I want to wish you well guys. I lived in China for 9.5 years and I saw and experienced everything you are talking about. Myself and my wife and kids moved back to Ireland 2 years ago as it was getting too hard to do the daily grind - and when our two kids started to get older we knew it was time to leave. For us it was a great choice but it actually took 4 years to get the move right. We're on a much healthier journey now and by healthier I mean mentally as it felt like we were always in a battle with low level racism everywhere we went. Oh, and you're right , don't go to Hong Kong - I had my visa cancelled ( back in 2011) and was given a 10 day visa back to China to get my affairs in order - I had to really jump through some hoops to get another year visa. We just couldn't take the insecurities . I hope your stories end well, sending you good vibes from Ireland Aidi
Shame to hear dude. But you may also be happy to see that Winston still appears to be making videos, many of which are in China, so all panned out well for him. I think it'll be a bit of an ebb and flow-we'll get a surge of anti-cosmopolitanism resulting in an "exodus" of sorts, which will result in an economic and cultural dip thus necessitating a resurgence of pro-cosmopolitan values in order to fix the problems that they themselves will create. And I will be the worst kind of capitalist bastard when the above happens-if they want specialist skills such as ours in the future, they are going to need to PAY for them-want consultancy from me? 8000-9000RMB...per hour. Not saying that I'm special, this'll be what China would have to offer foreigners in future to catch up again, because all the mistakes the communist party is making are very well documented now (unlike before with only paper records).
Hi, I am a 25 yrs old Chinese.I watched many of your videos. I also supported you $15 on kickstarter. To be honest, I have different opinions from many of your videos, but I can understand that due to the different perspective (Western/China). As a educated Chinese, I do not think you deserve to be reported. I am so sorry about what you is encountering. If there is a polling about your DEPORTATION, I must vote no!
Aaron Guillermo As a Filipino American who arrived LEGALLY to the United States, as well as considering myself ASIAN, what makes you think in your pathetic, despicable, ILLEGALLY ignorant and stupid, shit for brain, fly and cockroached head of yours, that he is slave to serpentza? Have seen met them personally, including serpentza? I shit not. I'm very sure you and your family are actually ILLEGAL, as well as ungrateful, selfish and freeloaders. Or your daca or taco recipient or an ANCHOR BABY.
I just have to say i had a recent holiday to China after watching your videos for about 3 months prior. As a foreigner and a tourist your videos introduced me to aspects of China so that it was not such a culture shock when I got there, and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. No country is perfect, and it’s great to be prepared for both the pros and cons that your are likely to find on your travels (these are likely to be viewed differently as a foreigner compared to Chinese nationals). You guys are doing a great job for China tourism - happy for you to repost this to any Chinese site. J.
Serpentza and C-milk,You guys have been doing a great job letting western viewers know what life is really like in China,I was born and raised in China but you guys know China much better than I do,you are telling people the truth and what you guys have talked about China in the your channels is very accurate,unbiased and objective,I hadn't even realized the social issues of China and the reasons behind them util I watched your videos,I should be the one to say Thank You to you guys,I will always be on your side,just keep doing your job,doing the right thing,telling people the truth
Nationalism is deep in Chinese people's mind so much so that some people went too far and try to exclude foreigners from every aspect of the country, for no reason. I hope you don't get too upset about the hate. I watched a lot of you videos and I have never felt offended. In fact I want to thank you for showing the world what China is really like and making people actually like China. Keep up the good work and stay awesome.
Shicong Lu I don't like China...we should have gone in after ww2 and destroyed China and Russia when our Generals wanted to. The world would have been much better off today!!!
What did his wife do to not deserve safety and peace ? If someone is in fault, it would be him but not his wife. Are you from the middle age era, when you kill the whole family when one person does something wrong ?
There are a lot of Asian guys (and probably women too, considering who started this against Winston) out there who see Asian women who hookup with foreign guys as traitorous choose whatever word you want. I am not one of these people, but there is a real resentment out there.
I wish it were the case. But I got banned on a certain Reddit forums for arguing that Asian women aren't traitors. My own sister has been happily married to a caucasian for over 20 years. But all you have to do is visit a couple of Reddit forums to see the hate there is out there.
Serpentza is actually pretty objective. China has some major issues, lets dont deny something exists. Although there are some videos like" the chinese parents are pouring in and take over your family". these are slightly biased but still acceptable since it is related to culture clash. i dont think serpentza are making videos with hatred or anything offensive, he is trying to tell people there are pros and cons choosing living in china. I dont know why you guys are becoming oversensitive and that is not what nationalists should do. you love your country, then buckle up and make your country a better place to live. China has some serious problems which make herself not a good tourist resort despite of marvelous history of more than 5000 years and fabulous cultural diversity from north to south. These problems need to be solved. There are tons of videos loaded with distorted opinions towards china and chinese people like "china uncensored" but i dont think serpentza is one of them. He is just trying to be objective and sometimes truth hurts.
Truth is a bitter wine that turns sweet with time, Lies are a sweet wine that turns into vinegar with time. It is sad that certain individuals want to throw out the only "foreigners" that actually love everything about China. I have learned more positive things about China from them in a truthful light than from those who have never been there. I know my country has it's flaws too and there are those who have said bad things about my country as well, everyone is free to their own opinion. It is wonderful to hear the other side, but i don't go around trying to get my opponents thrown under the bus for it, there is no honor in that.
I have been watching your video's for about 6 hours now and i must say that 90% of the video's are positive, i have learned so much about China, I'd still so vist because of your video's.
Ah u bet..now Indians think that democracy is best. Inequalities at its best.. Long way to get when it does it work in India when some become cock suckers and ass givers
I genuinely think the reason you guys have so many subscribers on your channels is the honesty with which you tackle each subject. every country has their ups and downs and it's really helpful for outsiders like me to get some perspective from folks who aren't afraid to tell the truth of what really goes down in a place many of us have little understanding of. never change, the content you guys have already created is hugely valuable (not to mention pretty entertaining too) :P
how did these 'netizens' even get on youtube etc with the not so great firewall of china in the first place? did they contravene their own government's laws and incriminate themselves?
This is weird to hear. I live in china and I haven't experienced any of this. People are very friendly to me all the time, and the police never look at me like I'm a threat. They are practically celebrities on the internet, so I can see how they are under watch. But normal foreigners have nothing to worry about.
Well Vincents problem is that he can't keep his mouth shut. :) Not that he talks shit. But he says things in a way that surely attracts attention from the wrong people. Once you know him better, you see this as an endearing character trait. But it's not exactly clever. :)
because you didn't go on social media make videos pointing out Chinese are easy LOL. Going around town and yelled that out and lets see how they treat you afterward. There is no special white privilege once you get out of western countries. If he was chinese he probably have been sent to jail already tbh
Real Good Time: I have lived here in Xi'an Shaanxi for just short of 5 years and I love the people here, they are the most respectful, lovely and kind people. it is wonderful here and I do not always say good things about China or the culture. We have discussion groups and we address many issues, both positive and negative about China and other countries as well. The people I have met are even minded and proportionally stable people. The discussion group draws new people every week and then I also have a Ping Pong Club and we have a ball. My philosophy group currently has 34 signed up and the Ping Pong Club is at about 17. I love it here. I've had these groups for less than 6 months.
I, Computer: I don't know why you would say such a thing about someone that is getting along well. i get along well,and I have pioneered an entirely new concept English School here in Xi'an with great success, So why is it you think that if someone gets along well they are not adventurous, courageous and progressive? Why no ethics? How is it you reach these unsupported conclusions? By the way I am a Network Engineer and Programmer, so kind of a nerd too.
I love Winston's videos. Years ago they were pretty neutral, and recently they have adopted negative overtones, but if this is his experience, then this is his experience. This is what makes him special. His accounts are brutal, honest, and uncensored (for the most part I would assume), and that sort of courage is extremely rare among foreigners in China. Without him I fear there would be nobody reporting on these sort of matters. Yes it's not all doom and gloom. In fact although I've only been here for a year, I haven't heard of any other foreigners in situations as extreme as his. Mind you, most people aren't as publicly outspoken as him either. Say it however you will, but his videos are honest, and if you don't like what you see, then don't watch them. The truth hurts sometimes, but from the eyes of foreigners looking in, the truth is generally more helpful than not. Keep in mind that if you want to judge Winston fairly, you must really watch a good amount of his videos from a few years back until now. His videos weren't always of this tone.
Tyrell, I am a Chinese American living in the US. And I could post my own disagreement about how the US government functions and how I experience my own version of racism. Its two way. But I dont post and advertise it on youtube. And China is still a very conservative country. My suggestion, dont post negative videos. They are still very sensitive. And be honest, many western media has a marathon bashing on China and they dont want any more videos like these negative ones. Come on Serpentzas, you were really cool in the beginning, dont let these investigations ruin you. Just step back and dont escalate. This is my suggestion. Your negative comments like this video is just going to make it worst. Actually, I would suggest removing all these videos that have ANY negative views of China. Keep a low profile buddy. Trust me on this one.
Such a despicable middle school bully kind of attitude. Nah, it's actually worse: it's like a mix between the teacher's pet and the class bully. All that because some fuckers can't handle a bit of criticism. Or perhaps it's because their English is too sucky to understand that criticism isn't the same thing as slander and denigration.
Ma/ Prz/: If they don't like China, they should leave. It is not their home country. The government is telling them to leave with this action...directly.
@kpop biz See, that's the thing - They DO LIKE it there in China, and THAT is what you are not getting. You don't understand their videos, and probably draw conclusions based on the titles alone. When all is said and done, ultimately, it seems to me that they are doing China a SERVICE.
Fred H I agree with you. If you end up on display like Winston and C-milk describrs it, it's time to tone things down. This is a battle you can not win. China is what it is. No need to keep hammering the door of deportation. I know this is Winstons living but there are other ways to make interesting and appealing videos then being a critic all the time. Even if you want to be straight honest about things you have to ask yourself, is it worth it?
I have lived in Xiamen China for 6 years. Ive never been stopped by the police, ive never had Visa issues (no more than anyone else, it is a tedious process), Ive never had people stalk me, or Harass me because im a foreigner (Except Beggars, who cling to me like flies on meat). I have had about a million lingering stares just from curiosity, I have talked with hundreds of friendly people who just want to learn about me. Any sort of Negative interactions with chinese people is the same stuff that chinese people deal with among themselves, such as people cutting in line, pushing, smoking in elevators, rude driving, never holding doors or elevators, etc. Thats just how it is here, normal, and has nothing to do with me. Now theres a big difference between me and Winston/ C-milk, or any of the other foreigners they talked about. I dont make myself a target, i dont write blogs, or make videos, i have zero internet footprint that acknowledges im a foreigner in china. I dont go to bars, I dont hit on woman (happily married to my chinese wife for 12 years). Im the tiniest of Blips on chinese radar and not worth looking at. Granted, you may think its not fair that if you have a public life you may become a target, and really its not, but thats how it is here. Either go with the flow or expect to hit the rocks. So, I digress. Winston/ C-milk, i enjoy your videos, I watch them to see how things are in other parts of china and I enjoy seeing how other foreigners react to the same stuff Ive experienced. However, you may need to evaluate if making videos and having a public face is more important to you than having a peaceful home life or even staying in china if it really is an issue for you.
