❤ canada is free. Also 10 dollar a day daycare. For a full year and a half, pregnancy leaves are paid for. Up until the age of 18, the government provides 500$-700$ per child per month. Child Dential is free. Being a Canadian makes me happy.
Whoa! That’s a lot! I can’t even remember the cost of births in the 1990s! I had a C-section as well… for complications 😮probably half of that! Thanks the Lord for Medicaid 🥹
❤ canada is free. Also 10 dollar a day daycare. For a full year and a half, pregnancy leaves are paid for. Up until the age of 18, the government provides 500$-700$ per child per month. Child Dential is free. Being a Canadian makes me happy.
that sounds like a dream! so amazing!
Many times they will charge the insurance much more than if you're self pay .
Whoa! That’s a lot! I can’t even remember the cost of births in the 1990s! I had a C-section as well… for complications 😮probably half of that! Thanks the Lord for Medicaid 🥹
ooooh i should look up the cost and compare I bet its a drastic difference! 😭