Exploration is number 1. The 400i, with it's aerodynamics, fuel efficiency, and dedicated scanners, can quickly find points of interest in atmosphere. With respect to this task, the 400i is hands down the best exploration ship, in atmosphere.
You make some absolutely fantastic points! The 400i really is the ship you want if you’re operating on a small crew and need to get the job done, fast! And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
I was once incapaciatated on one of hurston's moons and was dying from the extreme temperature when someone saved me. I ran into my 400i's cooled rooms to lower my body temperature and it worked.
So personally i think this ship was designed for stealth exploration, like sneaking into systems and probably a amazing contraband smuggling ship for two reasons. the climate controlled rooms will keep the signature of the components low and in the cargo room against the rear wall is the battery storage and its huge! CIG has already said battery will be used to boost power or run the ship while the power plants are off and since the power plants are the only components not found behind the climate controlled rooms 🤷♀️ but i think this ship is a sleeping giant so i bought one 😇. Love your videos!
Robert Deemer, I think that’s a fantastic analysis of the ship! The 400i really is the pinnacle for the discerning smuggler! And I hadn’t even considered the signature reductions from what the cold storage would offer, but that is a fantastic point! Thank you so much for sharing that information about the power plant and batteries, I didn’t know that they acted as a generator when the power went off line! And thank you so much for those kind words, I really appreciate the support! and thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave your thoughts I really appreciate the engagement!
Once artifact runs come in, this is the ship I am 100% hauling out! Currently I've been using mine for box missions. It's a bit overkill, but with the amount of loot I'm hauling back from outposts it has a great amount of storage!
Vagabond Prime, this really is such a fantastic ship even as just a simple runabout! And once these artifact missions come in, you’ll be making off like never before! 5 million UEC from the Citizencon demo, is one hell of a lot of boxes 😂👍 And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
For myself, luxury exploring, racing and scouting are my main uses. Being able to carry a dragonfly in the back (G12 once released) and eventually a X1 in the nose, I could see myself using the 400i as a trailer/hotel room when doing events like the Daymar rally. Been using it to check outposts for cargo for my buddy in his M2 to grab (550scu vs 32 on the 400i). It’s also a great ship for not dying it, having large shields, fast top speeds and a huge fuel tank is a good combo for the 400i. Once new systems are added, the stock QJ will be great for long(but slow) jumps. Really hope they make it more agile and maybe give the pilot S5 fixed, besides that, I love it!
I think those are excellent uses for this ship, especially as a luxury tourer, given its amenities and robust defenses! And while the quantum drive is slow, I expect it’ll have good fuel economy for systems like Pyro and others! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and leave your comments, I really appreciate your engagement!
Unfortunately it can't hold a G12, a Cyclone is as big as it gets for it. Who knows why they built it that way, but hey, CIG know what they're doing with these 'luxury' ships..apparently?
I've been a little back and forth on whether I will keep my 400i, but it's size and flexibility are very appealing. I've sold and repurchased various 300i in the past because I just love the interior, and the 400i offers that same elegant feeling while offering more utility. Just a fun ship for that size class.
It can be so hard when CIG (especially with Origin) offers so many fantastic ship designs! But the 400i really is a standout work of art, especially when compared to the 300i below it! I think while both are fantastic ships with a ton of functionality and style, the 400i really brings the utility and has so much updated design language throughout! I don’t think you made the wrong choice! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
When I first got my 400i I wanted to trade it immediately. I made myself use the ship more however and now it's one of my favorite ships I own. The 400i didn't make a good first impression on me when it was revealed and I think that bias clouded my initial judgement a little. After having the ship for a while I've grown to really like it. My suggestion to you is spend a little time with the ship before you trade it. The 400i for me anyways was something I had to "Get over myself" a little to start to enjoy it. Once you get past that you may find that it's a great little ship. At this point I mainly use mine for Touring and as a Daily Driver when just traveling around the system. I keep a Nox and a Cyclone RN in mine just for messing around while Touring. I have encountered an interesting bug related to the Nox and the Bike Bay. Every once in a while I'll land at a Station and before I can store the ship the Nox will get impounded for Reckless Driving... While sitting in the Bike Bay of the 400i sitting on a landing pad! lol
Thank you for posting this video! I currently use mine for smuggling to a great effect, doesnt hold a lot of SCU but when you are running Vice you dont need much room :)
P Bernad, this really does make an excellent ship for any of your discreet cargo needs! How has trade been in 3.15? Have you noticed that places buy any larger quantities of goods? I know that was a big turnoff with trading in the past; even drug trafficking, the profits just weren’t there! And you’re very welcome, I’m really glad you enjoyed the video and I really appreciate your continued support and channel engagement! Thank you so much!
@@ViciDeum Trading (Smuggling) has been very good to me! Buying roughly 115k worth of Vice, I am able to make a 2 stop journey to sell it for a profit of roughly 40k. Its about a 20min trip as well, very happy with cargo running in its current state!
@@bernard5748 That’s fantastic news, and significantly improved over 3.14! I’m really excited to try out some trafficking again haha. And thank you for sharing this awesome info, I really appreciate you letting me know!
While your offering indulges in heavy theory-crafting, I like the positive presentation. I appreciate ship videos that highlight game-play potentialities rather than focusing on shortcomings. As for me, I plan to engage in the base or outpost building career path which will necessitate fine exploration. The 400i, along with other ships, should accomplish that task handily. Cheers!
Ziff, yes these videos are incredibly speculative and all just my personal opinions! They definitely rely heavily on theory crafting about these ships’ potential future uses, although it is influenced by in game experience and a number of other predictions for the release! But I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and I’m glad you enjoyed this video 😁👍
Truther, I think that’s an excellent comparison! Especially because I adore both of their designs tremendously and will 100% own both in-game 👍 And thank you so much for the kind words and for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
I own both ships and love them. However, they have different roles in everything but smuggling/blockade running, which they share. The slight advantage to using a 400i in smuggling is that most players won't see a luxury ship in that role. They see it more as a space whale's toy while everyone knows a MSR is a smuggling ship. The 400i is about half the mass of the MSR so it can't be made to haul as much, it doesn't have the range of the MSR either, about 2/3-3/4, but is close in speed and armament. Where the MSR is a data intercept/running ship beyond compare the 400i beats it out on scouting/mapping functions.
@@istvan5674 Thank you so much for providing this breakdown! You make some excellent points and I just love the idea of using the 400i as an undercover smuggler 👌
I am a big fan of the 400I. I think its nearly usefull for all jobs (but spacefighting). Love every flight with it. Worked for some money, for fuel and now explore the planets with it. Its a dream to explore the verse with it. Had big luck, to get the penumbra paint. My ship forever! Only for fighting, I stay with my nomad. May be I get another fighter for this job. I think I get may be the 100I. Or If a 200I gets ever created as a fighter, I may take this. We'll have a look.
Hansiwansi, I completely agree! After flying this ship, it is tremendous fun and a real joy to go exploring with! While it does lack some of that combat potential, it more than makes up for that with utility and luxury features! And have you flown the 325a? I highly recommend this ship if you haven’t, it is a fantastic dogfighter while still keeping Origin’s luxurious designs! And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate reading your comments and for your engagement!
The 125a is a great little ship but it's a starter ship so don't expect it's going to be a beast at combat. With 2 size 3's it does okay but is still outclassed by every other dedicated light fighter in the game. If you are looking for a dedicated Light Fighter for Bounties/PvP I would recommend the Arrow or Gladius. They sacrifice the interior but are much better at combat in the same price range as the 100 series. Granted the 100 series is more versatile with the interior but if you have other ships to fill those roles you are better off getting a dedicated Light Fighter than either the 100 or 300 series. I only recommend those two ships if they are your only ship as neither is top of their respective classes due to being more geared toward luxury than a hard focus on combat only like the dedicated Light and Medium Fighters.
