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15 Human Foods That Are Actually Good For Cats!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- Are you a cat owner wondering what human food your furry friend can safely enjoy? In this video, we explore 15 human foods that are actually good for cats! From tasty treats to nutritious options, discover which human foods cats can eat without worry. We’ll cover everything you need to know about human foods for cats, including what human food cats can eat and how to incorporate these foods into their feline diet.
Learn about the benefits of including safe human foods in your cat's diet and how they can enhance your pet’s overall wellness. This video is packed with valuable advice that every cat owner should know, including insights from cat behavior experts. Whether you're a new cat parent or a seasoned cat enthusiast, our cat 101 guide will provide essential tips and facts about what do cats eat.
Join us as we share these paw-some human foods for cats and improve your cat's eating habits today! Watch now to become an informed cat owner and ensure your beloved feline lives a healthy, happy life! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more cat videos and tips!
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Welcome to Cat Nation! On this channel we create videos about pet advice for our feline buddies! Our topics range from cat breeds, cat ownership, cat wellness, and cat 101. We also provide cat facts, cat tips, as well as cat behavior and cat advice from our cat behavior experts! Hope you enjoy our cat videos ~ :3
📍DISCLAIMER: The contents of this video are made for educational and informational purposes only. The information in this video is not professional advice. Always seek help from qualified veterinarians/breeders if unsure.
Eggs- cooked hardboiled
Meat- beef, turkey, venison, chicken
Peas- green and snap
Salmon- boiled
Shrimp- fresh or frozen
Carrots- raw or cooked
Pumpkin- cooked plain
Yogurt- plain no flavor
Melon- honey dew, watermelon, cantaloupe
Thank You! ❤️🐈⬛❤️🐈⬛❤️
What sparked my interest was yogurt. My feline friend is always stealing a package of it. If I forget to put it in the fridge immediately, then I’m assured to see it chewed open and on the floor. I’m also lactose intolerant, ?because I’m a Leo? But I can handle yogurt. Also the local butcher has fresh frozen fish fillets. I always buy 2. One for me and one for Sparks. I had one cat who had a love of pasta. She just showed up at our door near midnight, hence her name. She never left us, but my father killed her. Something I can’t forget or will forgive.
Thank you so much! Our cats love chicken, pork & egg (all cooked). I will try the rest for additional treats.
This video was what i needed thanks ...iv learned a lot for my 1 only cat shes my heart and soul Angel i call her bubby for some reason i dont know..cats are so beautiful ..❤❤❤🥰🥰😻😻😻😺😺😺
Try making a homemade sauce recipe that you can pour over homemade foods. Also try mixing in a Tsp of yogurt or 100% pumpkin. I have (2) male cats with very different tastes - (1) likes more savory & (1) likes a'lil sweet sometimes but also savory. Try forming homemade foods into round patties that resemble canned food's shape. Try different textures of foods: puree/pastes, shredded meat vs chunks, add different safe fruits & veggies mixed in for variety.
Out of all of those, my cat will eat three of them. He would eat shrimp until he barfed if I let him. Salmon is somewhat appealing to him. Meat is in almost everything he eats. I do give him a small amount of milk, but it’s lactose free and has never bothered him.
I used to have a tortoiseshell cat named Bell who loved Bananas!😮
Very informative video. I will say though that it's odd that they say never feed raw meat and then the video shows the cats eating what appears to be RAW meat. Never would have thought to feed a cat any fruits/veggies.
My cat loved chili leaves from a bush. Thin and large leaves of Naga tasted better than habanero's leaves😊.
Last time I tried to mix green beans in my cat food he climbed up on the chair and pissed in it
😂😂😂 I'm still laughing.
I gave my cats tuna instead of dry food once. One of them jumped onto the island and peed right in front of me.
@@whatsername123 see! Lmaooo they trying to set us up for failure 😂😂😂
@@ruthanneluvsvacuuming6653 I do not recommend it ! 😫😂😂
What don’t you recommend?
Thanks for the info, I now have a few things to give to my cat, some of those you mentioned i thought were toxic to cats, apparently not 😺
Brilliant! My 12year old Malinka and I will have fun trying some of these dietary variations! She is always interested in new things Thank you so much x
You're welcome! Just make sure to start with small amounts and see how your cat responds to it. If you give them too much at one go, they might reject it entirely.
