How do you only have 1.7k subs, this was by far the best guide/ league explained video i've watched. Please post more of these! Would be intresting to see a video on how to play when you don't have a prio match up? In the lower ranks especially, we don't have the option of counterpicking/ playing even champions as people refuse to swap pick orders in champ select and we're just bad! Thanks again for this video! :)
Couldnt agree more. Here 6 months later and stingy with my subs and likes. This was a perfect explanation of cheater recalling. I've watched 7 videos telling me to do this. This was the only one, that I actually learn3d it.
I like to call the trading b4 you recall to tp back or b4 u get a reset an exit trade, it's definitely one of the more powerful concepts in lane to maximize your resources before you reset.
Sadly i'm doing the hard path, I OTP Nasus and climbed to emerald 2, My problem (beside playing Nasus ) is My Wave management. Thank You for this guide, it will help me a lot
I play nasus, 600k+ mastery, currently B3 because I had an experience last split that completely put me off of wanting to climb but i’m starting to want to try again. I know nasus in high elo is pretty rare though nothing is impossible. To me, it feels like Nasus doesn’t need to care about the intricacies of early laning..In norms at least, i’ve had countless games occur this way: Enemy hits 2 first, I get zoned off the wave, they push in, I farm under tower and do my best to survive, hit 6 with sheen, kill them, snowball. It usually always goes that way with the exception of my jg ganking early to help or I hit 2 first but I still aim for the enemy pushing me in and i’ll freeze all game if I can. Thoughts? i’m sure this is a low elo way of playing but i’m genuinely curious since it works for me 9 times out of 10. (Irelia and riven are 2 of my easiest match ups, I see them, I anticipate a relaxing game) also, i’ve also put a lot of conscious effort into improving my farming and now I usually always end games with the most cs- in my better games, i’ll have 600+ stacks at 20 minutes
Glad to hear that you want to give climbing another shot :). But the higher you climb you'll realize that it's not always as easy as farming on your side of the lane or under your turret. Enemies could push in the wave at lvl 3, cheater recall and freeze on you with extra items and many more strategies so don't forget that. That being said nasus is completely viable so good luck with your climb :)!
Well i was diamond iv two seasons ago and i came again. And yeah for sure prio early on is crucial not just cause u can rotate, deep ward or cheater recall u can also help your jungler invade if u have a early champ and he is pathing top... i have won a lot of games like that
I’m a diamond jungler and I’m trying to help out a bronze 1 friend of mine climb but 2/3 of three games he wins his lane but his team feeds BIG time like at five minutes his team is losing 14 to 3 on kills what can he do to help his team
That is an incredibly vague question, it depends on so many factors in-game. I would love to help you but it's impossible to answer your question in-depth. I would have to take a look at your friends gameplay :).
instead of strong early, you should recommend picking up a safe blind-pick toplane (mundo+malphite+urgod) where you can GUARANTEE that you wont int, because sometimes not dying is enough.
@@Kyan100 i mean he is right tho, sometimes not dying on top is enough especially when you are blind picking into enemy and dont know what you are playing against
@@dawskii1736 I agree with his general statement, but that's worst case scenario. This video is about tips that will give you as much impact as possible to win you games. Granted, sometimes you need to play safe but you can also do that on the champions I recommend. It's about mastery and knowing when to apply what gameplan, not necessarily about having a specific champion for each gameplan, hope that makes sense :).
I play fiora, i dont play her because of high elo montage vods , i play her because i genuinely enjoy playing her, many friends of mine told me to not play her cuz she is bad and to play a GOOD champion like darius, garen, morde etc ... i really wanna climb but i want to do it while having fun and playing what i enjoy... should i keep playing fiora and learning or is she just bad in low mmr (i am a gold player ), any kind of help would help me ty
Doesn't matter, focus on playstyle for now :), also depends on the matchups, you could go grasp or lethal tempo in most matchups depending on the matchup, elo, and personal preference, but you could even experiment with conqueror, pta, ... . Don't focus too much on runes and builds, as long as you have a decent setup you're good to go. Gameplay like warding, farming, trading, splitpushing, teamfighting, ... is a lot more important to improve at.
