Loneliness, Vulnerability and Facing Challenges

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    I've been forced lately to face some uncomfortable truths which I've struggled with and wanted to share my thoughts on how I'm getting through that challenge.
    For the algorithm - mensmentalhealth, self improvement, stoicism, spirituality, connection, growth, discomfort, hustle

ความคิดเห็น • 304

  • @TheAayush17
    @TheAayush17 ปีที่แล้ว +92

    The thing is I am lonely and I crave friendships and a deep human connection but when I go out and talk to people I get tired quickly and realise how demanding people are and the façade that I have to put on is very exhausting. So I am back to being lonely again. I know exactly how you feel. It is a viscous circle, the snake swallowing his own tail.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +26

      My immediate thought when I read this is I can relate. What I actually find is that some people I find easy to be around and can be with them all the time, some people drain me very quickly. Instead of thinking there's something wrong with you for being tired, maybe look at what it is about those people you find tiring and look for different people. Just my 2c

    • @mufasahm8238
      @mufasahm8238 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You guys sound like introverts. Maybe look into setting limited time with friends so you don't get drained. Socialise a little so you feel fulfilled. Don't over Socialise if it doesn't suit you or your space.

    • @cyber963
      @cyber963 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      If you have to put on a facade, then you're around the wrong people. Just keep doing things that you're passionate about and you will find like minded people who don't drain you

    • @MaitreSpader
      @MaitreSpader ปีที่แล้ว

      You said it, the "façade" is the key element. If you relinquish yourself from having to maintain a façade during social interactions, you'll start to get it. Confidence is being your true self. I know the drill, got my first GF at 27 and lost my virginity to her, I know where your coming from. Regarding that aspect, I would look up content on the whole pickup game, cold approach, rejection therapy, all that.

    • @JUnkFreak124
      @JUnkFreak124 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JayWallace I think it's not the people's fault, at least for me. It is within you, your thoughts that occur to these people that create these feelings. Unfortunately, I currently don't know how to reprogram these thoughts, some of which definitely come from the subconscious. If people really are assholes then of course it's different.

  • @trashcangoblin420
    @trashcangoblin420 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Wow - this is like a free therapy session from my very expensive psych. As someone with avoidant tendencies - I can relate strongly to a lot of this.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Thanks, I'm glad you found it helpful, that'll be £1000 please. :)

  • @colin4215
    @colin4215 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hi Jay, you express yourself as a very genuine, articulate and deeply emotional person with a strong intellect; lots of qualities that many people would admire. Don’t take yourself too seriously and overthink your situation. I say it, as I’ve been where you are in my early 30s, but in my 40s now and turned it around. Your video touched me. Keep going. Focus on a good routine, you’re working in a decent career that allows you to interact with people on all levels, and accept that people will come in and out your life. However, the ones that matter will stay when they do arrive. It’s all going to be ok, and I enjoy your content mate!!

  • @BestMentalism
    @BestMentalism ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Please keep sharing with that much sincerity, this really helps just not feeling alone as going through this as a man

  • @millermann123
    @millermann123 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    What helped me a lot was the advice of my therapist. Anxiety is made for live threatening situations. In social situations you are most likely not really in danger. So the anxiety is disproportional. 'What's the worst thing that could happen?' Every answer i could give he answered with 'so what'?". The situation makes you uncomfortable, that's it. Sadly the symptoms of social anxiety makes it more likely that you 'fail'. But what you did is the only way. Confrontation and biting through.
    I started a new job last year. My colleagues in my age are very different to me. Very big football fans, party animals. People i would never hang out with. Surprisingly they like me lot and it's fun spending time with them. But ... they have their own lifes and i hang aroung with them about 2-3 times a year in my free time.
    My state is: I mostly overcame social anxiety but stil lonely. Sometimes i drive to big cities for no reason and hope that there would be a situations to speak to people. I ended up with talking to a lot of homeless people and drug addicts :D

    • @JoshEves-r6z
      @JoshEves-r6z ปีที่แล้ว

      Try Ross Jeffries
      And Gabriel Grey (social hacker)

    • @jonathaningram8157
      @jonathaningram8157 ปีที่แล้ว

      the worst thing that could happen is a serial killer being among the people you are talking to... sooo

  • @matteomorelli6900
    @matteomorelli6900 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm not completely out of this quest to get out of loneliness personally but I've found a book that greatly helped:
    - The anatomy of loneliness by Teal Swan
    It explains that we feel lonely for 3 main reasons:
    1- Shame: If we feel shame about who we are and where we are in life (compared to where we "should" be or who we "should" be), so we isolate because what we see through other people's eyes is the reflection of us. So when we think they're judging us, it's in fact the mirror of our own self-judgment that we can't stand, and we withdraw because of it.
    2- Separation: If we have been separated from a loved one, or from a life situation or community (like college, a neighborhood, a family) that felt really connected, we may experience loneliness too because we unconsciously fear living the same pain again if we connect with another person or group of people (even worse if our last relationships involved any sort of betrayal or abandonment.) And we also fear "showing the wounds and scars" we felt if we ever connect with a new person, because connection always involves being vulnerable and letting others "get in to see who we are" to some extent.
    3- Fear: This one is pretty simple to explain, anxiety in general causes isolation because it is the traditional fight or flight mode: I'm scared, which means there is danger somewhere, so better not make a move to avoid getting killed...
    Overall, we feel lonely because a "part" of us has been disconnected, either by the separation we felt with a part of our life, a past relationship, or because our current life doesn't fit the model of what we wish we could have become at this point, or disconnected because someone or something hurt us and we can't forgive it yet (or at least we think we can't). This disconnection causes pain and makes it difficult to stay with ourselves without distractions like video games, junk food, obsessive work, or social media.
    For me, the solution has translated into stopping to try to be the perfect image of the guy with a perfect life I saw on social media (deleted everything around there by the way), and I really dig with a professional therapist into all the reasons why I felt like a failure (the list was long)
    Today, I feel less alone, it's not great yet, but at least I'm not afraid to go up to people anymore, even if I know true connections are still hard to find, but I don't feel any shame or embarassment anymore in talking about my life, projects, or past "failures".
    Ultimately, I think the last piece for me is to dive more deeply into the career that really feels fulfilling to me, and stop choosing options "only to make money", that's where my instincts are driving me right now. Again, it's not completely solved yet, but I feel better than 2 years ago for sure.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thanks, I'll check out the book. Can relate to most of them!

