Just getting into tanking this video helps ALOT as all the other tank video's were over a year old. Keep up the great work Mono thank you for all your time and effort in making these videos!
I was playing AT earlier today as a German and I was trying so hard to get on the side of a Sherman because I was sure I couldn't pen it otherwise 😂 Well, glad this came out and I know now, already sharing it with my HLL buddies
The PTRS has its drawbacks but I believe it reloads from regular ammo, so it's much easier to keep up a sustained hail of antitank rifle fire from the team.
@@CatsAreAmazing8187 and technically, panzershrek with its 230 mm pen should count as heavy gun, while bazooka with 102 mm pen should be medium at least.
@@Zhidoscope This is what I thought, the mobile AT needs to be better than what it is, and if that becomes a problem for tank crews then infantry need to support their armour better. PS has better pen but It’s really hard to aim so you need to get closer and the bazooka is a bit weaker so you also need to get closer for the sides and rear, I think that’s fair!
-AT mines are strange. A Puma drove over a mine and it didn't blow up, only destroying the "tracks". -Angling sometimes doesn't work and somtimes it does. -If the turret is under repair and gets hit again and again in the turret, you can't kill the tank -Don't place sachels on the tracks, somtimes it will only destroy the tracks and not the hull (maybe already fixed) -Scout tanks sometimes survive 2 hits in the hull with any gun (dont' know why)
I didn't initially know either that the game made a difference between Panzerschreck and Bazooka, but at least it's somewhat accurate. After all the Panzerschreck was the improved version of the Panzerfaust (both in terms of handling/ergonomics, as well as range, penetration, etc). The bazooka was pretty bad, actually. They still used some of the leftover WW2 ones* in Korea, but had to replace them quite quickly when they came upon T-34s and could do nothing but watch their charges bounce off or do minimal damage. So they brought in the so called "Super Bazooka" aka the 3.5" bazooka. *M9/M9A1 Bazooka with M6A3 rockets, which was the 2.36" ON PAPER it was supposed to be able to penetrate the T-34 even at a 60 degree angle, but in practice it proved insufficient in doing so, whereas even the Panzerfaust could knock out T-34s albeit at rather low range (those 150 or more meter shots you see in HLL are beyond ridiculous, the real effective range on ie the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck was somewhere between 35 to 60 meters for the Panzerfaust [roughly 80 meters MAXIMUM for a VERY experienced handler] and an absolute MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE range of about 150 meters for the Panzerschreck, again with a VERY effective handler so much less in real life; obviously this would be LESS for the Bazooka [it's maximum FIRING range was around 400 yards which is roughly 360 or so meters, but that's not EFFECTIVE range by any means.. ie an assault rifle's effective range is somewhere around 300 meters but it's max firing range is roughly 2700 meters [using the Steyr AUG as an example which uses 5.56 NATO] for reference... and a bullet travels a lot faster than a low velocity rocket like that, and on top of that you had to relocate FAST, because there was so much smoke from firing your position was immediately compromised). Therefore they introduced the so called "super bazooka" which could take out they T-34 & T-34 85 frontally at any angle. Hence it makes more sense that the bazooka is more likely to bounce ie frontally on a medium and barely does damage to heavies from the side even if it pens.
As someone who has played ww2 games with really realistic tank ballistics and handling, tanks in this game feel like a weird mix between realism and weird arbitrary jankiness. The tank armor values are reasonably realistic, but things like speed and turret turning are artificially slowed down for some reason. The lack of destruction is a big point. You can phase through small stone fences, but you can't go through stone walls? dafuq?
Definitely useful, but a bit more of a review on the different tank types (that people could skip) would be useful. I have 100+ hours and can barely tell a heavy from a medium, especially at a distance, much less differences between tanks of the same class. Usually when you're dealing with them you're on foot and just trying not to die.
Also don't forget that if you hit fuel canisters or other garbage on the back of Sherman Jumbo your shot will not be registred, it is true at least for the Panzershreck.
Had a guy in the 82nd AD shoot a Luchs in the rear left muffler with a 76mm and it didn't do anything to it. Just didn't register at all. Left a black mark on the muffler but did no damage
They really have to change this penetration system…I would love a war thunder style damage system + being able to kill the crew with Russian AT guns…you know the point of an AT gun
This is the first time I've watched a Mono video and not learned something. Maybe I should switch off after 110 levels of almost entirely AT... Nah. Tank go boom.
The bazooka was a much more capable than people think. The original bazookas were designed to launch projectiles that were able penetrate 100mm (actual penetration were closer to 114mm). The fact that a luchs cannot be penetrated frontally is stupid, even the pz4 is ridiculous. It could penetrate a tiger but the target area would be smaller and the side is a much larger area to hit and able to hit ammo. Also being in front of a tank is not good if you plan to live a long life. Side note: The side skirts offered very little protection against the shapes charge, as they were spaced far enough out. the jet will still penetrate close to the maximum penetration. The true effective range of these weapons were 100yards (anything farther takes to long to reach as the rocket travels about 80 yards a second. However by the end of the war it was becoming outdated. While the early rockets were changed from a sharp nose to being more blunt to lower the chances of deflection the impact fuse still caused issues (Korea). Angled armor would not allow the impact fuse to be crushed and will bounce. If the soldier was aware of this then they would hit any flat armor.