Ive seen them speak chinese to people on many occasions just fine. Your excuse doesnt hold water. They could speak perfect Mandarin and still have people targeting them simply because they are a visible foreign target. More so since they are on the internet, home of insults and over-reactions.
My partner and I been together for many years in Australia. not funny every time he watched video from spezar?( not sure if the spelling is right ) and ask me if it's real. The home country is huge and even many of Chinese still learning about each other as we all from different part of the country. I left home when I was 17 and one important things I have leaned over the years , have respect to others and don't judge. Doesn't matter where people from or what life style they enjoy to live in, same rules to wherever we travel to. I often watch Vlogger who live other country and how they life been there. respect the locals. Clearly this two doesn't have any of these, if they facing to get deported, to me it's good news. Pick an other place and keep doing what you doing , we will see if you would get much better results. Stupid enough staying a place you are not enjoying life or hate people there , believe or not, others can feel if you have god energy or bad one towards to them and you get the same thing in return.
Blank Stare I hope your heart not as filthy as your mouth. Keep your mouth shut if you can't manage talk like a human being . Don't be so hateful and wish you have a good life:)
Man, they need to leave Winston alone. He's one of the main guys that I get my positive info about China!! He's been in favor of China not against! He's a good guy!! Thus, leave him alone!!
LOL the "are Chinese girls easy" video is the first vid I ever saw from you and let me say that before I even familiarised myself with your content I knew you were going to get shit from that vid.
I appreciate what you do, guys. I was set to start working in China in August, but am now having second thoughts. Partly because of what you say in your excellent videos, but partly because I am sure that the trade war will make things a lot worse.
I just checked the post in MITBBS you mentioned. I feel so bad for you. Haters are everywhere. I commented on the posts and hope they would help a little bit. But the sad truth is that "it is hard to awake someone who is pretending to be asleep". I hope your life won't be affected. I'd like to help if you need witness to persuade Chinese authority. As always stay awesome!
@ Obviously yes! Chinese have been drowning in the sea for centuries if not millennia. Those islands are just places for QingMing pilgrims to pay homage to their ancestors. Non existing mythical ships logs have proven beyond a doubt these waters were frequented by Chinese fishermen much more often than those fishermen of nations 80% closer to the area, as they didn't like the type of fish the Chinese have always caught traditionally. Any Chinese fool can tell you that!
@ he was sarcastically suggesting how they could get off the foreign haters shit list in china I dont think he meant it as a legitimate suggestion... but u never can be for certain in these days...
Hope you were ok! Tried to watch all your previous videos and come access this one. You have all my support! You are a honest and positive person, there are always some 小人 around trying to ruin other people’s life! Wish you and Sasha best of luck from Singapore!
I know this a joke, but just in case the humor is lost in translation, you probably should be more careful. China doesn't fuck around when it comes to admissions of guilt.
I watched the video on Chinese girls that they mentioned, and it didn't make Chinese women look bad, all I got out of it is that Chinese girls are more approachable and serious about relationships. At no point did I get the impression that they're slutty or anything bad.
Stay safe gentlemen and I hope that the ChInese authorities realize that you have presented China to the world in a very truthful positive and very respecful manner!
Just got back from 2 weeks in China (Beijing and mountain side villages). I can’t recommend China to Anyone except for a short history tour. Crazy uncivilized while high tech. Could not get out fast enough.
you bring up some good points. I'm American & am friends with many Chinese citizens who are currently living, working or studying. The things they don't like about the U.S. are the things I don't like either. They're free to express their opinion and I would certainly never try to silence them or have them deported. Those who would try and have them deported are damaging China's image. They're the ones who are making China look bad, not Winston & Cmilk. Because Americans care more about freedom of thought & freedom of expression than how well you can drive a car. I love China and these guys do too. You're welcome in the U.S. anytime, I'll buy you a drink and you can tell me everything you hate about America :-)
bag Dog Serpentza and C-Milk are from America, a country that has been criticized by everyone on the planet and even their own citizens. If they told lies about China it would be a different story but they didn't. I enjoyed their videos and i don't look down on the Chinese people because of anything they said. Every country has positive and negative things that can be said about them. I'm, sure your own people would agree with what needs to be fixed. China is a very old country and has went through many changes and i hope the changes to come will benefit the Chinese people.
Hi guys, I've been watching you both for a while now, I find both of your channels interesting and informative, here's hoping that things calm down for both of you, all the best from the UK.
I don't understand how Chinese's think you are doing bad publicity on China...You and C-milk videos's are the reason most of us want to visit/live in China.
Being targeted by so many people must be very stressful and scary, but in my opinion this only applies to people who have a big public exposure. I wouldn't want to be in your situation, and I'm happy to be a foreigner in China with few public exposure. From my many years here in China I experienced that it is only a small part of the Chinese that don't like foreigners in their country, most people are totally fine with (white) foreigners in China. Though I met many that don't like dark/black people. As you say, the PSB doesn't care about the calls. In my home country I would actually expect the police to visit a foreigner that causes only a single call to the police and check the claims. Not bothering him, but just checking his side of the story and see if there is anything to worry about. In my perception there is no such thing like a anti-foreigner campaign. The events/ actions that you mention to be anti-foreigner policy I'd rather describe as side-effects of a a couple of policies like cracking down on illegal foreigners, strengthening control on the internet (you need a ID card for many things, but nobody thought about implementing support for passports) and others. That's how I see it, still, I could be wrong.
Winston, you and C-Milk are FANTASTIC and your travels and documentaries are a real boon. You are setting a remarkable example of a positive informative entrepreneur who is a pleasure to follow in your adventures. Your efforts are completely appreciated and valued. Thanks for all the good things you have done and continue to provide. Kudos to you, your wives, families and friends for holding higher standards, in your adventures and in sharing the same with us. Priceless. Dave Uhley, Tennessee, USA
Well remember that China is communist and their main interest is to "protect" the group over the individual. So your freedom of spech will be very limited if they can blame you about anything you say about their society even if is true. If I were you Winston I will focus on the positive things China has to offer, and ignore the negative aspects China has. Like I said, We know China is communist and so far no communist country has being fair to their doctrine of communism.
The cover / organs story is that they are serving the interests of the group,but really they are serving the interests of the power- elite of CPC's totalitarian regime.
China is A HUGE CAPITALIST FUCKING DICTATORSHIP STATE , Communist my ASS , they SUCK UP MONEY these Chinese people , they would Give anything for MONEY , so be careful using the wrong Terminology .
I don't think this is a universal thing. I have a friend there who has lived in Hunan province for 15 years with no problem and my Dad had lived in China for 8 years with no problem and he has a lot of expat friends who have lived there for years with no problems...I have never heard anyone be persecuted in this way but I guess if you're filming and putting yourself out there you open yourself up to a lot more scrutiny.
I think they behave like western jackasses with little to no humility. However, you never really know in a situation like this. There could be some Chinese teenager TH-camr who wants to replace these guys and has started a little campaign against them. These days you never know
t0f0b0 How? by saying China is in a complete chaos, all products are knockoff, all Chinese are alcoholism without good samaritan, all Chinese places are dirty, all Chinese food are poisioned? how it is not doing harm ?
B.S., they point out the good and the bad. If you don't admit to the bad, then you cannot improve yourself. Self Criticism is necessary to advance, and the first step is to admit your faults. Also, admit China's success, of which much is very impressive.
While your commentary might seem harsh to Chinese people, I've never been more interested to go to china than after having seen your videos. Cultural differences seen through western eyes don't seem bad, they simply demystify them. China as a country is so immersive, challenging and interesting that I keep coming back to your videos.
@TheCDANet: This trash won't understand you, SA frog makes his living by farting loud under the smelly boiling water, and is so prod of being able to swim there.
Oh yeah really where? Oh wait let me guess, trump said something mean about mexican gangbangers so he is LITERALLY hitler. Nowhere else in the world has just gotten a brand new dictator.
I'm not entirely sure whether you are joking or not, but ... thanks for the laugh, dude. ^^ I'm living right next to the German border and I gotta say, you won't find safer streets than in Germany in 90% of the world. It's clean, it's safe and people are overall friendly. Yes, mass immigration is a thing, but they usually keep to themselves and aren't as hostile as some people on the internet make them out to be. However, you are welcome to prove me wrong, so please post your sources, I'd be glad to learn something new!
You know this reminds me of last year when the US and China were having a big issue in the South China Sea. One day my wechat was swarmed with Anti-American posts and even some of my friends threatening me about China and the US going to war or some crazy stuff like that. It finally stopped when I made a post in my wechat about Barack Obama and essentially telling him to leave China alone. I got dragged into an issue that I purposely was avoiding to see anything on, it really is scary being a foreigner here. Unfortunately I am divorced here and my daughter lives in Zengcheng, so I can't easily take her away and go back to the United States. I just keep a low profile and never talk about any politics or news at all. I've also been accused of being a spy by students because I've done my best to memorize the map of China, so that I can know some basic information about each of their hometowns as a way to build a stronger connection with my students (I teach adult ESL in Dongguan). Just because I know that places like Zigong in Sichuan province is famous for salt and some dinosaur fossils or Changde in Hunan is famous for duck neck I must be a spy, this is absolute insanity.
hey if a Chinese aircraft carriers are in Mexico Bay, and threaten American get out of South America, what would you respond? I think You have known the movie Black Rain right? just because Japanese products is better, American can hate and uglify Japan like that much.. I don't fucking believe Chinese students accuse you for map bullshit, do you regard us stupid????or you are just paranoid
Why are you so hateful? I'm just giving my experience you can take it or leave it. I love China very much, this has been my home for the last seven years. I would never support a war between China and the USA and I would refuse to take any side, because I love both of these countries very much. Perhaps you don't understand this, but thank you for your reply.
I also never said you or any other Chinese person is stupid and never indicated that any of you were, it just can be a bit uneasy when you get accused of being a spy. Whether or not the adult student was joking or serious, I don't know.
I'm not hateful, I'm just regarding you so naive,,what? still communist bullshit thing in your mind?? what kind of brainwash? cold war was over 30 years ago, for such long time, you can't even take a joke,,, millions of millions foreigner in China, i think only you think you are the spy...so i will regard every russian in China is soviet spy too?? if you don't do spy thing, please take easy...China doesn't even have PRISM, not police state like your United States..maybe American don't hate China, who knows? your media is controlled by the rich, but you hate Iran right?..911 are all Saudi Arabian, but you hate Iranian..Free media!
