The only group that making a MV almost like a film. And the concept of this story is freaking amazing,after many years. Non kpop group still able to do that.
2022, watching this MV still gives me goosebumps, when Hyomin died, Eun Jung hugged Hyomin and cried, the girl really recognized her sister. And Ji Yeon's professional acting as well, So Yeon as the group's leader also did a good job. By the way, I wish So Yeon happiness with her fiancé. Thank you T ARA for appearing in our youth.💝
Tara had it all.. Looks... Dancing skills... Vocals... Acting skills... It just sucks their company was a shit.... And didn't know how to protect their only money maker
T-ARA's MV's are always the best. I'm a sone but I'm always looking forward to their MV's. T-ARA needs a korean comeback. I keep watching this and day by day. I'm binge watching for fox sake. Give us a new song and MV that slays as much as this and the old ones. the story type MV's. please!
Only gg in SK that I followed. Really sad when they encountered the scandal. Especially when Eujung (my bias) was removed from a drama and was replaced.
Jiyeon this is where I met you, with this mv I fell in love with T-ara and it is sad that such a talented group has gone through so much. Does anyone listen to them in 2020?
i really hate what the scandal did to eunjung and jiyeon acting career. These two are always on top as idol-actors and yet the scandal ruined them. I hope they will bounce back soon and resume their acting.
Not trying to exaggerate, but among all K-pop idol they are the perfect one from head to toes. They are a great actress too.. 2021, I still love & miss them..
don't wanna disappoint you but the kpop mvs from nowadays are more expensive than that time but yeah this mv was very expensive to make at that time....
@@lasttofirst3335 hello, music video nowday expensive but nothing to impress about.. This mv, storyline, music, actress(their own member who can act really well), everything just perfect.. just like real story we watch at tv..
Its 2021 and it is still the best drama series of kpop music for me Cried when I was a kid without knowing the prologue as well as now when I know what the whole story is about.
Just watched T-ARA on Knowing Bros and they said they are actually planning to make a comeback soon! I'm so happy as they were the 1st and one of only two kpop groups I've ever stanned.
Nfwl9u5jeikejj4jjuhu4keuk4ke3k3j73mw Hu ie8 km k3u es el un 3k4u 9o í te ek un bt bb ei84jek yuuy tju4tl83 un k4 88 k3 un bb un owoyn7eu y. K38 Hu 5li38j5ko3 k4u4 ii 8u7b5un IM k4o3jkj⅝jrjru5ki3kt un ri9e 8u n63or un eo93j6neu un ykeo8rosoj5j53l3u4o3
Cry Cry - Cry Cry (Ballad Ver.) - We were in love - Lovey Dovey Day By Day - Don't Go Away - Day and Night - Sexy Love With the best rap, the best ballad, the best dance There's no girl group else can perform like this The best 2 series of T-ARA
i rewatch this 7 years later and just realized that eunjung was dani and she was not really blind after all since she saw that bunny before and remembers it wtf i miss t-ara and 7 years later i still can't get over that hyomin died here
... she was blind. She just had powers. Her other senses combined with her special power to create perception and realize the person that gave her the bunny was not the person who she was with after all those years. Plus, she was literally calling her "Dani" the whole video. Did you just not pay attention to that part? 😂
The only group that making a MV almost like a film. And the concept of this story is freaking amazing,after many years. Non kpop group still able to do that - winter day
jmae jinks losing so much potential from Eunjung's and jiyeon's acting to hyomin variety talents even soyeon showed she is good at acting all of this ruined because of unfounded rumors and a salty bitch called hwayoung
@@aliffoncexsone9 hey goes downhill of one reason, alot want them to fall because obviously they were even managing to does this kind of art and just sad after 5 yrs the truth that resurface and it end up its all just a fake shit anti spread lol
@@aliffoncexsone9 Ignoraram. Depois dos rumores esclarecidos elas seguiram boicotadas, tanto no cenário musical quanto na atuação. Um pouco mais de cuidado e menos sede de vingança teria impedido que essas meninas fossem arruinadas. E a situação delas só não ficou mais crítica porque conseguiram manter sucesso na China.
