I thought that with the removal and nerfs of the early game shit that it would be a midrange or control game sadly i was wrong, it can still kill 4 mana 7-7s
shuvo rahman yeah but it gives guaranteed lethal next turn unless counter spell ice block or alex. considering there's like 500 cards in the game what's the odds they have one of those Kappa
well, i mean, for the odds of they having ragnaros as hero, cause normally you shouldn't play nefarian against ragnaros, actually you never could get a chance to do it, nobody play majordomo lol (outside of fun matches of course)
When you play Nefarian against an opponent that isn't any of the 9 classes (Ragnaros or solo adventures) he draws his "own" spell, which is tail swipe. Ragnaros has no tail.
Krumpdaddy I like how you had absolutely nothing intelligent to add, and simply resorted to trying to down play my post. On top of it all, you liked your own comment. Hypocrite.
Also, Vol'jin has a different battelcry against GARROSH (not Grommash!), the warrior. He says "Who be the warchief now?" instead of "The spirits be restless!".
This video reminded me of when I was a kid. I would always used to play hopscotch. All of my little friends would shout and call me Kripp. And there were all those wonderful squares which had numbers for me to jump on. They would scream "Skipperino Kripperino to 10:25"
Using a Dragon Paladin I played Nefarian and the mage I mage I was against did not have an immediate answer. I got duplicate from Nefarian and played it the next turn. I then got two more Nefarious when she killed him and from them I got two fireballs and won the game. It was pretty great.
Aldmeri Dominion Such things can happen. Still Nefarian isn't a really good card. BUT! It won me a game vs a druid, cause i got tree of life at something like 8 life or so. Was an awesome game tho.
i had someone use Nefarian against my handlock \ demonlock hybrid deck , and he got a corruption and sacrificial pact , and used them to kill my giant and Malganis , Imagine if i played Jaraxxus instead
Saddem Gargouri Things that just happen^^ That's why I run a "non" demon handlock. Still have to have jaraxxus in there tho. So I might actually lose to such bullshit with it. But well.. RNG
Nefarian has given me such good combo cards over the last games. Ancestral Spirit + Reincarnate which was used on Cairne, FoN + Savage Roar, Frost Bolt + Ice Lance. Love that card.
Miss Dark Agreed, that's way better than Shield Slam and Whirlwind. The first being a dead card and the second actually synergizing with the Warrior's deck (they ALL play Armorsmith, Acolyte of Pain, Frothing Berserker and Grim Patron).
i think nefarian is an awesome card, very theme based, true to the actual dragon nefarian that is a scientist and it feels like a new experiment each time you play him. art looks decent, hes got a really cool way of entering the battlefield and his battle cry is adjusted to each hero (like kripp said) 8/8 is fitting for nefarian i think 4/12 theme wise would look weird on him. I think Blizz should make more of the cards like nefarian, not in the sense of giving opponents random spells but keeping them true to their theme yet still powerful enough to run in certain decks.
The play was to shadow madness hit dread infernal. after that you shadowbolt dread infernal. You then kill sylvanas with black wing corrupter or nefarian, then you swing face with whatever wasn't stolen and soulfire, 100% lethal.
6:25 About hunter !! DUDE That made me luagh so much ahahha i always watch the intro it's great for his opinion on things and his verry optimistic combos. But yeah thanks for the video
Also consider that a fair few of the games you will have Nefarian for 8 mana due to Thaurissan or even 6 mana if you've played a consort. Not to mention if you get more than one cost reduction from Thaurissan.
If you think about it, vs rag which has a max of 8 health, 2 tailswipes are basically all you need, especially if you consider that you can play them the next turn inmediatly since you would have 9-10 mana...
the tail swipe is what he defaults to when he isnt playing one of the 9 classes. if you play nefarian in adventure mode he also just gives you tail swipes. its like he has 9 battlecrys that he checks when played and if none of the requirements are met for those 9 he defaults to the tail swipe battlecry.
