1815 Battle of Waterloo: Napoleon's last battle, how it happened
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- Using new archaeological findings, first hand accounts of the battle, expert interviews and CGI and 3D animations this program helps us understand the dynamic elements of strategy and weather that led to Napoleon's historic defeat by the Duke of Wellington on the fields of Waterloo.
Directors: Marianne Cramer and Guillain Depardieu
Bones are rare. After Waterloo, more than 27K tons of human/animal bones from Napoleonic battlefields were imported through the port of Hull to be processed into fertilizer. The young soldiers still had good teeth and these were used to make dentures, they were called "Waterloo teeth" at the time. The British were called the vampires of Europe when all this happened.
Ce sont les guerres financées par L'Angleterre et non celles de Napoléon comme la propagande anglaise le répétait inlassablement.
How gross wow
@@HDSME This is not only valid for the dead from Waterloo. Sources from the 1860s report that bones from the Crimean War (1853-1856) were transported to England as well, and in 1881 a newspaper reported that skeletons from the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) were found in a shipload of bones in the port of Hull. Historians from Belgium and Germany have evidence that even World War I graves were looted. They are currently writing a book about the discoveries.
For good reason wow
And my dog found one as well.
Napoleon fielded 72,000 troops against Wellington's 68,000. It may not sound much of an advantage but he had 250 cannons and Wellington only had about 140 cannons if accounts are to be believed. If I was Wellington I too would have fought a defensive battle of attrition.
Correct. I agree. Also, Wellington had less cannons, but more Prussians 😄
Face facts. Wellington did not win Waterloo, Blucher and the Prussians did.
Thats a bit like saying the Russians won WW2, ignoring the other allies. Wellington won the battle with Blucher as a team. Wellington fought a defensive battle against superior forces assuming Blucher would join. Wellington did not deny Bluchers impact on the battle
@@J.B.29 Wellington fought the battle he wanted to fight. Napoleon fought the battle Wellington wanted to fight.
@@iammattc1 and was losing until Blucher saved him.
Just, wanted to correct something in this documentary, there were no ''English only''in duke of wellington's army, they were british soldiers , meaning collectively all nations in the united kingdom fought as one, under the union jack flag,🇬🇧
What, you got to remember after the battle which was as gruesome, as the battle itself, and typical of the Napoleonic era of warfare,
There ,was no organized retrieval or system to collect the wounded from the battlefield, they were Litter Bearers, but was still a ad hoc, affair, the scale of casualties overwhelmed the litter bears task ,they were so many casualties, thousands of dead, dying, and wounded on both sides, that they were unable to be removed for days after,
The lucky ones, if you can describe it as lucky ones , were stretchered off or walked off,, but what awaited them when they got to the field hospital , was another matter,
Army surgeons, had to work quicky, bearing in mind there was no pain- relief drugs ,when amputations were performed, the speed and efficiency of the surgeon of cutting the limb off, and trimming the bone,and creating a flap to cover the stump was the best the unfortunate soldier could hope for.
The rest, out there had to wait in the cold ,wet conditions , they were left for days, there thousands perished in agony,
At night, came the locals from around the area, the ''scavengers'' they got amongst them, and picked clean the dead and wounded, the horrors didn't stop, the teeth were hacked out and the prized teeth were from the young soldiers because they had a full set ,even the wounded were not spared, even killed, theses teeth were worth a lot of money because they were used to make dentures for the wealthy , this is never mentioned in the aftermath of warfare, it's all about glory .
I accept some of your points but there was a very great effort on the French side at least to deal with casualties, one of Napoleon's personal doctor's Larrey devised improved methods of recovering and treating casualties using purpose made ambulances. Plus, the "British" had surgeons working non stop at the field hospital at La Haie. So it wasn't as primitive as you suggest. Teeth weren't just obtained directly after the battle, although this is one of the horrors I often imagine about for those poor souls laying out in the fields once darkness fell. The burial pits were exhumed to use the bones in the fertiliser process years after the battle and thus teeth would have been easily obtained.
So let's just say, these programs are entertaining and somewhat informative, but not always complete or accurate.
