I like this very much! There's an ambiguity about it that I find fascinating. Initially, it seems to be a late 18th/early 19th Century pastiche but there is an underlying uneasy quality, becoming fairly evident in the Andante, that is almost "sinister", though that is probably not the right word for what I mean. Perhaps it's just that the piece defies expectations, in the same way that the music of, for instance, Prokofiev and, later, Walton or Malcolm Arnold often does......
I like this very much! There's an ambiguity about it that I find fascinating. Initially, it seems to be a late 18th/early 19th Century pastiche but there is an underlying uneasy quality, becoming fairly evident in the Andante, that is almost "sinister", though that is probably not the right word for what I mean. Perhaps it's just that the piece defies expectations, in the same way that the music of, for instance, Prokofiev and, later, Walton or Malcolm Arnold often does......