In my Dragadin deck i use him to help bring out my opponent's late game removal. I get two spells and he trades for 1-1 at the least. If my opponent doesn't remove him then he acts as a win more card. The two cards also helps with keeping me in the game if I start running low and I don't have any card draw in my hand. He doesn't seem to do any job perfectly. But he's a good all around card. Usually not game changing but it's fun and good. Unless I get him out on turn 7 haha.
I got a golden fen creeper today. Its too bad the card can't be played because of sludge belcher but it looks amazing. Even the regular one looks really cool.
Aced Positive I mean it could be easily used in arena because the stats are not bad for a 5 cost taunt (basically booty bay bodyguard but balanced better) but it constructed sen'jin and sludge belcher are both just better so you cant really justify having it. On the hearthstone page on the art section it shows the picture of the girl fishing above the fen creeper.
I'm waiting for how good is Skipperino kripperino You could explain how good it is to skip his your explanations and proceed to spam Skipperino. By the way, Skipperino the kripperino to-erino watcherino the valuerino of-erino Nefarieno Starts at 10:25
***** Each and every comment section in the whole universe holds higher standards than cancerino twitch chat. I'd even dare go as far to include the chat roulette fapperino.
If you play Jaraxxus out of Thought Steal or Unstable Portal are you still a Warlock or are you a Priest/Mage? (Unless you get Unstable Portal from Nefarian........)
3 things to add: 1. Ragnaros got a tail? 2. When he is discussing the priest cards: "Maybe you have a Jaraxxus on the field okay it is hard for a priest to have a jaraxxus" You don't have to be the priest?? This works if you play warlock against priest. 3. You forgot a few important cards: Paladin: all Secrets. A noble sacrifice may give you an extra turn for the winning top deck. Druid: Moonfire. For the 1 damage through taunt lethal of course. Rogue: Deadly Poison. Because as you said the class who mostly can afford to play Nefarian is Warrior and as a warrior deadly poison may be lethal, too. Warlock: Mortal Coil. Sucks but has the potential to give you the winning topdeck at the next turn. Mage: Mirror entity. Maybe buys you another turn just like Noble Sacrifice. Warrior: Whirlwind. Sucks but because we are most often a Warrior as we play Nefarian maybe useful.
Was playing as a Warlock, with 4 health left, had lethal on the board, the priest I was playing against had 1 card left (this one) got mortal coil and hellfire. I almost cried.
If your decks goal is to drive your opponents hand or deck out of cards, nefarian + double thoughsteal is a 6 cards difference in draw power without emptying your deck. I use this in a fatiguestyle priest with double healbots, auchenai, circle, lightbombs, holynovas and shadowwords.
14:52 If I got it right, the 100% lethal was to play Shadowbolt on Sylvanas instead of playing Cleric, kill it with Sunfury; then you have a 3-attack and a 5-attack creatures => w/e Sylvanas steals, you win with the other one + Soulfire.
Excelent timing, I've just got my hands into my own copy of Nefarian. But what I wanted to know the most is how his power compares. I'm a f2player and have spent the last 6 months or so clearing the two adventures. Haven't opened very many packs, so that my only legendaries are from Naxx and BRM. If I could, I'd put Boom or Rag in my decks, but as it stands, I'm actually worried about who brings the most value: Cromaggus, Nefarian or Kel'Thuzad, and how weaker than Boom and Rag are they.
I have a deck I call "Mystery Mage". And it's based entirely around the concept of being a unique deck in which your opponent literally can't read what you're about to do. I'm talkin secrets, summoning stone, ysera, chromaggus, etc.
Got my first 12 win Arena run with Nefarian.Won me some games,including a game where it gave me double mark of the wild killing the guy in 2 turns by "blizzarding" his minions.
What about running the emperor on turn 6 with him in your hand so that at least one turn reduces it to 8 mana, making way for slightly more combos and even more if it goes to 7 or 6 somehow?
There's nothing quite like playing Nefarian against a mechmage, clearing their board next turn with flamestrike and then killing them the turn after that with fireball.
Carbon 12 I honestly dont think that would be overpowered, considering ysera exists and ysera's cards are all pretty strong- stil she doesn't see much play.
