I like a girl very much, I am trying my best to use it.. but I have nothing except Instagram.. what should I do.. these girls are from Romania.. I know bro , this is a bit strange.. but I have tried everything.. I even keep every monday and Friday fast for him..
= there is also North Bucovina/ Czernowitz Cernăuți/ occupied by Russia and now Ukraine. - / te duci des pe la Navy Pier ? Roata mare, un teatru, etc./ îți place ? /
@@haiduc4ever , Corect este partea Ţării de Sus a Moldovei. Numele de Bucovina i-a fost impus acestui teritoriu după ocupaţia austriacă de la 1775. În limba ucraineană sau în limba rusă cuvântul ' Бук ' se traduce în limba română ca Fag (copac). Austriecii au făcut voit acest schimb de termeni pentru a rupe acest teritoriu şi din istoria şi din mentalitatea moldovenilor de atunci.
Am impresia ca isi face veacul pe aici un sonat cu mai multe conturi, care n-are alta treaba decat sa se lege de o litera. Bai, tu/voi n-aveti nimic de comentat despre clipul in sine? Mai stiti voi atat de multe videouri de calitate despre Bucovina? Stiti povestea lui Creanga cu prostia omeneasca? Stiti intamplarea cu "muieti-s posmagii"?
Michael, I assume you have jewish ancestors. Bukovina, at the turn of XX-th century, was like a Garden of Eden for Jews, being named "Jewish ElDorado", and Czernowitz "Jerusalem on Prut". Sadly, all is gone now. I hope you don't mind me asking.
I'm glad I found this wonderful video. My wife is from Romania and I have visited many places including Transylvania (which is very beautiful). We were going to visit Bukovina but then the china virus stopped all travel. This video makes me want to go there even more and it's number ONE on my wish list as soon as we can travel. Thank you for sharing.
Great news! To be honest, I've been there last year in August-September and I really enjoyed it! I literally dodged the crowded areas because everything was empty. So, if you have a chance, I'd still recommend visiting Bukovina even now. Most Airbnb's or hotels are very clean and the nature is usually reserved for you and some locals, which is even better than peak period with tons and tons of tourists. But I'm really happy this video made you visit this place even more! Thank you for commenting! Means a lot to me :)
The home of my ancient ancestors. I was adopted many years ago and have never returned. Your video gives me a longing for home and does great justice to the beautiful land which has never parted from my soul. Multumesc
@@FramingReality pentru puțin! Videoclipurile tale mă ajută și când îmi e dor de România, dar și când vreau să o promovez! Și am observat că vorbitorii nativi de engleză nu sunt adepți ai subtitrărilor și nici nu strâmbă din nas dacă cineva are accent, mai ales dacă persoana în cauză vorbește corect gramatical, pentru că ei apreciază efortul de a vorbi o altă limbă. Mulțumesc mult, sărbători fericite și un An Nou cât mai bun!
@DD-ROне варто писати брехню. Буковина історична земля Галицько-Волинського князівства, України. Навіть назви населених пунктів у обох частин Буковини, як і сама Буковина - українські, а не румунські. Окупантом була якраз Румунія для південної Буковини, разом із німцями окупували Чернівці
@@artur_podroznik fed-up ukrainian, Ukraine occupied Cernauti because of the soviets and Stalin in 1940, same counts for Lwow, Lutsk, Transcarphatia, your country has territories which rightfully belong to their neighbors (Poland, Romania, Slovakia) 🇹🇩🇸🇰🇵🇱🤜🇺🇦
@@albapatriotproductions1198 вивчи історію, Румунія це окупант була для Чернівців, Буковинське віче, чув про таке??? Отож, або вчи всю історію або закрий свій рот неуч
Man, I live in the most northest city of Romania. I do go to Bucovina quite often, and its the best. Very unique! I live in a village, and ive only started discovering its past and it's folklore.
Mulțumesc mult pentru comment, George! Mi-ar fi plăcut să găsesc ceva muzică tradițională, însă din punct de vedere Copyright, este aproape imposibil, așa că am mers pe ceva cu tente puțin orientale.
