YOU WILL NEVER GET ANGRY, After watching this | Zen story on anger | Buddhist story |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • YOU WILL NEVER GET ANGRY, After watching this | Zen story on anger | Buddhist story | #buddiststory #zenstory #unitedstates
    In the heart of ancient Japan, nestled among the serene mountains, lay a small Zen monastery. This monastery was home to a wise old monk, Master Ichiro, known for his profound teachings and tranquil presence. Many students from far and wide came to seek his wisdom, hoping to find enlightenment and inner peace.
    One day, a young and ambitious student named Hiroshi arrived at the monastery. Eager to learn, he approached Master Ichiro and asked, "Master, how can I attain enlightenment?"
    Master Ichiro, with a gentle smile, handed Hiroshi a simple cup and led him to a stream flowing nearby. He instructed Hiroshi to fill the cup with water and bring it back without spilling a drop. Determined to prove his worth, Hiroshi carefully filled the cup to the brim and walked slowly back to the master. Despite his cautious efforts, a few drops inevitably spilled along the way.
    Upon his return, Master Ichiro looked at the cup and said, "You have tried hard, but you see, the water still spilled. To seek enlightenment with a mind full of ambition and tension is like trying to carry a full cup without spilling. The harder you try, the more difficult it becomes."
    Perplexed but curious, Hiroshi asked, "Then what must I do, Master?"
    Master Ichiro led Hiroshi back to the stream and poured water into the cup again. This time, he asked Hiroshi to simply observe the water. As Hiroshi watched the water flow gently into the cup, Master Ichiro spoke, "Notice how the water flows effortlessly into the cup. It does not struggle or force its way. To attain enlightenment, you must be like the water-calm, flowing, and free from force. Let go of your striving, and allow your mind to become still."
    Hiroshi stood by the stream, absorbing the lesson. He realized that enlightenment was not something to be chased or grasped forcefully, but rather, it was a state of being that required stillness, acceptance, and letting go.
    Years passed, and Hiroshi continued his practice under the guidance of Master Ichiro. He learned to meditate with a quiet mind, to embrace the present moment, and to live with simplicity and grace. One day, as he sat by the stream, he felt a profound sense of peace and unity with the world around him. In that moment, Hiroshi understood the essence of Zen. He had found his enlightenment, not through striving, but through stillness and surrender.
    This Zen story teaches us that true enlightenment and inner peace are not achieved through forceful effort, but through a serene and accepting mind. It is a reminder to live in harmony with the flow of life, to let go of our constant striving, and to find tranquility in the present moment.
    #anger #angermanagement #controlanger #zenstory #buddiststory

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