Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro 1. 0:33 {The Changing Morality of the Bible?} Why does God seem more wrathful in the Old Testament and more forgiving and loving in the New Testament? Does the Bible have changing morals? 2. 33:29 {Balancing our Time Wisely} How can we find a healthy balance between time with God and entertainment, like reading non-Christian books? 3. 37:34 {Burned Works = Unsaved Soul?} Regarding 1 Corinthians 3: 15, how can someone be saved if their work is burned up? Wouldn’t the frailty of their work suggest that their faith wasn’t true in the first place? 4. 46:57 {The Point of the New Covenant} What’s the point of the New Covenant when salvation has always been through faith? 5. 54:53 {Who is Asherah?} Who is Asherah? I saw a video that claims she’s God’s forbidden wife. Who is she, from a biblical perspective? 6. 1:00:21 {How Much Detail do we Confess?} When we, as Christians, confess our sins to God, how detailed should we be? Two verses that come to my mind are Psalm 139: 23-24. 7. 1:05:28 {When & How Much to Give to Others?} My wife’s nephew is transgender, is here illegally (USA), and recently got married to a man. He asked my wife if she could help pay for his immigration paperwork. Am I wrong for saying no? 8. 1:12:43 {Be Quiet & MYOB?} In 1 Thessalonians 4: 11 we are told to be quiet and mind our own business. How does that play out in a time where there is so much wrong in the world and in the Church? How are you doing it? You are the best! 9. 1:26:33 {Strengthening our “Study Muscles”} What are some ways to make reading the Bible easier? I’m not saying I want the Scriptures deluded or anything, but I’m not a very good reader and I just end up getting frustrated and quitting. 10. 1:31:33 {Was Jesus Silent?} In Mark and Matthew, Jesus remains silent which amazes Pilate, but in John, He delivers explanations. What are your thoughts on this subject, and how would you handle it when presented? Bonus Q for Fun! 1:34:28 Why do you and so many other pastors like the LOTR so much?
@@KRoy-lx4xg Good catch. Thank you for that! If I edit it here it will unpin everything and be a hassle for Mike, but I have made the correction on our website and podcast. Have a blessed weekend!
Believers are avoided like the old women with too many cats, and fiction demands you take your questions seriously, as if God makes Mormons so Christians will know how Jews feel. Nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. Faith gives us preaching to the choir, wolves dressed as sheep, the indoctrination of children with a vocabulary of fiction, the worst navigators, like Moses, proposing travel is best done with one foot in fantasyland. Have you never read "it is a wicked generation" seeking signs, like resurrections. Those having sacred texts are given to yammering nonsense in public. You prove faith is a mask for insanity & authoritarian mischiefs. Defending Judaism & Christianity is easy, when you can find prophets & cherubin in your phonebook. Jesus Christ is a curse. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" - Galatians 3:13 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
@@dalecorbin8655 💯 reading thru Kings and Chronicles really opened my eyes God’s grace and patience with Israel. There were so many wicked kings and the people were continually unfaithful and yet God gave grace to them time and time again. Even though the high places stayed erected for a very long time. He is loving, faithful, gracious, merciful, and desires to lead us to repentance.
The idea of our treasure in heaven being seeing the people we poured into and how that helped them is so beautiful. Whether thats the treasure or not, maybe at least that’s part of it, a good reminder to always pour into people and grow in the lord with others! How beautiful our Christian relationships are now and what they will be in heaven!
I haven't finished the video, so I'm not sure if Mike already said something similar, but I read in a Christian book (I don't remember which, unfortunately) some time ago: "The only things you get to take into Heaven with you are people."
You are so right about the average Christian thinking they know the Bible and this leading them into error. I remember when I graduated college, I decided to carefully read through all of the Gospels and they totally transformed the way I understood Christ.
Thank you! After going to school for ministry, I find a lot of preachers teach on the surface and expect people to get deeper in small groups, but many people in small groups aren’t equipped to go deeper. I’ve actually left a Bible study because they skipped over a verse, and they never discussed what the passage was saying in context of the verse itself. It was so frustrating.
Bible thinker was one of the 1st channels I found and started watching in 2019 when I was saved and still my favorite! Mike's gonna be like a brother celebrity in heaven 😂 Thanks brother for doing the work of God!
I used to subscribe to the belief that God in the old testament was a big meanie and God in the new testament was all sunshine and rainbows. The problem was- I never truly took the time to read and understand the bible, ESPECIALLY the old testament. But right now im reading through it all. And ive just been so baffled at how wrong i was. My favorite books are in the old testament, Judges and Hosea. These books just show Gods love in such a beautiful way, but also his righteous anger. Im so grateful that my eyes have been opened!💕🙏
I used to say that the Old Testament was just about how stupid the Israelites are. But now I realized that I've been just as stupid in my life and it proves how much of a sinner I am.
Man question 8 about living a quiet life and working with your hands is something I struggle with. I’m 22 and capable of working but it is difficult to find a job in my country but I have applied for jobs and still am trying. In the meantime I am dependant on my aunt and uncle for assistance, but I do want to follow this Scripture, it weighs heavily on me. Thank you for another great stream! If anyone can, prayers in this area would be immensely appreciated!
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your heart" My country is similar concerning employment. This verse gave me the best advice on how to hold on.
It is difficult being out of work when you want to be productive. Perhaps you can find ways to be a blessing to your aunt and uncle in the meantime! Praying for you now.
The other commenters are right. That verse doesn't necessarily mean work that garners a paycheck. I'm sure you do plenty to be helpful & productive in Christ's name, while you seek employment. 😊
@anamericanfriend2367, I agree! That's a fantastic example of God's grace. Another example is Lot and his family being taken out of Sodom before God rained down judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham asked God to spare 50 righteous people on down to 10, out of concern for Lot. Not even 10 righteous people could be found between the 2 cities, but God had compassion on Lot and his family and the angel got them out. God's wrath will rain down on the ungodly, but God will never condemn the righteous with the wicked. God bless you and keep you always! 🙂
The story becomes more wonderful when you hear how evil the people from Nineveh where against the Israelites; Jonah did not want to preach to them so they would not repent and they would receive their due. He escaped because he knew God was so merciful, even these people who were unforgivable for any person would be forgiven by God if they truly repented and changed their ways
I love that you pointed out the meaning of Matthew 24:40-41. We have often heard it taught that this is a rapture passage. No - it is a prophecy concerning the destruction and removal of the wicked from the earth.