The 400i best fits as midway between a MISC DUR and a Connie Aquila, a step up from the DUR and an alternative to the Aquila if you look to jump to the 600i or the Carrack next. I like the 400i as I can solo it which I can't as well with the larger exploration ships. Of course I prefer at least one crewmember besides me. A blade could take the top turret slot, the latter freeing that station for the ship's engineer. I think maintenance will be important down the road, especially if you want to keep a luxury ship looking sharp and performing well. Alternatively, that 3rd billet could be your VIP placed in the Captain's cabin while I'd bunk with my crewmate.
I think this is a fantastic take, and makes the most sense from a marketing standpoint as well! In that regard, the 400i really does make an excellent next step as an upgrade to the freelancer, providing a number of additional amenities! Although I’m hoping that they significantly refresh the constellation series, because I just don’t see it being a competitive enough value for its class, although I do anticipate that they will give it at least an updated living quarters. But at the moment I would be sad upgrading the 400i to a constellation Aquila, even though you get a more capable ship on paper! The 400i I really is such an amazing ship, I can’t wait to see what they do with the rest of the lineup; looking at you 200i and 500i! And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
@@ViciDeum I am seriously into "Exploration," "Pathfinder" and "Scout" ships. I've owned nearly all with four major exceptions: the Apoa Khartu-al (meh), the Anvil Terrapin (too expensive for what it does), the RSI Constellation Aquila (I have one as a loaner, too many struts, poor design), and the MISC Endeavor (poorly designed for deep space exploration, needs more guns or escorts). I have flown all of them in game except for the Corsair and Endeavor which aren't out yet. I've melted as rejects the MISC Reliant Sen, the Origin 315p, the MISC Freelancer DUR and the Origin 600i w/ Exploration module. I've kept the 400i as my small crew/solo explorer, the Drake Corsair as a raider/bounty hunter and the Anvil Carrack Expedition as my large crew exploration vessel/task force command and control ship. The 400i is a poor comparison to the Aquila whose main competition is the Corsair. CIG Marketing never should've compared the 400i to the Connies, they don't have the same size, mass, crew, cargo, armaments or vehicle capacity (bike plus buggy vs. rover plus snub fighter).
Great video! Again! While I dislike Origin design language (eh! To each their own!) The 400i is so well designed in term of use and space usage... Congrats for every owners, it's a neat ship!
Thank you so much Jean-Kristof, I really appreciate all of your kind words of support! And CIG has really shown their design improvements with this latest ship! Are the building blocks and polish throughout are amazing! I can’t wait to see how they continue to get better, and for the re-works on the older ships! And thanks for returning to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate all of your ongoing support!
@@ViciDeum And their polishing isn't only in ships and features. For example, I never played a patch as smooth as 3.15. Smooth as butter! And I play on an almost litteral potato. Of course you've got my support. And the support of all your viewers as well. Your videos show the possibilities of SC gameplay in a way that makes you want to fire up the game right away! I'm just glad I'll be able to brag, when you'll reach 100k subs, I was there when you had 100!
@@MonteKristof Thank you so much for all these really kind words, it really means a lot to me! And thank you so much for all your continued support from the very beginning, it has been such incredible motivation!!! But I’d happily trade 100k subs for one Jean-Kristof, I’m very much a quality over quantity kind of person 👍 Although I’ll strive for both so you can brag away haha! And you’re absolutely right about the performance, it’s incredible! Out of every patch I’ve played, I think that 3.15 is the most stable and has the highest frame rates! I’m getting frame rates that were only ever possible in solo free fly arena commander, but on Live! If this is what we can expect from CIG going forward, I think we are going to be incredibly impressed with how server meshing is implemented alongside their other optimizations and improvements!
It’s a barge in terms of atmospheric handling and a speedboat with slow acceleration in space. The crew space is pretty but Spartan so there will be no room for vip passengers. The captains quarters are single bed with no toilet. Even if you gave up you captains room it wouldn’t be luxurious. Too slow in atmo to blockade run and too Spartan inside to be a luxury passenger ship. It’s current use in practice is mainly daily driver, but should be an ok explorer/pathfinder eventually, like a “luxury” 315p. It’s very nice for fps missions delivery, with plenty of weapons racks, internal space and ability to land in uneven terrain for its size. Cargo is small but you can fit a cyclone. Current uses: 1: Daily driver 2: Pirate ship (vs freelancers and other slower medium ships) 3: FPS missions delivery platform Future: Mid tier exploration/pathfinding. I really enjoy your vids but couldn’t quite tell if there was a hint of sarcasm in your top five roles description.
Ozram Blue, I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this video and leave such a detailed reply! And I assure you, my top 5 are never meant to be sarcastic! But for some context, when preparing for these videos, I spend some time researching this online as well as flying the different ships whenever possible! After, I take my findings and try to apply them as I would see the ship these ships in their final release (after all balancing is done)! To address the points you raised, I’d be happy to go over my justifications for these different picks! The reason I picked this as a passenger transport VIP vehicle, is based on the concept art which shows it working within that capacity! As well as the fact that the dedicated crew quarters can still hold two overnight guests! Is there any reason you don’t think this would fulfill the VIP transport requirement? CIG has been scarce with the details about this loop, only stating luxury ships (and the Starliner) qualify. And given the fact that this easily work for player characters, I don’t see why this wouldn’t apply to NPC as well? Need a quick pick up from prison, which ship would you choose over this one? Now, what if there’s atmosphere conditions or escape routes weren’t as feasible in a Carrack or vessel of its size? That’s exactly where I see the 400i stepping in! To that mark, I believe that the 400i could also function as an excellent blockade runner! This is another gameplay loop which has barely discussed, but all of their talks regarding this has been akin to an arrow in a straight line making its way through a chink in the “proverbial” armor. In that capacity, this ship excels! When you compare it to a ship like the MSR, since the 400 is significantly more durable. And when you compare the 400i to a ship like the Constellations, this ship flies better in literally every capacity, at least when comparing the Andromeda, Taurus and Phoenix; the ones which I compared this against! The reason I didn’t include piracy within this list, is the high cost that this ship will inevitably charge for repairs (and the time), as well as the lack of forward facing fire power! Additionally, the small cargo hold and lack of a tractor being would make excavation a little bit more difficult when compared to other ships which have this feature built directly into the platform! Initially I’d considered this as an FPS dropship, but due to the lack of drop seats, and the new implementation of force reactions, I see other ships being more viable in this role! To me the ship is purpose built luxury touring and exploration! With that said, and in order to fulfill the requirements of this video, I still needed to come up with 4 other reasons and I believe that these suit the ship the best! But I appreciate you offering your opinions and sharing those thoughts! The fantastic thing about star citizen, is that we are free to choose whatever direction to take any of these ships!
@@ViciDeum interesting points. Despite what cig said about it “that it’s a dedicated explorer” when you pull it up on the hangar menu the description is indeed “luxury” and only “luxury” which I found odd but fits your description. I was out in mine with a friend yesterday and found it extremely useful for both group bounties (my access right now is only up to hrt so…) and fps missions. We ran a mix of both back to back. If anything it felt like a personal small jet liner (that could fight). The weapon racks at the bottom (along with room for armour and outfits for the crew which will mater later on) is what makes me think this ship will be more geared towards nefarious activities than nice ones. It feels like a great ship for small insertions, not a full Dropship. The only reasons I don’t feel it will ever be a passenger for hire ship (even vip) is because of the quarters and I remember something about life support being limited. With 4 escape pods though, maybe it is meant to get a single passenger from a to be. I’m not sure now. The ship confuses me. I like it, but what it does vs what’s inside confuses me a bit. I don’t get all the Champaign alongside its other qualities. It’s range is noticeable compared to other ships, especially the Aquila and from stats on fuel, also the soon to come Corsair. I do recall in the description page that those are he ships cig compares it to. Cheers and thanks for taking the time with your detailed response!
@@ozramblue117 I really appreciate you being so thoughtful in your responses as well! The ship definitely is an enigma! I know when making this video I struggled because the ship does have a lot of utility. While it can be used in a variety of roles, at the same time it isn’t necessarily design driven for any one in particular (besides luxury touring). But I do also feel that it has an inescapable connection to the black market/illicit trade, but that could just be the influence of the latest Citizen Con demo haha. I’m just very curious to see how the ship grows with the game as the different gameplay loops are implemented!
