no ron Nah, Tyr has crazy burst and sustain. Lots of early presence with his fantastic clear that lets him poke the enemy out. Cerberus is definitely a top ten solo god though; he has a lot of boxing potential.
I've been buying Stone of Gaia in solo lane lately around the 3rd-4th item slot. I usually go Warriors Blessing, Glad Shield, Boots, Stone of Gaia, etc. It's been working out really well. I'm able to win lane and out sustain most other solo laners. When they back or have to hide under tower I'm able to go steal some jungle farm. I'm not high ranked though so I'm curious if this setup would still be decent higher ranked.
In ranked there is often a huge lack of communication/teamwork which makes seiging pheonixs a lot harder than it needs to be. From personal experience I have had teammates not attack when I rank pheonix. Stone of Gaia enables me to reset in a few seconds as opposed to backing to base in situations where you don't have stone of gaia. If say that if you are a solo with little or no sustain:(cu chulain, odin, osiris, ymir) it's a must. But almost every other solo laner has sustain right put of the box. In that case it's a luxury and not mandatory. If also consider it if your sustain is aggressive and you are behind. Think of attacking reliant heals like Bellona. The pro scene is a little different because proper communication allows you to bypass a lot of obstacle average players have in a random casual match.
I dont think he mentioned this but, if you're a phys solo going against a magical, get warriors blessing, chalice, and 3 health pots. To start the game***
Chaac and his stacking slow and attack speed make him a amazing solo laner no one can box him even with berserkers shield rock a health chalice with health pots (starting) you definitely want some wards after the initial 1-5 phase I rush gladiator that with blue buff is 20% cool down (warriors after of course) 1-3-2-1-5 your impossible to kill out sustain everyone out box out heal out clear his ult is on a stupid fast cool down and because of his teleport to his 1 ability you can spam ult as fast as you get it to apply huge amounts of pressure and damage the silence is amazing to ensure they can’t hit creeps with abilities and you can push them into tower or punish them while they stay in lane trying to clear creeps with the 1-3 slow and attack speed slow. Never have to worry about mana because of his passive ult is great secure while patrolling fg or gold everyone is sleeping on chaac I’m telling you
rushing breastplate first item on sobek is a bad idea imo. You wont be able to clear the wave, will have zero box potential and will most likely get your buffs stolen. Pluck and ult make him one of the safest solo laners so no need for rushing defense. Either go cdr boots or go pen boots if you have kill potential especially in ranked where people underestimate his damage (pen boots+ult hurts like hell early game). Also, mage boots got buffed so no reason to not build it first
I'd swap achillies bc he isn't as easy to play and many people avoid him and if you have a herc in your lane he can bully you so i think rn cerberus should be on the list but still a good job far a jungle main
I'm level 10 with achilles and no one gives me any problems except bellona, she always beats me, even if it's a level 1 player with her, I always get wrecked
What happens if you think your going physical but it turns out it's magical. Ex: I see a bellona so I grab physical defense but it's actually athena or something like that
So I used the Achilles build you said to use for fun in a clash and I straight bullied everyone so badly that I was sitting outside of their spawn doing 1v5 after 1v5 this shouldn't be allowed
Firstiaan I wouldn't think so. You can't build stacks on it because you get them from assist(which also gives you you're gold bonus). Warriors is better cause it gives more protections straight up and you get Mana regen off of certain hits(I think it's an AA on an enemy god but I can't remember off the top of my head).
DEN0MINAT0R Opinion, I personally go armour off and build a damage item, then around level 14-16 I go armour on just so you have that extra defense. Then late game sell damage item and full health/def.
Patrick Ruddell buy Stone of Gaia or Pestilence. Gaia recovers your health from knockups and pull, Pestilence is antiheal. You can even do Mail of Renewal if you're team fighting a lot. It's really not hard to build more health. Midgardian Mail is nasty right now for both health and defense, best of both worlds. But pls for the love of god, do not build Mystical Mail lol. Too expensive for the same stats as Midgardian, also not worth against stealth gods anyway
thehorizon I know about those options and what they do. But he made a build with low hp. I was just mentioning that was a problem. You want to have some reasonable ehp. Defense is great but if you don't have the health to back it up there is a problem.
