy damage. Scorch definitely has my most titan terminations. But that only worked for a year and a half... when monarch released and the kits got introduced man just relying on inferno for all my damage just wasn't viable anymore...
@@tavianarmstrong974 I find that unless I'm fighting a Ronin or Monarch, they always run, so I put the traps behind because I know they're gonna backpedal... then I give chase. I use everything to deal damage, the endgame is getting my core any way possible. Every spark counts
scorch is like a walking warcrime, and i love it.
2boi yes
To think about it, every titan in the game can be considered as a walking war crime.
His incendiary traps violate the Geneva convention and I too love him for that
I always thought scorch was underpowered but I just wasn’t playing him right
Or the northstar which basically uses a frickin giant railgun to kill one dude
“There is no right, there is no wrong, there is only..... papa scorch.”
-inquinity 2019
@@mr.trollage7242 can i have northstar Ribs at ur grill
@@bigmansir3745 we do not sell that sir
@@mr.trollage7242 you make this account just to go with the vibe madlad
"Fire a warning shot Patterson"
"Sir this is a thermite launcher"
"Eh, potato, potato. Just fire it Patterson"
*scorch proceeds to burn everything in a 30 mile radius*
Amateur Gamer bajur is dat u?
Amateur Gamer Bajur time
Ashton Hundt because f**k you and everyone near you
Ah. So this is why Australia is on fire
"I dont think respawning will get that many smiles and applause if they called it the gas trap"
Caustic:Allow me to introduce myself
“Allow me to introduce an independent variable.”
Scorch Kostic scorch burns Kostic alive that’s what you get for stealing my incendiary trap bitch
Science demands a repeatable outcome hence why I am here and you are there
It gets better in frontier defence with 2-3 shot t-203
Scorch: "Hehe, the Floor is lava"
the everything is lava
@@x.x6052 you included
*Laughs in tempered plating*
"ScOrCh DoEsN't TaKe SkIlL"
I hear this all the time from Tone mains.
Imagine not moving with your defensive ability
This was made by the “every other Titan” gang
I used only this and i think that tone Is shit
Tone is to easy to play honestly
I prefer this over tone by far
Come play scorch, we got:
Ranged fire
Hand fire
Big fire
_L O N G fire_
more thrown than ranged.
Guy3nder yeet fire
Thicc fire
Just not live fire
"firewall is just for lighting traps"
*Me seeing an ulting legion in a hallway *
“I’m ‘bout to end this man’s whole career.”
“Talks about how good scorch is”
“Gets constantly killed”
Yup, that’s what I was gonna say. I think that’s the whole running joke of the video
Talkin mad shit for someone in flame shield distance
Famous My Scorch MX
Yup Scorch is underpowered
@@runfast4244 how?
No one:
Scorch: _"Geneva convention? _*_More like Geneva suggestion."_*
Underrated... love this.
Ah yes the Geneva congestion
war crimes are a minor inconvenience
They can’t put you on trial if they are puddles
Your pfp is 100% what your face looked like while writing this
When I play Scorch, I immediately need Sabaton in my life.
@@marvinavila8877 Generally it's Into the Fire
Sarge down!
You sir are one hell of a man
Welcome to Bon Scorch. This is the Menu:
Roasted Pilots
Ronin Ribs
Northstar Ratattoiue
Tone Oil
Battery Oil
Scared ronin noises
Oh wait fuck I main Northstar.
Papa Scorch please don’t kill me I just want ribs and oil
You forget legion double fried in his own piss
Monarch likes F O O D
Pilot: summons scorch
Legion: why do I hear boss music?
Ive killed many a scorch as legion, dont know your problem
Literally relateable
Josh Goodreau that’s because legion is by far the easiest class.
@@fatpigeon7422 also the most fun when you arent being fire sheild spammed
Josh Goodreau Yep. I hate being spammed by scorch.
"But you know who suffers most from the thermal shield...Legion"
Me (a legion main): *ANGRY APE NOISES*
That's what you legion mains deserve
The traps do stack. He's wrong, just so everybody knows.
I hope you know this is made 10 months ago
@@vanguardkingbt7850 What?
