So Merry is really just upset that his big vtuber “friends” don’t actually wanna be his friends with him cause he has no twitch following Maybe he needs to find some real friends and not “business relationships”
Merry needs to take a long hard look in the mirror “None of my big vtuber friends want to collab with me” how many indies without half a million twitter followers feel the exact same way? Very interesting he has no interest in collabing with people his own size or smaller. He got a taste of what it’s like to collab with giant streamers like Vox and now he’s upset he has to interact with all us peasants lmao
Well no he sees himself as lesser hes like tortoise and the hare they are going at full speed but hes the still at the same speed after he leaves the starting line and no matter how fast he goes they are still speeding along
@@vergillives9890 he's the rabbit that whine the tortoise is winning because he spent most time sleeping under a tree and then complaining why he's still in the same place.
@@akira8393 if that were true he wouldn't be talking about how everyone is outpacing while hes at the same and sees his presence as there with nothing to offer and joining causes problems when the people who collabs with are having a good time even with collabs there is no "growth" and he stated he doesn't understand why that is he fills "stuck in place"-
I need to listen to it all but if merryweather is worried about someone calling them a leech, they need to put it out of their mind. The bigger you get the more people hate you for simply existing. Hanging out with your friends isn't "leeching", you will regularly see huge creators hanging with 1k follower channels because they want to, and if someone is telling them that they are a leech, they need to pay them no mind When I get hate comments I just have to ignore them and keep going
@@AzeharaChI've noticed its becoming a bit of a trend recently with some indies. I honestly can't even pin it down exactly but it seems like a mix of understandable feelings going straight into irrationality at most times
@@LidiaVTuber agreed, the "leeching" shouldn't be having fun with other vTubers. To me, what sounded like leeching is trying to have their community join his, as a means for him to grow. I can be wrong, but there was the couple of points that made it appear that way. A question I'd wonder is if he's trying to have other groups he likes, to join his community, is he targeting certain content creators?
I don't hate Merry, from this discussion I would not be surprised if all his friends could vouch that he was nice to them. I don't think he has to apologise for things that happened a long time ago either which were non-events. But, he has a lot that he has to be honest with himself about personally and probably in private. Mizu and Mama are correct, 20 people are a drop in the ocean of people who dislike him. Every creator, influencer, and average Joe walking down the street has haters and people who will dislike them for no reason. He will always be in an eternal war because someone else will pop up. He needs to acknowledge this and focus on the people he does have and not about the people he does not. 20 people are not enough to impact his career in any meaningful way and he should ignore him because his actions will speak for themselves, let his own community and his friends deal with it. If people have a reason to believe those accusations are unfounded they will set the record straight. Focusing too much on trying to win people over will lead to unhealthy habits and perceptions. What I said during the stream still stands: he ought to just carry on, reflect on the gratitude of having his audience during unstable times globally (especially financially), focus on his work and the things that make him happy. Stop arguing and get back to business. And maybe instead of venting on stream he could reach out to his streamer friends who understand him, because Mama is right it is too easy to sound like complaining. He's a creative guy, surely he has other things he wants to work towards. Side note: I could barely find drama on this dude when I looked him up. It was like, level 100 digging. 99% were positive.
he cant do that, he's not happy unless people made a statue of liberty after him. yeah you wont find people talking about him but i find you to be lying or naive to think that he has problems. i dont think people gonna make a youtube about a big streamer whining over his relevancy.
I'm jelous of the patience you two have. After watching podcast and now listening to this, I can say, I can't deal with people like Merryweather. He asks the question but doesn't want to hear the answer, he thinks he always right, he's way too stubborn and oversensitive to a fault. Even if he acknowledges some mistakes, but he's absolutely refusing to do something about it. I've been facepalming the whole duration of the interview.