  • @judygoddard3869
    @judygoddard3869 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The fact that it makes you happy to help others shows what a decent guy you are.

  • @Classquatch
    @Classquatch ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey man! I’m going through something very similar, but I’m widowed with 2 kids, I’ve started working out and it’s definitely built my confidence, the discipline and progress is great for my mental health… I’ve started putting myself out there recently and trying to organise meeting up with customers/ old friends..:? I’ve been rejected a few times by people cancelling etc … it does hurt, but it’s all part of the journey, keep going happiness is a state of mind… learn to feel comfortable in the uncomfortable

  • @RhotoActual
    @RhotoActual ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Hey Brother. Just wanted to pop by and say I stumbled upon your channel with your first video "Being Lonely In Your 30s", and say that as a 32-year old man with seemingly increasing social anxiety since I was mid-20s and getting out of the 'Party Phase', you've hit the nail on the head for how I feel all the time.
    Really have nothing to say other than thank you for your perspective, and you're not alone.
    I'm so unbelievably lucky to say I got married a month ago, to the girl of my dreams. And she has been a huge help in not being lonely. But as far as friends go, I've lost them all. I've got a couple guys I went to school with who I consider good friends, but we've all got our own lives/families/jobs/etc. It's fucking hard being an adult. A couple people that I would have considered 'best friends' didn't even come to my wedding. Or at the very least, let me know they couldn't come.
    It's hard. It's really fucking hard. But you're not alone. And you putting out content like this helps the HUGE MAJORITY of us that feel the same way.
    I wish you the best in your journey to find happiness.

  • @regmtait100
    @regmtait100 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for sharing this. I'm a super introverted single guy exhausted by social contact. Here's what I think I've learned:
    > It's okay to feel like a lone wolf, while craving time with people in small doses.
    > Don't rely on work colleagues as friends. Be friendly and helpful, but the workplace is ropy foundation for a social life.
    > Enjoy travel, do it your own way (my absolute best memories are traveling overseas and sharing experiences, but needed enormous amount of time to recover)
    > Find hobbies, join groups. Base busy social events around some kind of activity.
    > Know your neighbours.
    > Massively lower the bar (I go for short lunchtime 'walk & talk' dates, and arrange quick coffee meets)
    > Spend time with people older than you, even decades older.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thanks, some really solid advice here. Travel is massive for me and generally when I feel best in life. I've got some commitments keeping me in the UK for now but I plan to get out on a big trip as soon as I can

    • @regmtait100
      @regmtait100 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JayWallace Good luck with your travels when the time comes. And best wishes.

  • @James_Lim
    @James_Lim ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Really inspiring to see you share your journey. Around 6 years ago, I couldn't find any people/community I resonated with because all the groups I came across were filled with confident, outspoken people who made me shrink in my shell. (I'm an introvert) your journey reminded me of how I felt. You mentioned at the end you're happy to hear what's helped others, so I'll share some thoughts that may help (Based on my own journey and my work.)
    - shifting from theory/knowledge to action/Exposure is vital, looks like you're doing it, but it sounds like you're constantly at your tipping point (overwhelmed). Emotionally draining!
    - Giving yourself the right amount of exposure at the right frequency is key. (To avoid flooding your emotional system and allow it to recharge between attempts)
    - Many of your fears are valid; workplace rejection can have severe consequences. I'd say this is quite high if you scored it on a point scale.
    - One way to manage (or calculate) this is to consider your perceived psychological safety as a way to build your own exposure up for social interactions.
    - in environments with low consequences, you'll feel safer; try and find these environments first.
    - Your experience with Toastmasters was a good example; it has high exposure but a high safety component, as others are there for the same reason, people understand. (You felt the benefits of this after) look for more of these.
    - Build a mini-program for yourself with increasing exposure, starting with activities with higher psychological safety practise and work up.
    - You'll likely see gaps in your own program where you don't know where to find an activity; you'll need to put some work in to find one or build your own (this TH-cam account is an example of exposure to sharing/being vulnerable with a largely safe audience as algo has found like-minded people)
    - Honestly, though, there's no quick fix imo. But you did that first video over a couple of years ago, so I'm sure you're willing to put the work in.
    Just a thought about your confidence with your work vs. making friends. There's a big difference between your work persona and your true self; with work, you have armour that you can take on and take off when you're done, you're also well-practised, and it's proven. When you engage socially, you have no armour; it is just you..... and the thought of *you* being rejected is heart-wrenching, + it's uncertain which is for the brain to process.
    My journey was tortuous, and I thought I would never resolve it (I'm 38 now), but it was worth putting in the effort.
    The piece that held me back the longest was two-fold, 1. I was trying to expose myself to things that were way too overwhelming, and I just closed down and 2. After closing down, and going home, I'd then beat myself up about it. This just resulted in me procrastinating and avoiding and feeling worse about myself.
    When I got the dosing right, I was able to practise a lot more, and like a muscle, it really did get stronger. Most of the initial experiments I ran involved events that were just too much for my emotional state. Saying that sometimes you will need to make big jumps in difficulty.
    If I were to say the key action to focus on, is to really spend your energy on hunting these low-risk environments.
    As part of finding a safe place, of which there were very few, I ended up building an in-person community for introverted people with social anxiety and highly sensitive people, which has been thriving. (Plug for anyone who's near Bristol, UK, hit me up! We have around 2500 members) but the point is, sometimes you might need to build your own. You would probably make great friends with just the people in your comments!
    Anyway, those are my thoughts. Hope it might be helpful to someone!

  • @danphillips7572
    @danphillips7572 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Man, you are so courageous. You are speaking out in front of the whole world the same thing that is my greatest obstacle and which I'm working through, fear of rejection. It's like it hijacks my nervous system when I sense rejection. Working through it. Thanks for being courageous and vulnerable.

  • @LouisvanIersel
    @LouisvanIersel ปีที่แล้ว +2

    One of the more helpful thoughts on the subject of loneliness to me was to realize that it's not my fault that I'm in this situation. We live in very unnatural circumstances which causes a lot of us to get stuck in these lonely situations where social interactions become scarce and therefore intimidating. We put all of our hope on the opportunity at hand but become anxious because we mentally make the stakes very high.
    Cut yourself some slack every now and then, especially the younger people. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet new friends and/or a life partner. Just be patient with yourself, connections are meant to form naturally and therefore they will naturally happen.
    Thanks for sharing this great video with us, sounds like you're dealing with your problems very well!

