Yay, another ambidextrous quilter! You dont see us very often. About the ruler slipping -- the best thing i have ever found is clear Flex Seal. Yeah, that spray-on rubber stuff. 😂 Those rulers do not move! It does make your ruler look a bit frosted, but once its on the fabric you cant see it anymore.
I have made several Disappearing 9-patch quilts but you have shown me that the 4-patch is just as versatile. I can't wait to start one. I'm making donation quilts for my doctor's homebound and hospice patients. I get all the fun of trying out new patterns and other people benefit, so it's a win-win.
What a wonderful tutorial. The best that I have ever seen. I would never have attempted some of the variations of the four patches. It is so great that you took the time to show all the different way and in detail
I made this similar pattern for my granddaughter using 18" squares. 5" cut from two sides making a 5" square, 2 5"x13" rectangles and a 13" square. It's amazing
Just a thought - maybe you could publish a book just on these patterns alone, providing 'how to" instructions, finished sizes, fabric choices, etc. I reckon it'd be a best seller, especially for those of us who are fairly new at this wonderful world of quilting. I'd be your first customer for the book and it's also something people can pass down to their families throughout their lives. It'd definitely be "a keeper"!
Wow! I am fascinated by the many ways we can change a 4 patch. This is so creative. Your explanations are very through. Thank you. And, quilting as a hobby can be as expensive or as thrifty as you make it. These past 2 yrs I have made myself use only stash. It has pushed me to be more creative with colors and making scrap quilts. It’s been very enlightening and satisfying and inexpensive!
Agree you don't need a rotating mat. But you also don't need to pick up the smaller mat to turn it. If the smaller mat is on a larger mat, or even on a polished surface, the smaller mat will rotate fairly easy just by pushing one corner. Done this many times when the block I am cutting is larger than the rotating mat I do have.
Love what you did with the four and nine patches and half square ones. Was not too interested in this before, but am excited to try one now. Thank you. 😄
lovely to see the variations have done lots of 9 patch but will now have a go at 4 blocks. Also have done quilts using double disappearing 9 patch blocks
This is my first-time viewing your channel. I'm not halfway through this episode, and I am a new subscriber. I ❤️ love the way you teach. I am so excited about disappearing four patch blocks I have to make couple of samples NOW so I can finish my three 🛸 UFOs and then make a full-size quilt. Your new friend from New Mexico, Carla 🎶 💖 💐
This a game changer for me. I’m brand new to quilting and learning abut the different ways to make these patterns is so exciting. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
It’s been 2 years since you’ve made this video before I saw it. Thank you for this video, I love it! Now I just need to figure out fabric requirements to use these blocks in a quilt. ❤️
I love them. And the more complex looking when I favor. LOL however you made it easy. Well explained in well demonstrated. Thank you very helpful. Keep them coming
I'm absolutely knocked out by this tutorial. You are an expert teacher and one of very few who have inspired and motivated me to try something new for a long time. I can't tell you how excited I am to start on each and every one of these variations. I've parried with the very first one and became so frustrated with the bulk when trying over and over again to line up the middle 2 x 1" strips with the 2" x 2" little squares, but if just persevered and persisted and I'm now happy with the finished block. The next one I'm going to tackle is the one which is cut diagonally. My ultimate intention is to produce all of the blocks, choose which ones I can use to repeat enough to make a KS quilt for my son in VA. Thankyou again (wish I knew your first name, though) for making my year! Suzie, Australia.
Excellent, well organized, well prepared to show variations. I subscribed cause you’re a conscise speaker. Anxious to see more of your ideas. Someone should do a book of these block variations. You have a start with all your particall to fully sewn pieces. Giving the starting and finishing dementions is helpful. I suggest you photo document your blocks incase you later decide to make a pamphlet/booklet/book. Thank you from an old quilter!
