That's what I call a beautiful job !! Any Do 17, 17Z , 17P, 215 B, 217?? are very nice look..those pencils" are great. I got a 1:48 old Hobbycrarft done , a do 17Z 2, and another one just the same one that I found in a "mystery crap shop" to do it better. By now with a 1:48 ICM He 111 H-6...with torpedos !!! ;). All the best, un saludo from Spain.
Вы Большой Молодец! Сразу видно - Профессионал! Спасибо за удовольствие просмотра данной модели!
I am looking at my Do 17Z-2 right now. Lovely build hope mine turns out as good.
I like a lot how you has done the guns they are great, so the bomb bay.
As a fellow modeler thanks for including historically correct swastikas!
Very cool build and a very nice paint job!
a beautiful build
thank you!from Japan
That's what I call a beautiful job !! Any Do 17, 17Z , 17P, 215 B, 217?? are very nice look..those pencils" are great. I got a 1:48 old Hobbycrarft done , a do 17Z 2, and another one just the same one that I found in a "mystery crap shop" to do it better. By now with a 1:48 ICM He 111 H-6...with torpedos !!! ;). All the best, un saludo from Spain.
Sweet build
Thank you for I am watching- From Japan
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Оба элерона в положении "не стоит" - это так по мат.части положено?
あまり知られていませんが、Do17は日本海軍に影響を与え、対潜哨戒機 東海の開発に貢献しました。
тяжелая в сборке модель?
bon travail , mais les deux ailerons ne peuvent pas etre baissés en meme temps ! Dommage ...