  • @jorgenpedersen5885
    @jorgenpedersen5885 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can relate. Going through a similar situation as you. I’m 25 and struggle to show up to classes in college. Sometimes I handle it very well, but for some reason I always end up feeling too uncomfortable and begin making excuses very similar to yours. It helps to see others in the same situation. Best of luck on your journey- I’m confident you’ll get through it, as will I.

  • @peepeehammer
    @peepeehammer ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I watched the first video you posted and the most recent one you recently posted, which to this date is this one. From my personal perspective on your situation, I feel like you're looking in the wrong place or direction to deal with your issues. Again, that's just my opinion based on your videos. However, I'm still rooting for you, and I believe you will reach your goals as long as you keep trying to find something that works.
    Keep up the effort!

  • @moustiboy
    @moustiboy ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Idk if it makes sense but sometimes I go out with my best friends and get depressed afterwards because it was the best time I’ve had in a while and they are having that all the time and it doesn’t make sense why I can’t muster up the energy to create myself a similar circle

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Something to explore with a therapist if you're open to it. Might be that you feel like you don't deserve friendship or you're trying to avoid pain/rejection. Talking to someone unbiased can change your life.

  • @johnk1086
    @johnk1086 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Man, I can relate to you 100%.
    You seem to be highly introspective. I think this is part of our problem. We over-think things by nature, which leads to higher social inhibition which manifests as fear of rejection, worrying about smalltalk conversation topics, maybe I'm ugly and don't know it, etc.
    I feel like I haven't connected with anyone in 10 years. Looking back, it seems like people in "forced" social situations were open to connecting with me at first (coworkers, classmates, roommates) but somehow they always lose interest and distance themself from me within weeks/months. I'm fairly certain it's because I come off as having low social value or my social skills just suck. I certainly feel like I have low social value, so maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point.

  • @DanTuber
    @DanTuber ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You should see a therapist/psychologist to sort through all the issues in your head. Doing it on your own isn't the best way. And FWIW, I think you sound perfectly normal. Dealing with something this hard you should be proud of yourself. Good luck and all the best mate.

  • @ivanerdelj
    @ivanerdelj 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Exposure to uncomfortable situations is proportionate to overcoming them. The more you expose yourself to social situations, the more comfortable it becomes and the thoughts of inadequacy go away as we get better in interactions. It works both ways - you reduce exposure and become more awkward. This applies to everything in life. The more we do it, the better we become. It just takes a little courage and determination to put some effort and not run away. Also lower your expectations - expect the worse case - to be rejected, even better do not expect anything. If you expect much from the interaction that expectation and a fear of failure usually hold us back from showing our genuine personality. Just empty your head and mingle until things get easy and become your second nature. You are lonely but not alone! Cheers!

  • @milanarybethwindictive3969
    @milanarybethwindictive3969 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    this is what i did when i become very fed up being lonely.
    i have set a new goal. to go and meet people, talk to them. the way i started was that i just walked in the city, looked people in their eyes. smiling. pretending to be happy. next day i sat infront of a bar - i couldnt go in. ma heart was beating like crazy and i knew i will not be able to even peek inside. next day i had a beer before goin out. went to the same bar, looked at it... than walked away... i knew i have to at least go in and out at all cost. so i walked by the again. sat infront of it and was fighting with myself for many minutes trying to persuate me to go inside. which i finaly did. i just went IN!! no, dont worry, i just went on the toilets and back out, but i was so proud of myself. next day i went a bit earlier, so the bar was almost empty and i managed to order a drink. ma heart was in ma pants, but as i sat there enjoying the music and the surroundings i discovered i could do that. next day was also a bit easier. every time i went out after just few minutes in the bar i celebrated a little victory over myself. over the fear.
    after few attempts a had no problem going in. it was rutine. i even managed to talked to few girls. im so proud of myself. and i will continue to push my fear far away.

    • @mufasahm8238
      @mufasahm8238 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm so so proud you, honestly. Step by step you did it. I'm trying to do the same regarding social wise. I'll take your advise of the small step by step. Once you overcome the fear, you realise there was nothing to fear in the first place 😊

  • @mollyhooper8674
    @mollyhooper8674 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    While I really enjoy my alone time, I often feel lonely. Even though I have "friends" in my life, they don't feel safe and stable, so they never feel like something that is solid and I can rely on. Whenever I`m going through something difficult, I don`t feel like I could just reach out to them and get the support I need. I am alone at my darkest hours, and I am alone while life goes by and I have no one to share it with.
    I hope your day in the office went well.

  • @leonardpawils2217
    @leonardpawils2217 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okay I clicked on this randomly, watched it and thought this was a huge playlist with thounsands of clicks. I can identify a lot with your situation. Keep up the good work. It's helping.

  • @mikovanderheijden3730
    @mikovanderheijden3730 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Absolute chad putting yourself out there my man, i think anxiety around people is a symptom of being a social person. If you weren't you wouldn't care at all right. Also the only difference i can think of between a random person and a friend is that the friend knows some pretty personal stuff about you that you're hesitant to share with others. That's obviously hard to do when you are feeling anxious. Tragically as far as i know that's the only way to make a real friend.

  • @nobodytoyou
    @nobodytoyou ปีที่แล้ว +4

    for one, I think we should work towards changing our inner narrative so it doesn't negatively influence our actions subconsciously. In this point in life may be lonely but there is value in solitude, we can use this time to learn and understand a lot about ourselves.. then utilize this gained wisdom to become more confident and self-assured in our day to day lives. I think it's empowering to be better than the external influences that control our inner being. Whatever you fear, its a sign that you should go after it.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I like that last line and try to live by that often. If I fear it, it's probably a good sign I should confront it which is exactly what I'm doing

  • @rulymendy
    @rulymendy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ya dude, I'm 34. I'm feeling the same thing, it sucks. Been feeling like this for a while now too. Still can't shake it or get past it. But im trying different things. Haven't given up yet.

  • @k0lahti
    @k0lahti ปีที่แล้ว

    Everything you talk hits me like i train. I feel like im watching myself talk about my issues. It does get better one day!