@@Lee.Enfield-303 That's quite true that the french made great efforts looking after their wounded soldiers and sought to improve the french soldiers misery in better after care then the British did ,l believe the french organised a ambulance service of a kind to carry off the wounded too. In fact the British military medical services were no different all the way to the Crimean war 1853/56 38 years later.
However, let's not paint a too brighter
picture here, we are talking about the early 19th century still ,they were no drugs to relieve the soldiers pain . The experience was unimaginable .they suffered and endure having the limbs amputated , simple because there was no alternative. you or I cannot even comprehend the suffering back then, they endure because they had no choice , disease like Typhus was endemic, serious bacteria infection killed many, all was prevellant in abundance, the mortality rate after surgery was low 5% for a forearm to 35% for a thigh removed bacteria that lead to disease was not understood, in the context of war bacteria and disease was not proven untill 1884, by a German bacteriologist Robert Koch, , stomach wounds were untreatable and the soldier was left to die in agony.
What am saying is I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy enduring the suffering
@@soultraveller5027 I aint painting any bright picture, I simply stated it wasn't as primitive as your initial comment stated. They, no matter what side or what era were discussing will always struggle with the numbers of casualties in a large scale operation or action.
And we can comprehend some aspects of the suffering ! Have you never hurt yourself, seriously hurt yourself ? I recently broke my shoulder and went without any pain killers the night I did it and only mild painkillers for few days after. And I've been stabbed in the leg, didn't know I had until someone pointed out the blood. So I can imagine to a certain extent. But sock is one of the biggest killers on the battlefield. let's not forget the poor animals too, I've rad accounts that almost traumatised me.
But I aint here for a ding dong 😀 I accept your points and after completely watching the documentary, I feel safe in advising others to look elsewhere, this one just skims the surface and doesn't stand up to scrutiny Cheers
@Lee.Enfield-303 Fair enough I wasn't implying anything that didmished your comment,I was ultimately at the end of the day looking at it from a historical perspective, in that yes medical care was sorta improving a little from past decades centuries of course but by no means great strides certainly not at that time it took the American civil war to advance further medical science when it came to pain relief.
Yes ,of course I have been injured in my younger days, broken my femur due to a road accident a car knocking me off my bicycle, luckily for me it was a clean break no compilations like a compound break.
The pain was noticeable ,after the endorphins released by my body wore off, apparently, I was a excellent patient and surprised I wasn't screaming and shouting while the Nurse was cutting of my brand new jeans.
I ,must have a high pain threshold ,I didn't receive any pain relief until I was laid on a hospital trolley awaiting to be rolled into Theater, least from what I can recolate
It was bad, but tolerable, the worst part was post opp, the intermittent muscle spasms occuring, a few days after surgery, was something I wasn't expecting, that was uncomfortable,which is a normal side effects apparently, after breaking a leg ,while surrounded by a steel cage and attached to pulleys wire and weights called a traction contraption.
It was considered a serious injury even back in the 1950s so I was informed by a nurse due to infection specially a compound fracture where the bone comes through the skin
Later - Wellington want say - His Victory.. NO - it was German Prussia, Fürst Blücher, Commander, brought
the Victory - with His Strategy and Tactic with His Brave.. Heroes Troops...
Great video. I really enjoyed this one. Looking forward to visiting Waterloo in the near future.
As a Belgian I can say my country always has been a battlefield crushed between the great powers France, Germany and England. Napoleon was defeated in 1815 at Waterloo in a decisive battle witch led Europe in almost 100 years of peace until WW1 broke out in 1914 with millions of death on the western front especially around the Ypres salliant with 5 battles and the big offensive at Passchendale in 1917. Now 100 years later they still dig up tons of shells each year in Flanders fields. Then came WW2 with Germany occupying Belgium untill they had to retreat after the landings at Normandy and they had their last counteroffensive at the battle of the bulge in the Ardennes with many casualties again. In a way my country is a graveyard and we have many war cemeteries . We have peace now for many years but with NATO stationed in Brussels we are a target once again. Let’s pray it never comes to a big war again ✌️
I pray with you my fellow European friend! Let’s protect our countries from this shit called war!
Well said.
Решающая битва была при Бородино)) или при Лейпциге )) а при Ватерлоо уже ничего не осталось от тех ветеранов , что всех в Европе громили !!
