@Jevagen the only reason i only discussed DC is because thats the ability you wanted to bring up. that aside, look at my origional posts about the first set of testing (when i had this stat priority: hit>exp>haste>mastery>crit) where my crit damage was only 5-6% of my damage total. it was incredibly marginal and meager.
@dudestick999 Yes i still use death coil during dark transformation when sudden doom procs or to prevent myself from being runic power capped. You can also save your runic power near the end of the transformation so that you can get into a new dark transformation asap.
@DravenCarey21 and the numbers i gave u from that second test (with the DC numbers) i used the same stat weights (not the way i have it now w/ mastery above haste) so there was no incredible stacking. that said raid buffs alone wont make up a deficit of over 200k damage.... (and thats just in 5 minutes)
@tdaniel89 But too sum it all up...You do lose out on dodged (and parried) attacks that don't land (as every melee class does) but the difference vs the gains from haste and crit are far superior to the gains of expertise (and mastery now as well)
@DravenCarey21 It's good to know that people are interested in the actual work. To be brief... 1.) I do alot of research and reading (glyphs, talents, abilities, stats, etc.) I do MULTIPLE tests on the training dummies with recount. Guild members provide extensive data and i spend alot of gold reforging. Raiding helps determine where you stand with your dps somewhat. 2.) It's basically Crit (dmg X2 on all abilities and pet dmg) VS. Mastery (% increase of only shadow dmg)
@MrSmeesters The only combat addons that i use are OmniCC, Recount, DBM, and TellMeWhen, as for my macros i use /castsequence reset=30 Outbreak, Essence of the Eternal Flame, Elementium Deathplate Gauntlets, Unholy frenzy and /castsequence reset=25 Summon Gargoyle, Unholy Frenzy and lastly for the action bar on the left above 1-9 etc. i have them keybound as left shift, Hope this helps :D
@Blohupdoll Ok, switched it to EU. #4 has more Crit name is Pumbazz on Blackhand, #5 is Аэрдиль on Fordragon. So, that make 4 of the top 5 With Crit over Mastery.
use blood tap to make from your blood a death rune, use scourge strike on that one, ur the death and frost for festering(if you need extension on diseases) else you will use your horn of winter and use scourge on both the deathrunes you have left, then you will wait for the runes to activate again and use festering strikes, hope its a bit clear
@Draven If death coil were the only ability that we used then yes mastery would be superior but its the shadow dmg (blood plague, death coil, shadow portion of SS, DnD, Unholy blight) vs the crit dmg that affects all the previous abilities plus frost fever, melee dmg, pet melee dmg, and Festering strike. You also favored mastery and neglected crit which means your crit was low when you did that test and you're forgetting that raid buffs increase your crit significantly (%5 crit, Agi, Kings, etc)
@BLee1995 Take into consideration that in raids there will be alot of movment from time to time and DW Frost Dps only leads in tank and spank fights imo
@DravenCarey21 other than that, it was short and simple, it gave a good overview, and your voice is alot better than mine =D but despite my criticisms and prolly a somewhat negative attitude (some guides seem incomplete to me and can lead ppl in the wrong direction) thank you for ur effort in putting this guide together and taking the time to produce something for the community.
@tdaniel89 Expertise is poor for unholy because our GCD is so low that we burn through resources faster than we can generate them, resulting in open GCD or periods where we don't have an ability to hit. This is what makes haste so valuable, essentially we are trying to increase our rate of rune regen to the point where we can fill our GCD. Because we can't reach that point atm we can sacrifice expertise because a dodged attack just pushes our attacks back by 1 filling an empty GCD along the way.
@Jevagen very cool. At 3:05 in the video, you mention some socket bonuses that I don't i've ever seen. I guess it's just a preference thing though because I go for 99% of socket bonuses.