Yeah i often wondered if the ones taken would be the wicked and the ones left saved in His 2nd coming. I use to think the the other way around but in the end of the day i just put my faith in Jesus and wait and see.
I often witness to others that the only way to truly understand scripture is to stop leaning on others teachings or there own understanding. Go to the source. Go to God in prayer. In fasting and sit down with the Bible. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. We can have help from others that truly are sealed with His Spirit but we also need a personal relationship with Christ. We must be on His word to renew our minds.
I don’t despise the teachings of good pastors and bible study group teachers. I do, however, study the Bible for myself to make sure that what they’re teaching is in line with Scripture.
We need faithful leadership for they are commission by Christ to make disciples. If we are new in Christ we need to seek out those who teach the whole word of God.
Another thing that I have had to remind myself when it comes to the is topic is the fact that the Old Testament records millennia of God’s relationship with humans while the NT is only a few years. God’s patience and long suffering is more obvious when looked at this way.
That's a good point. The OT was centuries worth of records, the NT was the 3 year ministry of Jesus and the forming of the early church. Great insight.
Wow....incredible timing! . I randomly met a woman on a bus 3 days ago and she has completely bought the idea that God in the OT is different from God in NT. She believes that is proof the Scripture has been manipulated. I briefly talked to her about the risks of believing that since she has been led to believe in multiple past lives and reincarnation I told her no verse in the Bible supports that belief but she holds that is not sufficient since the Bible has been manipulated. I told her she should not extract fragments to make them fit her positions and should ask the Holy Spirit for light and help to interpret the Bible correctly.
When reading the Old Testament you often see just how much patience God has towards man. He constantly calls for people to repent and turn from wickedness. We see this in the Kings of Israel and Judah, the book of Jonah, all the prophets, Exodus. I was struck by the story of Manasseh who sacrificed his children to an idol but when he repented and humbled himself God forgave him! God is the same forever. God's grace and mercy is all throughout scripture. Ultimately I think misconceptions exist because of ignorance - a lack of consistent reading/studying the word. The OT spells out the problem and the NT shows the solution. The Bible is beautiful.
The understanding I have is that God is gracious and patient with us until we have hardened our heart permanently toward Him. Only then does He harden His heart toward us and understandably so.
Giving to panhandlers? I was a I.V. drug user (sober 10 years) & a felon. Homeless; I worked day labor & did scrapping & sometimes walk around neighborhoods talking to people who were out to see if I could earn a few dollars & I did not always do the right thing with the money but eventually I started going to church. A few of the laity would bag up a sandwich & bottle of water for people panhandling running between cars at a busy intersection, I knew many of these panhandlers. I was honest about my past with the laity & told them to please be careful, it's not safe for you or them. Seemed like they knew better & one of the panhandlers was hit by a car & killed! Sometimes we sin with great intentions or not knowing it. God bless Bible Thinker you have blessed me!
Being a pastor requires a love and appreciation of complex and well written literature. I don't think that anyone can deny that the Lord of the Rings books are one of the finest examples of that, even if you are not into fantasy. That is probably the simplest explanation of why it might seem that pastors seem to like the series.
For the person who said they struggle with understanding the Bible when they read it, I can affirm Mike's recommendation of the New Living Translation! I grew up in an NIV family, being taught that it's an easy to read, modern English translation. But for decades I'd half heartedly slog through my Bible reading, not really getting what I was reading. Then I discovered the NLT, and it's like slicing through soft butter. I replaced my teen kid's NIV bibles with NLT as well, and one of them told me she actually enjoys reading the Bible for the first time in her life.
I'm a linguist with a bit of background in Bible translation into minority languages and I use my NLT daily! When I have a deeper question, I go to Greek. But imo there's enough mystery in the Bible without adding confusion to the wording.
I felt the same way when I left the NIV for the HCSV. But after doing some verse mapping, many translations use the exact same words, and the verse will have the same meaning. I haven’t done the whole Bible, of course, but I’m working on it! I have found that it’s less about the accuracy of the translation and more about your heart and what God is trying to teach you.
I love how you love the Word. About entertainment, things changed for me when I began inviting Jesus into whatever I was doing. First, I simply lost interest in watching TV at all-and I had been quite discriminating about what I watched. Then, when watching a movie, I’m thinking about it from God’s point of view, as in what is going on here? What are the assumptions? Is this movie an attempt to get me to think or feel in a particular way, and what would the Lord think about that? Etc., etc. Bring every thought captive.
Thank you, Brother Mike, for your obedience to God! I have heard many pastors and people preach that Matt. 24:40-42 as evidence of a rapture. I have never noticed, and it has not been pointed out to me, who is being swept away in the flood and therefore who Jesus is talking about being taken! May God continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry!
When you were replying to question 3, talking about treasures in heaven... I would like to believe that whatever treasures God has for us, all we would want to do is place all of these treasures at the feet of The Lamb of God. So the more tresure God has for us, we can in turn give it all to the One who deserves it, thank you Jesus!
Mike, I truly want to thank you for your wonderful knowledge of the WORD OF GOD. You have HOLYSPIRIT Givin discernment and it is wonderfully evident. Thankyou for teaching us God's truth, and you do it with such humbleness and kindness. God bless you.
44:00 - love this approach Mike mentioned - that it's easy to dial it up when calling out false teachers/teachings, but it's difficult to dial it back if you go overboard.
I pray for your health. I know you haven't been well, but I trust Jesus for your total healing. In Jesus Holy name!!! By the way, thank you so much for your obedience to sharing God's word with those of us who want the truth. Prayers for God to richly bless you in all your endeavors. 🙏🙌🏼✝️🙏🙌🏼✝️
Mike I appreciate that your ministry is free and available because I can't imagine Jesus approving pay per study ministries. So my question to you is, how do you feel about some of these Christian TH-camrs who have Bible Study courses that they charge? How to Faith, Coffee & Bible, etc. These women are offering studies but you have to pay. So when you spoke about in this video that you will be judged on your ministry, do you think when it's their time for the ministry to be judged, that God will be giving them the thumbs up?
It is wrong and unbiblical for one to expect to receive the fruits of another person's labor for free. Paul talks in 1 Corinthians 9 about how he had every right to be paid for his ministry, but chose not to. Would you expect your pastor to work full-time for the church and not receive a livable wage?