Why do you think it’s in Brussels?
Британская историография в своем стиле. Это оказывается не противостояние двух величайших держав того времени за господство в мире было причиной войн, а "кровожадность" Наполеона. Если это так, то почему ещё при старом королевском режиме Франция непрерывно воевала с Великобританией напрямую или помогала США? Или республиканская Франция?
историю пишут победители. Во всём обвинили Наполеона. Хотя сразу после революции во Франции другие европейские монархии сразу объединились для захвата Франции. Наполеон тогда был лишь капитаном артиллерии. Франция оборонялась одна против всей Европы
Napolean betrayed the revolution by creating his own empire and invaded other sovereign nations to expand his empire. If he had stopped in 1807 he would have kept his empire for much longer. He could have made an alliance with the Austrians in 1809 and let Russia trade with Britain separate from the rest of Europe.
@@Duskthunder9 он не вторгался в другие страны. всегда объявляли войну Франции антифранцузские коалиции. А Наполеон действовал на опережение. Уничтожал противников по одиночке, не давая объединить свои армии
@@Leonid-j7g в Португалию, в Испанию, потом в РИ он тоже не вторгался? Они ему войну объявили?!
@@NickN1973 да. именно так. они были союзниками Британии(речь про Испанию и Португалию) и хоть не по своей воле, но участвовали в антифранцузских коалициях, причём с самого начала. вот тебе пример: первая антифранцузская коалиция (1792-1797).
В её состав входили: Великобритания, Пруссия, Неаполь, Тоскана, Австрия, Испания, Нидерланды, Россия.
А Россия вообще во всех коалициях практически была) и да, мир 1807 года нарушила именно Россия. учи мат часть, чел
Outstanding job my god sir, mhm yess indeed.. But that armor that was pierced by a cannonball was not that of a Rifleman, but that of a French cavalryman. A Cuirassier. Helpful tip mate!
Good narrated story pleasure to watch from banglore
Just because the archeological remains of the fallen soldier suggest he was "small" and had a birth defect, does not mean he was frail lol. Those dudes would March miles with their gear as foot soldiers. Dude was probably more hard-core than 80% of males now
What is rather sordid is that the mass graves where the soldiers who died during the battle were buried were desecrated. After the looting of personal belongings, the teeth of the dead were used to supply the market for dentures of the time. Around 1820 several articles in English newspapers refer to the trade of bones from the battlefield, in order to be transformed into agricultural fertilizer. Besides, some isolated bones, like this skeleton of which the video speaks, were found, there are no common graves on the battlefield.
gotta make a buck some how...don't panic it's organic
Also 200 hundred years ago. Lots of poverty after so many decades of war.
The Battle of Waterloo was preceded by a weather phenomenon that put an end to the accuracy and impact power of Napoleon's cannons, namely, before the Battle of Waterloo, it rained for a long time, called mushroom rain. This made it impossible to use the methodology developed by Napoleon for destructive cannon fire. Namely, under normal conditions, Napoleon's artillerymen aimed their cannon fire about 5-10 meters ahead of the enemy's line. Under normal conditions, a cannonball bounced off the dry ground and flew into the enemy's ranks, thereby causing greater damage to the enemy than if the cannonball had exploded in the middle of the enemy's lines. Due to the constant falling of the mushroom rain, the ground became absorbent and soft. And in connection with this, the ground absorbed the inertia of the cannonballs. Битве при Ватерлоо предшествовало погодное явление, положившее конец точности и ударной мощи наполеоновских пушек, а именно длительный период так называемого грибного дождя перед битвой при Ватерлоо. это сделало невозможным использование методологии, разработанной Наполеоном. в пушечный огонь, уничтожающий врага. А именно, в обычных условиях артиллеристы Наполеона направляли огонь своих орудий примерно на 5-10 метров вперед по линии противника. При нормальных условиях пушечное ядро отскакивало бы от сухой земли и рикошетило бы в ряды противника, нанося противнику больший урон, чем если бы ядро взорвалось в середине рядов противника. Из-за постоянного дождя грибного типа земля стали впитывающими и мягкими. и в связи с этим земля поглощала инерцию пушечных ядер.
