Oh. My. God. It's happening! My boy is finally getting the attention he deserves! As someone who plays a ton of Sol, I can now confidently say that this is my time, so step aside metaslave high mobility champ players! Aurelion Sol has always been a great high elo champion, so it makes sense for you to do a guide on him over a bunch of easier or low elo focused champs. In terms of the items and builds shown, they're mostly the same as the ones most Aurelion Sol players already use. Domination - Inspiration is a solid overall rune setup for the champ, as Electro + Taste of Blood gives you the damage and heal to make early trades work, Relentless Hunter compensates for your garbage base movement speed, while Biscuits and Tonic gives you the early sustain you need to keep you topped off for your roams. Eyeball collection is good, because your damage scales well with AP, but keep in mind that Ghost Poro recently got a MASSIVE buff, increasing your ward duration by 90 seconds (doubling its duration at level 1). So if you feel like you won't be getting early kills and you'd want to avoid ganks better cus you outscale them by default (say, you're against Zed mid with a Xin jungle, while your jungler is Shyvana), then consider taking Ghost Poro instead. Phase Rush can be good against rare specific comps/champs, and it also allows for a more versatile second choice, as all 4 trees can offer something helpful, but Electrocute is MUCH better early on. Starting with Corrupting and then going into Dark and then Sorc Shoes is a no brainer and should be done every game. The early value of these 3 items are insane and they're almost comparable to Serrated Derk (I abuse that thing on Senna, its damage is just stupid). Night Harvester is a little iffy and I'd say it's much more of a high elo item, because if you're not using Manaflow or PoM and you're also using a no mana mythic, then you either take blue buff 24/7 or you run out of mana faster than an early game spellcaster in DotA. Obviously you can learn how to manage your mana better, which is crucial for this set up to work (the nature of high elo games also kind of affects this, since people are smarter about fights and they know how A Sol works, so you won't be wasting mana). But if you CAN use this setup, then the reward is pretty good, as Sol does like movement speed and burst (ever since his... rather meh mini rework) Morello's is good because lifesteal is stupid and Riot is refusing to gut it, so you have to do it yourself with a... 60% healing debuff (what's happening to this game man...). And Zhonya's is a very important item for an any close range mage in this game where distances don't matter, and Aurelion Sol has a special synergy with it due to his stars. The lack of Rylai's is kinda weird, because it makes hitting stars a whole lot easier (also smoothens up my kiting vs blue buff). If you're facing a team full of dashes, then yeah, the slow is irrelevant, but against immobile/movement speed based champions, it's just too good to pass up. There's nothing I can really say about abilities. Level 1 W got gutted which is why you take Q, but other than that, W is the bread and butter, Q is the meat and vegetables, and E is the sauce. You can potentially take W again at level 3 if you think you won't be able to use E and you just want to be stronger 1v1. As for the tips, they were all great. There's pretty much nothing I disagree with (I guess the hate is weird, but I feel like that's more of a high elo thing, cus I'm pretty sure they don't hate Nasus the same way low or even mid elo does), and there aren't really many things that you missed. Other than a few minor/common knowledge stuff that I'm about to list. When you're looking to waveclear, you should only be using 1 W on every wave. Most mages like Xerath, Ahri, Vel'Koz or Lissandra waveclear best while staying inside their own wave and hitting all the minions with their line skillshots. Aurelion Sol on the other hand wants to stay next to the minion wave (around the river), instead of inside it, so that the W stars can hit all of the minions at once. A full W will kill casters in most stages of the game, and you can finish melees and cannons off with autos and regular stars. Your ult will cancel every ongoing non unstoppable dash, allowing for some pretty clutch outplays. The cast time also keeps going even when you're CCed, so you can do things like letting a Sylas hit E on you, but you cast ult right as the chains connect, cancelling out his dash and basically denying him a free Kingslayer. The W stars can be manually retracted even during Zhonya's or CC, which... I guess is helpful. Using W immediately after exiting E will make the stars spin extra fast, getting you 1-2 extra hits. And lastly, there are some pretty funny interactions with E, like how Q and Everfrost can be used freely without making you land, or how you can use it right after Fizz hits his ult, giving you enough distance to avoid the rest of his combo (this is very important for that matchup btw, so make sure to use it). Thanks again for the video! And sorry for the long comment, but I decided to elaborate a bit on the things said so that newer players understand why everything works, and what are some good things that weren't mentioned here. Now, I'd be asking for a Seraphine mid video (trying to get good on her right now), but I know she isn't really played there in high elo, so I'd rather just let you cover some other fun champs instead :D
lol i made my own synopsis a second ago. you do elaborate more on the rune itemization and early build pathing rather than i but id say for anyone wanting to further learn an extra bit of knowledge on sol, refer to this comment and the one i just provided. we about evenly cover the ins and outs. Cheers!