36:29 sometimes I fall asleep Imagining I am transported to the time of Jesus and his teachings. One time I had imagined bringing my cell phone along and started a conversation with Jesus. I think I called him Messiah or Savior. I don’t quite remember his response, but it was something like "you can only have one god to follow, and it’s not my Father" which I understood He meant my phone. It certainly opened my eyes. Metaphorically and physically.
The simplicity of your prayer and some other pastors like John McArthur, Paul Washer and many others i listen to just calms me down in a strange way. I am from Africa and the way i see some of our pastors pray sometimes feels like they are shaking the entire heaven and earth. Do you pray like that too sometimes.
I mentioned a couple times in the live chat about Bible Study Fellowship being a great tool for me to dive deeper into God’s Word. It starts in September and goes till May of next year. We are studying Revelation this year. It’s for all believers or anyone even just seeking, with locations worldwide. If anyone is interested or has any questions, lmk.
@@clasen2013yay how exciting welcome back! I’ve been doing it for a number of years and I love the community it offers and the accountability to have personal study time.
I feel like every church is doing revelation right now. My church has been doing Rev since Easter, and I've seen several others that I follow also studying Rev. The Lord must be doing something in the church🤔
Ooooh, excellent first topic for a video. The, what seems like, changing morals throughout the Bible was a difficult question I had early on in my Christian walk. Thank you pastor for what you’re doing! I always feel like I’m learning a lot, listening to your channel.
Hi Mike, thanks so much for explaining question 1. I alway had this impression of God showed more wrath in the Old Testament then in the New One but your answer made it so clear to me now that this is not the case at all. Thank you again for all this great teaching.
For #4, if we back up even further in 1 Corinthians 3, I would say that it's evident from the context that the trial by fire is only a test for Christians. It was mentioned to address the fighting over who was led by who to the Lord. The key is the foundation, Jesus, that will always remain. Non-believers don't (yet) have Jesus, so they have no foundation.
In a world where evil abounds, Gods merciful grace without His judgments wrath could only be unjustifiable destruction. What other conclusion could there possibly be, unless God in His mercy brings evil to an end?
Mike, I've noticed that several questions recently fall into a category that I would call " Who is God"? The questions invlove trying to understand who He is and almost always question attributes of God such as love, justice, wrath,etc. Our men's study group has recently started a study of a booklet by A.W. Tozer copyrighted in 1961. All of us have been Christians for many years and we all have been blown away by his depth of understanding. The booklet is: "The Knowledge Of The Holy". A small booklet but unbelievably challenging. I highly recommend it.
Elijah, there are loads of options on TH-cam to listen to the bible. I personally like David Suchet if you need a place to start. All the best to you! ❤
It was probably about 10-15 years ago, but I remember reading through the old testament and thinking "Why does Israel keep turning away from God?" and then I realized "I do the same thing!" You were spot on when you said that. One of my favorite images that we get as a result of the old covenant is the tearing of the temple veil.
Lord of the Rings is a great piece of creative fiction. It was written by devote Catholic and Language Professor JRR Tolkein. It perhaps most clearly shows how humans as creative beings in the image of God, can be creative in a way that glorifies God. Perhaps this is why many pastors, scholars and other ordinary people love this work.
@@According_To_Matt The Lord of the Rings is a fundamentally Christian work. It glorifies God in its entirely Christian worldview. The theme is God working in a “pre-Christian” world to bring about truth, beauty, and goodness through providence. If you’re interested in exploring this, there are many fine works. I’d recommended the work of Peter Kreeft.
The author set out to write lord of the rings as a mythology for england which is middle earth in the books, so not really christian even though toliken was a believer @@DeshCanter
@@KentuckyBrad If you read his letters, he set out to write a mythology of England but abandoned that aspect of the project. In his own words Lord of the Rings is a “fundamentally Christian work” set in a pre-Christian era.
I am sorry my friend, i dont see that. But Tolkien himself was even more strern in holding off religious readings. His standard statement on the ‘meaning’ of his book was this: “It is not ‘about’ anything but itself. Certainly it has no allegorical intentions, general, particular, or topical, moral, religious, or political.” @@DeshCanter
#9: What came to mind was the difference between taking small bites and chewing well before swallowing in contrast with shoving big bites in, consuming quickly, devouring the meal in seconds.
The first question was why God SEEMS more wrathful in the OT and more loving in the NT. Not that He has actually changed, but who can doubt that it does indeed seem that way? I think it’s due to the different emphases of the testaments as well as God being propitiated by Christ’s work on the cross at the advent of the NT.
Everyone who God pours his wrath out on was given many chances and warnings, yet they persisted in absolute wickedness. He also wiped out a lot of Nephilim which were absurdly wicked and powerful.
1:03:08 i think its because it was a heartfelt prayer, a honest prayer, coming from the heart; a feeling deep inside, truly crying out to God for mercy knowing youre a sinner and need His mercy. Whereas the other man praying was very arrogant and vain in his prayer, judging others and regarding himself above others. What does God has to do with those words? "Thank you God that i am doing better and being better than my neighbor" thats not love, thats wanting to be more than someone else; thinking you are special and somehow worth more than a next sinner. We are all made in the image of God, but there is only One Who is the perfect image of God and that is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and only He is without sin; the rest of us are sinners, have sinned, or sin and are in desperate need for the Son of God and His mercy and salvation. Lord bless you Mike, I like your videos and reasoning.
Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your wicked ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Malachi 3:6 “For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed." God says Himself that he does not change. He is always the same. New Testament, Old Testament, or right now in the present.
For anyone trying to read the bible. "THE STORY" tells the story of the bible ( its in the NIV) but without some of the harder to read passages. It might be a stepping stone before reading the bible to familiarize yourself with big picture. It helped me and friends if mine
Yes, I just finished reading that to my 11 year old! I think it's really well done. We were getting bogged down with "and then Solomon ordered 12 bowls of bronze, gold-plated, for the east side of the temple, and xyz, gold-plated for the doors" and it was to the point where she was interrupting me, "don't tell me, it was plated with gold" And I'd say, "ha ha, you're wrong! This one was made of gold all the way to the middle!" And we were getting tired of the whole thing. I was glad to have found "The Story " that was a bit less detailed. We did get the idea that Solomon was very wealthy, though!