TheGrating exactly, it would be ysera... Make it a 4/12 with the current text and the card would be playable. Does something right away, is pretty tough, dodges BGH, Death, Pain, shadow madness, pyroblast (who the fuck uses that as removal)
What if you are playing as warrior and get a unstable portal from the nefarian and from the portal you get steamwheedle sniper does it mean that you can give armor to your minions?
I was playing against a Warlock, got him down to 1hp, he was just about to die.. and then he played Jaraxxus. I had one minion on the board which he killed. But then I played Nefarian and got Sacrificial Pact. Such skill many wow.
The Tail Swipes are actually not as underwhelming as they appear. They constitute 8 damage for 8 mana; exactly enough to kill the Ragnaros next turn. If they have no way to gain armour or prevent death then Nefarian basically has the effect "8 mana overload. Kill your opponent at the start of your next turn."
wait, if that game went on with the sylvannas and jarraxxus, would the creature that was stolen by shadow madness and then stolen back by Sylvannas have gone back to Kripp?
Don't forget that against Druid, u can get Innervate + Savage Roar from Nefarian - like it once happened to me when i had a board with 4 more minions and OHKOed him. :D
One thing you didnt mention, is that if you use nefarian on ragnaros, you get 2 tail swipes. Thats 8 mana for 8 damage. You would automatically win next turn, as ragnaros only has 8 health.
I agree. Nefwrian does see a lot of potential where most saw him as another useless lege dary due to BGH. He has certainly proved himself in my dragon warrior and nearly carried me to legend last season against slower/control decks. As you stated warriors can afford to just pass a turn and its been really fun and interesting as I am a huge fan and main of the warrior class in constructed.
So what if a priest steals your Jaraxus (can't remember the card, the one that copies a card in your hand), casts it, becomes Jaraxus and then you use Nefarion. Do you get priest cards, or warlock cards.
i know its a old vid but nef can be a real saver i use it in my control pally deck, i played against a freeze mage when i played nefarian i got iceblock from him(dont renember the other spell). later the mage alxed me and with a discounted thalnos and spellcombo the turn after he tried to kill me but the iceblock from nef saved me and let we win the game.
Question! I may be wrong but, in the warlock game, couldn't he just use shadow bolt and soul fire on the jaraxxus and win the game right away? Doesn't Jaraxxus count as a minion?
kripp you have no idea how strong the rng gets with Nefarian . i was playing warlock against a druid . i used summoning portal and managed to fill my field with taunts and lotheb , troggzor the earthinator and molten giant . this guy summoned nefarian before i sommoned the molten giant . basiucally i decided not to kill him because i was winning next turn no matter what . and guess what happened . Shadoflame on nefarian , he cleaned my board . the sludge belchers slime was the only thing left .... he used bane of doom on it and got Mal Ganis . Thanks to summoning my Onixya though i still managed to win :D but that rng just blew my mind .
didnt mention that vs mage u can get mirror image, happened against me, dude saved himself cuz i couldnt get thru them that turn and he ended up stabilizing and winning.
Does Nefarian still treat Jaraxxus as a warlock if he was previously a mage who got it from unstable portal or a priest who stole it with mindvision or thoughtsteal?
are there different quotes vs jaraxxus and rag? also it's not insignificant that nefarianing against rag gives you a guaranteed lethal the next turn barring malganis / shield block / ice block / alex
Nefarian on a rogue into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into rope into concede
Once I was a drag Pally against a rogue. I play Nefarian and get TWO oils, with a Truesilver already equipped. Nefarian doesn't get killed. Next I holy light then oil, oil, win.
Had this in my Tempo mage, as odd as that is. Never put me in a bad spot, and whenever he was played won the game. Coming in after Dr.Boom, opponents aren't ready for another huge body from that deck.
gotta love Vol'jin's summon quote against Warrior; "WHO BE THE WARCHIEF NOW?!"
Big game hunter will always be a thing
-Kripp 2016
2015 actually, this was like right after blackrock came out
Noor Jahan i know but i remembered right after i posted this
It's still sometimes played, it was ridiculous b4 now its just good. I mean for 5 mana you are killing their 7 drop and get a 3 mana minion.