@@ViciDeum as am I. It is just very attractive for black opps on the ground. Those weapons racks and equipment closets, and really the cargo bay which fits a cyclone and the dedicated X1 just scream for it. The whole design makes me think of a ground ops ship for which I’ve been using it. When there are eventually things to steal or precious cargo to take which is small… it might thrive, especially for very long trips. Perhaps a James Bond ship.
@@ozramblue117 Oh I love this idea! I agree, this would definitely be the ship for John Wick, James Bond, or any other discerning agent of the clandestine 🙌
Amazing video as always! Id love to see a comparison video from you, comparing the Drake Corsair, Origin 400i, constellation aquilla and maybe even the MSR! All of these are medium sized ships that are built for exploration would make for a great video in my opinion.
Zawseh, thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate you returning to watch this video and that fantastic suggestion! I love the idea of doing a ship comparison, or even extending my Top 5 Best Starter ships for the $100-200 and $200-300 categories; as my first video was just ships under $100! And while it may be a little while before I can get this video into the production pipeline, I really love this idea! And thank you again for the recommendation 😁👍
Well, I own both the 400i and the Aquila, and I have to say there are really not that many contenders for the Aquila in its class right now. The ship got it all, really! Awesome survival-ability in a fight, with amazing weaponry ( whether you are soling or in a crew ), shields, awesome cargo capacity, and it has a snub fighter, which is great for exploration. The only two cons to the Aquila are the price point of 300+ dollars, if you are pledging, and the fact they haven't finished designing the kitchen area. As a matter of fact, it's completely missing the kitchen. But this is likely to be added in the future. The ship is work in progress, like most Connies. But other than that, the Aquila really is a brutally well balanced package.
@@andresisthename yeah I currently have a connie aquilla as a loaner for the drake corsair and honestly I think the drake corsair will be the best out of these ships for its purpose however we will have to wait and see
Eric Cattanach, thank you so much for those kind words of encouragement! I really appreciate you watching this video and sharing your support! And thank you for your channel engagement, I have a lot more of these videos upcoming, so stay tuned for more!
Almost the perfect ship for me. I would swap some of the luxury for some more performance and change the look from yacht to something more similar to the Spirit.
With the new Hull series and what they learned about modularity, it would be cool to see some variants brought to this platform and others like it! A racing/performance variant would be really cool!
Absolutely! This ship makes an excellent smuggler with its jump and quantum drives and straight like acceleration! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave your thoughts!
Zion Ortov, thank you so much for watching this and saying these kind words! I’m really glad you enjoyed this new video and I really appreciate your continued support and engagement!
You’re absolutely right! It really does behave a lot like a mini Carrack, with just a few more luxury touches! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
JackDanielsLegacy, thank you so much for those encouraging words! I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts! And thanks your engagement and support!
Eugene, thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoyed this video on the 400i! And thank you for taking the time to continue to watch and comment, I really appreciate your ongoing engagement!
I agree, I think it looks really great and shows a lot of the attention to detail that CIG has put into their latest ship designs, especially the interior! Although I do tend to see it more of a rich man’s constellation, given its large shield and size; albeit with less cargo and weapon armaments! And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and for your ongoing channel interaction, I really appreciate your engagement!
Oyene, thank you so much for these kind words! I’m really glad you enjoyed this and I appreciate you taking the time to watch the video and drop a comment!
What's the song in the outtro? Also good video, I personally would use this thing as a way of me being able to just go see the verse and explore. I love exploration and seeing things that life has to offer.
The song in the outro is “Ordinary People”, but a star citizen in-game soundtrack cover! The TH-camr Chiffmonkey extracted the audio for the song and it was even previously used by Boredgamer for his outro before he recently stopped using it! That’s where I was first introduced and really enjoyed the track myself! And thank you for those kind words; I’m really glad that you’ve been enjoying this series and I appreciate you taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, the engagement really helps!
The 400i is in my opinion is an almost perfect ship for a solo player or small group. I only have a few tweaks I would like to see done. The top rear turret should be move to above the lounge so the view is not obstructed, and a gunner can have a 180-degree firing arc. The bottom turret would be nice to move slightly forward but is not as big of an issue. But my biggest concern is with the gravity generate being enclosed and so if a fire breaks out in the ship how do you deal with it? Certainly, they can add a venting option but if that goes offline then what? Watch it burn? This room also limits access to the hover bike room, which is sad, had they increased the width in this area or moved the gravity generator to the cargo area like what you see in the 890j I think it would have been the best solo ship in the game.
I agree, the 400i really is a fantastic ship for any individual or small crew, and just a joy to tour around, especially given all the new design elements it’s incorporated; storage, efficiency of its interior, etc! Although it could use a few tiny tweaks to the turrets to really make it shine like you mention! And that’s a good point about the gravity generator and the fire propagation systems. I imagine if a fire breaks out around it, then hitting the area directly in front could eliminate any dangers within, although it’s a bit more gamified and not necessarily as realistic. We’ll have to see how it comes together! Either way I’m excited for the system, and really happy with how this ship turned out. They’re learning a LOT with each ship design, and getting better in the process!
The 400i is definitely more in line with the Aquila than it is with the Dur. The only place it falls short is overall cargo capacity. People would claim that it also falls short on Weaponry as well but the size 3s in the turrets make up for the missing 2 pilot controlled size 4s so it balances out considering the Aquila only has one combat turret with size 2s. So Connie is more powerful solo but crewed the 400i is equal or slightly better than the Connie. Overall in a head to head comparison the Connie Aquila and the 400i are pretty closely matched. The Dur doesn't even come close to either ship in any way.
I completely agree, I think the 400i is a much closer competitor to the Constellation Aquila than the Freelancer DUR! And while the Constellations offer more pilot firepower when flying solo, the 400i is much closer in combat when using the turrets. That said, the Connie also has a snub fighter which adds a bit more combat proficiency when manned as well! But even with a bit of added combat performance and cargo, the Aquila doesn’t even have a kitchen or several other features that the 400i offers! I think they’re both excellent ships in their class and really come down to whatever the captain of either has more use cases for! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement throughout this series!
Tbh, the 400i has less than 44% of the cargo capacity of the Aquilla, so I think that complaint is justified, especially as the limited cargo volume means that it also struggles to carry any ground vehicles, except for the X1 (which I still don't know if it comes WITH the 400i, seeing as the Aquilla gets BOTH an Ursa and P-52) and even then you can't change it out for another bike with more storage for helping with exploration or running missions. But the cargo BAY inside the 400i is actually pretty big, but relatively little of it is actually usable cargo grid space. It looks like they tried to leave enough room around the cargo elevator for access to a ground vehicle from any direction, but took up so much room, you could no longer fit a ground vehicle inside. (if they moved the escape pods to somewhere closer to the cockpit, where they would be more useful, it would also free up space to the sides of the cargo bay to expand it to be more like 70-80 SCU, still significantly less than the workhorse Aquilla, but much more useful). The second complaint about weapons, I also think has merit due to the placement of the turrets. I think if they moved them to the wing tips (like on the Carrack, only smaller) they would again be much more useful, you could even make them partially retract into the wing tips to lower their profile. Another benefit of this is that without the turret behind the crew compartment, there is more real estate to extend the top deck slightly, making room for the relocated escape pods and perhaps giving more space to the scanning area/map table at the back (an area that in its current state, feels like an afterthought). Finally, to address the limited bike space, if they switched around the bike garage & artificial gravity sphere, then not only would you have more space for the bike (allowing for different bikes to be stored), you would have internal access to it too. And while they're doing that, as an Engineer, I really don't like to see my engine all covered up so you wouldn't know it's there. That engineering space in the middle of the 400i just looks so boring atm, and tbh, not a great use of space. I actually quite like the glass room aspect (it reminds me of the server room at my old office) but it needs something like servers or other components on show behind the glass, rather than a seemingly empty space.