🎉 Hooray!!!! He's been teasing a study of Hebrews for years now. I can't wait to begin the verse by verse study of this book. Yeah, I know Bible geek here... 😅
Pastor Mike, I know u have talked a bit about deliverance ministries before. I was just wondering, when I speak to someone who is very involved in “deliverance” ministries like breaking bondages, casting out demons, breaking generational sins, they say all the right things about the fullness and salvation of Jesus but yet they still think there is more to do. What is the linchpin approach to convincing them that they contradict (if they are) by proclaiming there is still more to do? ❤ love the channel
@@calvingoh9383 ah, that's fair. You might be able to find some help on the Biblethinker website. He has a keyword search and it will narrow down videos to show you where he could have already covered it. I can also ask a friend who is a pastor...
Thanks Mike for another great episode. My only disagreement, I believe we should follow all 10 commandments. Honoring the Sabbath is not a burden but a joy to enjoy a relaxing day and honor our Father.
I’ve read many times in the NT where Jesus says if you loved me you’d keep my commandments. So I would take it as following all his 10 Commandments making them important. If it mattered to Jesus it should matter to us. This is in response to the law.
Why would you think this is about the 10 commandments? Jesus gave us many commandments in His teachings. Love one another for example, and pray for those who persecute you. It seems very unlikely He was talking about the 10 commandments, especially since Paul teaches us that we are not under the Law.
Almost everything Jesus said was a commandment. Be anxious for nothing, do not worry, do not fear, heal the sick, cast out devils and so forth. Study the Greek and you will see the imperative mood of the words that were used. ❤️ There are far more than 10.
A born again believer is saved by faith in the finished work of Jesus which gives us grace to be saved. We are not under the law. However,the Holy Spirit in the believer convicts us of our sin and helps us become more like Jesus. There is not one human who has never sinned or who could keep the law,except Jesus. Some people are better at practicing what Jesus said than others. You will not be sent to hell for not being able to keep the commands. You will be sent to hell for not believing in Jesus and the gift of grace. But there are no works that will get you to heaven. Jesus illustrates this clearly when He says there will be those who come to Me saying,Did I not heal in your Name? Did I not cast out demons in your Name ? Jesus says to them,be gone you workers of iniquity. I never knew you. It faith and faith alone that saves.
Jesus gave 40-some commandments in the Gospel accounts. None of them were to keep the Sabbath. Fine if you want to observe it, but not a command under the New Covenant.
@@joshuacavender1536 You have some pretty strange theology beliefs. I do not see Jesus saying anything about giving out "commandments". He said, that Love your God with your hole mind,heart and soul. The second was Love your neighbor as yourself. These fulfill all of the law. He doesn't say these are in addition to the 40 other commandments I gave you. So please enlighten us how do you get saved? What is it that gets a person to heaven?
I have a question I hope somebody can help me with. How do you pray for an abusive step parent that continues to abuse. How do you pray for a government official that says and does things that go against Christ. How do you pray for people who continually abuse the people of a nation. How do you pray for people that you perceive as evil. Thank you God bless.
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:33 {The Changing Morality of the Bible?} Why does God seem more wrathful in the Old Testament and more forgiving and loving in the New Testament? Does the Bible have changing morals?
2. 33:29 {Balancing our Time Wisely} How can we find a healthy balance between time with God and entertainment, like reading non-Christian books?
3. 37:34 {Burned Works = Unsaved Soul?} Regarding 1 Corinthians 3: 15, how can someone be saved if their work is burned up? Wouldn’t the frailty of their work suggest that their faith wasn’t true in the first place?
4. 46:57 {The Point of the New Covenant} What’s the point of the New Covenant when salvation has always been through faith?
5. 54:53 {Who is Asherah?} Who is Asherah? I saw a video that claims she’s God’s forbidden wife. Who is she, from a biblical perspective?
6. 1:00:21 {How Much Detail do we Confess?} When we, as Christians, confess our sins to God, how detailed should we be? Two verses that come to my mind are Psalm 139: 23-24.
7. 1:05:28 {When & How Much to Give to Others?} My wife’s nephew is transgender, is here illegally (USA), and recently got married to a man. He asked my wife if she could help pay for his immigration paperwork. Am I wrong for saying no?
8. 1:12:43 {Be Quiet & MYOB?} In 1 Thessalonians 4: 11 we are told to be quiet and mind our own business. How does that play out in a time where there is so much wrong in the world and in the Church? How are you doing it? You are the best!
9. 1:26:33 {Strengthening our “Study Muscles”} What are some ways to make reading the Bible easier? I’m not saying I want the Scriptures deluded or anything, but I’m not a very good reader and I just end up getting frustrated and quitting.
10. 1:31:33 {Was Jesus Silent?} In Mark and Matthew, Jesus remains silent which amazes Pilate, but in John, He delivers explanations. What are your thoughts on this subject, and how would you handle it when presented?
Bonus Q for Fun! 1:34:28 Why do you and so many other pastors like the LOTR so much?
Question #9 *diluted, not deluded.
Also, many thanks for always putting these timestamps! So helpful!
@@KRoy-lx4xg Good catch. Thank you for that! If I edit it here it will unpin everything and be a hassle for Mike, but I have made the correction on our website and podcast. Have a blessed weekend!
@@sarahfaith316 thank you!!
@@ellisesmith869 💕🌸
Believers are avoided like the old women with too many cats, and fiction demands you take your questions seriously, as if God makes Mormons so Christians will know how Jews feel. Nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. Faith gives us preaching to the choir, wolves dressed as sheep, the indoctrination of children with a vocabulary of fiction, the worst navigators, like Moses, proposing travel is best done with one foot in fantasyland. Have you never read "it is a wicked generation" seeking signs, like resurrections. Those having sacred texts are given to yammering nonsense in public. You prove faith is a mask for insanity & authoritarian mischiefs. Defending Judaism & Christianity is easy, when you can find prophets & cherubin in your phonebook. Jesus Christ is a curse. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" - Galatians 3:13 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
I am reading through the Old Testament and I can see the love and patience God showed to Israel
Yes! There is SO much love and forgiveness in the OT. Practically every passage of God’s wrath is followed by God talking redemption.
@@dalecorbin8655 💯 reading thru Kings and Chronicles really opened my eyes God’s grace and patience with Israel. There were so many wicked kings and the people were continually unfaithful and yet God gave grace to them time and time again. Even though the high places stayed erected for a very long time. He is loving, faithful, gracious, merciful, and desires to lead us to repentance.