No Cerb? Insane poke and doesn't really care about magical defense, In my opinion I would say he is far better then sobek, Sobek late game doesn't feel as potent and consistent as cerb. I don't have too much experience in conquest as much as you but, i feel like i have enough to say cerb is better then sobek in solo lane.
NSG Wolf they are both great. I main solo and imo I rank them pretty even. Cerb has more damage, setup, and pressure. Sobek has more sustain, disruption and diving potential. Both are solid choice but from a solo lane perspective solobek is far different from supportbek whereas Solocerb plays very similar to support cerb. On a side note sobek is more mobile but cerb can get out of Odin cage. I recommend both though.
Because she can only go in and her sustain doesn't scale very well. She has no escapes besides her ult and every god in this list can interrupt her bludgeon which is her big damage ability.
NinGangsta Ganesha solo is complete aids for Bellona lol. Silence the Bludgeon, no clear for you. She would have to max Scourge instead, which really changes how she solos.
Only thing I would change on this is Cu Chulainn for Cerebus. You can play anyone into Cu Chulainn on this list and be 100% fine. Just my Plat Trash Opinion
Chu Chu is arguably the best solo laner LOL. He can spam his abilities with no consequences, has good damage and strong pressure since he has his transformation. Plus note his 1 has antiheal, so while poking, your potions aren't as potent as vs anyone else. There's no way he's not top 5. He's arguably the best warrior solo laner with the only other argument being Achilles. Cerb has no early pressure so he's easier to pressure and punish early game.
Ghost Hyperhex I don't think he is the best since the nerf. He is still good, for sure. I understand your points, but thats why I said its my opinion. Besides, current meta.doesnt really require early pressure early on. See Sobek on this list.
MajinBuusha He's not a strong as before but that still doesn't change the fact that he's extremely strong. His bully potential can get him a lead and end up out his jungle and mid ahead of him. Also Sobek's lack of early pressure is accompanied by his STRONG mid and late. Sobek has control and is pretty hard to kill. If lane pressure wasn't that good, Achilles wouldn't be on this list. I can't see Cerb over Chu Chu. If Cerb even lanes against a warrior, Runic shield hurts him. Tbh, I could see Cerb probably third, but not above Chu Chu
Um level her 2 and her wave clear becomes one of the best of any solo laner lol what you talking about. If you know there is no incoming rotation you can insta clear with 2 and 3
Why are you doing another Gucci roast. You were timing out people in chat for bringing his name up to kill his “popularity” and now you’re gonna bring him back up?
I’m not the greatest at this game, just slightly above an average conquest player I’d say. But for some reason I just love playing Vamana in solo, I don’t really know where he’d be in a tier list as I don’t know that sort of stuff but for me Vamana is just so much fun.
IlIlIlIl Il I love playing Vamana, even when he had bad mana sustain for no reason. But now he could be good again with his abilities not costing so much, so yay
Shane Bolton i always go damage and some defence build.Warior tabi-Frostbound hammer-Breastplate of valor-Qin's sais-shogun's kasari and hastened katana.My classic build crazy and insane.Sometimes i go full damage build if i am jungler
Vandi Doseşişdldşd lol that build is garbage. You're literally asking to get countered by Midgardian Mail and Witchblade. Just because Erlang is AA oriented doesn't mean you should build him as such, especially in solo lane. Also, Hastened Katana is a waste when he already gets that with his mink dash, so you might as well build a pen item like Crusher and Executioner for jungle.
Funny your mentioned herc bullying yet every herc that I faced so in solo has been completely bullied by my nu wa solo xD so that's not entirely true. Herc and Achilles is a joke and nu wa is much better at better in solo then these so called top tiers
Why full tank build on warriors? Aren't they supposed to do some damage late game or no? I personally build mine more bruiserish. For example my build for most warriors is this: Shifters Shield Warrior Boots Stone of Gaia Mantle of Discord Spirit Robe Jotunns Wrath Max CDR with solid damage and tank.