Great question! Unfortunately we won’t know it’s aUEC price until they release it purchasable in-game, but I suspect it’ll be somewhere between 4-6 million aUEC, given the manufacturer and it’s cash price. And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your question, I appreciate your engagement!
This is a variation on “Chasing Stars!” Not too much is known of the artist who made this remake but CIG put this in the soundtrack at New Babbage; you can hear it immediately in the intro of Michael Shamblin’s song of the same name. I’m not sure if this was sampled for that or whether it was licensed as part of a different piece!
I used to have a 600i Explorer, but melted it a while back. Now I have a 400i, and for various reasons I like it quite a lot more than the 600i. I do wish it had a bit more pilot firepower, as bounties are a slog to get through, even with fixed S4's. But for those missions, I have my Corsair or Retaliator. It's not really fair to expect one ship to be able to do everything either. Also not a fan of the minimalistic, holographic cockpit. Much cooler with static, actual buttons and levers like in the Corsair or the C2. But otherwise the interior is almost perfect - it's the main reason I got one. I don't expect it to actually be useful in a decade though, or however long it takes them to actually start churning out new systems. At least it's out and flyable, unlike the BMM I'm waiting impatiently for.
Great overview, I bet a lot of people have been real interested in this one with it being a new arrival to compete with a lot of the long-established ships in their niches. The 400i might be a little limited for some roles compared to its counterparts, but what it does well it certainly excels at well beyond them.
Thank you so much B C, and I absolutely agree! I think this shit feels a niche really well! Even if it doesn’t have the same pilot fire power or cargo as some of its competitors, it offers up a lot of useful amenities and creature comforts throughout! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and leave a comment as well, I really appreciate your ongoing engagement!
I agree, the 400i is an excellent ship that excels as a daily driver! And it looks great while you’re flying it! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
Hahaha, it truly is! And even better on a luxury touring ship like the 400i 😁👍 And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
I see the 600i in a size class above the constellation/400i lineup, and not a direct competition. I suspect it will likely run higher costs to operate, as well as having potential jump point limitations given its overall size. But the 600i definitely offers a lot of value in its platform, albeit in a larger vessel!
It’s curious this ship didn’t have the AIR system like the other smaller ships in the Origin line! But I suspect it’s tanks will give this ship a good range! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your channel engagement!
I’m really curious to see how they further develop this loop as well! I suspect escaping security, bypassing jump point checkpoints and several other use cases will arise for this role! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
T’airn’KA, the 400i really does let you camp in style! If I had to pick one ship to enjoy a fun weekend with, this is definitely it! Plenty of space in an amazing luxury camper that’s just fun to fly! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
@@TairnKA I absolutely agree! I’ve got the C2 as a loaner for my Merchantman, and it’s such a fun and really versatile ship to fly! Kr makes transporting any ground vehicle (and some ships) an absolute breeze!
That is a really difficult choice! I love the interiors of both ships, and they share some overlapping roles! For me the decision comes down to whether you want the large shield gen on the 400i, or the speed and data running capacity of the MSR 👍 And the Carrack vs 600i is another tough choice. For me that comes down to pilot weapons vs exploration proficiency! All great ships, but tough choices indeed!
I disagree with #1 and #2. I think exploration and luxury touring should swap places. One thing I love about this ship is that it's a bit more utilitarian than the bigger Origin ships, especially in terms of interior design. I think for max comfort and style on trips, the Phoenix outperforms the 400i.
It's hard to beat that Jacuzzi haha. But truly, the spaciousness you feel in the Phoenix's main room and the views alone are unparalleled! But you bring up good points, the 400i certainly offers a surprising amount of utility onboard!
Hahaha, agreed! And this ship offers both class and comfort! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
During Citizen Con CIG mentioned that the 400i isnt supposed to carry passengers, so I dont think they will make the VIP transport Jobs available for it. But if they do it would be a blast.
Forgotten influencer, thank you for letting me know! Although their current implementation of this game with consists entirely of day trips, I do fully anticipate that they will change this decision, as I suspect they’re just overlooking the very real opportunities this ship presents! Even just for hiring real players, I see the 400i as incredibly useful! Need to go from Nyx planet-side to Orison? Between jump points and quantum travel, that could easily be a 4+ hour trip in a Phoenix (especially with that Bolton drive), or a much faster trip in the 400i! But I see the ship excelling in VIP transport within the black market specifically! Need a fast escape from Klescher? Need a fast planetside pickup? Sure the carrack has medical and more health, but it’s got a much bigger signature, slower handling and less maneuverability! But I do hope CIG takes the opportunity to provides more nuance and gameplay than just a couple of simple shuttle missions! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your channel engagement!
@@ViciDeum The issue is the extra cabin in the 400i is dedicated to the crew of the ship. The Connie Phoenix, 890j, 600i Touring, etc... have extra VIP cabins dedicated to passengers that are separate from the crew areas. This I think is the deciding factor and the final nail in the coffin for using the 400i as a VIP transport. To transport VIPs your ship has to have dedicated space for VIPs... sadly the 400i does not meet these requirements.
You guys underestimate this ship. I've been using it for bounties. If you can use a heavy slow-turning Constellation for bounties, you can use a 400i also. Two size 4's are powerful enough for most ships you'll encounter.
Those are excellent points! I‘ve also noticed this ship puts forth an impressive amount of firepower! And at the end of the day, it really does come down to the handling of the individual captain first and foremost! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and share your comments, I really appreciate the engagement!
Yeah on one of my first 400 flights I had a bounty Hunter in a anvil hawk come after me. My shields meant it took its 6 guns as a joke and the size 3 gimbals made short work of it.
The 400i would be a fantastic ship to pull into rally’s with! I can’t wait for more improvements to in-game race events, it feels so seriously underserved atm! And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
I'm sorry but this list is pure copium. You are literally day dreaming and stretching the imagination so far with some of the possible uses of this ship and even going as far as calling it a "beast". Let's be objective and real here, the 400i offers less than a Cutlass Black in almost every aspect for almost triple the price. The only thing going on for it is the cool interior space and that's literally it. Exploration is not a thing, blockade running is not a thing, artifact acquisition is not a thing, "refrigeration" of items and cargo is not a thing and even if it was the 400i dosn't have refrigerated cargo space, those are components areas with no cargo grid and as far as today the refrigeration is done only for the rule of cool and nothing else. Also transport is not a game loop at the moment. So in essence I'll do you all a favor and answer it for you guys... Best Uses: Origin 400i: "to fly around looking cool and nothing else. Same could be achieved with much less expensive ships."
Exploration is number 1. The 400i, with it's aerodynamics, fuel efficiency, and dedicated scanners, can quickly find points of interest in atmosphere. With respect to this task, the 400i is hands down the best exploration ship, in atmosphere.
You make some absolutely fantastic points! The 400i really is the ship you want if you’re operating on a small crew and need to get the job done, fast! And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
Hmm..it makes me consider it!
I was once incapaciatated on one of hurston's moons and was dying from the extreme temperature when someone saved me. I ran into my 400i's cooled rooms to lower my body temperature and it worked.
Saved by luxury air conditioning, I love it!
So personally i think this ship was designed for stealth exploration, like sneaking into systems and probably a amazing contraband smuggling ship for two reasons. the climate controlled rooms will keep the signature of the components low and in the cargo room against the rear wall is the battery storage and its huge! CIG has already said battery will be used to boost power or run the ship while the power plants are off and since the power plants are the only components not found behind the climate controlled rooms 🤷♀️ but i think this ship is a sleeping giant so i bought one 😇. Love your videos!
Robert Deemer, I think that’s a fantastic analysis of the ship! The 400i really is the pinnacle for the discerning smuggler! And I hadn’t even considered the signature reductions from what the cold storage would offer, but that is a fantastic point!
Thank you so much for sharing that information about the power plant and batteries, I didn’t know that they acted as a generator when the power went off line!
And thank you so much for those kind words, I really appreciate the support! and thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave your thoughts I really appreciate the engagement!
Once artifact runs come in, this is the ship I am 100% hauling out! Currently I've been using mine for box missions. It's a bit overkill, but with the amount of loot I'm hauling back from outposts it has a great amount of storage!
