Project For Gaia - A guided shamanic journey to find your power animal. A deep spiritual experience.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2016
    It is really important, to read this carefully and to be aware of it all the time!
    Warning! Do not listen to the music while driving!!
    The purpose of this shamanic journey is to meet your personal spirit animal (power animal), or your spiritual guide.
    If you don`t find them during the first journey, or you have problems to concentrate, it doesn`t matter. Try again and again. We are all different! Some people will find their power animal very fast, some need a lot of attempts. But in the end, all of you will have a deep spiritual experience. Your power animal can help to heal yourself, to solve your problems or can show you the right way of life!
    How it works:
    The best way is to lay down on a comfortable mat, your sofa or your bed. Cover your eyes with a cloth so you won’t be disturbed by lights. Use earphones or headphones to listen to the voice and music.
    Think about to meet your power animal!
    You can repeat the journey as often as you want.
    The voice is leading you to something like a tunnel or a cave.
    Go through the tunnel.
    Take a look around.
    Look at the walls.
    Take a look at the floor.
    Have no fear, you are save!
    If you can see a light, move over to the light and leave the tunnel.
    It is important to remember this place because you have to return to it at the end of the journey.
    And now - let the spirits guide you!!
    You will see wonderful places you have never seen before!
    Maybe you see animals or creatures you have never seen before!
    If you are lucky, you can meet your special spirit animal at these lovely places, you can meet your personal teacher or even letting your mind grow…
    And again: Have no fear! You will have a deep spiritual experience!
    At the end of the journey you will hear the recall drum.
    Now return to the place where you got out of the tunnel, go back through the tunnel and then you will return into the real world.
    Have a nice journey!
    If it doesn`t work at first, ... REPEAT AGAIN and AGAIN!!
    Project For Gaia
    Spoken text:
    This is a shamanic journey
    To find your own animal spirit guide - your power animal
    Now you are at your favorite place in nature
    The sun is shining
    Birds are singing
    You see wonderful colors
    Take a deep breath
    You are doing well
    You look around
    You can see every little detail
    And now: search for a hole in the ground
    Or something like a cave
    Go inside
    Everything is fine
    And now, you can hear the shamanic drum …
    The Shaman Drum was recorded during a shamanic healing session.
    The Sounds Of Nature were recorded at a very powerful and spiritual place in France.
    Buy on iTunes:
    #projectforgaia #shamanicdrumming #shamanicmusic
    Recorded @ Mega Blaster Recordings
    © Mega Blaster Music Services

ความคิดเห็น • 123

  • @Ball_InDistress
    @Ball_InDistress 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Usually it takes a while for stuff like this to work, or my mind is too busy to focus properly. But this? This was the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced. I met my spirit animal/animals. Two animals one entity, my spirit guide, and she brought two of my loved ones that have passed, AND I had a brief visit from a secondary spirit guide. I’ve never felt anything like this before, it was incredible. Thank you so SO much!

  • @leahyates5759
    @leahyates5759 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Omg this I amazing I'm a new shaman this was my first out of body experience except for in my dreams and it literally changed my whole perspective this is amazing I'm literally so happy

  • @MrThePanus
    @MrThePanus ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @hectsblood6093
    @hectsblood6093 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    It was amazing! I found myself in an open field and one of my spirit guides was waiting there with my spirit animal. It was such an intense experience! I am so happy I started my shamanic journey since my spirit guide also is a shaman ready to guide me❤️🙏🏻

  • @alexandrunegrea359
    @alexandrunegrea359 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    you have a great drum, thank you! I don't found a cave, but an empty trunk of a tree pulled down and I stayed there some time. I sawed in the wood marked some animal shapes ( like goats ) and I heard outside some animals - like a rabbit, a little snake, a bird, a squirrel, In the end, a gray wolf come after me and pull me out from that tree trunk. Was wonderful because I run with them. Great experience. I love it! You are great with your drum!