Warriors have such high base damage that you’d do the same damage with defense or damage, so by building damage you are losing out on defense. You can still build protection reduction if you want to do more damage (void shield) and maybe brawlers if you need a lot of anti heal but other than that it’s best to build 5 defense items.
Odin suffers mainly from having zero poke and control. If his shield was separate from his burst combo, he would be good. But he gets bullied out of lane because the burst combo is his only option for clear
NinGangsta I agree I beat a odin in solo with Aphrodite and he was going full Anti heal xD I was doing so well against him he rage quit and I had a Awilix jungle so yeah it was pretty nasty for old Odin
Weak3n literally a month ago: "Tyr never does too poorly but isn't the best god; A tier"
Weak3n now: Tyr top five solo laner
Did anybody else notice he said Hercules when talking about Achilles?
I think I'd replace Tyr for Cerberus maybe
no ron Nah, Tyr has crazy burst and sustain. Lots of early presence with his fantastic clear that lets him poke the enemy out. Cerberus is definitely a top ten solo god though; he has a lot of boxing potential.
Tyr is only really good early-mid tho, with most games going pretty long i feel like he isnt that good
noah vanooijen are you building damage?
UnhandyBirch656 no, tyr has to go in deep to be relevant and at a high level he cant do that, cus he will just get blown up
I'm offended.
I am humbled
Hun how!
Keep moving
Really appreciate this vid, any advice for learning rotations and the item list for a new player?
Also how would you feel about a PvP 54 kill game with Thanatos?
I've been buying Stone of Gaia in solo lane lately around the 3rd-4th item slot. I usually go Warriors Blessing, Glad Shield, Boots, Stone of Gaia, etc. It's been working out really well. I'm able to win lane and out sustain most other solo laners. When they back or have to hide under tower I'm able to go steal some jungle farm. I'm not high ranked though so I'm curious if this setup would still be decent higher ranked.
In ranked there is often a huge lack of communication/teamwork which makes seiging pheonixs a lot harder than it needs to be. From personal experience I have had teammates not attack when I rank pheonix. Stone of Gaia enables me to reset in a few seconds as opposed to backing to base in situations where you don't have stone of gaia. If say that if you are a solo with little or no sustain:(cu chulain, odin, osiris, ymir) it's a must. But almost every other solo laner has sustain right put of the box. In that case it's a luxury and not mandatory.
If also consider it if your sustain is aggressive and you are behind. Think of attacking reliant heals like Bellona. The pro scene is a little different because proper communication allows you to bypass a lot of obstacle average players have in a random casual match.
I like Odin Ik he isn’t insane but I just like the way he flows and how his abilities senergize
Thank youuuu really needed this💞
You can outbox him as bellona. It's easy
Sobek main but I suck at this game, good to see he’s back
Thanks Weak3n. Keep up the great work bro. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻👏🏻👏🏻
How do you feel about the new Guan
I dont think he mentioned this but, if you're a phys solo going against a magical, get warriors blessing, chalice, and 3 health pots. To start the game***
like a patch ago guan yu was getting banned every game, where does he fit now?
so am i right ..instead of BP i can get genjis (vs magical dmg)?
Chaac and his stacking slow and attack speed make him a amazing solo laner no one can box him even with berserkers shield rock a health chalice with health pots (starting) you definitely want some wards after the initial 1-5 phase I rush gladiator that with blue buff is 20% cool down (warriors after of course) 1-3-2-1-5 your impossible to kill out sustain everyone out box out heal out clear his ult is on a stupid fast cool down and because of his teleport to his 1 ability you can spam ult as fast as you get it to apply huge amounts of pressure and damage the silence is amazing to ensure they can’t hit creeps with abilities and you can push them into tower or punish them while they stay in lane trying to clear creeps with the 1-3 slow and attack speed slow. Never have to worry about mana because of his passive ult is great secure while patrolling fg or gold everyone is sleeping on chaac I’m telling you
rushing breastplate first item on sobek is a bad idea imo. You wont be able to clear the wave, will have zero box potential and will most likely get your buffs stolen. Pluck and ult make him one of the safest solo laners so no need for rushing defense. Either go cdr boots or go pen boots if you have kill potential especially in ranked where people underestimate his damage (pen boots+ult hurts like hell early game). Also, mage boots got buffed so no reason to not build it first
Do you use the armor w/ Achilles in solo?
