This is by far the highest effort + hardest video I have ever made. Over 400 video clips + almost 100 off Meta picks. Thanks so much for watching the past 2 years, I cannot wait to show you some of the players I have been interviewing recently :)
Honestly, it's the only way I haven't lost interest in the game. Trying out dumb shit and finding those random hidden gems feels so good. I swear I love my AP Nasus
i always wait for your next video to play something new and fun and you never fail to impress with these videos and the detailed review of every playstyle
Have you thought about doing a collab with Vars? It could be on something like 'The history of off-meta builds', 'How does off-meta become meta' , something that combines your knowledge of off-meta history and his game design knowledge.
This is my favourite tier list. Thanks for putting it out. I look forward to it every time. Love how you discover champs/styles before the pros -- and tell us common folk about it first. My favourite has been your Kindred+Taric recommendation - truly scary .
I'm not gonna lie, my current favorite thing to do in my ranked games is tank olaf. we're talking iceborn gauntlet into rav hydra/death's dance, then force of nature. to finish off, a steraks or maw depending on enemy damage type. It's not a pentakill machine like the crit olaf, but what it does well is teamfighting. First of all, they never escape. the iceborne slow plus the FoN movespeed. Second, you have pretty high base damage anyways, you still have kill pressure in lane regardless, with only slightly worse waveclear, and the tank stats let you run out of most ganks unscathed. With the resists and health, you are a tanky nightmare for the enemy to deal with, and it really lets you charge in with little regard for your life. Your split pushing isn't as potent, but still good, while your teamfighting is leagues better and lets you be a sort of tanky engage for your team
Thank you so much for the effort you put into these HappyChimeNoises. I know the videos are literally highlighting other players, but we should not forget that you yourself do insane amounts of research, editing, interviewing - and support the community. S Tier at heart :)
Thank you for creating these videos. Without you, there would be something missing in League community. I look forward to every project you plan to create.
I was waiting for so long for a updated tier list! I watch every single one of your videos and almost always try them out on my own, I loved AP Kaisa top!
@HappyChimeNoises. I don't know if you read all these comments or not, but a couple friends and I really like playing in unorthodox manners. We took the tier list in this video and went through all your past videos to make a spreadsheet of every rune page and build. We hope to update them as your videos keep coming out and updates come to the meta. Thank you for your hard work!
Haha that's very nice to hear :) Would love to see it if you wanted to DM it to me on twitter/discord Happy to share it with others or keep it private - whatever you prefer! Thank you!
Im adc main and i love picking zigs as carry when we have full ad team . This champion is extremely safe to lane with . Some games i go 0 deaths and my support 0.6 bcs he play too agro with zigs
I knew crit Olaf would be up there. The ability to completely ignore enemy CC is broken beyond belief. Especially good as a counter to Mordekaiser. Mordekaiser usually wants to pull you in and start beating you to death, but against Olaf he can't even ult you, and you outdamage and outheal him. You don't even need QSS. I have also found a lot of success with hybrid Ashe top with manamune into liandry's. The burn damage you apply with your W every 2 seconds in a teamfight is ridiculous, can easily be applied to an entire enemy team just as poke, and don't forget the 20 second cooldown ultimate that can stun for up to 3.5 seconds, that now also deals over a 1000 damage + burn. Ashe top would be probably the strongest if it wasn't for her being so squishy and having no mobility. Playing Olaf crit top against her for instance, she would fold like a cheap paper. Still amazing as a counter to tanky immobile champions though, like Garen. Every time I play her, win or lose, I always get like 30k or more damage than my entire team combined.
I've been playing tf support since your video, I agree, he is still playable with a duo jungler or full team in flex queue. But since durability patch he became weaker, the point n click stun are no longer a free kill. Btw awesome content, your videos keep me playing league
My go to channel to help keep league interesting. Been having so much fun as AP Kaisa top. Doesn't matter if you feed a little in the early game. Soon as you upgrade w and get ludens you blast through mid game😁
Thank you for this high quality and super useful vídeo! Because of you i discovered the high tecnology of Shen Mid of xPetu, and i'm carrying more games because of it. It's nice to get new champs and builds to play and this tier list helps to get a more fun way to play league! You're a great guy!