Wow! That's a great technique of disappearing the blocks. Will definitely try on my batik fabrics. Thank you very much for sharing. This makes my patchwork project so much interesting and easier! Love them❤
I loved this video! I have done disappearing 9-patch before, but this opened my eyes to new variations. Have never done a disappearing 4-patch and I loved those variations too.
Keep an eye on Joann's for their big coupons to buy equipment a bit at a time, and Walmart has good fabric cheaper than most, and some tools. I started with a pair of scissors and hand-stitching in my childhood, but slowly amassed a fantastic collection of tools.
Hi! This is very interesting. I just made a modified nine patch without using nine blocks, just four after watching sew be it quilts with Fallon. I will give it a go using your fun ideas. Take care. Dec. 31, 2023. Marion in Oregon
I really liked your channel, I am working on a nine block disappearing nine block now, I did my block with nine different colors, gonna try to do the cutting tomorrow to see what I can come up with. Will post it when I finish a block. You have been very helpful and explained every step in making the block. Thank you so much.
Just found your videos - I love the “disappearing” type blocks!! And I love my rotating mats. But years ago before the rotating mats were available, I,learned that I could put one of my smaller mats right on top of the big table one - cut and then rotate the smaller mat for the second cut. Those rotating mats are a bit pricey and this tip might help other quilters who,prefer not to spend money when they don’t have to.
Thank you for the excellent demonstration. I have been fascinated with the nine and four patch blocks - disappearing. You showed me more possibilities. Kathleen in Canada.
How much fun are these blocks?!! Really enjoyed your tutorial!!! I’ve made a couple of disappearing patch blocks & now, I must make another!!! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for showing all the different variations of the nine patch. You stay on point when you explain things. That helps me glean the info about each task you are demonstrating. Great tutorial! 😎🇨🇦
I was looking thru for a pattern to use up some 5 inch squares, thankfully I happen up on this sites, I have done disappearing 9 patch , but I am going to use this for tomorrow. Thank you very much
6:45 exactly what I was wondering and you showed your samples 👍👍👍 best presentation as I got to see so many samples, especially the diagonal cut. Thanks.
Absolutely fascinating to a completely novice quilter just learning the ropes. Thankyou for such clear and detailed vision explanation. Am becoming more hooked on this new journey every day. 😅
Thank you for your great explanation on these blocks. Yes, it can get expensive to quilt but there are shortcuts that you can take. Our ancestors used clothes. Men's shirts are a great way to start out. I'm currently making bibs for the elderly out of men's shirts. We sometimes have to think outside of the box.
Yes, I buy all my fabric from estate sales, church sales, garage sales. One time I got a whole grocery sack full of quilt fabric for only $5, I stuffed it full!
My firs time creating a disappearing 9square. I’m a beginner and wanted to do this since I started yin September 23. Thank you for your suggestion. Awesome!
Hi! Just discovered your channel! Was looking for a refresher on 4-patch and 9-patch disappearing methods and this was perfect. Very nicely laid out and explained. Thank you. :D
You are an amazing teacher. I've never seen so many variations. I have taken 4 memory quilts for the same family and after watching this I think I'll use the different disappearing 4 or 9 patch for all of them. They'll all have the same fabrics but different looks. I especially like the one cut diagonal. Thank you so much.
Yay, another ambidextrous quilter! You dont see us very often.
About the ruler slipping -- the best thing i have ever found is clear Flex Seal. Yeah, that spray-on rubber stuff. 😂 Those rulers do not move! It does make your ruler look a bit frosted, but once its on the fabric you cant see it anymore.
disappearing 9 patch
I have recently become fascinated with disappearing blocks. Thank you for putting so much information all together in one video.
I have made several Disappearing 9-patch quilts but you have shown me that the 4-patch is just as versatile. I can't wait to start one. I'm making donation quilts for my doctor's homebound and hospice patients. I get all the fun of trying out new patterns and other people benefit, so it's a win-win.
What a great idea, a win-win indeed. Thanks for your smart sharing & generosity.