@@vanguardkingbt7850 and two years after the final update, so this was true back then too
Yeah, you can MELT (pun not intended) a titan in seconds
They don’t, I tested
My therapist: Papa scorch isn’t real, he can’t hurt you
Papa scorch:
Fantasy yes
Wanna play the floor lava?
Imagine having to reload your weapon every time you wanted to commit a war crime
This post was made by the ion gang
Scorch is such a massive counter to Ion. I can never catch their shots and they always block my attacks 😭
Don't forget the legion gang
@@the_supern0va238 legion is a walking noob cannon
@@camh1809 exactly. That's why they almost never have to reload
“Lol noobs.”
This post was made by scorch gang
I like to call this titan the Vietnamese style American grill
I prefer the arsonist machine
Cremation creation
Holy shit
@@octo8715 fucking legend
ATTENTION SCORCH MAINS: This is something I barely see other Scorches do. Similar to BXR from Halo 2, Scorch has a very easy reload cancel. When you reload, watch the ammo counter. As soon as the counter goes to 1 from 0, TAP not hold the button you use for Thermal Shield. This takes maybe a fifth of a second but replaces the following second or two long animation. Basically, you can cut your reload time in half with this. Once you get some practice in you can stop looking at the number and memorize exactly what frame in the animation the 0 goes to 1. This can help get a LOT more damage in, it’s very helpful. Good luck!
By the way, Thermite Plating all the way, I find it is SO good. It also makes it so scorch hard counters Ronin even more.
Thanks for the tip, I didn't know that for all these years
3:52 Tea Cup realizes that TitanFall2 and TeamFortress2 have not only a common class, but that class has a common weapon...
This is the best Christmas gift I could have gotten!
A Goat Man yes:)
A Goat Man POP
Sorry I used my suggestions
scorch is pyro:
gun: flare
tactical: gas passer
defensive: w+m1
conclusion: tf2 and tf2 are zhe same
Ze N00B holy shit
If Scorch's flame shield is a flamethrower then I'll be okay with it
Flame core is just phlog with a medic
Legion is heavy
Monarch is medic because the ubersaw and energy theft and heal
Sniper is Northstar
Burn in holy fire
Burn in holy hellfire
Also dats @theRussianbadger
Scorch in a nutshell: A giant walking war crime
Is and always will.
"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask."
"The dreams of cronic and sustained cruelty."
You forgot to mention that Tempered Plating also removes all of Scorch's Weakspots, at least it does on the xbone
I've never seen that. Did they change it?
@@East_Coast_Toasty_Boy should still be a thing
Huh. That and monarch with no weak spots.
It's probably also on ps4, I just don't remember since I haven't played it in so long.
Yes, exactly. Scorch is huge, so this helps alot. And also it allows you to shoot traps at someone while roasting them with flame shield, which kills them far faster.
Best christmas gift for a Scorch Main
Me:happy scorch noise
i hate fortnite war robots sucks
@@kirbstomped361 it used to be good , so i cant argue with you
Oh man don't i love being a Jewish scorch main
Siyahtower yep
There is only papa scorch
No daddy scorch UwU
@@gamingchair4678 fak off
Tea cup: Why is it called ordnance it’s not an explosive like all the other titans
Ronin: Hold my beer
Legion, Ion, and Ronin: Hold my batteries
@@Indra_War_Robots okay you sure you won’t need these
Legend says he is still thinking about what to say about infernal shield.
To this day
A wise scorch player once said "Shield funny because Legion dead"
@@nibulsheep8214 as a legion main the infernal shield has caused me great pain and suffering
@@gvudrt8266you deserve that as a legion main
@@willwhite6628 hehehe big gun go brrrrrrr
Tip: against a Tone bouce your gas canister off a wall above her shield over it, followed immediately with a shot from your primary. Canister lands behind the shield and the thermite splash follows the trajectory and ignites the trap, forcing her to take damage or relocate
Or hold up thermal shield and run towards her
@@harvetwound1234 holding up the shield reduces movement speed, good tones will just walk/dash backwards while hammering you until your shield is out. Better to pulse the shield to catch the rockets and ignore the 40mm cannon damage while rushing her down. I main tempered plating for this reason
@@matthewstewart5566 If they walk backwards then they have given up their position behind the shield, you are right about tempered plating tho, easily his best ability, lets you get super aggressive but also really helps on defense.
