Just beat this last month, they changed the theocracy animation when fighting the white king. Originally, the bishop disappeared from the card. But now, the card is ripped in half and disappears.
in the old version the bishop dissappear from the card and it name change to "overthrown theocracy" basically it add 1 bishop and bishop get +1 hp nothing else
Legends say that the kingdom turned into a democracy but devolved into dictatorship, the same dictatorship we manage in Dictator Revolt. Nah, jst fantasizing here.
Just beat this last month, they changed the theocracy animation when fighting the white king. Originally, the bishop disappeared from the card. But now, the card is ripped in half and disappears.
in the old version the bishop dissappear from the card and it name change to "overthrown theocracy"
basically it add 1 bishop and bishop get +1 hp
nothing else
Finally you found sercet boss
Legends say that the kingdom turned into a democracy but devolved into dictatorship, the same dictatorship we manage in Dictator Revolt. Nah, jst fantasizing here.
This looks like something that would be on cool math games
funny enough, i actually google on coolmathgames to try and find it
Hé did it
Ending 3 same thing as 2, but must have no amo in your shotgun
not very secret, its in the steam pictures lol
But they way you get that ending is not told tho
that was a ROUGH game
He said um