@DravenCarey21 I looked up Dravennwoye via armory, you managed to squeeze out an additional 23.5% mastery by reforging the way you did. Now take a 50k Death Coil Crit (this is me being generous) and take 23,5% of that which is 11750 dmg and then weigh it against crit which doubled that dmg... 11750 dmg (Mastery) vs 25k dmg (crit) Like i said before crit affects all your abilities and your pet dmg while mastery only alters your shadow dmg. These are just some of the factors i use to weigh the two
I have been raiding competitively as a DeathKnight since they were introduced and have yet to see a better instructional video for beginners or people who need to refresh their knowledge about this spec. I applaud you sir :)
@openaccessuser( Incites a friendly party or raid member into a killing frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged, increasing their melee and ranged haste by 20%, but causes them to lose health equal to 2% of their maximum health every 3 sec. ) 2% of your maximum health every 3 sec for the next 30 sec adds up to 20% of your max health lost, and thanks for the constructive criticism about what you would like to see when watching these vids and about the wording on the meta gem.
EJ number crunchers value it as lowest also. It's mainly due to most of the damage coming from magic, uh rarely becomes global locked, and overall bad itemization with expertise. Jev you need to update this to include the 4 pc bonus and gurthalak weapon(mastery out weighs crit)
@DravenCarey21 the average damage of a critting death coil and divide that in half (to represent how much added damage it did). so 3 DC's x 23,160 = 69,480 (damge done ONLY BY CRITS) then divide that in half = 34,740 ADDED DAMAGE from it being a crit. now lets look at mastery. i had 86 Death Coils for a total of 1,066,542 damage. multiply that by the +% increase of damage i get from mastery (like you said its 23.5%). 1,066,542 x .235 = 250,637 BONUS damage from mastery.
@Jevagen well lets actually look at this. my toon is now reforged in favor of mastery (i tested it and it does more dps by 400-1k over haste) HOWEVER before making that reforging difference i did some testing and took some screenshots. here is what i've got: Death Coil Damage: Non-Crit:10,029 min/12,001 average/16,867 max --- 83 / 96.5% Crit: 20,962 min/23,160 average/25,133 max --- 3 / 3.5% I had a total of 86 death coils, 3 of them crit. So take the 3 that crit and multiply it by
holy shit this is probably the best spec or anything about a certain class ever, what to reforge gem spec glyph rotation all in one, and he says stuff SLOW and clearly, this basicly told me how to do his dps :D, well if i have the gear
get this addon called magic runes, whenever you see a blood or frost rune going off cd use festering strike so it turns into a death rune. This will increase the amount of scourge strikes you can do, thats what helped me the most in increasing my dps..
@1994joris my point is this: the information he's giving out (about crit>mastery>exp) is false. he prolly heard it from someone else or read it on EJ and neglected to effectively analyze it and process the thought behind it. he then put that information into a guide that is sub-par at best. he showed us how well he can burst the dummy (thats impressive...) and a very quick overview of some of the minorest things about the class. i have a problem with that, especially when he cant back
@Blohupdoll That's of the top 10. Since it wouldn't allow me to use links, I took that out. Ok, lemme give you some names. Filth from Arygos, Gabani from Arzalon, Mercìléss from Moonrunner. They are 1st place, 2nd place, and 10th place. The other US that I could search for was 3rd place which was the only Mastery one of the top 10 that were US. The other countries I could not search unless you can show me a way. Those are the top unholy for Morchok.
@Raylol90 The link in the description box leads you to the spec and glyphs i recommend, as for my personal glyphs/spec... i was testing some things out and i havent changed all the glyphs yet. Again this is not the spec you should use, i only recommend the spec/glyphs from the link in the description box
I liked your view on the spec. I prefer to go a different route for how I play, but that's the grand thing about unholy, you can change a few minor talents and still keep high DPS. Been Unholy since wrath and I see no reason to change.
@CC4PA If you've gemmed and reforged properly according to this guide and your expertise is only at 6 then i'm assuming you dont have the best gear. If you believe your gear is up to par and your expertise is that low then its okay because its last on our priority list, you will be fine :)
@Zhade11 If you're doing everything this video recommended for you to do and you're not a full on clicker, then your gear could be a factor in your low dps. If that is the case then i suggest you play with the frost spec rather than the unholy spec, especially in dungeons. Lucky for you i have a frost DK guide as well, you can find it on my channel.