Only 30 minutes in & I've already had to pause at least 10 times just to cool off with the pity party merry's throwing for himself. Octo's got the patience of a saint!
this reminds me what it feels like watching vshojo, you just cant help but chuck a chair at arrogant people like them. if was there, i would have thrown myself out the window by now
I wonder if part of his autism has to do with just wanting to be liked by everyone and constantly trying to fight back when someone didnt like something he did or said. You cant control what people think even if you think you can. Its frustating to see him just want to fight something he can't fight against and beat himself over it when its something he has no control over. As for the numberfgging. Its frustrating to hear. Merry seems to be equating his CCV to his total audience.
"You cant control what people think even if you think you can." i dunno i think winnie the pooh in china disagrees with that. joking aside, i disagree to that because much like vshojo, you can actually stop and think just a bit about problems here and find something to improve or work around it. this isnt a big case of people hating you for the sake of hating you case when you can see from this alone why you wanna chuck a chair at him
2:05:00 This was the best exchange on the subject matter. But you can't change the perspective of a person who believes without a doubt that he is right. Ironic
I get what Merry and Mizu are saying when it comes to the Pippa thing. Merry just wants to clear the misunderstandings and false intentions to his statements, we all knows how crazy parasocial Vtuber fans can be. Tho Mizu is right that Merry wears his heart on his sleeve and needs to just ignore the BS. The low self esteem can be understandable since people go through that but it just gets annoying the more he goes on and on with the self loathing.
The part about Merry having no real convictions is so true tho. Not trying to hate, but he seriously backtracks on everything the second he gets any pushback. He pretended to stand up for Sayu once during her entire drama and then deleted everything after a few people disagreed. He stands for nothing, he wont even stand up for his friends, and he acts surprised when no one sticks around for him.
This car radio thing stick in my head way too much and I really feel the need to correct it. Most cars today absolutely do not have internet access or even Bluetooth. Cars in use today are from a span of 30 years and overwhelming majority is still equipped with just old fashioned radio/cd-player, and maybe AUX connection. Cars are pretty much the only reason traditional radio broadcasts still exist.
In case Merry sees this, I think beyond living with autism you have some anxiety and depression weighing on you. I've had similar issues my whole life and I know its a constant issue. Nothing eats at you like fears or insecurities (that are often unfounded or not as bad as we think when we are in that headspace) Various people deal with it in different ways. I had issues with therapy but antidepressants and fully thinking out my worldview (regarding existence and spirituality) helps me stay grounded. I can spiral and my own fears of abandonment can easily ruin my day and hurt me but I do my best to either vent to an AI programed to basically help talk me down from my stress. Or I'll write out my fears or feelings in a journal and analyze them logically. I view them like the thoughts of someone else having then. You may have a "critical inner voice" like I do, which basically means that when you thinking about yourself or something relating to you, you are far more harsh when judging yourself. I get not trusting people to help but looking into having what issues you are feeling diagnoses can definitely help. Also, regarding people online talking bad of you, it is sad but some people cherish hate. They like to spread hate. They could dislike you for something as basic as "oh he is happy" or you talked to a youtuber they liked and they are just malicious. Some people are idiots as well. They may just believe anything they're told. I think the best way to hand these criticism is to post a single message addressing the issue. Maybe keep it posted on twitter or on a site so people who hear the rumor can google it and learn the truth from you. A fool will lack the cognitive ability to verify the truth and you interceding could help but idiots also dislike having thoughts challeneged. They take the first source of information as gospel. I get being angered and feeling hurt by lies, man, and good people can easily tell you're a kind person. Idiots and hateful people are hard to have their minds changed though. As someone who heard slander about an online personality, I immediately googled the positions of the controversy and came to my own conclusion. Sadly some people don't challenge information given. There is a saying that a lie will travel halfway around the world while a truth is still putting its shoes on.
