Tij Laug xab lwm zaum koj sim ua ib daim video thaum yus ua siav lawm yus noj es muab tsom zoo2 thiab noj kom saib zoo li ntxim2 qab na ib yam cov no es yog thaum tseem ua mas kuj zoo thiab tab mas thaum neb noj ces zoo li noj zoo2 xwb ces zoo li tsis tshua muaj qhov funny kom zoo saib ❤❤
@xislee1740 What I'm mean is that tij Xab needs to talk very time when he's made a video, not just show food, explain detials video. Honest love what tij Xab do not hate.
Cas ntxim qab ua luaj li os ❤❤
Uas tau ntxim qab tiag2 os 😋😋👍👍
Wow super big fish brother nice 👍❤
Ntxim qab kawg os
Tij Laug xab lwm zaum koj sim ua ib daim video thaum yus ua siav lawm yus noj es muab tsom zoo2 thiab noj kom saib zoo li ntxim2 qab na ib yam cov no es yog thaum tseem ua mas kuj zoo thiab tab mas thaum neb noj ces zoo li noj zoo2 xwb ces zoo li tsis tshua muaj qhov funny kom zoo saib ❤❤
Tus kwv Xab, caiv ncauj me ntsis nawb cov neeg rog muaj2 mob nawb nim no koj rov kawg lawm laiv.
Brother xab es nej noj ntses li ko nej muab pob txha pov rau qaib noj tsam daig qaib caj pas ne lod.
Nej pos tuaj saib peb hmoob meskas nuv ntses thiab ma
saib thiab
Xav muaj ib tug phooj ywg tss txawj hais lus li ko
Rohu fish, ntses quav iab.
Brother xab nej tus pam nais loj tas tas
Bro. Xab, your video u made is good, but can you speak and tell what kind fish and all ingredients you use it for every click you made.
It's a siamese carp
@vaj1983..for the fish it self or the pepper sauce??
@xislee1740 What I'm mean is that tij Xab needs to talk very time when he's made a video, not just show food, explain detials video. Honest love what tij Xab do not hate.
Bro, he spoke the entire video explaining what he’s doing and said all the ingredients.
It’s a Rahu fish. 😊
Ntses loj li ko puas qab?
Qab kawg
Hello uncle Xa, will you be attending the wedding of the century? Did Lor and Sheng cordially extend the invitation? 🎼
Rau ntxev ntau li ko cas noj tau
tau mas
pam nais dawb....
Tij laug Xab koj poj niam yog tug twg os thov teb
Did he burned his hand. He needs to put alcohol on it to help kill the heat or the redness.
Peb cov ntses meska teb ces loj2 li no xwb tiag.
yog mas
Tij laug xab cas g pom niam tij es koj puas muaj poj niam lawm os cas g pom nws li os pheej pom koj nyob ib leej xwb
What happened to your hand ?