  • @maryslh4212
    @maryslh4212 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    it was imazing 🙏🏽

  • @mtsulps8961
    @mtsulps8961 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    To było niesamowite! W pewnym momencie zacząłem widzieć cień wilka, i ogromnego kota. Super doświadczenie!

  • @DrascorTheDeath
    @DrascorTheDeath 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This experience was nice and felt very real!
    I was focusing too hard on the drums, and the moment a relaxed a bit and let go i met a ocelot/margay, staring at me from a tree branch

  • @hermeticyeste1335
    @hermeticyeste1335 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Brutality Thank You 🙏🙏🙏

  • @mattkondracki3454
    @mattkondracki3454 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I appeared in a colorful green forest where the sun shines and walked to a downwards hole surrounded by boulders. I went to the first cave and cut my hand and painted all the animals that had attributes to me on the wall with blood. After that I walked along and there I met my first animal, The Crow, where I looked at the bird and let him stand on my hand. His claws lay a mark on my index and It fly's up top to a cave rock formation. I follow along the cave system and meet many animals, they all show me their feelings and what is attributed to them, they all leave a mark on me from showing what emotion display them, a wolf's hunger but courage, a bears strength, etc. then I walk through the cave with my torch and see all the natives with their single tents and their spirit animals. A man and his buck, a man laying with his bear, a man petting his jaguar, and women with her doe, a man with his owl, etc. But in the end I meet my crow. He leads me to a rock and I walk up it to meet him. I look at him and see his pearlescent colors of dark purple and blue and see the hidden beauty and he looks at me and he flaps his wings and his wings transfer to me in the forms of tattoos. There I follow him by flight over my forest and he shows me that all animals are connected and he can observe them all and how they all display as different attributes and feelings; strength, grace, fear, false wisdom, happiness, etc. He changes the colors into its seasons displaying how emotions change and attributes change just like the seasons. He sees all and is wise. Other animals thing of him as a small bird with less meaning but he observes them all and all their behaviors. From there it went dark in an instant and all I saw were two glowing light blue eyes staring and then a crow appears from the eyes and I got the craziest chills and I see its outline and he flaps his wings again and makes the tattoo stronger with wings on my arms and I fly through a cavern. We weave in and out with grace that you wouldn't expect from a crow we fly high and together side by side. Just before a change in drums appear we fly over a shaman banging his drum and settle literally perfect timing before the crazy beat like I almost knew it was coming but I actually didn't even think about seeing a shaman or a change in the drum. The drum beat changed and a big circle of fire surrounded us three and the hovered me and transferred its feathers to me, there the feathers went into my skin. That's when I felt it that the crow was my animal. As the drum stopped it went dark and I opened my eyes. In the end I think he was showing me how everyone else has an animals and how my crow can observe them all and without really knowing it, he is higher than everyone else and sees all whether the animals know it or not. crazy shit. there were so many more details I just can list it all cause its so much. maybe I just got a crazy imagination cause that was random as hell.

  • @AwakenedGrayce
    @AwakenedGrayce 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Wow I think I meet my power animal! It was a mighty gorilla that was smashing down walls. Then I hopped on his back and we were flying through a thick forest. We stopped in front of a giant of all giant ancient of all ancient tree God. He was BIG!! He wrapped me up in his vines and branches and tossed me in the air then placed me on his shoulders while the gorilla watched. Then a face of a man that had a weathered face, tan skin, gray short beard and very colorful clothes flashed really quickly before my eyes. His eyes were very kind and old and he smiled. Then my body jerked awake and I opened my eyes. WOW.. what in the world???

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That sounds good! In your next journey you should meet your gorilla and travel to that tree ( it might be the tree of live, the Earth Tree). Then ask to meet the man with the weathered face. If you meet him ask him who he is ....!