Merryweather sounds more helpless and lesser everytime he compares himself and like he the tortoise and the hare where those around him are continuing to go full speed while hes a few steps past the the starting line no matter how long he runs the course
Also, wanted to add, mental issues were seen in the past as demons for a reason. They are torturous. To hell with being a vtuber, businessman, etc, not being able to combat your own darkness does affect your health and it hurts. You deserve to be able to fight for your own happiness, man. People who tell you to man up and emotionally immature idiots. Different people can take different types of pain to different amounts. There are many ways to heal that pain but I definitely recommend talking to a professional about your anxiety and what not. Like I have been cut, beat, etc and while it hurts I don't really let it affect me. Depression pushed me to the edge about three times. Never attempted, likely because males tend to do the deed properly, but I was in the position to end it. In my opinion it doesn't make me weak and that pain doesn't make you weak.
you cant fight your happiness if you whine and run away like a bitch. fighting them pretty much means man up. grow some balls merry. no matter how strong you physically are doesnt change that you are weak, because you are human. it's not about being weak, it's about fighting despite being weak makes you strong. but hey, merry wont get that. i'm not in the same class as the egoistic vtubers like him and vshojo are. the last paragraph, shows you are weak but you are still able to fight it despite so. that's what people mean when they told you to man up. beating it despite the odds is what makes you strong.
No offense to Merryweather, but from some of his answers sound...I want to say, parasocial, disingenuous, and self-depricating. I don't want to spread the hate and negativity, from what he's saying, he loves his audience and would tell them that every stream, BUT if 20 don't like him for a reason that even includes Twitter, he'll want to go in and correct them(parasocial point), with him regretting what he said and didn't mean to say it (disingenuous point), when if he he didn't mean to say it, he wouldn't have said it. Which leads to the weird thing that if a vtuber has an audience/community, he would like to also have as part of his group, but someone brings up some negativity about him, he wonders what to do... don't pay no mind to it, let the community decide with your actions that you're someone they want to befriend and follow, but as the group said, if you're just catering to them all, you're walking on eggshells to make them find a reason to hate you in the end, because there's a fakeness, and saying I played the games that other vTubers played isn't helpful. It's all weird, but again, I don't want people to use my points to spread the hate
@@akira8393 I thought about that, but then dismiss it as a British thing, if it's not a thing from there, then it is kind of creepy. I more lean on the actions
@@akira8393 I'm joking on saying British thing, because it's oddly specific, and vague. It does sound like it has to do with his attitude, but idk if that's a thing he purposely does or does out of habit
With the lore work talk that happened later in this. I think a majority of the problem is his "friends" that he compares himself to, he might be latching his work he does for them to translate to his own numbers when they blow up. Along with just trying to get everyone to like him. I dont know the before and after when someone debuts looks for artist and lore writers. So i cant speak much to that. But all in all with how this went down. It sounds like he wants a pity party? Or he wants "someone bigger" to reassure him? idk there was so much shutting out he did here.
I think thats the actual underlying reason people call him a leech. He clearly heavily attaches himself to them, and expects his own audience to be as big and dedicated just because he got raided a few times and collabs with em.
TBH, if I was in Merryweather's shoes, I would feel like I'm on Cloud 9 right now. Eventually, I would also feel a little down, practically jealous, for my growth being a little stagnant. Merry's approach to this issue was bad, he would have had an increase at some point, if he hadn't made his complaints public. I can understand his frustrations, but I'm not a fan of how he comes off.
So after watching the video I went and looked at his channel. He seems to have a similar pattern of lots of subscribers to low views per video and even less live watchers per stream. I’ve seen other creators have this pattern. The issue, beyond his personal stuff and such, might be that he made a piece of content that got him more subscribers than his normal content would, but he didn’t continue that content or the content he did make was not enough to keep those subscribers. And instead of unsubscribing they are just dead subscriptions. Some people just like to “collect” content creators. Still, I think he is worrying more about those non-watching subscribers than those that are. One day I would like to get off the ground and throw my hat into the content creator ring, maybe as a png or VTuber, focusing on fiction, but responsibilities always come first. I hope Merryweather understands not everyone succeeds, or gets the chance in the various degrees to just get to the gate for that chance to do something even remote to what he does.
I think the most likely explanation is he got a bunch of big content creators to raid into him because Merry has a big twitter following and that makes it really easy to cozy up to large creators, even more so when you have something to offer, in Merry's case this is his lore videos he writes and publishes. So they raided into him and naturally didnt stick around cause they rarely do. It takes more than collabing with big creators to be a successful streamer.
