Neal Cleaver Ah, then you must be new the channel! If you watch all the other videos he mispronounces EVERY thing he can. I guess it is for laughs, because I chuckle when he says some of them.
shenryyr2 ah, the paradox website seems to hate me even though i have an account and registered all my games i still cant access the forums so i was not aware of that
Some random things to look out for when trying this: - An alliance with The Netherlands might not be the best idea, because there's a good chance they'll invite you to a war against Belgium and Great Britain - Don't let Great Britain become the warleader in any of your wars, or you won't be able to get enough personal war score to end on your terms - Don't let Denmark get an alliance with any of the German minors (e.g. Hanover) because the truce will prevent you from influencing them
but with that germany at that time ,the posibilities to have the best campaign on victoria 2 are just great i just telling that having that kind of campaign will be fun to see
20:00 Prussia has a core on Neuchatel because the territory gave the crown, so to speak, to Brandenburg-Prussia in the early 18th century as a way to avoid French meddling (France was actively trying to acquire the principality at the same time). Napoleon forced Prussia to renounce its claim to the territory, although Prussian rule was reestablished later. Prussia then wanted Neuchatel to ingrate into Switzerland, ostensibly so Prussia could bring the entire country under its influence, but that particular venture backfired. Sometime around 1850 Neuchatel was converted to a proper republic, at which point Prussia lost its legal claim to the crown. The core is there solely for flavor.
The history of Dalmatia is long and weird. Croatia's modern shape basically goes back to the old Croatian kingdom around Zagreb being PU'd under Hungary at the time of their union with Austria, then hundreds of years later Austria also inherited Venice's territories in the rest of Dalmatia when Napoleon killed Venice and replaced them with the little tiny Kingdom of Italy held by his... Cousin? Austria and later Yugoslavia put these territories under nominal Croat ownership and historical migration made it so that Croats displaced the Italians and Serbs that lived there.
Nice video. Still there is another way to form Greater Germany in less than 10 years where you don't need to fight large wars and also your allies don't add extra wargoals (like Bavaria in your playtrough) and therefore losing prestige by don't demanding said wargoals. 1) Like normal German Empire, first you have to form the NGF. Don't sphere by war! Just influence the required nations by diplomacy. Special attention to Saxony, this is the top priority to sphere. When you're disacredited, select another nation to sphere. Add Loxembourg, Hannover, Saxony, Holstein and Denmark (for the last one you can go to war by demanding your cores AFTER Greater Germany is formed, in some point another Great power will sphere Denmark). Ask GB for an alliance, accept offers from other countries. 2) form an army the quickest possible and justify humilliate CB against Austria. This has to be done when you are still being Prussia. Remember Saxony? Well, it has to be in your sphere before starting the war. Declare war. Focus on destroying austrian armies, not in occuping its provinces. While at war, you can sphere the other nations mentioned in 1). Why humilliate? Because this way Austria should lose the GP status by a downfall in both prestige and army score (and it also frees all spherelings from its austrian rule). Winning the war is easily as your enemies will not be a threat to you and your allies, and also because the warscore needed is low. Try to peace out with the german minor states as quickly as possible. By the moment you proposed peace, you should be capable of forming the NGF. 3) wait a couple of years, form a bigger army and then invade France for Alsace-Lorraine. Nothing much to say here except the fact you can add an extra wargoal if you want, infamy will never be a problem (release loxembourg and danzig, they will ask to join your empire after some time). 4) Finally, if the timing is right, inmediatly after you won you should be able to sphere the german minor states. About Austria, justify an add to sphere CB. Declare war when Baden, Bavaria and Wuttenberg are sphered. Win the war. Three Hurrays for Germany! I hope this could help. Any suggestion, complain or whatever you want to say is welcome :)
Thanks for this. I enjoy Prussia/German states in EU4 and CK2 but never really understood how to work the influence game and this sure helped! I've done a Brazil and US game before and felt like giving this one a whirl now :D
I have never been able to get into Vicky 2 but might give this a shot and use it as an intro to the game. This video taught me more about it than 2 hours of stumbling about ingame did :)
Forming Greater Germany ASAP is alright but I don't see the harm in waiting until Nationalism and Imperialism. You say "don't sit around and wait" but than you don't have to sit around, you can conquer stuff like Egypt, Sokoto, Brunei, Atjeh, etc, in the meantime which puts you in a much better position for the scramble for Africa and closer to China which has the best RGOs in the game including a lot of coal in Manchuria and North Korea. Also by waiting and using the Assert Hegemony CB on Austria rather than fabricating a humiliation CB you don't need to waste diplo points on Austria's South German minors and can instead grab South America before USA/UK stranglehold them and also sphere all the countries in Europe you don't plan to conquer later. Also, by waiting, you can ally with Austria in the beginning instead of the UK and hope Austria declares wars against Switzerland, The Ottomans, Russia or whoever and assist them in their wars to give them as much territory as possible, so when you form Greater Germany you get these territories for yourself, infamy free. Worst case scenario, Austria does nothing so you just drag them into your inevitable war with France for Alsace-Lorraine, hope Austria demands some territory from France as well and even if not a lot of their armies will die to the French making them even easier to conquer right afterwards. Lastly, by waiting, you can optimize your research rather than rush the commerce techs that give more diplo points, as those are inefficient to rush when you can instead rush education, research, medicine, etc instead as the culture techs in particular are the most efficient when gotten early. The way I see it, the only reason to rush Greater Germany is either for fun or if you plan to go over the infamy limit anyway and fight the entire world throughout the rest of the game after you form it. If that's not the plan than waiting benefits you more than rushing it.
I don't think that works, since the event says only German Primary Culture are taken in when forming Germany. Maybe I'm wrong though, I'm not all that good at Vicky 2 EDIT: But all that China and Africa stuff is not a bad idea, but if you rush start Germany like this and do it quickly you'll still have plenty of time to scramble for Africa with the fighting base that can't be matched.