One more very very criucial trick with Asol from asol main here, that i might missed in the video. When you do E, when you come to a stop and immediately cast you W, the W spins 2x faster, which deals much more in shorter time. Actually i got one more tip, when you cast your E and you can cast everfrost while flying.
Doesnt matter if enemy has cc , they use it , as sol you have to be far behind and e into fights, by the time you come , they should use their cc and see a dragon with a big bang. If enemy has vision of you, you are playing him wrong.
Finally! The video I was waiting for all this time. Out of all of your videos I have to say, this is one of my favorites. Thanks for the analysis Dobby!
I love aurelion. It's that huge AoE damage that I always wanted. Even though there's alot of counter, I've always used to it. I always ended up being the most damage dealt player in the matches with my Aurelion
Yet we're still missing some losing matchups, such as kassadin (literally unplayable lmao), Diana who just outtrades you like hell and so on.. Asol don't have a lot of winning matchup, many of them are just even, we're not even laning, just perma sitting bot
I had a game the other day with ASol where I outplayed a Zed to the point he was scared to engage me in a fight, even with the help of his Kha'Zix teammate I was able to pull out then move in a little and take one of them out when they pushed to close to the turret. It felt awesome to pull off.
You can style by using your everforst active while in e flight. The fight doesn't get cancelled but Aurelion Soul faces the direction of the everfrost.
WOWOW, it's surprising that, although unpopular for the mayority of the playerbase, Aurelion is really strong in the higher elos of play. I think they should give him a well deserving minor rework.
@@saga8659 too strong clearing power due to no cd and perma. asol player can keep focusing on dodge skill shots and still do damages with their large range
I felt inspired and went to a rank game picking ASol. I must admit that my CS sucked, but I got kinda feed bcs of the roams. He is really good, but tricky to play
This makes it so obvious that Asol is overperforming and needs nerfs. He can fight Yone Yasuo Qiyana Irelia and Sett without dying immediately, that's clearly not allowed.
I wonder if people would start to look for videos like this one after the rework to remember how cool he was when he had stars and was able to summon galaxies,(but let's not mention the reason he is getting a rework and foucse on how cool he was ok?)
i remember before i played the game asol was one of the champs i thought was the coolest champ, wish riot would make him more relevant in pro play after all, he is in the lore the most powerful champ we have right now
Aurelion sol, community voted as the weakest champ with a pick rate below 1%. The sadiatic, masochistic freaks who main aurelion sol and make it to mastery 7, much less actually do well in ranked play, strike fear into my heart deeper than you could ever know.
Counter : Playing Talon instead. About Similar roam power. Way easier to play, Way more satisfying. Stronger kill pressure in lane. AD itemization better than AP. Solo carry potential while Aurelion needs a team.
To actually do something in teamfights as ASol, you gotta be hitting more than 1 targets with your stars which is very hard to do cause you run the risk of being blown to bits and he has 0 mobility. His dmg is fairly low compared to other mages too. But he's fun and A Space Dragon and that'll all the reason for me to play him.
For that I use rylai a lot or swiftness boots because they fit him well otherwise I build night harvester into cosmic so you have the good ms amount he needs
I remembered playing One for all and I had to play A Sol since my team picked him, I was kinda upset so I built Ravenous Hydra and surprisingly I dealt the most damage in that game
I had aurelion sol when I was playing qiyana, got a few kills in early game then came midgame he was perma ganking bot. He didn't care about me getting so much plates. But then he got two double kills in a row and botlane complained and I had to roam. Whole game became a fiesta, junglers were playing mid, 6 people were always fighting in botlane, and top well, top is top.