The British only had some 25,000 men at Waterloo, the rest of the 80,000 odd of Wellington's troops, where Dutch, Belgium and German troops.
The British provided the only professional army of the era, supplemented by levies.
@@stephenhill545 bullshit
@@stephenhill545 the British army fights with mercenaries
Given the vast differences in uk populations were Irish /S cots more represented than English?
@@stephenhill545Британцы ничего не представляли на суше для Напалеона.
Сами вынудили Наполеона воевать, и нападать на чужие страны. Франция под Напалеоном одна воевала со всей Европой.
Visiting Waterloo in 1827, the Duke of Wellington was said to have been astonished by the complete transformation, exclaiming: “They have ruined my battlefield.”
Did he expect to see the dead bodies still? Sounds like an asshole to me with that statement
@@DavidLane-bd8cm what an idiotic take!🤣 To construct Lion's Mound, the hills that Wellington used to defend against Grande Armee, were demolished. Thus, modern shape of battlefield prevents you to notice Wellington's military skill
@@TerrorbelliDecuspacis-w5farmee du nord.
11:50 good millitary marching song
Unglaublich ! Danke das video
Magnífico documental. Yo no hablo inglés ni lo entiendo. Pero la transcripción al español
es perfecta, e incluye puntuación. Así que se entiende todo muy bien.
To the 25,000 Imperial French soldiers, 15,000 Wellington’s army soldiers, 1,144-1,200 Blücher's army soldiers, and 7,000 horses who were killed in the Battle of Waterloo
Wellington complained the Mound had ruined His battlefield.
Material for the structure was taken from a critical ridge by a road.
It's noted that 10,000 were killed but the actual number of those killed or wounded was more like 50,000. And that number is staggering.
41:15 1 41:15 41:15 a😅
Thankyou sir for showing this great Emperor documentary
An italian man fighting as Emperor of the French fighting an Irishman, the Leader of a British Army in a Flemish area of Belgium
...and the majority of this "British Army" were Dutch and German.
@@desmondstewart3552 Since when was Corsica Italian?
5:05 'about 50 metres deep' 🤣🤣🤣
What is usually ignored is before Nappy took over France, France had the largest population of any country in Europe. However the losses France incurred, especially with Nappys Russian adventure resulted in a demographic disaster from which France never recovered, even today.
And then throw in the WW I Gallic casualties a hundred years later.
Wellington would never have fought Waterloo without Prussian help. If the Prussians were not available then Wellington would have manoeuvred to meet his allies elsewhere.
Wow fantastic
Three years before this battle, in 1812, Napoleon left his entire 600,000 "Great Army" in Russia. Only he and 30,000 guards could escape.
And in 1814, the Russians occupied Paris.
But as soon as the Russians left, Napoleon gathered an army again.
in april 1815, an indonesian volcano erupted and clouds made by the eruption went to europe and rained in waterloo. napoleon waited a day to dry the ground. meanwhile support army arrived to the allied army. napoleon was defeated. it is said if napoleon had attacked not waiting, he would have won.
At 16:00 "In October 1815.....". Clearly got the year wrong, given that defeat at Waterloo concluded Napolean's endeavours a few months prior, but according to the narrator he had a victory at "Ulm" in October!
They weren’t just English troops, they were British troops!
Британцы и французы были так обескуражены Ватерлоо, что в дальнейшем уже никогда не воевали.
Французы потерпели поражение, но Веллингтон прекрасно понимал, что ему просто повезло.
Если бы не дождь, сражение было бы еще более упорным и кровавым, поскольку британцы- самые стойкие солдаты
Nagyon tetszett a videó dobok is egy lájkot !
From research Waterloo lost the lives of 48,000. This is like watching Gettysburg that happened over 3 days and cost the lives of 51,000. It is so, sad that this is but a snippet of human history and how mankind has never learned to love their neighbor.
В сталинградской битве погибло больше 2 миллионов человек , в одном маленьком городе
10,000 killed and 40,000 injured? Wikipedia estimated around 50,000 soldiers killed. Cheers!
I strongly recommend Schwerpunkt's Napoleonic warfare series as a complement
His output is phenomenal.
Thank you for this work..