All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations-
Isaiah 65:2
You can see the joy in Mike’s face when he talks about how Isaiah 1 & 53 point to Jesus. It’s beautiful ❤
I agree
It’s true joy, too, cuz Mike is a genuine guy and truly a good man. I’m always uplifted during his teachings.
@@JacobPaul432 I agree
When he _thinks_ it does.
Sorry folks but this is a great example of confirmation bias.
@@canbest7668 in what way?
Mike said: " removing the old Testament is like removing harmony parts from a beautiful song! " that is such a beautiful analogy!😊
The idea of our treasure in heaven being seeing the people we poured into and how that helped them is so beautiful. Whether thats the treasure or not, maybe at least that’s part of it, a good reminder to always pour into people and grow in the lord with others! How beautiful our Christian relationships are now and what they will be in heaven!
I haven't finished the video, so I'm not sure if Mike already said something similar, but I read in a Christian book (I don't remember which, unfortunately) some time ago: "The only things you get to take into Heaven with you are people."
I always see joy on Mikes face when He talks about Jesus-that why I started watching him 4yrs ago. Real Joy!
"Let us reason together " says it all... Patience and long suffering is our God! Amen!!
You are so right about the average Christian thinking they know the Bible and this leading them into error. I remember when I graduated college, I decided to carefully read through all of the Gospels and they totally transformed the way I understood Christ.
Thank you! After going to school for ministry, I find a lot of preachers teach on the surface and expect people to get deeper in small groups, but many people in small groups aren’t equipped to go deeper. I’ve actually left a Bible study because they skipped over a verse, and they never discussed what the passage was saying in context of the verse itself. It was so frustrating.
Bible thinker was one of the 1st channels I found and started watching in 2019 when I was saved and still my favorite! Mike's gonna be like a brother celebrity in heaven 😂
Thanks brother for doing the work of God!
I used to subscribe to the belief that God in the old testament was a big meanie and God in the new testament was all sunshine and rainbows. The problem was- I never truly took the time to read and understand the bible, ESPECIALLY the old testament. But right now im reading through it all. And ive just been so baffled at how wrong i was. My favorite books are in the old testament, Judges and Hosea. These books just show Gods love in such a beautiful way, but also his righteous anger. Im so grateful that my eyes have been opened!💕🙏
Yes, same here! Amen!
@@mmhh5579 God Bless you!!!💞🙏
I used to say that the Old Testament was just about how stupid the Israelites are. But now I realized that I've been just as stupid in my life and it proves how much of a sinner I am.
Hosea yes!! I feel bad for him and the Lord.
He's a narcissist in both
Man question 8 about living a quiet life and working with your hands is something I struggle with. I’m 22 and capable of working but it is difficult to find a job in my country but I have applied for jobs and still am trying. In the meantime I am dependant on my aunt and uncle for assistance, but I do want to follow this Scripture, it weighs heavily on me. Thank you for another great stream! If anyone can, prayers in this area would be immensely appreciated!
While you have some free time, perhaps consider how you can serve others and maybe God will provide something for you thru it! 🙏🏼
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing and in all things give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16-18
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your heart"
My country is similar concerning employment. This verse gave me the best advice on how to hold on.
It is difficult being out of work when you want to be productive. Perhaps you can find ways to be a blessing to your aunt and uncle in the meantime! Praying for you now.
The other commenters are right. That verse doesn't necessarily mean work that garners a paycheck. I'm sure you do plenty to be helpful & productive in Christ's name, while you seek employment. 😊
The book of Jonah is a perfect example of God's grace.
I agree! That's a fantastic example of God's grace.
Another example is Lot and his family being taken out of Sodom before God rained down judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham asked God to spare 50 righteous people on down to 10, out of concern for Lot. Not even 10 righteous people could be found between the 2 cities, but God had compassion on Lot and his family and the angel got them out. God's wrath will rain down on the ungodly, but God will never condemn the righteous with the wicked.
God bless you and keep you always! 🙂
The story becomes more wonderful when you hear how evil the people from Nineveh where against the Israelites; Jonah did not want to preach to them so they would not repent and they would receive their due. He escaped because he knew God was so merciful, even these people who were unforgivable for any person would be forgiven by God if they truly repented and changed their ways
@@DaysOfNoah17_15 Thank you
Jonah is also an Old Testament example of preaching to the Gentile nations.
I love that you pointed out the meaning of Matthew 24:40-41. We have often heard it taught that this is a rapture passage. No - it is a prophecy concerning the destruction and removal of the wicked from the earth.
Yeah i often wondered if the ones taken would be the wicked and the ones left saved in His 2nd coming. I use to think the the other way around but in the end of the day i just put my faith in Jesus and wait and see.
Thank you for doing what you’re doing Mike! I have enjoyed every video I’ve watched, because of how honest and well researched you are.
Praying you get well, Mike. Praying that God gives you energy and hope. Praying for your protection. Thanking God for you, brother.
I often witness to others that the only way to truly understand scripture is to stop leaning on others teachings or there own understanding. Go to the source. Go to God in prayer. In fasting and sit down with the Bible. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. We can have help from others that truly are sealed with His Spirit but we also need a personal relationship with Christ. We must be on His word to renew our minds.
I don’t despise the teachings of good pastors and bible study group teachers. I do, however, study the Bible for myself to make sure that what they’re teaching is in line with Scripture.
We need faithful leadership for they are commission by Christ to make disciples. If we are new in Christ we need to seek out those who teach the whole word of God.
Woohoo! Every one of these gives me something that makes me feel like I’m on the right track and something to convict me. Thank you.
God is good, and always was!
Another thing that I have had to remind myself when it comes to the is topic is the fact that the Old Testament records millennia of God’s relationship with humans while the NT is only a few years. God’s patience and long suffering is more obvious when looked at this way.
That's a good point. The OT was centuries worth of records, the NT was the 3 year ministry of Jesus and the forming of the early church. Great insight.
Hope you get to feeling better!! Thank you for your perseverance. Look forward to Fridays and can't wait for hebrews!!
I too am often asked this question from loved ones. Thank you, Mike. I dearly love your videos. They are a high joy in my life. God bless you.
