Year later found out that the pads came off also hub was seized to the hub and needed 6 inch pulley puller to get that hub off. It was a bear of a job. Driving her today. Wanna get an ltz250 now
Complete newbie here but I just got one it’s a 2004 ozark, my question is on the fuel shutoff what’s it supposed to be on when starting it I see pri, and on. On the valve
You should only need to use prime if you’ve unhooked the fuel line and it’s completely drained or possibly if it’s been sitting for while and not run. Other then that it can be left in the on position.
@@AppalachianMountainRiders it has been sitting awhile and it seems like it ran better in the prime position than the on position but I’ll check it out more tomorrow, I did have to clean the carb out it was pretty nasty in there
Absolutely love mines. These can go anywhere the big boys go
These videos will do great on your channel. Keep them coming.
Wow what a nice property! Looks like paradise
We have actually just purchased one that had been sitting for years and it’s working
The ozarks 250s are some bad little dudes i love mine. Take it anywhere the 500 to 700s go.
Im liking the new stuff . We do same stuff but no videos yet on my Chan
I can't figure out the rear brakes. Do a video on the Ozark brakes. I think I can't adjust anymore. Now what?
Year later found out that the pads came off also hub was seized to the hub and needed 6 inch pulley puller to get that hub off. It was a bear of a job. Driving her today. Wanna get an ltz250 now
1 down and 1 to go. 😁
Complete newbie here but I just got one it’s a 2004 ozark, my question is on the fuel shutoff what’s it supposed to be on when starting it I see pri, and on. On the valve
You should only need to use prime if you’ve unhooked the fuel line and it’s completely drained or possibly if it’s been sitting for while and not run. Other then that it can be left in the on position.
@@AppalachianMountainRiders it has been sitting awhile and it seems like it ran better in the prime position than the on position but I’ll check it out more tomorrow, I did have to clean the carb out it was pretty nasty in there
@thomascorcoran2975 the shut off it’s self probably needs cleaned out or rebuilt too then.
@@AppalachianMountainRiders ok I’ll go ahead and do that, thanks for the quick response
What’s the top speed
I would say about 45 mph.