@@connorbranscombe6819 aye, but if their positioning is good then by the time you get to the first shield under fire with shield up they've put up a second one further down, rinse repeat. Tempered plates just gives you more options doesnt it
@@harvetwound1234 *OH LAWD HE COMING*
The tempered plating kit may seem like something for inexperienced players or just dumbasses, but it can be very useful in situations where rushing is necessary, as you will not take damage from any traps that are already there, as well as being able to shoot traps at your feet while say, a ronin is trying to melee you at low health and ignite them with no repercussions. As well as removing his critical hit spots which is obviously quite useful when fighting more ranged titans as blowing your nose will deal no extra damage, as a scorch main i tend to alternate between the tempered plating and inferno shield kits, as the inferno shield kit is more useful for close quarters maps and the tempered plating kit being more useful for ranged maps such as homestead and rise. You detailed that all of the kits had uses, and I just went out of my way to explain one of them a little further.
I agree if tempered plating increases longevity with no crit spot but also allows for relentless pressure as you can continue to advance even through traps. This is great as it allows you to close the distance while still dishising out damage with abilities. Scorch is a close range titan so closing that distance while still being threatining is crucial in my opinion
i would only use it on big maps. smaller maps like boomtown is just a playground for his shield. god before that thing got nerfed the DPS was insane levels of bullshit. legion players were free terminations pre-nerf
Thermal plating is great. Playing and watching videos about Scorch the most damage comes from his own fire, but I know that the shield is great too
I agree with you but i use thermal plating to push i small coridors
Not just for rushing, tempered plating is super useful when you get close as well. With it you can safely put down fire walls and incin traps into the path of a titan trying to get away from your flame shield while not taking any damage yourself. And if you manage to trap someone in a corner you can easily body block them and cook them nicely with all 3 abilities for an ungodly amount of damage.
Tone: "No Ronin,no!"
Papa Scooch: "Hold my gas canisters"
Ronin: I have the power of god, and anime on my side. AAAAH!
Schooch: *Gets slowed down by arc wave* is this some kind of fire thing but with electrici-
Ronin: Sword core ready
Ronin: Rekts Scorch
Everyone else reading this, burn him in holy flames!
@@icezem4797 Are you Ronin main too?
Read the whole thing
Player: walks by
I’m bout to end this man’s whole career
player: walks by
scorch: and i took that personally
@@kaden1666 this was
@@kaden1666 3 years ago..
Wow time flies huh
Isn’t there literally an in game tip about how incendiary traps stack and how throwing two at the same spot is a good idea?
This video was made before that was in the game
@@ignisgecko4565 This video was made 2 years after the last update was released. So, no.
@@volatile5460 so which one is true?
Papa scorch doesn’t close his eyes at night, night closes it’s eyes at papa scorch
scorch's biggest counters are homestead and forwardbase kodai
that is way too accurate
Why does it take a map to counter Scorch and not a titan? Because Papa Scorch has no equals.
Any wide-open area cripples the papa, Scorch's loadout *Mandates* close-quarters unless you've a physics major with the Thermite Launcher.
My sniping with the Thermite Launcher puts Kraber gods that main Northstar to shame
scorch's biggest counter is a a-wall pilot with a titan rifle speed hack who's on high ground.
The reason we love Scorch is bcuz we have no other ways of performing warcrimes on a daily basis.
@You Tube cutting someone in half isn't as bad as scorching everything in a 30 mile radius
@@kyodairiker ahem ronin sword core with triple boost
Legion: I fear no man, but that thing... It scares me...
Now we just have Ion and Tone left after years of waiting. I can still wait longer.