Congrats for this another great video! You made me think about our roadtrip in 2014. Not because of this place, but because I saw some details similar to Maramures, the houses, the straws in the fields and the horses with cart. So good memories. On the other hand, you made me think about the Azores green fields and the similarities between this region! Indeed, a must go to visit next time I will come back to Romania! This video is so good!! 😍😍 And congrats for the 3k. 😃
Thank you for the awesome video, I only saw small parts for the time being. I would like to say, as an inhabitant of Bukovina, that contrary to what you said, the autumn and winter is when Bukovina reaches maximum of magic. In october, for the godly picturesque images of different colours of the forest, and in december, for the awesome snow covered mountains coupled with the famous ancient winter traditions, like "Malanka". And don't forget, North Bukovina is in Ukraine now, and the Capital, Cernauti, is one of the most beautiful cities of its size in Europe! Bukovina was also a land of poets and writers, and there is no other territory in this part of Europe with so many personalities on square meter. It gave the world writers like Paul Celan, Gregor von Rezzori, Rose Auslander, Aharon Appelfeld, Norman Manea, Matei Visniec, musicians like Porumbescu, science people like Erwin Chargaff. A very unique land.
Nick, that's such an amazing comment! I didn't know many of the things you said, especially that we have plenty of poets and writers. You should definitely start creating videos with a more historical focus.
@@FramingReality Thank you, but is not an outstanding comment, this information can be find on internet. Yes, you can't find another region in this part of Europe with this concentration of important people. Writers, musicians, sportspeople, businessmen, actors etc. And about the best period in Bukovina....This is not only my opinion, but is well known the beauty of winter here. Plus Bukovina has a famed balneoclimateric and ski resort locality, Vatra Dornei, and another good ski resort at Gura Humorului. And about the monasteries...Voronet is by far the most famous from all, being named "Sixtine Chapel of the East". P.S. Are you romanian?
@@guguman4157 Exactly in 1944, first in 1940. And we have to "thank" for this to Viaceslav Molotov, who played a poker bluf and stole Northern Bukovina, because he fancied so much the town of Cernauti.
Mii de multumiri pentru clip. Foarte bine realizat, sper sa nu te superi insa il voi folosi pentru proiectul pe care trebuie sa il fac si anume un website de prezentare pentru Bucovina:)
salut, Bogdan. Multumesc frumos pentru toate cuvintele frumoase! Legat de copyright, te rog sa-mi scrii pe realityframing@gmail.com si sa reluam discutia acolo. Sunt mai multi termeni pe care ar trebui sa-i stii daca il folosesti.
We Visited Romina 3years Ago….we traffeld for 8 Werks through the hole Country and we Realschule Falles in Loge with Young Country….also Ohr Kids would like to Stay there forever…….we will Comeback to This really beautifull Country With the very cool And Friendly people and Culture
Any type of product that's created by the amazingly critical human beings has a dose of framing, therefore might be an act to subjective opinions. Sorry that I'm not a robot, but at least this video says that I was not chipped by Bill Gates's %G modems and I'm still a genuine dude that makes something for the good, hopefully.
Half of it is in Ukraine because of USSR taking it for a final time at the end of the WW2...The entire Bucovina was always a Romanian territory...all the Ukrainians, Ruthenians, Russians, Jews etc were brought there by the Habsburgs in greater numbers first starting in the XVIII th century and afterwards by the Russians who deported the Romanians to other parts of the USSR in the 40s and 50s of the XXth century ,and brought instead Slavic people...so nowadays the part that is in Ukraine doesn't have too many Romanians or Moldavians left...Cernauti has become Cernovski and Romanian/Moldavian is spoken less and less...Thank you Russia, thank you Ukraine . Are we going to be whole again? I think never!!
WE are always together : Bucovina de Nord si Bucovina de Sud, alãturi de Tara Mamã : ROMÂNIA💙💛❤️ 🙏✝️🇷🇴❤️🇲🇩✝️🙏. No political clown will ever succeed divising us. No matter where he comes from. 🙂 same for traitors and fake people, trying to divise us for their own interest. Btw all informations you wrote are correct ! ❤️
@@DesperateDawggo21 not always my friend! Not always! They were brought there, what they own now-they stole!When it's about politics Ukrainians or Russians never behaved nice towards the Romanians. Never! And this is the truth! Including Zelenski! And who are you to talk my friend? You're from Middle East and you don't really know the history of these lands!