Take zed counter as a grain of salt you just run exhaust instead with commencing stopwatch or boneplating overgrowth secondary. Especially if you get zhonyas second and ever frost first
@@JerryReyes Atm im tryna get top 50 NA so im perma picking asol but you should be perma banning Leblanc(High pickrate impossible to trade matchup). Fizz and Irelia usually is a dodge since you're Q can't peel them off of you, I used to go Phaserush with Nimbus Cloak and Barrier instead of Ignite but after they gutted those two runes you have to just dodge the matchup. Xin Zhao isn't a problem in teamfights or laning phase especially if you go everfrost (which you'd go into team comps they try to dive you) Just ward for level 2 gank and if he ever dashes on you other than that your q stun plus w movement speed should be enough.
@@erikeconomou6487 thanks a lot man! good luck getting top 50. I'm currently gold 1 trying to get to plat in KR but I've heard a lot of people say sol is only good in high elo. Would you say this is a correct assessment? I've only been playing Annie but am looking to start playing him again.
@@JerryReyes Aurelion Sol is good simply because he can make the game unfair. Just roam and make peoples lives hell, unfortunately the only downside is his dmg output early is absolutely terrible so you can't mess up ganks and most likely will leave your jungle getting cucked since you don't win most 2v2's. But hey if they bring back Rod Of Ages instant perma pick champ since Catalyst of Aeons was what bailed him out of early game usually.
@@luicifiero No, you can cast Q again about anytime and it will stun (as long as you don't get out of range), for point blank you do it really fast, at like 0,5s
Can't help it man, he might not have a large play rate in other regions but people in Korea just spam him and I guess it is the only region Riot see aside from World
I think he his unorthodox playstyle is pretty interesting to learn and can dare I say, weirdly fun if you power through the learning curve. That being said, fuck Kha'Zix and Zed so hard.
You guys see this ? Now imagine him in wild rift, he's even stronger because his stars actually deal insane damage. Full build each star deals at least 400 dmg, His Q does 600 if not more and you can get his ult up to 800. An experienced asol user can even easily destroy the likes of Akali, yasuo Zed and shit... Let that sink in. And of course since you never see an asol on the rift, nobody knows how to play against him. Unfortunately for them... You just can't lol
Tristana is also a hard counter, but given the state of the game right now I always ban irelia. I have 385k on this champ so I'm allowed to have input lol
Yh , but u can just one shot tris after getting some kills with roams , also if u you want to beat irelia , there is only one way : flash r insec , under the turret. i usually don't like play aganist ekko , because his all burst is just e click , and if u can't one shit him , he is getting all of his hp back with his ult . And also his ult can save him from flash r combo. As a 1,2 mil asol total , i usually ban ekko and irelia , depends on champ's current situation
How the enemy asol carries? Seeing an asol carry is like one of the 7 wonders of earth xd
huh on the rare occasion I see asol they are gods
Seeing Asol now is a wonder :)
My friend in wildrift :]
@@Kookybanana9981 Wild Rift ASol is much stronger than League ASol in terms of raw dueling power.
U guys dont know about best Auralion Sol in vn. He has more than 100 winstreaks. His channel is Dragon B
Oh. My. God. It's happening! My boy is finally getting the attention he deserves! As someone who plays a ton of Sol, I can now confidently say that this is my time, so step aside metaslave high mobility champ players!
Aurelion Sol has always been a great high elo champion, so it makes sense for you to do a guide on him over a bunch of easier or low elo focused champs.
In terms of the items and builds shown, they're mostly the same as the ones most Aurelion Sol players already use.
Domination - Inspiration is a solid overall rune setup for the champ, as Electro + Taste of Blood gives you the damage and heal to make early trades work, Relentless Hunter compensates for your garbage base movement speed, while Biscuits and Tonic gives you the early sustain you need to keep you topped off for your roams.
Eyeball collection is good, because your damage scales well with AP, but keep in mind that Ghost Poro recently got a MASSIVE buff, increasing your ward duration by 90 seconds (doubling its duration at level 1). So if you feel like you won't be getting early kills and you'd want to avoid ganks better cus you outscale them by default (say, you're against Zed mid with a Xin jungle, while your jungler is Shyvana), then consider taking Ghost Poro instead.
Phase Rush can be good against rare specific comps/champs, and it also allows for a more versatile second choice, as all 4 trees can offer something helpful, but Electrocute is MUCH better early on.
Starting with Corrupting and then going into Dark and then Sorc Shoes is a no brainer and should be done every game. The early value of these 3 items are insane and they're almost comparable to Serrated Derk (I abuse that thing on Senna, its damage is just stupid).