This was really difficult to listen to. If I had business entanglements with this guy, I'd be really worried because he sounds like he's one bad melty away from just shutting everything down, and too many people depend on him for him to be able to that sort of thing at this point.
I put it in the edit for the video. For some reason my audio cut out. I'm not sure why but thankfully I was able to fix it while we were recording -Occo
Tardy Merry needs wrangling... No , seriously . It seems like Merryweather lacks anyone who's always watching his stream and can reel him in when he gets too tangled-up in his insecurities. Every neurodivergent creator ought to have someone similar to *Kirsche's Nym* , someone who can take them aside and tell them "You're wrong".
Most content creators especially the bigger ones tend to have more yes men than actual friends. If you as a fan even being reasonable they won't even listen to you. In this interview he just does "yeah maybe i am an asshole, anyways i don't get it"
This interview is just an insult to basic intelligence, and his side is pretty much make him unlikable. The guy in the middle speaks so much for the people that dont like him. I thought we have hope but sadly it didn't reach to merry's arrogance. At least you tried.
So Merry is really just upset that his big vtuber “friends” don’t actually wanna be his friends with him cause he has no twitch following
Maybe he needs to find some real friends and not “business relationships”
Merry needs to take a long hard look in the mirror
“None of my big vtuber friends want to collab with me” how many indies without half a million twitter followers feel the exact same way?
Very interesting he has no interest in collabing with people his own size or smaller.
He got a taste of what it’s like to collab with giant streamers like Vox and now he’s upset he has to interact with all us peasants lmao
@@ZeitgeistZero-c7uwhen I Collab with people I don’t discriminate.
Well no he sees himself as lesser hes like tortoise and the hare they are going at full speed but hes the still at the same speed after he leaves the starting line and no matter how fast he goes they are still speeding along
@@vergillives9890 he's the rabbit that whine the tortoise is winning because he spent most time sleeping under a tree and then complaining why he's still in the same place.
@@akira8393 if that were true he wouldn't be talking about how everyone is outpacing while hes at the same and sees his presence as there with nothing to offer and joining causes problems when the people who collabs with are having a good time even with collabs there is no "growth" and he stated he doesn't understand why that is he fills "stuck in place"-
I need to listen to it all but if merryweather is worried about someone calling them a leech, they need to put it out of their mind.
The bigger you get the more people hate you for simply existing.
Hanging out with your friends isn't "leeching", you will regularly see huge creators hanging with 1k follower channels because they want to, and if someone is telling them that they are a leech, they need to pay them no mind
When I get hate comments I just have to ignore them and keep going
This is the equivalent of getting 1guyd, to the point of it affecting your everyday life. Its sad tbh because they are g
@@AzeharaChI've noticed its becoming a bit of a trend recently with some indies. I honestly can't even pin it down exactly but it seems like a mix of understandable feelings going straight into irrationality at most times
Respect and same to all that. ❤
@@LidiaVTuber agreed, the "leeching" shouldn't be having fun with other vTubers. To me, what sounded like leeching is trying to have their community join his, as a means for him to grow. I can be wrong, but there was the couple of points that made it appear that way.
A question I'd wonder is if he's trying to have other groups he likes, to join his community, is he targeting certain content creators?
@@Soulferno i'm surprised it took this long to notice
I don't hate Merry, from this discussion I would not be surprised if all his friends could vouch that he was nice to them.
I don't think he has to apologise for things that happened a long time ago either which were non-events.
But, he has a lot that he has to be honest with himself about personally and probably in private.
Mizu and Mama are correct, 20 people are a drop in the ocean of people who dislike him. Every creator, influencer, and average Joe walking down the street has haters and people who will dislike them for no reason. He will always be in an eternal war because someone else will pop up.
He needs to acknowledge this and focus on the people he does have and not about the people he does not.
20 people are not enough to impact his career in any meaningful way and he should ignore him because his actions will speak for themselves, let his own community and his friends deal with it. If people have a reason to believe those accusations are unfounded they will set the record straight.