+Ian Hall its not good now because if you put bgh in your deck you get fucked by 90% of the meta and then you just have a 5 mana 4/2 which is aweful
I thought that with the removal and nerfs of the early game shit that it would be a midrange or control game sadly i was wrong, it can still kill 4 mana 7-7s
When Nefarian is played against an adventure mode hero he will say: Your magic, mine!
I have no time for games.
Sylvanas Windrunner Gays* Gains*
Why not
Sylvanas Windrunner WELL MET!
Maximiliano Alexis dont worray she will be busy killing turrets all the fucking game long while her team is forced to 4v5.
What do you mean tail swipe from Ragnaros is bad? It will always kill since he has 8 health!
Card it self is pretty bad in general
shuvo rahman yeah but it gives guaranteed lethal next turn unless counter spell ice block or alex. considering there's like 500 cards in the game what's the odds they have one of those Kappa
Antonio Craveiro actually, what are the odds they have ragnaros and you play nefarian??, i mean, why??
francisco arriagada its not ragnaros it's majordomo
well, i mean, for the odds of they having ragnaros as hero, cause normally you shouldn't play nefarian against ragnaros, actually you never could get a chance to do it, nobody play majordomo lol (outside of fun matches of course)
When you play Nefarian against an opponent that isn't any of the 9 classes (Ragnaros or solo adventures) he draws his "own" spell, which is tail swipe.
Ragnaros has no tail.
***** But Nefarian does, hence him drawing his 'own' spell.
***** Oh look, a jerkoff.
Krumpdaddy Go back to Twitch with your hipster bullshit.
"Look at me, I'm cool! Kappa! Hurr hurr, so funny."
Sorry your credibility went out the window when you liked your own comment
Krumpdaddy I like how you had absolutely nothing intelligent to add, and simply resorted to trying to down play my post.
On top of it all, you liked your own comment.
How strong is North-Korea
Lars Norheim Strongest in the world.
Neither Nor You mean the universe?
Lars Norheim North Korea is Strong Korea.
Lars Norheim 5 #NeverChangedWars /10
North Korea, True Korea
Also, Vol'jin has a different battelcry against GARROSH (not Grommash!), the warrior. He says "Who be the warchief now?" instead of "The spirits be restless!".
This video reminded me of when I was a kid. I would always used to play hopscotch. All of my little friends would shout and call me Kripp. And there were all those wonderful squares which had numbers for me to jump on.
They would scream "Skipperino Kripperino to 10:25"
Thanks for this Kripp. And thanks for talking slow enough that 1.5x works.
0:03 for "Hey guys hows it going Kripparian here!"
Silver Geko cheers lad
Thx bro.
Using a Dragon Paladin I played Nefarian and the mage I mage I was against did not have an immediate answer. I got duplicate from Nefarian and played it the next turn. I then got two more Nefarious when she killed him and from them I got two fireballs and won the game. It was pretty great.
Aldmeri Dominion Such things can happen. Still Nefarian isn't a really good card. BUT! It won me a game vs a druid, cause i got tree of life at something like 8 life or so. Was an awesome game tho.
Lucynyu18 He might not be a reliably good card, but he is sure as hell fun to play.
Aldmeri Dominion
Hell yeah he is!
i had someone use Nefarian against my handlock \ demonlock hybrid deck , and he got a corruption and sacrificial pact , and used them to kill my giant and Malganis , Imagine if i played Jaraxxus instead
Saddem Gargouri
Things that just happen^^ That's why I run a "non" demon handlock. Still have to have jaraxxus in there tho. So I might actually lose to such bullshit with it. But well.. RNG
*"Who be da Warchief **_now_** ...?! **_Heh heh_** ..."* -- _Vol'jin played against Garrosh Hellscream_
Got Nefarian in arena as a druid, ended it with 8-3 and won 3 matches with pyroblast against mage. Nefarian confirmed as better archmage.
Nefarian has given me such good combo cards over the last games. Ancestral Spirit + Reincarnate which was used on Cairne, FoN + Savage Roar, Frost Bolt + Ice Lance. Love that card.