To make it quicker you just try and ally Russia in the beggining because france's relations with russia are around -90 at 1836 and you have better relations with Russia. If that doesnt work just ally UK. Then as soon as possible go for Denmark or Austria. Denmark take things needed for the sphere (or just add to sphere holstein and them). And with Austria you just go for Saxony to add to your sphere and then fully occupy Austria and add them to your sphere. Then you can easily sphere South German states. You should have that done pretty easily, then you form NGF. And then you instantly go for France(you can go for France even you are Prussia). And then you can form Germany. You can form it earlier then 6 years, depends if you have lucky moments like allying Russia etc.
Markoni11oo france usually allies russia in april of the first year, so they definitely aren't at -90 relations. every time i've loaded the game, prussia and russia are at +120 relations but they never ever want an alliance. britain always wants an alliance at the start.
Allying Russia is very hard at a game start. Brits are best bet, as they would help with France and pull weight during crises. Later though, switching to Russia is nice, not that allies matter for superGermany at that point.
shenryyr2 thats why i said you can do it much earlier if you are lucky. But you dont need an alliance with Russia. You can 1v1 Austria and you can beat france by just focusing on em and not NGF.
shenryyr2 Plus. Russia and France improve relations with each other so they get like 30 relations per month. So they ally each other when they are at 0 relations.
what matters is you get the ball rolling so you can kick ass later when your stronger early game your weaker and need to get strong thats how most nation buildups work.
Late to the party. Followed Shenryyr2 video to the letter, was able to form Super Germany a whole 8 days quicker. :) Now my Germany will be targeting Texas, Brunai and Denmark's African holdings for the mid game in prep of African scramble.
Prussia and NGF can take Baden, Wurtemberg and Bavaria into their Sphere from Austria all at once with the "Admit Hegemony" CB. There's no need to take them separately.
Yeah but what's the rush? It's not like Austria is going to get any stronger, whereas you as Prussia/NGF will. So why not take that time to conquer things in Africa(Egypt for Suez region at the very least and Sokoto are best targets) and South East Asia while waiting for Nationalism and Imperialism? It's not like forming Greater Germany a few years earlier will make that large of a difference whereas conquering things outside of Europe early on will, as the resources are good, especially in South East Asia, and sometimes other European powers conquer these nations eventually if you don't.
Foxton Blob? This is Vicky 2 not EU4, no nation truly blobs, at most France will take some North African territories from Morocco and Algeria but why should you care? It's not like these territories make France any stronger, as those areas are relatively poor with low pop. All you need from France is Alsace-Lorraine, whatever else France does or doesn't have doesn't matter to you.
You need a colony in Africa and the UK trades it with you, but yeah that comes later, i guess it becomes available during the scramble. Anyway, great vid man.
firefox3249 You need to be Prussia, Germany or a German state, and have a colony in Africa, I can't find it online, but it is named in the victoria 2 wiki, though it has no link. Also, you need to form Germany with the three hurrays for Germany, not by the crown from the gutter event, otherwise you don't get a core on it.
In German, w's make a v sound, like 'weimar' is 'veimar', and when two vowels are together like 'stein,' the second vowel makes the long vowel sound and the first vowel is silent.
I know I am kinda late here, but what you said about "Stein" is completely wrong. When you have an "ei" in a word (for example "klein") it is pronounced like an "ai" (klain). I think you confused the German "ie" with the German "ei". An "ie" (like in "Wien") is pronounced like a long "i" (Wiin) which I think is what you meant. Also the "St" in Stein needs to be pronounced like an "sht" due to German grammar rules just like a German "Sp" needs to be an "shp" so Stein would be pronounced "Shtain"
If you pronounce Baden "Buh-den" one more time i swear to god It's more like "Bah-din," or "Bad-en." You're just putting emphasis on the wrong syllable
He purposely pronounces a lot of country's names wrong. He always says korea. Like you would say core, then the ea. He says Russia RUSsia. Emphasis on the RUS. Like Rus. He also calls Canada Canuckistan or canadia xD
As a short recap for forming Gross Deutchland: First you for the forming of the North German Federation (NGF) by: - start researching from the Commerce tree all "Market Functionality"-ies for their Diplomatic Influence bonus! (after that whatever you like!) - Discrediting France in Luxenburg and then adding it to your sphere - Declaring war on France for Alsace-Lorraine - Get Saxony in your sphere (initially it is in Austria's sphere) - Get Holstein in your sphere - Fight Denmark for Schleswig - Wait until 1838-9 for Hannover to be kicked out the British sphere and add it to your own. - While doing all that make sure that no one else steals the little germanies from your sphere of influence so they can all be part of the NGF. All this can be achieved by 1840 and form the North German Federation. Second you go for the forming of Germany (Second Reich Edition): You will need: -Württemberg -Bavaria -Baden ....and they are in the Austrian sphere of influence. So you can take them diplomatically from their sphere (I find it easier) or by war (costs some infamy). But if you want Gross Deutchland solution to the German Question you will need Austria: - Get in war with Austria with the "Humiliate" Casus Beli. You will have to lower Austria's Prestige score so they drop from the Great Powers list. This is done by a long occupation and having the pure luck for other countries to go up the list. - Wait for Austria drops to Secondary Power and ONLY THEN you can add Austria to your Sphere of Influence (by hoping to have enough Jingoism to be able to add wargoal "Add to sphere of influence") and then press "Three Hurrahs For Germany!" shenryyr here did it by Feb. 1846 which is a good speed! Extra notes: - If you want to participate in the Scramble for Africa make sure to take colonial possessions from France and Danish Ghanna from the war with Denmark (preferably the one and only war and then add Denmark to your sphere). Remember to research the proper technologies for the colonisation game (Mission to Civilize and Machine Guns) - Always get the maximum amount of troops your country can support and also promote POP soldiers. - Heil dir im Siegerkranz :)
I really appreciate the way you explain every little thing you do. This video alone teached me how to play vic2. I was ready to give up on learning how to play this game.