My friend onetricks Tresh ad/tank top with an odd fleet footwork build and manages to (if he gets a good start) to really impact and win matches- he's mad
Played vs full AP Varus mid. Played as Mordekaiser top, full build, 230 MR with 3 MR tank items. And he still did 6.3k dmg in 6 seconds. 4k+ of it being ap. His damage is insane.
Me and a friend very often will duo Taliyah adc with Eve supp. We can both engage, and if one of us misses our engage the other one has a chance to redeem it. We can both roam insanely easy and together, so at all stages of the game we can roam easily. Eve's magic shred makes Tali stronger and Tali's peel capabilities make it easier for Eve to survive. They compliment each other super well and its def our most successful duo
A off meta build that I love that is also good is aftershock rek'sai top, going Titanic hydra - hearsteel - sunfire - Deadman plate - spirit or thornmail. It's realy fun to play :)
You should look more into new Zac mid builds, since new season changes you can build tank on Zac mid and still one shot the enemy while not being in danger of dying at all
Tank Zac Mid was okay before the nerfs he received, but full AP Zac Mid is now undoubtedly the best build for him. Thankfully Zac is comically versatile so the dedicated community around him has found builds that work for pretty much anything.
Very cool video. Thank you for your amazing content. You helped me discover Ornn Support wich is my favorite pick in the entire game for half a year now. I really love to discover new anorthodox ways to play this game, and its really cool to have high quality content creator for this part of League. I wanna ask you to do some kind of update for some of your older videos. For example i'm very interested in K'sante, but i'm also really don't like to play top, so i decided to try him in support and was really exited to watch your video about it, but it turns out that your K'sante video is super outdated. I enjoyed making my own build, and it even turned out working, but it would be really cool to get a new video about him from you. So please, think about this
Like the mention of Kennen, used to play him top but hes a lot better in the mid lane and roaming for fights around objectives. Doesn’t do enough damage to really kill the tank top laners.
I have played Kled mid with much success. Never got flamed in lobby even is silver, given that we had other ap champs. If I play him top, I usually go lethal tempo instead of conqueror, since stacking it super easy with his empowered w, and once you stack it, you benefit from your life steal rune more. Normaly once you use all of your spells, you are super vulnerable, so tanks can just walk you down even with low hp. With lethal tempo you can trade for longer, actually wait for your cooldowns during a fight and also mount back faster if they demount you.
As a Kled mid enjoyer I genuinely think it's more optimal than top. Ravenous Hydra is your rush either way and it lets you shove wave so fast to perma roam and when you ult botside you just one-shot them with your 2 item spike.
I have been watching this channel for nearly 2 years now. I remember started watching you as a small content creator and now? 500k is the next goal!! It might sounds crazy but I actually have tried all of your off meta pick (in normal ofc) and actually have more fun with the game. I hope you are doing well and thank you for creating these videos!
Olaf top is already meta, the crit build is what's off meta about it, but as soon as riot notices Olaf is destroying top lane and nerfs him it'll stop being broken.
I'd say. If they just adjust mana costs, Olaf might take a big hit. I do think crit Olaf won't be affected much, since the gameplay is stick to someone and burst them. Hcn guide on it recommended teleport so you can impact the map but I think you need ghost late game and just play under tower early till lvl 6
Lee Sin Pyke Botlane is also pretty underrated in my opinion. They synergize quite well if you and your teammate share one mind with each other. Are there any other picks that are good but weren't mentioned in this video?
Surprising Karma isn't mentioned at all, Karma top and mid is still going strong and there are multiple master+ non-support Karma OTPs abusing this pick in solo queue. She can flex between AP, tank and support mythics depending on the situation, and the "nerf" to Radiant Virtue didn't actually make the item worse for Karma.