That priest at the beginning obviously kept coin to counter Nef into mind vision, you should have seen it Kripp, what's wrong with you?
For those of you wondering, the entirety of Challengestone is posted on the Tempo Storm TH-cam channel
Theres also that moment where you draw the mage's pyroblast. Kind of awesome.
Played Nefarian against a warrior, got Shield Slam and Whirlwind.
***** a 2/4 weapon for 2? That's basically a better storm-forged axe; having an additional durability and no overload.
Miss Dark Agreed, that's way better than Shield Slam and Whirlwind. The first being a dead card and the second actually synergizing with the Warrior's deck (they ALL play Armorsmith, Acolyte of Pain, Frothing Berserker and Grim Patron).
at 0:14 I thought for a moment Kripperoni went jehova witnesses style intro
Here we finally are, though I expected this video 2 months earlier.
10:24 to see
Thx bro.
Dudebug2000 Thank you, have a nice day.
Dudebug2000 thx bro
10:24 to skipperino to deathwingerino doing somethingerino.
That word sounds really nice.
i think nefarian is an awesome card, very theme based, true to the actual dragon nefarian that is a scientist and it feels like a new experiment each time you play him. art looks decent, hes got a really cool way of entering the battlefield and his battle cry is adjusted to each hero (like kripp said) 8/8 is fitting for nefarian i think 4/12 theme wise would look weird on him.
I think Blizz should make more of the cards like nefarian, not in the sense of giving opponents random spells but keeping them true to their theme yet still powerful enough to run in certain decks.
Don't forget! Against Warlock you could get sacrificial pact or siphon soul, both of which can kill their hero if they've played Jaraxxus.
The play was to shadow madness hit dread infernal. after that you shadowbolt dread infernal. You then kill sylvanas with black wing corrupter or nefarian, then you swing face with whatever wasn't stolen and soulfire, 100% lethal.
Anyone else go on old Kripp videos and put the speed at 2x and watch him dodge bullets? It's quite entertaining; try it.
6:25 About hunter !! DUDE That made me luagh so much ahahha i always watch the intro it's great for his opinion on things and his verry optimistic combos. But yeah thanks for the video
Also consider that a fair few of the games you will have Nefarian for 8 mana due to Thaurissan or even 6 mana if you've played a consort. Not to mention if you get more than one cost reduction from Thaurissan.
10:25 When Kripp's vid makes you look out your window.
If you think about it, vs rag which has a max of 8 health, 2 tailswipes are basically all you need, especially if you consider that you can play them the next turn inmediatly since you would have 9-10 mana...
And good luck finding someone play major domo
the tail swipe is what he defaults to when he isnt playing one of the 9 classes. if you play nefarian in adventure mode he also just gives you tail swipes. its like he has 9 battlecrys that he checks when played and if none of the requirements are met for those 9 he defaults to the tail swipe battlecry.
In my Dragadin deck i use him to help bring out my opponent's late game removal. I get two spells and he trades for 1-1 at the least. If my opponent doesn't remove him then he acts as a win more card. The two cards also helps with keeping me in the game if I start running low and I don't have any card draw in my hand. He doesn't seem to do any job perfectly. But he's a good all around card. Usually not game changing but it's fun and good. Unless I get him out on turn 7 haha.
Reading comments, how the hell did no one notice his awesome tshirt ?? Now that's hilarious.
Scyths1 Because he wears it every day.
Scyths1 El Che Kripara
SassoMaiden Che Guevarrian
+Scyths1 Its Che laughing. So what?
I got a golden fen creeper today. Its too bad the card can't be played because of sludge belcher but it looks amazing. Even the regular one looks really cool.
Andrew Millar fen creeper is kewl. Too bad he basically has stats of a 4-drop.
Aced Positive I mean it could be easily used in arena because the stats are not bad for a 5 cost taunt (basically booty bay bodyguard but balanced better) but it constructed sen'jin and sludge belcher are both just better so you cant really justify having it. On the hearthstone page on the art section it shows the picture of the girl fishing above the fen creeper.
