《馬可福音》第9章14節-32節 醫治被污鬼附着的男孩

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ม.ค. 2025
  • 耶穌門徒不能趕鬼,為什麼呢? 世界對基督徒有期待,門徒在這裡也被期待做權能服事。可是門徒不能趕鬼,卻與文士在辯論 (馬可9:14)。耶穌把鬼趕出,進了屋子才告訴門徒:「非用禱告(有古卷在此有:禁食二字),這一類的鬼總不能出來。」(馬可9:29) 原來竅門在禁食禱告,這也是我們服事的關鍵。我們必須要抓住最基本的,做醫治釋放要禁食。耶穌教導門徒只有一句話,就是要禁食,若不禁食,就無能力把鬼趕走。所以,我們跟隨神必須回到最根本的原則,我們要更深入地跟從衪,禁食禱告就要更多,因為這是基本,只有在基本點上更深地追求,我們的事奉才有突破。
    Jesus’ disciples couldn’t cast out demons. Why? The world has expectations of Christians, and disciples are expected to serve with power here. But the disciples could not cast out demons, but they argued with the scribes (Mark 9:14). Jesus drove the demon out and told his disciples after entering the house: "Such a demon can never come out except by prayer (some ancient scrolls have the word "fasting" here)" (Mark 9:29) Fasting and praying are also key to our service. We must grasp the most basic thing, and fasting is necessary for healing and deliverance. Jesus taught his disciples only one thing, which was to fast. Without fasting, they would not be able to drive out demons. Therefore, when we follow God, we must return to the most fundamental principles. If we want to follow Him more deeply, we must fast and pray more, because this is the basics. Only by pursuing the basic points more deeply can we achieve breakthroughs in our service.

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