Without Blücher and his "tall fellows," Wellington would have been defeated. By the way, the British have always managed to gain the support of other countries against their own declared enemies. "History is always written by the victor" Napoleon Bonaparte.
Hey muppet, we get it your not a big fan of the british yes well done sir, Wellington knew that you too, he knew more than half of his army were europeans including some his staff were inexperienced untried in battle, while a percentage of his best soldiers were sent to the north america during the 1812 war ,with the y anks , the british having set fire to the White House, while a Yank eeee army at the same time crossed into canada torching the place up cheers matey 😁🤣
So true! The single truth that the British gets everyone on there side is because we’re right and just!👍🏻🏴❤️
gained support ??? They paid the equivalent of thousands of billions worth of gold to the coalitions countries to wage war against France for 30 years and all this gold was pillaged from India.
Well done captain obvious yes Wellington know what he had to fight with and made the best of it.
Yes over half his army were Europeans inexperienced unproven in battle ,as were half his staff his best troops were scattered around the world special north America defending Canada after the war of 1812 when an American army marched into Canada and torched the place while the British touched the white house good and proper b ellend 🤣
i think you find it the other way round if it was not for the Wellington the Blucher would got he butt kicked, remember they lost both the battels ay Lingey and Wave and by the time Blucher army arrived at Waterloo in force the French army was all ready 80% defeated by Wellington
Really nice documentary, but I have one question: why does the keeper of all Napoleonic documents look like Napoleon himself??
Watch the movie "Death Becomes Her" and you'll understand why....
Odd, that The French still maintain a tomb with the remains of an egomaniac.
And even more odd that the French still worship Napoleon as a hero even though he was s tyrant and responsible for the death of 3 to 5 million people in Europe.
That's where napoleon met his Waterloo.
Wellington commanded an allied army, British, German and Dutch.
they was no German in the early 1800's they were Germanic independent stats yes
@@daniellastuart3145 King's German Legion fought at Waterloo.
Not German, Prussian. Germany was not a nation until 1872.
@@raymondfitzgerald-kuhl5976 The Kings German Legion fought at Waterloo under Wellington.
And Nassau, Brunswick and Hanoverian…..
I'm disappointed they didn't have Abba in the background singing"Waterloo".
07:22 So basically every army before and since!
It just felt to me Napoleon already lost after the Battle of Leipzip, additional 2 more of his best Marshals. Waterloo was just a formality.
Unfortunately, Napoleon's war carriage was destroyed in WWII during an air raid over London.
Sir in India mysour emperor Tippu sultans also got this type of gun Tippu sultan received guns by napoleon Bonaparte
why do you use pictures of another era and country in this clip (the execution scene at the beginning around minute 1.10)
quick stock pics i guess ?
@@GavTatu I think so too, but it lowers the quality of the vid so much, and it is such an interesting subject
Wellington had fought all day and won before Boucher had arrived!
Yes and the earth is flat.
Explaining the loading process: "With the stick, he mixed it all together" 😂😂
Nice try though 😉
Not all ramrods were iron, wood prevailed for pistols.
But a "stick" ? Just whatever one might find laying around while in the field will work.
It was the mixed it all together that made me laugh..it was a process to pack the bullet( ballbearing)...gunpowder then the packing(paper) to make it(the powder) packed..then the bullet..
@@DonAbrams-hq7ln the material of the so-called "stick" is not what caught my ear, rather the thought of "mixing it all together" - that was not really the idea of the ramrod 😅
Quite a good documentary from France without the usual incorrect claim of most British documentaries that Wellington was victorious by purposefully omitting that Wellington would have lost without the Prussians. Some corrections though: There was no Russian "Masterplan" to withdraw as very good described in the last researches of Historian Alexander Mikaberidze. And unfortunately, the filmmakers seemingly never served in the military. Boredom and inactivity is spread widely until today in every army and living conditions in campaign still are often unhealthy...living conditions in 18th century in general were bad for regular people and even much worse in the Royal Navy.
I served in the Finnish Army. Every day except Sunday was a training day.
Of course Wellington was victorious at Waterloo: The Prussians were part of his plan. The Prussians weren't just wandering around and happened upon the battle, Wellington had arranged for the two armies to converge. On your reckoning, Bonaparte wasn't victorious at the battle of Austerlitz, because he wouldn't have won if Bernadotte, Mortier and Davout hadn't turned up at the last minute.