Vagabond Prime, this really is such a fantastic ship even as just a simple runabout! And once these artifact missions come in, you’ll be making off like never before! 5 million UEC from the Citizencon demo, is one hell of a lot of boxes 😂👍 And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
I love so much the new loot mechanic. Loot!!! In Star Citizen!!!
Now if only I could sell it. I've got a Connie Taurus full of loot...
@@MonteKristof I know, the new looting system has absolutely changed this game! I love it 😁👍
I'd rather hide an artifact in the hidden cargo hold of the MSR.
@@-NateTheGreat best place is on one of the shelves in the captains room!
For myself, luxury exploring, racing and scouting are my main uses. Being able to carry a dragonfly in the back (G12 once released) and eventually a X1 in the nose, I could see myself using the 400i as a trailer/hotel room when doing events like the Daymar rally. Been using it to check outposts for cargo for my buddy in his M2 to grab (550scu vs 32 on the 400i).
It’s also a great ship for not dying it, having large shields, fast top speeds and a huge fuel tank is a good combo for the 400i. Once new systems are added, the stock QJ will be great for long(but slow) jumps. Really hope they make it more agile and maybe give the pilot S5 fixed, besides that, I love it!
I think those are excellent uses for this ship, especially as a luxury tourer, given its amenities and robust defenses! And while the quantum drive is slow, I expect it’ll have good fuel economy for systems like Pyro and others! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and leave your comments, I really appreciate your engagement!
Unfortunately it can't hold a G12, a Cyclone is as big as it gets for it. Who knows why they built it that way, but hey, CIG know what they're doing with these 'luxury' ships..apparently?
I've been a little back and forth on whether I will keep my 400i, but it's size and flexibility are very appealing. I've sold and repurchased various 300i in the past because I just love the interior, and the 400i offers that same elegant feeling while offering more utility. Just a fun ship for that size class.
It can be so hard when CIG (especially with Origin) offers so many fantastic ship designs! But the 400i really is a standout work of art, especially when compared to the 300i below it!
I think while both are fantastic ships with a ton of functionality and style, the 400i really brings the utility and has so much updated design language throughout! I don’t think you made the wrong choice!
And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
When I first got my 400i I wanted to trade it immediately. I made myself use the ship more however and now it's one of my favorite ships I own. The 400i didn't make a good first impression on me when it was revealed and I think that bias clouded my initial judgement a little. After having the ship for a while I've grown to really like it. My suggestion to you is spend a little time with the ship before you trade it. The 400i for me anyways was something I had to "Get over myself" a little to start to enjoy it. Once you get past that you may find that it's a great little ship.
At this point I mainly use mine for Touring and as a Daily Driver when just traveling around the system. I keep a Nox and a Cyclone RN in mine just for messing around while Touring. I have encountered an interesting bug related to the Nox and the Bike Bay. Every once in a while I'll land at a Station and before I can store the ship the Nox will get impounded for Reckless Driving... While sitting in the Bike Bay of the 400i sitting on a landing pad! lol
Thank you for posting this video! I currently use mine for smuggling to a great effect, doesnt hold a lot of SCU but when you are running Vice you dont need much room :)
P Bernad, this really does make an excellent ship for any of your discreet cargo needs! How has trade been in 3.15? Have you noticed that places buy any larger quantities of goods? I know that was a big turnoff with trading in the past; even drug trafficking, the profits just weren’t there!
And you’re very welcome, I’m really glad you enjoyed the video and I really appreciate your continued support and channel engagement! Thank you so much!
@@ViciDeum Trading (Smuggling) has been very good to me! Buying roughly 115k worth of Vice, I am able to make a 2 stop journey to sell it for a profit of roughly 40k. Its about a 20min trip as well, very happy with cargo running in its current state!
@@bernard5748 That’s fantastic news, and significantly improved over 3.14! I’m really excited to try out some trafficking again haha. And thank you for sharing this awesome info, I really appreciate you letting me know!
While your offering indulges in heavy theory-crafting, I like the positive presentation. I appreciate ship videos that highlight game-play potentialities rather than focusing on shortcomings. As for me, I plan to engage in the base or outpost building career path which will necessitate fine exploration. The 400i, along with other ships, should accomplish that task handily. Cheers!
Ziff, yes these videos are incredibly speculative and all just my personal opinions! They definitely rely heavily on theory crafting about these ships’ potential future uses, although it is influenced by in game experience and a number of other predictions for the release! But I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and I’m glad you enjoyed this video 😁👍
Great video, I see the 400i as a direct competitor to the star runner.
Truther, I think that’s an excellent comparison! Especially because I adore both of their designs tremendously and will 100% own both in-game 👍 And thank you so much for the kind words and for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
I own both ships and love them. However, they have different roles in everything but smuggling/blockade running, which they share. The slight advantage to using a 400i in smuggling is that most players won't see a luxury ship in that role. They see it more as a space whale's toy while everyone knows a MSR is a smuggling ship. The 400i is about half the mass of the MSR so it can't be made to haul as much, it doesn't have the range of the MSR either, about 2/3-3/4, but is close in speed and armament. Where the MSR is a data intercept/running ship beyond compare the 400i beats it out on scouting/mapping functions.
@@istvan5674 Thank you so much for providing this breakdown! You make some excellent points and I just love the idea of using the 400i as an undercover smuggler 👌
I am a big fan of the 400I. I think its nearly usefull for all jobs (but spacefighting). Love every flight with it. Worked for some money, for fuel and now explore the planets with it. Its a dream to explore the verse with it. Had big luck, to get the penumbra paint. My ship forever! Only for fighting, I stay with my nomad. May be I get another fighter for this job. I think I get may be the 100I. Or If a 200I gets ever created as a fighter, I may take this. We'll have a look.
Hansiwansi, I completely agree! After flying this ship, it is tremendous fun and a real joy to go exploring with! While it does lack some of that combat potential, it more than makes up for that with utility and luxury features!
And have you flown the 325a? I highly recommend this ship if you haven’t, it is a fantastic dogfighter while still keeping Origin’s luxurious designs!
And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate reading your comments and for your engagement!
The 125a is a great little ship but it's a starter ship so don't expect it's going to be a beast at combat. With 2 size 3's it does okay but is still outclassed by every other dedicated light fighter in the game. If you are looking for a dedicated Light Fighter for Bounties/PvP I would recommend the Arrow or Gladius. They sacrifice the interior but are much better at combat in the same price range as the 100 series. Granted the 100 series is more versatile with the interior but if you have other ships to fill those roles you are better off getting a dedicated Light Fighter than either the 100 or 300 series. I only recommend those two ships if they are your only ship as neither is top of their respective classes due to being more geared toward luxury than a hard focus on combat only like the dedicated Light and Medium Fighters.
what planet is that or mood? : 3:00
This is an unreleased planet in Pyro, teased during the 2021 Citizencon demo!
The 400i best fits as midway between a MISC DUR and a Connie Aquila, a step up from the DUR and an alternative to the Aquila if you look to jump to the 600i or the Carrack next. I like the 400i as I can solo it which I can't as well with the larger exploration ships. Of course I prefer at least one crewmember besides me. A blade could take the top turret slot, the latter freeing that station for the ship's engineer. I think maintenance will be important down the road, especially if you want to keep a luxury ship looking sharp and performing well. Alternatively, that 3rd billet could be your VIP placed in the Captain's cabin while I'd bunk with my crewmate.
I think this is a fantastic take, and makes the most sense from a marketing standpoint as well! In that regard, the 400i really does make an excellent next step as an upgrade to the freelancer, providing a number of additional amenities!
Although I’m hoping that they significantly refresh the constellation series, because I just don’t see it being a competitive enough value for its class, although I do anticipate that they will give it at least an updated living quarters.
But at the moment I would be sad upgrading the 400i to a constellation Aquila, even though you get a more capable ship on paper!
The 400i I really is such an amazing ship, I can’t wait to see what they do with the rest of the lineup; looking at you 200i and 500i!
