《馬可福音》第8章27-30節 彼得認基督

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ธ.ค. 2024
  • 馬可福音8:27-30揭示耶穌的身份與跟隨祂的代價。當耶穌問門徒誰祂是時,彼得承認「你是基督σὺ εἶ ὁ Χριστός」。基督(Χριστός)源自希臘文,意指「受膏者」,彰顯耶穌是應許中的彌賽亞。經文提醒我們認識耶穌的真實身份是靈性生活中至關重要的一步。
    Mark 8:27-30 reveals the identity of Jesus and the cost of following Him. When Jesus asked the disciples who He was, Peter confessed "You are the Christ σὺ εἶ ὁ Χριστός". Christ (Χριστός) comes from the Greek, meaning "the anointed one", demonstrating that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Scripture reminds us that knowing who Jesus really is is a crucial step in spiritual life.
    This Scripture calls us to think deeply about the identity of Jesus and to affirm Him as Savior and Lord in our lives. We should develop a closer spiritual connection with Jesus every day and gain a deeper understanding of His heart through prayer and Bible study. Just as Peter publicly confessed Jesus as the Christ, we should express our faith in Jesus in our daily lives and share His love and truth with others.

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