I'm about to cry. It's so emotional when I watch it now; there's something so touching about it, after 11 years. It's no joke to say T-Ara is one of the legends. I miss that K-pop era so much.
I like this movie u know why bcause this movie Is so Best I cannot forget this movie and I like the song especially day by day and sexy love songs every time and every weeks I want watching this movie🎈💓🎈
I’m watching this five years later and I can’t believe I’ve been into kpop for so long, I just didn’t know this was kpop since I was so young. 😭 This was the first kpop song I fell inlove with..
this mv should be rewarded as the best mv! Eunjung, Jiyeon and Hyomin acting was on the point. The plot, the music, the backgorund. everything was good
Okay, I talked about it somewhere in the internet, now I'm gonna talk about it again. Does anyone notice the meadow where Hyomin was walking alone at the end was similar to the one where she walked together with the mysterious guy? That one place with a tree and a huge moon? The 2nd scene supposedly happened after she died, so we can assume that the meadow represented afterlife. What if Hyomin actually died at the end of DBD? What if the guy and his group were some kind of supernatural beings who gave her a second chance to save Dani? If you look closely, Hyomin never talked to him, never interacted with him, never even looked at him. It was the guy who kept watching over her, comforted her, etc. Almost like he's not supposed to be there or he's invisible. Once she set off to finish her unfinished business, he was never seen again. (Well, they seemed to be interacting in behind the scenes, so I don't know) Also, when Hyomin died, and Eunjung/Dani hugged her, the world seemed to be tearing apart in the background, with the meteors and all. Could it be because of Eunjung/Dani? Like... she was super devastated by Hyomin's death, she unconsciously released her power to the world and destroyed everything. Ahh... the mind of a writer.
my senpai is a ninja i agree about the guy it's like his not there and he is just watching her closely, this is propably one of the most beautiful kpop mvs out there if it wasn't for the scandal this would have been one of the most iconic mv in kpop and drama mv would have been a thing in kpop now
Confession time ♡ Still remember tht this is the *first crush* of mine on T-ara. It is the time when t-ara got their title of top girl group, it is the time when t-ara has the biggest controversy. Till today, it has been 2 years time, my love for them is not fading but keep bounding up. Love to be Queen's.
어린 시절에 너무 좋아했던 걸그룹인데..그때 한국말 하나도 모르면서 그냥 노래좋고 언니들도 좋아서 들었었어...티아라 노래들은 진짜 다 masterpiece 였어..난 아직도 티아라 노래 좋아...울언니들 노래 또 해줬으면 좋겠는데..그래도 그 무엇 보다 언니들 하고 싶은 일 하면 더 좋겠다고 생각해.
Fan since 2012 and still here patiently waiting for their comeback now that the scandal that destroyed their popularity has ended. I love their acting too thats why I supported every kdramas they're in even if its only a cameo. Missing my Queens so much. T-ARA is the only gg I love so much. Eun Jung is my bias. I wish tjey make these mv series a drama or movie. Its super cool. I hope the world discover and love them the way I love them now even if its a little late.
신의 힘을 탐낸 인간들의 욕심 때문에 멸망한 세계. 그 속에서 특별한 힘을 가진 여동생을 지키는 언니와 악녀의 이야기.. 이게 그 시절 걸그룹 뮤비에 나올 소재인가 진짜 대단스
The only group that making a MV almost like a film. And the concept of this story is freaking amazing,after many years. Non kpop group still able to do that.
B.A.P's Skydive and One Shot and also MBLAQ's this is war would like to have a word with you.
Also SPEED's That's my fault xd
2ne1 - Go Away
You must be newbie
back to the future~ ㅎㅎ
Watch 2NE1's MV 💚. Their mvs also like films
2020 everyone 😭😭😭 i miss this kpop era
Me too
2022, watching this MV still gives me goosebumps, when Hyomin died, Eun Jung hugged Hyomin and cried, the girl really recognized her sister. And Ji Yeon's professional acting as well, So Yeon as the group's leader also did a good job. By the way, I wish So Yeon happiness with her fiancé. Thank you T ARA for appearing in our youth.💝
다시한번 말하지만 티아라는 이렇게 끝날그룹이 아니었다
팡수의 욕심과 류화영 그년 때문에...