It really wasn't. It was notorious for ricocheting, had issues with accuracy and the effective penetration was only ~90mm. Effective range was much shorter than the reach of the rocket. The later improved M6A3 rocket did increase reliability but it wasn't introduced until September 1944 so troops would be using M6A1 rockets. Even after that they would be scarce on the frontline due to their late introduction. The bad rep the Bazooka got was completely justified.
Yes the bazooka’s early rockets were prone to ricochets as the shape nose allowed for them to glance off and the impact fuse failed to be crushed. So if the rocket impacts flat armor the likelihood of deflection is minimal as long as the rocket was not fired at any odd angle. The bazooka was not bad at the time. It would penetrate 75mm of armor at 30 degrees (unlikely would penetrate as the angle is too much) and 115(ish) at 0 degrees. Most German armor is angled very slightly. However I am not saying the bazooka should be able to pen the tiger in game, if all anti tank weapons could damage heavy tanks frontally it would be unbalanced. But the current situation were it cannot penetrate pz4s (80mm frontally) the luchs ( 30mm) frontally is quite stupid. Even if the bazooka could only penetrate a maximum of 90mm it would still perform well against these two exceptionally well. Even a giant the side of a panther (40mm) would be vulnerable. Once again, I am not saying the bazooka is god tier, but it ain’t shit, and in game bazooka should be capable of damaging the pz4 and luchs frontally and in the case of the pz4 from the side.
If you place an AT mine, then you die a minute or so later, then you respawn, will your previously placed AT mine disappear that you placed in your previous life?
No, the mine stays. You can put several (limit is it 4 or 5?) mines up. They stay until they are destroyd or you put more mines than the limit. Placing a mine when at the limit will remove the first you placed.
You can destroy a tank by hitting tracks as long as the round can pen the side hull and there is hull behind the part of the tracks you are hitting. It will add an extra shot to kill over hitting only the side hull.
As a war thunder vet of about 5 years i decided to try tanks after 15 hrs of hell let loose, recons are fun solo but one shot sucks. so i took a pnzer 4 and went to support the front line and spotted an IS 1. so i did the logical thing and shot its week spots 5 time and it slowly just drove away.. i was upset but thought i killed it on the last shot. then 10 mins later another IS 1 was harassing the front line about 400m away on a hill. I died about 3 seconds after setting up becuse tanks... i have no clue prob got flanked by my own inf lol
SO I was on Kursk and had alot of bounces. My panzer 4 vs t34. Yes I understand the angled mechanic but I'm afraid a recent update has made t34s overpowered against panzer 4s. Panther had no issues. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Or is it in my head?
Well they could learn from war thunder and post scriptum. Remembered my first time in hll when I was used to post scriptum. Talk about disapointment not being able to pen the jumbo from the front with a panzer schreck.
*Sees tank in open field* *Throws smoke and pulls out hammer* *Smoke clears and an AT gun appeared out of thin air* *Destroy tank* *Refuse to Elaborate*
I disagree, the allied kit is crazy good because the Garand is much, much better than the Kar88. Yes they have a significant difference in terms of their anti tank capabilities but if I had a Garand and 3 bazooka rounds I would be an infantry killing god.
I wish the damage modle was more realistic almost like warthunder but i know that would take away from the whole point of the game to dump those resources into something minor like armor systems
I love the M1 Garand and I love playing At but if I do it on American side I get the Garand and a crappy bazooka and if I play on the German side I get a good At weapon but the horrible German main weapon x.X I'm screwed
Practice shooting far away and remember the way the arc is. Try and visualize that in your head when you are going to shoot. I find that has helped me way more than trying to remember where to put the sights on for different distances.
the shrek having medium pen has been in the game for at least 4 updates, kinda surprised they kept the bazooka at 2 shots given the massive advantage the shrek has.
As it is tank gameplay is broken. ATs attacks you like rats. They fire two rockets die and in 10 seconds fire twice again. Then you have AT guns wich are super hard to spot and with high rof, satchels, mines and other tanks. No one fears heavy... everyone actually runs towards it. Ow...and you better play heavy because the rest of the tanks die even faster and just burn the fuel.
Yeah, and on the other end of the spectrum you also have the frankly broken repairing mechanics which only have to be like this because of the excessive AT.
I don‘t really see how this could be reworked. Tanks were and always will be very strong killing machines but with greater power comes greater risk. Driving alone on a field in the midst of no mans land / enemy territory would have meant death in WW2 and all other wars. Work together with your Infantery. They spot enemy tanks before they even see you. Don‘t close in on the enemy when you got no friendlies around you. Always plan a retreat rout, even if you are in friendly territory, etc. Sometimes it is more effective to let the enemy come to you instead of hunting him (the driving one often gets the second shot). Sure AT guys sometimes sneak up on you but this often happens if you went to carelessly into the fighting / left alone by your infantery. Satchels though need a balancing in my opinion. There are just too many classes that can pick AT-weapons (3 per Squad could mean up to 21 AT-Capable Players).
@@Sniflet 50% true. In my opinion I die to 60% because of wrong decisions, like pushing forward / retreating too late or bad positioning, which often gives the Infantery the chance to kill you. 30% in shootouts, in which my crew shot second / bounced / missed one shell. 10% very good Infantery that tracks you down over minutes and runs after you. A couple of days ago I had a game in which my friend and I manned a 76mm on Carentant. We stayed with our Infantery and always waited so they could catch up and spot for us. Without dying (only once while repairing) we took out a Pz. IV (3 man crew with lvl. 250+) who sneaked past our lines and flanked us, then the same squad in a Panther because they pushed us. As our team was capturing the last strongpoint, we pushed forward alone, killed a Pz. IV and again a Panther, who pushed us. We then died 1 second before the end (satchel) because we were alone in enemy territory and decided to stay because the strongpoint was 80% captured. Against all odds, we destroyed 2 Panthers & 2 Pz. IV (both 3 man squad) with only 2 players in the tank on a city map (for me the biggest nightmare in a tank). It‘s all about positioning, communication and taking the right decisions at the right time.