You do know that you will get the CB for Alsace-Lorraine for free once you formed the north german federation? So i would wait here. Not just because of the infamy, also to not make france your enemy until you are stronger and you dont need to focus on soldiers if you dont attack france right at the start. Instead focus on literacy, go for research techs and fight a war with austria with the accept surpremecy CB to get the sphere you need. Thats the easier way imo.
Aldowyn Im not sure about the denmark CB. It might be different there but the Unification CB against France doesnt need the tech if i remember correctly. Same with the Italy unification cb. But to be honost, im not a 100% sure. I guess i have to check.
An early Greater Germany basically makes you immune to all attacks in Europe for the rest of the game. The longer you wait the harder it becomes to form Germany. When you get nationalism tech your enemies would also get stronger army and you would be forced to mobilize. Another reason is that in this game it's a waste to sit on zero infamy.
SUN SU I guess i made a mistake here. I havent seen the video to the end when i wrote the comment. Just finished now. And if shen is that sure that the CB need the tech hes most likely correct. Maybe i just havent seen that because i waited with fighting France until the rest was done and i havent done it as fast as shen. So i guess i just had the tech without knowing that i need it. So im sorry for the wrong comment. Nice Video, i´m really impressed by it over all. Back in the days in your china game i really felt like i know more about vicky that you shen, that opinion has changed with this video for sure!
machtharry it has to do with formable nations. N&I unlocks nations being able to go to war using the cb "unification war" for lands that are not their cores, but rather cores of a nation that they can form. A&L is a german core, but not a prussian core or NGF core, so you can't declare for it until N&I is researched.
One way to make it faster is to attack on day 1 one of Austria's spherelings such as parma with a humiliate CB, Austria will join and you can easily destroy all of its armies, since Austria will be fighting without its allies. With a 0 military score Austira will probably lose GP status (so that you can easily add saxony to your sphere along with the south german minors), and you can add the wargoal to add austria to your sphere. Then annex A-L and S-H while adding to your sphere the other german minors.
unfortunately you cannot declare war without a cb and you don't start with a cb on any of austria's sphere, however you are right that austria's allies won't join in. this is very interesting! So despite having to wait for fabricating the claim, bavaria, saxony, wurttemburg, the netherlands, etc... none of their allies join. i like this!
shenryyr2 Yeah sorry I meant that you should start justifying a war on day 1 with a humiliate war goal. Btw you can use the same trick against france (attack one of their minor allies and then add wargoal for A-L) if you don't want to fight russia, though having russia in the war will only increase your warscore since it is pretty easy to defeat them in battles. The only drawback is that you won't be able to call in the UK since they would take the leadership in the war and peace out quickly, but in general you won't have to worry about this when you are more powerful than them.
Good job Shen :D This was done so early in the game and so fast that you might be able to get literacy up rather fast and not lag behind in tech ^_^ I'm mad happy You did it again =D
That first war with the french is so bloody easy when they dont ally with the russians. Lost quite some dudes taking paris but god france was decimated
I took some of your tips on doing an "diplomatic anaconda plan" but forgot to deal with Austria's Schlieswig Holstein occupation. So I had to do a "free People" to shake it loose but also threw in an "admit hegemony." The result? I put together the North German Federation in April of '43 and then The German Empire immediately following. By the way, I was stationed in southern Germany in the mid '80s.... You generally pronounce the names of places with the ACCent on the first syllable. For example: WURTH-em-burg. Not WurTEMburg. Or at least we GI's did.... Thank you for a good video five years on....
I'm guessing this Super-Germany is unstoppable now right? You can roll over France, England and Russia with ease? Also, why was so it so easy to beat France and Russia at the same time at the start of the game?
Sandouras because Russia's armies are not that impressive early game (lack the techs), and France's armies are at their weakest in Vicky 2 (lack of soldiers).
Sandouras At the start of the game, France was around 15 years removed from the Congress of Vienna, when it was, to use the game's terms, "cut down to size," thanks to Napoleon. It also suffered through two subsequent revolutions in 1830 and 1832. So it is pretty historically accurate that France would start relatively weak in military.
I've done this, but I was Germany already, when I sphered Austria, they just applied for statehood wich doesn't really makes sense but I got a lot of land so I don't care
yep, I do not know when that was added, but it is possible. I think the only requirement is that Hungary must exist as a separate entity somewhere, and then you as germany are able to integrate Austria and also Austria-Hungary, if either of those exist
shenryyr2 Yes, Hungary was free because of some crisis, after that I sphered Austria becuase it was a secondary power, I didn't even knew about grossdeutschland at the time
Shen if you havn't already done a series with Germany why don't you do one and stop all of europe? I managed to do that. I formed super Germany, look all the land in Russia that was handed over the Germany during world war 1 and conquered massive parts of the US after i allied the CSA and saved them during the civil war. Germany is very op in this game if you know how to use it
You normally get crowned several months after the death of the previous monarch. Re: Victoria You Americans really know how to butcher place names! lol
its actually not called super germany, its germany, to us it looks big because it has been shrunk from its original size by the cowardly treaty of versailles...
Michael Fazio Yes all those ethnic germans wish they could still be part of germany, polish, hungarian, south slavic, romanian, italian, it's all a different kind of german.
My playthrough went almost exactly the same way except Russia didn't join the first war, so I finished that sooner, but I also was not as competent at managing the influence game so I didn't form until a year later, I think. Still super-powered and looking forward to what I can do from here. Thanks for the great advice!