티아라 내가 처음으로 좋아한 걸그룹........
알아요ㅠ 그래서 계속 응원하고 있습니다
류화영이. 누구에여~?,
@@박선라-u4d 왕따 피해자 코스프레한 뇬있어여
진짜 무슨 영화 보는 거 같다,, 8년 전에 이 퀄리티인 게 놀랍고 어렸을 때 봤던 건데 아직도 기억에 남는 거면 얼마나 신선한 충격이었겠음,,,,
Mẹ ơi con nhớ nhà
Hút thuốc lào đã đi dương văn nhãn
Tara had it all.. Looks... Dancing skills... Vocals... Acting skills... It just sucks their company was a shit.... And didn't know how to protect their only money maker
big bsng
It's 2021 now and I still don't know why this masterpiece can't get 100M :(((
omg this is my childhood music
Ừ đúng vậy
So sad :'(
đéo ai đeo bao kiếm katana gunto hướng xuống dưới cả
kể cả nếu là chisa katana cũng phải đeo sau lưng
와.... 뮤비 진짜 잘찍었다.. 노래랑도 어울리고 재미도 감동도 무엇하나 놓친게 없음 ㅠㅠ
T-ARA's MV's are always the best. I'm a sone but I'm always looking forward to their MV's. T-ARA needs a korean comeback. I keep watching this and day by day. I'm binge watching for fox sake. Give us a new song and MV that slays as much as this and the old ones. the story type MV's. please!
i agree. i miss them a lot, queens also miss them a lots. their mv never been fail. its always touch my heart
Tiny Babbles o
Nhạc Sexy love và Day By Day
jiyeon, hyomin
I'm sone, but i'd like to watch their mv too
이건 다시봐도 촌스럽지가 않다..
티아라 연기 넘 잘해 ㅠㅠ 은정.효민.지연.
조은서 단이가 아니고 다니
조은서 걔가 은정임
lmsw s 다니입니다
최낙천 함은정 사랑❤
If you are watching this in 2021 you are not just a legend, but LEGENDARY LEGEND :)
If T-ARA comebacks this year, will u support them????
Khoa D14 of couse
of courseeee
1000000 percent :)))
Only gg in SK that I followed. Really sad when they encountered the scandal. Especially when Eujung (my bias) was removed from a drama and was replaced.
@@dkf315 what drama and Who's girl who replace her
As a BJ and a YGstan i have to appreciate T-Ara's MV this is the most unique MV in KPOP.
watch other drama ver cry cry and lovery dovey...
Reykjavik 101
Jiyeon this is where I met you, with this mv I fell in love with T-ara and it is sad that such a talented group has gone through so much. Does anyone listen to them in 2020?
Jacquelin Vargas miss them soooo much 😭
Me😭😭😭😭😭I love Jiyeon too😭😭😭😭
2021 e segue sendo o único grupo que ainda volto pra assistir os videos e ouvir as músicas
They're back! You have to listen "Tiki Tak" their new song!
2023 ❤
솔직히 이런 이런 레전드그룹 없다 넉놓고보면 감성 포텐터진다 마흔넘어서 다시보지만 눈물난다
La música en si dice algo.
Es....un sentimiento...ese sentimiento dice algo.
티아라 팬이면 알 수 있는데 데이바이데이, 섹시러브 스토리 뮤비에 9번째 새멤버 다니를
노출시키고 그 이후에 합류시키려했던거까지
i really hate what the scandal did to eunjung and jiyeon acting career. These two are always on top as idol-actors and yet the scandal ruined them.
I hope they will bounce back soon and resume their acting.
Jeon Boram, Lee Qri, Park Soyeon, Ham Eunjung, Park Hyomin, Park Jiyeon
요즘 다시 티아라 뽕에 취해서 노래들 미친듯이 듣다가 뮤비 생각나서 쭉 보고있다
나도 그렇타 티아라가 이렇케 잊혀지나 하는 한국형 걸그룹 이었는데 몇년지나서 들어도 부담없고 애절하고 모 요즘은 블랙핑크 트와이스 우주소녀 오마이걸 여자친구 아이즈원 잇찌 애버글로우 로켓펀치 듣지만
전 데뷔때부터 뽕맞아서 응원하고 있답니다
Not trying to exaggerate, but among all K-pop idol they are the perfect one from head to toes. They are a great actress too.. 2021, I still love & miss them..