@monoespacial, information at the tankbible is incorrect. 2.5 Muzzle Brake is flat out wrong, despite having pointed it out to them they refuse to correct it. I would not recommend that page.
What's wrong about it? Also that section is overall pretty irrelevant. I haven't found any wrong information on the site and given it's a huge text, of 1% of it is wrong, I would still recommend it.
I still dont get why console players only get two rockets after spawning… Of course it could help improving teamwork with someone supporting but since pc players get 3 rockets, its a bummer. Btw good presentation mono!
The 76 Sherman has the jumbo turret on it. 😐 75 and 76 shermans have the same hull irl, but for some reason they put more armor on 76... Shooting at the mantlet of a panther doesnt do anything? Cmon devs at least get SOMETHING right. This game needs an armor and penetration rework asap.
Well, the panzerschrek is the improved version of the bazooka so obviously it should better. What bothers me more is that the bazooka never seems to ricochet. And that is not realistic at all. Bazooka´s were very inneffective in world war 2. Only accurate up to 30 meters. And then you had the problem of ricochet.
Almost nothing ever ricochets. I've definitely had the bazooka ricochet multiple times though. Once I ricochet off a P4 and the shot travelled like 50m and destroyed a garrison I didn't even know was there!
The german tanks have a lot more straight angles than the Allied tanks, the game only cares about the angle you hit them from not distance or some rng value like other games.
@@monoespacial That was not my point. The point is that the bazooka is ridiculously overpowered compared to real life. And for some reason a lot of people go with it but at the same time these people cry realism. These people wouldn´t know realism if it hit them in the head.
So u cant really do shit agains tanks in a light tank? i remember playing as thank crew al the time with my buddys, if u had the right position and aim we could easyly destroy a medium or heavy tank, now they changed the damage of light tans so u just a bigger target to medium or heavy tanks. Everybody knows u cant do shit whit light and medium tanks anymore so they want the heavy tank. Without two more working tanks that can destroy every kind of other tank if thepositioning is right, a ww2 realistic game does not count as an realistic ww2 shooter in my opinion. Why did they changed it? nobody complained about it, being able to carry the whole team only using a medium Tank is way more realistic for me. We had a situation where whe sneaked our way around a heavy sherman with a Puma i shot like 1 shot in the turret so it turns around slowly, and about 5 more right in the back (AP ammo) After trying to back off because the enemy tank did not explode and the turred was about to look our direktion we got stuck on a fence and died one shot. it wasnd even far away, just about 30m so im pretty shure i was hitting the right spot. After that we decided to play medium or heavy only but u need to hit a heavy tanks side with medium 2-3 times. and heavy for medium oneshot in front. Never played again because we loved playing Tank crew, now its pretty much a pain in the ass.
In practice, this anti-tank thing is nonsensical. I've been in a sherman that survived a dozen panzershrecks, and I've put 4 bazooka rockets into the ass of a luchs with no effect. Also, what about the one-shot kills on American tanks between the tracks from the front?
You're probably hitting the Luchs in the tracks if you're not getting a kill like that. You can hit the tracks many many times without the tank dying. You have to hit the middle of the ass.
Personally I think it's a bad decision to prefer kind of historical accuracy over balance. Why is us anti tank weaker? And why don't they at least give them more ammo to compensate that? I have the same issue with the kar vs garand as default rifle. While over might argue that the kar has upsides and might be different but stronger in some situations, giving the anti tank weaker rockets is just unbalanced. I don't know if they maybe have a better firing arc like more rocket speed, less drop or something making them better than the schreck, but even if, it does not outweigh the weakness. Well and then take the soviet anti tank. Again historically accurate, but horrible in the sense of balance.
Balance comes from a variety of factors, not just a single kit. The American AT has a Garand vs the German having a Kar98. This gives him a massive advantage against it's German infantry counterpart. The bazooka might not be as good against tanks but you can still rocket a garrison from 250m away or more which will have more impact in the get than destroying a tank. It also has much better sights. The Germans have the kar98 as default but have the G43 as an option for several kits. They also get kits with the STG44 which is a better weapon than the BAR, Thompson or Grease Gun by a huge margin. The Russians get the PPSH which is arguably better than the MP40. And you need to add map layout as a factor as well. Some maps favor the allied, others the Germans. I've talked to the devs about this and they monitor win rates for the sides and make adjustments to try and keep it as close to 50-50 as possible.
@@monoespacial yep that's right. In the end more deciding factors are positioning, garrisons, communication etc. Maybe there is balance through variation and not because everything is simple the same. I'm still wondering how many new players might struggle because kar is the default for many level 1 layouts. But there is a lot more for new players to struggle with than just weapons. Thanks to you and other channels new players like me once can learn the basics and advanced skills. But I will forever remain annoyed when I duel an ally, miss my kar shot, he misses his garand shot and then he has 3 more tries before I get a second shot. Well I should hit or not get into the close quarter situation.