Awesome! >:D Sounds cool and all but do you think you could make a DW frost guide too please? I liked your Unholy dps, and I dont see many pull that off, but a frost guide please :D
@Blohupdoll Dude, check out the armories for the top DPS Unholy DK's on Madness of Deathwing from World of Logs. Of the 4 armories I could find 3 of the 4 had Crit above Mastery. Get a new napkin, that on has a bunch of crap written on it.
@DravenCarey21 well this will just about wrap up my rant, and i will reask my first question. where did you get ur info? is this something u picked up off another site or is it something you tediously tested yourself? my guess is that ya picked it up somewhere and went with the crowd (which isnt bad if you just need a reference) but please atleast take the time to thouroughly analyze the spec/abilities/and stats before throwing ur name on it and putting it out for others to become misinformed.
Why are you using the Hungering Cold major glyph? I understand the Anti-Magic shell and Strangulate glyph, but the Hungering Cold glyph is Frost DK only. I'd replace it with the Pestilence glyph because it gets a little bit more range to spread your diseases.
very nice guide, clear and informative, you seem like you were reading off a script tho, which is good to get a point across but you have no flavor in it besides that tiny detail, very good guide and ill be looking for more from you in the future
Also, I see that you have either bartender and some other addons. Any chance you could list some of them that help you the most. And right at about 2 seconds in, right after you cast Outbreak, you apparently have a macro there as well, that has your trinket to be clicked immediately after. Lastly, for the secondary action bar, do you have them all hotkeyed as Left Shift? Thanks so VERY much for the hasty response.I went from a DW Frost DK to a more secky 2-H Unholy god! Dps went from 20K to 32k.
@Jevagen It helped in a way, im stuck at a 8k-12k dps, but i need to gem/enchant my gear (which im broke) haha but ur guide is nice i appreciate the upload!
question...if expertise is at the bottom of the list, then what should i have it at... i have it at 45...currently im frost but ive noticed unholy puts out more dps, so im looking to change to it. any advice on this?? thanks
Heres hoping youre still active! Since Cata Classic is around the corner and the pre-patch just released Ive been scouring the web for guides like these, but none answer my question: At the start of a pull, do you use Gargoyle before Dark Transformation to line it up with pre-pots and trinket procs, or is DT priority?
hey, you've made a pretty good guide but there are some things i find questionable (and i could totally be wrong). here they are: 1.) where did you get your info? was it all produced after hours of slaving over a hot target dummy/WoL reports/personal raids? or was it derived from a popular site like EJ? 2.) why do u value crit over mastery when most DK's scourge strike shadow damage, as well as your diseases and DnD, (which are directly influenced by mastery) are near the top of their recounts?
If all my runes are on CD except for 1 blood and 1 death or 1 frost and 1 death do i use festuring strike or do i scourge strike with the death and sit on the frost/blood and wait until a frost/blood comes off CD to festuring
@DravenCarey21 soooo looking at this would you rather have +34.7k damage or +250k damage. you're biggest mistake in choosing crit over mastery is that you neglect to acknowledge how little crit we have. you'd have at most upwards of 10% crit. that means 1 out of every 10 deach coils (or any abiliy) is projected to crit for you. so for every 100 DC's u have only 10 or so will crit (which means only 10 or so benefit from crit rating) as where all 100 will benefit from mastery.
You say scourge strike should be prioritized over festering, but you clearly use festering at 0:15 when you can still use scourge strike, and your diseases have 25 seconds on them.
