《馬可福音》第10章13-16節 小孩與耶穌

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ม.ค. 2025
  • 上次的10章1-12節提到耶穌受試探,第一個問題是有關休妻,今次的第二個問題就是有一群人帶孩子來摸耶穌,因為他們知道耶穌很有能力的,但門徒卻不讓,耶穌就生門徒的氣,因為進天國跟隨耶穌就要像孩子一般,只有孩子是父母帶他們去哪裡,他們就去哪裡。現在耶穌要上耶路撒冷,而門徒也要跟隨祂一同上去,就像孩子跟隨父母一樣,而法利賽人是不跟的。
    Last time, Chapter 10, verses 1-12 mentioned that Jesus was tempted. The first question was about divorce. The second question this time was that a group of people brought their children to touch Jesus because they knew that Jesus was very powerful. But the disciples refused, and Jesus became angry with the disciples, because to follow Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven is to be like children. Only children can go wherever their parents take them. Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, and the disciples were going up with Him, like children following their parents, but the Pharisees were not following.

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