Hey man, I am not saying anything about government. I was just mentioning something that a student said. You're assuming a lot of things about me that are not true. I agree with you probably more than I disagree with you on things you are saying. I actually believe our two countries don't hate each other, at least that is what I hope. I purposely don't watch the so called news because there is a lot of bias in the news, especially on issues regarding foreign policy. Like I said in my previous comment, I don't know whether the student was serious or joking because he was expressing himself in English, which is not his native language. But the mentioning of that word is a bit powerful. Also, I was reading some of your other comments and you mentioned something that I absolutely agree with. You mentioned something on the line of even a homeless man in the US can get a teaching job in China, these "cowboys" are really annoying to people like me who actually had to earn a degree and a TESOL certificate as well as go through all of the process to get a visa to legally work here. Why can they get jobs and get paid a similar salary without having any experience, certification or legal working status!?!? This my friend, is something that I do pay attention to, because I've seen it with my own eyes. Thank you for mentioning that. You may be right, probably I was too sensitive about the spy comment, but imagine if you were in the US and an American adult student made that comment to you. Even if it was a joke, it will probably make you feel uneasy. It's almost 4:00am here, I need to get going to bed because I need to work tomorrow afternoon (I love that my job starts at 1:00pm!) Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, even if you are just trying to troll me. Have a goodnight my friend ;)
I don't know if you have ever considered immigration to New Zealand but you should. They have a very quick and easy process and especially with your wife working in medicine, you both would end up being permanent residents upon entry. Check out the immigration NZ website. If you become a citizen one day, you'd also have the right to live and work in Australia. Good luck Winston.
These fools should have left for New Zealand or the US a longtime ago. In the US they will have white people outside their circle calling them racists too...so maybe they should learn how to talk to people/about people.
New Zealand? Last time I checked I saw no indication that they made it easy for immigration. Since he is a full-time TH-camr now, on what merit would he get in?
StudioArtFX As I said above his wife is a medical professional. New Zealand is one of the easiest in the west, I've personally been through NZ immigration, used to live there.
WOW - thanks for keeping it absolutely authentic. I'm trying to figure out where to be in a changing world. I visited china in 2001 and wish I would have had the fore-sight to make arrangements to stay somehow. Thanks for what you're doing here.
.... Do hope you guys will never get into any trouble again...!!!! What's in your videos were just about the truth..!!! And they cannot prove you wrong...!!! Good job..!!!
Trouble is, they do not HAVE to prove him wrong. He has to prove THEM wrong, which is nigh onto impossible. Remember, in the PRC, you're guilty until proven innocent, which is contrary to the laws of nearly every other country.
Don't they ('uncles'/'pinks'/nationalists) realise that their behaviour just reinforces most westerner's view of the real China. The writing is on the wall mate so get out with your wife and kids while you can.
Sorry to hear this, hope you all stay safe. I've been an expat, American living in England from 2012-2015. That was easy compared to what you are doing. I enjoy your channel and videos, I find them to be very balanced. I just sub'd.
These are two individuals who are eking out a living in China in an unconventional manner. Granted that they are sometimes cocky in a way that can make some Chinese people feel uncomfortable, they should be left alone. Some of the netizens are simply overreacting. Maybe these netizens don't fully understand the videos, maybe they are being oversensitive, or maybe they are justifiably feeling slighted. But China is a big country. There should be room for a variety of perspectives, even those that may make some of us uncomfortable. Besides, these two guys are way, way better in terms of understanding China than the vast majority of people in the West. Their videos on the whole do help the outside world get to know China better. If these guys are kicked out, which I don't for a moment think they should, those in the West who wish to know a thing or two about China will have no choice but to rely on the much filtered mainstream Western media, which are just so much more biased about everything Chinese. Those netizens who campaign to kick these two guys out should just butt out.
you cant defeat the Chinese netizens as a foreigner. I would suggest just to keep a low profile. China is still a very conservative countries like many Asian countries.
Nop when it comes to public safety China miles a head of Colombia. Colombia = Cocaine, murders, death, corruption, gun murder and robbery every single day. I think they will never move to a dangerous country.
Simple .. we all go on these blogs and let people know that you cant hide behind Chinese characters. Google translate let's everyone know what is being said and who is saying it. There are too many beloved Chinese compatriots in foreign countries to start a tit for tat campaign against foreigners. Let's remind "our Chinese friends " about this
Good job guys! There are crazy people everywhere. I have learned a lot of good and bad stuff about china in your videos and it is sad that they are doing this to foreigners.We always hear about the negative stuff(or in japan's case the positive stuff) it's nice to see the truth about certain places in the world. Keep it up and stay awesome!
nope I am living in Dalian and have lived in a few other places - most people don't care about nationalist BS. They are happy just to ignore it all, unless people start (irrationally) insulting China. (comment edited to provide clarity to morons:))
There is a big difference between irresponsible, unfair, thoughtless attacks on a country and what these guys are saying. You don't have to be a nationalist to be irritated by that. But heaven forbid you should think as you read,
While the Chinese government has been known to overreact in regards to foreign media, I do not think they would actively target you for deportation because of the potential negative political repercussions. Your "fame" is a two edged sword that also works to protect you as well. The real danger would be Chinese nationalists who actively target you and your family. I have really enjoyed your videos and would love to visit China some day. Remember that your first responsibility is to your family, second is to friends. Do not worry about your vblogs or viewers, we'll be okay if you need to stop for awhile. P.S. Paranoia will destroy ya. Stay safe.
All fairness China has been targeting foreigners for years that's nothing new. Same time a ton of foreigners here are on questionable paperwork so it doesn't come to much of a surprise that they are going after them. Let's face it, abroad these situations wouldn't even happen. Though that aside, Chinese nationalists, or the Pink girls as you call them, are indeed a rather scary matter. Chinese love extreme nationalists. Something that's for people abroad hard to grasp, but just talk anything about China, their history, something negative, 95% of the Chinese will jump on you for no good reason. This happens in China even more. I've been in threatening situations because they thought I insulted them or China as a whole. I've heard stories of people being stabbed for similar matters. The government turns a blind eye for this, for worse they support that because if you get into trouble, even you had nothing todo with it, you will be put in jail for a period of time and then deported. China is and always has been very foreigner unfriendly. Sure on a holiday it's all fun but if you are here for a period if time you easily see what's really going on. Foreign MNC's en masse are being screwed over, local foreign entities face unfair practices / being extorted and we can keep going on. Unfortunately this is nothing new and it seems more that China will keep going in only the wrong way further down the lane.
It's not expensive to pay someone to write subtitles online. I'm sure china must have websites similar to fiver.com where you can hire people to translate and write subtitles
11 years in china, still speak little Chinese, rarely(or none) interact with locals with just few words, hard to convince ppl which only does personal talk or with close inner circle, of course u will always be a foreigner, never understood the culture nor fluent in language.
Hopefully it all works out. I like how Serpentza is facing this. It's like a massive social experiment. This is just going to make him even more popular!
My asian wife says Chinese think that they are powerful when they are secretive. Some probably think Serpentza is a threat to their power. Sounds like someone slandered him about exposing secret military locations.
On behalf of my friend in Guangzhou national security cyber security unit, both u and cmilk checked out. No need to worry about ur visa status or any kind of report u as a spy... And as a friend, you're dealing with what we called 'online gangster'. Please contact local police if any personal treat or unsure situation u sense... When it comes to personal security, Chinese police actually will show it's powerful ability , call 110 next time, police can even trace the IP or SMS back and will have a tea with whoever treat u.
Serpentza and C-Milk I am currently watching both of your SM accounts as well keeping up with Chinese news up north ... 😒 Watch your sixes and maintain stringent OP's
I have lived in China for 18 years on and off, and and through my work and studies i am well connected, But i never could get the jobs I was being trained for because of not being Chinese. Lately I notice my Chinese vlog doesn't grow as easily as similar vlogs in the past, or my own in the beginning. And this started happening ever since this order came out to point out forreign spies. My Chinese wife notices it about her vlog. But it has always been like that in China. As a forreigner you can never take control over your life, it is not a liberal democracy (it is already hard enough there!),, even thought their governamental institutions are copies of those of the USA. their lwbook is based on the Dutch 1991 lawbook (EU uses the same book!). China is a mercantile state. The state is the largest entrepeneurial institute, and they are the ones that hire and fire forreigners. But they do the same to their own people too. Locals wherever you come try to grow but stay out of the picture as long as they can to not lose their business to the upper class. It is just something you have to calculate into your China life. It is always there. Serpenza says it right when he says you tend to adapt. It is also the only thing you can do. It is impossible to fight, unless you are well connected, but that has its own dangers.
I believe you two have brought a consistently positive view of China and it’s people. I’ve been to primarily first tier cities over the years so it’s interesting to see what the rest of China is like. Thank you and your wonderful families. Keep up the good work. As an aside. It would be very bad for the Chinese government to take any action against you at this time. It would be showing China as having a mean and cruel face to many thousands of people worldwide.
hope you got an escape plan. Please don't be naive on what's going on in our World. Tensions are high, war is looking extremely possible sooner or later. Be safe.
Qatar's majority are sunny to my understanding. It comes down to Qatar moving to eastern block of Russia-Iran-China. Saudis' days are numbered and now their satellite nations start looking elsewhere for protection. PS Qatar & Iran are Major LNG exporters of this planet and LNG is vary important to pacific nations especially China...and also Europe. Qatar knows this... as we speak Iran is exporting several planes and ships full of food for Qatar. not long ago they wanted Iran Nuked. Politics is really shitty. I'm happy in this channel they avoid it.
What a stupid reason to change your mind. I have never been targeted by anything in China, on the contrary, China has been very friendly to me. It's a place well worth visiting
If your mind can simply be change because of one shity video then it's better not to come, China is not for narrow minded people. And Chinese ppl will also be grateful because they won't need to handle another foreigner jerk.
biohazardlnf spoilt little rich bitches with nothing better to do with their time than start shit. and too stupid to realise the consequences of their actions. they'd be squeeling home to mummy and daddy if the shoe was on the other foot. TROLL THEM
I've just started watching your vids and i really appreciate your honesty. maybe not all your opinions and comments are to everone's liking (especially the locals) but i fail to see why people can't accept the fact that those are your personal views. Well, Good Luck guys. I feel bad for you if you have to leave. Best of luck to you and your families. Keep up the good work and keep posting. God bless! Much Love from North East India
Yes! We caught a coach from Batang in Sichuan back to Yaan in June this year, and everything was fine except for someone passing out and most of the young men needing oxygen due to them smoking too much!!! BUT after we stopped for a fill of water that gets sprayed onto the wheels to cool them on the long steep descents! Attitudes changed due to their realization that Lily was not my Tour Guide but my WIFE!!!!!! Talk about hostile?? The G318 we were on goes to beyond 4860 meters above sea level... Aircraft for comparison drop back to 3000 meters so that the passengers can breathe normally!! I opened an empty plastic bottle at our height and back at 615 meters or Yaan it was quite compressed! Yes there seems to be a hostility in some areas!
It seems that laws are very...selectively enforced there from serpentza's other videos. But yes, it would be nice if a penalty could be applied in China for fabrication of information without evidence.
"Targeted for DEPORTATION from China" video was painful, enlightening and HONEST. Life is sometimes unfair and you the two of you speak directly and honestly to the current conditions for foreigners in China. It is sad. Both of you have been living a dream of mine. I had hoped to teach English in China and now see that may no longer be possible. You both seem like genuinely good dudes and I am sorry you are going through this.
It’s good and fair to be critical but at some extend, we all that live in China, should be positive, confident and constructively contribute to China. Bottom line; don’t shit, where you eat!!