Every so often I'll look at this video as a reference. Recently I tried attacking Austria, and forcing them to release Hungary - BAD IDEA. I was swamped with Jacobins, then Prussian Nationalists, then more Jacobins. Apparently early Hungarian Independence inspires others.
I love how shen pronounces "Deutsch" like "douche". Shen, the "eu" sound in German is pronounced like "oy", making the word pronounced "D-oy-sch". Stay classy Shenryyr XD
I think he has just literally won the game and he's like "Well, it's a great place to start." OMG, you're the dominant power in the world already, ahahah, where else would you go? Great job man.
This was freaking fantastic, but the way you placed the stress of Baden and Württemberg on the middle or later syllables nearly killed me. Still nothing to worry about compared to how you killed it in just ten years!
I know this video is 9 years old and thus it may be out dated, but now atleast you start with a CB on Denmark, being for Cultural Unification where you liberate Schleswig. I usually free Holstein when doing it aswell.
+shenryyr2 To get the core in Switzerland you have to start the game as a different nation and start a CB on Switzerland for "liberate core" and when you go to declare war you choose liberate Prussia which should be the only nation you can liberate cores for in Switzerland.
Spain,are you still a great power
*starts crying*
"How To Form Super Germany Quickly"
*Makes a 1 hour and 40 minute video*
+Brendan Feay lol
That's quickly by Victoria 2 standards
it took like 10 years...
and you have 90 extra years to do what you want where you want.
I didn't think it was possible to mispronounce the names of all the South-German states... I was wrong
You underestimate Shen's deliberate mispronounciations ;)
Neal Cleaver Ah, then you must be new the channel! If you watch all the other videos he mispronounces EVERY thing he can. I guess it is for laughs, because I chuckle when he says some of them.
+The Fappening because I say it matters
+Neal Cleaver Atleast you're lucky,my ears blew up instead.
How do you mess up krakow...
*Anschluss intensifies*
Form Super Germany as Luxembourg
France+germany+Austria. Is this even possible?
William Balll Ja
Zomboing That makes me erect.
Form Super Russia as my penis.
We already have that in real live. its called the eu
"I don't think they're ever going to update this game again" - Shenryyr 2k14
Darcy Phipps was he wrong?
pretty much spot on.
They updated it with split units in half and window/borderless windowed mode.
@@everythingiseconomics9742 Don't forget the world wars and polar bears
They still haven't :,(
22:57 That moment when you're a French soldier trying to secure the area then the Prussians appear on the horizon from three different directions...
I think the correct term for a "Super Germany" is Greater Germany or Großdeutschland in German
yep! "super germany" just refers to the common term used in the paradox forums about this creation
shenryyr2 ah, the paradox website seems to hate me even though i have an account and registered all my games i still cant access the forums so i was not aware of that
Darkout412 that's an issue with central europe for some reason, czech people have problems with the forum too.
shenryyr2 The only problem with that is... I live in Northern Virginia
Darkout412 I guess you live in Central Europe now...
"you gotta get people pissed off, or they wont want reforms"
It actually physically hurts to hear the way he says "Baden" and "Holstein". Also, "Douchelandlied".
Pétrou Velteau and bavaria
Sometimes I have no idea how people pronounce things so badly, especially if your language is a branch off it.
It's because he's an American lol.
Andrew I'm American
meme King I'm Canadian, and Canadians can be shit at pronouncing things too
Your pronunciation of German states hurts by ears, but otherwise this is a great video. Hopefully I can give this a try myself soon :D
JRos83 Source?
Some random things to look out for when trying this:
- An alliance with The Netherlands might not be the best idea, because there's a good chance they'll invite you to a war against Belgium and Great Britain
- Don't let Great Britain become the warleader in any of your wars, or you won't be able to get enough personal war score to end on your terms
- Don't let Denmark get an alliance with any of the German minors (e.g. Hanover) because the truce will prevent you from influencing them
why dont start a LETS PLAY with that Super Germany ???
yea altmost boring
Not just easy, you should see what he did as the papal states...
but with that germany at that time ,the posibilities to have the best campaign on victoria 2 are just great i just telling that having that kind of campaign will be fun to see
well what's even the point of playing because eventually you always become too powerful?
He is not even on the first place after forming Germany. Only Second.
20:00 Prussia has a core on Neuchatel because the territory gave the crown, so to speak, to Brandenburg-Prussia in the early 18th century as a way to avoid French meddling (France was actively trying to acquire the principality at the same time). Napoleon forced Prussia to renounce its claim to the territory, although Prussian rule was reestablished later. Prussia then wanted Neuchatel to ingrate into Switzerland, ostensibly so Prussia could bring the entire country under its influence, but that particular venture backfired. Sometime around 1850 Neuchatel was converted to a proper republic, at which point Prussia lost its legal claim to the crown. The core is there solely for flavor.
The history of Dalmatia is long and weird. Croatia's modern shape basically goes back to the old Croatian kingdom around Zagreb being PU'd under Hungary at the time of their union with Austria, then hundreds of years later Austria also inherited Venice's territories in the rest of Dalmatia when Napoleon killed Venice and replaced them with the little tiny Kingdom of Italy held by his... Cousin?
Austria and later Yugoslavia put these territories under nominal Croat ownership and historical migration made it so that Croats displaced the Italians and Serbs that lived there.
Thanks for the historical context, 2015 man. I always kinda wondered but never bothered to check.
Nice video. Still there is another way to form Greater Germany in less than 10 years where you don't need to fight large wars and also your allies don't add extra wargoals (like Bavaria in your playtrough) and therefore losing prestige by don't demanding said wargoals.
1) Like normal German Empire, first you have to form the NGF. Don't sphere by war! Just influence the required nations by diplomacy. Special attention to Saxony, this is the top priority to sphere. When you're disacredited, select another nation to sphere. Add Loxembourg, Hannover, Saxony, Holstein and Denmark (for the last one you can go to war by demanding your cores AFTER Greater Germany is formed, in some point another Great power will sphere Denmark). Ask GB for an alliance, accept offers from other countries.