IDK. Most the time every where else on the map will just be further ahead or behind in tempo. You're not gonna 2v1 a jungler/top if the enemy jungler has managed to get fed aswell. Toplane is just pretty useless and most of this is fucking hard cope on any champion outside of Fiora/Irelia/Illaoi, and even then they're subpar against lanes that can sustain a lane thats pressured (Sion, Ornn, Warwick etc.)
That's not true. I agree that in proplay and high elo toplane is the least impactful role but that doesn't mean that's true for the lower ranks as well. Toplane is very snowbally so often times if you're better than your opponent you can dominate your lane to a degree that would be hard or impossible to do in midlane for example, especially since the lower you are the more mistakes people make. Toplane is actually a huge impactful role in the lower and midtier elos because it's the only role in which you can get an insane lead like 4 level lead and 2 item lead for example. In higher elos that not so much the case because then both players know what to do so the lane will automatically be less snowbally and the lane doesn't give you a lot of roam pressure inherently and that makes it such an 'unimpactful role' in the higher elos, it's the combination of not being snowbally and inherent not giving you a lot of roam pressure that makes the role 'unimpactful' but in the lower and midtier elos it will always be snowbally so that won't be an issue :). So unless you're Master or Master+ I would say that your argument is not valid and maybe you just need to improve your fundamentals more to a point where you can actively analyse and punish the majority of the mistakes that you're lane opponents make.
@@Kyan100 the arguement I would make against this is when you mentioned " Be 4 levels above enemy top laners ". The point being that toplane requires such an excessive amount of macro and skill gap to get an extent of carrying is insane. If you are 3-4 levels above an enemy toplane, or stomp close to this hard consistently, you are already divisions above your opponents game-wise. Most players can't achieve this, they will spend a very long time learning and improving to be simply better than their opponent top laner, enough to consistently win lane but not absolutely crush it. Which is where I hate the ad old " consistently win and you can climb ", sure, over like 400 games. But that's alot. I was a D4 top/jungle, so low elo but not bad. I just have a pretty warped view of toplanes impact in mid to lower elo recently.
@@anima8720 Stomping people is actually not thag hard in top often times it only take fundamentals like wave mechanics, trading patterns, level up timers, reset windows, ... . You don't need to put in that much time, it's all about analysing your mistakes and improving them but very few people take time to review their vods or get coaching or have a disciplined structure of playing games. I doesn't need to take a lot of time, you just need to be efficient with your time but often times people play like 50% for fun and 50% for climbing and that's not enough. I've coached a lot of people and in very short amount of times I've helped people improve significantly so I know it's easily possible :) Mindset is key, but I understand where you're coming from.
@@Kyan100 Definitely see where you're coming from, i just think it's more important to learn how to impact the map the fastest at lower elos. Freezing is great, being 2 levels ahead of the enemy laner is great, but it's very slow in the face of the 8/1 Vayne, or the jungler going AFK because the enemy Mid/Jungler has rolled his botside by 15 minutes. I think emphasising the importance of saving TP for 10Min+, how to use it, where to go and at what timers, how to prep wave states top-side to allow yourself time to roam to impact the map (Largely fucked at the moment with such value of plates), how to actually pressure the enemy jungler topside and how to close out games as a toplaner before you lose your lead (Renekton is a big offender of this), is all just way more vital for climbing as a toplaner. Most toplaners can get very far ahead (Maybe not 4 levels), because of the nature of top, but most toplaners also can't do anything with it.