@Zhade11 Just out of curiosity: did you set up your talent tree after what you saw in the video? B/c from what I saw based on glyphing and based on the talent tree set up, this spec he has for the vid is not optimized for maximum DPS. Also keep in mind, Unholy might not necessarily have a very high DPS output compared to other classes, but we have the highest damage output. Send a message back with your toon's name, and I can look and give comments, if you wish =)
i play unholy on my 378 ilvl dk and i top out the dps unholy is gonna be the main spec for dks in MoP so start learning it and its not hard to learn it very easy just keep ur dots up and watch ur dps sky rocket
@godlyben2 /castsequence reset=25 Outbreak, Essence of the Eternal Flame, Elementium Deathplate Gauntlets, Unholy Frenzy.... of course i had a trinket and i'm an engineer so not every dk has Essence of the eternal flame and elementium deathplate gauntlets w/ synapse strings, hope this helps :D
Ive been having alittle issues with my dps and im going to see if this helps out, which i hope it does. My main issue is that im broke since the bold rubies cost 300-400g ea TT.TT
@Jevagen care to reply to my other posts? i did more testing (both dummies and in raids) and got the same results that i got the first time. its inferior. but alas, EJ says its the best and the dk's out there w/ the best gear (also strikingly on the top of the meters) follow what it says when i can assure you few of them have taken the time to analyze it themselves. crit is not better than mastery (again see my other posts) and i'd be happy to prove it for anyone who doesnt think so.
Why would you use "Rune of the Fallen Crusader" ? That one only gives a chance to heal you, I think the one that increases your shadow damage done by 20% is better. :)
DK is the first alt I've made....this is really is going to help me with my DPS off spec...no more "so how's you dps on this one tank fight", it's ummmm, non existent?
what ilvl are u doing this in? im in 381 and i can only pull 21-22k max -____- i dont know wht i did wrong, i think i have done everyyythinnggggg right helppp meeeee
I find that Unholy was alot of fun to lvl up with but when I hit 85 I had to switch to frost to improve my DPS. But unholy will always hold a place in my heart.
@navydoyle92 this guide was pretty well done and i dont mean to hijack it or anything but to get a better in depth look at rotation (and have me walk you through a 5 minute dps test with commentary) then check out my guide.
one of the best videos on unholy DKs ive seen, thanks for the help
@TheAlderacsmacker That is still a part of recount, right click recount where it shows your name and dps numbers and then select show real time graph
@Jevagen the only reason i only discussed DC is because thats the ability you wanted to bring up. that aside, look at my origional posts about the first set of testing (when i had this stat priority: hit>exp>haste>mastery>crit) where my crit damage was only 5-6% of my damage total. it was incredibly marginal and meager.
@dudestick999 Yes i still use death coil during dark transformation when sudden doom procs or to prevent myself from being runic power capped. You can also save your runic power near the end of the transformation so that you can get into a new dark transformation asap.
As soon as I tried Unholy spec, I could not go back and change to Frost. Thanks for the guide, it really helped!
@DravenCarey21 and the numbers i gave u from that second test (with the DC numbers) i used the same stat weights (not the way i have it now w/ mastery above haste) so there was no incredible stacking. that said raid buffs alone wont make up a deficit of over 200k damage.... (and thats just in 5 minutes)
@tdaniel89 But too sum it all up...You do lose out on dodged (and parried) attacks that don't land (as every melee class does) but the difference vs the gains from haste and crit are far superior to the gains of expertise (and mastery now as well)
@DravenCarey21 It's good to know that people are interested in the actual work. To be brief...
1.) I do alot of research and reading (glyphs, talents, abilities, stats, etc.) I do MULTIPLE tests on the training dummies with recount. Guild members provide extensive data and i spend alot of gold reforging. Raiding helps determine where you stand with your dps somewhat.
2.) It's basically Crit (dmg X2 on all abilities and pet dmg) VS. Mastery (% increase of only shadow dmg)
His gear is from Firelands, 24k dps was good in 4.2.
This video took me from 20k dps in TB to about 32k in pvp gear only. Great vid keep them coming! :)
@MrSmeesters The only combat addons that i use are OmniCC, Recount, DBM, and TellMeWhen, as for my macros i use /castsequence reset=30 Outbreak, Essence of the Eternal Flame, Elementium Deathplate Gauntlets, Unholy frenzy and /castsequence reset=25 Summon Gargoyle, Unholy Frenzy and lastly for the action bar on the left above 1-9 etc. i have them keybound as left shift, Hope this helps :D
Best guide I've seen for quite a while. Subbed.