Where is Bellona? :O
ZaMy32 Bellona wins lane easy that's about it.
My girl isnt that great rn, especially with how much high sustain u need
They'll buff her for the tier 5 skin don't worry
Mecha Jesus ult gives full health, slows enemies, and gives shield like Nike.
With solos picking up midguardian best girl is not in a good spot rn.
Whats your thoughts on Cerberus solo? He seems pretty strong in solo right now.
kcfc111 Way better as a support.
Forgot about cerb and cama, vamana is also doing better than tyr in most games I play.
Basically the build I’ve been using. But I often pick up the hide of the urchin instead of mantle
Urchin is good if you rotate and participate in a lot of team fights, but if you don’t then it’s hard to get stacked.
Love warriors and I’m a new player but didn’t now which was best thanks
I'd swap achillies bc he isn't as easy to play and many people avoid him and if you have a herc in your lane he can bully you so i think rn cerberus should be on the list but still a good job far a jungle main
Stefan Kovacevic as achillies, i hav NEVER had problems with herc. Way to predictable
@@lancelot5667 depends on who you play against as a player I mean
Great list 🙌🏼
I'm level 10 with achilles and no one gives me any problems except bellona, she always beats me, even if it's a level 1 player with her, I always get wrecked
Just so you guys know Midguardian mail shouldn’t go with Hide of the Namean lion
Runic Shield is really underrated.
Osiris is still my number 1
Fatninja I love Osiris but the lack of Deathstolls and beefier minions kinda hurt him this season :(
Play this man mid and run at your opponent with hunters blessing ez, then just build bruiser and boom ez team fights
Learn to let (season 4) go...
What happens if you think your going physical but it turns out it's magical.
Ex: I see a bellona so I grab physical defense but it's actually athena or something like that
Cerberus doesn’t lose lane...his team fight presence isn’t bad as well.
no shield of regrowth on hercules?
So I used the Achilles build you said to use for fun in a clash and I straight bullied everyone so badly that I was sitting outside of their spawn doing 1v5 after 1v5 this shouldn't be allowed
funny thing is I build most of this in solo especially gladiator and sell it late
Can you give a build for cuculain?
that Gucci roast 2 though I'm down lol
Don’t u think artio it’s good ?? I’ve been using her in rank and. It’s been. The best match up agaist cuchulain when I can’t. Pick him
Is it viable to start with Guardians blessing, if you play guardians that lack clear?
Firstiaan I wouldn't think so. You can't build stacks on it because you get them from assist(which also gives you you're gold bonus). Warriors is better cause it gives more protections straight up and you get Mana regen off of certain hits(I think it's an AA on an enemy god but I can't remember off the top of my head).
lostsurferjames5 I see.
lostsurferjames5 Any sort of damage you do, be it AA or ability will stack Warrior's Blessing.
thehorizon only procs on Gods though correct or also off minions?
lostsurferjames5 yeah only gods
Armor or no armor on achilles in lane?
DEN0MINAT0R Opinion, I personally go armour off and build a damage item, then around level 14-16 I go armour on just so you have that extra defense. Then late game sell damage item and full health/def.
DEN0MINAT0R I'd go armor, start out with getting boots the mystical then crusher(soon to be nerf) then go armor off
No aphrodite solo?
What about camztoz and cerberus ?? I see them a lot in competitive
amr kotb Cama got nerfed and Cerberus is at least in the top ten best solos.
You should do a worst gods in smite
1. Khepri
2. Khepri
3. Khepri
4. Khepri
5. Khepri
Ymir 🙏🏻
I like the builds but I wish they had a bit more health
Patrick Ruddell buy Stone of Gaia or Pestilence. Gaia recovers your health from knockups and pull, Pestilence is antiheal. You can even do Mail of Renewal if you're team fighting a lot. It's really not hard to build more health. Midgardian Mail is nasty right now for both health and defense, best of both worlds. But pls for the love of god, do not build Mystical Mail lol. Too expensive for the same stats as Midgardian, also not worth against stealth gods anyway
thehorizon I know about those options and what they do. But he made a build with low hp. I was just mentioning that was a problem. You want to have some reasonable ehp. Defense is great but if you don't have the health to back it up there is a problem.
thehorizon also I agree I pick up mid guardian pretty often it's quite nice
Spare us Weak3n!