Night Harvester is a little iffy and I'd say it's much more of a high elo item, because if you're not using Manaflow or PoM and you're also using a no mana mythic, then you either take blue buff 24/7 or you run out of mana faster than an early game spellcaster in DotA. Obviously you can learn how to manage your mana better, which is crucial for this set up to work (the nature of high elo games also kind of affects this, since people are smarter about fights and they know how A Sol works, so you won't be wasting mana). But if you CAN use this setup, then the reward is pretty good, as Sol does like movement speed and burst (ever since his... rather meh mini rework)
Morello's is good because lifesteal is stupid and Riot is refusing to gut it, so you have to do it yourself with a... 60% healing debuff (what's happening to this game man...).
And Zhonya's is a very important item for an any close range mage in this game where distances don't matter, and Aurelion Sol has a special synergy with it due to his stars.
The lack of Rylai's is kinda weird, because it makes hitting stars a whole lot easier (also smoothens up my kiting vs blue buff). If you're facing a team full of dashes, then yeah, the slow is irrelevant, but against immobile/movement speed based champions, it's just too good to pass up.
There's nothing I can really say about abilities. Level 1 W got gutted which is why you take Q, but other than that, W is the bread and butter, Q is the meat and vegetables, and E is the sauce. You can potentially take W again at level 3 if you think you won't be able to use E and you just want to be stronger 1v1.
As for the tips, they were all great. There's pretty much nothing I disagree with (I guess the hate is weird, but I feel like that's more of a high elo thing, cus I'm pretty sure they don't hate Nasus the same way low or even mid elo does), and there aren't really many things that you missed. Other than a few minor/common knowledge stuff that I'm about to list.
When you're looking to waveclear, you should only be using 1 W on every wave. Most mages like Xerath, Ahri, Vel'Koz or Lissandra waveclear best while staying inside their own wave and hitting all the minions with their line skillshots. Aurelion Sol on the other hand wants to stay next to the minion wave (around the river), instead of inside it, so that the W stars can hit all of the minions at once. A full W will kill casters in most stages of the game, and you can finish melees and cannons off with autos and regular stars.
Your ult will cancel every ongoing non unstoppable dash, allowing for some pretty clutch outplays. The cast time also keeps going even when you're CCed, so you can do things like letting a Sylas hit E on you, but you cast ult right as the chains connect, cancelling out his dash and basically denying him a free Kingslayer.
The W stars can be manually retracted even during Zhonya's or CC, which... I guess is helpful.
Using W immediately after exiting E will make the stars spin extra fast, getting you 1-2 extra hits.
And lastly, there are some pretty funny interactions with E, like how Q and Everfrost can be used freely without making you land, or how you can use it right after Fizz hits his ult, giving you enough distance to avoid the rest of his combo (this is very important for that matchup btw, so make sure to use it).
Thanks again for the video! And sorry for the long comment, but I decided to elaborate a bit on the things said so that newer players understand why everything works, and what are some good things that weren't mentioned here.
Now, I'd be asking for a Seraphine mid video (trying to get good on her right now), but I know she isn't really played there in high elo, so I'd rather just let you cover some other fun champs instead :D
Yo my guy great post! Post it on the Aurelion Sol subreddit!
lol i made my own synopsis a second ago. you do elaborate more on the rune itemization and early build pathing rather than i but id say for anyone wanting to further learn an extra bit of knowledge on sol, refer to this comment and the one i just provided. we about evenly cover the ins and outs. Cheers!
This comment is as long as the description of akshan’s abilities xD
Hey man i love your comment, so well written and full of information. You should write a guide
Tf is this
Incoming Asol nerfs because Dobby gave everyone the forbidden knowledge
Nice comment:)
"no more infinite roams for u" riot said
I wonder what dey will nerf?
@@soup6483 everything
Riot: There will be no more stars around him
Amazing analysis, I always wanted to play Asol, he is a unique champ and fun to play, thank you Dobby once again for this upload, much appreciated!
Been waiting for this tips Dobby, I've quit playing Asol for a couple months. Thanks for your tips I'll play him again 😊
One more very very criucial trick with Asol from asol main here, that i might missed in the video. When you do E, when you come to a stop and immediately cast you W, the W spins 2x faster, which deals much more in shorter time. Actually i got one more tip, when you cast your E and you can cast everfrost while flying.