Scorch: executes me
Me: No no no no
Scorch: puny God
Scorch: Im tankiest Titan with 12 500 HP
Monarch: *LAUGHS IN 15 000 HP*
@@YourLocalChoccyMilkDealer Actually yes. A monarch running superior chassis as her third upgrade will get 6 bars of health if she has full health when activating her final upgrade core.
Liam Lindner which is why I love playing monarch with the backup battery boost
@@ac2038 Just a a general tip for monarch, believe or not turbo engine + energy thief for attrtion and titan brawl will be better than overcore + energy thief. In both modes you'll be playing fairly passive in the earlier stages, even after one's second upgrade. Turbo engine will give you that mobility needed to run away/reposition to a safer location to survive or once you have most of the upgrades you can go in hard and you are too fast to be escaped. 20% extra core doesn't matter if you can't break line of sight from that legion and eat two power shots.
Liam Lindner yeah I switched over to turbo kit awhile ago and it’s much better than overcore
Me: *Comes for actual advice on Scorch*
This video: *Memes with no context and random loud noises*
Welcome to teacup
You want to sneak up on people hes kind of a wait to play your cards kinda titan use thermal shield alot if you see another scorch I recommend trying to get behind them do some extra damage it'll be hard to see if you both use your thermal shield so make sure there not trying to maneuver there way around do not shoot titans with the thermal launcher unless you have no other option the thermal launcher is mainly for taking out pesky pilots remember thermal shield is your main
Viper out
I'm a scorch main and I find that when I run into a tone they always seem to have their frickin core
Really? I always encounter the robins who think their a ninja with no gun.
Anytime i try to close in on a Tone and get as much fire on her as possible i eat a Salvo Core
Without fail man without fail and my shield always just ran out right then and there
So it’s not just me?!
So it’s not just me. Also, did anyone else notice he didn’t talk about Scorched Earth?
BuRn In HoLy FiRe
“I’m gonna need two heavy flamers for this heresy”
Teacup: I don't think respawn would get alot of cheers and applause if the called it the gas trap
5:14 It's been 3 years and teacup is still calling the offensive abilities for titans ordnance abilities.
Well to be fair that is what they were called in Titanfall 1
Idk why they say scorch is trash, I always kick ass with him more than with every other titan
They don’t know how to use scorch
Scorches is Titan I can efficiently and effectively destroy other titans especially Monarch and Legion
as a monarch main every time i FINALLY execute a scorch and take there battery i feel so complete since they almost always destroy me
I honestly don't like scorch because he cna be so op and I'll get instantly destroyed as soon as I get my titam in
When the thermal shield is up, Legion can still shoot scorch in his toes. Edit: More specifically his left foot.
Same happens vice versa
Bruh scorch is the way
DaTitanGamer this is the way
I prefer ion
@@MuffinsXD same. and Ronin
The flying teacup has reterned
I think you're not giving the other kits enough credit. In fact, I consider Inferno Shield to only be the third best kit he has, at the bottom of the good kits. I'll give my list and my thoughts as to why I place Inferno so low.
1st - Tempered Plating
Scorch's biggest flaw is without a doubt his movement speed. When combined with his CQC power, he lacks the ability to deal good damage without the engagement already starting with the enemy in an area that you can trap them in. This makes him extremely situational, causing him to not only be limited on a few maps, but also a few areas of those maps. While he can be used elsewhere, there is always another titan that can perform the same job but better. Tempered Plating is the solution to this problem. While it can still be used to help with subpar trap placement on trapped opponents, its strength lies in chasing. Now, if an enemy begins the engagement close to you - two dash distances away or less, typically - you can pretty much secure a kill or get a massively in-your-favor trade.
With other kits, if the enemy commits to running or stays by positions with corners that you can't place canisters around well, you can at best get a second of punish with Flame Wall and T203; canisters either get some damage and prevent you from chasing, or do nothing. With Tempered, this is no longer the case. You throw down your firewall, you shoot your T203, and you keep sprinting at them. Want to throw canisters in their escape route to get some damage, and they keep running through the fire? No problem, you can continue the chase and relentlessly hunt them down. Can't place a Firewall down their escape route without blocking your chase? No problem, just run straight through it. Tempered can also give you better dps for Flame Shield than Inferno since you can place canisters almost directly on the target that you are Flame Shielding. With Tempered you actually want to rely on your Flame Shield to block significant enemy damage rather than using Flame Shield to deal damage, instead using T203 and abilities to deal the majority of it. Flame Shield can be used to be your finisher move that brings them to doom, followed by a termination. The reason you want to hold onto Flame Shield is because you will slow down by using it against an opponent who can already run faster than you, and you will have less defensive energy to fight them once they get a gap and turn around.
