That's easy, my workshop is humidity controlled at maximum 50% it needs to be above that for rust to form. I have had bare mild steel sitting around for years and no rust on them at all. 👍
I wasn't sure myself so I looked on the Canleys Classics website and that is what they called it in their detail parts list. But I agree with you on friction plate. Ah well it's done now 🤷🏼♂️
How will you prevent this from reoccurring?
That's easy, my workshop is humidity controlled at maximum 50% it needs to be above that for rust to form. I have had bare mild steel sitting around for years and no rust on them at all. 👍
I don't call them a driven plate, I call them a friction plate, because they have friction material
I wasn't sure myself so I looked on the Canleys Classics website and that is what they called it in their detail parts list. But I agree with you on friction plate. Ah well it's done now 🤷🏼♂️