5:15 TIP for hide stats after match ends sell all the items in fountains and add random shit so riot or other people doesnt really know why is your build like that and won
Actually thresh top is thriving rn at least imo and he is also getting buffed which makes him even stronger his only downside is that he can't impact the teamfight as well as other toplaners but he is still a solid champ for top
I personally think they will start ziggs supp against double adc lanes. Rush Rayleighs and you can cover whole botlane long range engage. Since he has high dmg q right on lv1 and mana issues the pick is oppressive af..
Sad to see Orianna support so low in this list, I think it is really one of the best enablers supports out there. Thinking about it she would be great paired with a Crit Olaf for the MS and the +30 armor/mr.
Off meta I so good for the game like actually. I just watched the whole video and I got like 8 picks I really want to try it’s like riot just relised 8 new champs
although i agree with almost all of your list im going to have to disagree with some of your choices for S+ tier. for one, mundo soraka botlane seems pretty critically flawed by getting early grievous wounds and/or with ignite (bonus with exhaust). mundos window of opportunity is during ghost+ult which is easily evadable since you’ll most likely be expecting it. crit olaf while being extremely strong, hes also extremely squishy from normal olaf and is easily killed when focused. he almost always gets blasted when people stand their ground and dont immediately start running. if he isnt fed most meta toplane fighters/bruisers can 1v1 him, and mages can also 1 shot him way before he even gets close
I'm seeing this at 5am and it's making me wanna hop on ranked rn lmao Edit: Waited 6 minutes for a game. Had two bots in mid/carry. Ended up facing rivin tho and didnt to terrible for playing Olaf.
Take all support off meta and put them two divisions lower, the amount of people who i have seen who refuse to play because i picked something that "isn't a support" is insane.
Even the Aurelion Sol main from the video is still trying to figure out a new top lane build - so hopefully soon his winrate will settle and banrate will decrease for people to try it
I think you did an excellent job with this video! I can't imagine how much work it would have been to do this sort of summary and analysis of your own content. For me it was too much information but at least now i can use it as a list of all the fun stuff to try throughout the next year. Hopefully you didn't burnout doing this one❤
I've been having fun with the Sylas support with varying success. Even with the catchup exp changes, I've been roaming a lot. Also testing out Night Harvester and Rocketbelt on him if i got fed early. Akshan support though, somehow I can't make it work lmao.
Wait, I saw that Olaf build on my ranked, thought the dude was Just insane, he inted so hard all he could do was splitpush and of I showed up he was dead. He was malding and saying camille Is broken, I wasn't even going sunderer grasp, It was conq trynity with steraks. Love Ur content and trying tò climb with ap kaisa lately, internet isn't helping.
As a main assassin rakan mid player, i feel that it did not deserve its respect since in last patch it got buffed in his W ap ratio and his Q damage and healing, it is stronger than it has ever been after this buffs, i dont know if the video was made before the buffs but i really dont think its a dying pick ( to be clear i started maining it right after HCN did his first rakan mid video)
I did not see the buffs before the video. However they are not very useful Mid buffs unfortunately - they are meant to help supports. I do think mid Rakan is better now, but his main issues still remain - bad itemisation and no waveclear
@happyChimeNoises true his wave clear is really bad, but as you said in your video it is a great pick to be a jungler support and i think his roam does catch up to his flaws on bad itemisation and wave clear, but indeed with bad wave clear you cant roam really well
I like to go ap nasus his E scales with ap and he has good synergy with his W and rylies crystal with the extra slow basically its an exhaust with these items plus it fixes his early game weakness with the comet runes futher increasing his damage on E plus you also have your stacks
Actually i was recommending it been 2-3 month ago to a player who play akali to use ad items since it make since in low elo the more you still alive the more you dmg the more you can keep up and i was finniding quiet lilia funny in top hes clear is no joke it's rly good since you have one item you can clear the wave with 1 Q
Flash back to exactly last year, you did the same tier list I thought that I invented the Pantheon ADC since I was too tired of solo lane, nope, someone got to Master before me :)) Funny thing is nobody talks about Swain ADC anymore, still plays him (but more on SP role) In conclusion: Don't play traditional ADC champs on bot lane :))
I'm going to have to disagree with the AP Rakan placement, he recently got alot of ap ratio buffs which I think helps the pick alot, not super easy to pull off but us rakan mains it's still super effective.