And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
@@ViciDeum I am seriously into "Exploration," "Pathfinder" and "Scout" ships. I've owned nearly all with four major exceptions: the Apoa Khartu-al (meh), the Anvil Terrapin (too expensive for what it does), the RSI Constellation Aquila (I have one as a loaner, too many struts, poor design), and the MISC Endeavor (poorly designed for deep space exploration, needs more guns or escorts). I have flown all of them in game except for the Corsair and Endeavor which aren't out yet. I've melted as rejects the MISC Reliant Sen, the Origin 315p, the MISC Freelancer DUR and the Origin 600i w/ Exploration module. I've kept the 400i as my small crew/solo explorer, the Drake Corsair as a raider/bounty hunter and the Anvil Carrack Expedition as my large crew exploration vessel/task force command and control ship. The 400i is a poor comparison to the Aquila whose main competition is the Corsair. CIG Marketing never should've compared the 400i to the Connies, they don't have the same size, mass, crew, cargo, armaments or vehicle capacity (bike plus buggy vs. rover plus snub fighter).
Great video! Again! While I dislike Origin design language (eh! To each their own!) The 400i is so well designed in term of use and space usage... Congrats for every owners, it's a neat ship!
Thank you so much Jean-Kristof, I really appreciate all of your kind words of support! And CIG has really shown their design improvements with this latest ship! Are the building blocks and polish throughout are amazing! I can’t wait to see how they continue to get better, and for the re-works on the older ships! And thanks for returning to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate all of your ongoing support!
@@ViciDeum And their polishing isn't only in ships and features. For example, I never played a patch as smooth as 3.15. Smooth as butter! And I play on an almost litteral potato. Of course you've got my support. And the support of all your viewers as well. Your videos show the possibilities of SC gameplay in a way that makes you want to fire up the game right away! I'm just glad I'll be able to brag, when you'll reach 100k subs, I was there when you had 100!
@@MonteKristof Thank you so much for all these really kind words, it really means a lot to me! And thank you so much for all your continued support from the very beginning, it has been such incredible motivation!!!
But I’d happily trade 100k subs for one Jean-Kristof, I’m very much a quality over quantity kind of person 👍 Although I’ll strive for both so you can brag away haha!
And you’re absolutely right about the performance, it’s incredible! Out of every patch I’ve played, I think that 3.15 is the most stable and has the highest frame rates! I’m getting frame rates that were only ever possible in solo free fly arena commander, but on Live!
If this is what we can expect from CIG going forward, I think we are going to be incredibly impressed with how server meshing is implemented alongside their other optimizations and improvements!
It’s a barge in terms of atmospheric handling and a speedboat with slow acceleration in space. The crew space is pretty but Spartan so there will be no room for vip passengers. The captains quarters are single bed with no toilet. Even if you gave up you captains room it wouldn’t be luxurious. Too slow in atmo to blockade run and too Spartan inside to be a luxury passenger ship. It’s current use in practice is mainly daily driver, but should be an ok explorer/pathfinder eventually, like a “luxury” 315p. It’s very nice for fps missions delivery, with plenty of weapons racks, internal space and ability to land in uneven terrain for its size. Cargo is small but you can fit a cyclone. Current uses:
1: Daily driver
2: Pirate ship (vs freelancers and other slower medium ships)
3: FPS missions delivery platform
Future: Mid tier exploration/pathfinding.
I really enjoy your vids but couldn’t quite tell if there was a hint of sarcasm in your top five roles description.
Ozram Blue, I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this video and leave such a detailed reply! And I assure you, my top 5 are never meant to be sarcastic!
But for some context, when preparing for these videos, I spend some time researching this online as well as flying the different ships whenever possible! After, I take my findings and try to apply them as I would see the ship these ships in their final release (after all balancing is done)!
To address the points you raised, I’d be happy to go over my justifications for these different picks! The reason I picked this as a passenger transport VIP vehicle, is based on the concept art which shows it working within that capacity! As well as the fact that the dedicated crew quarters can still hold two overnight guests! Is there any reason you don’t think this would fulfill the VIP transport requirement? CIG has been scarce with the details about this loop, only stating luxury ships (and the Starliner) qualify. And given the fact that this easily work for player characters, I don’t see why this wouldn’t apply to NPC as well? Need a quick pick up from prison, which ship would you choose over this one? Now, what if there’s atmosphere conditions or escape routes weren’t as feasible in a Carrack or vessel of its size? That’s exactly where I see the 400i stepping in!
To that mark, I believe that the 400i could also function as an excellent blockade runner! This is another gameplay loop which has barely discussed, but all of their talks regarding this has been akin to an arrow in a straight line making its way through a chink in the “proverbial” armor. In that capacity, this ship excels! When you compare it to a ship like the MSR, since the 400 is significantly more durable. And when you compare the 400i to a ship like the Constellations, this ship flies better in literally every capacity, at least when comparing the Andromeda, Taurus and Phoenix; the ones which I compared this against!
The reason I didn’t include piracy within this list, is the high cost that this ship will inevitably charge for repairs (and the time), as well as the lack of forward facing fire power! Additionally, the small cargo hold and lack of a tractor being would make excavation a little bit more difficult when compared to other ships which have this feature built directly into the platform!
Initially I’d considered this as an FPS dropship, but due to the lack of drop seats, and the new implementation of force reactions, I see other ships being more viable in this role!
To me the ship is purpose built luxury touring and exploration! With that said, and in order to fulfill the requirements of this video, I still needed to come up with 4 other reasons and I believe that these suit the ship the best!
But I appreciate you offering your opinions and sharing those thoughts! The fantastic thing about star citizen, is that we are free to choose whatever direction to take any of these ships!
@@ViciDeum interesting points. Despite what cig said about it “that it’s a dedicated explorer” when you pull it up on the hangar menu the description is indeed “luxury” and only “luxury” which I found odd but fits your description. I was out in mine with a friend yesterday and found it extremely useful for both group bounties (my access right now is only up to hrt so…) and fps missions. We ran a mix of both back to back. If anything it felt like a personal small jet liner (that could fight). The weapon racks at the bottom (along with room for armour and outfits for the crew which will mater later on) is what makes me think this ship will be more geared towards nefarious activities than nice ones. It feels like a great ship for small insertions, not a full Dropship. The only reasons I don’t feel it will ever be a passenger for hire ship (even vip) is because of the quarters and I remember something about life support being limited. With 4 escape pods though, maybe it is meant to get a single passenger from a to be. I’m not sure now. The ship confuses me. I like it, but what it does vs what’s inside confuses me a bit. I don’t get all the Champaign alongside its other qualities. It’s range is noticeable compared to other ships, especially the Aquila and from stats on fuel, also the soon to come Corsair. I do recall in the description page that those are he ships cig compares it to. Cheers and thanks for taking the time with your detailed response!
@@ozramblue117 I really appreciate you being so thoughtful in your responses as well! The ship definitely is an enigma! I know when making this video I struggled because the ship does have a lot of utility.
While it can be used in a variety of roles, at the same time it isn’t necessarily design driven for any one in particular (besides luxury touring). But I do also feel that it has an inescapable connection to the black market/illicit trade, but that could just be the influence of the latest Citizen Con demo haha.
I’m just very curious to see how the ship grows with the game as the different gameplay loops are implemented!
@@ViciDeum as am I. It is just very attractive for black opps on the ground. Those weapons racks and equipment closets, and really the cargo bay which fits a cyclone and the dedicated X1 just scream for it. The whole design makes me think of a ground ops ship for which I’ve been using it. When there are eventually things to steal or precious cargo to take which is small… it might thrive, especially for very long trips. Perhaps a James Bond ship.
@@ozramblue117 Oh I love this idea! I agree, this would definitely be the ship for John Wick, James Bond, or any other discerning agent of the clandestine 🙌
Amazing video as always! Id love to see a comparison video from you, comparing the Drake Corsair, Origin 400i, constellation aquilla and maybe even the MSR! All of these are medium sized ships that are built for exploration would make for a great video in my opinion.