@420FreeLife its and extra decease that makes you do more damage and it dont take a lot of agro aslong as youre not in blood presence
@Blohupdoll Ok, switched it to EU. #4 has more Crit name is Pumbazz on Blackhand, #5 is Аэрдиль on Fordragon. So, that make 4 of the top 5 With Crit over Mastery.
0:50 talents
1:45 enchants
2:45 Gems
3:45 reforging
4:45 DPS rotation + other usefull spells
@tdaniel89 According to Simcraft, Unholy pulls ahead slightly with BiS H T12 391 gear but the more noticeable difference comes with BiS H T13 410 gear
@420FreeLife hes spec'd into a talent that increases the dmg by 30%, and the dmg/healing of deathcoil by 15%, so it helps the dps
use blood tap to make from your blood a death rune, use scourge strike on that one, ur the death and frost for festering(if you need extension on diseases) else you will use your horn of winter and use scourge on both the deathrunes you have left, then you will wait for the runes to activate again and use festering strikes, hope its a bit clear
@Draven If death coil were the only ability that we used then yes mastery would be superior but its the shadow dmg (blood plague, death coil, shadow portion of SS, DnD, Unholy blight) vs the crit dmg that affects all the previous abilities plus frost fever, melee dmg, pet melee dmg, and Festering strike. You also favored mastery and neglected crit which means your crit was low when you did that test and you're forgetting that raid buffs increase your crit significantly (%5 crit, Agi, Kings, etc)
@BLee1995 Take into consideration that in raids there will be alot of movment from time to time and DW Frost Dps only leads in tank and spank fights imo
I thought unholy was a dead spec and I wanted to bring it back. Thank for the awesome guide :D
@FlyingCarrotCake I'm using "TellMeWhen" "Recount" and "DBM"
Holy shit. You should read ebooks. Yours voice is perfect.
@DravenCarey21 other than that, it was short and simple, it gave a good overview, and your voice is alot better than mine =D but despite my criticisms and prolly a somewhat negative attitude (some guides seem incomplete to me and can lead ppl in the wrong direction) thank you for ur effort in putting this guide together and taking the time to produce something for the community.
@tdaniel89 Expertise is poor for unholy because our GCD is so low that we burn through resources faster than we can generate them, resulting in open GCD or periods where we don't have an ability to hit. This is what makes haste so valuable, essentially we are trying to increase our rate of rune regen to the point where we can fill our GCD. Because we can't reach that point atm we can sacrifice expertise because a dodged attack just pushes our attacks back by 1 filling an empty GCD along the way.
@Jevagen very cool. At 3:05 in the video, you mention some socket bonuses that I don't i've ever seen. I guess it's just a preference thing though because I go for 99% of socket bonuses.
@BLee1995 It would appear that DW Frost Dps is doing the most damage up to the new 410 heroic gear
@DravenCarey21 I looked up Dravennwoye via armory, you managed to squeeze out an additional 23.5% mastery by reforging the way you did. Now take a 50k Death Coil Crit (this is me being generous) and take 23,5% of that which is 11750 dmg and then weigh it against crit which doubled that dmg... 11750 dmg (Mastery) vs 25k dmg (crit) Like i said before crit affects all your abilities and your pet dmg while mastery only alters your shadow dmg. These are just some of the factors i use to weigh the two
I have been raiding competitively as a DeathKnight since they were introduced and have yet to see a better instructional video for beginners or people who need to refresh their knowledge about this spec. I applaud you sir :)
@openaccessuser( Incites a friendly party or raid member into a killing frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged, increasing their melee and ranged haste by 20%, but causes them to lose health equal to 2% of their maximum health every 3 sec. ) 2% of your maximum health every 3 sec for the next 30 sec adds up to 20% of your max health lost, and thanks for the constructive criticism about what you would like to see when watching these vids and about the wording on the meta gem.
