😮😮 the 1STbench it didnt get sealed and tge sunshine and the water rotted it out / that other tractor thats frozen up U can use 2,peace of plywood 1 in front of the rear wheels and another 1 B ehind them use a trap 2 cover and a kerosene heater the 1 that moves hot air it will work I do it be 4 myself 😊😊 most of the time ⏲️ 😮 the gear shift boot 👢 😮 is dry rotten and no good it needs 2 be replaced 2ND either water is in the rear of the tractor or the teansmission IVE seen this be 4 😮😮 OMG 2 5 2O25
That’s a nice lookin bench Tim, it’s always fun to do projects like that.
😮😮 the 1STbench it didnt get sealed and tge sunshine and the water rotted it out / that other tractor thats frozen up U can use 2,peace of plywood 1 in front of the rear wheels and another 1 B ehind them use a trap 2 cover and a kerosene heater the 1 that moves hot air it will work I do it be 4 myself 😊😊 most of the time ⏲️ 😮 the gear shift boot 👢 😮 is dry rotten and no good it needs 2 be replaced 2ND either water is in the rear of the tractor or the teansmission IVE seen this be 4 😮😮 OMG 2 5 2O25