Wow as an asol main I never knew this thanks 😊
And rylai is the best item on him
1 out of the 2 Sol players in the world that is not included in this video learned something new today.
See how every time Aurelion pops it is usually against a team with no hard cc?
Don't get this wrong I am just pointing it out.
Aurelion sol can be considered as a situational pick as picking him into some comps is "suicide" like Xin, Zed, etc
Doesnt matter if enemy has cc , they use it , as sol you have to be far behind and e into fights, by the time you come , they should use their cc and see a dragon with a big bang. If enemy has vision of you, you are playing him wrong.
Nah if enemy have cc just buy rocketbelt and dodge it
Finally! The video I was waiting for all this time. Out of all of your videos I have to say, this is one of my favorites. Thanks for the analysis Dobby!
I love aurelion. It's that huge AoE damage that I always wanted. Even though there's alot of counter, I've always used to it. I always ended up being the most damage dealt player in the matches with my Aurelion
*Huge* damage ?
he will never do big damage, unless u buy full MP.
(but he will always be useful)
This almost made me want to main ASol, but then that tiny fine print at the end... Counters: Irelia, Zed, Fizz....
The ... is for every midlane champion that exists
@@yahyatiba7591 Except for gigachad Pantheon
@@minimoYT Pantheon
Yet we're still missing some losing matchups, such as kassadin (literally unplayable lmao), Diana who just outtrades you like hell and so on.. Asol don't have a lot of winning matchup, many of them are just even, we're not even laning, just perma sitting bot
I had a game the other day with ASol where I outplayed a Zed to the point he was scared to engage me in a fight, even with the help of his Kha'Zix teammate I was able to pull out then move in a little and take one of them out when they pushed to close to the turret. It felt awesome to pull off.
You can style by using your everforst active while in e flight. The fight doesn't get cancelled but Aurelion Soul faces the direction of the everfrost.
I love Asol he's like the most balance champ. A true control mage.
WOWOW, it's surprising that, although unpopular for the mayority of the playerbase, Aurelion is really strong in the higher elos of play. I think they should give him a well deserving minor rework.
And that's bringing back his old W
@@lim9401 what's his old W?
@@saga8659 basically It was actual W but perma and that wastes mana like amumu's W
@@ziolama I see, why did they remove it?
@@saga8659 too strong clearing power due to no cd and perma. asol player can keep focusing on dodge skill shots and still do damages with their large range
there is me who always play aurelion sol in bot lane to gave my adc "SPACE"
Asol support is actually so fun
@@guyguy1403 true, just played two Asol supp games, pretty funny
@@pilubolaer5886 Played it once, one of my best experience playing league. I got banned for trolling
Thank you for giving Aurelion some love s2, great vídeo and useful tips.
Love the vids and editing with music dobby. Thanks for the content
I would love to see new picks in worlds like Aurelion Sol
These will be very useful for the 3 people that play Asol
Wholesome video
awesome video hope i can try this stuff in wild rift
Very informative. Thanks!
i main this champ and i can confirm its a solid guide good job
I felt inspired and went to a rank game picking ASol. I must admit that my CS sucked, but I got kinda feed bcs of the roams. He is really good, but tricky to play
Wow i never seen this champion before, is it a new champ?
Yeah, I think this is PBE.
@@SodiumChlorid3 He has been in the for years 😂
Finally someone can give me answer to that question. Thank you very much
Thank you for making this video for the 7 asol players left in league
Didn't see it in the video so here : using the ultimate's slow to allow your team to chase the retreating enemy team. 7:34
This makes it so obvious that Asol is overperforming and needs nerfs. He can fight Yone Yasuo Qiyana Irelia and Sett without dying immediately, that's clearly not allowed.
he is strong my man i agree with ya
wouldn't him being able to beat those characters be the case for him being strong right now?
@@75dmgwtfdaisuke gotta nerf him to the ground. Only good looking champs can be good
Asol main, watching Asol guide 🐉
I wonder if people would start to look for videos like this one after the rework to remember how cool he was when he had stars and was able to summon galaxies,(but let's not mention the reason he is getting a rework and foucse on how cool he was ok?)