“They have ruined my battlefield.”
Quite true Arthur...
Latest Technology of the 21st Century.
There were only about 26,000 soldiers of British origin involved in this battle, the rest of Wellington's army consisted of Dutch and Germans from various countries. In addition, there are the 50,000 Prussians who reached the battlefield until the French fled, with around 30,000 Prussians still on the way there + 14,000 Prussians who fought against Grouchy in Wavre.
Isn't it a bit of a falsification of history to sell Waterloo to the world as a battle between the British and the French, especially since Wellingten, as the commander of a force of almost equal strength, only defended against the French from a very good defensive position, and his lines were still on the verge of collapse?
And the war didn't end in Waterloo, but after that British troops no longer played a decisive role.
It was the Prussians again, like a year before, who finally invaded Paris...
Please use metric values.
43:29 A Rifleman wore that breast plate did he ? Good grief 😵💫
No, he was a cavalryman.
'Палочкой все это смешивалось'. Это не падочка-это шомпал.
Sir please show us biryani and Paris military schools that napoleon started his military education
Meanwhile, back in London, the stock market was betting on the outcome.
Не было никакого вильнюса было Вильно
Pendant ce temps,les banques anglaises se remplissaient...
Some historians wrote that the Rothschild founded both franch and Britons….
1815 battle at Ulm?!?
Petite précision en 1815 l'armée de l'Empereur Napoléon ne s'appelle plus la grande armée, mais l'armée du nord.
Por que usar imagens que não se referem a esta batalha nem no tempo, nem no espaço?
Ulm in 1815...? at 16:00
43:27 Favreau was a cuirassieur, i.e. cavalryman.
Европейцы в своем репертуаре 😂 Только почему не сказали, что в пределы России зашла армия в 600 000 солдат наполеоновской армии, а когда эта армия убегала, реку Березину пересекли только 20 000 солдат? Где битвы при обороне Смоленска, Красного? Почему ничего не сказано, что вынудило Наполеона после Бородинского сражения убегать по Старой Смоленской дороге (битва при Малом Ярославце)? Очень предвзятое изложение материала.
Ну а тут вы высказываетесь в репертуаре русских. Неман пересекло четыреста тысяч. У русских было чуть более 200 тыщ. То есть всего в два раза меньше. При том же Лейпциге Наполеон не испугаался дать сражение в три раза превосходящим силам. Притом что больше половины в его войсках были новобранцы. Почему пишите что армия Наполеона убегала? От кого убегать то? Наполеон пришел когда захотел, прошел до куда захотел. Был в России сколько захотел. Ушел когда захотел. Где он бегал то? При чем тут сражения под Смоленском, красном, Малоярославце? Все сражения русские проиграли, и...вот тут уж действительно бежали.
история Российской империи, а также СССР - это сплошная ложь и обман читателя в целях пафоса и пропаганды о мифическом величии большой страны
Napoleon Lost the Battle because he was Sic.
Good visuals. That script needed editing. Nothing built on Waterloo since 1815 in the same breath as the Lion Mound, an artificial hill. "Months of fighting" to describe without anything further the yearlong long War of Liberation in Germany 1813 that sealed N's fate. Also "Blewher" for Bluecher. Yikes.
And "King Lewis"
what will happen if napoleon withdrew from waterloo and find somewhere else to attack
Napoleon just laughed at the spanish...
La coraza no era de un coracero.ers de un carabinero que llevaban también coraza pero luchaban como infantería montada con armadura de fuego llamada carabinas que eran más cortas que los mosquetes de la infantería de línea.
you are messed up the damaged armor was worm by a calvary person who was hit by a cannonball
had Napoleon brought howitzers things could of been different
"Buried 50 meters deep in the soil" , Er, no. 50 centimetres perhaps.
i read an article that stated that the bones of the dead soldiers were ground up for fertilizer. Is that so?