Errors in this video: 1) satchels can only destroy Heavy tanks when placed right on the tank, if you place it on the ground/on a wall close to it and inside the blast radius you will not destroy the tank. 2) Panther doesn't have medium armor on the sides, it's heavy armor just like a Tiger.
Are you sure about 1) ? I've destroyed a Panther by placing a satchel on the wall of a building next to it. Also, the Panther and Tiger have medium armor on the sides.
@@monoespacial it was probably already damaged? I've tried plenty of times destroying heavy tanks sitting in enemy spawn and they only get damaged, never fully destroyed like mediums. (By placing the satchel on the ground because you can't place it directly on tanks when they are in spawn) 2) it's a different type of medium armor, in the sense that it can withstand 2 shots from a heavy gun instead of just 1 like the armor on medium tanks
@@monoespacial you forgot to add this detail to the video then. The Panther pre-U11 was distroyed with a single hit by a heavy, by not mentioning it you're leaving the possibility to misinterpretation...
@@monoespacial Both of you aren't quite right. Satchels won't ALWAYS one shot but you also don't have to place it right on the tank, you should be good anywhere within about 5m
Tanks are broken an need a nerf u shouldn't b able to repair strength of tank in field only tracks an engine an should have to return to spawn to repair the strenght/armour level an they need to add hit boxes for fuel tanks and ammo racks to reward good shots on tanks Tanks are ridiculously over powered the way game is now enlisted has a good tank dmg system for rocket an at gun hits
Yeah this is all BS. It's completely random. I've bounced rounds from an AT gun on a panther while being in a panther and being 2 shotted by a US AT gun into the front armor. Then there's me in a light tank just soaking up 8 rocket hits while one shotting a light tank with my bazooka.
Thank you buscoo for all the help making this video!
If you send anymore tips on ex soviet union tanks or vechiles I will have to terminate you*
I appreciate the time it took to wait for the fuel to call in the tanks and then drive them to the location and set them up like that
I'm so grateful that most of the AT-Guys still don't know, that you can destroy a Sherman at the front. 👍🏻
Yeah, due to shitty experiences with the Bazooka I only learned last week that you can pen and destroy Mediums with the Panzerschreck frontally.
well yea 75mm german cannon can pen a sherman anywhere other than the gun mantle in rare cases. (warthunder lol)
Just getting into tanking this video helps ALOT as all the other tank video's were over a year old. Keep up the great work Mono thank you for all your time and effort in making these videos!
I was playing AT earlier today as a German and I was trying so hard to get on the side of a Sherman because I was sure I couldn't pen it otherwise 😂 Well, glad this came out and I know now, already sharing it with my HLL buddies
The PTRS has its drawbacks but I believe it reloads from regular ammo, so it's much easier to keep up a sustained hail of antitank rifle fire from the team.
Let's be honest, the whole tank damage system is outdated af.
Yeah, I can’t believe even the M1A1 Bazooka and Panzershreck were at some point the same gun but remodeled 💀
@@CatsAreAmazing8187 and technically, panzershrek with its 230 mm pen should count as heavy gun, while bazooka with 102 mm pen should be medium at least.
@@Zhidoscope This is what I thought, the mobile AT needs to be better than what it is, and if that becomes a problem for tank crews then infantry need to support their armour better. PS has better pen but It’s really hard to aim so you need to get closer and the bazooka is a bit weaker so you also need to get closer for the sides and rear, I think that’s fair!
@@Zhidoscope nah not even that’s the M9, M1 pens like 70mm w the HEAT rocket
@@CatsAreAmazing8187 thought that's how it was in real life seeing how the panzershrek is just a bigger bazooka with a face shield
-AT mines are strange. A Puma drove over a mine and it didn't blow up, only destroying the "tracks".
-Angling sometimes doesn't work and somtimes it does.
-If the turret is under repair and gets hit again and again in the turret, you can't kill the tank
-Don't place sachels on the tracks, somtimes it will only destroy the tracks and not the hull (maybe already fixed)
-Scout tanks sometimes survive 2 hits in the hull with any gun (dont' know why)
I didn't initially know either that the game made a difference between Panzerschreck and Bazooka, but at least it's somewhat accurate. After all the Panzerschreck was the improved version of the Panzerfaust (both in terms of handling/ergonomics, as well as range, penetration, etc).
The bazooka was pretty bad, actually. They still used some of the leftover WW2 ones* in Korea, but had to replace them quite quickly when they came upon T-34s and could do nothing but watch their charges bounce off or do minimal damage.
So they brought in the so called "Super Bazooka" aka the 3.5" bazooka.
*M9/M9A1 Bazooka with M6A3 rockets, which was the 2.36"
ON PAPER it was supposed to be able to penetrate the T-34 even at a 60 degree angle, but in practice it proved insufficient in doing so, whereas even the Panzerfaust could knock out T-34s albeit at rather low range (those 150 or more meter shots you see in HLL are beyond ridiculous, the real effective range on ie the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck was somewhere between 35 to 60 meters for the Panzerfaust [roughly 80 meters MAXIMUM for a VERY experienced handler] and an absolute MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE range of about 150 meters for the Panzerschreck, again with a VERY effective handler so much less in real life; obviously this would be LESS for the Bazooka [it's maximum FIRING range was around 400 yards which is roughly 360 or so meters, but that's not EFFECTIVE range by any means.. ie an assault rifle's effective range is somewhere around 300 meters but it's max firing range is roughly 2700 meters [using the Steyr AUG as an example which uses 5.56 NATO] for reference... and a bullet travels a lot faster than a low velocity rocket like that, and on top of that you had to relocate FAST, because there was so much smoke from firing your position was immediately compromised).