EJ number crunchers value it as lowest also. It's mainly due to most of the damage coming from magic, uh rarely becomes global locked, and overall bad itemization with expertise. Jev you need to update this to include the 4 pc bonus and gurthalak weapon(mastery out weighs crit)
i think that scourge strike dmg is increased by 54% cuz u got 3 deseaces the 3rd one is Ebon Plaguebringer
@DravenCarey21 the average damage of a critting death coil and divide that in half (to represent how much added damage it did). so 3 DC's x 23,160 = 69,480 (damge done ONLY BY CRITS) then divide that in half = 34,740 ADDED DAMAGE from it being a crit. now lets look at mastery. i had 86 Death Coils for a total of 1,066,542 damage. multiply that by the +% increase of damage i get from mastery (like you said its 23.5%). 1,066,542 x .235 = 250,637 BONUS damage from mastery.
this may sound weird but, i like this guy's voice
@Jevagen well lets actually look at this. my toon is now reforged in favor of mastery (i tested it and it does more dps by 400-1k over haste) HOWEVER before making that reforging difference i did some testing and took some screenshots. here is what i've got:
Death Coil Damage:
Non-Crit:10,029 min/12,001 average/16,867 max --- 83 / 96.5%
Crit: 20,962 min/23,160 average/25,133 max --- 3 / 3.5%
I had a total of 86 death coils, 3 of them crit. So take the 3 that crit and multiply it by
thanks man this vid helped me out alot keep posting man your doin great and thanks again
holy shit this is probably the best spec or anything about a certain class ever, what to reforge gem spec glyph rotation all in one, and he says stuff SLOW and clearly, this basicly told me how to do his dps :D, well if i have the gear
get this addon called magic runes, whenever you see a blood or frost rune going off cd use festering strike so it turns into a death rune. This will increase the amount of scourge strikes you can do, thats what helped me the most in increasing my dps..
Bump for Classic Cata! :D
@1994joris my point is this: the information he's giving out (about crit>mastery>exp) is false. he prolly heard it from someone else or read it on EJ and neglected to effectively analyze it and process the thought behind it. he then put that information into a guide that is sub-par at best. he showed us how well he can burst the dummy (thats impressive...) and a very quick overview of some of the minorest things about the class. i have a problem with that, especially when he cant back
@Blohupdoll That's of the top 10. Since it wouldn't allow me to use links, I took that out. Ok, lemme give you some names. Filth from Arygos, Gabani from Arzalon, Mercìléss from Moonrunner. They are 1st place, 2nd place, and 10th place. The other US that I could search for was 3rd place which was the only Mastery one of the top 10 that were US. The other countries I could not search unless you can show me a way. Those are the top unholy for Morchok.
@Raylol90 The link in the description box leads you to the spec and glyphs i recommend, as for my personal glyphs/spec... i was testing some things out and i havent changed all the glyphs yet. Again this is not the spec you should use, i only recommend the spec/glyphs from the link in the description box
I liked your view on the spec. I prefer to go a different route for how I play, but that's the grand thing about unholy, you can change a few minor talents and still keep high DPS. Been Unholy since wrath and I see no reason to change.
@CC4PA If you've gemmed and reforged properly according to this guide and your expertise is only at 6 then i'm assuming you dont have the best gear. If you believe your gear is up to par and your expertise is that low then its okay because its last on our priority list, you will be fine :)
@Zhade11 If you're doing everything this video recommended for you to do and you're not a full on clicker, then your gear could be a factor in your low dps. If that is the case then i suggest you play with the frost spec rather than the unholy spec, especially in dungeons. Lucky for you i have a frost DK guide as well, you can find it on my channel.
Hello mate I was wondering if u keep using death coil while ur pet is at Dark transformation. BTW it was the best unholy guide so far :)
Awesome! >:D Sounds cool and all but do you think you could make a DW frost guide too please? I liked your Unholy dps, and I dont see many pull that off, but a frost guide please :D
@Blohupdoll Dude, check out the armories for the top DPS Unholy DK's on Madness of Deathwing from World of Logs. Of the 4 armories I could find 3 of the 4 had Crit above Mastery. Get a new napkin, that on has a bunch of crap written on it.