  • @hunterjg777
    @hunterjg777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think, the anxiety can come from (as an example) having a disagreement with someone, and potentially having to spend another 1, 2, 3+ years around this person. It's that feeling of imprisonment.
    I wonder if spending time away from anything - not just from the office environment - gives a sensation of low confidence or anxiety. Even riding my motorcycle, I had spent 2 weeks of not riding it, and my mind created reasons for me to not go out on it, and on my first ride out, it took about an hour of riding before my confidence was back to where it was before. However, during that initial 1 hour period, I was scared. It wasn't until I went through some difficult conditions, when I realised I was still alive, that my confidence had returned.
    So, my takeaway from that would be: we must all get in our heads a bit when we stop doing something, and we create maybe scenarios in our head of what may happen if we start to do it again (even if that thing may never happen) and then it becomes reality. Hell, I've even had that sensation when I return to a difficult competitive video game that I have not played in a while. I do often wonder, of all the things we get into our heads about with anxiety, how many of those things are something that can actually happen, and how many are just needless worrying.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I would say 99% is needless worrying. I share the same thing with riding - if I haven't been out for a while I tell myself it's a pain in the ass to have to get all the gear on, get my bike out the garage etc and yet as soon as I'm on it, I realise I love it,
      Weird what our brains do to us.

  • @Paul.Crossland
    @Paul.Crossland ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just discovered your videos today. I have spent years now feeling all the same feelings. Approaching 29, and feeling like my life has been slipping away because I haven't had the career I wanted, or don't have the money I want, or having the friends I want.
    Well, now I am in my dream job as an editor for an Animation studio, and even though I love my job very much, I have never had a close group of friends that I speak to regularly and am able to hang out with often, and so like you I end up feeling very lonely.
    I have made attempts to make friends in the past, but for various reasons it hasn't stuck and so when I get down time, there is always a sense of loneliness. I do have a partner who I love very much and love making memories with, but feeling like you don't have other people to share your life with or go for a drink with etc. is a depressing feeling, and not talked about anywhere near enough, particularly amongst men.
    Too much emphasis in society is placed on having a house, and a family, and a well-paying job, when all we really want as a species is honest connection with other people.

  • @antonkutuzov5789
    @antonkutuzov5789 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bro go and seize your chance. This is your way to get that amazing circle of friends. Just go out there and enjoy life

  • @samuelmaloku4796
    @samuelmaloku4796 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I recently watched your videos and i liked them a lot because i find myself a lot in what you say. Keep up with your good work.
    P.s. if you ever plan to come to Albania🇦🇱 i will be more than happy to show you around

  • @Serendipity_li
    @Serendipity_li 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Appreciate your honesty,it takes real courage to be vulnerable before people.
    This is something which am experiencing lately and its so alien to me because am always around people.

  • @Football_Fanatic07
    @Football_Fanatic07 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Thank you for sharing your journey! You are not alone us men stand together ❤
    I’m 25 and I am really introverted and it’s hard for me to get out my comfort zone I’ve never had a gf, never been on nights out, have a few friends but I feel like it’s better to be alone just with my own company because I feel like even if I try to find someone it won’t go down well anyways because the expectations is just too high nowadays and that’s not anyone’s fault it’s just how society is.
    I hope whoever is reading this finds happiness and to stay strong and have a positive mindset. YNWA ❤

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hey thanks for sharing, welcome to the channel.
      I would like to say I think it is absolutely possible to change things, if you want to. Some people are happy being in their own company all the time and there's nothing wrong with that. We do live in a world that reward extroverts and that sucks but that's a bigger issue.
      Just look at the comments on the first video of this channel and you will see there are 1000s of people who feel the same way.
      My point is this, I've worked in sales for years and can tell you that communication and socializing is a skill that can be learned by anyone. Some people pick it up quicker or are more naturally gifted but that doesn't mean the basics can't be learned.
      I think a great way to learn is to join a group. Go on meetup.com find a topic you're interested in and tag along either online or in person. It's a great way to start practicing your social skills without the pressure as the focus is on something else, not you.
      Everyone deserves to feel loved and supported and you're no exception. I wish you all the best in your journey Brother.

    • @mufasahm8238
      @mufasahm8238 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you've never had a girlfriend, how are your expectations high because that may come across snobby and that you're better than other but you lack experience with women. Apologies if I got it wrong.

  • @MultiChris777
    @MultiChris777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Jay. I am a 35 year old male who is also lonely and has been for about 3 years in this latest stretch, but loneliness has been with me since a young age.
    I benefit from loneliness, its made me a strong character and emotionally independent (contradictory yes but it is true). Loneliness is a useful tool for sharpening who you are and youre understanding of yourself.

    • @pvt.prinny759
      @pvt.prinny759 ปีที่แล้ว

      being lonely and being alone, two different things are you sure you're not mixing them up?

    • @MultiChris777
      @MultiChris777 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pvt.prinny759 ...

  • @bestimmaa
    @bestimmaa ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't stop sharing these, I can't be the only one who really can identify with what you are saying. Keep it up mate!

    • @jonathaningram8157
      @jonathaningram8157 ปีที่แล้ว

      It feel good seeing other people sharing the same struggle. I was astonished seeing how similar it could be with my life right now.

  • @gijsbon8065
    @gijsbon8065 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    bro this video is good, I can very much relate as I always had social anxiety, I think it was even a disorder at one point. It didnt stop till my late twenties. Fear of rejection, not being good enough, not being accepted are real, but keep in mind we are afraid of the feelings(!) , not the actual people or events. we fear the triggering feelings but these feelings are just signals to look back into what we have always ignored/run away from. (trauma) for example I was often abandoned as a child where I was send to my room for 'bad behavior' (which wasnt true I was just being a child) and these events made me feel like an outcast in my life subconsciously. it was not until I faced these past events and worked through them,, that I felt free again. Right now being social gives me positive feelings, i can be myself whereever i go and that feels like freedom. so my tip is start doing the deeper work, I personally did it with a coach but there are also meditations for this. hope that helps all the best

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for sharing this, really insightful. You're right, we're not scared of the people or the event or whatever, only what they represent to us and how that makes us feel.
      I have worked with a therapist for years on and off but haven't been for a while, might be time to book an appointment.

  • @ZhivkoKabaivanov
    @ZhivkoKabaivanov 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello Jay.
    TH-cam recommended me your videos.
    Your situation is really relatable to me. I feel lost right now in life.
    Currently I am experiencing awful breakup because of my insecurities.
    The more I want to be with her the more she goes far away. I couldn't see myself so lonely and it's terrifying. I try to throw myself dust in my eyes with healthy diet, working out and random social events. But in the end when I come home and sit to work at the home office, it's just empty.
    Therapy is a good starting point. I am doing it but I need a lot of work to do.
    I would subscribe for your channel with joy.