@@anima8720The thing is, in lower elos people don't even have the fundamentals to win lane and they get overwhelmed by their own champion's mechanics. First they must learn how to win the lane because that will be the very fundamental of everything else. Also, they're not midlaners so there job is often times to win the lane, then sidelane and put pressure and for big important fights considering tping to the fight and that's about it. Especially for people who are stuck in the lower elos it's important to learn them that they don't need to hardcarry every game by impacting the map extremely well. They need to understabd there role as a toplaner and learn the fundamentals to fulfill that role. Once they can do that they can became more creative to have an even higher winrate. My point is: there's no point in explaining people how to carry games against full fed enemy teams if they can't even consistently win lane, nor do they have to. In league you don't need to hardcarry every game to climb, I got to GM and had a 55%wr, I surely wasn't carrying every game, but I was consistently better than my opponents at fulfilling my role as a midlaner :) You should never feel pressure of having to do everything in your team, if that's the case, you can perfectly lose because those aren't the games that will give you a bad winrate. You need to be the better toplaner in terms of doing what you have to do according to your role and that's just understanding the fundamentals, champion identity, ... . In that case you'll already have a good positive winrate and you'll consistently climb so you shouldn't feel any pressure to carry impossible games. On my climb to toplane, I didn't do anything else then just being better at my fundamentals than the enemy toplaner. I was better at farming, wave mechanics, sidelaning, finding good recall timers, positioning in important teamfights and target selection , ... . I sure as hell didn't have to roam 5 times and make crazy teleport plays, ... . Summary: If you understand your role as a toplaner and can execute it consistently better than the enemy toplaner, your winrate will be high enough so that you don't need to win 'impossible games' so you should't feel that pressure, especially in the lower elos.
hi there , can you please explain to me how i can impact the game as a toplaner ? i find it hard compared to mid , i played a game when the enemy jgler went 8/1 in just 12minutes , i was 2/0 but i dont know what i can do ? please any kind of tips will be helpful your content btw keep up the good work
Hello there! Unfortunately your question is quite vague. Impacting the game can be done through various ways and strongly depend on the current gamestate. For that I believe coaching would be great. I do coaching but you could also look for other coaches or even your friends if they are higher elo then you :). Hope this helps a little bit.
Sir, climbing as an Irelia, Jax, or any other skirmisher is not impressive in the least, because they are designed to carry games even without decent team. Climb using a Malphite or something like Maokai which are very team reliant and then we can talk. For context I am an Emerald 3 player who mains tank champions in both the top lane and support and brother, it's a tough climb relying on your teammates to be competent.
It's not easy to climb with irelia, jax, ... . It's easier in the lower ranks but you'll soon find out that they also have their limitations, not a lot of challengers in league, so it's definitely not easy to climb no matter the champion, the player is what matters most :).
Why you would ever want to be "impressive", just climb with anything, who do you want to impress using tanks or team reliant champions? Just play jax and climb lol
The peole in these comments really refuse to take any of the good advice in this video bc you picked jax/irelia when most top lane champs can easily freeze and punish like this
I'm a 250LP Master toplaner and I found this guide useful. Very nice explanation of basic concepts that we toplaners sometimes forget.
can i climb as a top laner without friends?
Thank you for this guide! Currently struggling to break out of Gold 1 and this video popped up at a great time
I'm glad I can be of help, good luck with your climb :)
Did you end up hitting plat?
How do you only have 1.7k subs, this was by far the best guide/ league explained video i've watched. Please post more of these! Would be intresting to see a video on how to play when you don't have a prio match up? In the lower ranks especially, we don't have the option of counterpicking/ playing even champions as people refuse to swap pick orders in champ select and we're just bad! Thanks again for this video! :)
Thank you so much for leaving such a nice comment, I appreciate it a lot!
Couldnt agree more. Here 6 months later and stingy with my subs and likes. This was a perfect explanation of cheater recalling. I've watched 7 videos telling me to do this. This was the only one, that I actually learn3d it.
I said to myself, I want to improve at this game (currently bronce 1). This Video was the perfect start for me. Thank you Kyan :)
Thank you for letting me know :D !
How did it go?
did you improve?
I like to call the trading b4 you recall to tp back or b4 u get a reset an exit trade, it's definitely one of the more powerful concepts in lane to maximize your resources before you reset.
Yes, true, that's a very good concept and extremely effective, even in the higher elos.
You better at explaining everything than the challenger top laners in how to play the game sub deserved
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Great stuff!