I feel that you focus too much on applying it to the same playstyle as Inferno Shield, where you trap them in an enclosed space and burn them in a single go. In these scenarios, Tempered does little more than cover for your mistakes and your analysis is about right. However, its true power does not lie there.
Overall, the most powerful kit because it greatly increases the number of scenarios to which you can apply Scorch. Removal of the critical weakspot also increases your tankiness, preventing enemies from getting core quickly when you chase them to death. Trades enhanced DPS to improve chasing and remove some of the opponent's counterplay.
2nd - Wildfire Launcher
With the first section highlighting his issues of being slow + CQC making him situational, it shouldn't come as a huge surprise that the kit which enhances his ranged capabilities comes second. Whereas Tempered focuses on maximizing aggressive play so you can capitalize on a single mistake, Wildfire Launcher simply buffs your play overall, most notably in your fights against opponents who aren't making positional mistakes. The bonus damage is rather significant, increasing impact damage by 25% (800 -> 1000) and doubling the thermite spawned. While the thermite is inconsistent, the damage is overall increased by a significant amount in practice. While running this kit lowers your ability to swiftly eliminate opponents as well as Inferno or Tempered, the base Scorch power can be plenty effective in its own right at taking care of those scenarios while Wildfire assists with the rest. Even in those "trapper" scenarios, Wildfire is still a decent buff to the T203 damage you output during that time, especially since you can trap the target in T203's thermite.
I found your explanation of why this kit is bad to be a little contradictory, as you stated "sure you can use it to kill pilots and engage fights, but at the same time, you can use Firewall to engage titans and block their escapes", yet during your Firewall rating you highlighted its weakness that enemies can easily avoid it and it doesn't cover enough area. I think this is once again you focusing too much on the trapping aspect of Scorch. Of course T203 won't be as strong to setting up those traps as a Firewall will, but you still have the problem of finding a trappable enemy that would allow such a use of Firewall. Wildfire is for those other times where you can't exactly burn the enemy to oblivion and have to scooch your way closer while they chip away at you. It also enhances Scorch's poking power, if you simply can't push the enemy at all. I rate it lower than Tempered though because the maps where you'd want to run a Scorch lend a lot more opportunities to capitalize Tempered's strengths than Wildfire. If you're playing on more open maps, e.g. Angel City or Kodai, Wildfire is the better kit.
An excellent kit that greatly improves the major weaknesses of Scorch's kit while still improving the strengths of his kit. Better than Tempered on longer range maps too. Trades aggression for stronger passive play.
3rd - Inferno Shield
While the previous kits focused on enhancing weaker points of Scorch to increase his versatility, Inferno Shield doubles down on the strongest move in Scorch's arsenal: trapping an opponent and burning them to death in one fell swoop. Inferno Shield is without a doubt the king of this category, as getting a surprise ambush on a Legion, or in some cases even medium chassis titans, can result in the death of the target with little damage taken on Scorch's end. Inferno Shield's bonus damage allows you to melt targets in these scenarios even faster while the increased duration prevents the target from fighting back for an even longer duration. The increased duration is also quite helpful for defending yourself or closing the gap safely while conserving enough energy to damage opponents.
However, the reason it is placed down this low is because only provides a significant benefit to a situational strength of Scorch. His problems of getting close to opponents or chasing them still remains, and as such opponents can heavily abuse an Inferno Shield Scorch's lack of threat when he's not jumping at them in a corner. As the opponent's awareness/skill level rises, this kit will come into play less and less, with the only benefit remaining being extra duration.