I'm going to say that it's kinda exaggerated , but I realized that were talking about T-ara here so I agree 👑🌻
왠만한 티아라 뮤비는 영화인듯... 겁나 고퀄...
T-ara's drama styled mv is hella expensive to make and a lot of work so maybe thats why there arent kpop mv's like this nowadays.
Not only that, most tara members can act
don't wanna disappoint you but the kpop mvs from nowadays are more expensive than that time but yeah this mv was very expensive to make at that time....
@@lasttofirst3335 hello, music video nowday expensive but nothing to impress about..
This mv, storyline, music, actress(their own member who can act really well), everything just perfect.. just like real story we watch at tv..
티아라 있을땐 몰랐는데 없으니까 이런 음악 해주는 그룹이 없다
Its 2021 and it is still the best drama series of kpop music for me
Cried when I was a kid without knowing the prologue as well as now when I know what the whole story is about.
What's the drama name
@@jeon_ritu4750 it's just a MV but drama ver
what's the prologue?
I agree...they are the best k pop
티아라 드라마 뮤비들 진짜 추억이다..
2020년에도 보러오는 나..
요즘에는 이런뮤비도 없고 노래도 별로 그렇게 좋지도 않네 옛날이 좋았는데
ㅇㅈ...이때 추억이다진짜...
ㅇㅈ 맘이 막 싱숭생숭
영화 보는거 같음 ㅠㅠ
Words can't explain how gorgeous Eunjung looks with that hairstyle and color!
Just watched T-ARA on Knowing Bros and they said they are actually planning to make a comeback soon! I'm so happy as they were the 1st and one of only two kpop groups I've ever stanned.
Now it nearly 2021 everyone miss this kpop T-ara😭
Yep me too
와 저 내용을 sexy love랑 어떻게 접목시킬지? 궁금했는데 개찰떡이네 이정도면 뮤비 만들려고 노래냈다는게 학계의 정설
Người Việt Nam ai thích T ara điểm danh nào
Mik nèk
Mih nè
Phải nói T-ARA là nhóm mang t tới Kpop
2024년 왔어요~~😅
Nfwl9u5jeikejj4jjuhu4keuk4ke3k3j73mw Hu ie8 km k3u es el un 3k4u 9o í te ek un bt bb ei84jek yuuy tju4tl83 un k4 88 k3 un bb un owoyn7eu y. K38 Hu 5li38j5ko3 k4u4 ii 8u7b5un IM k4o3jkj⅝jrjru5ki3kt un ri9e 8u n63or un eo93j6neu un ykeo8rosoj5j53l3u4o3
2024 more
E7heoe028w 98 ueyhy4ieo3ou3 bb gg 4iwo0eu4y 77 4y ii9 q0 99 te 3u3³g 77 4kwo Yu 77 lo 203u Hu 9o 4o 9o h 9o 83 0o u3 77 2loww
Cry Cry - Cry Cry (Ballad Ver.) - We were in love - Lovey Dovey
Day By Day - Don't Go Away - Day and Night - Sexy Love
With the best rap, the best ballad, the best dance
There's no girl group else can perform like this
The best 2 series of T-ARA
2ne1 can do rock,balled, accoustic, raggae,pop and rap
Don't forget minzy's dance and CL's rap
Fix your sentence '' there's no girl group'' lmao
@@ShineBright506 respect her opinion, i admit theres no gg group in second generation have concept like t-ara.
i’m craving for t-ara mv drama like. Actually i miss tara a lot , their music, their members
me too.
this is what i call awesome movie and t ara
I miss this era so much. I'd give anything to have more MVs like this. T-ara really deserved better.
i miss them, i miss this kind of music video, music, new kpop would never be
Kenji Han ikr
Kenji Han that is why in kpop world there is this era called "golden era"
티아라.. 정말 뮤비는 가끔씩 생각나서 들르게 되는.. 그렇게 오명을 갖고 사라질 그룹이 아니었다. 노래도 좋고 뮤비도 작품이다. 아직도 노래를 들으며 기억하는 그룹.. !!