Wow....incredible timing! . I randomly met a woman on a bus 3 days ago and she has completely bought the idea that God in the OT is different from God in NT. She believes that is proof the Scripture has been manipulated. I briefly talked to her about the risks of believing that since she has been led to believe in multiple past lives and reincarnation I told her no verse in the Bible supports that belief but she holds that is not sufficient since the Bible has been manipulated. I told her she should not extract fragments to make them fit her positions and should ask the Holy Spirit for light and help to interpret the Bible correctly.
When reading the Old Testament you often see just how much patience God has towards man. He constantly calls for people to repent and turn from wickedness. We see this in the Kings of Israel and Judah, the book of Jonah, all the prophets, Exodus. I was struck by the story of Manasseh who sacrificed his children to an idol but when he repented and humbled himself God forgave him! God is the same forever. God's grace and mercy is all throughout scripture. Ultimately I think misconceptions exist because of ignorance - a lack of consistent reading/studying the word. The OT spells out the problem and the NT shows the solution. The Bible is beautiful.
The understanding I have is that God is gracious and patient with us until we have hardened our heart permanently toward Him. Only then does He harden His heart toward us and understandably so.
I thought it was good to love your enemy
Thank You for your Explanations of the Law and Great Grace. With Balance.
Giving to panhandlers? I was a I.V. drug user (sober 10 years) & a felon. Homeless; I worked day labor & did scrapping & sometimes walk around neighborhoods talking to people who were out to see if I could earn a few dollars & I did not always do the right thing with the money but eventually I started going to church. A few of the laity would bag up a sandwich & bottle of water for people panhandling running between cars at a busy intersection, I knew many of these panhandlers. I was honest about my past with the laity & told them to please be careful, it's not safe for you or them. Seemed like they knew better & one of the panhandlers was hit by a car & killed! Sometimes we sin with great intentions or not knowing it.
God bless Bible Thinker you have blessed me!
Thank you Mike for helping me to think more Biblically.
Going to try the three days with no youtube, X, TV. Start right after the show. Pray for me.
How did it go? If you couldnt complete it try again i know you can do it. You can do it Rob Schnider style. Lmbo
Being a pastor requires a love and appreciation of complex and well written literature. I don't think that anyone can deny that the Lord of the Rings books are one of the finest examples of that, even if you are not into fantasy. That is probably the simplest explanation of why it might seem that pastors seem to like the series.
I always say the Bible is like my "Lord of the Rings". It's even better and more epic because it's true!
I know the guy who wrote Narnia was a christian and the lion represents Jesus in that story. And the books are really good to.
For the person who said they struggle with understanding the Bible when they read it, I can affirm Mike's recommendation of the New Living Translation! I grew up in an NIV family, being taught that it's an easy to read, modern English translation. But for decades I'd half heartedly slog through my Bible reading, not really getting what I was reading. Then I discovered the NLT, and it's like slicing through soft butter. I replaced my teen kid's NIV bibles with NLT as well, and one of them told me she actually enjoys reading the Bible for the first time in her life.
I'm a linguist with a bit of background in Bible translation into minority languages and I use my NLT daily! When I have a deeper question, I go to Greek. But imo there's enough mystery in the Bible without adding confusion to the wording.
I felt the same way when I left the NIV for the HCSV. But after doing some verse mapping, many translations use the exact same words, and the verse will have the same meaning. I haven’t done the whole Bible, of course, but I’m working on it! I have found that it’s less about the accuracy of the translation and more about your heart and what God is trying to teach you.
Thank you, Mike. Wonderful and so helpful.
God bless you all. Thank you, Jesus!
Best explanation for the Scriptures I've ever heard. God bless you with more biblical insight
Mike, you are so awesome 😎 I appreciate what you do
People often treat God as a thing, not a being and think of him like an emoji. This is a thought development from your concept of the one note God.
I love how you love the Word.
About entertainment, things changed for me when I began inviting Jesus into whatever I was doing. First, I simply lost interest in watching TV at all-and I had been quite discriminating about what I watched. Then, when watching a movie, I’m thinking about it from God’s point of view, as in what is going on here? What are the assumptions? Is this movie an attempt to get me to think or feel in a particular way, and what would the Lord think about that? Etc., etc. Bring every thought captive.
Thank you Mike for your wisdom.
Somethings in life are simple to understand and decide while other things are just difficult.
Thank you, Brother Mike, for your obedience to God! I have heard many pastors and people preach that Matt. 24:40-42 as evidence of a rapture. I have never noticed, and it has not been pointed out to me, who is being swept away in the flood and therefore who Jesus is talking about being taken! May God continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry!
When you were replying to question 3, talking about treasures in heaven... I would like to believe that whatever treasures God has for us, all we would want to do is place all of these treasures at the feet of The Lamb of God. So the more tresure God has for us, we can in turn give it all to the One who deserves it, thank you Jesus!
Mike, I truly want to thank you for your wonderful knowledge of the WORD OF GOD. You have HOLYSPIRIT Givin discernment and it is wonderfully evident. Thankyou for teaching us God's truth, and you do it with such humbleness and kindness. God bless you.
44:00 - love this approach Mike mentioned - that it's easy to dial it up when calling out false teachers/teachings, but it's difficult to dial it back if you go overboard.
"Love is quick, wrath is slow."
Grateful for your effort in these videos.
Can't wait for the Hebrews series. Been waiting for this many years has it been? 😆
I pray for your health. I know you haven't been well, but I trust Jesus for your total healing. In Jesus Holy name!!! By the way, thank you so much for your obedience to sharing God's word with those of us who want the truth. Prayers for God to richly bless you in all your endeavors. 🙏🙌🏼✝️🙏🙌🏼✝️
I learn so much from your wisdom and humble teaching. Thank you!!!
Man, so many great questions today! I’m learning a lot and I’m only half way through. Thanks Mike and question-askers ❤
Amen Please pray for my grandkids who live with me and myself for healing and protection and safety Thank you
May Hashem keep and continue to Bless you 🙏
Teach your Grandchildren the HOLY BIBLE ✝️
Prayed for your situation.❤
God bless you
Pastor Mike
Excellent episode 😊😊😊
Mike I appreciate that your ministry is free and available because I can't imagine Jesus approving pay per study ministries. So my question to you is, how do you feel about some of these Christian TH-camrs who have Bible Study courses that they charge? How to Faith, Coffee & Bible, etc. These women are offering studies but you have to pay. So when you spoke about in this video that you will be judged on your ministry, do you think when it's their time for the ministry to be judged, that God will be giving them the thumbs up?