Achilles: Which passive? Armor i assume....
Yeah. Unless you're fighting Loki. Go ahead and take the armor off and bully him. Saw it on FineOkay and it was so satisfying.
It’s situational.
No Cerb? Insane poke and doesn't really care about magical defense, In my opinion I would say he is far better then sobek, Sobek late game doesn't feel as potent and consistent as cerb. I don't have too much experience in conquest as much as you but, i feel like i have enough to say cerb is better then sobek in solo lane.
NSG Wolf they are both great. I main solo and imo I rank them pretty even. Cerb has more damage, setup, and pressure. Sobek has more sustain, disruption and diving potential. Both are solid choice but from a solo lane perspective solobek is far different from supportbek whereas Solocerb plays very similar to support cerb.
On a side note sobek is more mobile but cerb can get out of Odin cage.
I recommend both though.
On a coordinated team getting plucked by sobek is a death sentence
Sobek is wayyyyyy better at a high level.
Guan Yu busted af . Play him support omfg
How is bellona not in this she has great sustain and passive defense
Jeremy Bergstrom that's what I thought I've seen many good Bellona solo's
She's also on the thumbnail.
Because she can only go in and her sustain doesn't scale very well. She has no escapes besides her ult and every god in this list can interrupt her bludgeon which is her big damage ability.
chris x You can interrupt it with cu chulainn??
NinGangsta Ganesha solo is complete aids for Bellona lol. Silence the Bludgeon, no clear for you. She would have to max Scourge instead, which really changes how she solos.
Only thing I would change on this is Cu Chulainn for Cerebus. You can play anyone into Cu Chulainn on this list and be 100% fine. Just my Plat Trash Opinion
MajinBuusha Respectable, personally I recommend you watch fineokay play cu chulain, if played well he is insane.
Rodney T fo is insane on anyone tbh
Chu Chu is arguably the best solo laner LOL. He can spam his abilities with no consequences, has good damage and strong pressure since he has his transformation. Plus note his 1 has antiheal, so while poking, your potions aren't as potent as vs anyone else. There's no way he's not top 5. He's arguably the best warrior solo laner with the only other argument being Achilles. Cerb has no early pressure so he's easier to pressure and punish early game.
Ghost Hyperhex I don't think he is the best since the nerf. He is still good, for sure. I understand your points, but thats why I said its my opinion. Besides, current meta.doesnt really require early pressure early on. See Sobek on this list.
MajinBuusha He's not a strong as before but that still doesn't change the fact that he's extremely strong. His bully potential can get him a lead and end up out his jungle and mid ahead of him. Also Sobek's lack of early pressure is accompanied by his STRONG mid and late. Sobek has control and is pretty hard to kill. If lane pressure wasn't that good, Achilles wouldn't be on this list. I can't see Cerb over Chu Chu. If Cerb even lanes against a warrior, Runic shield hurts him. Tbh, I could see Cerb probably third, but not above Chu Chu
I keep getting flamed for playing Cu Culhain with a tank build. #lowranklife
Why no Osiris smh
Cerb? Tyr is pretty sub par
I play a lot of Ama, is she viable?
Vivek Anand Not at all. Has no team presence.
Grimshadow Nox wring
Grimshadow Nox wrong
Grimshadow Nox her wave clear is dook but her team fight is great with that passive power boost or MM speed boost? And her 40 sec ult that stuns ?
Um level her 2 and her wave clear becomes one of the best of any solo laner lol what you talking about. If you know there is no incoming rotation you can insta clear with 2 and 3
No chaac or even bellona Jesus. 😂😂
Amaterasu ???
No shield of regrowth? RIOT
cmon where is bellona
Hey weak3n😇💃🏻💝
Vamana 👌
Guan Yu is Missing ?