@@BTL6666 I'm half Ukrainian and half middle eastern and I'm kinda tired of people making claims on our land. Ukrainians and Romanians have always lived in the land together since the Kievan Rus times. Also Romanian is recognized as a minority language in Bukovina. Theres no ethnic violence or persecution against Romanians. Romanians are not oppressed in Ukraine. Yes the Russians were bad but Ukrainians treat their minorities well
@@DesperateDawggo21 really? Do you really believe what you write? This is the official version of your Government. Ukrainians ARE closing Romanian schools there and I know for sure from Romanians living there the way the Ukrainian authorities are treating them! Your country is a made up country!!! And this is the truth! I'm not pro Russian but I'm not pro Ukrainian either! During the Kievan Russ those territories may have belonged for a while to that authority but the population there was not Ukrainian at all, or even Ruthenian. But you would like to don't you? So you can make claims no? My friend, Ukraine did not exist in those times. The population there, in Bucovina, initially and primarily was proto-Romanian 100%. I can see that you admit that the Russians were bad...so if they were bad like you say why Ukraine did not give back the territories that the Russians/USSR stole after WW2?...back to Poland, back to Slovakia, back to Romania?..but Ukraine chose to keep them?..hypocritical a bit don't you think? I will end my replies to you here and now. I had enough of it.
Thank you for your comment! Indeed, the name is Bucovina in Romanian. In English, we refer to the region as Bukovina. It's the same with Transylvania. In Romanian we spell Transilvania.
Bukovina is the name for wich this land is recognized in Europe. Mai terminati cu fudulia asta tipic romaneasca. Fiti recunoscatori ca cineva isi da silinta sa faca un video klumea de promovare a acestei magice provincii istorice, ca altceva nu prea gasesti pe YT, romanii sunt ocupati cu manelele.
Așa e. În engleză nu există Bucovina / Bukovina. Englezii au preluat ce li s-a arătat de austrieci. Iar noi ar trebui să stăruim cu denumirea dată de noi.
Pastrati numele romanesti asa cum sint: Bucovina (se scrie, de unde si puna unde a aparut litera K ?) Voronet , Sucevita. Puteti ajuta turistii straini cu o transcriere fonetica.
Cotnari?! In Bucovina??! Lol! Edit: in titlul din video se putea foarte bine pus si denumerea noastra romaneasca, BUCOVINA, fara "k", ca nu suntem slavi Cotnari?! In Bucovina??! Lol! Edit: the title of the video could very well include our Romanian name, BUCOVINA, without the "k", because we are not Slavs
Bucovina e in romana, Bukovina in engleza, Buchenland in germana, Bucowina in poloneza si Буковина in ucraineana. Asa ca, fratioru meu de sange, poate nu ti-ai dat seama, dar video-ul este in engleza, pentru englezi. Sorry, not sorry, dar universul nu se invarte in jurul Romaniei.
So incredibly touched by how gracefully you put it all together
You speak yoga, I speak visual storytelling!
Doamne binecuvanteaza ROMANIA!
Felicitări și Salutări din Chișinău la toată lumea bună !
I am from Bucovina, Suceava and I simply love our land. România is great.❤
I want to ask sth about sucueva, i will be there 3 days later. Can we speak on any social media platform?
I like a girl very much, I am trying my best to use it.. but I have nothing except Instagram.. what should I do.. these girls are from Romania..
I know bro , this is a bit strange.. but I have tried everything.. I even keep every monday and Friday fast for him..
Thanks for posting! My ancestors come from Bukovina and Maramures. I love genealogy and wish to visit one day! Salut din Chicago!
Nu stâlci numele, corect este Bucovina nu Bukovina.
= there is also North Bucovina/ Czernowitz Cernăuți/ occupied by Russia and now Ukraine.
- / te duci des pe la Navy Pier ? Roata mare, un teatru, etc./ îți place ? /
@@haiduc4ever , Corect este partea Ţării de Sus a Moldovei. Numele de Bucovina i-a fost impus acestui teritoriu după ocupaţia austriacă de la 1775.