He does constructively contribute to China. Before I watched any of his videos I thought China was all air pollution, rude people, and gutter oil. Without channels like this I would never think of going to China. It's too bad that people like the "little pinks" take any criticism as a direct attack.
Around 53+ vlogs been watched since spot the chanel, they are documentary、solid and make sense which as I told before. But you know why your guys been targeted as enemies of people in that land and put yourself in danger place? Let me explain.. Although you declaired you love the country which no one dought about that, but when time your group sending the negative messages, you guys touched hunman nature which no one want to be criticised no matter where the person comes from. Just like patients want to be cured but few like to take medicine! ESPECIALLY YOUR GROUP EXPOSED THE NEGATIVES IN THE DEVELOPING COUNTRY BUT NO FURTHER CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTIONS TO ANY OF THAT, since youtube chanel been blocked from mainland china, all you did become a broadcasting to all rest of the world how bad that place is but no benifits to the people you exposed, it HURTS AND NOT FAIR!! It makes your group can not escape from the SUSPITION that you tend to earn eyes only from the public by helping from the negative exposes, as "NEGATIVES"as a big weapon for medias all over the world. MORE OR LESS IT HURT THE PEOPLES' FEELING FROM THAT LAND THAT YOU MAY IGNORED! It definitely not easy to balance the controversial topics and be helpful at the same time,but that's critical and essential, it no matters "GLASS HEART/NATIONALISM" or not. THE SUCCESS OF THE TOPIC SELETION IS ONLY A TECHNICAL MOVEMENT BUT PLEAE BE HELPFUL AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING AFTER THAT... Trust me, the whole world is a ECO-SYSTEM, "BE HELPFUL TO EVERY SINGLE SIDE" can make your group's work much more meaningful otherwise you just simply put yourself in danger place. Thanks about what you did, it provide an objective view from different background. People live at that land or suffered from the negatives for long which you mentioned have better understand how bad it was! Let's make the work positive by exposing the negatives, do some comparision from different countries,guide the people or even the authorities there!
I'm gunna be honest guys, i'm not seeing or hearing about ANY of this kind of stuff happening here and i'm married to a Chinese person as well. I have friends in Beijing and they told me about the raids etc, but that's for drugs. Think about it from a criminology point of view, you know where the drugs are coming from, you know where a lot of the deals are made, you also know where the users mostly hang out, but you have no proof. Would you not, as an investigator, go to that place to find evidence? Is China the only country to raid bars? definitely not. I'm not posting this to argue, i'm just sharing my views on the matter. Let's be fair as well, lately your videos are pretty negative. I used to watch your videos pretty soon after they came out and have done for 4 years now, but recently I stopped watching because i was always left feeling like a target and noticing things that weren't there to be noticed. Basically what i mean is that if you look for trouble (or negatives in this case) you'll find trouble, regardless of where you are. Try having a more optimistic view of China and I guarantee you'll stop feeling like you're being targeted.
+Lifter in China - Well you are Chinese. But there is PLA intelligence unit in a non-descript high rise building in Shanghai, that spies on America and other countries, does internet surveillance world wide, write malware code and viruses, and a whole lot more. This is proven, by internet security experts in the USA and Europe. They even know exactly which building this PLA unit operates out of. I'm not going to even suggest that the CIA, or MI5/MI6, or all the other intelligence agencies world wide, don't also do it (or similar things, -or not). But China and Russia have been particularly aggressive for a long time. Some people believe the Great Firewall, is administered by this Red Army Intelligence unit (since that's what they do, -monitor the internet, etc.) All I'm saying is that it's naïve of you to think it's not happening. In fact a United States Grand Jury indicted 5 Chinese Army Officers, (based on what was described as overwhelming evidence) on Charges of espionage, intellectual property theft, and other things. But it's not like the U.S. is going to go to China to arrest them. bit.ly/2dxWXxA bit.ly/2wZ0vnV
An acquaintence of mine returned to Germany end of 2016, because of the troubles you described in your videos. His wife (chinese) was pregnant and they decided that the child should be born in Germany. Before he lived in China for about 15 years, working and travelling, and founding his own business in China. He works in the electronic field, and as he was strongly dependent on an access to the SoC-manufacturers (TI, Atmel, Microchip, and others) for downloading operating systems and drivers, he used and needed worldwide internet access. This led to having police in the house almost every week with annoying interviews and time loss. Finally he gave up his developer office in China and opened it again here in Germany. He had a hard time here getting his feet on the ground again, as he was used to almost paying nothing for workhours. His wife gave him a hell that so much money was spent on employees salaries.
I am sorry to hear that those things are going on, but it doesn’t surprise me. My friends from China told me decades ago that one thing they feared in China is that situations can turn on a dime. I hope the best for you guys. I have been to China countless times. My ancestors are from China. I say that I find your observations are always spot on and consistent with my experience. I never found you to be negative to China, but just calling things as they are.
Your videos are refreshing and have definitely shown a different China than the China I pictured in my mind. I was influenced by a video I saw on one of the news shows here in the USA. Not sure if it was Dateline, 60 Minutes, but they recorded horrible factory conditions where people in China manufactured items for sale in Walmart. They were virtually prisoners in this huge factory and had to repay Walmart for sub-standard living conditions. Your videos have shown that things are not like this anymore and life for Chinese citizens is much better. So thank you for sharing your experiences. I hope things cool down for both of you and your families.
I find your videos superbly educational, and have learn much about China, mostly positive. Thank you, you are doing a huge service for those overseas who would like to visit China.
I want to wish you well guys. I lived in China for 9.5 years and I saw and experienced everything you are talking about. Myself and my wife and kids moved back to Ireland 2 years ago as it was getting too hard to do the daily grind - and when our two kids started to get older we knew it was time to leave.
For us it was a great choice but it actually took 4 years to get the move right. We're on a much healthier journey now and by healthier I mean mentally as it felt like we were always in a battle with low level racism everywhere we went.
Oh, and you're right , don't go to Hong Kong - I had my visa cancelled ( back in 2011) and was given a 10 day visa back to China to get my affairs in order - I had to really jump through some hoops to get another year visa. We just couldn't take the insecurities .
I hope your stories end well,
sending you good vibes from Ireland
Aidi Macdaibhi nothing is better than European countries 😎
Shame to hear dude. But you may also be happy to see that Winston still appears to be making videos, many of which are in China, so all panned out well for him. I think it'll be a bit of an ebb and flow-we'll get a surge of anti-cosmopolitanism resulting in an "exodus" of sorts, which will result in an economic and cultural dip thus necessitating a resurgence of pro-cosmopolitan values in order to fix the problems that they themselves will create.
And I will be the worst kind of capitalist bastard when the above happens-if they want specialist skills such as ours in the future, they are going to need to PAY for them-want consultancy from me? 8000-9000RMB...per hour. Not saying that I'm special, this'll be what China would have to offer foreigners in future to catch up again, because all the mistakes the communist party is making are very well documented now (unlike before with only paper records).
China's loss.
The Chinese government officer to Winston : "I REMEMBER YOU !"
Winston : "You lift my spirit......."
Officer : "Here's your ticket back"
Hmmm, this was a funny Comment. I liked and commented so an Algorithm makes it more Popular if that's OK with you.
Wow, LOL. That was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!! Stay awesome TH-cam algorithms!
This comment made my day.
My uncle was murdered by the Chinese now you thinks that's funny?
Can't go without it much longer. Remember. REMEMBERRRR
Hi, I am a 25 yrs old Chinese.I watched many of your videos. I also supported you $15 on kickstarter. To be honest, I have different opinions from many of your videos, but I can understand that due to the different perspective (Western/China). As a educated Chinese, I do not think you deserve to be reported. I am so sorry about what you is encountering. If there is a polling about your DEPORTATION, I must vote no!
Joseph Cao look the people like you should be in government but this communism won't let you ,you are still not freed yet
This isn't even freaking communism manzilkumar mandal...
Joseph Cao stop being a slave to him he doesn't even respond to ur reply😂
I am with you
Aaron Guillermo As a Filipino American who arrived LEGALLY to the United States, as well as considering myself ASIAN, what makes you think in your pathetic, despicable, ILLEGALLY ignorant and stupid, shit for brain, fly and cockroached head of yours, that he is slave to serpentza? Have seen met them personally, including serpentza? I shit not. I'm very sure you and your family are actually ILLEGAL, as well as ungrateful, selfish and freeloaders. Or your daca or taco recipient or an ANCHOR BABY.
I just have to say i had a recent holiday to China after watching your videos for about 3 months prior. As a foreigner and a tourist your videos introduced me to aspects of China so that it was not such a culture shock when I got there, and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. No country is perfect, and it’s great to be prepared for both the pros and cons that your are likely to find on your travels (these are likely to be viewed differently as a foreigner compared to Chinese nationals). You guys are doing a great job for China tourism - happy for you to repost this to any Chinese site. J.
Serpentza and C-milk,You guys have been doing a great job letting western viewers know what life is really like in China,I was born and raised in China but you guys know China much better than I do,you are telling people the truth and what you guys have talked about China in the your channels is very accurate,unbiased and objective,I hadn't even realized the social issues of China and the reasons behind them util I watched your videos,I should be the one to say Thank You to you guys,I will always be on your side,just keep doing your job,doing the right thing,telling people the truth
Xuming Feng 汉奸
网上那些人是玻璃心 翻墙出来丢脸lol
是的, 人家在全部视频里根本也没编造任何故事来诋毁中国,讲得都是我们也亲身经历过的社会问题,玻璃心的国人出来评论谩骂只会让人嘲笑无知好面子鸵鸟心态
Nationalism is deep in Chinese people's mind so much so that some people went too far and try to exclude foreigners from every aspect of the country, for no reason. I hope you don't get too upset about the hate. I watched a lot of you videos and I have never felt offended. In fact I want to thank you for showing the world what China is really like and making people actually like China. Keep up the good work and stay awesome.
Shicong Lu I don't like China...we should have gone in after ww2 and destroyed China and Russia when our Generals wanted to. The world would have been much better off today!!!
get your hand off it love
Rocky Alvarez Your family from Spain into Facism?
Aaron Guillermo Hey did you get deported because your are actually an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT?
Aaron Guillermo what makes YOU an expert on nationalism? Are you an expert on your so-called immigration rights or advocacy?
I'd also like to say that I wish Serpentza and his wife safety, and peace.
I wish the opposite, let's see.
What did his wife do to not deserve safety and peace ?
If someone is in fault, it would be him but not his wife.
Are you from the middle age era, when you kill the whole family when one person does something wrong ?
There are a lot of Asian guys (and probably women too, considering who started this against Winston) out there who see Asian women who hookup with foreign guys as traitorous choose whatever word you want. I am not one of these people, but there is a real resentment out there.
+ Tom T, Maybe that is how you operate, but don't project it on all Chinese people. You are what Chinese people call the "little people".
I wish it were the case. But I got banned on a certain Reddit forums for arguing that Asian women aren't traitors. My own sister has been happily married to a caucasian for over 20 years. But all you have to do is visit a couple of Reddit forums to see the hate there is out there.