It had never occurred to me to do a disappearing block on the diagonal before!
What a wonderful tutorial. The best that I have ever seen. I would never have attempted some of the variations of the four patches. It is so great that you took the time to show all the different way and in detail
Great teacher! Enjoyed learning about the 4-patch and 9-patch. THANKS!
I made this similar pattern for my granddaughter using 18" squares. 5" cut from two sides making a 5" square, 2 5"x13" rectangles and a 13" square. It's amazing
My next quilt will be a disappearing block. They look like fun!
Just a thought - maybe you could publish a book just on these patterns alone, providing 'how to" instructions, finished sizes, fabric choices, etc. I reckon it'd be a best seller, especially for those of us who are fairly new at this wonderful world of quilting. I'd be your first customer for the book and it's also something people can pass down to their families throughout their lives. It'd definitely be "a keeper"!
This was great. I've done one 9 patch. It's fun❤
Great video! Thank you!❤😊
Great tutorial on disappearing patch blocks…have to say I was cringing every time the cutter was laid down without closing!
What an excellent tutorial - many thanks . Very clear and I love that you show how the blocks look when put together
You're tutorial is so well done. THANK YOU. Love the different block patterns made from one simple concept. THANK YOU🦩
You are so welcome!
Configurations for various block sizes are excellent. Thank you for all your hard work & professional tutorial. Loved it, mesmerized my mind! 😮😮❤😊
Wow! I am fascinated by the many ways we can change a 4 patch. This is so creative. Your explanations are very through. Thank you.
And, quilting as a hobby can be as expensive or as thrifty as you make it. These past 2 yrs I have made myself use only stash. It has pushed me to be more creative with colors and making scrap quilts. It’s been very enlightening and satisfying and inexpensive!
Anita, I try to use fabric from my stash but I admit that I easily fall in love with new fabric lines. :)
If you don't have a rotating mat a smallish mat that you can pick-up and move would work well.
If I'm cutting something like this I try to cut closer to the edge of my table so I can just walk around it when I need the second cut.
Agree you don't need a rotating mat. But you also don't need to pick up the smaller mat to turn it. If the smaller mat is on a larger mat, or even on a polished surface, the smaller mat will rotate fairly easy just by pushing one corner. Done this many times when the block I am cutting is larger than the rotating mat I do have.
You instructions were very well presented starting with such a simple block and creating so many options. Thank you!
This is a great video. Everything is so well presented, clear and easy to follow.
How awesome!! Such wonderful variations to such simple patches. Thank you......would like to see more!!!
Thank you so much! I think I can learn from you as my mind gets confused. Your voice is gentle and you work nicely! Blessings and Joy! rosie
I'm feeling really excited after watching this. Thank you from South East England.
I love disappearing blocks! Thank you!
Wow! Loved your demonstration.
The 4patch as you demonstrated is the only one I like. But I REALLY like that one. Thanks.
Love what you did with the four and nine patches and half square ones. Was not too interested in this before, but am excited to try one now. Thank you. 😄
lovely to see the variations have done lots of 9 patch but will now have a go at 4 blocks. Also have done quilts using double disappearing 9 patch blocks
Just found your TH-cams the other day when looking for disappearing 4 and 9 patches. I'm hooked. I had no idea how many ideas there were. Thank you!
2nd comment. A request: how much yardage for different quilt sizes? Maybe you could mention that in your next videos. Thanks. Love the idea!
Great video !!!!
And yes, Teresa’s videos are great too !
TY 👍❤️
Taken slowly, they are magic. Seeing so many at one time is mind-blowing!
This is my first-time viewing your channel. I'm not halfway through this episode, and I am a new subscriber. I ❤️ love the way you teach. I am so excited about disappearing four patch blocks I have to make couple of samples NOW so I can finish my three 🛸 UFOs and then make a full-size quilt. Your new friend from New Mexico, Carla 🎶 💖 💐
Wow an easy way to create intricate patterns. I didnt know it was so easy. thank you for clear instructions.