2) form an army the quickest possible and justify humilliate CB against Austria. This has to be done when you are still being Prussia. Remember Saxony? Well, it has to be in your sphere before starting the war. Declare war. Focus on destroying austrian armies, not in occuping its provinces. While at war, you can sphere the other nations mentioned in 1). Why humilliate? Because this way Austria should lose the GP status by a downfall in both prestige and army score (and it also frees all spherelings from its austrian rule). Winning the war is easily as your enemies will not be a threat to you and your allies, and also because the warscore needed is low. Try to peace out with the german minor states as quickly as possible. By the moment you proposed peace, you should be capable of forming the NGF.
3) wait a couple of years, form a bigger army and then invade France for Alsace-Lorraine. Nothing much to say here except the fact you can add an extra wargoal if you want, infamy will never be a problem (release loxembourg and danzig, they will ask to join your empire after some time).
4) Finally, if the timing is right, inmediatly after you won you should be able to sphere the german minor states. About Austria, justify an add to sphere CB. Declare war when Baden, Bavaria and Wuttenberg are sphered. Win the war. Three Hurrays for Germany!
I hope this could help. Any suggestion, complain or whatever you want to say is welcome :)
1:41:58 The music lines up perfectly with him saying "fantastic" and the empire being formed.
at 1:06:24 you skip like 16 months lol
M'aiq did this a couple weeks ago but he forgot Schleswig
I hear you also carry two weapons in case one breaks and you burned your sweetroll with magic.
***** You do realize that M'aiq is in Morrowind and his avatar is M'aiq from Morrowind.
***** You so silly see my profile pic? (Morrowind is fackin awesome)
Darkout412 What about horses M'aiq loves horses especially with good cream sauce that he bought from the crab merchant
Thanks for this. I enjoy Prussia/German states in EU4 and CK2 but never really understood how to work the influence game and this sure helped!
I've done a Brazil and US game before and felt like giving this one a whirl now :D
Form germany as bavaria, i would pay money to see that
Wait can LX form germany? The only thing harder than that would be owning all of africa as tripoli or sokoto
I did that once.
I've seen bavaria become a great power. I don't think you can form germany though.
You can. Bavaria --> South German Confederation --> Germany
Any German state can form Germany, it's just much more difficult.
I have never been able to get into Vicky 2 but might give this a shot and use it as an intro to the game. This video taught me more about it than 2 hours of stumbling about ingame did :)
"Go in there gentlemen. That's what she said." -Shen
The Reichtangle Rises
Shen started a slightly smaller World War I in the beginning against France and Russia
"dudn't matter"
"dudn't matter"
Forming Greater Germany ASAP is alright but I don't see the harm in waiting until Nationalism and Imperialism. You say "don't sit around and wait" but than you don't have to sit around, you can conquer stuff like Egypt, Sokoto, Brunei, Atjeh, etc, in the meantime which puts you in a much better position for the scramble for Africa and closer to China which has the best RGOs in the game including a lot of coal in Manchuria and North Korea. Also by waiting and using the Assert Hegemony CB on Austria rather than fabricating a humiliation CB you don't need to waste diplo points on Austria's South German minors and can instead grab South America before USA/UK stranglehold them and also sphere all the countries in Europe you don't plan to conquer later.
Also, by waiting, you can ally with Austria in the beginning instead of the UK and hope Austria declares wars against Switzerland, The Ottomans, Russia or whoever and assist them in their wars to give them as much territory as possible, so when you form Greater Germany you get these territories for yourself, infamy free. Worst case scenario, Austria does nothing so you just drag them into your inevitable war with France for Alsace-Lorraine, hope Austria demands some territory from France as well and even if not a lot of their armies will die to the French making them even easier to conquer right afterwards. Lastly, by waiting, you can optimize your research rather than rush the commerce techs that give more diplo points, as those are inefficient to rush when you can instead rush education, research, medicine, etc instead as the culture techs in particular are the most efficient when gotten early.
The way I see it, the only reason to rush Greater Germany is either for fun or if you plan to go over the infamy limit anyway and fight the entire world throughout the rest of the game after you form it. If that's not the plan than waiting benefits you more than rushing it.
I don't think that works, since the event says only German Primary Culture are taken in when forming Germany. Maybe I'm wrong though, I'm not all that good at Vicky 2
EDIT: But all that China and Africa stuff is not a bad idea, but if you rush start Germany like this and do it quickly you'll still have plenty of time to scramble for Africa with the fighting base that can't be matched.
To make it quicker you just try and ally Russia in the beggining because france's relations with russia are around -90 at 1836 and you have better relations with Russia. If that doesnt work just ally UK. Then as soon as possible go for Denmark or Austria. Denmark take things needed for the sphere (or just add to sphere holstein and them). And with Austria you just go for Saxony to add to your sphere and then fully occupy Austria and add them to your sphere. Then you can easily sphere South German states. You should have that done pretty easily, then you form NGF. And then you instantly go for France(you can go for France even you are Prussia). And then you can form Germany. You can form it earlier then 6 years, depends if you have lucky moments like allying Russia etc.
Markoni11oo france usually allies russia in april of the first year, so they definitely aren't at -90 relations. every time i've loaded the game, prussia and russia are at +120 relations but they never ever want an alliance. britain always wants an alliance at the start.
Allying Russia is very hard at a game start. Brits are best bet, as they would help with France and pull weight during crises. Later though, switching to Russia is nice, not that allies matter for superGermany at that point.
shenryyr2 thats why i said you can do it much earlier if you are lucky. But you dont need an alliance with Russia. You can 1v1 Austria and you can beat france by just focusing on em and not NGF.
shenryyr2 Plus. Russia and France improve relations with each other so they get like 30 relations per month. So they ally each other when they are at 0 relations.