În limba ucraineană sau în limba rusă cuvântul ' Бук ' se traduce în limba română ca Fag (copac). Austriecii au făcut voit acest schimb de termeni pentru a rupe acest teritoriu şi din istoria şi din mentalitatea moldovenilor de atunci.
Am impresia ca isi face veacul pe aici un sonat cu mai multe conturi, care n-are alta treaba decat sa se lege de o litera. Bai, tu/voi n-aveti nimic de comentat despre clipul in sine? Mai stiti voi atat de multe videouri de calitate despre Bucovina?
Stiti povestea lui Creanga cu prostia omeneasca? Stiti intamplarea cu "muieti-s posmagii"?
Michael, I assume you have jewish ancestors. Bukovina, at the turn of XX-th century, was like a Garden of Eden for Jews, being named "Jewish ElDorado", and Czernowitz "Jerusalem on Prut". Sadly, all is gone now.
I hope you don't mind me asking.
I am a Filipino from Southeast Asia. I hope I can visit Bucovina someday.
Very cool video. I invite you to do something similar in the northern part of Bukovina))
Pace din Cernăuți!
Noroc și sănătate! : ) Foarte frumos că mai păstrați limba în Cernăuți!
Vasile te salutãm cu respect din Buvovina de Sud. 🤗🙏✝️ Dumnezeu sã vã ocroteascã si sã ne ocroteascã uniti mereu 🙏✝️❤️✝️🙏
De acord
Felicitari si respectul meu pentru filmarile ce le faci, si pentru ca transmiti si strainilor ce tara frumoasa este Romania! Si unica!
Alex, multumesc mult pentru comentariu! Esti unul din oamenii care ma ajuta sa continui cu video-uri de genul asta :)
I watched this video like a movie, very mesmerizing voice and music
Hey, Kristina! It's really fulfilling when I read comments like yours! I'm glad you like the video :)
I'm glad I found this wonderful video. My wife is from Romania and I have visited many places including Transylvania (which is very beautiful). We were going to visit Bukovina but then the china virus stopped all travel. This video makes me want to go there even more and it's number ONE on my wish list as soon as we can travel. Thank you for sharing.
Great news! To be honest, I've been there last year in August-September and I really enjoyed it! I literally dodged the crowded areas because everything was empty. So, if you have a chance, I'd still recommend visiting Bukovina even now. Most Airbnb's or hotels are very clean and the nature is usually reserved for you and some locals, which is even better than peak period with tons and tons of tourists. But I'm really happy this video made you visit this place even more!
Thank you for commenting! Means a lot to me :)
Felicitări! Un film de excepție! Mulțumesc pentru promovare!
Și eu sunt din BUCOVINA!
Beautiful! Felicitări, Cristian!
Feel the clean air absolutely, thanks for sharing 👍
No problem 👍
your creation transposed me into a world of stories. congratulations!
Ce ma bucur! Multumesc mult pentru commentariu si pentru faptul ca esti abonat :)
The home of my ancient ancestors. I was adopted many years ago and have never returned. Your video gives me a longing for home and does great justice to the beautiful land which has never parted from my soul. Multumesc
Such an amazing comment! I'm glad this video brought you closer to your homeland and I hope one day you'll be able to visit Bucovina!
You should make time and go to some of good Bucovina places, to heal your soul 🙏✝️❤️🌻🕊️
Jos pălăria, un material la superlativ! 👍😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🌹💙💛❤️
Multumesc frumos! Ma bucur ca va place materialul!
Bucovina este inima Moldovei.
Toată lumea ar trebui să vadă cât de frumos bate.
Felicitări, arată foarte foarte bine și vorbești și engleza foarte corect, eu personal îți mulțumesc pentru efortul de a ne promova țara!
Ce mesaj fain! Multumesc mult pentru vibe-ul positiv! Sarbatori fericite!
@@FramingReality pentru puțin! Videoclipurile tale mă ajută și când îmi e dor de România, dar și când vreau să o promovez! Și am observat că vorbitorii nativi de engleză nu sunt adepți ai subtitrărilor și nici nu strâmbă din nas dacă cineva are accent, mai ales dacă persoana în cauză vorbește corect gramatical, pentru că ei apreciază efortul de a vorbi o altă limbă. Mulțumesc mult, sărbători fericite și un An Nou cât mai bun!