A good kit that covers a bit of Scorch's weakness through increased shield duration and greatly amplifies his ambush/trapper playstyle. Grants exceptional punishes to big mistakes at the cost of little improvements to his weaknesses.
Meme - Fuel for the Fire and Scorched Earth
Post is too long and these kits are too bad for me to want to describe them in their entirety.
Fuel for the fire improves firewall cooldown by 18%, but there is still 4 seconds between your last firewall dissipating and your next firewall to come online. The lack of a firewall during such time - which is typically larger since the target would have avoided the last wall way before it expired - still leaves your only unpredictable option left to be T203 for an agonizingly long duration. Firewalls also aren't that strong in the first place without Tempered Plating. Very situational, the worst kit of them all.
Scorched Earth adds firewall to your core for 1.5 seconds, dealing up to an additional 1650 damage. This kit has a few issues. It is useless against any opponents that you barely tapped with Core as they tried to get out of the way. Since it doesn't deal its damage instantly, enemies caught inside the core can still escape before the max damage is dealt. The firewalls also prevent you from chasing targets you cored since you can't have Tempered equipped at the same time. And even if its benefits line up, the damage is not high enough. Wildfire, Tempered, and Inferno would all get more damage during your neutral game while giving you core faster. However, it is extra damage that isn't quite as worthless as Fuel for the Fire, despite it also being a meme.
Videos are still entertaining as ever, but I implore you to try Scorch with these other kits and play to their strength's rather than playing to Inferno Shield's strengths. Of course, I am always down to do live demonstrations in 1v1s :)
Dinorush13 well put
It feels like you are almost completely excluding the fact that the flame shield
Is a defensive ability and that stops most attacks from dealing damage to you making it extremely good for blocking attacks from any distance, an essential ability for keeping scorch alive and inferno shield increases its duration further helping to fix scorches greatest weakness... its lack of range.
@@marobrother1751 "The increased duration is also quite helpful for defending yourself or closing the gap safely while conserving enough energy to damage opponents.
However, the reason it is placed down this low is because only provides a significant benefit to a situational strength of Scorch. His problems of getting close to opponents or chasing them still remains, and as such opponents can heavily abuse an Inferno Shield Scorch's lack of threat when he's not jumping at them in a corner."
I most definitely covered that in my comment. The increased duration lets you hang around for longer periods of time without being threatened, but it doesn't fix the fact that he still lacks anything to fight back at range, it only enables him to live 2 more seconds or so without taking as much damage. In no universe is that "fixing his lack of range". His lack of range remains a prominent issue with this kit and Scorch will still get killed by enemies that are kiting or poking him from outside his range. Not to mention hitscans can easily shoot straight through the shield and hit his feet, making increased duration a even less of a benefit against Ions, Legions, and Monarchs.
Flame shield is a no bro moment. It is worse than Tone lock on
“Not Forgotten Full Quest”
well we know someone plays destiny 2
Ha yep
@@Penguinman2.0 9:30
@@charliem2965 ty
In defense of scorch's tempered plating kit: you are also way more protected VS Northstar and Tone and long range and helps you avoid legions main DPS while being able to keep the heat on your target.
The no crit weakness is VERY helpful. Also let's you get very close to your targets and light their feet on fire
VULKAN LIVES!!!!!!!!!!
@@hybriddino117 STOMP STOMP
There are some uses for wild fire launcher and that’s room clearing such as the bank rooms in bounty hunt or testing you’re skill and turning scotch into a mortar Titan as it appears to have a heavier projectile arch
also I think caustic would love scorch as both are walking war crimes
If I could make changes to Scorch, it would be this.
1. Change the thermite launcher to a multi barrelled Grenade launcher (Reloading after *EVERY* shot is slow and annoying)
2. Change the incendiary traps to ignite on impact
3. Give Scorch a finisher that involves him jamming his fist into the enemy Titan and igniting it with his flame shield from the inside.
If you play frontier defence you can unlock and upgrade for the gunthat gives it morw ammo but its only useable in the game mode unfortunatly and if you keep playing after more and more won battles you can unlock an ability for the flame trap that makes it explode after the gas is released but i do agree with you that the thermite launcher need more ammo to begin with
3. Have u heard the roar on a prime scorch prime finisher. Thats the best thing everrr.
Number three would be perfect!
