I reckon that on the second iteration of putting the hat on self, if hat me is aware of being formed from the hat, he will not trust me on not taking off the hat.
Omg i thought i saw Jackson at the jb i work at buying that jar jar pop vinyl, but didn't beilieve it was really him, now I wanna know what co-worker he accidentally flirted with
I would put the hat on a car and make real life brum
Watching this at 12am when it came out may cause me a fever dream. Will report
The secret of the toilet will probably be the funniest thing I've heard for the rest of the year
24:00 to 25:00 had me absolutely floored cackling in the park. Got some hella weird looks. Thanks boys!
I reckon that on the second iteration of putting the hat on self, if hat me is aware of being formed from the hat, he will not trust me on not taking off the hat.
And now I'm sad that there's not a Plumbing the Death Star Funko Pop.
"That is the secret of the toilet, the final secret of humanity, mnom mnom mnom mnom"
Jackson had the best idea
Omg i thought i saw Jackson at the jb i work at buying that jar jar pop vinyl, but didn't beilieve it was really him, now I wanna know what co-worker he accidentally flirted with
I'd just become a full-on necromancer. Or the real-life version of Ned from Pushing Daisies.
Yes. Big pile of bad Funko Pops
I may steal this Worst Funko Pop gift idea!
I think Silent Bob from Clerks 3 is the worst/best one.
Although, Jar-Jar does look horrendous.