Kept it basic with some understandable depth and gameplay examples 👍
Thanks man I really appreciate it, glad I could help you out :)
What a great breakdown of the thought process. This really helped a lot.
Sadly i'm doing the hard path, I OTP Nasus and climbed to emerald 2, My problem (beside playing Nasus ) is My Wave management. Thank You for this guide, it will help me a lot
Ty for the info it makes a lot of sense the way you broke it down
Thank you for leaving a comment, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed the video!
Really helpful and great video which teaches wave crashing and top macro well. Good job!
This was a beautiful, simple explanation - thanks a lot :D
I'm glad that you liked it, I appreciate the comment :)
Awesome, I'm sure I'll rewatch this a few times
Fantastic guide,Thank you so much!
Thanks for letting me know :)!
really well made guide
I play nasus, 600k+ mastery, currently B3 because I had an experience last split that completely put me off of wanting to climb but i’m starting to want to try again. I know nasus in high elo is pretty rare though nothing is impossible. To me, it feels like Nasus doesn’t need to care about the intricacies of early laning..In norms at least, i’ve had countless games occur this way: Enemy hits 2 first, I get zoned off the wave, they push in, I farm under tower and do my best to survive, hit 6 with sheen, kill them, snowball. It usually always goes that way with the exception of my jg ganking early to help or I hit 2 first but I still aim for the enemy pushing me in and i’ll freeze all game if I can. Thoughts? i’m sure this is a low elo way of playing but i’m genuinely curious since it works for me 9 times out of 10. (Irelia and riven are 2 of my easiest match ups, I see them, I anticipate a relaxing game)
also, i’ve also put a lot of conscious effort into improving my farming and now I usually always end games with the most cs- in my better games, i’ll have 600+ stacks at 20 minutes
Glad to hear that you want to give climbing another shot :). But the higher you climb you'll realize that it's not always as easy as farming on your side of the lane or under your turret. Enemies could push in the wave at lvl 3, cheater recall and freeze on you with extra items and many more strategies so don't forget that. That being said nasus is completely viable so good luck with your climb :)!
Thanks so much :) is there anyway I can ask more questions? if not, it’s no worry!
@@nekomei2640 Well, if you're interested you can order my coaching (link is in the description below).
the part where you hit every first wave melee minion one time...
is that how you slow push?
Finally, an updated guide on top lane
Great guide thanks alot 👍
Well i was diamond iv two seasons ago and i came again. And yeah for sure prio early on is crucial not just cause u can rotate, deep ward or cheater recall u can also help your jungler invade if u have a early champ and he is pathing top... i have won a lot of games like that
Exactly :)
I’m a diamond jungler and I’m trying to help out a bronze 1 friend of mine climb but 2/3 of three games he wins his lane but his team feeds BIG time like at five minutes his team is losing 14 to 3 on kills what can he do to help his team
That is an incredibly vague question, it depends on so many factors in-game. I would love to help you but it's impossible to answer your question in-depth. I would have to take a look at your friends gameplay :).
This video is awesome!!! Thank you
Thanks a lot for the guide! Really good! Any champions that you suggest for low elo to start with?
I appreciate your comment :). I think currently jax is a great champion to main!
This video saved me ty
very instructive, doy ou recomand any blindpick or champpool ? Look like irelia/jax fine but who as blind pick ?
I cycle between attrox/sion/urgot
instead of strong early, you should recommend picking up a safe blind-pick toplane (mundo+malphite+urgod) where you can GUARANTEE that you wont int, because sometimes not dying is enough.
I'm not recommending people to play to not lose, at that point you've already lost in your soloqueue journey.
@@Kyan100 ill take that sentiment with a grain of salt.
@@Kyan100 i mean he is right tho, sometimes not dying on top is enough especially when you are blind picking into enemy and dont know what you are playing against
@@dawskii1736 I agree with his general statement, but that's worst case scenario. This video is about tips that will give you as much impact as possible to win you games. Granted, sometimes you need to play safe but you can also do that on the champions I recommend. It's about mastery and knowing when to apply what gameplan, not necessarily about having a specific champion for each gameplan, hope that makes sense :).