Stream and subscribe Jiyeon
2023 ❤
악마 같은 전멤버 하나랑 그 언니 때문에 어휴
Tara come back
always here... btw do anyone knows what they’ve become ?
Rewatching this and I forgot that Hyomin dies at the end... I wish K-Pop would do more drama for their MVs like this one !! So cool !
2019, anyone?
I really love T-ARA MV Concept, I like look a short drama
help me! what song is the one playing at 1:37!! please tell me ):
@@JL_5 sorry if the title is too late. "day and night" by T-ARA, Shannon, Gunji :)
와.. 초딩때 이거보고 심취해서 엄마가게에서 빗자루두개들고 엄청 휘둘르다가 엄마가 등짝 때린거 기억난다.. 완전추억ㅠ
i rewatch this 7 years later and just realized that eunjung was dani and she was not really blind after all since she saw that bunny before and remembers it wtf i miss t-ara and 7 years later i still can't get over that hyomin died here
but she felt the bunny
... she was blind. She just had powers. Her other senses combined with her special power to create perception and realize the person that gave her the bunny was not the person who she was with after all those years.
Plus, she was literally calling her "Dani" the whole video. Did you just not pay attention to that part? 😂
@@ubergamer2010 can u tell me the story I don't understabd
티아라는 내 청춘일기같음
사랑도 이별도 티아라 노래와 함께했엇음
이뮤비 완전 짱인데 보고 또봐도 역시 뮤비는 티아라 딸라올그룹 아직은 없는듯 퀄티가 대따좋음
While Eunjung and Jiyeon are fighting, there's DJ Soyeon enjoying the music. Lmao
LOL this is hilarious
i think she turned up yhe music so the girl who was blind couldnt hear which direction her attacks where coming from
+LouiA Mangumpit
Dani is the blind one in part 1. Here, Eunjung is the character that Dani was.
K-POP ENTERTAINMENT so where boram, qri?
i love that scene, she seems cool! 💕
초반에나오는 노래 음 너무좋아...분위기 랑 소름돋게찰떡이라 그냥 한마디로 띵작😭😭
The only group that making a MV almost like a film. And the concept of this story is freaking amazing,after many years. Non kpop group still able to do that - winter day
i’m crying..there is no other mv that can make us cry, its just tara
Hyomin's Acting Skills Gets Emotional ♥♥ She Must Get Into Drama's.
Jiyeon’s visual is truly INSANE 😍 she’s very beautiful ❤️
Estos videos son una obra de arte, nunca jamás, ningún grupo de la nueva generación hará algo como esto
that acting I'm always shook why korea ignored them
jmae jinks losing so much potential from Eunjung's and jiyeon's acting to hyomin variety talents even soyeon showed she is good at acting all of this ruined because of unfounded rumors and a salty bitch called hwayoung
Korean never ignored them. They on peak of their career from roly-poly to day by day. Until the scandal hit them, this group going downhill.
@@aliffoncexsone9 hey goes downhill of one reason, alot want them to fall because obviously they were even managing to does this kind of art and just sad after 5 yrs the truth that resurface and it end up its all just a fake shit anti spread lol
@@aliffoncexsone9 Ignoraram. Depois dos rumores esclarecidos elas seguiram boicotadas, tanto no cenário musical quanto na atuação. Um pouco mais de cuidado e menos sede de vingança teria impedido que essas meninas fossem arruinadas.
E a situação delas só não ficou mais crítica porque conseguiram manter sucesso na China.
OMG I love T-ara so much!!!even its 2016 already I'm still watching their mv's ^^
Day by DAy and Sexy Love MV deserve more recognition . Seriously it's a masterpiece
Sangat master disini.
The real story of T-ara is sadder than this MV.
FR 🥺
뭐야... 뽕차서 찾아왔는데 이거 8년전 맞아......? 나지금 눈물나.