    • @IanBrownMakeUpArtist
      @IanBrownMakeUpArtist 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Awakening Grayce OMG I had a very similar experience during a group guided breath work meditation last year. I saw the same old tree and was engulfed in the tree and the same weathered looking wise man. I had two animals appear to me, a white tiger and an owl. Then I seemed to go back in time to Egypt and I was being beckoned by a group of people all in white. It was a spiritual experience.

  • @KimberlyPeace
    @KimberlyPeace 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Truly magnificent xxoo

  • @annaeirbylund9512
    @annaeirbylund9512 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank YOU 🌛🌞🌜

  • @RandomGUYjeff
    @RandomGUYjeff 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Walking down muddy incline in forest, full of roots. Lush, wet, cool moss, jungle leaves almost blocking the sun. Charcoal cliffs/mtns. Cave entry on right. My animal encounter was a big cat: dark silver w/black splotches, black ears, his spine lowered toward the tail. I led him & he led me. We were balanced. He told me his & his mother's name - but I didn't see her. Zika was a juvenile. I rec'd a msg. I also learned names I'd never heard before for others in rms of the cave tunnels. "Kimoto" & 'Monji" (I looked them up and both are Japanese names. One means "lives under a tree"). Very interesting journey, indeed. Thank you for providing this.

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Very good! To meet your animal again, you can practice with this or one of the other longer drums:

    • @elizabethhubbard8151
      @elizabethhubbard8151 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Awesome, I love when stuff like that happens and you can confirm the meaning!

  • @valentynamishchenko1339
    @valentynamishchenko1339 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @dorilysfay1
    @dorilysfay1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I saw many numbers and simbols, like if I was high, but no animal yet. but I liked it a lot!

  • @joyefulshaman
    @joyefulshaman 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Nice drumming. Spirit animals and Power Animals are not the same...Also, its best not to tell people what your PA is, because that is a form of giving away your power. :)

  • @glabutis
    @glabutis 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really didn’t think it would work!
    I went into the cave behind a waterfall and in there I started getting nervous. I “Heard” “there’s nothing to fear” so I relaxed. I Sat down on a stone bench and then just think I started to fall asleep.
    Then I saw a wolf running past me it stopped and turned its body sideways looked back at me for a few seconds and then it disappeared. It had a big fluffy tail up in the air. I knew it wasn’t my imagination because, like I said I think I was about to fall asleep and I had no thoughts.
    Then I saw a blue shaped kind of circular object with some white shapes inside and I asked what it was and I “heard,” “sacred geometry “ And I asked to expand on it. And I “heard” “everywhere you go, everyone you meet, they are part of the whole life’s journey”
    . And then I “heard” the word “acceptance”
    This video then changed the drumming sounds so I returned back from the cave.
    It was a very exciting experience I will look up my power animal now.
    I can’t wait to take this journey again.
    Thank you for having this!
    ***added after.... I looked up sacred geometry and the vision I saw was of “ The Tree of Life”
    I know this wasn’t my imagination because I don’t know anything about sacred geometry or The Tree of Life.

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Great! Now you should find your power animal to protect you!

    • @glabutis
      @glabutis 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Project For Gaia - TRANCE DRUMS & MEDITATION Music I thought it was the wolf?

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maybe! You should do a new journey and when the wolf or another animal appears: Ask if it is your power animal and you' ll see ...

    • @glabutis
      @glabutis 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Project For Gaia - TRANCE DRUMS & MEDITATION Music ok Thank you 🙏

  • @jollybigfist
    @jollybigfist 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am standing at the edge of a lush green forest.
    Behind me is a valley with a lake and a rushing river.
    Mountains in the distance.
    Birds are singing in the trees.
    I hear a voice telling me to look for a hole in the ground or a cave.
    I see it hidden behind a waterfall.
    I enter the cave and am surrounded by darkness.
    The voice tells me do not be afraid and to listen for the shamans drum.
    I stand in silence then the drumming begins far off in the distance, as it builds in volume I move forward my body vibrating with the power of the drum a light shines in the distance... As I proceed a golden fox appears.. I ask him if he is my spirir animal.
    He stops and grins at me then runs away.
    I continue toward the light and enter a large round cavern.
    The shaman sits before a fire beating his drum and chanting.
    There is a rug on the floor and i lie down.
    I close my eyes and all of a sudden I am climbing a massive red Rock tower.
    I reach the peak it is perfectly flat,
    over head an eagle circles in the perfect bright blue sky.
    He dives towards me and lands on top of the tower before me as I kneel. He is massive.
    In my head I see him grab me with his beak and toss me off the tower.
    I reach out my hand to touch him.
    I feel a melding of my body with his I want to fly. Then I awake.
    Best feeling ever