@DravenCarey21 well this will just about wrap up my rant, and i will reask my first question. where did you get ur info? is this something u picked up off another site or is it something you tediously tested yourself? my guess is that ya picked it up somewhere and went with the crowd (which isnt bad if you just need a reference) but please atleast take the time to thouroughly analyze the spec/abilities/and stats before throwing ur name on it and putting it out for others to become misinformed.
Awesome guide! I loved your frost dk guild but now that buffed unholy I've changed to it
Why are you using the Hungering Cold major glyph? I understand the Anti-Magic shell and Strangulate glyph, but the Hungering Cold glyph is Frost DK only. I'd replace it with the Pestilence glyph because it gets a little bit more range to spread your diseases.
very nice guide, clear and informative, you seem like you were reading off a script tho, which is good to get a point across but you have no flavor in it
besides that tiny detail, very good guide and ill be looking for more from you in the future
Also, I see that you have either bartender and some other addons. Any chance you could list some of them that help you the most. And right at about 2 seconds in, right after you cast Outbreak, you apparently have a macro there as well, that has your trinket to be clicked immediately after. Lastly, for the secondary action bar, do you have them all hotkeyed as Left Shift? Thanks so VERY much for the hasty response.I went from a DW Frost DK to a more secky 2-H Unholy god! Dps went from 20K to 32k.
@Jevagen It helped in a way, im stuck at a 8k-12k dps, but i need to gem/enchant my gear (which im broke) haha but ur guide is nice i appreciate the upload!
question...if expertise is at the bottom of the list, then what should i have it at... i have it at 45...currently im frost but ive noticed unholy puts out more dps, so im looking to change to it. any advice on this?? thanks
Nice! Glad to see some good dps outta unholy and the best way to do it!
awesome guide broskii, Do u think u can make a guide for warrior tanks?
Heres hoping youre still active! Since Cata Classic is around the corner and the pre-patch just released Ive been scouring the web for guides like these, but none answer my question:
At the start of a pull, do you use Gargoyle before Dark Transformation to line it up with pre-pots and trinket procs, or is DT priority?
hey, you've made a pretty good guide but there are some things i find questionable (and i could totally be wrong). here they are:
1.) where did you get your info? was it all produced after hours of slaving over a hot target dummy/WoL reports/personal raids? or was it derived from a popular site like EJ?
2.) why do u value crit over mastery when most DK's scourge strike shadow damage, as well as your diseases and DnD, (which are directly influenced by mastery) are near the top of their recounts?
If all my runes are on CD except for 1 blood and 1 death or 1 frost and 1 death do i use festuring strike or do i scourge strike with the death and sit on the frost/blood and wait until a frost/blood comes off CD to festuring
one question of me, when using gurthalak of the deeps, mastery is now > crit, so i reforge to mastery instead of crit?
Now for unholy, would the mace off of black horn bee good to use?
@DravenCarey21 soooo looking at this would you rather have +34.7k damage or +250k damage. you're biggest mistake in choosing crit over mastery is that you neglect to acknowledge how little crit we have. you'd have at most upwards of 10% crit. that means 1 out of every 10 deach coils (or any abiliy) is projected to crit for you. so for every 100 DC's u have only 10 or so will crit (which means only 10 or so benefit from crit rating) as where all 100 will benefit from mastery.
@Jevagen - So we shouldn't use that spec on the link? I did ;(.
If not that spec can you tell us the correct spec?
i enjoyed the way you made the video and song grate job
At 10-11 secs in you cast Summon Gargoyle, and then it changes to Unholy Fervor, what is the macro that you have typed up for this? Thanks!
You say scourge strike should be prioritized over festering, but you clearly use festering at 0:15 when you can still use scourge strike, and your diseases have 25 seconds on them.