***** Well we all would because its a better sen'jin which is already good.
I think it should be buffed to 3-7
shuvo rahman Well there is a long list of cards that need buffing more than Fen creeper but Blizzard probably wont touch them anyway.
I'm waiting for how good is Skipperino kripperino
You could explain how good it is to skip his your explanations and proceed to spam Skipperino.
By the way,
Skipperino the kripperino to-erino watcherino the valuerino of-erino Nefarieno
Starts at 10:25
Two typos:
Skip should be "skipp"
And in the last line, it should be "Nefarianerino"
wh4t Typoerinos*
Oh thanks you saved my life guys!
Good to know..... -_-
Good to know.....
***** Each and every comment section in the whole universe holds higher standards than cancerino twitch chat. I'd even dare go as far to include the chat roulette fapperino.
If you play Jaraxxus out of Thought Steal or Unstable Portal are you still a Warlock or are you a Priest/Mage? (Unless you get Unstable Portal from Nefarian........)
Dragobot7 Warlock
Angry Old Man but for nefarian it gives warlock spells
It still gives warlock cards because Jaraxxus is a lock class card, Rag gives tail swipes because it's a neutral card.
preset can use though steal or mind vision to get a jarxious and a void caller or both can get them said cards to there hand
3 things to add:
1. Ragnaros got a tail?
2. When he is discussing the priest cards: "Maybe you have a Jaraxxus on the field okay it is hard for a priest to have a jaraxxus" You don't have to be the priest?? This works if you play warlock against priest.
3. You forgot a few important cards:
Paladin: all Secrets. A noble sacrifice may give you an extra turn for the winning top deck.
Druid: Moonfire. For the 1 damage through taunt lethal of course.
Rogue: Deadly Poison. Because as you said the class who mostly can afford to play Nefarian is Warrior and as a warrior deadly poison may be lethal, too.
Warlock: Mortal Coil. Sucks but has the potential to give you the winning topdeck at the next turn.
Mage: Mirror entity. Maybe buys you another turn just like Noble Sacrifice.
Warrior: Whirlwind. Sucks but because we are most often a Warrior as we play Nefarian maybe useful.
aggromarks mirror image *
Guunnz thank you kind stranger :D You're right^^
Was playing as a Warlock, with 4 health left, had lethal on the board, the priest I was playing against had 1 card left (this one) got mortal coil and hellfire. I almost cried.
If your decks goal is to drive your opponents hand or deck out of cards, nefarian + double thoughsteal is a 6 cards difference in draw power without emptying your deck. I use this in a fatiguestyle priest with double healbots, auchenai, circle, lightbombs, holynovas and shadowwords.
It's bad against Hunter because on turn 9 the Hunter is already killing another opponent.
14:52 If I got it right, the 100% lethal was to play Shadowbolt on Sylvanas instead of playing Cleric, kill it with Sunfury; then you have a 3-attack and a 5-attack creatures => w/e Sylvanas steals, you win with the other one + Soulfire.
15:20 if he had ended turn would he have gotten the sunfury back?
11:20 why not shadowmadness+bounce?
Excelent timing, I've just got my hands into my own copy of Nefarian. But what I wanted to know the most is how his power compares. I'm a f2player and have spent the last 6 months or so clearing the two adventures. Haven't opened very many packs, so that my only legendaries are from Naxx and BRM. If I could, I'd put Boom or Rag in my decks, but as it stands, I'm actually worried about who brings the most value: Cromaggus, Nefarian or Kel'Thuzad, and how weaker than Boom and Rag are they.
Wait at 15:19. If jaraxus survived would the sunfury protector come back to kripp?
I have a deck I call "Mystery Mage". And it's based entirely around the concept of being a unique deck in which your opponent literally can't read what you're about to do. I'm talkin secrets, summoning stone, ysera, chromaggus, etc.
