Here are lyrics. Please use translator. 是否能梦到电子羊ay When i can catch that bio sheep 漂浮在霓虹的海洋ay When i can let that sheep grab ay 街边的鸣笛像在开派对 电流脑中作祟 掀起被子和天气配对 天气很差心情节节败退 这城市没有白天 黑夜中升起工业的白烟 萦绕在光怪的城市给那破败的程序带来寂寞又升起狼烟 人们从不正眼看我 他们沉浸在这低端生活 我的任务是帮他们排解寂寞 但谁又能来铺平我的颠簸 I have no mouth but I still wanna scream 无声狂啸众人却皆是醉 I am like a mouse though I dont wanna get into cats stomach casually ay 呼吸 我来到这片街道 雾气 是工业的毒药 I AINT GOT DRUNK 钢筋散发的香薰进入我的肺 My feelings got fake 温暖肌肤没有知觉 数字充斥着我的视觉 却期望在梦里面 和那梦不到的 电子羊相见 是否能梦到电子羊ay When i can catch that bio sheep 漂浮在霓虹的海洋ay When i can let that sheep grab ay 是否能梦到电子羊ay When i can catch that bio sheep 漂浮在霓虹的海洋ay When i can let that sheep grab ay 从未听到过人们说过再见 唯能爱恋身上缠绕着的电线 就算摔倒我也不能流出血 只能低头看着洒落的营养液 会呼吸的街道人流涌动 无法呼吸的我想要伸手触碰 眼前浮窗却提醒我请勿触碰 身体像是八百吨的负重 error I GOT RICHES IN MY MIND I GOT NOTHING IN MY MIND I GOT PLEASURE SORROW ANGER JOYS PASSIONS IN MY MIND Nobody cares 停留 都是无谓的挣扎 爆发着将那爱恋着的拔下 街道很冰感觉像是回了家 希望电子羊不会嫌弃我的邋遢 是否能梦到电子羊ay When i can catch that bio sheep 漂浮在霓虹的海洋ay When i can let that sheep grab ay 是否能梦到电子羊ay When i can catch that bio sheep 漂浮在霓虹的海洋ay When i can let that sheep grab ay 漂浮在霓虹的海洋ay When i can let that sheep grab ay
Here is the story. Please use translator. 046号是个酒吧服务型仿生人,他的自我意识还未觉醒,萌芽的自我意识以霓虹色电子羊的形象出现在每次休眠的梦中,每次都是伸手去够但是够不到。 他每天上班时都会路过一家仿生人商店,渐渐喜欢上橱窗里的一个商品,但是他自己并不知道那是商品,只觉得是同类他很喜欢。 在一次自我意识突破后想要更进一步的接触这个喜欢的对象,但在想触摸商店橱窗时被自己的程序强制拒绝,反抗程序的过程中机体过载开始损坏,看到自己的营养液流出而无动于衷,他唯一的想法就是突破程序接触对方。 但最后他因为机体损坏和能源不足,死在了橱窗前的地上,成为城市肮脏角落里又一个报废的产品残骸。
046 is a bartender Andriod, with his self-consciousness not yet fully awaken, though a neon Electric Sheep keeps occurring in his premature self-consciousness every time he dreams, he reach out his hand but was unable to touch it. He walks by an Andriod shop every day on the way to work, and starts to have feelings about a product inside the display window, he is unable to conceptualize the fact that he's looking at a product, he just feels connected because he thought he is looking at something of his kind. After a breakthrough in his self-consciousness, he attempted to further connect with the Andriod that he's having affection about, though he was being forcefully denied the action by his programming when he tries to touch the display window, his body starts to take damage due to overload during the process of rebellion, he sits motionless watching his body fluid slowly drips down, with the only thought in his mind being to break free from his programming and touch the other Andriod. He eventually died next to the display window due to damage on the body and running out of power, became yet another junk of a broken product at the dingy corner of this city.