程度 哦开 可红别提
지연이는 악당 이런 역활 너무 좋아요~💛💛 잘어울림 ㅎㅎㅎ 드라마에두 이런 악녀 이런거 했음 좋겠다는ㅋㅋㅋ 엄청 잘할것 같아유💛 갠적으로 좋아하능ㅋㅋ
Eunjung + Hyomin + Jiyeon = Perfect combination. ^^
I love T-ara so much though I was a Sone.😊♡♡
I'm about to cry. It's so emotional when I watch it now; there's something so touching about it, after 11 years. It's no joke to say T-Ara is one of the legends. I miss that K-pop era so much.
I miss this kind of video
Me too 😭😭
Me three...
I like this movie u know why bcause this movie Is so Best I cannot forget this movie and I like the song especially day by day and sexy love songs every time and every weeks I want watching this movie🎈💓🎈
Haha Yayas can you tell me the movies name please?
Lechumi Bathumalai I think they just meant this whole video series is set up like a movie. :)
I’m watching this five years later and I can’t believe I’ve been into kpop for so long, I just didn’t know this was kpop since I was so young. 😭 This was the first kpop song I fell inlove with..
They derserve better treatment and recognition. For me, they are really of same level with SNSD. :\
+fdsdsfsd gugygy China has its own version of TH-cam (yinyuetai) and tiaras MVs have more views than snsd
+dooj really?
Chandria Mendoza yes, the #1 is "Number 9" with 132 million views: And second is sugar free with 132 million
yeah imagine how much work they put into these MVS....crazy
Until now, none of kpop group can make this style-like MV alive again.
this story is so sad when you love t ara
2020 and i still never get bored of watching those MV drama of Tara
Always be my legend
와 티아라 뮤비들 처음 찬찬히 봤는데 놀래 자빠지겠네. 이 고궐 뭐야.. 대체 티아라는 안되는 컨셉이 없네??? 연기는 또 왤케 잘 해??? 특히 함은정 연기 개쩐다 진짜..
So Eunjung is the grown-up version of baby Dani🤣😂😍😘
다시봐도 띵작이네
After crying like a baby for this MV, I proudly became a T-ara fan
They are such talented and creative gg!! Their legacy will last forever 👑
I’m gonna show my kids this one day so they can carry the legacy of knowing this song
결국은 인간에 욕심때문에 모두가 죽고 한명은 살아남은거네.. 지금은 나올수없는 뮤비(드라마)퀄리티다
이트화 근데 저 궁금한게 있는데요 이거 전편에 다니를 왜 매달고 다닌거임?
@@fkaus4456 다니한테 폭력적인 세상의 실체들을 보여준거임. 원래 눈 멀어서 모르고있었잖슴.. 그래서 애도 흑화하게 만든거임
@@ckd1254 정보 감사합니다
@@ckd1254 눈 다시보여요? 근데 저기선 왜 칼찾을때 더듬거려요ㅠ?
@@user-dk9uh8yn6i 저기서는 저 헬멧...? 같은 특수장치로 잠시 보이게 한 것 같아요
this mv should be rewarded as the best mv! Eunjung, Jiyeon and Hyomin acting was on the point. The plot, the music, the backgorund. everything was good
Okay, I talked about it somewhere in the internet, now I'm gonna talk about it again. Does anyone notice the meadow where Hyomin was walking alone at the end was similar to the one where she walked together with the mysterious guy? That one place with a tree and a huge moon? The 2nd scene supposedly happened after she died, so we can assume that the meadow represented afterlife. What if Hyomin actually died at the end of DBD? What if the guy and his group were some kind of supernatural beings who gave her a second chance to save Dani? If you look closely, Hyomin never talked to him, never interacted with him, never even looked at him. It was the guy who kept watching over her, comforted her, etc. Almost like he's not supposed to be there or he's invisible. Once she set off to finish her unfinished business, he was never seen again. (Well, they seemed to be interacting in behind the scenes, so I don't know) Also, when Hyomin died, and Eunjung/Dani hugged her, the world seemed to be tearing apart in the background, with the meteors and all. Could it be because of Eunjung/Dani? Like... she was super devastated by Hyomin's death, she unconsciously released her power to the world and destroyed everything. Ahh... the mind of a writer.
my senpai is a ninja i agree about the guy it's like his not there and he is
just watching her closely, this is propably one of the most beautiful kpop mvs out there if it wasn't for the scandal this would have been one of the most iconic mv in kpop and drama mv would have been a thing in kpop now
you hit the spot
And what was her Powers really??