Serpentza is actually pretty objective. China has some major issues, lets dont deny something exists. Although there are some videos like" the chinese parents are pouring in and take over your family". these are slightly biased but still acceptable since it is related to culture clash. i dont think serpentza are making videos with hatred or anything offensive, he is trying to tell people there are pros and cons choosing living in china. I dont know why you guys are becoming oversensitive and that is not what nationalists should do. you love your country, then buckle up and make your country a better place to live. China has some serious problems which make herself not a good tourist resort despite of marvelous history of more than 5000 years and fabulous cultural diversity from north to south. These problems need to be solved.
There are tons of videos loaded with distorted opinions towards china and chinese people like "china uncensored" but i dont think serpentza is one of them. He is just trying to be objective and sometimes truth hurts.
Hear hear. I try to talk real with my Chinese wife and she always gets butthurt. Maybe one day she will come out of her fog.
Truth is a bitter wine that turns sweet with time, Lies are a sweet wine that turns into vinegar with time. It is sad that certain individuals want to throw out the only "foreigners" that actually love everything about China. I have learned more positive things about China from them in a truthful light than from those who have never been there. I know my country has it's flaws too and there are those who have said bad things about my country as well, everyone is free to their own opinion. It is wonderful to hear the other side, but i don't go around trying to get my opponents thrown under the bus for it, there is no honor in that.
Time for ADVJapan
That would be 100 X Awesome...
You deserve a youtube comment of the day.
No, not ADVJapan, *ADVIdaho*. They could make a video from a different potato field each week. I'm sure it would be very exciting.
Its time for ADVWyoming
Japan is expensive to live in though. Maybe the major cities, not sure.
I have been watching your video's for about 6 hours now and i must say that 90% of the video's are positive, i have learned so much about China, I'd still so vist because of your video's.
Thats the odd thing, right? Ive never been as interested in China as i am now after being subscribed to these guys.
very true, I'll keep that in mind if I do ever go!
Well there's not a whole lot of place you can go then! Probably a good chunk of Asia, East Europe, and Africa is off your map...
As a European, I can assure- Unknow User tells stupid shit. We are save and happy as the Chineses are....
Alex Link That proves that 90% of your brain is dead.
China off my bucket list...thanks for info...
Democracy is the best
China should be way high in your bucket list. Beats all SE Asian countries hands down
Ah u bet..now Indians think that democracy is best. Inequalities at its best.. Long way to get when it does it work in India when some become cock suckers and ass givers
I genuinely think the reason you guys have so many subscribers on your channels is the honesty with which you tackle each subject.
every country has their ups and downs and it's really helpful for outsiders like me to get some perspective from folks who aren't afraid to tell the truth of what really goes down in a place many of us have little understanding of.
never change, the content you guys have already created is hugely valuable (not to mention pretty entertaining too) :P
how did these 'netizens' even get on youtube etc with the not so great firewall of china in the first place? did they contravene their own government's laws and incriminate themselves?
Veganizm or they work for the government to post online, spreading Chinese propaganda. then there will be no fire wall.
Veganizm: All part of the CCPs wumao apparatus. The privileged few are paid warriors with VPN access to champion the view of the CCP.
This is weird to hear. I live in china and I haven't experienced any of this. People are very friendly to me all the time, and the police never look at me like I'm a threat. They are practically celebrities on the internet, so I can see how they are under watch. But normal foreigners have nothing to worry about.
Well Vincents problem is that he can't keep his mouth shut. :)
Not that he talks shit. But he says things in a way that surely attracts attention from the wrong people.
Once you know him better, you see this as an endearing character trait. But it's not exactly clever. :)
because you didn't go on social media make videos pointing out Chinese are easy LOL. Going around town and yelled that out and lets see how they treat you afterward. There is no special white privilege once you get out of western countries. If he was chinese he probably have been sent to jail already tbh
Real Good Time: I have lived here in Xi'an Shaanxi for just short of 5 years and I love the people here, they are the most respectful, lovely and kind people. it is wonderful here and I do not always say good things about China or the culture. We have discussion groups and we address many issues, both positive and negative about China and other countries as well. The people I have met are even minded and proportionally stable people. The discussion group draws new people every week and then I also have a Ping Pong Club and we have a ball. My philosophy group currently has 34 signed up and the Ping Pong Club is at about 17. I love it here. I've had these groups for less than 6 months.
Real Good Time Because you never talk about your viewpoints.Am I right?
I, Computer: I don't know why you would say such a thing about someone that is getting along well. i get along well,and I have pioneered an entirely new concept English School here in Xi'an with great success, So why is it you think that if someone gets along well they are not adventurous, courageous and progressive? Why no ethics?
How is it you reach these unsupported conclusions?
By the way I am a Network Engineer and Programmer, so kind of a nerd too.
I love Winston's videos. Years ago they were pretty neutral, and recently they have adopted negative overtones, but if this is his experience, then this is his experience. This is what makes him special. His accounts are brutal, honest, and uncensored (for the most part I would assume), and that sort of courage is extremely rare among foreigners in China. Without him I fear there would be nobody reporting on these sort of matters. Yes it's not all doom and gloom. In fact although I've only been here for a year, I haven't heard of any other foreigners in situations as extreme as his. Mind you, most people aren't as publicly outspoken as him either.
Say it however you will, but his videos are honest, and if you don't like what you see, then don't watch them. The truth hurts sometimes, but from the eyes of foreigners looking in, the truth is generally more helpful than not.
Keep in mind that if you want to judge Winston fairly, you must really watch a good amount of his videos from a few years back until now. His videos weren't always of this tone.
Tyrell, I am a Chinese American living in the US. And I could post my own disagreement about how the US government functions and how I experience my own version of racism. Its two way. But I dont post and advertise it on youtube. And China is still a very conservative country. My suggestion, dont post negative videos. They are still very sensitive. And be honest, many western media has a marathon bashing on China and they dont want any more videos like these negative ones. Come on Serpentzas, you were really cool in the beginning, dont let these investigations ruin you. Just step back and dont escalate. This is my suggestion. Your negative comments like this video is just going to make it worst. Actually, I would suggest removing all these videos that have ANY negative views of China. Keep a low profile buddy. Trust me on this one.
Such a despicable middle school bully kind of attitude. Nah, it's actually worse: it's like a mix between the teacher's pet and the class bully. All that because some fuckers can't handle a bit of criticism. Or perhaps it's because their English is too sucky to understand that criticism isn't the same thing as slander and denigration.
Ma/ Prz/: If they don't like China, they should leave. It is not their home country. The government is telling them to leave with this action...directly.
@kpop biz
See, that's the thing - They DO LIKE it there in China, and THAT is what you are not getting. You don't understand their videos, and probably draw conclusions based on the titles alone.
When all is said and done, ultimately, it seems to me that they are doing China a SERVICE.
Fred H I agree with you. If you end up on display like Winston and C-milk describrs it, it's time to tone things down. This is a battle you can not win. China is what it is. No need to keep hammering the door of deportation. I know this is Winstons living but there are other ways to make interesting and appealing videos then being a critic all the time. Even if you want to be straight honest about things you have to ask yourself, is it worth it?
Thank you for uploading this. I wish you guys a lot of luck and safety in the future.
I have lived in Xiamen China for 6 years. Ive never been stopped by the police, ive never had Visa issues (no more than anyone else, it is a tedious process), Ive never had people stalk me, or Harass me because im a foreigner (Except Beggars, who cling to me like flies on meat). I have had about a million lingering stares just from curiosity, I have talked with hundreds of friendly people who just want to learn about me. Any sort of Negative interactions with chinese people is the same stuff that chinese people deal with among themselves, such as people cutting in line, pushing, smoking in elevators, rude driving, never holding doors or elevators, etc. Thats just how it is here, normal, and has nothing to do with me. Now theres a big difference between me and Winston/ C-milk, or any of the other foreigners they talked about. I dont make myself a target, i dont write blogs, or make videos, i have zero internet footprint that acknowledges im a foreigner in china. I dont go to bars, I dont hit on woman (happily married to my chinese wife for 12 years). Im the tiniest of Blips on chinese radar and not worth looking at. Granted, you may think its not fair that if you have a public life you may become a target, and really its not, but thats how it is here. Either go with the flow or expect to hit the rocks. So, I digress. Winston/ C-milk, i enjoy your videos, I watch them to see how things are in other parts of china and I enjoy seeing how other foreigners react to the same stuff Ive experienced. However, you may need to evaluate if making videos and having a public face is more important to you than having a peaceful home life or even staying in china if it really is an issue for you.
Ive seen them speak chinese to people on many occasions just fine. Your excuse doesnt hold water. They could speak perfect Mandarin and still have people targeting them simply because they are a visible foreign target. More so since they are on the internet, home of insults and over-reactions.
My partner and I been together for many years in Australia. not funny every time he watched video from spezar?( not sure if the spelling is right ) and ask me if it's real. The home country is huge and even many of Chinese still learning about each other as we all from different part of the country. I left home when I was 17 and one important things I have leaned over the years , have respect to others and don't judge. Doesn't matter where people from or what life style they enjoy to live in, same rules to wherever we travel to. I often watch Vlogger who live other country and how they life been there. respect the locals. Clearly this two doesn't have any of these, if they facing to get deported, to me it's good news. Pick an other place and keep doing what you doing , we will see if you would get much better results. Stupid enough staying a place you are not enjoying life or hate people there , believe or not, others can feel if you have god energy or bad one towards to them and you get the same thing in return.
It is a moral issue
Blank Stare I hope your heart not as filthy as your mouth. Keep your mouth shut if you can't manage talk like a human being . Don't be so hateful and wish you have a good life:)
Suki Shao I didn't see any hate in his comment, if anything he was complimenting normal everyday Chinese people. 0_o
Man, they need to leave Winston alone. He's one of the main guys that I get my positive info about China!! He's been in favor of China not against! He's a good guy!! Thus, leave him alone!!
LOL the "are Chinese girls easy" video is the first vid I ever saw from you and let me say that before I even familiarised myself with your content I knew you were going to get shit from that vid.
But really tho I wish you and your wife the best, don't get thrown in the gulag.
I appreciate what you do, guys. I was set to start working in China in August, but am now having second thoughts. Partly because of what you say in your excellent videos, but partly because I am sure that the trade war will make things a lot worse.
I just checked the post in MITBBS you mentioned. I feel so bad for you. Haters are everywhere. I commented on the posts and hope they would help a little bit. But the sad truth is that "it is hard to awake someone who is pretending to be asleep". I hope your life won't be affected. I'd like to help if you need witness to persuade Chinese authority. As always stay awesome!
S Yang Wow! You are so nice! You sound like a really decent, upstanding person! :)
Quote from 7sins
Just do a vid called "Chinese girls are not easy and why China historically owns the South China Sea".
@ Obviously yes! Chinese have been drowning in the sea for centuries if not millennia. Those islands are just places for QingMing pilgrims to pay homage to their ancestors. Non existing mythical ships logs have proven beyond a doubt these waters were frequented by Chinese fishermen much more often than those fishermen of nations 80% closer to the area, as they didn't like the type of fish the Chinese have always caught traditionally. Any Chinese fool can tell you that!