  • @olesyaaurora
    @olesyaaurora 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    THANK YOU...."

  • @liwaywaylacerna5322
    @liwaywaylacerna5322 ปีที่แล้ว

    U wil come Mr.Drumsreis....✌️🙏👌👍

  • @ginimulls4189
    @ginimulls4189 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What a lovely experience I met a killer whale a guru and a sacred tree.

  • @chicofun4779
    @chicofun4779 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great job all together. I'd love to listens just the drum, it really has great tone. Thanks

  • @saewa333
    @saewa333 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @pessoamagica9691
    @pessoamagica9691 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was expecting it to be a cat or a butterfly 🦋 but it is a pidgeon :)

  • @ParetHardrock
    @ParetHardrock 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is so interesting. First of all thank you for a longer 30 + meditation. I see only shades of darkness. BUT the most interesting part is what happens to my body doing drum meditations, around solar plexus and my stomach start to pump the muscles around, and giving some strange spasm (that I could control) but if I just let go, it feels like someone (I dont feel anyone moving me physical) but it feels like something could since my body moves in directions that could resemble like that. Hard to describe anyways. Also that something/or someone sitting on the stomach, not as a weight but moving my upperbody up.
    Strangest thing was that both my arms travels upwards withe open hands, like grabbing for something I cant see, its only different shades of darkness, but endet laying on my solar plexus. Again I can control it to just tension my muscles, but this is what happens when I dont control anything. Hard to understands, if feels like an unknmown prescence moves you physically, but no feeling that anything moves you. Its strange as hell. Well thank you so much, Ill try again, I bet im kinda sceptical to just visit any spirit animal and that "locks me out"

    • @elizabethhubbard8151
      @elizabethhubbard8151 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have had this experience, it is automatic dance, cosmic dance, automatic movement, I have used it to receive messages from Jesus, I had to take a moment and figure out what he was saying with my body, you will know who is guiding you intuitively I believe, you can welcome your guide to come back

    • @prabalpanjabi6641
      @prabalpanjabi6641 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@elizabethhubbard8151 Wow
      Could you share something more about this

  • @elizabethhubbard8151
    @elizabethhubbard8151 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I met my centipede! Now I have to go see what it means, it may have been a millipede it was blue, like turquoise and silver. Thank you!

    • @shilpas4063
      @shilpas4063 4 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @stablebodycontrol2186
    @stablebodycontrol2186 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I found a little snake and a giant snake, and bevor that I was on see and than appears a titan feeds that smashed the see etc... really strange

  • @rachelek.denous2988
    @rachelek.denous2988 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de traduction.

  • @PocketPettles
    @PocketPettles 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think I'm doing this wrong or I'm just too distracted, didn't get anything, will try again later this evening as maybe I'm too awake

  • @josic.8509
    @josic.8509 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    In my journey I was given the vision of a totem pole I had visited in Stanley Park, British Columbia 14 years ago. What could this mean in terms of my spirit guide?

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This can mean a lot. It's best to make a new journey and ask for the meaning.
      It is very important to formulate precisely the question you want to ask before you start the meditation!

  • @aliseadillon7032
    @aliseadillon7032 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Before he told me to find a cave something caught my eye and I could actually feel my physical eye pulling towards it and it was a wolf that had tooken a seat in the leaves and stared.
    I went to the cave and I saw the wolf again but then my brain got all blurry and I had to get up because I was going off topic and thinking about school and stuff again.