Prretty convenient this video came out 20 hrs ago, starter playing Asol more, and thought to see if LoL Dobby had a vid on it.
i remember before i played the game asol was one of the champs i thought was the coolest champ, wish riot would make him more relevant in pro play after all, he is in the lore the most powerful champ we have right now
Nice vid! I just disagree with the counters since Irelia and Zed usually lose to Asol
You found pretty bad irelia because she can just aa+q you to death after BOTRK or you are a very good asol
I literally purchase ASol like rn. Such a coincidence.
Dobby: Let's wrap up with a short montage
Me: Hol up...
Ryze: check.
Azir: check.
Aurelion Sol: check.
Kalista: still waitting...
The 4 horsemen of "Do they still exist? ".
as one who likes to play 3 out of 4
of those champs, i can confirm we dont exist
6:45 that's fcking hilarious 🤣🤣
poor graves
Aurelion sol, community voted as the weakest champ with a pick rate below 1%. The sadiatic, masochistic freaks who main aurelion sol and make it to mastery 7, much less actually do well in ranked play, strike fear into my heart deeper than you could ever know.
much appreciated! been wanting to play Asol lately.
Counter : Playing Talon instead.
About Similar roam power. Way easier to play, Way more satisfying. Stronger kill pressure in lane. AD itemization better than AP. Solo carry potential while Aurelion needs a team.
6:21 Bro this legit looks like a threat i even got scared a little
@LoL Dobby I am not sure i understand exactly the ''Your Q Chains to your Ultimate knockback'' mind explaining me a bit ? Great vid btw b!
Your ult will push them into your Q. So using q before ulting is ideal for not letting them react+longer stun
Can you make aphelious tips and tricks ??
To actually do something in teamfights as ASol, you gotta be hitting more than 1 targets with your stars which is very hard to do cause you run the risk of being blown to bits and he has 0 mobility.
His dmg is fairly low compared to other mages too.
But he's fun and A Space Dragon and that'll all the reason for me to play him.
For that I use rylai a lot or swiftness boots because they fit him well otherwise I build night harvester into cosmic so you have the good ms amount he needs
Heyo, can you analyse lilia top players? I definitely would want to learn the tips and tricks!
omg the way that dragon abused the LeBlanc was nasty
Thumbnail: How Aurelion Sol carries.
Me: How I never se Aurelion Sol’s.
I remembered playing One for all and I had to play A Sol since my team picked him, I was kinda upset so I built Ravenous Hydra and surprisingly I dealt the most damage in that game
What!? Hahhaqha
I make played asol in one for all and we were against irelia I had to Carry they game but we won
I am waiting for jayce or Syndra tips and tricks 😁
Yorick tips and tricks please❤️
Can u make a shaco tips and tricks vid?
can you make a video about xiao chao meng the rank 1 top laner in china?
I had aurelion sol when I was playing qiyana, got a few kills in early game then came midgame he was perma ganking bot. He didn't care about me getting so much plates. But then he got two double kills in a row and botlane complained and I had to roam. Whole game became a fiesta, junglers were playing mid, 6 people were always fighting in botlane, and top well, top is top.
what's the song at the beginning
his old w made him versatile. i hate that i need to flash to make plays now.
Maybe riot was onto something with those asol nerfs🤔
Nah, who am I kidding, they’re never onto anything.
Video idea:
*How The Enemy DOBBY Always Carries*
Make a video about keria's ekko support pls
Brb about to try it in ranked
otros counters pueden ser yasuo y gwen porque pueden bloquear la Q gigante
could you do a video as this for mordekaiser?
is this the new champ coming out ?
review of all your videos like this:
how the enemy carry with all champions
I hope to see Singed in the future
Puedes hacer un video del bardo ?
can you do one on orianna please?
Take zed counter as a grain of salt you just run exhaust instead with commencing stopwatch or boneplating overgrowth secondary. Especially if you get zhonyas second and ever frost first
Do you pick asol into any comp? What would you recommend against the other counters like irelia and fizz. What if they have a xin jg. Thanks!
@@JerryReyes Atm im tryna get top 50 NA so im perma picking asol but you should be perma banning Leblanc(High pickrate impossible to trade matchup). Fizz and Irelia usually is a dodge since you're Q can't peel them off of you, I used to go Phaserush with Nimbus Cloak and Barrier instead of Ignite but after they gutted those two runes you have to just dodge the matchup. Xin Zhao isn't a problem in teamfights or laning phase especially if you go everfrost (which you'd go into team comps they try to dive you) Just ward for level 2 gank and if he ever dashes on you other than that your q stun plus w movement speed should be enough.