  • @florisariens2312
    @florisariens2312 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is like éxactly how I feel, so good to know that I'm not the only one and something is wrong with me. But men don't talk about feelings and difficult subjects.

  • @Slaaverin
    @Slaaverin ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The thing is, when you will confront your fear and just be yourself, even if the worst case scenario happens and you get rejected, you will not die, actually nothing will happen. It won't tell anything about your character either. Your fear is a projection of your mind but it is illusion. You are worthy of friends and of love in general, just by existing! You lack nothing. Drop the self doubt, it's a lie from your ego. You are perfect, you are worthy, you are loved. And in most case people will like you anyway. You need to stop searching validation in others and give it to yourself instead. You have a lot of qualities. You seem like a cool and nice dude. The only one limiting yourself is you. You can do anything. You will succeed in overcoming this. When life gives us a challenge, it means we also have the tools to overcome it. You got this!

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the message and I'm fully on-board with everything you're saying. I even believe it logically, just need to get the message to a deeper place

  • @KiwiVanderman
    @KiwiVanderman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Can relate soo freaking much... Its almost ground breaking to realise its ok to even admit it.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think that's where it has to start. If you don't acknowledge something as a problem or something you want to change, how can you change it?

  • @v.thelastboyscout2822
    @v.thelastboyscout2822 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I admire your courage to admit that you are lonely and in need of a quality company. I wish you success in your journey. I also scrolled down and read some of the comments. Guys, don't give up and man the fuck up!! It's baffling how most young men in Western Europe and North America grew up so soft. A man in his thirties should not be afraid of a confrontation (unless it's aganst a group of thugs)! Hit the gym guys, try new things, try talking to women. Never be afraid of rejection - what do you have to lose (your life is miserable anyway), never beg for attention and don't trust people's BS. Don't get me wrong, my life is less than perfect. Most of my friends throughout the years have been into drugs and alcohol (so was I), but slowly and steadily I'm improving my life. I try not to complain and for the most part I'm self-sufficient. Loneliness is not all bad, but if it gets overwhelming that means changes are needed. Give up videogames and porn! Get out there and try to live! And remember that change comes from within. Nobody cares about you (maybe only your mom) and depending on other people to be happy is stupid. That's my 2 cents.

  • @JasonBrockMusic
    @JasonBrockMusic ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey Jay. I feel you! I’d love to chat this out with you face to face, maybe over gaming lol. Anyway, now 37 and not having many friends, im not sure if its now something I’ve just gotten used too or just enjoy being on my own. Also, I’m sure I stuffer with some sort of rejection thing, before Covid I was in the West End show and how I got in was very lucky. After two years of being with the same show, my agent would put me up for new shows. I’d do the auditions but after the first or second audition I’d stop because of the fear of not being good enough. So I ended up staying with the same show for almost 12 years. (Off and on and touring) then Covid hit and over night I had lost my job. The company lost the theatre and brexit made it difficult to get work permits to go back on tour. So the company lost the show. I’ve been out of work for a few years now. I’ve been getting auditions sent to me, but I get scared and I turn them down. I’m a good singer, I know I am, so why do I keep doing this to myself? Anyway I have another audition this week, I’ve not confirmed yet, but also I’ve not turned them away. I’m sh*tting myself and thinking of excuses not to go. I want to get back in it, but I keep stopping myself. What would you do?

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey man, thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. I checked out your channel and you've an incredible voice dude! That MJ cover of Dirty Diana, damn!
      If you're anything like me, you've lost confidence in yourself which is why, no matter how many people tell you how awesome your voice is, there's still a much louder voice in your head which doubts it. It's similar with me and presentations/public speaking. I've met literally thousands of families doing my job and hundreds have told me how good I am at it - I smile and say thanks but there's something that tells me they're just being nice or whatever.
      All I can say from experience is that hiding away from something makes it so much worse. That little doubt becomes a monster that's hard to overcome.
      For me, I'm trying to work on myself and build core confidence, I'm almost certain if I can start feeling good about who I am at my core then these things will stop bothering me so much.
      Don't know if any of that resonates with you, I'm not a therapist and I can only speak from my own experience but hope it helped in some way.
      Drop me an email.

    • @JasonBrockMusic
      @JasonBrockMusic ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JayWallace thanks man, emailed you.

  • @gradychildress2234
    @gradychildress2234 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey man, first of all, I wanted to say thank you and that i really appreciate you and the videos you’re making. I’m in almost the exact same situation; flexible job that allows me to avoid interaction, and lacking the social connections i once had, feeling like i was made to just be alone. Its really reassuring, though bittersweet, to see someone else going through the same thing. Once we get kind of socially “rusty” those office situations can feel terrifying. I attribute this to the fear of being “rejected” in a deep fundamental sense. It’s too scary to put myself out there because if i can’t fit in *here* maybe thats a sign i cant fit in anywhere. I told my therapist the other day that i left a concert because of this feeling, and i felt ashamed because the “right thing” to do was to stay even if i was uncomfortable, but he told me otherwise. He said i did a good job listening to myself, and being kind. I think the desire for self improvement can sometimes become a stick with which we bat ourselves with, when really it’s important to accept how we feel without judgement. I hope to heal in this way and i hope your journey leads you to a place where you feel seen, and appreciated.
    I may not know you, but i see you and the pain you’re going through. I’m sending what love i can through a youtube comment. You are worthy of being seen and loved. I hope you can be patient with yourself in these times, though i know it can be hard.
    You’re not alone.

  • @yarickthebrave
    @yarickthebrave ปีที่แล้ว

    If you feel fear about something it is because that thing is important for you in a way. So it is a good indicator that you have to do it and try whatever the pain. It is not easy but you have to do this to avoid regret at the end.
    Don"t fear to much living and speaking with others. They will love you or hate you right away but at least you will now. Steping aside for his whole life will hurt you way more than any rejection.
    I just found your channel and I faced this issue years ago. The fight never ended but the happiness come with this journey so better try it !
    I wish you lot of good things !

