Pretty much spent my last dollar on a super evac 6 , 2xYellow Jacket 16624 DA-24 Hi Vacuum Hoses and a thermocouple type micron meter ( actually by mastercool) i tortured myself for weeks over tru blue hoses and field piece / navac pumps ....... but my set up is more like a hot rod muscle car that won't break down , then a ecm rice burner..... and im happy, hell proud. But I dropped 800-900 .... and your hose department. I know somewhere in that place there is some ocd engineer with the perfect hvac hose . Why can't I get a hi vacuum hose rated at 10 microns 3/4" Diameter 3/8x1/4 3' long . You cant tell me some upstart like true blue is going to scuttle you .? Seriously and don't say physics . DOUBLE THE MEMBRANE ADVERTSE AND WIN DAG NAB IT
Include a few long sweep brass 90s so we can keep our hoses straiter too , full port . That and short hoses is probably best
just,,,, the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
great at last i know the range of 500microns 🙋🙋🙋🙋
Pretty much spent my last dollar on a super evac 6 , 2xYellow Jacket 16624 DA-24 Hi Vacuum Hoses and a thermocouple type micron meter ( actually by mastercool) i tortured myself for weeks over tru blue hoses and field piece / navac pumps ....... but my set up is more like a hot rod muscle car that won't break down , then a ecm rice burner..... and im happy, hell proud. But I dropped 800-900 .... and your hose department. I know somewhere in that place there is some ocd engineer with the perfect hvac hose . Why can't I get a hi vacuum hose rated at 10 microns 3/4" Diameter 3/8x1/4 3' long . You cant tell me some upstart like true blue is going to scuttle you .? Seriously and don't say physics . DOUBLE THE MEMBRANE ADVERTSE AND WIN DAG NAB IT
Max flow doesn't boast what hi vacuum boasts and I dont even see a real micron rating on max flow . Do you even care ? Who inherited this ocean liner