Țara de sus a Moldovei! 😍
Absolut superbă!
Da, Moldova, doar ca propagandistii ăștia au uitat de Moldova. Au doar bukowina în cap, regiune austriacă. Trăiască Moldova!
@DD-ROне варто писати брехню. Буковина історична земля Галицько-Волинського князівства, України. Навіть назви населених пунктів у обох частин Буковини, як і сама Буковина - українські, а не румунські. Окупантом була якраз Румунія для південної Буковини, разом із німцями окупували Чернівці
@@artur_podroznik fed-up ukrainian, Ukraine occupied Cernauti because of the soviets and Stalin in 1940, same counts for Lwow, Lutsk, Transcarphatia, your country has territories which rightfully belong to their neighbors (Poland, Romania, Slovakia) 🇹🇩🇸🇰🇵🇱🤜🇺🇦
@@albapatriotproductions1198 вивчи історію, Румунія це окупант була для Чернівців, Буковинське віче, чув про таке??? Отож, або вчи всю історію або закрий свій рот неуч
I'm from Bucovina.
Here is my home.❤️
Very beautiful home, indeed!
Thanks for this stunningly beautiful video! I love the music!!
Thank you for your comment! I hope one day you'll visit Bucovina! It's an incredible land :)
Man, I live in the most northest city of Romania. I do go to Bucovina quite often, and its the best. Very unique! I live in a village, and ive only started discovering its past and it's folklore.
I am from Bucovina . 👏🤗❤️🙏
I live in Bucovina. Your movie is great, but you forgot two important things: the kindness of people and the goodness of godness of food
Indeed, I didn't mention about food (especially ciorba rădăuțeană), nor people, but I leave reasons to go back and create a future video!
Bukovina hangi ülke' de yeralıyor❓
@@sirinbekoglu4468 România!
THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!!❤️🇷🇴❤️🇷🇴❤️🇷🇴❤️🇷🇴❤️
@@Ella-gh2or thaaank you! Glad you like it ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations! This is the best video made by you that I've seen so far. 🤗💙💚🇷🇴
Such a compliment! Multumesc!
Wonderful! I had goosebumps. The images, sounds and the description are all amazing! Thank you!
Multumesc, Nicoleta! Ma bucur mult ca iti place :D
Wonderful video. I am looking forward to visit friends who live there to discover this beautiful area!!!!
Absolut superbă prezentarea!
Ce mult ma bucur ca va place si ca mi-ati lasat acest mesaj!
Beautiful upload:)) Thank you for sharing
I'm glad you like it!
Bucovina mea frumoasă ❤️
Daaa, Bucovina noastră!
Bucovina noastra! ❤🇷🇴🇷🇴
Frumos video, salutări din Ucraina, din Cernăuți. Mulțumesc pentru videoclipul fără prorogare pe subiecte istorice. Felicitari!
multumesc, Arthur!
Multumesc, Vlad!
So beautiful! Tks
Anytime! That region deserves as many videos as possible
Congratulations !
Thank you :)
Man, this video deserves a whole lot more views. Awesome work! Keep it up
Thank you! I'm sure it will get the views during the next year :)
Nicely done! For the sake of good order, Ceahlău Mountain and Cotnari Wineyard are not in Bucovina but nearby.
Very Beautiful !🌼🐞🌼
Foarte frumos! Poate era mai potrivită o muzică tradițională românească pe fundal! Mi-a plăcut oricum!🙂
Mulțumesc mult pentru comment, George! Mi-ar fi plăcut să găsesc ceva muzică tradițională, însă din punct de vedere Copyright, este aproape imposibil, așa că am mers pe ceva cu tente puțin orientale.
Minunat, mulțumim că promovezi BUCOVINA!
Congrats for this another great video!
You made me think about our roadtrip in 2014. Not because of this place, but because I saw some details similar to Maramures, the houses, the straws in the fields and the horses with cart. So good memories.