Ah this rating was done before 13.3 - so it didnt include the buffs he got. You may be right, I had not thought about it. Imo his main issues are itemisation + lack of waveclear - so I dont think the buffs fix those - but maybe he is closer to C Tier if you are very good at him
I dont think any Crit based melee champs (Other than olaf) are super OP currently, but yeah it may be a good idea. I think adcs just need slightly different itemisation, as even the 40% crit buff didnt really change their build paths
Thanks for the list, I love your videos and them daily. This one I watch almost daily even tho I'm not playing league (addiction treatment) so I get a big itch to test it and see how fast can I get mastery 7 lol
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how is lillia a off meta pick? she is insanely good in kr high elo
@@SkitZHitZ She has a 0.2% pick rate, 0.1% in high elo - below 1% is usually a pretty good indicator of off meta imo.
@@HappyChimeNoises ahhh okay thats fair i just know she is kind of unbalanced into top haha
How do I build gnar ap?
@@Sloth81194 this is a link to chimes ap gnar video
This is by far the highest effort + hardest video I have ever made. Over 400 video clips + almost 100 off Meta picks.
Thanks so much for watching the past 2 years, I cannot wait to show you some of the players I have been interviewing recently :)
We love you and your hard work :)♥️
thank you for all the effort, i love to see that someone cares about the off-meta community and your videos are just too good
Great job, Mr Chimes, bringing the glory and joy of off-meta to all of us 🙏
P.S: self like tho OMEGALUL
We thank you for this awesome work my friend! Thank you so much for putting the time for doing this :)
I love off-meta picks. They’re fun and unconventional, but when they even become meta, you know you made something special
Honestly, it's the only way I haven't lost interest in the game. Trying out dumb shit and finding those random hidden gems feels so good. I swear I love my AP Nasus
i always wait for your next video to play something new and fun and you never fail to impress with these videos and the detailed review of every playstyle
Thank you :)
Youve brought me so much joy man ! Teemo jungle , nasus jungle and AP Kaisa top are the reasons i still play LoL at all , keep up the good work!
Love seeing Teemo jg fans. What runes do you use?
@@MartianFromMercury usually dark harvest , then just shrooms on the most unexpected places all over the map
I still play Yi mid
@@luufia I might have to try that out. I've always rocked a PTA rune page, but I haven't had as much success lately.
I have played vs Taric top a few times and those players seemed to be having tons of fun! So far my personal favorite is AD Sylas.
Have you thought about doing a collab with Vars? It could be on something like 'The history of off-meta builds', 'How does off-meta become meta' , something that combines your knowledge of off-meta history and his game design knowledge.
you're my favorite league creator
Watch this though
Hello Happychimenoises
You're my favorite league creator
@@Skrzynia tite?
@@Skrzynia Why?
Your channel has impacted my league games so much that it's kind of nuts. I keep having games where I say "oh he's going the happy chime build"
This is my favourite tier list. Thanks for putting it out. I look forward to it every time. Love how you discover champs/styles before the pros -- and tell us common folk about it first. My favourite has been your Kindred+Taric recommendation - truly scary .
Now I’m worried about Olaf getting nerfed.
I'm not gonna lie, my current favorite thing to do in my ranked games is tank olaf. we're talking iceborn gauntlet into rav hydra/death's dance, then force of nature. to finish off, a steraks or maw depending on enemy damage type.
It's not a pentakill machine like the crit olaf, but what it does well is teamfighting. First of all, they never escape. the iceborne slow plus the FoN movespeed. Second, you have pretty high base damage anyways, you still have kill pressure in lane regardless, with only slightly worse waveclear, and the tank stats let you run out of most ganks unscathed. With the resists and health, you are a tanky nightmare for the enemy to deal with, and it really lets you charge in with little regard for your life. Your split pushing isn't as potent, but still good, while your teamfighting is leagues better and lets you be a sort of tanky engage for your team
Thank you so much for the effort you put into these HappyChimeNoises. I know the videos are literally highlighting other players, but we should not forget that you yourself do insane amounts of research, editing, interviewing - and support the community. S Tier at heart :)
Thank you!!