Odds to get at least one of desired spell against:
Warlock, Warrior : 10,5% (18 spells) *0.6%
Shaman : 10% (19) *0.5%
Hunter, Rogue : 9.5% (20) *0.47%
Paladin, Priest : 8.5% (22) *0.4%
Druid : 8.3% (23) *0.35%
Mage: 8% (24) *0.33%
*Chance to get exact combination of spells
Got my first 12 win Arena run with Nefarian.Won me some games,including a game where it gave me double mark of the wild killing the guy in 2 turns by "blizzarding" his minions.
That mirror image/sunfury protector combo was leet!
What about running the emperor on turn 6 with him in your hand so that at least one turn reduces it to 8 mana, making way for slightly more combos and even more if it goes to 7 or 6 somehow?
Yet another Legendary that I never use, but still don't want to dust.
You never know if you want to make that one dragon deck...
Aflay So right! Finally began using him when trying all sorts of dragon decks :)
Nefarian is pretty good in control decks, but what I like about him the most is just his intro. It's probably the most epic into in the game.
There's nothing quite like playing Nefarian against a mechmage, clearing their board next turn with flamestrike and then killing them the turn after that with fireball.
so far he has not disappointined especially against warlock and mage
When you play Illidan when you have Jarraxus he says "Hi Master" pretty cool
Nefarian would be a lot better as a 4/12 which added cards from your opponent's class at the end of each turn.
Vodka Knight no, it would be overpowered. How about it cost 1 mana and at the end of your turn you win the game?
Carbon 12 I honestly dont think that would be overpowered, considering ysera exists and ysera's cards are all pretty strong- stil she doesn't see much play.
TheGrating I was vehemently agreeing with Carbon 12 there, but then you blew my mind.
TheGrating exactly, it would be ysera... Make it a 4/12 with the current text and the card would be playable. Does something right away, is pretty tough, dodges BGH, Death, Pain, shadow madness, pyroblast (who the fuck uses that as removal)
At 15:00 I was like, wait weren't there guaranteed lethal? then I went back and read the "There was a better play", ah ok ^^
What if you are playing as warrior and get a unstable portal from the nefarian and from the portal you get steamwheedle sniper does it mean that you can give armor to your minions?
I was playing against a Warlock, got him down to 1hp, he was just about to die.. and then he played Jaraxxus. I had one minion on the board which he killed. But then I played Nefarian and got Sacrificial Pact. Such skill many wow.
The Tail Swipes are actually not as underwhelming as they appear. They constitute 8 damage for 8 mana; exactly enough to kill the Ragnaros next turn. If they have no way to gain armour or prevent death then Nefarian basically has the effect "8 mana overload. Kill your opponent at the start of your next turn."
made my day
What was the better play on that one warlock clip?
Dragon Consort the turn before for Fireball?
Wont work. Nefarian still would cost 7. Only leaving 3 mana leftover
3 mana > 1
fireball is 4 mana. thats what im getting at
Kripp is being so nice putting in pack opening. Thanks, Kripp.
I played Nefarian at low health and got Sacrificial Pact against Demon Zoolock, which brought me high enough to survive another turn and later win.
wait, if that game went on with the sylvannas and jarraxxus, would the creature that was stolen by shadow madness and then stolen back by Sylvannas have gone back to Kripp?
Don't forget that against Druid, u can get Innervate + Savage Roar from Nefarian - like it once happened to me when i had a board with 4 more minions and OHKOed him. :D
One thing you didnt mention, is that if you use nefarian on ragnaros, you get 2 tail swipes. Thats 8 mana for 8 damage. You would automatically win next turn, as ragnaros only has 8 health.
Kripp's voice sootherinos me, it's like melted butter EleGiggle 4Head
what if you are against a mage who unstable portals jaraxxus? would you get mage cards or just warlock cards still?
What happens when you unstable portal a Jarraxus, play it, the enemy plays Nefarian. Does the enemy get a mage card or a warlock card?
What happens if a Mage unstable portals into jaraxxus? Does nefarian give you Mage spells or warlock spells?
I agree. Nefwrian does see a lot of potential where most saw him as another useless lege dary due to BGH. He has certainly proved himself in my dragon warrior and nearly carried me to legend last season against slower/control decks. As you stated warriors can afford to just pass a turn and its been really fun and interesting as I am a huge fan and main of the warrior class in constructed.