On the other hand, you made me think about the Azores green fields and the similarities between this region! Indeed, a must go to visit next time I will come back to Romania!
This video is so good!! 😍😍
And congrats for the 3k. 😃
Simply beautiful.
Multumesc, Bogdan! Astept content si de la tine :D
Thank you for the awesome video, I only saw small parts for the time being. I would like to say, as an inhabitant of Bukovina, that contrary to what you said, the autumn and winter is when Bukovina reaches maximum of magic. In october, for the godly picturesque images of different colours of the forest, and in december, for the awesome snow covered mountains coupled with the famous ancient winter traditions, like "Malanka".
And don't forget, North Bukovina is in Ukraine now, and the Capital, Cernauti, is one of the most beautiful cities of its size in Europe!
Bukovina was also a land of poets and writers, and there is no other territory in this part of Europe with so many personalities on square meter. It gave the world writers like Paul Celan, Gregor von Rezzori, Rose Auslander, Aharon Appelfeld, Norman Manea, Matei Visniec, musicians like Porumbescu, science people like Erwin Chargaff.
A very unique land.
Nick, that's such an amazing comment! I didn't know many of the things you said, especially that we have plenty of poets and writers. You should definitely start creating videos with a more historical focus.
The Northern part of Bucovina that is currently under Ukraine was taken by Russians after the WW2 same as Moldova.
@@FramingReality Thank you, but is not an outstanding comment, this information can be find on internet. Yes, you can't find another region in this part of Europe with this concentration of important people. Writers, musicians, sportspeople, businessmen, actors etc.
And about the best period in Bukovina....This is not only my opinion, but is well known the beauty of winter here. Plus Bukovina has a famed balneoclimateric and ski resort locality, Vatra Dornei, and another good ski resort at Gura Humorului.
And about the monasteries...Voronet is by far the most famous from all, being named "Sixtine Chapel of the East".
P.S. Are you romanian?
@@guguman4157 Exactly in 1944, first in 1940. And we have to "thank" for this to Viaceslav Molotov, who played a poker bluf and stole Northern Bukovina, because he fancied so much the town of Cernauti.
This is the type of place I'm looking for retirement . I'm a romanian serb that lived in NYC all my life . Thanks for the great video
@@motogucci4050 it's a great place, indeed.
Felicitari pentru film!
Cu mare drag!
Very nice video about an unknown region. Mulțumesc
Thank you! I'm glad you like it and I hope you will have the change of visiting it one day :)
In momentele in care va uitati la palcurile de padure din video, Fluturili le-a ras deja..
Bravissimo Cristi, complimenti
Multumesc! Ma bucur ca iti place!
Beautiful !
Parcul Național Ceahlău și Podgoriile Cotnari nu se află în Bucovina! Felicitări pentru filmări!
Mii de multumiri pentru clip. Foarte bine realizat, sper sa nu te superi insa il voi folosi pentru proiectul pe care trebuie sa il fac si anume un website de prezentare pentru Bucovina:)
salut, Bogdan. Multumesc frumos pentru toate cuvintele frumoase!
Legat de copyright, te rog sa-mi scrii pe realityframing@gmail.com si sa reluam discutia acolo. Sunt mai multi termeni pe care ar trebui sa-i stii daca il folosesti.
Foarte frumos, bravo. 🇲🇩🇹🇩😉
Ma bucur mult ca iti place :)
Magical and unique ❤️
It's really unique!
THANK YOU FROM BUCOVINA...Nou film rominesc..'.BUCOVINA MEA DRAGA...!!Salutari din Patrauti...!!!
Great video. Too bad you wrote Bucovina wrong in the beginning.
Thank you! Chic happens :)
We Visited Romina 3years Ago….we traffeld for 8 Werks through the hole Country and we Realschule Falles in Loge with Young Country….also Ohr Kids would like to Stay there forever…….we will Comeback to This really beautifull Country With the very cool And Friendly people and Culture
I'm glad you like Romania! Thanks for stopping by and writing a nice comment.
@@FramingReality we will come back for shure....!!! Would like to stay forever...... Greetings from. Germany
Multumesc, Florian!