    • @whitewolf1653
      @whitewolf1653 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sure, everyone seems to j have a wolf guide. Stay in school

  • @medeaendor3706
    @medeaendor3706 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I did another meditation one animal was shown to me. Can I call for it rge next time when I do your meditation for example, or should I rather wait wether it will appear again by itself or wether another creature appears?

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Call and ask the animal if it is your Power Animal when it appears.Otherwise wait if a new animal shows up. It can show you many animals and beings. You can ask any being if it comes from the light, who it is, etc. It will answer you!

  • @Queen-zr3oc
    @Queen-zr3oc 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    First could really couldn’t visualize a cave but I keep seeing a fire breathing horse especially with the drums then i saw a dolphin swimming in the air? Any thoughts on this?

  • @viw4879
    @viw4879 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okay, i was in the hole, but what do I have to do then? - I could feel my tooth moving in bed and it was as if I did walk through the hole, but then I wasnt concentrate anymore, because I didn't know what I should expect now or what I should do (in other shamanic jorneys you should go out of the hole to be able to make an out of body experience), so should I try to make on OBE here? Or should I just listen to the drums, without any imagination anymore?
    I didn't understand the journey, so I broke it up after 20 minutes. :(
    (But I think I know my animals ... Is it possible that these animals often appear in your dreams? About once a week?)
    (I'm not sure if you speak german - my english is very bad, sorry .... :D )

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi, please read the instructions at the description of this video. I just added it. Sorry , it was not visible for German visitors.

    • @viw4879
      @viw4879 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@projectforgaia-trancedrums Thank you! :)

  • @Schnaidernineseveneight
    @Schnaidernineseveneight 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome sound, awesome environment but nothing found

  • @bobekirsch6427
    @bobekirsch6427 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes! I found my power animal, I always suspected: the hawk, but sometimes I think it’s a raven...not 100% sure now...also I see birds on my way all the time that they look like the bird on this picture...strange. The ravens and one hawk visit my yard almost every day.

  • @LoreaGandiaga
    @LoreaGandiaga 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Idky everyone but me can visualize something. All I see is the darkness of my eyes closed and no matter how I try to concentrate on the drums or to relax, I can’t picture anything at all.

  • @medeaendor3706
    @medeaendor3706 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What happens if I don't return properly through the light where I come from? It's scares me a little

  • @kaitlinbrooks2242
    @kaitlinbrooks2242 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    What does it mean if you can get to the hole and jump in but after that, I just see darkness. I just see dark and then my mind drifts off to random things because even when I just let go it stays dark. Does it mean I need more practice?

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Take the time to prepare. Call the spirits and try to make the journey out of a relaxed situation. Use sage! Yes, you need more practice. Do you know the book "The Way Of The Shaman" by Michael Harner? It is a good book to start ...

    • @kaitlinbrooks2242
      @kaitlinbrooks2242 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Okay thank you for your response! I will look into that book. I haven't worked a whole lot with this, I have noticed in other fully guided journeys and meditations I see things to an extent but I mostly get intense sensations during the parts I can't see. This one I just see black though. I will work with the sage and check out that book!

  • @dawnharley9889
    @dawnharley9889 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow I haven't been on my journey for a long while before I always had a wolf raven and a black horse but this journey was si different I met many animals rihno elephant lion snake dragonfly lizard a bear a otter an owl a butterfly who seemed to be guiding me to a puma I didn't feel I needed to ask if she was my guide I felt conected to her then we kinda molded in two one and it looked like I was in space flying then the puma and me came to a forest there was snow and a white horse came straight up to me again like the puma I knew we were conected then stand in in the forest was my friend the wolf the puma horse wolf and a owl who just out of no where swooped down on my shoulder I saw myself with my guides walking in the forest as one I felt strong and powerful also I don't know if it means anything but I looked like a white witch I've never experienced any of this a very powerful journey what's your thoughts please I'd be interested in you're take