Therefore they introduced the so called "super bazooka" which could take out they T-34 & T-34 85 frontally at any angle. Hence it makes more sense that the bazooka is more likely to bounce ie frontally on a medium and barely does damage to heavies from the side even if it pens.
They really need to let people rotate the AT gun 360°, as well as move it forward and back (very slowly... and possibly requiring two people to move.)
Love the mass effect music in the background, what a classic
Extremely helpful video, thank you!
I read most of the tank bible 2 days ago and its also very helpful.
Except the information is wrong.
I really needed this. Thanks for putting out a more updated Anti tank guide. Keep up the good work.
"Making a video explaining how to stop us, only proves how unstoppable we are" - Rabbit_In_A_Tank
*que Doom music*
Hey I just wanna say congrats on being the one and only anti tank video before a bunch of shorts on the new TH-cam layout
As someone who has played ww2 games with really realistic tank ballistics and handling, tanks in this game feel like a weird mix between realism and weird arbitrary jankiness. The tank armor values are reasonably realistic, but things like speed and turret turning are artificially slowed down for some reason. The lack of destruction is a big point. You can phase through small stone fences, but you can't go through stone walls? dafuq?
You can go through small stone walls (excluding a random few that you can’t)
Usually, stone walls are ok to go through as long as they don't habe a hat. But I'm amazed at how many bushes are made out of titanium.
At least it’s not squad. Where every tiny fence and tree is made out of steel lmao
Bro the Luchs cannot penetrate anything, I wish I knew that before I rolled up behind an enemy tank
I'm a real man. I choose to satchel charge the tank as an engineer.
Definitely useful, but a bit more of a review on the different tank types (that people could skip) would be useful. I have 100+ hours and can barely tell a heavy from a medium, especially at a distance, much less differences between tanks of the same class. Usually when you're dealing with them you're on foot and just trying not to die.
Yea, everytime he mentioned the tanks by their names I'm like, which one you talk about? ..
Also don't forget that if you hit fuel canisters or other garbage on the back of Sherman Jumbo your shot will not be registred, it is true at least for the Panzershreck.
Had a guy in the 82nd AD shoot a Luchs in the rear left muffler with a 76mm and it didn't do anything to it. Just didn't register at all. Left a black mark on the muffler but did no damage
Great video Mono, super helpful!
They really have to change this penetration system…I would love a war thunder style damage system + being able to kill the crew with Russian AT guns…you know the point of an AT gun
The Mass Effect music is my favourite part of the video
A brief mention about which troop roles have access to the various anti-tank weapons would have been helpful.
This is the first time I've watched a Mono video and not learned something. Maybe I should switch off after 110 levels of almost entirely AT...
Nah. Tank go boom.
Your Hell Let Loose guide is making me want to play Mass Effect again :D
''Panzerschreck'' means ''tank fright''. In this game it lives up to its name.
Good for new tankers. For experienced tankers. Look up individual armor values for each piece. As bouncing a round is death for a tank.
that theline guide is my bible! great vid
I always had a feeling that the German AT was way better that the US AT
Idk the drop on the German one is almost worst than the weakness of the American one
Nostalgic Mass Effect music 👍
Galaxy map/ loading screen music i believe?
huh didnt know that about the panzershreik, but it makes sense lore wise, but good to know makes up for the bad sight on it
To quote another channel: "Did you just call history 'Lore'?" lol
@@zacharyharwell351 yeah sorry english is not my main language
The bazooka was a much more capable than people think. The original bazookas were designed to launch projectiles that were able penetrate 100mm (actual penetration were closer to 114mm). The fact that a luchs cannot be penetrated frontally is stupid, even the pz4 is ridiculous. It could penetrate a tiger but the target area would be smaller and the side is a much larger area to hit and able to hit ammo. Also being in front of a tank is not good if you plan to live a long life.
Side note: The side skirts offered very little protection against the shapes charge, as they were spaced far enough out. the jet will still penetrate close to the maximum penetration.
The true effective range of these weapons were 100yards (anything farther takes to long to reach as the rocket travels about 80 yards a second.
However by the end of the war it was becoming outdated. While the early rockets were changed from a sharp nose to being more blunt to lower the chances of deflection the impact fuse still caused issues (Korea). Angled armor would not allow the impact fuse to be crushed and will bounce. If the soldier was aware of this then they would hit any flat armor.
It really wasn't. It was notorious for ricocheting, had issues with accuracy and the effective penetration was only ~90mm. Effective range was much shorter than the reach of the rocket.
The later improved M6A3 rocket did increase reliability but it wasn't introduced until September 1944 so troops would be using M6A1 rockets. Even after that they would be scarce on the frontline due to their late introduction.
The bad rep the Bazooka got was completely justified.
Yes the bazooka’s early rockets were prone to ricochets as the shape nose allowed for them to glance off and the impact fuse failed to be crushed. So if the rocket impacts flat armor the likelihood of deflection is minimal as long as the rocket was not fired at any odd angle.