@@erikeconomou6487 thanks a lot man! good luck getting top 50. I'm currently gold 1 trying to get to plat in KR but I've heard a lot of people say sol is only good in high elo. Would you say this is a correct assessment? I've only been playing Annie but am looking to start playing him again.
@@JerryReyes Aurelion Sol is good simply because he can make the game unfair. Just roam and make peoples lives hell, unfortunately the only downside is his dmg output early is absolutely terrible so you can't mess up ganks and most likely will leave your jungle getting cucked since you don't win most 2v2's. But hey if they bring back Rod Of Ages instant perma pick champ since Catalyst of Aeons was what bailed him out of early game usually.
@@erikeconomou6487 I appreciate the help! If you ever want to play with my friends and I in NA hit me up. I'm sure you will get top 50
I read "relentless biscuit delivery" as a single rune
dobby whats up? can you make a new video from cassiopeia? thanks
Ngl this looks like a ton of fun....for norms tho cause im bad lol
Fool! You just gave Riot a reason to nerf him again!
Anyways nice vid
New Asol player here, How do you hit your opponents with a point blank q? It just passes through when i try it. (ex: 1:30l
It's mostly practice, but I recommend getting used to Q on normal cast as you have a visual queue on how the star size will behave
I'm assuming the stun happens around the circle part of the cast?
@@luicifiero No, you can cast Q again about anytime and it will stun (as long as you don't get out of range), for point blank you do it really fast, at like 0,5s
que los proximos tips sean de syndra o orianna
i have only seen 3 Asols in my entire life playing this game, only 1 of those 2 carried, and all of them lost.
will we ever have neeko tips and tricks
Riot watching this right now: this is breaking my reality
after watching the graves video I played graves for a while but after the nerfs time to pick another champ I guess Asol will do
Zed seems pretty OP right now, we should probably nerf Aurelion Sol instead
Next Update: Asol now only has 2 stars circling him.
That would be the biggest Nerf riot could make
Can you make an video for ADC 😔 im beggin
How about a how the enemy singed carries?
I am so sad they kept nerfing my Asol, the only games you win with Asol are games where your team doesn't int, and you get a tank.
Can't help it man, he might not have a large play rate in other regions but people in Korea just spam him and I guess it is the only region Riot see aside from World
I think he his unorthodox playstyle is pretty interesting to learn and can dare I say, weirdly fun if you power through the learning curve. That being said, fuck Kha'Zix and Zed so hard.
Come on guys, let's all sit down here and read all the nerf Asol jokes
hell yea bro
I laugh my ass off (lmao) every time i see one. They're so funny and original!
"How enemy aurelion sol always carry"
no they always lose and cant carry xD
no, it is true. the Enemy aurelion always carries your team to victory
In low elo they always lose*
i have %77 winrate . 1,2 mil here
You should do how every enemy mordkasier carrys
It weird how they didn’t just jump immediately on top of aure like in my game.
You guys see this ? Now imagine him in wild rift, he's even stronger because his stars actually deal insane damage. Full build each star deals at least 400 dmg, His Q does 600 if not more and you can get his ult up to 800. An experienced asol user can even easily destroy the likes of Akali, yasuo Zed and shit... Let that sink in.
And of course since you never see an asol on the rift, nobody knows how to play against him. Unfortunately for them... You just can't lol
Tristana is also a hard counter, but given the state of the game right now I always ban irelia. I have 385k on this champ so I'm allowed to have input lol
Yh , but u can just one shot tris after getting some kills with roams , also if u you want to beat irelia , there is only one way : flash r insec , under the turret. i usually don't like play aganist ekko , because his all burst is just e click , and if u can't one shit him , he is getting all of his hp back with his ult . And also his ult can save him from flash r combo. As a 1,2 mil asol total , i usually ban ekko and irelia , depends on champ's current situation
is aphelios played at that level? maybe aphelios guide?
Here Before ASOL got a CGU
God bless dobby, bestowing this wonderful oriental wisdom on the ignorant westerners 😔
Idk Korean playstyle is more burst damage based and asol have a lot of build who fit him well
thats my day
The enemy asol carries by not picking asol
The enemy aurelion sol never carries
Because worlds is coming up will you do some analysis' on pro players ?
When I see an enemy asol I just think to myself either oh no or please don't be good since asol players are absolute gods or shit