@@ArefinDiptoadd the scorch prime roar as the pilot is turned to a rotisserie chicken from inside his own cockpit. PERFECT
bad ideas
If scorch has the element of surprise, game over. Change my mind.
Hover go brrrrr
Coming back after years and rewatch his whole channel about Titanfall 2 again for the good memories 😁
Scorch is hotter than shreck
"How dare you say something so controversial yet so brave"
@@TheFlyingTeaCup thanks man thanks 4 the vid scorch is the best
@@TheFlyingTeaCup you should do a lets talk about tics
ALTY F4 no we need more let’s talk pilot types
He is literally just shrek who can throw a barbeque party at any time
I can’t stop thinking about how great this intro is.
Robot pyro isn’t real robot pyro can’t hurt you
Robot pyro:
I haven’t been around the TitanFall community in a while, let alone the game. I came back to see that you’re still going strong with tutorials and tips.
the point of tempered plating was to bamboozle a enemy by just flying through the thermite pool you laid at a corner, regularly a thermite choke is functionally a stand-off because whoever turns that corner gets smoked even before they face the enemy, thermal plating lets you catch someone off guard by just, taking the corner anyways being full health instead of half cooked to death when you do so.
I main scorch
Ok burner
Prime scorch is sexy
what do you think about scorch as a counter to ronin?
@@lolzguyl he can counter ronin if you do it right.
Never underestimate the power of Papa Scorch!
Scorch is the best titan
anyone who disagrees is an ion soy boy
@@AAAAAAAA-vd6zv yes very true
@@vukantic1978 camping coward
@@AAAAAAAA-vd6zv :(
Scorch, the titan who's shield is often used more like a primary than the primary, which is used to light your traps. You also use your shield and firewall to light them.
as a scorch main myself this is 100% accurate
Scorch: *Tries to kill me with thermal shield*
Me with ARC rounds and maelstrom: *you picked the wrong house fool*
Yes i main Monarch
Monarch is such a hard counter to Scorch.
@@patana256 i did not know that and i main monarch
A gift has come before us. Let us rejoice.
I wish if there was a kit for the scorch that turned his gun into a flame thrower instead of a single shot , this way you can do better damage at close range but sacrificing range or better yet replace fire wall with the flame thrower
The core concepts of scorch won't change. Scorch balance changes: Thermite from firewall should stick. It should be somewhat wider, last longer, and have a minor slow effect making it harder to avoid, kinda like lava. All of scorch fire should get a consistency update. Canisters and flame wall especially. 2 shots with t203, faster reload. Removal of the animation cancellation glitch with flame shield for faster reload so that the reload is faster, but not too fast. Wildfire launcher made permanent. Less damage from own thermite without tempered plating.
Scorch is a niche titan, he needs specific map circumstances and/or a specific titan composition to be most effective.
@@lolzguyl that's way to op
My favorite trick for rodeos is to put your butt against a wall and look straight up with flame shield. Pilot will still get your battery but when they’re done they’ll jump off right into the flames. So satisfying.
Something I can say I enjoy about this video is that he isn't just showing his best plays as scorch, he doesn't care if he dies in the clips. A lot of people just don't show their deaths so they look better.
*sees the intro*
Yea basically
It's confirmed scorch was made in Russia
Golden Boy hardcore Henry ( I think)
Make more
I beg you
I’ll give you all my credits
I only have 83 I’d do the same thing
The cansiters do stack in damage though, its one of the tips on the loading screens
FINALLY!! I main scorch and came to this video to see how other people we're playing scorch and heard that and was like dafuq? Thank you for being someone who can read.
A lit canister doesn't actually stack damage if they are right on top of each other. Scorch has issues.
I'm happy to see an old dodgeball reference. Still one of my all time favorite movies. Thank you so much for that
same.(re)(re) (re) watched it last night lol
papa scorch is life
(also I just watch your videos everyday knowing you will stop uploading soon. I'll miss you. I'm not crying *sniff* you are )
When ever I have a titanfall nightmare probably it would be BT with the scorch loadout
Let’s talk scorch
I get it, you want to talk about demons
Let's talk Doom eternal.