You should do a playthrough as Krakow. That would be interesting.
"quickly and easily" 105 minutes video.
Considering most nation buildups in paradox games last for tens of hours, it's pretty short.
what matters is you get the ball rolling so you can kick ass later when your stronger early game your weaker and need to get strong thats how most nation buildups work.
Late to the party. Followed Shenryyr2 video to the letter, was able to form Super Germany a whole 8 days quicker. :) Now my Germany will be targeting Texas, Brunai and Denmark's African holdings for the mid game in prep of African scramble.
Prussia and NGF can take Baden, Wurtemberg and Bavaria into their Sphere from Austria all at once with the "Admit Hegemony" CB. There's no need to take them separately.
that doesn't become available until you've researched Nationalism & Imperialism which does not even unlock until 1850 :)
Oh yeah, that's right! :p
Yeah but what's the rush? It's not like Austria is going to get any stronger, whereas you as Prussia/NGF will. So why not take that time to conquer things in Africa(Egypt for Suez region at the very least and Sokoto are best targets) and South East Asia while waiting for Nationalism and Imperialism? It's not like forming Greater Germany a few years earlier will make that large of a difference whereas conquering things outside of Europe early on will, as the resources are good, especially in South East Asia, and sometimes other European powers conquer these nations eventually if you don't.
Owl Raider The longer you take to form Grossdeutschland, the harder it is to form Grossdeutschland.
It only takes 1 year for France to blob.
Foxton Blob? This is Vicky 2 not EU4, no nation truly blobs, at most France will take some North African territories from Morocco and Algeria but why should you care? It's not like these territories make France any stronger, as those areas are relatively poor with low pop. All you need from France is Alsace-Lorraine, whatever else France does or doesn't have doesn't matter to you.
You still need Heligoland!
that core comes later, you can't get it before forming germany. unless you know a way?
You need a colony in Africa and the UK trades it with you, but yeah that comes later, i guess it becomes available during the scramble. Anyway, great vid man.
guaymaster Really? Could you give more info? Cause I really don't wanna fight the UK.
firefox3249 You need to be Prussia, Germany or a German state, and have a colony in Africa, I can't find it online, but it is named in the victoria 2 wiki, though it has no link. Also, you need to form Germany with the three hurrays for Germany, not by the crown from the gutter event, otherwise you don't get a core on it.
guaymaster Will any colony do? Or does it have to be Zanzibar, which was the historical one?
52:32 Spain: *cries in corner* Why does nobody think I'm a great power? *cries some more*
In German, w's make a v sound, like 'weimar' is 'veimar', and when two vowels are together like 'stein,' the second vowel makes the long vowel sound and the first vowel is silent.
Chupachu Cool, thanks for the pronunciation tip
The way he says stein makes me want to commit suicide and I'm not even German...
I know I am kinda late here, but what you said about "Stein" is completely wrong. When you have an "ei" in a word (for example "klein") it is pronounced like an "ai" (klain).
I think you confused the German "ie" with the German "ei". An "ie" (like in "Wien") is pronounced like a long "i" (Wiin) which I think is what you meant.
Also the "St" in Stein needs to be pronounced like an "sht" due to German grammar rules just like a German "Sp" needs to be an "shp" so Stein would be pronounced "Shtain"
Wow, nothing can get you more interested in a game than a tutorial on how to create 'Super Germany'
If you pronounce Baden "Buh-den" one more time i swear to god
It's more like "Bah-din," or "Bad-en." You're just putting emphasis on the wrong syllable
Yup, google translate pronounces it correct:
Its a homonym of "to bathe" in german
He does it on purpose, I'm pretty sure he knows how to correctly pronounce all the stuff he mispronounces.
He does that a lot, sometimes on purpose, the best example is his pronunciation of Wurtemberg.
He purposely pronounces a lot of country's names wrong. He always says korea. Like you would say core, then the ea. He says Russia RUSsia. Emphasis on the RUS. Like Rus. He also calls Canada Canuckistan or canadia xD
no no its AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle
As a short recap for forming Gross Deutchland:
First you for the forming of the North German Federation (NGF) by:
- start researching from the Commerce tree all "Market Functionality"-ies for their Diplomatic Influence bonus! (after that whatever you like!)
- Discrediting France in Luxenburg and then adding it to your sphere
- Declaring war on France for Alsace-Lorraine
- Get Saxony in your sphere (initially it is in Austria's sphere)
- Get Holstein in your sphere
- Fight Denmark for Schleswig
- Wait until 1838-9 for Hannover to be kicked out the British sphere and add it to your own.
- While doing all that make sure that no one else steals the little germanies from your sphere of influence so they can all be part of the NGF.
All this can be achieved by 1840 and form the North German Federation.
Second you go for the forming of Germany (Second Reich Edition):
You will need:
....and they are in the Austrian sphere of influence. So you can take them diplomatically from their sphere (I find it easier) or by war (costs some infamy).
But if you want Gross Deutchland solution to the German Question you will need Austria:
- Get in war with Austria with the "Humiliate" Casus Beli. You will have to lower Austria's Prestige score so they drop from the Great Powers list. This is done by a long occupation and having the pure luck for other countries to go up the list.
- Wait for Austria drops to Secondary Power and ONLY THEN you can add Austria to your Sphere of Influence (by hoping to have enough Jingoism to be able to add wargoal "Add to sphere of influence") and then press "Three Hurrahs For Germany!"
shenryyr here did it by Feb. 1846 which is a good speed!
Extra notes:
- If you want to participate in the Scramble for Africa make sure to take colonial possessions from France and Danish Ghanna from the war with Denmark (preferably the one and only war and then add Denmark to your sphere). Remember to research the proper technologies for the colonisation game (Mission to Civilize and Machine Guns)
- Always get the maximum amount of troops your country can support and also promote POP soldiers.