@ he was sarcastically suggesting how they could get off the foreign haters shit list in china I dont think he meant it as a legitimate suggestion... but u never can be for certain in these days...
You should consider moving to Taiwan instead. Mostly the same culture, none the fuss about being a foreigner and you'll enjoy a lot more freedom here.
佐井トラね子 I agree with this
Freedom Jesus
佐井トラね子 Taiwanese are more civilizee
Taiwan is china but far more superior love Taiwan.
prc thinks its china but more like north korea and bigger
north korea is just missiles testing
Hope you were ok! Tried to watch all your previous videos and come access this one. You have all my support! You are a honest and positive person, there are always some 小人 around trying to ruin other people’s life! Wish you and Sasha best of luck from Singapore!
.....So how many secret bases HAVE you found? (Asking for a friend, definitely not CIA)
+chris bradt all of them
screenshoted. Enjoy deportation. ;) JK I hope you stay in china
I know this a joke, but just in case the humor is lost in translation, you probably should be more careful. China doesn't fuck around when it comes to admissions of guilt.
TIXE RIGHT m8 I really don't think the Chinese will send spies to track an American TH-cam commenter
QUID you never know, my comments can be quite persuasive
I watched the video on Chinese girls that they mentioned, and it didn't make Chinese women look bad, all I got out of it is that Chinese girls are more approachable and serious about relationships. At no point did I get the impression that they're slutty or anything bad.
Whatever it is, just remove it for the sake of his safety.
Stay safe gentlemen and I hope that the ChInese authorities realize that you have presented China to the world in a very truthful positive and very respecful manner!
作为一个中国人也是广东人 我很支持你的视频和观点, 这些给予你评论的人 真的是语无伦次 指手画脚。 你的观点我很欣赏,很客观,也很正确。我不明白这些人为什么这样, 但是我希望对你来说一切都安好。 对于这些观点还是谨慎为上。
Just got back from 2 weeks in China (Beijing and mountain side villages). I can’t recommend China to Anyone except for a short history tour. Crazy uncivilized while high tech. Could not get out fast enough.
Your videos have created more positivity & good will towards China than a million dollar CCP media campaign ever could.
Chief Enumclaw how? by lies trashing on Chinese?
you bring up some good points. I'm American & am friends with many Chinese citizens who are currently living, working or studying. The things they don't like about the U.S. are the things I don't like either. They're free to express their opinion and I would certainly never try to silence them or have them deported. Those who would try and have them deported are damaging China's image. They're the ones who are making China look bad, not Winston & Cmilk. Because Americans care more about freedom of thought & freedom of expression than how well you can drive a car. I love China and these guys do too. You're welcome in the U.S. anytime, I'll buy you a drink and you can tell me everything you hate about America :-)
bag Dog Serpentza and C-Milk are from America, a country that has been criticized by everyone on the planet and even their own citizens. If they told lies about China it would be a different story but they didn't. I enjoyed their videos and i don't look down on the Chinese people because of anything they said. Every country has positive and negative things that can be said about them. I'm, sure your own people would agree with what needs to be fixed. China is a very old country and has went through many changes and i hope the changes to come will benefit the Chinese people.
C-Milk is from America but Serpentza is not.
Christina Father, you clearly have not watched their videos because they rarely say anything negative about China.
Asian cultures dont expect foreigners to settledown in their country. "U pay, now u go" :)
Oh so very true .
Hi guys, I've been watching you both for a while now, I find both of your channels interesting and informative, here's hoping that things calm down for both of you, all the best from the UK.
I don't understand how Chinese's think you are doing bad publicity on China...You and C-milk videos's are the reason most of us want to visit/live in China.
sad, and this is home for you
thanks for the education .... will keep watching
good luck
Being targeted by so many people must be very stressful and scary, but in my opinion this only applies to people who have a big public exposure. I wouldn't want to be in your situation, and I'm happy to be a foreigner in China with few public exposure.
From my many years here in China I experienced that it is only a small part of the Chinese that don't like foreigners in their country, most people are totally fine with (white) foreigners in China. Though I met many that don't like dark/black people.
As you say, the PSB doesn't care about the calls. In my home country I would actually expect the police to visit a foreigner that causes only a single call to the police and check the claims. Not bothering him, but just checking his side of the story and see if there is anything to worry about.
In my perception there is no such thing like a anti-foreigner campaign. The events/ actions that you mention to be anti-foreigner policy I'd rather describe as side-effects of a a couple of policies like cracking down on illegal foreigners, strengthening control on the internet (you need a ID card for many things, but nobody thought about implementing support for passports) and others.
That's how I see it, still, I could be wrong.
Winston, you and C-Milk are FANTASTIC and your travels and documentaries are a real boon. You are setting a remarkable example of a positive informative entrepreneur who is a pleasure to follow in your adventures. Your efforts are completely appreciated and valued. Thanks for all the good things you have done and continue to provide. Kudos to you, your wives, families and friends for holding higher standards, in your adventures and in sharing the same with us. Priceless. Dave Uhley, Tennessee, USA
Well remember that China is communist and their main interest is to "protect" the group over the individual. So your freedom of spech will be very limited if they can blame you about anything you say about their society even if is true. If I were you Winston I will focus on the positive things China has to offer, and ignore the negative aspects China has. Like I said, We know China is communist and so far no communist country has being fair to their doctrine of communism.
The cover / organs story is that they are serving the interests of the group,but really they are serving the interests of the power- elite of CPC's totalitarian regime.
they SUCK UP MONEY these Chinese people , they would Give anything for MONEY ,
so be careful using the wrong Terminology .
I don't think this is a universal thing. I have a friend there who has lived in Hunan province for 15 years with no problem and my Dad had lived in China for 8 years with no problem and he has a lot of expat friends who have lived there for years with no problems...I have never heard anyone be persecuted in this way but I guess if you're filming and putting yourself out there you open yourself up to a lot more scrutiny.
I think they behave like western jackasses with little to no humility. However, you never really know in a situation like this. There could be some Chinese teenager TH-camr who wants to replace these guys and has started a little campaign against them. These days you never know
People tend to dislike jackasses, I guess it is a universal thing.
TreeFiddy Confucius? That's a Japanese proverb. Just do a google search. It takes 3 seconds.
Thanks @Austin Hughes....... the world has big problems (Lack_Of_Knowledge)
It won't be too far fetched as they share the same culture.
Hey China,
These guys sparked my interest in your country. They're not out to do you harm. Please be nice to them.
Though I wasn't born in China, I can assure you that it's just a bunch of glass hearted idiots. Every country have them.
t0f0b0 How? by saying China is in a complete chaos, all products are knockoff, all Chinese are alcoholism without good samaritan, all Chinese places are dirty, all Chinese food are poisioned? how it is not doing harm ?
B.S., they point out the good and the bad. If you don't admit to the bad, then you cannot improve yourself. Self Criticism is necessary to advance, and the first step is to admit your faults. Also, admit China's success, of which much is very impressive.
While your commentary might seem harsh to Chinese people, I've never been more interested to go to china than after having seen your videos.
Cultural differences seen through western eyes don't seem bad, they simply demystify them. China as a country is so immersive, challenging and interesting that I keep coming back to your videos.
Keep up the good work guys! :)
This is happening across the world, not only in China. I wish you the best.
@TheCDANet: This trash won't understand you, SA frog makes his living by farting loud under the smelly boiling water, and is so prod of being able to swim there.
Oh yeah really where? Oh wait let me guess, trump said something mean about mexican gangbangers so he is LITERALLY hitler.
Nowhere else in the world has just gotten a brand new dictator.
These two looser are not happy people no matter where they lives they will still bashing and bitching for the rest of their life.
Also Germany welcomes you, Frankfurt !
Livestronger DEUTSCHLAND
I'm not entirely sure whether you are joking or not, but ... thanks for the laugh, dude. ^^
I'm living right next to the German border and I gotta say, you won't find safer streets than in Germany in 90% of the world. It's clean, it's safe and people are overall friendly.
Yes, mass immigration is a thing, but they usually keep to themselves and aren't as hostile as some people on the internet make them out to be.
However, you are welcome to prove me wrong, so please post your sources, I'd be glad to learn something new!
+the guy the name Seriously? Forgot your meds again m8?
No, it is not ---- I got robbed in Berlin. Germany is full of refugees from Syria.
please deport this guy to germany, thx man, what's kind visa he can get? refugee visa?
good luck on your trip! i recently discovered this channel and laowhy and prozzie. i have enjoyed learning about china.
You know this reminds me of last year when the US and China were having a big issue in the South China Sea. One day my wechat was swarmed with Anti-American posts and even some of my friends threatening me about China and the US going to war or some crazy stuff like that. It finally stopped when I made a post in my wechat about Barack Obama and essentially telling him to leave China alone.
I got dragged into an issue that I purposely was avoiding to see anything on, it really is scary being a foreigner here. Unfortunately I am divorced here and my daughter lives in Zengcheng, so I can't easily take her away and go back to the United States. I just keep a low profile and never talk about any politics or news at all.
I've also been accused of being a spy by students because I've done my best to memorize the map of China, so that I can know some basic information about each of their hometowns as a way to build a stronger connection with my students (I teach adult ESL in Dongguan). Just because I know that places like Zigong in Sichuan province is famous for salt and some dinosaur fossils or Changde in Hunan is famous for duck neck I must be a spy, this is absolute insanity.
hey if a Chinese aircraft carriers are in Mexico Bay, and threaten American get out of South America, what would you respond?
I think You have known the movie Black Rain right?
just because Japanese products is better, American can hate and uglify Japan like that much..
I don't fucking believe Chinese students accuse you for map bullshit, do you regard us stupid????or you are just paranoid
Why are you so hateful? I'm just giving my experience you can take it or leave it.
I love China very much, this has been my home for the last seven years. I would never support a war between China and the USA and I would refuse to take any side, because I love both of these countries very much. Perhaps you don't understand this, but thank you for your reply.
I also never said you or any other Chinese person is stupid and never indicated that any of you were, it just can be a bit uneasy when you get accused of being a spy. Whether or not the adult student was joking or serious, I don't know.
I'm not hateful, I'm just regarding you so naive,,what? still communist bullshit thing in your mind?? what kind of brainwash? cold war was over 30 years ago, for such long time, you can't even take a joke,,, millions of millions foreigner in China, i think only you think you are the spy...so i will regard every russian in China is soviet spy too?? if you don't do spy thing, please take easy...China doesn't even have PRISM, not police state like your United States..maybe American don't hate China, who knows? your media is controlled by the rich, but you hate Iran right?..911 are all Saudi Arabian, but you hate Iranian..Free media!
Hey man, I am not saying anything about government. I was just mentioning something that a student said. You're assuming a lot of things about me that are not true. I agree with you probably more than I disagree with you on things you are saying. I actually believe our two countries don't hate each other, at least that is what I hope. I purposely don't watch the so called news because there is a lot of bias in the news, especially on issues regarding foreign policy.