This really helps. You put so much effort in to ur videos, I cant wait for your next video!
Thank you so much!
@@HappyChimeNoises :D (Wheres ur discord server??)
@@aryann2898 should be linked in description
@@HappyChimeNoises cool
This might just be my most anticipated league content each season
It is probably the most anticipated content since last year, as we didn't get any proper in-game events.
Thank you for creating these videos. Without you, there would be something missing in League community. I look forward to every project you plan to create.
I was waiting for so long for a updated tier list! I watch every single one of your videos and almost always try them out on my own, I loved AP Kaisa top!
haha thank you!
Ap kai sa is an auto win after 30 minutes better than a full build kayle and a lvl 16 kassadin. My favourite scaling pick so far!
@HappyChimeNoises. I don't know if you read all these comments or not, but a couple friends and I really like playing in unorthodox manners. We took the tier list in this video and went through all your past videos to make a spreadsheet of every rune page and build. We hope to update them as your videos keep coming out and updates come to the meta. Thank you for your hard work!
Haha that's very nice to hear :)
Would love to see it if you wanted to DM it to me on twitter/discord
Happy to share it with others or keep it private - whatever you prefer!
Thank you!
@@HappyChimeNoises Sent you a chat in Discord :)
One VERY important pro to mention for the alistar top: it is a full and direct counter to jax. Really useful in the current meta
Im adc main and i love picking zigs as carry when we have full ad team . This champion is extremely safe to lane with . Some games i go 0 deaths and my support 0.6 bcs he play too agro with zigs
I knew crit Olaf would be up there. The ability to completely ignore enemy CC is broken beyond belief. Especially good as a counter to Mordekaiser. Mordekaiser usually wants to pull you in and start beating you to death, but against Olaf he can't even ult you, and you outdamage and outheal him. You don't even need QSS.
I have also found a lot of success with hybrid Ashe top with manamune into liandry's. The burn damage you apply with your W every 2 seconds in a teamfight is ridiculous, can easily be applied to an entire enemy team just as poke, and don't forget the 20 second cooldown ultimate that can stun for up to 3.5 seconds, that now also deals over a 1000 damage + burn. Ashe top would be probably the strongest if it wasn't for her being so squishy and having no mobility. Playing Olaf crit top against her for instance, she would fold like a cheap paper. Still amazing as a counter to tanky immobile champions though, like Garen. Every time I play her, win or lose, I always get like 30k or more damage than my entire team combined.
I was literally just thinking about you making a updated tier list yesterday 😂😂
I've been playing tf support since your video, I agree, he is still playable with a duo jungler or full team in flex queue. But since durability patch he became weaker, the point n click stun are no longer a free kill. Btw awesome content, your videos keep me playing league
Beautiful. I'll have to try out some of these 👀 maybe one day I'll try out Ahri
My go to channel to help keep league interesting. Been having so much fun as AP Kaisa top. Doesn't matter if you feed a little in the early game. Soon as you upgrade w and get ludens you blast through mid game😁
Thank you for this high quality and super useful vídeo! Because of you i discovered the high tecnology of Shen Mid of xPetu, and i'm carrying more games because of it. It's nice to get new champs and builds to play and this tier list helps to get a more fun way to play league! You're a great guy!
Thanks for the kind words :)
Love your channel, I appreciate all the work you’ve put in to make these videos for us all to enjoy
My friend onetricks Tresh ad/tank top with an odd fleet footwork build and manages to (if he gets a good start) to really impact and win matches- he's mad
Crazy how much taric shows up in this list. Maybe I should pick him up
Played vs full AP Varus mid. Played as Mordekaiser top, full build, 230 MR with 3 MR tank items. And he still did 6.3k dmg in 6 seconds. 4k+ of it being ap. His damage is insane.
can't believe rammus top is not at least somewhere on this list
Me and a friend very often will duo Taliyah adc with Eve supp. We can both engage, and if one of us misses our engage the other one has a chance to redeem it. We can both roam insanely easy and together, so at all stages of the game we can roam easily. Eve's magic shred makes Tali stronger and Tali's peel capabilities make it easier for Eve to survive. They compliment each other super well and its def our most successful duo
Never forgiving you for introducing people to heimer supp
Everyone got to appreciate the effort put into this
A off meta build that I love that is also good is aftershock rek'sai top, going
Titanic hydra - hearsteel - sunfire - Deadman plate - spirit or thornmail.