I play fiora, i dont play her because of high elo montage vods , i play her because i genuinely enjoy playing her, many friends of mine told me to not play her cuz she is bad and to play a GOOD champion like darius, garen, morde etc ... i really wanna climb but i want to do it while having fun and playing what i enjoy... should i keep playing fiora and learning or is she just bad in low mmr (i am a gold player ), any kind of help would help me ty
If you enjoy Fiora, just keep playing her :). Enjoying league is a must for climbing!
best runes for jax?
Doesn't matter, focus on playstyle for now :), also depends on the matchups, you could go grasp or lethal tempo in most matchups depending on the matchup, elo, and personal preference, but you could even experiment with conqueror, pta, ... . Don't focus too much on runes and builds, as long as you have a decent setup you're good to go. Gameplay like warding, farming, trading, splitpushing, teamfighting, ... is a lot more important to improve at.
IDK. Most the time every where else on the map will just be further ahead or behind in tempo. You're not gonna 2v1 a jungler/top if the enemy jungler has managed to get fed aswell. Toplane is just pretty useless and most of this is fucking hard cope on any champion outside of Fiora/Irelia/Illaoi, and even then they're subpar against lanes that can sustain a lane thats pressured (Sion, Ornn, Warwick etc.)
That's not true. I agree that in proplay and high elo toplane is the least impactful role but that doesn't mean that's true for the lower ranks as well. Toplane is very snowbally so often times if you're better than your opponent you can dominate your lane to a degree that would be hard or impossible to do in midlane for example, especially since the lower you are the more mistakes people make. Toplane is actually a huge impactful role in the lower and midtier elos because it's the only role in which you can get an insane lead like 4 level lead and 2 item lead for example. In higher elos that not so much the case because then both players know what to do so the lane will automatically be less snowbally and the lane doesn't give you a lot of roam pressure inherently and that makes it such an 'unimpactful role' in the higher elos, it's the combination of not being snowbally and inherent not giving you a lot of roam pressure that makes the role 'unimpactful' but in the lower and midtier elos it will always be snowbally so that won't be an issue :). So unless you're Master or Master+ I would say that your argument is not valid and maybe you just need to improve your fundamentals more to a point where you can actively analyse and punish the majority of the mistakes that you're lane opponents make.
@@Kyan100 the arguement I would make against this is when you mentioned " Be 4 levels above enemy top laners ". The point being that toplane requires such an excessive amount of macro and skill gap to get an extent of carrying is insane. If you are 3-4 levels above an enemy toplane, or stomp close to this hard consistently, you are already divisions above your opponents game-wise. Most players can't achieve this, they will spend a very long time learning and improving to be simply better than their opponent top laner, enough to consistently win lane but not absolutely crush it. Which is where I hate the ad old " consistently win and you can climb ", sure, over like 400 games. But that's alot. I was a D4 top/jungle, so low elo but not bad. I just have a pretty warped view of toplanes impact in mid to lower elo recently.
@@anima8720 Stomping people is actually not thag hard in top often times it only take fundamentals like wave mechanics, trading patterns, level up timers, reset windows, ... . You don't need to put in that much time, it's all about analysing your mistakes and improving them but very few people take time to review their vods or get coaching or have a disciplined structure of playing games. I doesn't need to take a lot of time, you just need to be efficient with your time but often times people play like 50% for fun and 50% for climbing and that's not enough. I've coached a lot of people and in very short amount of times I've helped people improve significantly so I know it's easily possible :) Mindset is key, but I understand where you're coming from.
@@Kyan100 Definitely see where you're coming from, i just think it's more important to learn how to impact the map the fastest at lower elos. Freezing is great, being 2 levels ahead of the enemy laner is great, but it's very slow in the face of the 8/1 Vayne, or the jungler going AFK because the enemy Mid/Jungler has rolled his botside by 15 minutes. I think emphasising the importance of saving TP for 10Min+, how to use it, where to go and at what timers, how to prep wave states top-side to allow yourself time to roam to impact the map (Largely fucked at the moment with such value of plates), how to actually pressure the enemy jungler topside and how to close out games as a toplaner before you lose your lead (Renekton is a big offender of this), is all just way more vital for climbing as a toplaner. Most toplaners can get very far ahead (Maybe not 4 levels), because of the nature of top, but most toplaners also can't do anything with it.