- Heil dir im Siegerkranz :)
Es lebe seine Majestät, Kaiser shen! *Hurra*
I really appreciate the way you explain every little thing you do. This video alone teached me how to play vic2. I was ready to give up on learning how to play this game.
You do know that you will get the CB for Alsace-Lorraine for free once you formed the north german federation?
So i would wait here. Not just because of the infamy, also to not make france your enemy until you are stronger and you dont need to focus on soldiers if you dont attack france right at the start. Instead focus on literacy, go for research techs and fight a war with austria with the accept surpremecy CB to get the sphere you need.
Thats the easier way imo.
I thought the CB was based on the Nationalism and Imperialism tech?
Im not sure about the denmark CB. It might be different there but the Unification CB against France doesnt need the tech if i remember correctly. Same with the Italy unification cb. But to be honost, im not a 100% sure. I guess i have to check.
An early Greater Germany basically makes you immune to all attacks in Europe for the rest of the game. The longer you wait the harder it becomes to form Germany. When you get nationalism tech your enemies would also get stronger army and you would be forced to mobilize. Another reason is that in this game it's a waste to sit on zero infamy.
I guess i made a mistake here. I havent seen the video to the end when i wrote the comment. Just finished now. And if shen is that sure that the CB need the tech hes most likely correct. Maybe i just havent seen that because i waited with fighting France until the rest was done and i havent done it as fast as shen. So i guess i just had the tech without knowing that i need it.
So im sorry for the wrong comment.
Nice Video, i´m really impressed by it over all. Back in the days in your china game i really felt like i know more about vicky that you shen, that opinion has changed with this video for sure!
machtharry it has to do with formable nations. N&I unlocks nations being able to go to war using the cb "unification war" for lands that are not their cores, but rather cores of a nation that they can form. A&L is a german core, but not a prussian core or NGF core, so you can't declare for it until N&I is researched.
The background music of the old video was what made it really shine.
"And we're gonna tax everyone because screw the people ..."
LOL :-)
One way to make it faster is to attack on day 1 one of Austria's spherelings such as parma with a humiliate CB, Austria will join and you can easily destroy all of its armies, since Austria will be fighting without its allies. With a 0 military score Austira will probably lose GP status (so that you can easily add saxony to your sphere along with the south german minors), and you can add the wargoal to add austria to your sphere. Then annex A-L and S-H while adding to your sphere the other german minors.
unfortunately you cannot declare war without a cb and you don't start with a cb on any of austria's sphere, however you are right that austria's allies won't join in. this is very interesting! So despite having to wait for fabricating the claim, bavaria, saxony, wurttemburg, the netherlands, etc... none of their allies join. i like this!
shenryyr2 Yeah sorry I meant that you should start justifying a war on day 1 with a humiliate war goal. Btw you can use the same trick against france (attack one of their minor allies and then add wargoal for A-L) if you don't want to fight russia, though having russia in the war will only increase your warscore since it is pretty easy to defeat them in battles. The only drawback is that you won't be able to call in the UK since they would take the leadership in the war and peace out quickly, but in general you won't have to worry about this when you are more powerful than them.
Good job Shen :D This was done so early in the game and so fast that you might be able to get literacy up rather fast and not lag behind in tech ^_^
I'm mad happy You did it again =D
your pronunciation gave me ear aids ;(
+doesntmakeanysence2u Luxemburg (ich bin deutsch/ i'm german) =)
A Grand Empire :(
+teamstalina Twitch & Stream Raids Budějovice=Bdjvish :D
Mir auch ;)
The LeJo That flag is a disgrace to Germany
In my campaign austria collapsed into several nations and lost its great power status i gobbled the land really fast
Wouldnt sphereing Switzerland make them join u when u form the german enpire because u hav a core on them?
And even more important, they should be german as primary culture. The core itself should do nothing. ;)
But I would also recommend trying that. :D
Chelsea Xsmiles Yeah, heard that I am wrong sooner. :(
Thank you so much, I just love seeing players form super germany, it's just that awesome to me.
That first war with the french is so bloody easy when they dont ally with the russians. Lost quite some dudes taking paris but god france was decimated
I speak german and i think it’s pretty funny how he pronounces the german minor states names
I took some of your tips on doing an "diplomatic anaconda plan" but forgot to deal with Austria's Schlieswig Holstein occupation. So I had to do a "free People" to shake it loose but also threw in an "admit hegemony." The result? I put together the North German Federation in April of '43 and then The German Empire immediately following.
By the way, I was stationed in southern Germany in the mid '80s.... You generally pronounce the names of places with the ACCent on the first syllable. For example: WURTH-em-burg. Not WurTEMburg. Or at least we GI's did....
Thank you for a good video five years on....
'I don't think they're ever going to update this game again'
They proved you wrong there.
+Hulkenburger For some reason I can't fucking do this. Followed the vid exactly and it doesnt annex austria or baden
I'm guessing this Super-Germany is unstoppable now right? You can roll over France, England and Russia with ease?
Also, why was so it so easy to beat France and Russia at the same time at the start of the game?
Sandouras because Russia's armies are not that impressive early game (lack the techs), and France's armies are at their weakest in Vicky 2 (lack of soldiers).
OzbyBray why is france lacking soldiers in Vicky? It doesnt sound that historically accurate. Is it?
I'm not sure, can't find anything historical to explain. But France starts 15 brigades under force limit.
Sandouras At the start of the game, France was around 15 years removed from the Congress of Vienna, when it was, to use the game's terms, "cut down to size," thanks to Napoleon. It also suffered through two subsequent revolutions in 1830 and 1832. So it is pretty historically accurate that France would start relatively weak in military.
Bingyu Zheng Thanks for the answer!