The bazooka was not bad at the time. It would penetrate 75mm of armor at 30 degrees (unlikely would penetrate as the angle is too much) and 115(ish) at 0 degrees. Most German armor is angled very slightly. However I am not saying the bazooka should be able to pen the tiger in game, if all anti tank weapons could damage heavy tanks frontally it would be unbalanced. But the current situation were it cannot penetrate pz4s (80mm frontally) the luchs ( 30mm) frontally is quite stupid. Even if the bazooka could only penetrate a maximum of 90mm it would still perform well against these two exceptionally well. Even a giant the side of a panther (40mm) would be vulnerable. Once again, I am not saying the bazooka is god tier, but it ain’t shit, and in game bazooka should be capable of damaging the pz4 and luchs frontally and in the case of the pz4 from the side.
Is that the mfin galaxy map theme from mass effect I'm hearing in the background?!
I am so trash at tank killing. I'm a 300+ hr / level 100+ player and I just got the achievement for killing 20 vehicles last week.
ahh so many good tips here! thank you!
Great video bruvvv
Hey I have a question. Your background music sounds like the mass effect galaxy map music am I right?
@@monoespacial ah ha brother of mass effect then
If you place an AT mine, then you die a minute or so later, then you respawn, will your previously placed AT mine disappear that you placed in your previous life?
No, they don't disappear
No, the mine stays. You can put several (limit is it 4 or 5?) mines up. They stay until they are destroyd or you put more mines than the limit. Placing a mine when at the limit will remove the first you placed.
@@monoespacial oh neat thanks
@@einarcgulbrandsen7177 thanks as well
With satchels and tanks they can defuse them if you don't keep a long range sneaky overview
You can destroy a tank by hitting tracks as long as the round can pen the side hull and there is hull behind the part of the tracks you are hitting. It will add an extra shot to kill over hitting only the side hull.
As a war thunder vet of about 5 years i decided to try tanks after 15 hrs of hell let loose, recons are fun solo but one shot sucks. so i took a pnzer 4 and went to support the front line and spotted an IS 1. so i did the logical thing and shot its week spots 5 time and it slowly just drove away.. i was upset but thought i killed it on the last shot. then 10 mins later another IS 1 was harassing the front line about 400m away on a hill. I died about 3 seconds after setting up becuse tanks... i have no clue prob got flanked by my own inf lol
SO I was on Kursk and had alot of bounces. My panzer 4 vs t34. Yes I understand the angled mechanic but I'm afraid a recent update has made t34s overpowered against panzer 4s. Panther had no issues. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Or is it in my head?
You are right it is a problem.
What do the numbers mean on the tank gunners reticle and how do you use them for accurate shots with range and elevation?
I miss the old Armour system where you could one shot tank from side and back. Good old days
Well they could learn from war thunder and post scriptum.
Remembered my first time in hll when I was used to post scriptum.
Talk about disapointment not being able to pen the jumbo from the front with a panzer schreck.
*Sees tank in open field*
*Throws smoke and pulls out hammer*
*Smoke clears and an AT gun appeared out of thin air*
*Destroy tank*
*Refuse to Elaborate*
Who noticed the Mass Effect soundtrack at 1:19 😂😂💯
track shot! * continues to shoot a wheel...
So, since the Panzerschrek has been confirmed to be much more powerful than the Bazooka, can the Bazooka get more rockets to compensate?
it used to have 4 maybe 3 now?
Well you get a Garand instead of a Kar98
The bazooka is already OP compared to how effective it was in ww2.
The Panzershrek was always better, since the release of the game.
No way man, the American AT is already OP as it is.
Love you
Good Video. Especially for all the noobies, who joined the game recently.
It's monooo tiiiiime
Still don't understand why the bazooka still only has 2 shots. Needs to be bumped to 4 or even 3. So annoying
I disagree, the allied kit is crazy good because the Garand is much, much better than the Kar88.
Yes they have a significant difference in terms of their anti tank capabilities but if I had a Garand and 3 bazooka rounds I would be an infantry killing god.
so lux and panther are really the only german options?
I wish the damage modle was more realistic almost like warthunder but i know that would take away from the whole point of the game to dump those resources into something minor like armor systems
you should make a video of the new tanks
Is that music from Mass effect?
yes it is!
I love the M1 Garand and I love playing At but if I do it on American side I get the Garand and a crappy bazooka and if I play on the German side I get a good At weapon but the horrible German main weapon x.X I'm screwed
Kars awesome just bring a buddy that can support ya when hunting with a STG44 or somat if ya not confident in hitting a them bolt shots
Did you use the mass effect theme for this video? 👌🏾
Commander Shepard approves this message.
Satchels one shotting a heavy feelz wrong.
PTRS needs a small buff for tanks nothing huge just small like if you hit the right spot where the driver would be it should kill the driver
There are so many tanks missing from ww2 in this game. Are they going to be adding more?
How did you do that you play alone and spawn al the tanks in
Where is the part that shows how to line up shots with the sight. My panzershreck is coming up short each time
Practice shooting far away and remember the way the arc is. Try and visualize that in your head when you are going to shoot. I find that has helped me way more than trying to remember where to put the sights on for different distances.
So is the AT gun considered a heavy gun then?
Yeah, basically
so the german light tank CAN destroy a medium?
No, it can't but you can disable the engine.
the shrek having medium pen has been in the game for at least 4 updates, kinda surprised they kept the bazooka at 2 shots given the massive advantage the shrek has.