Yes I believe so
Yes it’s true that’s why their are very few skeletons from Waterloo
Это какой же "дробилкой" в 19 веке можно было раздробить кости нескольких десятков тысяч павших воинов ?! А мясо на колбасу пускали ?! И свозить их надо было со всего поля в одно место ?! После всякой битвы всегда старались трупы захоронить, чтобы избежать эпидемии ! Для этого использовали всё, что только возможно : овраги, различные ямы и углубления, колодцы и т.д. Костедробилку придумали гораздо позже : западная "цивилизация" во главе с гитлером !
No, they were merely used in the sugarindustry, and some as fertiliser.
Sad about the use of incomprehensible ancient measures in what is otherwise good work.
Allied ( Scottish, Kings German legion , Hanoverian , Dutch, Belgian , Nassau , Brunswicks Troops ) plus Prussians verses the French ( Some Dutch, Polish Swiss )
Holland a alie of Napolein ?? we were condered ,people were pressed in the army of napoleon ..so no allie
Yo Napoleon did not defeated the Austrians in October 1815. He defeated them in 1805. And also Napoleon arrived at St Helena on October 1815 and Marshal Murat was executed by a fire squad
Kosti se používaly na spodium.
Tedy látku, přes níž se filtroval cukr v cukrovarech.
Напелон номер один как полковолец.
Сильный, умный, великий человек.
Будь он сейчас,я бы пошëл за ним.
Наполеон был дураком он напал на Россию Безумец.Русские применили тактику скифов заманили французов в глубь России а потом разгромили в пух и прах наполеоновскую армию.Не надо было вторгнуться на Россию и Испанию .
Этот Наполеон приказал вырезать мусульман во время египетского похода. И это не были военные, они вырезали грабили и насиловали мирных жителей. Вот такие они европейцы. И это осталось у них до сих пор
Napoleon je tek jedan napuhani i iskompleksirani idiot. Šteta što ga Rusi nisu dokrajčili....ne bi bilo Waterloa i ne bi toliki ljudi poginuli, zbog iskompleksiranog idiota 🤬🤬
Начал смотреть=попал на Фредерико Люмьера и его видение как жили и чем занимались солдаты Наполеона в "откопанных " казармах. И что такое представление казармы в его представлении, мальчика, выросшего в удобствах и получившего непонятное образование. Чтобы иметь мало-мальское суждение о казарме, неплохо самому с полгодика даже современной побывать-узнаешь чем там новобранцы и не только занимались...
A lot of inaccuracies in the amglish commentary - see below
‘British’, not ‘English’, troops. Wellington saiid the Irish were the backbone of the British army, and it was the charge of the Scottish cavalry that broke the French cavalry.
Ulm 1815?
Ружьё образца 1777 года.
"... Затвор, обойма, бумажка в качестве заряда.."😂😂😂. Кто это переводил???
Quatre Bras was NOT wellingtons army, wellingtons was still in brussels. Wellinton was fooled bij Nappie.
It were the dutch and belgium troops (they disobeyed orders) and they never witdrew. The held the lines and give wellington a chance to get his army from brussels. Nappie lost the battle of waterloo at Quatre-Bras.
This contains numerous inaccuracies. In the first lines, the script forgets Russia. Then Napoleon had only one thing on his mind- England. Not worth watching unless you’re just interested in bunk.
My god, man... Not Bluer... Bluecher, Bluecher.
A very skimpy recounting of this epic battle.
Вся Европа решила объединить усилия. Потому что этот малыш задолбал уже всех.
Türkçe alt yazı desteği olmaması üzücü 😢
I stopped watching at 3:50 in because this was not talking about Waterloo as the title suggested.
Какие 10 лет непрерывных побед?!
Napoleon Bonapartes is lion of 100 wars
But it's the last ones that count.
Qu'on a faites contre lui..!
Wellington positioned his troops behind the mound????????????
French Camp sites:
Huts, cooks..
No Latrines or rubbish pits?
Sir does franch archaeologist found napoleon Bonapartes naval fleet in bottom of ocean
Wooden ships of that era tended to burn on the surface or explode rather than sink intact. Metal and non-wooden artifacts have been recovered, but nothing recognizable as a ship wreck.
Yes, Trafalgar quietly ignored.
Pieces *can* be identified as coming from a shipwreck. Look into the work done at the wreck of _Orient_ at Aboukir Bay.
How can a person with spinal difida even walk, let alone fight?