WOW! This was awesome!! Nice damn job! Liked and added to favorites!
I've done this, but I was Germany already, when I sphered Austria, they just applied for statehood wich doesn't really makes sense but I got a lot of land so I don't care
yep, I do not know when that was added, but it is possible. I think the only requirement is that Hungary must exist as a separate entity somewhere, and then you as germany are able to integrate Austria and also Austria-Hungary, if either of those exist
shenryyr2 Yes, Hungary was free because of some crisis, after that I sphered Austria becuase it was a secondary power, I didn't even knew about grossdeutschland at the time
I've been trying to peacefully add Württemberg to my sphere since this video came out.
Stop expelling my ambassadors Austria
Shen if you havn't already done a series with Germany why don't you do one and stop all of europe? I managed to do that. I formed super Germany, look all the land in Russia that was handed over the Germany during world war 1 and conquered massive parts of the US after i allied the CSA and saved them during the civil war. Germany is very op in this game if you know how to use it
13:33 "they will leave Hannover's sphere entirely"
How in gods name did you do it? How did you do it?!
I tried this. They murdered me each time! HOW?!
build up your army and just fully siege austria then sphere them this isn't that hard I did it first try.
even with guides i end up failing.
edit: nevermind, i was just unlucky, after 5 tries i formed it in december 1843.
You normally get crowned several months after the death of the previous monarch.
Re: Victoria
You Americans really know how to butcher place names! lol
Anglo Saxon So Chinese does it better? 0.o (Not American but Canadian)
With Prussia your army has a country.
its actually not called super germany, its germany, to us it looks big because it has been shrunk from its original size by the cowardly treaty of versailles...
Michael Fazio Yes all those ethnic germans wish they could still be part of germany, polish, hungarian, south slavic, romanian, italian, it's all a different kind of german.
+Andrew Heakes you forget dutch ;-) i wouldn't mind the netherlands becoming the 17th german state (there are 16 right? lol) love from die Niederlände
doesntmakeanysence2u is that a sneaky attempt to be on the winning side on a worldcup for once?
Ginger Joe why u do dis
doesntmakeanysence2u is nederlands
Thanks! That was fun to watch but please turn off the game music next time.
Shen, do continue this as a LP and dominate Europe :D
My playthrough went almost exactly the same way except Russia didn't join the first war, so I finished that sooner, but I also was not as competent at managing the influence game so I didn't form until a year later, I think. Still super-powered and looking forward to what I can do from here. Thanks for the great advice!
Ironic that you're forming Germany on the V2 build.....
just pulled an all nighter watching this, i should probably get my life together 😢
As a ethnic Austrian i am very offended
y u no do dis as the great AUSTRIA
Alexander Popovich Austria Ball cannot into space.
Austria can into space but doesnt want to
Aлександар Поповић Autistria a shit
Autistria?!?! Wtf is that?
***** Try again.
For me, austria doesn’t drop great power till the war ends
Do a lets play as Tibet please! Tibet can into space!
I actually tried Tibet and got rekt by the Russians. 😬
Every so often I'll look at this video as a reference. Recently I tried attacking Austria, and forcing them to release Hungary - BAD IDEA. I was swamped with Jacobins, then Prussian Nationalists, then more Jacobins. Apparently early Hungarian Independence inspires others.
yea but Austria can stand a great power
Galactic Mapping if your war against Austria is not going well
Go to war only if it will go well then.
Not a fan of snakey coastlines? You may be a fan of Yugoslavia!
I love how shen pronounces "Deutsch" like "douche". Shen, the "eu" sound in German is pronounced like "oy", making the word pronounced "D-oy-sch".
Stay classy Shenryyr XD
ShortVideosRUs Don't forget the "T", it's not silent.
So it's: D-oy-t-ch
When I first played the demo of Victoria 2, I just declared war on Saxony while Austria was fighting Denmark, and Austria did not intervene.
I think he has just literally won the game and he's like "Well, it's a great place to start." OMG, you're the dominant power in the world already, ahahah, where else would you go? Great job man.
This video is so outdated it's hilarious. Make a newer one.
This was freaking fantastic, but the way you placed the stress of Baden and Württemberg on the middle or later syllables nearly killed me. Still nothing to worry about compared to how you killed it in just ten years!
(USA goes to war with Mexico) Dammit Trump LOLXDDDDRAWR
LOL :)
My hobby as USA in this game is invading Mexico.
Great video. Tried it out. Could not do it in 10 years. But by 1853 managed to get it done.
Having this video while I play for some reason gives me the special power of having France never ally with russia
i like your old video with the epic music as well as this new one :) great !
I know this video is 9 years old and thus it may be out dated, but now atleast you start with a CB on Denmark, being for Cultural Unification where you liberate Schleswig. I usually free Holstein when doing it aswell.
I don't know why, but in my game France allied Austria, so I got to curbstomp France and Austria at the same time. It was glorious.
Switzerland: You know the whole neutrality thing? Fuck it.
Sweden: Same.
I did NGF in 38 and normal Germany in 46
Legend still has it that Belgium has not given Germany Military Access till this day
Both Austia's and Prussia's historical ambition.
About holstein (and maybe not that reevant)
you usually get them into your sphere when you free them from denmark (at least from my experience) :D
Got fucked up for me due to Bavaria becoming a great power.
4:47 you're the reason half my family fled from prussia
Great tutorial.
Thanks, Shen.
+shenryyr2 To get the core in Switzerland you have to start the game as a different nation and start a CB on Switzerland for "liberate core" and when you go to declare war you choose liberate Prussia which should be the only nation you can liberate cores for in Switzerland.
Damn, nice work, mate. Great video.
"Reforms are good. That's why I like the reactionary party."
You can always get support for Jingoism through the National Focus of Encourage (a party that supports Jingoism, mostly Reactionary)