It's realy fun to play :)
You should look more into new Zac mid builds, since new season changes you can build tank on Zac mid and still one shot the enemy while not being in danger of dying at all
Tank Zac Mid was okay before the nerfs he received, but full AP Zac Mid is now undoubtedly the best build for him.
Thankfully Zac is comically versatile so the dedicated community around him has found builds that work for pretty much anything.
Very cool video. Thank you for your amazing content. You helped me discover Ornn Support wich is my favorite pick in the entire game for half a year now. I really love to discover new anorthodox ways to play this game, and its really cool to have high quality content creator for this part of League.
I wanna ask you to do some kind of update for some of your older videos. For example i'm very interested in K'sante, but i'm also really don't like to play top, so i decided to try him in support and was really exited to watch your video about it, but it turns out that your K'sante video is super outdated. I enjoyed making my own build, and it even turned out working, but it would be really cool to get a new video about him from you. So please, think about this
Like the mention of Kennen, used to play him top but hes a lot better in the mid lane and roaming for fights around objectives. Doesn’t do enough damage to really kill the tank top laners.
I have played Kled mid with much success. Never got flamed in lobby even is silver, given that we had other ap champs. If I play him top, I usually go lethal tempo instead of conqueror, since stacking it super easy with his empowered w, and once you stack it, you benefit from your life steal rune more. Normaly once you use all of your spells, you are super vulnerable, so tanks can just walk you down even with low hp. With lethal tempo you can trade for longer, actually wait for your cooldowns during a fight and also mount back faster if they demount you.
As a Kled mid enjoyer I genuinely think it's more optimal than top. Ravenous Hydra is your rush either way and it lets you shove wave so fast to perma roam and when you ult botside you just one-shot them with your 2 item spike.
great video
love to see them all in a tier list
I'm always happy when you upload Off meta videos
it's fun to do something new on league, makes playing the game more fun
thank you Chime
I was actually just looking for the tier list lmfao perfect
Way before Mundo got reworked. A friend and I used to play Mundo Olaf botlane. Incredibly fun
Hey dude wake up new HappyChimeNoise just dropped
I have been watching this channel for nearly 2 years now. I remember started watching you as a small content creator and now? 500k is the next goal!! It might sounds crazy but I actually have tried all of your off meta pick (in normal ofc) and actually have more fun with the game. I hope you are doing well and thank you for creating these videos!
Thank you for sticking around :) makes me very happy to hear you are still enjoying the picks.
See you at 500k for sure
Olaf top is already meta, the crit build is what's off meta about it, but as soon as riot notices Olaf is destroying top lane and nerfs him it'll stop being broken.
It's been months tbh and riot still haven't nerfed him. Crazy really
I'd say. If they just adjust mana costs, Olaf might take a big hit. I do think crit Olaf won't be affected much, since the gameplay is stick to someone and burst them.
Hcn guide on it recommended teleport so you can impact the map but I think you need ghost late game and just play under tower early till lvl 6
Lee Sin Pyke Botlane is also pretty underrated in my opinion. They synergize quite well if you and your teammate share one mind with each other.
Are there any other picks that are good but weren't mentioned in this video?
Sylas taric also works
Surprising Karma isn't mentioned at all, Karma top and mid is still going strong and there are multiple master+ non-support Karma OTPs abusing this pick in solo queue.