I dunno. I feel like scorch should have been immune to his flames by default and maybe the replacement kit could be extra shots (or 3 shots should have been the default as well)
Scorch: Ghost rider coming from behind you and placing his hands on your face... Not only can you barely do anything but you virtually and literally scream out in pain.
Scorch a Ronin's natural predator
9:29 am I really seeing a ad for destiny 2 not forgotten recovery for $49
Yes I’ve been waiting for this
I'd hug that beautiful smile.🔥
"great titan, where can I find one?" you don't need to find it, IT FOUND YOU
the start of the video is me when I run into a G.100 Scorch
Imagine not being able to hit drones
This post was made by Legion gang
Imagine having to reload after every shot -this post was also made by Legion gang
Imagine not having a full body shield
This post was made by the Tone gang
Imagine only having a minor aimbot on your shots -this post was made by Legion gang
Imagine having to try
This post was made by 3rd core monarchs
Imagine having to be more hit and run then the Viet Cong for 15 minutes cause your too squishy -legion gang
6:22 if you pause at just the right time you can see Northstar coming out of the smoke and it looks incredible!
I started off as a Tone main, even got the prime version of it. Then along came frontier defence and I played scorched as the Tank, and I loved it. Now I main Scorch in multiplayer and even got his prime
it's surpirsing how accurate those thermite lobs can be. The number of times, I as a pilot have been SNIPED by a sorch is insane. You don't understand true fear until you are in the middle of your grapple arc with no way to change directions quick enough when a ball of fesitering thermite sends your dead ragdolled body flying.
Scorch is the best titan with massive damage output and his abilites are best.
@@millwalllover3633 yes, king scorch
@@AAAAAAAA-vd6zv yes queen monarch
@@millwalllover3633 so scorch fucks monarch?
@@millwalllover3633 Monarch is overrated, it basically relies on having shitty teams who ignore you, anyone competent will focus on you and you'll be down before you ever get your 3rd upgrade core, her damage output is honestly nothing special, shes basically a jack of all trades for killing pilots/titans.
imo, the shield kit seems really strong, but most of the time I just end up using tempered plating and trying to mostly play in close quarters (using the kit to don't have to worry about stepping on my flames) because I end up doing better than with the enhanced shield.
I don't know if it's just that I'm bad at the game or something else, but most of the time I find it easier to close in the gap having liberty to step on my own flames than just having enhanced damaged but not being able to use it.
Again, I don't know if it's just me, but I don't think the shield kit is as good as it seems.
I switched from inferno shield to tempered plating after the buff, and use the Gass canisters defensively. Drop one where you are, raise the shield, and let this ronin or inferno shield scorch come for you.
The flying tea cup make fun of us, but... It works quite well.
@@bedhunter ahh i remember pre nerf inferno.... ronin spammers couldn't even challenge him back then... sigh. i miss those days. now ronins are bigger cunts running around with brass balls.
Same, I simply don't play defensive enough for inferno shield to be viable and I get so damn restless having to wait on my traps to burn out or the firewall to cool off before I can continue chasing the guy that had a good 10s headstart to run away
@@greed_xiii i never used his traps as damage in the first place. i used to use it as a dare to stay and fight under the premise of the flare gun doing less damage than the traps behind my enemy. they fought on my terms and many were terminated or ran through abundant flames to me shooting their back for easy damage. Scorch definitely has my most titan terminations. But that only worked for a year and a half... when monarch released and the kits got introduced man just relying on inferno for all my damage just wasn't viable anymore...
@@tavianarmstrong974 I find that unless I'm fighting a Ronin or Monarch, they always run, so I put the traps behind because I know they're gonna backpedal... then I give chase. I use everything to deal damage, the endgame is getting my core any way possible. Every spark counts
best xmas present ever
As a legion main, I get Vietnam flashbacks every single time I see a scorch
If you play Scorch you are either a War criminal, or a Arsonist, maybe even both
(including myself)