I love this drama MV. But I don't ever want to see Eunjung that sad again.
Đúng thật sự là thời hoàng kim của Kpop
a drama ver that no other gg ever had in history...
고마워요 나을 대신 살아 주는 것 같아서
I hate Tara because they bullied hwayoung
that matter already proven false,but it;s your choice to hate them or not. t ara didn't bully her
Its clearly discovered that that was fake, but still people believing this stupid words..
Who here May 2019??
OMG why I never watch this mv before, I know the song but never watch it😭
Same, and I didn't expect that the mv of this song is like this
But I know this mv from 1 year and 3 months this mv this is very very old mv
저 지금 독립영화 보는듯..
이런식의 영화가 나와야죠 ㅋㅋ
감독님들 모 하십니까..
Came here because of quarantine and because I miss second generation K-POP so much!😭💜
15-3-2019. Việt Nam mãi yêu. 😘😘😍😍💖💖🌷🌷
vãi cả hay
No 2019
Confession time ♡
Still remember tht this is the *first crush* of mine on T-ara.
It is the time when t-ara got their title of top girl group, it is the time when t-ara has the biggest controversy.
Till today, it has been 2 years time, my love for them is not fading but keep bounding up.
Love to be Queen's.
걸그룹이 연기도 잘함…. 티아라 뮤비보고 울었던 기억나는데 지금봐도 슬픔 ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ🥺
이 영화 보기 전에 데이 바이 데이 먼저 보고 오세요 이건 2편입니다ㅎㅎ
eunjung's sword skill is top notch
Đúng là hoàng kim Kpop 1 thời, ngang ngữa cả bom tấn :)
Mập- chan 1 thời khuynh đảo thị trường âm nhạc Châu Á
어린 시절에 너무 좋아했던 걸그룹인데..그때 한국말 하나도 모르면서 그냥 노래좋고 언니들도 좋아서 들었었어...티아라 노래들은 진짜 다 masterpiece 였어..난 아직도 티아라 노래 좋아...울언니들 노래 또 해줬으면 좋겠는데..그래도 그 무엇 보다 언니들 하고 싶은 일 하면 더 좋겠다고 생각해.
The first girlband I knew, I thought that girlband in that generation were very charismatic like snsd and 2ne1
There are so many girl group like snsd and tara
Only 2ne1 is charismatic
U know there should be a drama about this😭 so inspiring!!! Who ever is watching this from 2016 and over
So ur telling me hyomin got into a coma for 6yrs and when she woke up, she died in the arms of her sister :") okay im fine
I'm cry😭
Let's don't say she got in to coma because of her sister
RIP Boram who didn't have a role in any of the 4 epic T-ARA MVs... a member who never debuted was in two of them!!!
I think all of T-are videos should be like this! How they are done to be mini movies is amazing!
Been a while, I subtly love how Soyeon just has fun watching both Jung and Ji fighting each other 😂
*2018 Anyone??*
Creamy Taehyung yasss
oh yeaasss
Creamy Taehyung me
주기적으로 보러오는 영상...
울언니들 연기미쳫구ㅠㅠ
노래두 넘 조음
18/08/2018 I'm From Vietnam 💕
Hy vọng T-ARA sẽ tái hợp
@@minervapallas481 à mình cũng mong vậy 15/1/2019
Julia M where in Vietnam I am Vietnamese but I do not live in Vietnam also when I go to Vietnam I go yo Ho Chi Minh in sagoin
Eun Jung & Hyomin 💕😍😍 perfects
xin làm người xa lạ đan nguyên
Fan since 2012 and still here patiently waiting for their comeback now that the scandal that destroyed their popularity has ended. I love their acting too thats why I supported every kdramas they're in even if its only a cameo. Missing my Queens so much. T-ARA is the only gg I love so much. Eun Jung is my bias. I wish tjey make these mv series a drama or movie. Its super cool. I hope the world discover and love them the way I love them now even if its a little late.
I'm crying after listening 🎧
this songs😭
I remember my childhood
Now I'm 20