She can flex between AP, tank and support mythics depending on the situation, and the "nerf" to Radiant Virtue didn't actually make the item worse for Karma.
where is sett mid
I was waiting so long for this!!! I am a little sad you left out AD Ahri bot lane, esp after her asu, but im still very happy with this all ^^ tysm
It is in there, just forgot to talk about it specificity. Very similar power level
last season i OTPed Ap Sejuani mid but this season she feels so weak and i dropped her for AD Kennen top.. i was surprised shes up so high this year
Did he make an actual screenshot of the tierlist? Would be super helpful to navigate
I love crit olaf so much but I use it in the jungle, take it with ghost and it's like playing Master Yi without the weakness of being hard cc spammed.
5:15 TIP for hide stats
after match ends
sell all the items in fountains and add random shit so riot or other people doesnt really know why is your build like that and won
Gragas was made for mid and changed in season 5
6:49 Lethality Yorick was specifically nerfed in patch 13.5, though I'm not sure how much that hurt.
Video was uploaded before that I believe. Yes it is worse, but yes it is still very good
Your off meta videos has made me find a spark for league again and I genually enjoy playing this game again
Thanks! :)
Great to hear
some people watch tierlists to correctly follow the meta. we follow tierlists to break the meta. we are not the same lmao
Actually thresh top is thriving rn at least imo and he is also getting buffed which makes him even stronger his only downside is that he can't impact the teamfight as well as other toplaners but he is still a solid champ for top
I personally think they will start ziggs supp against double adc lanes. Rush Rayleighs and you can cover whole botlane long range engage. Since he has high dmg q right on lv1 and mana issues the pick is oppressive af..
Sad to see Orianna support so low in this list, I think it is really one of the best enablers supports out there. Thinking about it she would be great paired with a Crit Olaf for the MS and the +30 armor/mr.
I used to play a lot of Aniva support, I'm honestly surprised it isn't seen as meta
Thank you for making league fun with those videos, love it
Polls to decide which guides to update for season 13?
My votes are for Nasus, Sion JG, Trynd mid, and yorick top
As an off meta enjoyer this is pure treasure
Off meta I so good for the game like actually. I just watched the whole video and I got like 8 picks I really want to try it’s like riot just relised 8 new champs
i love how the best pick and the viability of all the off meta picks always changes
Draven top casually making the hardest comeback of all time XD
god i love xin mid so god damn much. ur video was the reason im still playing league and havent just outright quit bc of boredom
That was a smooth asf transition into the ad lmao
although i agree with almost all of your list im going to have to disagree with some of your choices for S+ tier.
for one, mundo soraka botlane seems pretty critically flawed by getting early grievous wounds and/or with ignite (bonus with exhaust). mundos window of opportunity is during ghost+ult which is easily evadable since you’ll most likely be expecting it.
crit olaf while being extremely strong, hes also extremely squishy from normal olaf and is easily killed when focused. he almost always gets blasted when people stand their ground and dont immediately start running. if he isnt fed most meta toplane fighters/bruisers can 1v1 him, and mages can also 1 shot him way before he even gets close
I'm seeing this at 5am and it's making me wanna hop on ranked rn lmao
Edit: Waited 6 minutes for a game. Had two bots in mid/carry. Ended up facing rivin tho and didnt to terrible for playing Olaf.
16:08 king of offmeta has got to be ady
Okay but now that Frostfire is gone what's the new tank Morde jungle build? Jaksho Rylais?
Correct, or even rush iceborn first instead of rylais
I have to disagree with the teemo jg In C. You can lock down the hole map and set up for dragon really ez. I think he should be in B at least or A.
Take all support off meta and put them two divisions lower, the amount of people who i have seen who refuse to play because i picked something that "isn't a support" is insane.
We still don’t have that ASol rework video though so not ALL the picks have videos :P
Even the Aurelion Sol main from the video is still trying to figure out a new top lane build - so hopefully soon his winrate will settle and banrate will decrease for people to try it
I think you did an excellent job with this video! I can't imagine how much work it would have been to do this sort of summary and analysis of your own content. For me it was too much information but at least now i can use it as a list of all the fun stuff to try throughout the next year. Hopefully you didn't burnout doing this one❤
to think that due recent item changes, this tier list might change a lot of it's champions
I've been having fun with the Sylas support with varying success. Even with the catchup exp changes, I've been roaming a lot. Also testing out Night Harvester and Rocketbelt on him if i got fed early.
