To Succeed as Bad as you want to Breathe

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ค. 2020
  • You ready to Succeed? The Hip Hop Preacher Eric Thomas is a motivational speaker, author, activist, and a minister. Here is an awesome speech he gave to a group of students the motivation and the secrets to success. This is one of my favorite motivational stories of his. A man goes to a guru and tells him he wants to be as successful as he is. The guru tells him to meet him at the beach at 4 am. The rest of the speech is Eric Thomas genius. It is motivational, inspirational and makes you think of how bad you truly want to succeed. What are you willing to give for your Ultimate Success? This is some of the best advice I have ever heard. When You want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, you will find a way to make that success happen. No stories, no excuses, no procrastination and no failure. Have you ever considered that hurdles, road blocks, and speed bumps are put into you way of success to appreciate the journey more. If it were easy everyone would be doing what you are try into to accomplish. Just like not everyone becomes a professional athlete, not everyone gets to make the big money, dives into mad success, drives to the hoop without any blood. Man, developing success is hard, and worth the effort and bullshit when you come out on the other side with your ultimate success. This is a lot of text to read for a 2 minute video, but this short message of success is powerful. Check it out.

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