Thanks for the great play through Joel I'm already into Descent but this looks like it's worth a pick up for sure! That would have been hilarious to have him hoofing past Agatha while using her for a decoy! "Greater good n' all that, sorry lady I love your books!" (as he sprints past her for dear life.)
I think you are cheating yourself of inflicting damage on attacks. lot of the attack tell you to add successes to weapons base weapon damage. thanks for posting the play thru
thx for the tutorial
Thanks for the great play through Joel I'm already into Descent but this looks like it's worth a pick up for sure! That would have been hilarious to have him hoofing past Agatha while using her for a decoy! "Greater good n' all that, sorry lady I love your books!" (as he sprints past her for dear life.)
I think you are cheating yourself of inflicting damage on attacks. lot of the attack tell you to add successes to weapons base weapon damage. thanks for posting the play thru
Yep. I'm sure I've missed a few of those.