@@anima8720The thing is, in lower elos people don't even have the fundamentals to win lane and they get overwhelmed by their own champion's mechanics. First they must learn how to win the lane because that will be the very fundamental of everything else. Also, they're not midlaners so there job is often times to win the lane, then sidelane and put pressure and for big important fights considering tping to the fight and that's about it. Especially for people who are stuck in the lower elos it's important to learn them that they don't need to hardcarry every game by impacting the map extremely well. They need to understabd there role as a toplaner and learn the fundamentals to fulfill that role. Once they can do that they can became more creative to have an even higher winrate. My point is: there's no point in explaining people how to carry games against full fed enemy teams if they can't even consistently win lane, nor do they have to. In league you don't need to hardcarry every game to climb, I got to GM and had a 55%wr, I surely wasn't carrying every game, but I was consistently better than my opponents at fulfilling my role as a midlaner :) You should never feel pressure of having to do everything in your team, if that's the case, you can perfectly lose because those aren't the games that will give you a bad winrate. You need to be the better toplaner in terms of doing what you have to do according to your role and that's just understanding the fundamentals, champion identity, ... . In that case you'll already have a good positive winrate and you'll consistently climb so you shouldn't feel any pressure to carry impossible games. On my climb to toplane, I didn't do anything else then just being better at my fundamentals than the enemy toplaner. I was better at farming, wave mechanics, sidelaning, finding good recall timers, positioning in important teamfights and target selection , ... . I sure as hell didn't have to roam 5 times and make crazy teleport plays, ... . Summary: If you understand your role as a toplaner and can execute it consistently better than the enemy toplaner, your winrate will be high enough so that you don't need to win 'impossible games' so you should't feel that pressure, especially in the lower elos.
hi there , can you please explain to me how i can impact the game as a toplaner ? i find it hard compared to mid , i played a game when the enemy jgler went 8/1 in just 12minutes , i was 2/0 but i dont know what i can do ? please any kind of tips will be helpful your content btw keep up the good work
Some games unfortunately just aren't winnable but as long as you snowball properly a lot of games will become winnable
Hello there! Unfortunately your question is quite vague. Impacting the game can be done through various ways and strongly depend on the current gamestate. For that I believe coaching would be great. I do coaching but you could also look for other coaches or even your friends if they are higher elo then you :). Hope this helps a little bit.
im iron can someone help me ^pls
@@heathenspider If you're interested, you can check out my coaching services in the description :)
are you german?
I'm Belgian (native language Dutch/Flemish xd)
@@Kyan100 damn i was close :). The accent gave it away
Just solo q top lane teemo
ez wins
moral of the story, just play jax
There's more to it than that, but for people who are new to toplane and are starting their toplane journey, that's already great advice.
Yeah I used Jax to learn basics early on because he isn't a hard champ to use
report for feeding
Sir, climbing as an Irelia, Jax, or any other skirmisher is not impressive in the least, because they are designed to carry games even without decent team. Climb using a Malphite or something like Maokai which are very team reliant and then we can talk.
For context I am an Emerald 3 player who mains tank champions in both the top lane and support and brother, it's a tough climb relying on your teammates to be competent.
It's not easy to climb with irelia, jax, ... . It's easier in the lower ranks but you'll soon find out that they also have their limitations, not a lot of challengers in league, so it's definitely not easy to climb no matter the champion, the player is what matters most :).
Why you would ever want to be "impressive", just climb with anything, who do you want to impress using tanks or team reliant champions? Just play jax and climb lol
The peole in these comments really refuse to take any of the good advice in this video bc you picked jax/irelia when most top lane champs can easily freeze and punish like this