Zawseh, thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate you returning to watch this video and that fantastic suggestion! I love the idea of doing a ship comparison, or even extending my Top 5 Best Starter ships for the $100-200 and $200-300 categories; as my first video was just ships under $100!
And while it may be a little while before I can get this video into the production pipeline, I really love this idea! And thank you again for the recommendation 😁👍
@@ViciDeum Cant wait to see it keep up the great work!
@@zawseh1553 Thank you so much 😁!
Well, I own both the 400i and the Aquila, and I have to say there are really not that many contenders for the Aquila in its class right now. The ship got it all, really! Awesome survival-ability in a fight, with amazing weaponry ( whether you are soling or in a crew ), shields, awesome cargo capacity, and it has a snub fighter, which is great for exploration. The only two cons to the Aquila are the price point of 300+ dollars, if you are pledging, and the fact they haven't finished designing the kitchen area. As a matter of fact, it's completely missing the kitchen. But this is likely to be added in the future. The ship is work in progress, like most Connies. But other than that, the Aquila really is a brutally well balanced package.
@@andresisthename yeah I currently have a connie aquilla as a loaner for the drake corsair and honestly I think the drake corsair will be the best out of these ships for its purpose however we will have to wait and see
How do you have so little subs your content is epic imma binge your shop videos
Eric Cattanach, thank you so much for those kind words of encouragement! I really appreciate you watching this video and sharing your support! And thank you for your channel engagement, I have a lot more of these videos upcoming, so stay tuned for more!
@@ViciDeum will do will do
Almost the perfect ship for me.
I would swap some of the luxury for some more performance and change the look from yacht to something more similar to the Spirit.
With the new Hull series and what they learned about modularity, it would be cool to see some variants brought to this platform and others like it! A racing/performance variant would be really cool!
It would make a good drug runner also, especially with it's jump drive.
Absolutely! This ship makes an excellent smuggler with its jump and quantum drives and straight like acceleration! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave your thoughts!
What planet/moon did you use for the first bit of the video? (The colorfull one)
I believe this was filmed on Microtech at Sunset!
Good Vid!
Sedadox, I’m really glad you enjoyed this video! And thank you for taking the time to watch and comment!
Returning for another good video bro!
Zion Ortov, thank you so much for watching this and saying these kind words! I’m really glad you enjoyed this new video and I really appreciate your continued support and engagement!
Dont forgett, it has a mapping table, a mini carrack :)
You’re absolutely right! It really does behave a lot like a mini Carrack, with just a few more luxury touches!
And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
Perfect explanation keep up always nice to listen to your video 👍
JackDanielsLegacy, thank you so much for those encouraging words! I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts! And thanks your engagement and support!
Nicely done
Eugene, thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoyed this video on the 400i! And thank you for taking the time to continue to watch and comment, I really appreciate your ongoing engagement!
It's a rich man's Cutty Black. I think it looks great.
I agree, I think it looks really great and shows a lot of the attention to detail that CIG has put into their latest ship designs, especially the interior!
Although I do tend to see it more of a rich man’s constellation, given its large shield and size; albeit with less cargo and weapon armaments!
And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and for your ongoing channel interaction, I really appreciate your engagement!
Great ship, great video. Thanks for the content.
Oyene, thank you so much for these kind words! I’m really glad you enjoyed this and I appreciate you taking the time to watch the video and drop a comment!
What's the song in the outtro? Also good video, I personally would use this thing as a way of me being able to just go see the verse and explore. I love exploration and seeing things that life has to offer.
The song in the outro is “Ordinary People”, but a star citizen in-game soundtrack cover! The TH-camr Chiffmonkey extracted the audio for the song and it was even previously used by Boredgamer for his outro before he recently stopped using it! That’s where I was first introduced and really enjoyed the track myself!
And thank you for those kind words; I’m really glad that you’ve been enjoying this series and I appreciate you taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, the engagement really helps!
The 400i is in my opinion is an almost perfect ship for a solo player or small group. I only have a few tweaks I would like to see done. The top rear turret should be move to above the lounge so the view is not obstructed, and a gunner can have a 180-degree firing arc. The bottom turret would be nice to move slightly forward but is not as big of an issue. But my biggest concern is with the gravity generate being enclosed and so if a fire breaks out in the ship how do you deal with it? Certainly, they can add a venting option but if that goes offline then what? Watch it burn? This room also limits access to the hover bike room, which is sad, had they increased the width in this area or moved the gravity generator to the cargo area like what you see in the 890j I think it would have been the best solo ship in the game.
I agree, the 400i really is a fantastic ship for any individual or small crew, and just a joy to tour around, especially given all the new design elements it’s incorporated; storage, efficiency of its interior, etc!
Although it could use a few tiny tweaks to the turrets to really make it shine like you mention! And that’s a good point about the gravity generator and the fire propagation systems. I imagine if a fire breaks out around it, then hitting the area directly in front could eliminate any dangers within, although it’s a bit more gamified and not necessarily as realistic. We’ll have to see how it comes together!
Either way I’m excited for the system, and really happy with how this ship turned out. They’re learning a LOT with each ship design, and getting better in the process!
it's my go-to ship for soloing JT, you can always run away in this thing. best in class for smuggling and blockade running
It’s one sexy smuggler and a great ship for running that event!
The 400i is definitely more in line with the Aquila than it is with the Dur. The only place it falls short is overall cargo capacity. People would claim that it also falls short on Weaponry as well but the size 3s in the turrets make up for the missing 2 pilot controlled size 4s so it balances out considering the Aquila only has one combat turret with size 2s. So Connie is more powerful solo but crewed the 400i is equal or slightly better than the Connie. Overall in a head to head comparison the Connie Aquila and the 400i are pretty closely matched. The Dur doesn't even come close to either ship in any way.
I completely agree, I think the 400i is a much closer competitor to the Constellation Aquila than the Freelancer DUR! And while the Constellations offer more pilot firepower when flying solo, the 400i is much closer in combat when using the turrets. That said, the Connie also has a snub fighter which adds a bit more combat proficiency when manned as well!
But even with a bit of added combat performance and cargo, the Aquila doesn’t even have a kitchen or several other features that the 400i offers! I think they’re both excellent ships in their class and really come down to whatever the captain of either has more use cases for!
And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement throughout this series!
Tbh, the 400i has less than 44% of the cargo capacity of the Aquilla, so I think that complaint is justified, especially as the limited cargo volume means that it also struggles to carry any ground vehicles, except for the X1 (which I still don't know if it comes WITH the 400i, seeing as the Aquilla gets BOTH an Ursa and P-52) and even then you can't change it out for another bike with more storage for helping with exploration or running missions. But the cargo BAY inside the 400i is actually pretty big, but relatively little of it is actually usable cargo grid space. It looks like they tried to leave enough room around the cargo elevator for access to a ground vehicle from any direction, but took up so much room, you could no longer fit a ground vehicle inside. (if they moved the escape pods to somewhere closer to the cockpit, where they would be more useful, it would also free up space to the sides of the cargo bay to expand it to be more like 70-80 SCU, still significantly less than the workhorse Aquilla, but much more useful).
The second complaint about weapons, I also think has merit due to the placement of the turrets. I think if they moved them to the wing tips (like on the Carrack, only smaller) they would again be much more useful, you could even make them partially retract into the wing tips to lower their profile. Another benefit of this is that without the turret behind the crew compartment, there is more real estate to extend the top deck slightly, making room for the relocated escape pods and perhaps giving more space to the scanning area/map table at the back (an area that in its current state, feels like an afterthought).
Finally, to address the limited bike space, if they switched around the bike garage & artificial gravity sphere, then not only would you have more space for the bike (allowing for different bikes to be stored), you would have internal access to it too.
And while they're doing that, as an Engineer, I really don't like to see my engine all covered up so you wouldn't know it's there. That engineering space in the middle of the 400i just looks so boring atm, and tbh, not a great use of space. I actually quite like the glass room aspect (it reminds me of the server room at my old office) but it needs something like servers or other components on show behind the glass, rather than a seemingly empty space.
Does anyone know What this cost in Auce?
