  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ธ.ค. 2023
  • Japan gave corporation to INA on 6th Nov, 1943. Nephilims took it in 1950 & gave a UT status in 1956. Hindutva corporation occupied the islands since 2014.
    Your Personality & Character do not depend on your race, religion, community and country. You are YOU.
    Hindu is the deadliest 4th Beast of Revelation & BJP represents the beastly character better than other parties.Humans have conscience to do the right thing but Nephilims have no concience
    The Section Officer scammed the cases with lies to help Government of India ie the 4th Beast.
    Changing political parties will not change the Beastly character of Indian administration.
    If the system run by scammers from Assistants to Secretaries helped the Ministers, how is democracy effective?
    Even if Northeast India break away from India, it will not improve life unless people become moral beings.
    Why did the top approve the scams from below? 1. lack of morality 2. lack of competency
    Organisation, state & nation can be changed structurally with improved infrastructure & facilities- that can break anytime.But a family, community or nation with moral character can never break down.If moral responsibility exists, any breakages can be repaired or recovered. Without morality- death is the final destination.This world is created for moral beings to inherit earth. Moral beings are Ysrael - not Jews, Christians, Muslims or Buddhists.
    Until and unless Hindus regret their atrocities, winning elections thousand times will not save India.The world is not aware of illegality, crime, atrocity and wickedness of Indian administration- deadliest 4th Beast The worst part about Indian administration is excessive discrimination & victimization based on hate crime.
    According to Hindutva assessment, being a vote bank & being a Hindutva are eligibility criteria to exist in India.If India was broken under Congress, Modi BJP has trampled it to dust powder. Everybody wants to leave India except Modi disciples
    Indians nurture jealousy, envy and hatred. They simply called it crab mentality without attributing it as immoral.
    Small & medium businesses are throttled under Modi's regime but corporations funding his vote bank thrived at glorious height.
    Government of India is run by Assistants. Why are Civil services recruited to do nothing? Modi & gang cannot understand it.Neither the Prime Minister nor his Ministers or Secretaries understand administration or public policy. They only exploit.
    It is the same criminal gang operating against the Kukis in 2023 with the help of Modi corporation.
    Without Hindutva Bureaucracy, Manipur violence would not have been possible
    Whether BJP or Congress wins- India will no longer exist in the future.
    Modi is moving heaven and earth to win. His scams & fudging elections are techniques that other leaders have no expertise. Modi works very hard to go to the root to be in power. Modi is not a leader but a professional scammer.Modi's electoral success lie in his ability to scam very well and it reveals low IQ of Indians.
    Ancient temples of India were built by Sumerians who became Dravidians & local rulers like Guptas. Aryans had no temples. Hindutva imitated the Jews third temple over Muslims AL-Aqsa Mosque by constructing Ram Mandir over Babri Masjid Mosque.
    Aryans had no civilisation, no empire or kingdom in India. They imposed superiority over local through caste varna.bAryans copy cultures of others & had no temple. Ram Mandir built in 2020 is the first temple built by Indo Aryans.
    Ram is a sanskrit name of a personality belonging to either ancient Sumerian or Hebrew. The real Ram was dark colour. Buddha was dark, Ram was dark, Krishna was dark, Yahushua(Jesus) was dark. They became gods of the world. Fair skin Aryans worship dark people as gods while they practice discrimination. Hindus might win elections 1, 000 times but I have defeated Hindus past 10 years. They took away my career as a price.
    I am the only one in India and the world who tears apart the Hindus with TRUTH. Why should they love me?
    Life is full of ironies. Fair people hates dark skin but gods of the world were Dark people.
    God in heaven is pleased when fair skin hating dark skin prays with humility to the dark skin god.
    Nephilims are mirages in the sand to disappear from earth. Why do you follow Nephilims?

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