Why put Arabic music at the beginning? 🤔😳
Ottoman influence 😄
”Framing” Reality. To frame also means to put up a fake scenario.
So deep :))
Any type of product that's created by the amazingly critical human beings has a dose of framing, therefore might be an act to subjective opinions. Sorry that I'm not a robot, but at least this video says that I was not chipped by Bill Gates's %G modems and I'm still a genuine dude that makes something for the good, hopefully.
@Alina, I have the same question: Why do Romanians add ketchup on pizza?
Glad your eyes turned into hearts!
Bucovina and North Moldova was from Focsani also to Liov to Odesa
ODESA was Romania teritory
Da war ich auch sehr schön ❤
E foarte bine da numele e bucovina nu bukovina dar stiu ca data viitoare poti sa faci may bine
Multumesc pentru mesaj :)
Hello bro..
Ankit this side from India
I am from India.. I have fallen in love with a girl from your country..
why you put an indian music
Poate alta data ziceti si ceva despre Hutuli, minoritatea etnolingvistica cea mai importanta din Bucovina
De ce ,,cea mai importanta"?
@@veravranau903de aia că suntem cei mai mulți, ai înțeles?
@@dragos_serghie Asta nu inseamna ca sunteti si cei mai importanti, ai inteles?
Sober September Oktoberfest salaam
Half of it is in Ukraine because of USSR taking it for a final time at the end of the WW2...The entire Bucovina was always a Romanian territory...all the Ukrainians, Ruthenians, Russians, Jews etc were brought there by the Habsburgs in greater numbers first starting in the XVIII th century and afterwards by the Russians who deported the Romanians to other parts of the USSR in the 40s and 50s of the XXth century ,and brought instead Slavic people...so nowadays the part that is in Ukraine doesn't have too many Romanians or Moldavians left...Cernauti has become Cernovski and Romanian/Moldavian is spoken less and less...Thank you Russia, thank you Ukraine . Are we going to be whole again? I think never!!
WE are always together : Bucovina de Nord si Bucovina de Sud, alãturi de Tara Mamã : ROMÂNIA💙💛❤️ 🙏✝️🇷🇴❤️🇲🇩✝️🙏. No political clown will ever succeed divising us. No matter where he comes from. 🙂 same for traitors and fake people, trying to divise us for their own interest. Btw all informations you wrote are correct ! ❤️
Oh Please. Ukrainians and Romanians always lived together in the area. You should give them the right to own some of it
@@DesperateDawggo21 not always my friend! Not always! They were brought there, what they own now-they stole!When it's about politics Ukrainians or Russians never behaved nice towards the Romanians. Never! And this is the truth! Including Zelenski! And who are you to talk my friend? You're from Middle East and you don't really know the history of these lands!
@@BTL6666 I'm half Ukrainian and half middle eastern and I'm kinda tired of people making claims on our land. Ukrainians and Romanians have always lived in the land together since the Kievan Rus times. Also Romanian is recognized as a minority language in Bukovina. Theres no ethnic violence or persecution against Romanians. Romanians are not oppressed in Ukraine. Yes the Russians were bad but Ukrainians treat their minorities well
@@DesperateDawggo21 really? Do you really believe what you write? This is the official version of your Government. Ukrainians ARE closing Romanian schools there and I know for sure from Romanians living there the way the Ukrainian authorities are treating them! Your country is a made up country!!! And this is the truth! I'm not pro Russian but I'm not pro Ukrainian either!
During the Kievan Russ those territories may have belonged for a while to that authority but the population there was not Ukrainian at all, or even Ruthenian. But you would like to don't you? So you can make claims no? My friend, Ukraine did not exist in those times. The population there, in Bucovina, initially and primarily was proto-Romanian 100%.
I can see that you admit that the Russians were bad...so if they were bad like you say why Ukraine did not give back the territories that the Russians/USSR stole after WW2?...back to Poland, back to Slovakia, back to Romania?..but Ukraine chose to keep them?..hypocritical a bit don't you think?
I will end my replies to you here and now. I had enough of it.
Alexander Vextor
It was all Romania teritorry
Bio agriculture Forest
Wonderful video, but the name is Bucovina, not Bukovina!