So what if a priest steals your Jaraxus (can't remember the card, the one that copies a card in your hand), casts it, becomes Jaraxus and then you use Nefarion. Do you get priest cards, or warlock cards.
"You have the demon lock... no shit " :D 5:07
Kripp, when you are about to craft all the cards, dont forget to announce it on youtube when you are about to do it
i know its a old vid but nef can be a real saver i use it in my control pally deck, i played against a freeze mage when i played nefarian i got iceblock from him(dont renember the other spell). later the mage alxed me and with a discounted thalnos and spellcombo the turn after he tried to kill me but the iceblock from nef saved me and let we win the game.
Question! I may be wrong but, in the warlock game, couldn't he just use shadow bolt and soul fire on the jaraxxus and win the game right away? Doesn't Jaraxxus count as a minion?
dificulttocure When he's a hero, he counts as a hero. But he's a hero with Demon subtype, therefore SacPact works. Shadow Bolt doesn't.
I got Nefarian when i was playing vs High Justice Grimstone at Mage class challange. Got 2 tail swipes.
After Chriomaggus, Nefarian and Emperor, i used (on one turn) Hungry Dragon, Innervate, Triple Consecrate ;)
I here construction sirens on your first game Kripp.
kripp you have no idea how strong the rng gets with Nefarian . i was playing warlock against a druid . i used summoning portal and managed to fill my field with taunts and lotheb , troggzor the earthinator and molten giant . this guy summoned nefarian before i sommoned the molten giant . basiucally i decided not to kill him because i was winning next turn no matter what . and guess what happened . Shadoflame on nefarian , he cleaned my board . the sludge belchers slime was the only thing left .... he used bane of doom on it and got Mal Ganis . Thanks to summoning my Onixya though i still managed to win :D but that rng just blew my mind .
what exactly was the better move at the end of that warlock game
What do you get if you cast Nefarian when a Mage or Priest is Jaraxxus via Unstable Portal/Thoughtsteal?
Does Nefarian have a quote for Ragnaros as well?
I played him against Rogue in arena:
-Gang Up
Yay, three Nefarians :D
didnt mention that vs mage u can get mirror image, happened against me, dude saved himself cuz i couldnt get thru them that turn and he ended up stabilizing and winning.
If a mage gets Jaraxxus from an unstable portal is the mage then a warlock when he has played it as far as Nefarian goes or is he still a mage?
Does Nefarian still treat Jaraxxus as a warlock if he was previously a mage who got it from unstable portal or a priest who stole it with mindvision or thoughtsteal?
are there different quotes vs jaraxxus and rag? also it's not insignificant that nefarianing against rag gives you a guaranteed lethal the next turn barring malganis / shield block / ice block / alex
I think this is the explanation of the last game:
Nefarian gave him 2 Pyroblasts.
Nefarian on a rogue into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into prep into burgle into rope into concede
Once I was a drag Pally against a rogue. I play Nefarian and get TWO oils, with a Truesilver already equipped. Nefarian doesn't get killed. Next I holy light then oil, oil, win.
Sword of Justice + Dark Whispers Kreygasm
What happens when you use him agains a boss in blackrock or naxxramas? What spells would you get?
Had this in my Tempo mage, as odd as that is. Never put me in a bad spot, and whenever he was played won the game. Coming in after Dr.Boom, opponents aren't ready for another huge body from that deck.
You can also get Totemic Might from shaman , even 2 of them
I once played Nefarian and got Savage Roar Force of Nature.
in arena i was given the option for nefarian, greece, or wisp. what pick?
Rikka Takanashi Why are you even asking, of course you should choose wisp.
How good is greece?
Rikka Takanashi I quite like Greece's battlecry tbh. 'Bankrupt opponent and minions either side of Greece, forcing your opponent to concede'
Rikka Takanashi not possible nef is legendary and wisp is common but if it could be possible then i decided to pick wisp.
kormannn1 actually it is possible cause i know the guy who made hearthstone, he goes to my school.