Bananas and strawberries eh?? Our kitties sometimes want some bananas but I never let them have any. I gotta try and give them some next time. Glad I clicked on this video thanks!!❤
Question: On the topic of Rice
There is White Rice, Long Grain Rice, Brown Rice, Spanish Rice, Mexican Rice, Jasmin Rice, Japanese Rice, Steamed Rice and Whole Grain Rice.
Which of these is safe or not safe?
I have two cats: A Calico and a "Queen Bee" breed. (One is little miss picky and the other is "As long as its edible, its eatable")
Rice is not good for cats.
Don't just give your pets human food because you don't have a clue how dangerous it is to them. I've kicked people out of my house for trying to give my pets pizza... I don't allow anyone else to feed my pets, they don't want me to go JOHN WICK , on THEM because they poisoned my pets out of IGNORANCE... Just don't do it.. i can get other friends, but I can't get another Ripley,,or fluffy, so if you try to feed my pets pizza or chocolate cake,, make sure you have a good insurance plan and a ride to the hospital..
How about Tuna? Our cats love tinned sandwich tuna in spring water (as a supplement to proprietary cat food) and many cat foods are tuna based anyway. The sandwich tuna works out about the same price as proprietary cat food and when on Special, considerably cheaper.... and there is absolutely NO wastage.
Awesome video!
Why does the Cat in the video appear to be eating raw chicken then???!! Rightly as you said RAW MEAT CAN HAVE SALMONELLA SO MUST COOK!!??
Shows cats eating uncooked meat YET says NO raw meat as it causes stomach issues
Really good ❤
Thank you!
If pork is good for cats then why don’t they make pork cat food?
Good question
My cat loves bacon
Why , if you say, meat should be cooked are you showing many examples in your video, of cats eating raw meat?
I am confused on this because I see other TH-camrs feed raw meat. I wonder if it depends on the cat 🤷♀️
Risk of salmonella
There are Raw meat they sell for Cats and Dogs. It's different then people food.
That’sca very good question and I noticed the video creator didn’t answer the question
@tristandarnell5103 which is why I NEVER give raw meat to a cat. I sure as heck would not eat it raw🤮
I have my cat that won't eat anything. If i give him something he doesn't accept it. He only accept cat food. He is probably magic cat.
Some cats can be very fussy eaters and it seems like yours is one of them 😅
Try shrimp!!
Salmon or boiled eggs. I've learned a lot with this video.
Avocado and milk juice is my cat's favourite 😊
What about cream?
No... No milk either
I was always told that cats should never have pork.
One that you can see cats on the web going crazy for is corn on the cob. They hug it to them and bite the kernels off, gnaw on the cob, and growl if you try to take it away from them. I think it reminds them of stripping and gnawing the meat off a bone in their wild ancestry, but they get very wild and crazy with a corn cob. Maybe especially if their human put butter on it.🌽🐱
My cat loved corn on the cob! I couldn't eat it without him jumping up to eat it while I was!! ❤🐈⬛❤️
My cat has lots of problems
My cat, by her choice, will not eat human food of any kind!
This is overall good information to know. However, In the video 18 Human Food That Your Cat Should NEVER Eat! (DANGEROUS Foods For Cats!) you mention that cats should NOT have dairy. In this video it says that cats CAN have yogurt. This is a little conflicting.
In this video he admits it seems conflicting but explains the bacteria in yogurt break down the lactose so it's much easier for a cat to digest
I dont know about rice. Too much carbs.
What about all the wild rodents and birds they catch!😅😅
Huh ok?
He says to cook all the meat but the videos have the cats eating raw meat.??
I don't think so
Shrimps are roaches...I would never give that to my little lion...the audacity to suggest
Lol I know right.
U said one thing & u show it different,, please make up u r mind???? 😳😵💫😵💫😡😡👎👎
What kills me is cats don't get cooked food in the wild. They eat raw everything. So why can't house cats eat raw everything. My cats get actual tuna daily. They are all just fine.