An in-game tutorial and training map with range (like squad) is soooo overdue😅
Tictak best AT
Something that tankers will be happy about
edit: By happy i mean how they can be killed? I dont know if that's a happy statement to make
As it is tank gameplay is broken. ATs attacks you like rats. They fire two rockets die and in 10 seconds fire twice again. Then you have AT guns wich are super hard to spot and with high rof, satchels, mines and other tanks. No one fears heavy... everyone actually runs towards it. Ow...and you better play heavy because the rest of the tanks die even faster and just burn the fuel.
Yeah, and on the other end of the spectrum you also have the frankly broken repairing mechanics which only have to be like this because of the excessive AT.
Yeah I think AT guns need more of a nerf. Way to hard to spot and way way way to fast of a reload
I don‘t really see how this could be reworked. Tanks were and always will be very strong killing machines but with greater power comes greater risk.
Driving alone on a field in the midst of no mans land / enemy territory would have meant death in WW2 and all other wars.
Work together with your Infantery. They spot enemy tanks before they even see you. Don‘t close in on the enemy when you got no friendlies around you. Always plan a retreat rout, even if you are in friendly territory, etc. Sometimes it is more effective to let the enemy come to you instead of hunting him (the driving one often gets the second shot).
Sure AT guys sometimes sneak up on you but this often happens if you went to carelessly into the fighting / left alone by your infantery. Satchels though need a balancing in my opinion. There are just too many classes that can pick AT-weapons (3 per Squad could mean up to 21 AT-Capable Players).
@@mister_jayHD when they decided to bring you down they will bring you down.
@@Sniflet 50% true. In my opinion I die to 60% because of wrong decisions, like pushing forward / retreating too late or bad positioning, which often gives the Infantery the chance to kill you. 30% in shootouts, in which my crew shot second / bounced / missed one shell. 10% very good Infantery that tracks you down over minutes and runs after you.
A couple of days ago I had a game in which my friend and I manned a 76mm on Carentant. We stayed with our Infantery and always waited so they could catch up and spot for us. Without dying (only once while repairing) we took out a Pz. IV (3 man crew with lvl. 250+) who sneaked past our lines and flanked us, then the same squad in a Panther because they pushed us.
As our team was capturing the last strongpoint, we pushed forward alone, killed a Pz. IV and again a Panther, who pushed us.
We then died 1 second before the end (satchel) because we were alone in enemy territory and decided to stay because the strongpoint was 80% captured.
Against all odds, we destroyed 2 Panthers & 2 Pz. IV (both 3 man squad) with only 2 players in the tank on a city map (for me the biggest nightmare in a tank).
It‘s all about positioning, communication and taking the right decisions at the right time.
@monoespacial, information at the tankbible is incorrect. 2.5 Muzzle Brake is flat out wrong, despite having pointed it out to them they refuse to correct it. I would not recommend that page.
What's wrong about it? Also that section is overall pretty irrelevant. I haven't found any wrong information on the site and given it's a huge text, of 1% of it is wrong, I would still recommend it.
The part with super light armor is not that precise. Luchs cannot kill medium or heavy even from the back.
While Stuart can. It also features a machine gun for the driver. So I wouldn't say Luchs is that better.
How do you know if all your mines have been blown up or not
Unless you check the stats and see an increase in "Vehicles destroyed", you don't. You can also see the mines on the map though.
@@monoespacial so just watch the map and check to see if you need to place more
Is that mass effect music lol
i know they're going for realism in this game but god i wish the factions were more balanced
usually I don't get a chance to pick anti tank and instead I use engineer a lot so armor is irrelevant in my case
Need more rockets for anti tank class
Paper Tank Sherman German AT no Problem on Front . Not in this Game LOL 150-220 MM 90 Grad .
Hello. Is this info ok or no
I still dont get why console players only get two rockets after spawning… Of course it could help improving teamwork with someone supporting but since pc players get 3 rockets, its a bummer. Btw good presentation mono!
PC players don't get 3 rockets... They get 2 as well.
@@monoespacial then maybe its just me but I saw several pc players streaming hll gameplay where they had 3 rockets after deployment.
you f*cker you're using the mass effect uncharted worlds music
now i gotta play it again
The 76 Sherman has the jumbo turret on it. 😐 75 and 76 shermans have the same hull irl, but for some reason they put more armor on 76... Shooting at the mantlet of a panther doesnt do anything? Cmon devs at least get SOMETHING right. This game needs an armor and penetration rework asap.
Well, the panzerschrek is the improved version of the bazooka so obviously it should better.
What bothers me more is that the bazooka never seems to ricochet.
And that is not realistic at all.
Bazooka´s were very inneffective in world war 2. Only accurate up to 30 meters.
And then you had the problem of ricochet.
Almost nothing ever ricochets.
I've definitely had the bazooka ricochet multiple times though. Once I ricochet off a P4 and the shot travelled like 50m and destroyed a garrison I didn't even know was there!
I've ricocheted quite a few bazooka shots.
@@monoespacial Task failed successfully
The german tanks have a lot more straight angles than the Allied tanks, the game only cares about the angle you hit them from not distance or some rng value like other games.
@@monoespacial That was not my point. The point is that the bazooka is ridiculously overpowered compared to real life.
And for some reason a lot of people go with it but at the same time these people cry realism.
These people wouldn´t know realism if it hit them in the head.