Thank you for such an informative video with so many variations! I am now more interested in quilting than ever before!
So beautiful in one video ,So many patterns I love it ❤
This a game changer for me. I’m brand new to quilting and learning abut the different ways to make these patterns is so exciting. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I’m going to try these variations. You’ve made it look so easy, and the blocks appear very intricate.
You need the stickies to make your ruler nonstick! Thanks for the great tutorial!
It’s been 2 years since you’ve made this video before I saw it. Thank you for this video, I love it! Now I just need to figure out fabric requirements to use these blocks in a quilt. ❤️
You explain how to make 4 patches very clearly and easy to understand.thank you❤
I love them. And the more complex looking when I favor. LOL however you made it easy. Well explained in well demonstrated. Thank you very helpful. Keep them coming
Hi. Have made the 9 block and love to see the variations. Ready for more, thank you.
I love this video. Now I need to make disappearing blocks.
I'm absolutely knocked out by this tutorial. You are an expert teacher and one of very few who have inspired and motivated me to try something new for a long time. I can't tell you how excited I am to start on each and every one of these variations. I've parried with the very first one and became so frustrated with the bulk when trying over and over again to line up the middle 2 x 1" strips with the 2" x 2" little squares, but if just persevered and persisted and I'm now happy with the finished block. The next one I'm going to tackle is the one which is cut diagonally. My ultimate intention is to produce all of the blocks, choose which ones I can use to repeat enough to make a KS quilt for my son in VA. Thankyou again (wish I knew your first name, though) for making my year! Suzie, Australia.
Thank you. Gorgeous! Precise, Organised, Options & more Options! ❤
Excellent, well organized, well prepared to show variations. I subscribed cause you’re a conscise speaker. Anxious to see more of your ideas. Someone should do a book of these block variations. You have a start with all your particall to fully sewn pieces. Giving the starting and finishing dementions is helpful. I suggest you photo document your blocks incase you later decide to make a pamphlet/booklet/book.
Thank you from an old quilter!
Thank you for sharing, new subscriber here. Nice teaching technique, love it!💕
I love your use of Tula Pink fabrics.
This is a fabulous presentation. Thank you!
Wow! That's a great technique of disappearing the blocks. Will definitely try on my batik fabrics. Thank you very much for sharing. This makes my patchwork project so much interesting and easier! Love them❤
I loved this video! I have done disappearing 9-patch before, but this opened my eyes to new variations. Have never done a disappearing 4-patch and I loved those variations too.
Thank you thank you for all the new ways and for the details of cutting and piecing ❤
Keep an eye on Joann's for their big coupons to buy equipment a bit at a time, and Walmart has good fabric cheaper than most, and some tools. I started with a pair of scissors and hand-stitching in my childhood, but slowly amassed a fantastic collection of tools.
❤❤❤ I was looking for a pattern to use the 176 HSTs I made on a rainy day with no plan in mind!!! THANK YOU!!!😊
Hi! This is very interesting. I just made a modified nine patch without using nine blocks, just four after watching sew be it quilts with Fallon. I will give it a go using your fun ideas. Take care. Dec. 31, 2023. Marion in Oregon
I really liked your channel, I am working on a nine block disappearing nine block now, I did my block with nine different colors, gonna try to do the cutting tomorrow to see what I can come up with. Will post it when I finish a block. You have been very helpful and explained every step in making the block. Thank you so much.
I'd like to see you make some thing out of some crazy quilting things
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work! Blessings!
Thank you for a great video in explaining different ways to cut and rotate your squares and designs. ❤
Just found your videos - I love the “disappearing” type blocks!! And I love my rotating mats. But years ago before the rotating mats were available, I,learned that I could put one of my smaller mats right on top of the big table one - cut and then rotate the smaller mat for the second cut. Those rotating mats are a bit pricey and this tip might help other quilters who,prefer not to spend money when they don’t have to.