  • @iandavis1723
    @iandavis1723 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    When I finally decided that I don't care what people think my life changed immeasurably. I started working out regularly, playing football but any other team sports will do. I've made a new circle of friends in my early 40's and have a healthy social life.

    • @UndefynedVariable
      @UndefynedVariable 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How did you suddenly realize, what thought process led to that?

    • @iandavis1723
      @iandavis1723 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@UndefynedVariable When I started exercising regularly and changed my diet I felt better immediately. I had anxiety and depression for about 10 years and it was getting worse. I was overweight and eating garbage processed food which obviously made it worse.
      I'm not saying exercise and diet is the golden ticket for happiness but it can help with your mood and self esteem. I lift weights nearly every day and eat very well, I've changed my body and my anxiety and depression has pretty much gone which in turn has helped me move on in life.
      I realised that most people have got their own problems/lives and are too wrapped in their own worlds to worry about me or you and I also became more comfortable spending time on my own. I'm fairly lucky in that I work in a busy mail centre for Royal Mail so have a lot of interaction with lots of different people which definitely helps.
      Join a gym or an exercise class, or any sort of group classes that interest you and you will find like minded people there. At my gym there are all ages, body types etc and they do all sorts of different activities which cater for everyone and I'm sure most modern gym's are the same.
      Good luck sir.

  • @BarabbasTheRedeemed
    @BarabbasTheRedeemed ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This man has low-grade chronic depression (dysthymia) and probably Avoidant Personality disorder or traits of it. I say this because he is just like me. He is high-functioning though, so people will probably deny it.
    It's hard being an introvert in this world. it creates mental illness, in my opinion, from having an overly analytical mind.
    I feel it reaches a point where, at least for me, you're so far on the spectrum of what constitutes socially "normal" that you might have to be on medication.
    It reaches a point where the social inhibition is so strong, the demeanor so 'low' that there is almost a physical barrier that repels people and this makes social connection borderline impossible. It is purely subconscious but it is human nature for the average person to avoid these types because people don't like depressed/anxious individuals and don't want to deal with their 'off' energy.
    I could be wrong. I'm just speaking from my own experiences.

  • @StealthyshiroeanHumbleReviews
    @StealthyshiroeanHumbleReviews ปีที่แล้ว

    I can relate to some of the things you've said here. I also tell myself I'm a "lone wolf" but more often than not it's just because having to be social can be really taxing for me so much so that I actively avoid it. Even if it's something that I know will be fun once I just go and do it. I constantly make excuses for myself not to do things. These days it's because I live abroad in a place where I can't speak the language yet. It's a tough struggle that I need to actively think about when opportunities come up. I probably need to get better at seeking or creating said opportunities to interact with people. Thanks for sharing your struggles and your introspection. It's definitely made me pause and look inward to myself as well.

  • @BaseSRKI
    @BaseSRKI ปีที่แล้ว

    I see many people around me with this problem, 30-somethings, single, searching for (future) meaning. Successful careers. Friends around you being too busy with life, kids, family.
    Both are hard but this side is also lonely, which it doesn't have to be. Call up that old friend and suggest dinner. Talk about this.
    And practice with new people, new activities.
    It's great that you are doing this. Kudo's to you! Have a great weekend.
    Kind regards from the Netherlands

  • @blarghblargh
    @blarghblargh ปีที่แล้ว

    Your descriptions of your current mindset and experiences resonated with me, and seemed somewhat close to mine. Lots of goal setting. Lots of constructive critical mindset. Lots of utilitarian thinking.
    I've been working with a talk therapist for the last 4 years, and while I am not "fixed", I have a lot more tools to help me get through things. Much more than any self help book has, since I'm the focus instead of the author's idea and selling of that idea being the focus. Not that ideas in those books are necessarily bad, but they often try to overfit.
    The biggest challenge for me is establishing different habits. It's much easier to stay in my "comfort" zone of being an uncomfortable workaholic who never relaxes and treats every choice in their life as a value to be optimized. That cycle sort of feeds itself. It's been a useful tool for me to run from old wounds and to deal with the symptoms of how they made me feel insecure, but it isn't sufficient on its own.

  • @joeya289
    @joeya289 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Something to consider.
    Sometimes social anxiety comes from (internal) conflicting goals, when someone says they enjoy the office but don't want to go, it's often because the social aspects they enjoy are in conflict with a desire to get more work done, and conversely the social interactions you are finding fulfillment in seem empty because they are backseat to economic productivity.
    Not necessarily what you are experiencing, but probably worth exploring.

  • @knightwraith346
    @knightwraith346 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey mate, just found your channel and it helps me so much as I can relate to you on many levels with loneliness and vulnerability! If you ever wanna meet up on the bike (I have a CBR 650R) do let me know please. I am 33 and feel so lost man. But riding my motorbike gives me the best feeling, to just be out there alone, me against the world on the bike. I am living in the west midlands. I don't know where you're based but give me a shout. And thanks for being so brave and putting this content out there. It helps me so much and so many people I'm sure.