Thank you for your comment! Indeed, the name is Bucovina in Romanian. In English, we refer to the region as Bukovina.
It's the same with Transylvania. In Romanian we spell Transilvania.
The name is Northern Moldova,not bucovina,bucovina is the nickname the Austrian conquerors gave to the land they stole in 1775.
Bukovina is the name for wich this land is recognized in Europe.
Mai terminati cu fudulia asta tipic romaneasca.
Fiti recunoscatori ca cineva isi da silinta sa faca un video klumea de promovare a acestei magice provincii istorice, ca altceva nu prea gasesti pe YT, romanii sunt ocupati cu manelele.
@@nickradevits5201 Foarte tare! Esti primul care vede asta si comenteaza! Multumesc de 100 de ori. You made my day!
Așa e. În engleză nu există Bucovina / Bukovina. Englezii au preluat ce li s-a arătat de austrieci. Iar noi ar trebui să stăruim cu denumirea dată de noi.
Pastrati numele romanesti asa cum sint: Bucovina (se scrie, de unde si puna unde a aparut litera K ?)
Voronet , Sucevita. Puteti ajuta turistii straini cu o transcriere fonetica.
Cotnari?! In Bucovina??!
Edit: in titlul din video se putea foarte bine pus si denumerea noastra romaneasca, BUCOVINA, fara "k", ca nu suntem slavi
Cotnari?! In Bucovina??!
Edit: the title of the video could very well include our Romanian name, BUCOVINA, without the "k", because we are not Slavs
The footage is appealing but there are big geographic inaccuracies. Cotnari and Ceahlau in Bukovina??!! Wrong! I had to stop watching after this...
Thank you for your corrections and for your comment :)
Se scrie Bucovina, fara "K"✌️
Minte in posibila, apreciez grija ta la detalii. In engleza oare cum se scrie?
cum sa scrii bucovina cu k?!!!!pe bune??????unde te ai nascut fratioare ?in manhattan?
Bucovina e in romana, Bukovina in engleza, Buchenland in germana, Bucowina in poloneza si Буковина in ucraineana.
Asa ca, fratioru meu de sange, poate nu ti-ai dat seama, dar video-ul este in engleza, pentru englezi.
Sorry, not sorry, dar universul nu se invarte in jurul Romaniei.
@@FramingReality muta te in uk fratiorul meu vandut.lasa ne pe noi asa cum suntem .daca ai face ceva si pt romani poate ca s ar invarti .
@@FramingReality ai scris gresit atunci Discover bucovina the land bla bla ...cum facem?
@@danybursuc594 e greu sa ii impaci pe toti :)
@@danybursuc594Ai măcelărit limba română și te mai dai și mare patriot 🥴
Eastern Europe, i thought Romania its in the Central Europe?
Romania is located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe.
It is actually Bu"c"ovina not Bu"k"ovina, it is cool enough as it is don't try cosmetically ruin it
Sthepan the great dont born on Ukraine,Rusia,Poland in Romania
Bucovina is a name invented by the austro-hungarian empire, the name of the region is Upper Moldavia not Bucovina, in romanian Moldova de Sus.
Corect. Denumirea, din ce știu a fost dată după numele lui Adolf Nikolaus von Buccow, care a fost numit de Maria Tereza Guvernator al Transilvaniei.
Naratorul mai bine punea subtitrari in engleza si vorbea in romana. M-a terminat accentul
Îmi pare rău. Lucrez la asta :)
Ideea cu subtitrarea este foarte bună :)
Poate am fost prea dur, scuze. Dacă ai găsi pe cineva englez nativ sau american să nareze ar fi un plus.
Spaniards are roaming around the globe colonizing a nation and built great buildings.
Trebuia sa o lasi fara romgleza ... sau macar sa zici in romana ... la cum omori engleza si cuvintele ... strici tot video-ul...
@@FramingReality nu e adevarat . Naratorul are o engleza buna. 👏👍
@@MaximDL1410 multumesc, Viorel!
Exalted cred că ori ești invidios ori habarnist, băiatul ăsta sa străduit să facă ceva in schimb tu ce faci?
Că nu văd rostul la comentariul tău.
Ceahlau nu are treaba cu Bucovina!!