  • @angelrising2859
    @angelrising2859 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really want to do this but I've had a lot of spiritual experiences in my life and therefore know it deep in my guts that this is real, meaning that the possible complications of it are too, and can be dangerous. I have read about shamanic trance and found that people with depression (among others, but depression is what affects me) may not always be able to return from trance if not guided by a shaman, I do not know if this information is accurate but as soon as the drums start playing I feel my very core vibrating, so I don't want to watch any more without being certain: is there a recorded voice to guide you? And I know you have replied to someone who asked the same, saying 'No fear! You will easily return!', but what does happen in the case I actually can't? Sorry to bother and thanks for your time

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Normally you do not have to worry about not going back. But there's nothing wrong with finding a shaman in your area and doing the trance journey with him.

    • @angelrising2859
      @angelrising2859 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@projectforgaia-trancedrums perfect, thank you!

  • @leec439
    @leec439 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’ve never been able to close my eyes and see things no matter how much intention or imagination it’s always been blank. Perhaps there’s something waiting for me beyond my physical eyes.

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just try again :-)

    • @elizabethhubbard8151
      @elizabethhubbard8151 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You don't want to force it, think of a dream you have had that you remember and you will experience the vision state and what your body does. Do this as you are relaxing into the meditation, try to stay aware and not drift into the dream, that is the state of consciousness we are trying to enter.

  • @boyunderbridge
    @boyunderbridge 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    My spirit animal is clearly a headache

    • @boyunderbridge
      @boyunderbridge 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But thank you for making this. I need more practice

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think so. Make some rituals before practicing.

    • @cheeks6310
      @cheeks6310 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry but that made me laugh until I got a headache too. Too many thoughts and no spirit animal

  • @OursDéplumé
    @OursDéplumé 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I met a Forest

  • @wildthoughts6331
    @wildthoughts6331 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey i think i saw a bat with many eyes.

  • @krystalswan
    @krystalswan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why is the spoken guidance so badly pronunciated? Pity because it looks well done otherwise!

  • @Rowancraft3
    @Rowancraft3 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Power animals for me lol I have the cunning fox, the independent stag, the majestic tiger, and the free spirit of the horse! It feels like I've only met a few lol apparently I have a lot of animal guides or spirit guides.

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      .... that is not unusual!

    • @Rowancraft3
      @Rowancraft3 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Is it possible that they might be human being in animal form?

    • @Rowancraft3
      @Rowancraft3 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's whT I was thinking. Some had humN like energies but why wouldn't they come to me as human spirit guides rather than turning into animals is there a reason?

    • @Rowancraft3
      @Rowancraft3 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Astral Shaman Thank you for your help! Blessed be

  • @aleksanterikaansalo
    @aleksanterikaansalo 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    One of my cats, ya'll know that red persian one, Osama looked at me as at a monkey while i was listening to this track. So....

  • @chimutry
    @chimutry 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    jaimerai bien essayer mais je ne comprends pas

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nous sommes désolés. Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas encore de vidéo avec texte en français.

  • @fabianmitrache5799
    @fabianmitrache5799 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where in France was recorded please?!

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It was recorded at gorges de l'ardèche,4.4330654,16.11z

    • @audejavel8361
      @audejavel8361 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I know les gorges de l'Ardèche, very beautiful place in my country

  • @elizabethpalaciosvaldez5879
    @elizabethpalaciosvaldez5879 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    To the left and inside me Black long not ending black fur silky thick coat hands are numb ,humid air no face

  • @andrewwatts8303
    @andrewwatts8303 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's hard to do when you have pets that want attention all the time

  • @M44Pumpkin
    @M44Pumpkin 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've seen like 20 animals during this meditation and I am so confused ahahaha.

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That can happen. Also you can have more than one power animal. I think you should do the journey again and if an animal comes to you, you should ask it if it is your power animal!