  • @ladas3509
    @ladas3509 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello Jay. First of all, in my opinion you are thinking about this problem in a very right way, and the tribal aspect of it makes complete sense, that's a nice analogy. Sounds like you know where the issues are comming from and just don't know how to fix it. Hearing this from you made me feel like you are talking about me in many ways and I can relate to your problems very much. It's been much better nowdays than in the start of the new job I took. Let me share my story for a bit and then tell you what helped me and a little pro tip on top of it, haha.
    So basically, my story is very simillar to yours. I worked in a collective of kinda "oldish" people like 40+. and working there as an 23 y.o. with social anxiety, I was ok with the fact that I am gonna distance myself for a bit, and the lack of camaraderie in that scenario did not really bother me that much. Paradoxically because I wasn't bothered I was ok with letting my guard down as you perfectly described, so I could actually communicate with them better. But after going in the new job with collective of young that deals with the same stuff I do and they talk about topics I should know about. I felt this pressure that I am supposted to be part of their community and I did not know how. I was always scared to say something that would make me look stupid. I had these filters in my brain that was controlling what I should say and what I should do or not do, so I dont come off as a fool. There were also older senior dudes with great social skills/wealth/status and it made me feel like a lesser man. From what I can see, my problem maybe comes from different reason then yours, but the situation we find ourselves in feels pretty much the same.
    And now to what helped me. First of all, for the sake of my own sanity, and to be able to work and be efficient in the new job, I simply stopped caring about the opinion of others. I decided that it will be okay if I come off as a weirdo. I had came to the conclusion that I don't need to impress others to be validated and approved as a worthy part of the tribe. With this mentallity now taking place, I had no reason to keep the guard up. Sure, some people think I am a weirdo to this day probably, some people don't even know me. And with some, I am a friend and I joke around. If I wanted to be universally liked I failed, but in my opinion it is undoable. Some people as you said, are just easier to deal with and with others we are just not able to create any sort of bond. And I think it is completely naturall. Therefore not caring and trying to be universally liked and validated allowed me to open myself and connect with the people that just appreciete who I am as I am.
    So, I know that the cause of the problem is not really the same, but the stituation seems same and I think it has the same solving. And it's mostly the time, as cheesy as it sounds. The most important step one can take, is to put yourself in the situation, letting it confront you, and dealing with it. I remember the first months in that new job were extremely difficult to me. But after some time, it was just more and more managable untill it sudenlly wasn't really a problem anymore. In my opinon and from my perspective, being able to be social will come later, bacuse you will adapt to the enviroment. You subconsciously don't not want to be in this state of thinking and you will adapt to it, as humans do best. We adapt.
    Also a pro tip:
    As I said I feel like you already know the answer how to change your behaviour. But you are unable to do so because of strong emotions and stress that is blocking you in those situations. You just need to break this barrier and to try your theory in practise. What helped me to try out my theory, Is that I experimented with microdosing psylocibin/lsd. I know it can probably seem like the answer you are not looking for. But I strongly advise you to learn about these substances and it's clinically proved health befenits. For me, it allowed me to get in the mental headspace of not caring about opinion of others, I remember that I took BT speaker in the same job enviroment I was frightened of the day before, and I just started to dance to music while packing stuff with the christmass gifts we were giving to our clients. I was just chilling dancing around, being happy, not caring if I look like a fool, sure I probably did not come of as a high status big money maker boss like some of the rest of the guys, but I gave off this warm feeling to others and it was really noticable how the rest of the people viewed/reacted to me that day, and most importnantly, how "in peace" and confident I felt. I am not saying this stuff will change your perspective from 1 day (not on microdose, haha), but it allowed me to see what it feels like to be in that free headspace and what I should "look for" when trying to solve this issue. It gave me directions.
    Hopefully this ain't too big of a read because I really think you could benefit from this reply. I wish the best and don't worry! As a one Wise dreadlock decorated sage once said "Everything is gonna be alright..."

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for posting, appreciate you taking the time to share you're story and I'll take your advice on-board. I'm hoping it is a time things and eventually it will just become normal. I have also considered "alternative" therapies but I feel like there's a lot more I can be working on before I go down that road.
      Welcome to the channel

  • @jonathanevans5453
    @jonathanevans5453 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pretty rare comment on social media but this is so relatable that i had to say cheers for making the video, its basically me you're talking about! At least its good knowing I'm not the only one struggling in the same way.

    • @jonathanevans5453
      @jonathanevans5453 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just to add to this, the comments on your video are also similar characteristics to me, overthinking worry panic fear of judgement etc. I'll also dwell on things for a while after saying something I think I shouldn't. I also say stuff I don't mean as a result of thinking too much about what I'm going to say! This stuff is HARD to get over, but I'm in a position (freelance, work from home in cornwall, no friends or gf here) where I know I need to make an effort to be social otherwise I'll be hiding away forever. Easier said than done, maybe the only way is to go in at the deep end and not think about the results!

  • @NoExpert
    @NoExpert ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Working from home is the best thing ever, i wish i could it more

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad it works for you

    • @NoExpert
      @NoExpert ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JayWallace one of the best things about it is that you save time

  • @neomangeo7822
    @neomangeo7822 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I suffered with similar things in the past. Here are a few pointers I think are worth noting:
    -Overthinking is an issue. The vast majority of the time, situations are never as bad as they are/will be compared to what you concoct in your mind. I often attempt to just ignore it and live more in the moment because it just doesn't seem to help. Harder said than done though. Putting yourself out there and just confirming the situations are not as bad as expected seems to help.
    -I think having some kind of more personal goal with scope larger than yourself, something you enjoy and can contribute to in life such as a subject that many others are also involved in eg. music or coding, can help a lot. For me it helped give me a bit more purpose, and it is nice feeling active and part of something bigger.
    -I found actually that the majority of people, even often extroverts, are really terrible socially. They hide behind anxiety. In fact I think many people are kind of anxious in life generally, and are awkward. If you can try to be your genuine self and not care about a pretty girl or best impressions, because you are involved in your own life and focus on strengths, it can feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders and can make socialising pretty easy because you no longer really care what random person123 thinks. You are just working on personal goals instead.
    -The vast majority of people are totally wrapped up in their own lives and don't actually care about you, sounds negative but is kind of true, people can be very selfish. So the overthinking where you are afraid of being judged is barely even a thing really. Even if someone does think something negative of you, they will forget it in the next 15 minutes and move onto something else. Walking around in a large city with people everywhere is interesting in that regard, people seem like just zombies with no concern for anyone or anything else.
    -It sounds stereotypical but I think it is true that you shouldn't need others (such as friends) to be content with life. Sure it is certainly very nice to have friends, but you will never truly be happy if you have to rely on others either. Similar to romantic relationships there, it is much better to be content with yourself first, before being in a relationship and having to rely on someone else for your happiness, that is not healthy.
    -Being able to just be your genuine self and greet people you don't know such as at a shop or something and be nice I feel is nice. You will find people can be very friendly back and it makes you feel a bit more apart of the world and not worried so much. There are good people out there that are not out to hurt you and really just want a nice envrionment to work and life in. Just being friendly and polite to someone with a smile can make someones day, and you may find you feel good afterwards yourself.
    -I find having longer term goals can help, but also it is not good to dwell on things if you are not meeting them. It may mean you just need to shift the goalposts a bit. The trick is consistency and rewards should follow.
    -Doing things to make yourself look good often results in helping to also feel good, and therefore a bit mroe confident and less anxious. Sometimes getting some new clothes or haircut etc can feel good.
    -It is ok to be a bit selfish sometimes. It may feel like you are being a dick, but really it is just part of being human. I was a selfless person in that I'd always put others before myself, and it slowly was destroying me. It can be good to give yourself some type of reward system. Learn something new, do something good, then treat yourself a bit.
    Just some thoughts.