Thank you for being so descriptive on your video. It makes it so nice to understand. :)
Grazie infinite per questo tutorial, veramente molto interessante. Spiegazione chiarissima 🌹
Thank you for the excellent demonstration. I have been fascinated with the nine and four patch blocks - disappearing. You showed me more possibilities. Kathleen in Canada.
Thanks sweetie. This was great.
Thank you. Now I know the border I can do for my 9 patch disappearing block topper. What fun!
Well done. Thanks for the many variations.
The best video I've seen on this 4 and 9 patch. Thank you.
How much fun are these blocks?!! Really enjoyed your tutorial!!! I’ve made a couple of disappearing patch blocks & now, I must make another!!! Thank you for sharing!
Excellent instructions...these blocks are lovely. You are a good teacher. Thanks.
That is awesome and the different looks you can get are remarkable. I think I'l try this next. Thanks so much!
I agree with the comment regarding price in quilting hobby. Beautiful.colors with your blocks and fabrics.
Thank you for showing all the different variations of the nine patch. You stay on point when you explain things. That helps me glean the info about each task you are demonstrating. Great tutorial! 😎🇨🇦
I just found your video and WOW! So informative. I plan to try each variations!
Just love the blocks
I was looking thru for a pattern to use up some 5 inch squares, thankfully I happen up on this sites, I have done disappearing 9 patch , but I am going to use this for tomorrow. Thank you very much
This was one of the Best lesson on these methods. Thank you❤❤
A great presentation, so simple and looks great as well. Thanks 🎉❤
6:45 exactly what I was wondering and you showed your samples 👍👍👍 best presentation as I got to see so many samples, especially the diagonal cut. Thanks.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Absolutely fascinating to a completely novice quilter just learning the ropes. Thankyou for such clear and detailed vision explanation. Am becoming more hooked on this new journey every day. 😅
Love your variations❤❤❤
Thank you for your great explanation on these blocks. Yes, it can get expensive to quilt but there are shortcuts that you can take. Our ancestors used clothes. Men's shirts are a great way to start out. I'm currently making bibs for the elderly out of men's shirts. We sometimes have to think outside of the box.
Yes, I buy all my fabric from estate sales, church sales, garage sales. One time I got a whole grocery sack full of quilt fabric for only $5, I stuffed it full!
My firs time creating a disappearing 9square. I’m a beginner and wanted to do this since I started yin September 23. Thank you for your suggestion. Awesome!
Love all the variables!❤
Hi! Just discovered your channel! Was looking for a refresher on 4-patch and 9-patch disappearing methods and this was perfect. Very nicely laid out and explained. Thank you. :D
Thank you so very much for taking your time to explain in a way that makes me feel like I could do this. Again thanks for your time.God Bless.
Thank you.
Such a wonderful video. My first visit with you. Your explanations were so sensible yet not down putting - can’t think of the word lol
So well explained ty so much 💓
I really enjoyed your video and all the educational components. I will be working these blocks starting tomorrow. Thank you so much. ❤
I have been wanting to make this. You have explained it so nicely, l know I can make one now. Thank you!!!
I love this! I will try these with a smaller quilt.
Very interestingi like very well explained.
Huge thank you - just what I needed, being a little hesitation to move them, then not getting the effect I was hoping for!
You're very welcome!
You are an amazing teacher. I've never seen so many variations. I have taken 4 memory quilts for the same family and after watching this I think I'll use the different disappearing 4 or 9 patch for all of them. They'll all have the same fabrics but different looks. I especially like the one cut diagonal. Thank you so much.
Awesome video!!!! Thank you!
This was great! Thank you.
You're so welcome!
Great tutorial!
I'm just starting to quilt, this was very inspirational. TYFS
Love these! Thank you for such thorough instructions!
Great explanation and filming! Than you
Where do you get the cutting measurements for cutting the half-square block? Thirds, halves?