I found this video helpful in many ways.
well they are all 11years old time messages , I'd say still thank you for the guide , tho I'm pretty deep in this class
You are very welcome!
good to see your alive still. man this is old af. good music btw. you familiar with dj trashy ? u seem to listen to deep south breakbeats!@@Jevagen
@@Bourre-wb4xb Hey buddy! No im not familiar but ill take a listen. Thanks for your support!
Yo dude really nice guide it helped me a lot! :
I just wanna know, whats tha name of ur hands , boots and back enchant? Cant find it on ah.
wat is that addon that is almost like recount but has the wave thing?
@Zhade11 Just out of curiosity: did you set up your talent tree after what you saw in the video? B/c from what I saw based on glyphing and based on the talent tree set up, this spec he has for the vid is not optimized for maximum DPS. Also keep in mind, Unholy might not necessarily have a very high DPS output compared to other classes, but we have the highest damage output. Send a message back with your toon's name, and I can look and give comments, if you wish =)
What one do i have to take? The one in the description (talents and glyph) Or them in the video?
Cool guide bro :D
So is the frost or unholy better now ?
i play unholy on my 378 ilvl dk and i top out the dps unholy is gonna be the main spec for dks in MoP so start learning it and its not hard to learn it very easy just keep ur dots up and watch ur dps sky rocket
very clear. best guide bout dks ive ever seen :)
Can you explain why in the world you have 2 points in Blade Barrier and not Butchery...?
@2235whatever 4:53 I hope this helps you figure out the rotation :D
Whats the addon he has so he see the cooldown timer on his spells?
Hello from 2024, waiting for a cata classic after all this years 😂
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@godlyben2 /castsequence reset=25 Outbreak, Essence of the Eternal Flame, Elementium Deathplate Gauntlets, Unholy Frenzy.... of course i had a trinket and i'm an engineer so not every dk has Essence of the eternal flame and elementium deathplate gauntlets w/ synapse strings, hope this helps :D
oh and at 6:23 is that an attack rotation I need to do?
this video really helped me alot, learnd more about unholy
Ive been having alittle issues with my dps and im going to see if this helps out, which i hope it does. My main issue is that im broke since the bold rubies cost 300-400g ea TT.TT
Very informative guide.
I've been frost since... forever. But with this video in my arsenal i can atleast try what it feels like to be unholy :>
@Jevagen care to reply to my other posts? i did more testing (both dummies and in raids) and got the same results that i got the first time. its inferior. but alas, EJ says its the best and the dk's out there w/ the best gear (also strikingly on the top of the meters) follow what it says when i can assure you few of them have taken the time to analyze it themselves. crit is not better than mastery (again see my other posts) and i'd be happy to prove it for anyone who doesnt think so.
Hi can u tell me should I play slowly or fastly on unh and I xan't do more then 15k eith 391 ilvl
I'm blood and frost should I go unholy can I plz have some tips
Why would you use "Rune of the Fallen Crusader" ? That one only gives a chance to heal you, I think the one that increases your shadow damage done by 20% is better. :)
Thank you very much, i found this video very helpfull since i just recently changed to unholy.
DK is the first alt I've made....this is really is going to help me with my DPS off spec...no more "so how's you dps on this one tank fight", it's ummmm, non existent?
@ChemicalBanshees I use this rotation 5:00
what ilvl are u doing this in? im in 381 and i can only pull 21-22k max -____- i dont know wht i did wrong, i think i have done everyyythinnggggg right helppp meeeee
I find that Unholy was alot of fun to lvl up with but when I hit 85 I had to switch to frost to improve my DPS. But unholy will always hold a place in my heart.
Im doing exactly what this guy is, I've got 386 ilvl and I can just about pull off 12k dps, what can I be doing wrong?
@RsnRewind Roll a Frost DK if you wanna play an EASY spec, no skills needed.
@navydoyle92 this guide was pretty well done and i dont mean to hijack it or anything but to get a better in depth look at rotation (and have me walk you through a 5 minute dps test with commentary) then check out my guide.
Whats the Macro u used?
You forgot to mention Glyphs. But then again, it's pretty obvious which ones to go for
What are the macros that you're using?