    • @M44Pumpkin
      @M44Pumpkin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@projectforgaia-trancedrums Thank you. Already set an intention to work with whichever chose me and asked them to drop me little hints IRL too so 💓 I ll figure it out soon . 🌿 Blessings

  • @baronichantal6474
    @baronichantal6474 ปีที่แล้ว

    En français ça serait bien 🙏

  • @liwaywaylacerna5322
    @liwaywaylacerna5322 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hallo, Mr.Drumsreis....donation, .100$💖💫👌✌️🙏

  • @greengoat1560
    @greengoat1560 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    honestly its hard for me to understand how this actually works... I don't expect me to go on a journey my first try or even my second but it just seems too imaginative to me. I'm skeptical because wouldn't your power animal just be the first animal that comes to mind? I hate to be negative but its a little frustrating to imagine me being in a peaceful place to meet my power animal when all I can do is picture somewhere for only a moment and then its dark again. it feels to me that its all apart of ones imagination, but I would love to actually go on a journey and see my power animal.. though I just have a hard time believing that the first animal I think of is actually my spirt guide. ill try again another day..

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Some people have difficulties imagining something. Especially if you are a beginner in meditation. Try again and again. Maybe you can read some books for better understanding what is happening during a journey. A good book to start is "The Way Of The Shaman" by Michael Harner.

    • @greengoat1560
      @greengoat1560 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      thank you, ill look into it. but do you think that an individuals power animal is just the first animal that comes to mind or is it more than that? also I saw a video where someone said that one can have multiple power animals.. also another video mentions that you are supposed to ask if you power animal has anything to give you and always end your journey by thanking the spirit and write down how your journey went so you don't forget.

    • @projectforgaia-trancedrums
      @projectforgaia-trancedrums  7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, sometimes it is the first animal you meet. Ask it and it will answer you. You should alway travel with a firm intention. In this case: I want to meet my power animal! Yes, it is possible to have multiple power animals. But first you should have found one. If you are thanking the spirits, they will thank you! It is very good to write down your journey. You don`t forget and in some cases it is useful to read it after a while and maybe you understand a journey you did not understand before...

    • @greengoat1560
      @greengoat1560 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Astral Shaman thank you cousin, i hope you are doing good as well... hard times have hit since 3 years ago. If im being honest ive kinda of given up on my spiritual journey to focus on the present but i feel like i still am wasting time.. i will forever be a skeptic, its just who i am. I still try to meditate and find a peaceful place in mind. When it comes to finding my spirit animal/guide i feel helpless. I still need to read that book and raise my own spirit. But im also a person that procrastinates. Then again once i set my mind to something ill get it done. Have u ever question your beliefs tho? Im courious what life will be like 10 years from now but it doesnt look good. The planet is on the path of destruction do to greedy people.. i try to stay positive while staying aware of my surroundings. Maybe this year i will try to reconnect my mind and body to my soul but its not easy. I still feel as if its all imaginative. When you think of god or the highier power(s), what comes to mind?

    • @greengoat1560
      @greengoat1560 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Astral Shaman thank you, i think it will help! You seem very wise, and i understand it will take time. I dont expect instant results. Then again i keep having doubt in the idea. Wish i could put it aside but i keep thinking the first animal that u think of or want to be your guide will be the first to appear... idk im still young (23) and have lots to learn. Ill make sure to read that book by the end of this year! Hope u enjoy the holiday cousin, peace and love!✌💚

  • @user-gt1el4cy8z
    @user-gt1el4cy8z 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    А на русском языке нет?

  • @elizabethpalaciosvaldez5879
    @elizabethpalaciosvaldez5879 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    To big maybe for water not land?

  • @michaelliberty1007
    @michaelliberty1007 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nothing really happened very disappointed

  • @IK-ic2ut
    @IK-ic2ut 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Completely unseless.this time. Bad.leading only.hearing.annoing drumming. A voice should lead.into you are.lost.alone.with imagination and drumming. No no no.