Akshan support though, somehow I can't make it work lmao.
Can you tell me what are you struggling with the pick? I'm thinking of picking it up
was waiting for ubdated list for so long :D happy with what i got ( also plz Nasus suport next?) (sorry for bad english im not native)
About zac top, if y go tank with demonic is still really strong even after his and demonics nerfs
Wait, I saw that Olaf build on my ranked, thought the dude was Just insane, he inted so hard all he could do was splitpush and of I showed up he was dead. He was malding and saying camille Is broken, I wasn't even going sunderer grasp, It was conq trynity with steraks. Love Ur content and trying tò climb with ap kaisa lately, internet isn't helping.
I actually enjoy mundo support against lux and any other cc support
As a main assassin rakan mid player, i feel that it did not deserve its respect since in last patch it got buffed in his W ap ratio and his Q damage and healing, it is stronger than it has ever been after this buffs, i dont know if the video was made before the buffs but i really dont think its a dying pick ( to be clear i started maining it right after HCN did his first rakan mid video)
I did not see the buffs before the video. However they are not very useful Mid buffs unfortunately - they are meant to help supports.
I do think mid Rakan is better now, but his main issues still remain - bad itemisation and no waveclear
@happyChimeNoises true his wave clear is really bad, but as you said in your video it is a great pick to be a jungler support and i think his roam does catch up to his flaws on bad itemisation and wave clear, but indeed with bad wave clear you cant roam really well
This video is proof that skill really matters in this game, making even weird champs picks fun and useful
I like to go ap nasus his E scales with ap and he has good synergy with his W and rylies crystal with the extra slow basically its an exhaust with these items plus it fixes his early game weakness with the comet runes futher increasing his damage on E plus you also have your stacks
I know when i first listened to your voice i loved it and over a year has passed and its still nice to watch and listen to your videos :)
Thank you!
the day lulu anywhere but bot lane is meta again is the day i can finally be happy
This is great. Wish every champ could be played wherever, but obviously that's just a dream.
Actually i was recommending it been 2-3 month ago to a player who play akali to use ad items since it make since in low elo the more you still alive the more you dmg the more you can keep up and i was finniding quiet lilia funny in top hes clear is no joke it's rly good since you have one item you can clear the wave with 1 Q
I can't believe Tilterella Sup Smite Sion made it here.
I need this tier list as a pic on my pc!
Flash back to exactly last year, you did the same tier list
I thought that I invented the Pantheon ADC since I was too tired of solo lane, nope, someone got to Master before me :))
Funny thing is nobody talks about Swain ADC anymore, still plays him (but more on SP role)
In conclusion: Don't play traditional ADC champs on bot lane :))
Pyke adc doesnt need taliyah, as long as he gets healing or hard cc it workd, like yuumi, soraka or alistar. Just watch the duo davemon alicopter
The return of the Banambulance
I'm going to have to disagree with the AP Rakan placement, he recently got alot of ap ratio buffs which I think helps the pick alot, not super easy to pull off but us rakan mains it's still super effective.
Ah this rating was done before 13.3 - so it didnt include the buffs he got.
You may be right, I had not thought about it.
Imo his main issues are itemisation + lack of waveclear - so I dont think the buffs fix those - but maybe he is closer to C Tier if you are very good at him
ap rakan mid‘s only actual problems are his waveclear and his high cooldowns, everything else is pretty good
Maybe they should make it that IE and quick blades needs 40% if ranged but 60 if melee. Cause ADC still feels like one of the weakest classes.
I dont think any Crit based melee champs (Other than olaf) are super OP currently, but yeah it may be a good idea.
I think adcs just need slightly different itemisation, as even the 40% crit buff didnt really change their build paths
Thanks for the list, I love your videos and them daily. This one I watch almost daily even tho I'm not playing league (addiction treatment) so I get a big itch to test it and see how fast can I get mastery 7 lol
Thank you!!
I real like plaing ap heartsteal tresh top, and heartsteal gp
this is my off meta picks