Focusing too much on trying to win people over will lead to unhealthy habits and perceptions.
What I said during the stream still stands: he ought to just carry on, reflect on the gratitude of having his audience during unstable times globally (especially financially), focus on his work and the things that make him happy. Stop arguing and get back to business. And maybe instead of venting on stream he could reach out to his streamer friends who understand him, because Mama is right it is too easy to sound like complaining. He's a creative guy, surely he has other things he wants to work towards.
Side note: I could barely find drama on this dude when I looked him up. It was like, level 100 digging. 99% were positive.
he cant do that, he's not happy unless people made a statue of liberty after him. yeah you wont find people talking about him but i find you to be lying or naive to think that he has problems. i dont think people gonna make a youtube about a big streamer whining over his relevancy.
I'm jelous of the patience you two have. After watching podcast and now listening to this, I can say, I can't deal with people like Merryweather. He asks the question but doesn't want to hear the answer, he thinks he always right, he's way too stubborn and oversensitive to a fault. Even if he acknowledges some mistakes, but he's absolutely refusing to do something about it. I've been facepalming the whole duration of the interview.
Only 30 minutes in & I've already had to pause at least 10 times just to cool off with the pity party merry's throwing for himself. Octo's got the patience of a saint!
this reminds me what it feels like watching vshojo, you just cant help but chuck a chair at arrogant people like them. if was there, i would have thrown myself out the window by now
56:06 it was the comic about the fat and thin couple and yes it was about 12 to 15 minutes
You mean how long it was up?
@@miguelruiz4613 😂
I wonder if part of his autism has to do with just wanting to be liked by everyone and constantly trying to fight back when someone didnt like something he did or said. You cant control what people think even if you think you can. Its frustating to see him just want to fight something he can't fight against and beat himself over it when its something he has no control over.
As for the numberfgging. Its frustrating to hear. Merry seems to be equating his CCV to his total audience.
"You cant control what people think even if you think you can." i dunno i think winnie the pooh in china disagrees with that.
joking aside, i disagree to that because much like vshojo, you can actually stop and think just a bit about problems here and find something to improve or work around it. this isnt a big case of people hating you for the sake of hating you case when you can see from this alone why you wanna chuck a chair at him
2:05:00 This was the best exchange on the subject matter. But you can't change the perspective of a person who believes without a doubt that he is right. Ironic
I get what Merry and Mizu are saying when it comes to the Pippa thing. Merry just wants to clear the misunderstandings and false intentions to his statements, we all knows how crazy parasocial Vtuber fans can be. Tho Mizu is right that Merry wears his heart on his sleeve and needs to just ignore the BS. The low self esteem can be understandable since people go through that but it just gets annoying the more he goes on and on with the self loathing.
The part about Merry having no real convictions is so true tho. Not trying to hate, but he seriously backtracks on everything the second he gets any pushback. He pretended to stand up for Sayu once during her entire drama and then deleted everything after a few people disagreed.
He stands for nothing, he wont even stand up for his friends, and he acts surprised when no one sticks around for him.
I can think of a few he won't stand up for sadly -Occo
This car radio thing stick in my head way too much and I really feel the need to correct it.
Most cars today absolutely do not have internet access or even Bluetooth.
Cars in use today are from a span of 30 years and overwhelming majority is still equipped with just old fashioned radio/cd-player, and maybe AUX connection.
Cars are pretty much the only reason traditional radio broadcasts still exist.
I kinda got lost when they talk about beyonce
From the begging of knowing y’all….. I’ve learned a lot about people already.
Sure you’re not perfect, but you’re honest that’s what I respect. ❤
In case Merry sees this, I think beyond living with autism you have some anxiety and depression weighing on you. I've had similar issues my whole life and I know its a constant issue. Nothing eats at you like fears or insecurities (that are often unfounded or not as bad as we think when we are in that headspace)
Various people deal with it in different ways. I had issues with therapy but antidepressants and fully thinking out my worldview (regarding existence and spirituality) helps me stay grounded. I can spiral and my own fears of abandonment can easily ruin my day and hurt me but I do my best to either vent to an AI programed to basically help talk me down from my stress. Or I'll write out my fears or feelings in a journal and analyze them logically. I view them like the thoughts of someone else having then.