Great question! Unfortunately we won’t know it’s aUEC price until they release it purchasable in-game, but I suspect it’ll be somewhere between 4-6 million aUEC, given the manufacturer and it’s cash price.
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What's the name of the outro song?
This is a variation on “Chasing Stars!” Not too much is known of the artist who made this remake but CIG put this in the soundtrack at New Babbage; you can hear it immediately in the intro of Michael Shamblin’s song of the same name. I’m not sure if this was sampled for that or whether it was licensed as part of a different piece!
I used to have a 600i Explorer, but melted it a while back. Now I have a 400i, and for various reasons I like it quite a lot more than the 600i. I do wish it had a bit more pilot firepower, as bounties are a slog to get through, even with fixed S4's. But for those missions, I have my Corsair or Retaliator. It's not really fair to expect one ship to be able to do everything either.
Also not a fan of the minimalistic, holographic cockpit. Much cooler with static, actual buttons and levers like in the Corsair or the C2. But otherwise the interior is almost perfect - it's the main reason I got one. I don't expect it to actually be useful in a decade though, or however long it takes them to actually start churning out new systems.
At least it's out and flyable, unlike the BMM I'm waiting impatiently for.
The 400i is an awesome ship, although I think you'll equally enjoy the 600i again post-rework!
Great overview, I bet a lot of people have been real interested in this one with it being a new arrival to compete with a lot of the long-established ships in their niches. The 400i might be a little limited for some roles compared to its counterparts, but what it does well it certainly excels at well beyond them.
Thank you so much B C, and I absolutely agree! I think this shit feels a niche really well! Even if it doesn’t have the same pilot fire power or cargo as some of its competitors, it offers up a lot of useful amenities and creature comforts throughout! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and leave a comment as well, I really appreciate your ongoing engagement!
I love this damn ship as a daily. Will be hard to melt.
I agree, the 400i is an excellent ship that excels as a daily driver! And it looks great while you’re flying it! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and share your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
“Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised.”
Hahaha, it truly is! And even better on a luxury touring ship like the 400i 😁👍
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So the phoenix but not the 600i?
I see the 600i in a size class above the constellation/400i lineup, and not a direct competition. I suspect it will likely run higher costs to operate, as well as having potential jump point limitations given its overall size. But the 600i definitely offers a lot of value in its platform, albeit in a larger vessel!
@@ViciDeum Its a bad use of space imo. I have one.
@@MrMiskut Thankfully the gold standard interior redesign should remedy that problem!
But no fuel scoop.... I hope they add that in.
It’s curious this ship didn’t have the AIR system like the other smaller ships in the Origin line! But I suspect it’s tanks will give this ship a good range! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your channel engagement!
Blockade running seems interesting.
I’m really curious to see how they further develop this loop as well! I suspect escaping security, bypassing jump point checkpoints and several other use cases will arise for this role!
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I see it as an RV, bringing a few friends to go from scenic spot to another for a few days or a couple weeks. ;-)
T’airn’KA, the 400i really does let you camp in style! If I had to pick one ship to enjoy a fun weekend with, this is definitely it! Plenty of space in an amazing luxury camper that’s just fun to fly! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
If you want to bring your toys with you a C2 is the bigger option.
@@TairnKA I absolutely agree! I’ve got the C2 as a loaner for my Merchantman, and it’s such a fun and really versatile ship to fly! Kr makes transporting any ground vehicle (and some ships) an absolute breeze!
My use for it was to melt it for store credit.
Savage hahaha! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and leave your thoughts, I really appreciate your engagement!
@@ViciDeum It was my pleasure, good Sir.
400i vs mercury star runner
difficult difficult.. Like the carrack vs the 600i..
That is a really difficult choice! I love the interiors of both ships, and they share some overlapping roles! For me the decision comes down to whether you want the large shield gen on the 400i, or the speed and data running capacity of the MSR 👍
And the Carrack vs 600i is another tough choice. For me that comes down to pilot weapons vs exploration proficiency! All great ships, but tough choices indeed!
I disagree with #1 and #2.
I think exploration and luxury touring should swap places.
One thing I love about this ship is that it's a bit more utilitarian than the bigger Origin ships, especially in terms of interior design.
I think for max comfort and style on trips, the Phoenix outperforms the 400i.
It's hard to beat that Jacuzzi haha. But truly, the spaciousness you feel in the Phoenix's main room and the views alone are unparalleled! But you bring up good points, the 400i certainly offers a surprising amount of utility onboard!
It's a Connie competitor, the ship offers the things the Aquila does and plus a little extra. Only peasants would sacrifice comfort over cargo.
Hahaha, agreed! And this ship offers both class and comfort! And thank you for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
During Citizen Con CIG mentioned that the 400i isnt supposed to carry passengers, so I dont think they will make the VIP transport Jobs available for it. But if they do it would be a blast.
Forgotten influencer, thank you for letting me know! Although their current implementation of this game with consists entirely of day trips, I do fully anticipate that they will change this decision, as I suspect they’re just overlooking the very real opportunities this ship presents! Even just for hiring real players, I see the 400i as incredibly useful!
Need to go from Nyx planet-side to Orison? Between jump points and quantum travel, that could easily be a 4+ hour trip in a Phoenix (especially with that Bolton drive), or a much faster trip in the 400i!
But I see the ship excelling in VIP transport within the black market specifically! Need a fast escape from Klescher? Need a fast planetside pickup? Sure the carrack has medical and more health, but it’s got a much bigger signature, slower handling and less maneuverability!
But I do hope CIG takes the opportunity to provides more nuance and gameplay than just a couple of simple shuttle missions!
And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your channel engagement!
@@ViciDeum The issue is the extra cabin in the 400i is dedicated to the crew of the ship. The Connie Phoenix, 890j, 600i Touring, etc... have extra VIP cabins dedicated to passengers that are separate from the crew areas. This I think is the deciding factor and the final nail in the coffin for using the 400i as a VIP transport. To transport VIPs your ship has to have dedicated space for VIPs... sadly the 400i does not meet these requirements.
You guys underestimate this ship. I've been using it for bounties. If you can use a heavy slow-turning Constellation for bounties, you can use a 400i also. Two size 4's are powerful enough for most ships you'll encounter.
Those are excellent points! I‘ve also noticed this ship puts forth an impressive amount of firepower! And at the end of the day, it really does come down to the handling of the individual captain first and foremost! And thanks for taking the time to watch this video and share your comments, I really appreciate the engagement!
Does it not have two size 3, can i put size 4 on it?
@@matsgandersson3624 I guess you figured out since 2 months, but yes, you can replace the gimballed 2 size 3 with fixed 2 size 4.
Yeah on one of my first 400 flights I had a bounty Hunter in a anvil hawk come after me. My shields meant it took its 6 guns as a joke and the size 3 gimbals made short work of it.
Land racing transportation/ touring
The 400i would be a fantastic ship to pull into rally’s with! I can’t wait for more improvements to in-game race events, it feels so seriously underserved atm! And thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and drop a comment, I really appreciate your engagement!
Wow, there was a lot of assumptions made in this video.
Its true, I plan a lot of these videos with future gameplay in mind!
I'm sorry but this list is pure copium. You are literally day dreaming and stretching the imagination so far with some of the possible uses of this ship and even going as far as calling it a "beast". Let's be objective and real here, the 400i offers less than a Cutlass Black in almost every aspect for almost triple the price. The only thing going on for it is the cool interior space and that's literally it. Exploration is not a thing, blockade running is not a thing, artifact acquisition is not a thing, "refrigeration" of items and cargo is not a thing and even if it was the 400i dosn't have refrigerated cargo space, those are components areas with no cargo grid and as far as today the refrigeration is done only for the rule of cool and nothing else. Also transport is not a game loop at the moment. So in essence I'll do you all a favor and answer it for you guys... Best Uses: Origin 400i: "to fly around looking cool and nothing else. Same could be achieved with much less expensive ships."
Sadly a lot of Star Citizen’s intended gameplay is still a work in progress, but the 400i is definitely a cool design!
Some people are looking to the future. But to each their own.