The stew is superior
So u cant really do shit agains tanks in a light tank? i remember playing as thank crew al the time with my buddys, if u had the right position and aim we could easyly destroy a medium or heavy tank, now they changed the damage of light tans so u just a bigger target to medium or heavy tanks. Everybody knows u cant do shit whit light and medium tanks anymore so they want the heavy tank. Without two more working tanks that can destroy every kind of other tank if thepositioning is right, a ww2 realistic game does not count as an realistic ww2 shooter in my opinion. Why did they changed it? nobody complained about it, being able to carry the whole team only using a medium Tank is way more realistic for me. We had a situation where whe sneaked our way around a heavy sherman with a Puma i shot like 1 shot in the turret so it turns around slowly, and about 5 more right in the back (AP ammo) After trying to back off because the enemy tank did not explode and the turred was about to look our direktion we got stuck on a fence and died one shot. it wasnd even far away, just about 30m so im pretty shure i was hitting the right spot. After that we decided to play medium or heavy only but u need to hit a heavy tanks side with medium 2-3 times. and heavy for medium oneshot in front. Never played again because we loved playing Tank crew, now its pretty much a pain in the ass.
In practice, this anti-tank thing is nonsensical. I've been in a sherman that survived a dozen panzershrecks, and I've put 4 bazooka rockets into the ass of a luchs with no effect. Also, what about the one-shot kills on American tanks between the tracks from the front?
You're probably hitting the Luchs in the tracks if you're not getting a kill like that. You can hit the tracks many many times without the tank dying. You have to hit the middle of the ass.
@@monoespacial Hit it straight on the ass.
I still love ME music
You are very wrong about they anti tank gun. They take more then 3 shots to kill a heavy. More l8ke 6
You're shooting the tracks, friend.
@@monoespacial nope shoooting hull or turret
@@cad2988 I tested this for this video... It's 3-4 shots
@@monoespacial 3 or 4 and which tanks did you test?
@@monoespacial and where were you shooting
Personally I think it's a bad decision to prefer kind of historical accuracy over balance. Why is us anti tank weaker? And why don't they at least give them more ammo to compensate that? I have the same issue with the kar vs garand as default rifle. While over might argue that the kar has upsides and might be different but stronger in some situations, giving the anti tank weaker rockets is just unbalanced. I don't know if they maybe have a better firing arc like more rocket speed, less drop or something making them better than the schreck, but even if, it does not outweigh the weakness. Well and then take the soviet anti tank. Again historically accurate, but horrible in the sense of balance.
Balance comes from a variety of factors, not just a single kit.
The American AT has a Garand vs the German having a Kar98. This gives him a massive advantage against it's German infantry counterpart. The bazooka might not be as good against tanks but you can still rocket a garrison from 250m away or more which will have more impact in the get than destroying a tank. It also has much better sights.
The Germans have the kar98 as default but have the G43 as an option for several kits. They also get kits with the STG44 which is a better weapon than the BAR, Thompson or Grease Gun by a huge margin.
The Russians get the PPSH which is arguably better than the MP40.
And you need to add map layout as a factor as well. Some maps favor the allied, others the Germans.
I've talked to the devs about this and they monitor win rates for the sides and make adjustments to try and keep it as close to 50-50 as possible.
@@monoespacial yep that's right. In the end more deciding factors are positioning, garrisons, communication etc. Maybe there is balance through variation and not because everything is simple the same. I'm still wondering how many new players might struggle because kar is the default for many level 1 layouts. But there is a lot more for new players to struggle with than just weapons. Thanks to you and other channels new players like me once can learn the basics and advanced skills.
But I will forever remain annoyed when I duel an ally, miss my kar shot, he misses his garand shot and then he has 3 more tries before I get a second shot. Well I should hit or not get into the close quarter situation.
I wish the armor system was similar to war thunder / post scriptum instead of this cookie cutter system
Errors in this video:
1) satchels can only destroy Heavy tanks when placed right on the tank, if you place it on the ground/on a wall close to it and inside the blast radius you will not destroy the tank.
2) Panther doesn't have medium armor on the sides, it's heavy armor just like a Tiger.
Are you sure about 1) ? I've destroyed a Panther by placing a satchel on the wall of a building next to it.
Also, the Panther and Tiger have medium armor on the sides.
@@monoespacial it was probably already damaged? I've tried plenty of times destroying heavy tanks sitting in enemy spawn and they only get damaged, never fully destroyed like mediums. (By placing the satchel on the ground because you can't place it directly on tanks when they are in spawn)
2) it's a different type of medium armor, in the sense that it can withstand 2 shots from a heavy gun instead of just 1 like the armor on medium tanks
@@vittorio501st7 you are confusing armor with damage. It is medium armor because It can be penetrated by a medium gun.
@@monoespacial you forgot to add this detail to the video then.
The Panther pre-U11 was distroyed with a single hit by a heavy, by not mentioning it you're leaving the possibility to misinterpretation...
@@monoespacial Both of you aren't quite right. Satchels won't ALWAYS one shot but you also don't have to place it right on the tank, you should be good anywhere within about 5m
This system is such a joke compared to Post Scriptum lmao
Tanks are broken an need a nerf u shouldn't b able to repair strength of tank in field only tracks an engine an should have to return to spawn to repair the strenght/armour level an they need to add hit boxes for fuel tanks and ammo racks to reward good shots on tanks Tanks are ridiculously over powered the way game is now enlisted has a good tank dmg system for rocket an at gun hits
^holy shit this damage model is awful
Yeah this is all BS. It's completely random. I've bounced rounds from an AT gun on a panther while being in a panther and being 2 shotted by a US AT gun into the front armor. Then there's me in a light tank just soaking up 8 rocket hits while one shotting a light tank with my bazooka.