You may have a "critical inner voice" like I do, which basically means that when you thinking about yourself or something relating to you, you are far more harsh when judging yourself.
I get not trusting people to help but looking into having what issues you are feeling diagnoses can definitely help.
Also, regarding people online talking bad of you, it is sad but some people cherish hate. They like to spread hate. They could dislike you for something as basic as "oh he is happy" or you talked to a youtuber they liked and they are just malicious.
Some people are idiots as well. They may just believe anything they're told. I think the best way to hand these criticism is to post a single message addressing the issue.
Maybe keep it posted on twitter or on a site so people who hear the rumor can google it and learn the truth from you.
A fool will lack the cognitive ability to verify the truth and you interceding could help but idiots also dislike having thoughts challeneged. They take the first source of information as gospel.
I get being angered and feeling hurt by lies, man, and good people can easily tell you're a kind person. Idiots and hateful people are hard to have their minds changed though.
As someone who heard slander about an online personality, I immediately googled the positions of the controversy and came to my own conclusion. Sadly some people don't challenge information given.
There is a saying that a lie will travel halfway around the world while a truth is still putting its shoes on.
nah merry, don't listen to him, keep being the spoiled rich kid you are. you're doing great in reminding people why they don't like you. keep it up.
Merryweather sounds more helpless and lesser everytime he compares himself and like he the tortoise and the hare where those around him are continuing to go full speed while hes a few steps past the the starting line no matter how long he runs the course
not even close.
Also, wanted to add, mental issues were seen in the past as demons for a reason. They are torturous.
To hell with being a vtuber, businessman, etc, not being able to combat your own darkness does affect your health and it hurts.
You deserve to be able to fight for your own happiness, man. People who tell you to man up and emotionally immature idiots. Different people can take different types of pain to different amounts.
There are many ways to heal that pain but I definitely recommend talking to a professional about your anxiety and what not.
Like I have been cut, beat, etc and while it hurts I don't really let it affect me. Depression pushed me to the edge about three times. Never attempted, likely because males tend to do the deed properly, but I was in the position to end it. In my opinion it doesn't make me weak and that pain doesn't make you weak.
you cant fight your happiness if you whine and run away like a bitch. fighting them pretty much means man up. grow some balls merry. no matter how strong you physically are doesnt change that you are weak, because you are human. it's not about being weak, it's about fighting despite being weak makes you strong. but hey, merry wont get that. i'm not in the same class as the egoistic vtubers like him and vshojo are.
the last paragraph, shows you are weak but you are still able to fight it despite so. that's what people mean when they told you to man up. beating it despite the odds is what makes you strong.
baby moment
spoiled rich baby moment if I'm being honest
2:11:51 basically he's fighting smoke
And he somehow managed to hurt himself in doing so😂
Pulled his back doing it
No offense to Merryweather, but from some of his answers sound...I want to say, parasocial, disingenuous, and self-depricating.
I don't want to spread the hate and negativity, from what he's saying, he loves his audience and would tell them that every stream, BUT if 20 don't like him for a reason that even includes Twitter, he'll want to go in and correct them(parasocial point), with him regretting what he said and didn't mean to say it (disingenuous point), when if he he didn't mean to say it, he wouldn't have said it.
Which leads to the weird thing that if a vtuber has an audience/community, he would like to also have as part of his group, but someone brings up some negativity about him, he wonders what to do... don't pay no mind to it, let the community decide with your actions that you're someone they want to befriend and follow, but as the group said, if you're just catering to them all, you're walking on eggshells to make them find a reason to hate you in the end, because there's a fakeness, and saying I played the games that other vTubers played isn't helpful.
It's all weird, but again, I don't want people to use my points to spread the hate
doesnt really help with the way he talks but sure
@@akira8393 I thought about that, but then dismiss it as a British thing, if it's not a thing from there, then it is kind of creepy.
