The difficult part of this "manipulation" is that most people like myself is still in denial of the fact that yes, how we think, feel and act can be primed and directed without our knowledge...
That Facebook's five top execs kept things mum when they knew the potential for harm is so troubling. It reflects the problem with business in general when the MO is profit first rather than providing a service and helping things run for the benefit of all. (When is private not public relative to resources? The question of our age, perhaps. Our maturity as a planetary species, our success or failure, depends on it.) I think it isn't the form of government that matters so much as it is the attitude, the understanding, the education of its populace. These are things that can be done well, and we see this in history in many successful, healthy communities. But when marketing replaces these functions (which tends to happen, the road to hell paved with good intentions, etc., religions and ideologies, as Jung reminded us, simply part of being human; we carry shadows personal and collective, hard, sometimes impossible to see), we fall into the danger of being sold to the highest bidder. The internet is new, everyone learning what it can be, having such hopes for it. We find our way here individually and together, which becomes difficult when memes are allowed to paper-over who we might become.
...and then Facebook hired the guy from Cambridge Analytica and the PM of Britain hired the guy from Brexit to be her secretary. Guilty by association, as far as I'm concerned.
You have to be blind, stupid or hopelessly partisan to suggest that Obama is anywhere NEAR as depraved as the narcissistic idiot Donald Trump. How many scandals, how many failures, how many straight up idiotic lies has Donald Trump been guilty of? And how often does he take responsibility for anything? He takes credit for everything good even when he is laughably unrelated to the outcome and blames anyone around him when he messes something up. He is a nightmare and he is destroying our country and our credibility around the world. So which is it - are you stupid, blind or hopelessly partisan? Cause you simply can't make an honest argument that Obama, for all his failings, is anywhere near the "turd" that moronic, supremely selfish piece of shit that Donald Trump is. Trump will burn this world to a cinder before he takes a hit - he has no loyalty to anyone around him and he certainly doesn't have the countries best interests at heart.
The Obama Campaign did NOT use Cambridge Analytica. They used similar techniques that did not violate laws, Facebook's contractual agreements, and were publicly disclosed from the beginning.
The difficult part of this "manipulation" is that most people like myself is still in denial of the fact that yes, how we think, feel and act can be primed and directed without our knowledge...
That Facebook's five top execs kept things mum when they knew the potential for harm is so troubling. It reflects the problem with business in general when the MO is profit first rather than providing a service and helping things run for the benefit of all. (When is private not public relative to resources? The question of our age, perhaps. Our maturity as a planetary species, our success or failure, depends on it.) I think it isn't the form of government that matters so much as it is the attitude, the understanding, the education of its populace. These are things that can be done well, and we see this in history in many successful, healthy communities. But when marketing replaces these functions (which tends to happen, the road to hell paved with good intentions, etc., religions and ideologies, as Jung reminded us, simply part of being human; we carry shadows personal and collective, hard, sometimes impossible to see), we fall into the danger of being sold to the highest bidder. The internet is new, everyone learning what it can be, having such hopes for it. We find our way here individually and together, which becomes difficult when memes are allowed to paper-over who we might become.
The private companies use public infrastructure without paying their share of fair taxes.
I’m so going to watch this!!
Good speaker.
...and then Facebook hired the guy from Cambridge Analytica and the PM of Britain hired the guy from Brexit to be her secretary. Guilty by association, as far as I'm concerned.
Has this guy never heard about the concept of religion and/or the Roman Empire? How is he possibly so shocked about "the culture of manipulation"?
Corporate Machiavellianism
It all started with Obama's 2012 campaign: Check out... Carol Davidson's Ted Talk on TH-cam!
Jesus Fucking Christ!!! Cambridge Analyitca has got to be shut the hell down, NOW! Also, #deletefacebook
Don't Think They Mantipulate Voters In Any Way .That Would Go Against Obama's Humanity, He Is Lawyer, Knew It Would Be Against LAW.
The Obama Campaign used them too.
false equivalency
false lame.......admit it Obama is a bigger turd than Trump
You have to be blind, stupid or hopelessly partisan to suggest that Obama is anywhere NEAR as depraved as the narcissistic idiot Donald Trump. How many scandals, how many failures, how many straight up idiotic lies has Donald Trump been guilty of? And how often does he take responsibility for anything? He takes credit for everything good even when he is laughably unrelated to the outcome and blames anyone around him when he messes something up. He is a nightmare and he is destroying our country and our credibility around the world. So which is it - are you stupid, blind or hopelessly partisan? Cause you simply can't make an honest argument that Obama, for all his failings, is anywhere near the "turd" that moronic, supremely selfish piece of shit that Donald Trump is. Trump will burn this world to a cinder before he takes a hit - he has no loyalty to anyone around him and he certainly doesn't have the countries best interests at heart.
The Obama Campaign did NOT use Cambridge Analytica. They used similar techniques that did not violate laws, Facebook's contractual agreements, and were publicly disclosed from the beginning.