Like I said in my previous comment, I don't know whether the student was serious or joking because he was expressing himself in English, which is not his native language. But the mentioning of that word is a bit powerful.
Also, I was reading some of your other comments and you mentioned something that I absolutely agree with. You mentioned something on the line of even a homeless man in the US can get a teaching job in China, these "cowboys" are really annoying to people like me who actually had to earn a degree and a TESOL certificate as well as go through all of the process to get a visa to legally work here. Why can they get jobs and get paid a similar salary without having any experience, certification or legal working status!?!? This my friend, is something that I do pay attention to, because I've seen it with my own eyes. Thank you for mentioning that.
You may be right, probably I was too sensitive about the spy comment, but imagine if you were in the US and an American adult student made that comment to you. Even if it was a joke, it will probably make you feel uneasy.
It's almost 4:00am here, I need to get going to bed because I need to work tomorrow afternoon (I love that my job starts at 1:00pm!)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, even if you are just trying to troll me. Have a goodnight my friend ;)
I don't know if you have ever considered immigration to New Zealand but you should. They have a very quick and easy process and especially with your wife working in medicine, you both would end up being permanent residents upon entry. Check out the immigration NZ website. If you become a citizen one day, you'd also have the right to live and work in Australia. Good luck Winston.
and here is our new channel: ADVNewZealand !
These fools should have left for New Zealand or the US a longtime ago. In the US they will have white people outside their circle calling them racists too...so maybe they should learn how to talk to people/about people.
New Zealand? Last time I checked I saw no indication that they made it easy for immigration. Since he is a full-time TH-camr now, on what merit would he get in?
StudioArtFX As I said above his wife is a medical professional. New Zealand is one of the easiest in the west, I've personally been through NZ immigration, used to live there.
ultimateillusion - We don't want Chinese in NZ. He should go back to South Africa.
Wow, TH-camrs talk about haters in a figurative sense in the West. This is the real deal. You know Serpentzas is good when he gets this much hate.
"You know Serpentzas is good when he gets this much hate." I like that!
Stay Awesome robspunk!
WOW - thanks for keeping it absolutely authentic. I'm trying to figure out where to be in a changing world. I visited china in 2001 and wish I would have had the fore-sight to make arrangements to stay somehow. Thanks for what you're doing here.
.... Do hope you guys will never get into any trouble again...!!!! What's in your videos were just about the truth..!!! And they cannot prove you wrong...!!! Good job..!!!
Trouble is, they do not HAVE to prove him wrong. He has to prove THEM wrong, which is nigh onto impossible. Remember, in the PRC, you're guilty until proven innocent, which is contrary to the laws of nearly every other country.
ADVTrueChina: Back in Taiwan
HyotenN lol.... good idea. please invite them to your home now lol
Why should he "be something" to make simple videos and enjoy life?.. are you power hungry or something?.. can't you be nice to people?
nikkietw well you would add a cockroach, put the three on a stick and eat it... I mean i saw those 'delicious' sticks in china and taiwan :D
Lol 50cent brigade pretend to be taiwanese
可能你不認為任何一個人都能理解你的簡體中文,但我們中的一些人。 七年前,我的妻子從中國逃離。 現在我們唯一回去的時候,她有一張美國護照是看她的家人。 我喜歡中國,大多數人都很好,想了解西方人。 我的中國人可能不是那麼好,但我試著嘗試。 仇恨不會讓你在任何地方,但更恨自己。
Don't they ('uncles'/'pinks'/nationalists) realise that their behaviour just reinforces most westerner's view of the real China. The writing is on the wall mate so get out with your wife and kids while you can.
svhr1959 yah but where will they go? South Africa is fucked too
NA or EU. You cant go wrong with either one.
They behaved this way most likely because they were nationalistic, but it could also be because they got paid by some government officials.
+Alex G Cape Town is alright.
I have a feeling she was planning on using him to get out all along.
Sorry to hear this, hope you all stay safe. I've been an expat, American living in England from 2012-2015. That was easy compared to what you are doing. I enjoy your channel and videos, I find them to be very balanced. I just sub'd.
These are two individuals who are eking out a living in China in an unconventional manner. Granted that they are sometimes cocky in a way that can make some Chinese people feel uncomfortable, they should be left alone. Some of the netizens are simply overreacting. Maybe these netizens don't fully understand the videos, maybe they are being oversensitive, or maybe they are justifiably feeling slighted. But China is a big country. There should be room for a variety of perspectives, even those that may make some of us uncomfortable. Besides, these two guys are way, way better in terms of understanding China than the vast majority of people in the West. Their videos on the whole do help the outside world get to know China better. If these guys are kicked out, which I don't for a moment think they should, those in the West who wish to know a thing or two about China will have no choice but to rely on the much filtered mainstream Western media, which are just so much more biased about everything Chinese.
Those netizens who campaign to kick these two guys out should just butt out.
you cant defeat the Chinese netizens as a foreigner. I would suggest just to keep a low profile. China is still a very conservative countries like many Asian countries.
You sound very fair
im from colombia south america please come over and show how beautiful my country is and relax
Nop when it comes to public safety China miles a head of Colombia.
Colombia = Cocaine, murders, death, corruption, gun murder and robbery every single day.
I think they will never move to a dangerous country.
you obviously have never been to colombia, dont defame countries you know nothing about.
Simple .. we all go on these blogs and let people know that you cant hide behind Chinese characters. Google translate let's everyone know what is being said and who is saying it. There are too many beloved Chinese compatriots in foreign countries to start a tit for tat campaign against foreigners. Let's remind "our Chinese friends " about this
Good job guys! There are crazy people everywhere. I have learned a lot of good and bad stuff about china in your videos and it is sad that they are doing this to foreigners.We always hear about the negative stuff(or in japan's case the positive stuff) it's nice to see the truth about certain places in the world. Keep it up and stay awesome!
I just wanted to add that I am so glad that most Chinese people I talk to are not filled with nationalist hate the way these commenters are.
I don't know where you're living but it's always like that in China
I am living in Dalian and have lived in a few other places - most people don't care about nationalist BS. They are happy just to ignore it all, unless people start (irrationally) insulting China. (comment edited to provide clarity to morons:))
Ah yeah, so they DO care about nationalist BS.
Way to contradict yourself.
MrKinir: Exactly, nobody wants you to come to their countryto talk trash about it..or state.
There is a big difference between irresponsible, unfair, thoughtless attacks on a country and what these guys are saying. You don't have to be a nationalist to be irritated by that. But heaven forbid you should think as you read,
You guys REALLY need hardcoded subtitles. I need your vlogs, dont get deported, lol.
Make a video eulogizing Mao. Everything would be forgotten.
Mao is a national hero, even though he wrecked culturual/economic backbone of chinese civilization. One of those great paradoxes.
6:17 - reporting you to every witch department? That's literally a witch hunt!! 😆
While the Chinese government has been known to overreact in regards to foreign media, I do not think they would actively target you for deportation because of the potential negative political repercussions. Your "fame" is a two edged sword that also works to protect you as well. The real danger would be Chinese nationalists who actively target you and your family. I have really enjoyed your videos and would love to visit China some day. Remember that your first responsibility is to your family, second is to friends. Do not worry about your vblogs or viewers, we'll be okay if you need to stop for awhile. P.S. Paranoia will destroy ya. Stay safe.
Very true. Take a break. Even if not video recording, take a break or reduce the posting of the videos.
All fairness China has been targeting foreigners for years that's nothing new. Same time a ton of foreigners here are on questionable paperwork so it doesn't come to much of a surprise that they are going after them. Let's face it, abroad these situations wouldn't even happen.
Though that aside, Chinese nationalists, or the Pink girls as you call them, are indeed a rather scary matter. Chinese love extreme nationalists. Something that's for people abroad hard to grasp, but just talk anything about China, their history, something negative, 95% of the Chinese will jump on you for no good reason. This happens in China even more. I've been in threatening situations because they thought I insulted them or China as a whole. I've heard stories of people being stabbed for similar matters. The government turns a blind eye for this, for worse they support that because if you get into trouble, even you had nothing todo with it, you will be put in jail for a period of time and then deported.
China is and always has been very foreigner unfriendly. Sure on a holiday it's all fun but if you are here for a period if time you easily see what's really going on. Foreign MNC's en masse are being screwed over, local foreign entities face unfair practices / being extorted and we can keep going on. Unfortunately this is nothing new and it seems more that China will keep going in only the wrong way further down the lane.
Jaap Zuidervliet communism destroyed their individual identity and made free thought a sin.
Taiwan or Singapore doesn't have these problems.
are you sure that singapore doesnt share this problem too?
But hey Elon Musk loves all of that immoral depraved shit!
Subtitle your videos in Chinese and post them on Youku, BiliBili, etc. BAM Problem Solved!
ElementEvil I was wondering if this was a good idea as well. Post your videos on BiliBili yourself with legitimate subtitles.
Nah mate, unlike Americans, Chinese can't stand anything negative about China by a foreigner.
It's not expensive to pay someone to write subtitles online. I'm sure china must have websites similar to fiver.com where you can hire people to translate and write subtitles
11 years in china, still speak little Chinese, rarely(or none) interact with locals with just few words, hard to convince ppl which only does personal talk or with close inner circle, of course u will always be a foreigner, never understood the culture nor fluent in language.
wei Zhang he's married to a Chinese woman and works in China. What are you talking about? (jk you're 50 cent army)
All the best guys, keep the great work up and hope everything works out fine.
Winston hope you have backup plan like Japan.
Damn... Why are some people like that!?...
Sometimes people just need a Piñata or a Voodoo doll they can play with. Everyone has there own issues they need to deal with.
Hopefully it all works out. I like how Serpentza is facing this. It's like a massive social experiment. This is just going to make him even more popular!
Move to Taiwan! It's like China without the China.
LOL, no Serpentza belongs in China. The netizens are just going to have to deal with it.
My asian wife says Chinese think that they are powerful when they are secretive. Some probably think Serpentza is a threat to their power. Sounds like someone slandered him about exposing secret military locations.
On behalf of my friend in Guangzhou national security cyber security unit, both u and cmilk checked out. No need to worry about ur visa status or any kind of report u as a spy...
And as a friend, you're dealing with what we called 'online gangster'. Please contact local police if any personal treat or unsure situation u sense...
When it comes to personal security, Chinese police actually will show it's powerful ability , call 110 next time, police can even trace the IP or SMS back and will have a tea with whoever treat u.
and don't forget to shot a video and do another episode when police helping u
Just got back from China (Shenyang Area) and this explains a lot. I saw actions that were very strange and inconsistent toward me. Thanks!!!
Man, I hope you'll ride this one out (in both readings). Best Luck!
Serpentza and C-Milk I am currently watching both of your SM accounts as well keeping up with Chinese news up north ... 😒 Watch your sixes and maintain stringent OP's
I have lived in China for 18 years on and off, and and through my work and studies i am well connected, But i never could get the jobs I was being trained for because of not being Chinese. Lately I notice my Chinese vlog doesn't grow as easily as similar vlogs in the past, or my own in the beginning. And this started happening ever since this order came out to point out forreign spies. My Chinese wife notices it about her vlog.