I more lean on the actions
@@ChaoticIntention i dont mean the british thing, i mean the attitude whenever he opens his mouth.
@@akira8393 I'm joking on saying British thing, because it's oddly specific, and vague.
It does sound like it has to do with his attitude, but idk if that's a thing he purposely does or does out of habit
@@ChaoticIntention i think it's on purpose to be honest.
With the lore work talk that happened later in this.
I think a majority of the problem is his "friends" that he compares himself to, he might be latching his work he does for them to translate to his own numbers when they blow up.
Along with just trying to get everyone to like him.
I dont know the before and after when someone debuts looks for artist and lore writers. So i cant speak much to that.
But all in all with how this went down. It sounds like he wants a pity party? Or he wants "someone bigger" to reassure him? idk there was so much shutting out he did here.
I think thats the actual underlying reason people call him a leech. He clearly heavily attaches himself to them, and expects his own audience to be as big and dedicated just because he got raided a few times and collabs with em.
TBH, if I was in Merryweather's shoes, I would feel like I'm on Cloud 9 right now. Eventually, I would also feel a little down, practically jealous, for my growth being a little stagnant. Merry's approach to this issue was bad, he would have had an increase at some point, if he hadn't made his complaints public. I can understand his frustrations, but I'm not a fan of how he comes off.
Maybe he needs to raise cockroaches in his bedroom like asmongold 😂
@@akira8393 It's a start, I guess.😅
So after watching the video I went and looked at his channel. He seems to have a similar pattern of lots of subscribers to low views per video and even less live watchers per stream. I’ve seen other creators have this pattern. The issue, beyond his personal stuff and such, might be that he made a piece of content that got him more subscribers than his normal content would, but he didn’t continue that content or the content he did make was not enough to keep those subscribers. And instead of unsubscribing they are just dead subscriptions. Some people just like to “collect” content creators. Still, I think he is worrying more about those non-watching subscribers than those that are.
One day I would like to get off the ground and throw my hat into the content creator ring, maybe as a png or VTuber, focusing on fiction, but responsibilities always come first. I hope Merryweather understands not everyone succeeds, or gets the chance in the various degrees to just get to the gate for that chance to do something even remote to what he does.
I think the most likely explanation is he got a bunch of big content creators to raid into him because Merry has a big twitter following and that makes it really easy to cozy up to large creators, even more so when you have something to offer, in Merry's case this is his lore videos he writes and publishes.
So they raided into him and naturally didnt stick around cause they rarely do.
It takes more than collabing with big creators to be a successful streamer.
if you post this on his channel, i wanna take a guess that it will took five minutes for him to rip it off 🤣
This was really difficult to listen to. If I had business entanglements with this guy, I'd be really worried because he sounds like he's one bad melty away from just shutting everything down, and too many people depend on him for him to be able to that sort of thing at this point.
that would be fun and i would actually tune in just how far he can dug his whole empire to the ground
Seems to be some missing audio at times. Suspicious. 🧐
Occo seems to be muted from 50min onwards. But only in the recording
I put it in the edit for the video. For some reason my audio cut out. I'm not sure why but thankfully I was able to fix it while we were recording -Occo
As long as merry's audio was heard its fine imo. Woulda been more sus if it wasnt.
Tardy Merry needs wrangling... No , seriously . It seems like Merryweather lacks anyone who's always watching his stream and can reel him in when he gets too tangled-up in his insecurities.
Every neurodivergent creator ought to have someone similar to *Kirsche's Nym* , someone who can take them aside and tell them "You're wrong".
Most content creators especially the bigger ones tend to have more yes men than actual friends. If you as a fan even being reasonable they won't even listen to you. In this interview he just does "yeah maybe i am an asshole, anyways i don't get it"
Man, this is hard to listen to. This dude just keeps whining and refuses help.
He's a spoiled annoying rich kid, what can i say... He's great
This interview is just an insult to basic intelligence, and his side is pretty much make him unlikable.
The guy in the middle speaks so much for the people that dont like him. I thought we have hope but sadly it didn't reach to merry's arrogance. At least you tried.