It is wrong and unbiblical for one to expect to receive the fruits of another person's labor for free. Paul talks in 1 Corinthians 9 about how he had every right to be paid for his ministry, but chose not to. Would you expect your pastor to work full-time for the church and not receive a livable wage?
I highly recommend the TH-cam channel “Selling Jesus.”
"God's wrath is not in contradiction to God's grace." What an awesome, perfect thing to say...and its true. ❤
If you suck up to him about how his wrath is really righteous anger, he might not kill you. God's grace.
best preachers !!! Thank u Sir !!! THEY SKWAYS HAVE Humility and Love of Christ Hallelujah
36:29 sometimes I fall asleep Imagining I am transported to the time of Jesus and his teachings. One time I had imagined bringing my cell phone along and started a conversation with Jesus. I think I called him Messiah or Savior. I don’t quite remember his response, but it was something like "you can only have one god to follow, and it’s not my Father" which I understood He meant my phone. It certainly opened my eyes. Metaphorically and physically.
Thanks for your explanation about the wrath of God and the grace of God. You've helped me understand it so much better.
I have been doing like you said "back up" when I am looking at a verse 😊
The simplicity of your prayer and some other pastors like John McArthur, Paul Washer and many others i listen to just calms me down in a strange way. I am from Africa and the way i see some of our pastors pray sometimes feels like they are shaking the entire heaven and earth. Do you pray like that too sometimes.
"It's better to know you don't know"
About #9.
Mike is NOT a natural study-er??????
Do you know how much that motivates me????? ❤❤❤❤
For those who are not aware, JRR Tolkien was a Christian and helped CS Lewis to come to the Lord.
@@donnagiordano7545 he was Catholic
Catholics are Christians.
This video was very helpful to me. Thank you for sharing!
My church just went through a deep study of the book of Jonah. It resonates a lot with the answer to your first question.
wow question 1 was a LECTURE! love it
God’s love is true, God’s judgement is right!
Yes. See reply I posted on that subject. (God is loving but He is also just. …..)
Great Stream as always and even challenging to attempt to put into practice some of the wisdom shared here thanks Mike.
You have helped me so much Mike . Thank You
Love the T-shirt! Keep on teaching, it's such a help. I see things that I never thought about. Thanks
I mentioned a couple times in the live chat about Bible Study Fellowship being a great tool for me to dive deeper into God’s Word. It starts in September and goes till May of next year. We are studying Revelation this year. It’s for all believers or anyone even just seeking, with locations worldwide. If anyone is interested or has any questions, lmk.
I'm going to BSF this Fall. I was a member many years ago for 9 years and have always wanted to return. I'm excited.
@@clasen2013yay how exciting welcome back! I’ve been doing it for a number of years and I love the community it offers and the accountability to have personal study time.
I feel like every church is doing revelation right now. My church has been doing Rev since Easter, and I've seen several others that I follow also studying Rev. The Lord must be doing something in the church🤔
@@According_To_Matt agreed and my church is also studying Revelation right now!!
Ooooh, excellent first topic for a video. The, what seems like, changing morals throughout the Bible was a difficult question I had early on in my Christian walk.
Thank you pastor for what you’re doing! I always feel like I’m learning a lot, listening to your channel.
(How did you choose your name, 'moosechuckle' ? I love it; made me laugh.) ❤😂
Lookin swoll Mike!!💪🏼
Great teaching my brother. God bless you. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!
Hi Mike, thanks so much for explaining question 1. I alway had this impression of God showed more wrath in the Old Testament then in the New One but your answer made it so clear to me now that this is not the case at all. Thank you again for all this great teaching.
For #4, if we back up even further in 1 Corinthians 3, I would say that it's evident from the context that the trial by fire is only a test for Christians. It was mentioned to address the fighting over who was led by who to the Lord. The key is the foundation, Jesus, that will always remain. Non-believers don't (yet) have Jesus, so they have no foundation.
In a world where evil abounds, Gods merciful grace without His judgments wrath could only be unjustifiable destruction. What other conclusion could there possibly be, unless God in His mercy brings evil to an end?
Mike, I've noticed that several questions recently fall into a category that I would call " Who is God"? The questions invlove trying to understand who He is and almost always question attributes of God such as love, justice, wrath,etc. Our men's study group has recently started a study of a booklet by A.W. Tozer copyrighted in 1961. All of us have been Christians for many years and we all have been blown away by his depth of understanding. The booklet is: "The Knowledge Of The Holy". A small booklet but unbelievably challenging. I highly recommend it.
Elijah, there are loads of options on TH-cam to listen to the bible. I personally like David Suchet if you need a place to start. All the best to you! ❤
It was probably about 10-15 years ago, but I remember reading through the old testament and thinking "Why does Israel keep turning away from God?" and then I realized "I do the same thing!" You were spot on when you said that.
One of my favorite images that we get as a result of the old covenant is the tearing of the temple veil.
Bless u always in Jesus name xx Sydney Australia
Such Godly wisdom & teaching Mike - I really appreciate these videos & thank God for your ministry & pray God bless you & your family ❤🙏
glad to see you are feeling better
That's the most Mike Winger shirt of them all.
Lord of the Rings is a great piece of creative fiction. It was written by devote Catholic and Language Professor JRR Tolkein. It perhaps most clearly shows how humans as creative beings in the image of God, can be creative in a way that glorifies God. Perhaps this is why many pastors, scholars and other ordinary people love this work.
How does LOTR and it's pagan images glorify God?
The Lord of the Rings is a fundamentally Christian work. It glorifies God in its entirely Christian worldview. The theme is God working in a “pre-Christian” world to bring about truth, beauty, and goodness through providence.
If you’re interested in exploring this, there are many fine works. I’d recommended the work of Peter Kreeft.
The author set out to write lord of the rings as a mythology for england which is middle earth in the books, so not really christian even though toliken was a believer @@DeshCanter
If you read his letters, he set out to write a mythology of England but abandoned that aspect of the project.
In his own words Lord of the Rings is a “fundamentally Christian work” set in a pre-Christian era.
I am sorry my friend, i dont see that.