But it has always been like that in China. As a forreigner you can never take control over your life, it is not a liberal democracy (it is already hard enough there!),, even thought their governamental institutions are copies of those of the USA. their lwbook is based on the Dutch 1991 lawbook (EU uses the same book!). China is a mercantile state. The state is the largest entrepeneurial institute, and they are the ones that hire and fire forreigners. But they do the same to their own people too. Locals wherever you come try to grow but stay out of the picture as long as they can to not lose their business to the upper class.
It is just something you have to calculate into your China life. It is always there. Serpenza says it right when he says you tend to adapt. It is also the only thing you can do. It is impossible to fight, unless you are well connected, but that has its own dangers.
China finally shows its true ugly face....after fooling the foreigners after 30 years of benefitting from their good wills and huge investment.
I believe you two have brought a consistently positive view of China and it’s people. I’ve been to primarily first tier cities over the years so it’s interesting to see what the rest of China is like. Thank you and your wonderful families.
Keep up the good work.
As an aside. It would be very bad for the Chinese government to take any action against you at this time. It would be showing China as having a mean and cruel face to many thousands of people worldwide.
Should we treat Chinese leaving abroad the same way??
ADV Taiwan when?
Bottlekiller lol... they finish it in one day. lol
hope you got an escape plan. Please don't be naive on what's going on in our World. Tensions are high, war is looking extremely possible sooner or later. Be safe.
We hope no war breaks out but one most always wish for the best and prepare for the worst.
yes, in these times that we live in, be prepared. A major war anywhere does effect us now than ever before.
Yeah. That Qatar incident really caught me by surprise. Of course it's to be expected in this economic and geopolitic shit storm that we live in now.
Meh, Sunnis and Shias have been at it fro centuries. No biggie.
Qatar's majority are sunny to my understanding. It comes down to Qatar moving to eastern block of Russia-Iran-China. Saudis' days are numbered and now their satellite nations start looking elsewhere for protection. PS Qatar & Iran are Major LNG exporters of this planet and LNG is vary important to pacific nations especially China...and also Europe. Qatar knows this... as we speak Iran is exporting several planes and ships full of food for Qatar. not long ago they wanted Iran Nuked. Politics is really shitty. I'm happy in this channel they avoid it.
You guys are doing great stuff.
Stay well and safe, you and your loved ones.
Thank you for your entertaining and educational posts.
Much love.
I have save up a bit of money and want to go to China for a 4 or 5 week vacation next year but now i change my mind, i fear for my life.
What a stupid reason to change your mind. I have never been targeted by anything in China, on the contrary, China has been very friendly to me. It's a place well worth visiting
People who can afford to visit China don't need to save up a bit of money
If your mind can simply be change because of one shity video then it's better not to come, China is not for narrow minded people. And Chinese ppl will also be grateful because they won't need to handle another foreigner jerk.
Chinese pro government feminist oh dear Lord sound the nuke alarms
biohazardlnf spoilt little rich bitches with nothing better to do with their time than start shit. and too stupid to realise the consequences of their actions. they'd be squeeling home to mummy and daddy if the shoe was on the other foot. TROLL THEM
I've just started watching your vids and i really appreciate your honesty. maybe not all your opinions and comments are to everone's liking (especially the locals) but i fail to see why people can't accept the fact that those are your personal views. Well, Good Luck guys. I feel bad for you if you have to leave. Best of luck to you and your families. Keep up the good work and keep posting. God bless! Much Love from North East India
Việt Nam always welcome you guy :)
@Trystelune actually, it is an ironic joke.. :)
Hey guys, why don't you post your videos on Chinese media, and have the Chinese translation subtitled to counteract the false videos?
They would rather be off the radar entirely. Plan failing lately tho
William Wang, your brain is so small...
Liked before I even watched
Yes! We caught a coach from Batang in Sichuan back to Yaan in June this year, and everything was fine except for someone passing out and most of the young men needing oxygen due to them smoking too much!!! BUT after we stopped for a fill of water that gets sprayed onto the wheels to cool them on the long steep descents! Attitudes changed due to their realization that Lily was not my Tour Guide but my WIFE!!!!!! Talk about hostile??
The G318 we were on goes to beyond 4860 meters above sea level... Aircraft for comparison drop back to 3000 meters so that the passengers can breathe normally!! I opened an empty plastic bottle at our height and back at 615 meters or Yaan it was quite compressed!
Yes there seems to be a hostility in some areas!
Is there a law to penalize that girl for intentionally lying to the government and public to deport you?
It seems that laws are very...selectively enforced there from serpentza's other videos. But yes, it would be nice if a penalty could be applied in China for fabrication of information without evidence.
ADVPhilippines guys great place to live...
Not so welcoming these days, in terms of policy.
well almost every countries policy have change these days...
Jiang Zemen and his boyfriend disliked this video.
"Targeted for DEPORTATION from China" video was painful, enlightening and HONEST. Life is sometimes unfair and you the two of you speak directly and honestly to the current conditions for foreigners in China. It is sad. Both of you have been living a dream of mine. I had hoped to teach English in China and now see that may no longer be possible. You both seem like genuinely good dudes and I am sorry you are going through this.
It’s good and fair to be critical but at some extend, we all that live in China, should be positive, confident and constructively contribute to China. Bottom line; don’t shit, where you eat!!
Because freedom of press is bad and constructive criticism is a no no?
He does constructively contribute to China. Before I watched any of his videos I thought China was all air pollution, rude people, and gutter oil. Without channels like this I would never think of going to China. It's too bad that people like the "little pinks" take any criticism as a direct attack.
Around 53+ vlogs been watched since spot the chanel, they are documentary、solid and make sense which as I told before. But you know why your guys been targeted as enemies of people in that land and put yourself in danger place?
Let me explain..
Although you declaired you love the country which no one dought about that, but when time your group sending the negative messages, you guys touched hunman nature which no one want to be criticised no matter where the person comes from. Just like patients want to be cured but few like to take medicine! ESPECIALLY YOUR GROUP EXPOSED THE NEGATIVES IN THE DEVELOPING COUNTRY BUT NO FURTHER CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTIONS TO ANY OF THAT, since youtube chanel been blocked from mainland china, all you did become a broadcasting to all rest of the world how bad that place is but no benifits to the people you exposed, it HURTS AND NOT FAIR!!
It makes your group can not escape from the SUSPITION that you tend to earn eyes only from the public by helping from the negative exposes, as "NEGATIVES"as a big weapon for medias all over the world.
It definitely not easy to balance the controversial topics and be helpful at the same time,but that's critical and essential, it no matters "GLASS HEART/NATIONALISM" or not. THE SUCCESS OF THE TOPIC SELETION IS ONLY A TECHNICAL MOVEMENT BUT PLEAE BE HELPFUL AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING AFTER THAT...
Trust me, the whole world is a ECO-SYSTEM, "BE HELPFUL TO EVERY SINGLE SIDE" can make your group's work much more meaningful otherwise you just simply put yourself in danger place.
Thanks about what you did, it provide an objective view from different background. People live at that land or suffered from the negatives for long which you mentioned have better understand how bad it was!
Let's make the work positive by exposing the negatives, do some comparision from different countries,guide the people or even the authorities there!
"netizen" = Chinese net partisan.
Sorry for your troubles. My wife are now glad we lived in China when things were much better for foreigners in general.
can somebody do a video while they are in jail? or getting deported,,.....that's fun to watch.
I'm gunna be honest guys, i'm not seeing or hearing about ANY of this kind of stuff happening here and i'm married to a Chinese person as well. I have friends in Beijing and they told me about the raids etc, but that's for drugs.
Think about it from a criminology point of view, you know where the drugs are coming from, you know where a lot of the deals are made, you also know where the users mostly hang out, but you have no proof. Would you not, as an investigator, go to that place to find evidence? Is China the only country to raid bars? definitely not.
I'm not posting this to argue, i'm just sharing my views on the matter.
Let's be fair as well, lately your videos are pretty negative. I used to watch your videos pretty soon after they came out and have done for 4 years now, but recently I stopped watching because i was always left feeling like a target and noticing things that weren't there to be noticed. Basically what i mean is that if you look for trouble (or negatives in this case) you'll find trouble, regardless of where you are.
Try having a more optimistic view of China and I guarantee you'll stop feeling like you're being targeted.
+Lifter in China - Well you are Chinese. But there is PLA intelligence unit in a non-descript high rise building in Shanghai, that spies on America and other countries, does internet surveillance world wide, write malware code and viruses, and a whole lot more. This is proven, by internet security experts in the USA and Europe. They even know exactly which building this PLA unit operates out of. I'm not going to even suggest that the CIA, or MI5/MI6, or all the other intelligence agencies world wide, don't also do it (or similar things, -or not). But China and Russia have been particularly aggressive for a long time. Some people believe the Great Firewall, is administered by this Red Army Intelligence unit (since that's what they do, -monitor the internet, etc.) All I'm saying is that it's naïve of you to think it's not happening. In fact a United States Grand Jury indicted 5 Chinese Army Officers, (based on what was described as overwhelming evidence) on Charges of espionage, intellectual property theft, and other things. But it's not like the U.S. is going to go to China to arrest them. bit.ly/2dxWXxA bit.ly/2wZ0vnV
I have been enjoying your views and appraisal of life in China, hope it all goes well for you guys and Keep Awesome !!
An acquaintence of mine returned to Germany end of 2016, because of the troubles you described in your videos. His wife (chinese) was pregnant and they decided that the child should be born in Germany.
Before he lived in China for about 15 years, working and travelling, and founding his own business in China. He works in the electronic field, and as he was strongly dependent on an access to the SoC-manufacturers (TI, Atmel, Microchip, and others) for downloading operating systems and drivers, he used and needed worldwide internet access. This led to having police in the house almost every week with annoying interviews and time loss. Finally he gave up his developer office in China and opened it again here in Germany.
He had a hard time here getting his feet on the ground again, as he was used to almost paying nothing for workhours. His wife gave him a hell that so much money was spent on employees salaries.
I am sorry to hear that those things are going on, but it doesn’t surprise me. My friends from China told me decades ago that one thing they feared in China is that situations can turn on a dime. I hope the best for you guys. I have been to China countless times. My ancestors are from China. I say that I find your observations are always spot on and consistent with my experience. I never found you to be negative to China, but just calling things as they are.
Your videos are refreshing and have definitely shown a different China than the China I pictured in my mind. I was influenced by a video I saw on one of the news shows here in the USA. Not sure if it was Dateline, 60 Minutes, but they recorded horrible factory conditions where people in China manufactured items for sale in Walmart. They were virtually prisoners in this huge factory and had to repay Walmart for sub-standard living conditions. Your videos have shown that things are not like this anymore and life for Chinese citizens is much better. So thank you for sharing your experiences. I hope things cool down for both of you and your families.
I find your videos superbly educational, and have learn much about China, mostly positive. Thank you, you are doing a huge service for those overseas who would like to visit China.
So glad this turned out ok so far. Stay safe and stay awesome!
Man I'm sorry this is happening to you. Honestly I find your videos quite objective, and I feel the same on a lot of the issues you talk about