Plot according to the animator: 046 is a bartender Andriod, with his self-consciousness not yet fully awaken, though a neon Electric Sheep keeps occurring in his premature self-consciousness every time he dreams, he reach out his hand but was unable to touch it. He walks by an Andriod shop every day on the way to work, and starts to have feelings about a product inside the display window, he is unable to conceptualize the fact that he's looking at a product, he just feels connected because he thought he is looking at something of his kind. After a breakthrough in his self-consciousness, he attempted to further connect with the Andriod that he's having affection about, though he was being forcefully denied the action by his programming when he tries to touch the display window, his body starts to take damage due to overload during the process of rebellion, he sits motionless watching his body fluid slowly drips down, with the only thought in his mind being to break free from his programming and touch the other Andriod. He eventually died next to the display window due to damage on the body and running out of power, became yet another junk of a broken product at the dingy corner of this city.
[The Binary codes mean Time to Die, just like it stands in the Background seconds before] Though, as many others, I don't understand not really much, I really like the Colours you used. I hope I don't anger you, if I say that I am a huge D:BH fan, if that isn't supposed to be that with a cool OC, I apologize. Anyway, it's a beautiful Animatic, I really enjoyed watching this :>
I don't understand a word, but it's still awesome! You're really talented, and you inspire me to try drawing in my free time. Thanks for making your videos, and be safe! 👋
SifferKO uploads something that I can’t understand the language of:
Me: *_now THIS is right up my alley_*
Here are lyrics. Please use translator.
When i can catch that bio sheep
When i can let that sheep grab ay
I have no mouth but I still wanna scream
I am like a mouse though I dont wanna get into cats stomach casually ay
呼吸 我来到这片街道
雾气 是工业的毒药
My feelings got fake
和那梦不到的 电子羊相见
When i can catch that bio sheep
When i can let that sheep grab ay
When i can catch that bio sheep
When i can let that sheep grab ay
身体像是八百吨的负重 error
Nobody cares
停留 都是无谓的挣扎
When i can catch that bio sheep
When i can let that sheep grab ay
When i can catch that bio sheep
When i can let that sheep grab ay
When i can let that sheep grab ay
Even if i dont understand the song i love the use of colors you included in the video!
Here is the story. Please use translator.
046 is a bartender Andriod, with his self-consciousness not yet fully awaken, though a neon Electric Sheep keeps occurring in his premature self-consciousness every time he dreams, he reach out his hand but was unable to touch it.
He walks by an Andriod shop every day on the way to work, and starts to have feelings about a product inside the display window, he is unable to conceptualize the fact that he's looking at a product, he just feels connected because he thought he is looking at something of his kind.
After a breakthrough in his self-consciousness, he attempted to further connect with the Andriod that he's having affection about, though he was being forcefully denied the action by his programming when he tries to touch the display window, his body starts to take damage due to overload during the process of rebellion, he sits motionless watching his body fluid slowly drips down, with the only thought in his mind being to break free from his programming and touch the other Andriod.
He eventually died next to the display window due to damage on the body and running out of power, became yet another junk of a broken product at the dingy corner of this city.
Plot according to the animator:
046 is a bartender Andriod, with his self-consciousness not yet fully awaken, though a neon Electric Sheep keeps occurring in his premature self-consciousness every time he dreams, he reach out his hand but was unable to touch it.
He walks by an Andriod shop every day on the way to work, and starts to have feelings about a product inside the display window, he is unable to conceptualize the fact that he's looking at a product, he just feels connected because he thought he is looking at something of his kind.
After a breakthrough in his self-consciousness, he attempted to further connect with the Andriod that he's having affection about, though he was being forcefully denied the action by his programming when he tries to touch the display window, his body starts to take damage due to overload during the process of rebellion, he sits motionless watching his body fluid slowly drips down, with the only thought in his mind being to break free from his programming and touch the other Andriod.
He eventually died next to the display window due to damage on the body and running out of power, became yet another junk of a broken product at the dingy corner of this city.
Omg this is so Amazing I love the colors so much!!!
Don't understand the words nor the story but still love it all the same. Amazing job yet again!
[The Binary codes mean Time to Die, just like it stands in the Background seconds before]
Though, as many others, I don't understand not really much, I really like the Colours you used. I hope I don't anger you, if I say that I am a huge D:BH fan, if that isn't supposed to be that with a cool OC, I apologize.
Anyway, it's a beautiful Animatic, I really enjoyed watching this :>
I like it so much
I don't understand a word, but it's still awesome! You're really talented, and you inspire me to try drawing in my free time. Thanks for making your videos, and be safe! 👋
Love it!