Ahmxt Sxnjuu Guan Yu is not too great right now, but hopefully with some buffs he's got now, he could be in a better place
Why are you doing another Gucci roast. You were timing out people in chat for bringing his name up to kill his “popularity” and now you’re gonna bring him back up?
I’m not the greatest at this game, just slightly above an average conquest player I’d say. But for some reason I just love playing Vamana in solo, I don’t really know where he’d be in a tier list as I don’t know that sort of stuff but for me Vamana is just so much fun.
IlIlIlIl Il I love playing Vamana, even when he had bad mana sustain for no reason. But now he could be good again with his abilities not costing so much, so yay
Vamana’s only problems are sustain outside of ult and cc. Other than that he is decent but not highly ranked.
Eriaduuu yeah I didn’t think he’d be ranked that highly, I just have the most fun playing him in the solo at the moment.
Erlang so op.I have just won 5 games
Vandi Doseşişdldşd what do you build for him? Every time I solo as him I get spanked.
Shane Bolton i always go damage and some defence build.Warior tabi-Frostbound hammer-Breastplate of valor-Qin's sais-shogun's kasari and hastened katana.My classic build crazy and insane.Sometimes i go full damage build if i am jungler
Vandi Doseşişdldşd I'll have to try it out thanks a lot
What division is this? Erlang gets shut down hard by Midguardian
Vandi Doseşişdldşd lol that build is garbage. You're literally asking to get countered by Midgardian Mail and Witchblade. Just because Erlang is AA oriented doesn't mean you should build him as such, especially in solo lane. Also, Hastened Katana is a waste when he already gets that with his mink dash, so you might as well build a pen item like Crusher and Executioner for jungle.
What about Artio she has good sustain with her 3
Nedersen Gets stomped by any of these gods.
Nedersen Way better as a support. Wouldn’t play her solo when she does 10 times better in support.
Where my boi chaac
Excuse me? Wheres loki?
no ron you must take dictionary and read meaning of word sarcasm
Oh my
no ron oh your
Adam Krasicki lol loki gets farmed by good players
Tom Snow totally didnt know that
Funny your mentioned herc bullying yet every herc that I faced so in solo has been completely bullied by my nu wa solo xD so that's not entirely true. Herc and Achilles is a joke and nu wa is much better at better in solo then these so called top tiers
Ayyyy finally
CELH Emilio He's great, but he can't outbox most warriors. Assassins aren't really in the solo meta now due to being squishy.
I think bellona should be #5
Too easy to interrupt and sustain is limited
Tyr has 4 damaging abilities..? Sure Weaken sure..
His 1 and 2 twice = 4. Dont care about his ult that is never used consistently for dmg
btw alliance is dirt
Top 4
Why full tank build on warriors? Aren't they supposed to do some damage late game or no? I personally build mine more bruiserish. For example my build for most warriors is this:
Shifters Shield
Warrior Boots
Stone of Gaia
Mantle of Discord
Spirit Robe
Jotunns Wrath
Max CDR with solid damage and tank.
warriors already have high base damage and low scaling so extra power doesn't help them as much
Warriors have such high base damage that you’d do the same damage with defense or damage, so by building damage you are losing out on defense. You can still build protection reduction if you want to do more damage (void shield) and maybe brawlers if you need a lot of anti heal but other than that it’s best to build 5 defense items.
I suppose that makes sense
Go ahead and lie and say you got that mobile game
How could you not put odin in he's so good in solo
RoninHD easily counter-able. clear isn’t safe. only really good if the enemy team is full of healers
Yup way too predictable
Odin suffers mainly from having zero poke and control. If his shield was separate from his burst combo, he would be good. But he gets bullied out of lane because the burst combo is his only option for clear
NinGangsta I agree I beat a odin in solo with Aphrodite and he was going full Anti heal xD I was doing so well against him he rage quit and I had a Awilix jungle so yeah it was pretty nasty for old Odin
Himiko Yunatsuna Poor Odin, man. He hasn't had a good time in solo for a while now. I'd actually love to see his kit reworked myself!
Anubis ?
Tyr? Xd
Am i actually early
Loki solo?
_ _ no no no
Mobile game lol, fuck that touchscreen bs
Alliance Heroes of the Spire is garbage.