But Tolkien himself was even more strern in holding off religious readings. His standard statement on the ‘meaning’ of his book was this:
“It is not ‘about’ anything but itself. Certainly it has no allegorical intentions, general, particular, or topical, moral, religious, or political.”
#9: What came to mind was the difference between taking small bites and chewing well before swallowing in contrast with shoving big bites in, consuming quickly, devouring the meal in seconds.
@@SheilaSmith-z8g amen so true
Thank you for the John the Baptist example. I had not even considered that and it’s timely!
This was prob my fav video of yours honestly/shamefully because I agreed with 99.99% of everything. 😂
The first question was why God SEEMS more wrathful in the OT and more loving in the NT. Not that He has actually changed, but who can doubt that it does indeed seem that way? I think it’s due to the different emphases of the testaments as well as God being propitiated by Christ’s work on the cross at the advent of the NT.
Everyone who God pours his wrath out on was given many chances and warnings, yet they persisted in absolute wickedness. He also wiped out a lot of Nephilim which were absurdly wicked and powerful.
1:03:08 i think its because it was a heartfelt prayer, a honest prayer, coming from the heart; a feeling deep inside, truly crying out to God for mercy knowing youre a sinner and need His mercy. Whereas the other man praying was very arrogant and vain in his prayer, judging others and regarding himself above others. What does God has to do with those words? "Thank you God that i am doing better and being better than my neighbor" thats not love, thats wanting to be more than someone else; thinking you are special and somehow worth more than a next sinner. We are all made in the image of God, but there is only One Who is the perfect image of God and that is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and only He is without sin; the rest of us are sinners, have sinned, or sin and are in desperate need for the Son of God and His mercy and salvation. Lord bless you Mike, I like your videos and reasoning.
Hahaha it made me laugh when you, Mike, re-read “you’re the best”…. “Oops I didn’t mean to re-read that” lol
Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your wicked ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Malachi 3:6
“For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed."
God says Himself that he does not change. He is always the same. New Testament, Old Testament, or right now in the present.
For anyone trying to read the bible. "THE STORY" tells the story of the bible ( its in the NIV) but without some of the harder to read passages. It might be a stepping stone before reading the bible to familiarize yourself with big picture. It helped me and friends if mine
Yes, I just finished reading that to my 11 year old! I think it's really well done.
We were getting bogged down with "and then Solomon ordered 12 bowls of bronze, gold-plated, for the east side of the temple, and xyz, gold-plated for the doors" and it was to the point where she was interrupting me, "don't tell me, it was plated with gold" And I'd say, "ha ha, you're wrong! This one was made of gold all the way to the middle!"
And we were getting tired of the whole thing. I was glad to have found "The Story " that was a bit less detailed.
We did get the idea that Solomon was very wealthy, though!
Please pray for me
“A land as dark as darkness itself, As the shadow of death, without any order, Where even the light is like darkness.”
🎉 Hooray!!!! He's been teasing a study of Hebrews for years now. I can't wait to begin the verse by verse study of this book.
Yeah, I know Bible geek here... 😅
Pastor Mike, I know u have talked a bit about deliverance ministries before. I was just wondering, when I speak to someone who is very involved in “deliverance” ministries like breaking bondages, casting out demons, breaking generational sins, they say all the right things about the fullness and salvation of Jesus but yet they still think there is more to do. What is the linchpin approach to convincing them that they contradict (if they are) by proclaiming there is still more to do? ❤ love the channel
Try to submit this question in one of the next 10 questions because I also want to know the answer...
@@esth8175 I won’t know when to submit it cause I’m in Asia
@@calvingoh9383 ah, that's fair. You might be able to find some help on the Biblethinker website. He has a keyword search and it will narrow down videos to show you where he could have already covered it. I can also ask a friend who is a pastor...
You are so right about people acting all-knowing !!! My ex-husband read the whole Bible once and he knows everything 🤣
Sinners All!
Thanks Mike for another great episode. My only disagreement, I believe we should follow all 10 commandments. Honoring the Sabbath is not a burden but a joy to enjoy a relaxing day and honor our Father.
I agree that it’s not a burden. Even if we disagree that it’s a command for all Christians.
Christians gather for worship on Sunday based on the New Testament.
"only what is truly his should stand in the first place" i like that phrase, i think thats one your of treasures in heaven :)
I like the dramatic readings of the bible
I’ve read many times in the NT where Jesus says if you loved me you’d keep my commandments. So I would take it as following all his 10 Commandments making them important. If it mattered to Jesus it should matter to us. This is in response to the law.
Why would you think this is about the 10 commandments?
Jesus gave us many commandments in His teachings. Love one another for example, and pray for those who persecute you.
It seems very unlikely He was talking about the 10 commandments, especially since Paul teaches us that we are not under the Law.
Almost everything Jesus said was a commandment. Be anxious for nothing, do not worry, do not fear, heal the sick, cast out devils and so forth. Study the Greek and you will see the imperative mood of the words that were used. ❤️ There are far more than 10.
A born again believer is saved by faith in the finished work of Jesus which gives us grace to be saved. We are not under the law. However,the Holy Spirit in the believer convicts us of our sin and helps us become more like Jesus. There is not one human who has never sinned or who could keep the law,except Jesus. Some people are better at practicing what Jesus said than others. You will not be sent to hell for not being able to keep the commands. You will be sent to hell for not believing in Jesus and the gift of grace. But there are no works that will get you to heaven. Jesus illustrates this clearly when He says there will be those who come to Me saying,Did I not heal in your Name? Did I not cast out demons in your Name ? Jesus says to them,be gone you workers of iniquity. I never knew you. It faith and faith alone that saves.
Jesus gave 40-some commandments in the Gospel accounts. None of them were to keep the Sabbath. Fine if you want to observe it, but not a command under the New Covenant.
@@joshuacavender1536 You have some pretty strange theology beliefs. I do not see Jesus saying anything about giving out "commandments". He said, that Love your God with your hole mind,heart and soul. The second was Love your neighbor as yourself. These fulfill all of the law. He doesn't say these are in addition to the 40 other commandments I gave you.
So please enlighten us how do you get saved? What is it that gets a person to heaven?
I have a question I hope somebody can help me with. How do you pray for an abusive step parent that continues to abuse. How do you pray for a government official that says and does things that go against Christ. How do you pray for people who continually abuse the people of a nation. How do you pray for people that you perceive as evil. Thank you God bless.