  • @gerrylarry5171
    @gerrylarry5171 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am 30 and have been very introverted my whole life. It’s not that I dislike people I just don’t know what to talk about in a social situation. I guess I fail to take an interest in other peoples lives. Like do I just talk about the weather? What’s your favorite color lol. I can’t stand small talk so that’s probably a big reason. Also I haven’t really had very many exciting experiences in my life so I don’t have much to talk about in general. So I guess I’m afraid that I will come off as a very boring person.
    I have a feeling I need to just FORCE myself into uncomfortable social situations. And just push through the pain. Seems like the only way though. Anyways thanks for sharing your experience

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      I would suggest finding a group. Meetup.com is a really good place to find one. If the group is centered around something like board games or whatever you're into, then the pressure is off for you to make conversation.
      And another thing - EVERYONE'S lives are boring. We want people to believe that we're always jumping out of planes or traveling to exotic destinations every weekend but the truth is, most of us are on the couch most evenings, watching TV with one hand down our pants and the other in a packet of crisps.
      Don't hide yourself away because you will have something to give to the world and it's your job to find it.

    • @ionatanafreestyle
      @ionatanafreestyle ปีที่แล้ว

      One lesson i learned about small talk is it is just the warmup for bigger more in depth topics. You gotta dive into conversations more slowly, what's hard for me is if i'm the only one carrying the conversation then it becomes difficult 😅

  • @dreyskot1961
    @dreyskot1961 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey Jay. Glad to hear from you and to learn you're okay. Thank you for posting this video and echoing my own feelings. We may never meet, but you'll always be in my thoughts in the form of at least something like, hey I wonder what Jay's been up to lately. Congrats on your new job, BTW. Also, I think the very posting of these videos is a hugely courageous act. I don't think I would ever have the courage to open up in public about my feelings. Stay strong brave soul.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks so much for the feedback and appreciate your thoughts. Glad the videos are helping in some way

  • @jacobb554
    @jacobb554 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel like people don't see any value in me, and it sucks.

  • @ravenshade73
    @ravenshade73 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great job Jay, takes alot of courage to post such an honest video especially these days. Im similar to you in alot of ways, definately feel like i was born to be a lone wolf. Ive been through my bouts of depression and low times but ive done alot of self improvement and now at 50 im very happy with where im at in life. Youll get there mate hang in and keep looking forward because life is what we make it 👍🙂

  • @andrewmeiklem5098
    @andrewmeiklem5098 ปีที่แล้ว

    I went through the same with my new job. I always doubted myself for the first year but i wish I'd just let go a little more looking back! Good luck!! You'll find it eventually comes natural.

    • @andrewmeiklem5098
      @andrewmeiklem5098 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also trust me when i say your long term clients will love you just as much as any short term clients. ❤ you make me miss the office believe it or not lol 😂

  • @Emyointheworld
    @Emyointheworld ปีที่แล้ว +3

    go travelling for some months and leave ur comfort zone. you gonna meet so many new good ppl in the hostel. helped me heaps to change my social life and I grew self confidence. don't put too much pressure on u

  • @carltwidle9046
    @carltwidle9046 ปีที่แล้ว

    What you are saying makes sense. It reminds me of myself at your age. Don't beat yourself up. I think you are hard on yourself.

  • @aaronvackieo3862
    @aaronvackieo3862 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jay, I've only recently come across your videos. I'm glad you've kept up with this outlet and motivating yourself, and that you've managed to bring a bunch of strangers together who feel similar. This is the kind of community building we need in todays world. I too relate to the loneliness feeling and I'm well aware of how difficult it is to sustain motivation without feeling tied to the social world. We are motivated by our social circle. I also live in the UK, it would be great if we could have a conversation some time. I'm confident we might be able to help each other achieve some personal goals. Let me know if you're up for that and I'll share my details. Thanks!

  • @fengxianzhe
    @fengxianzhe ปีที่แล้ว

    Im sorry you're experiencing what you expressed in your video and many others in your shoes. I'll keep you in my prayers that you and many over come situations that involve difficulties. I for one unfortunately can't relate to character flaws such as this one expressed in the video, though I've been trying to spread hope, love and humility by being a genuine human to others i come across. I'd be gladly sharpen those who need up lifting, if anyone reads my message thank you, if anyone needs an encouraging friend I'd be gladly to be one for those who are seeking one. Love you all🙏

  • @jsdk84
    @jsdk84 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have just found your channel and i feel the same. I think alot of mine is from my first job. After leaving school I got a labouring job. Getting in the van @6am with 2 guys in their 40's travelling for 90min watching the sun come up. Working all day, travelling 90mins back watching the sun go down. Have food, have a wash, go to bed, do it again. Plus I do not like alcohol or being around people when they are drinking. I am 40 next year.

    • @mufasahm8238
      @mufasahm8238 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe try looking into a new job, it's hard as you get older but you can be brave and do it. Also socialise in places where there are like minded people around.

  • @CarlosAndres-lv1zq
    @CarlosAndres-lv1zq ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for sharing. I feel the same.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad it helped in some way

  • @alastairtheduke
    @alastairtheduke ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As someone who can identify with the perfectionism and social anxiety. What works for me is practicing being imperfect. First, at situations of low consequences, perhaps with people who you feel safer around. But then, slowly build up practice risking looking like a fool by doing something or not doing something and being ok with that when it happens. I think it's a gradual thing. You can't just suddenly be ok with looking like an idiot in front of your boss, and i'm not saying you should deliberately act like an idiot, I'm saying practice doing small things like putting some shirt on that you know some people might make fun of but you still like the shit and just wear it and observe the feelings inside you that come up and just start to learn to accept that you're imperfect and it's fine.Something you said in this video is bang on the core of the issue and that is that you don't feel worth to have friends. Practice being in uncomfortable situations and realize that you DO have something to bring to the conversation, that you're fun to be around that people can count on etc. You have to give yourself evidence that you are indeed worthy and then your brain will start believing it.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Interesting, thanks for sharing. I guess this is a bit like exposure therapy in some ways. Teaching your brain that the thing you've been avoiding isn't unsafe after all.

  • @crashtestdummy2337
    @crashtestdummy2337 ปีที่แล้ว

    Brother, we are so fucking similar it is shocking and scary to me.
    Im just turned 30, in the US. Ive often felt like a lone wolf, despite yearning for social connection.
    My situation has been exacerberated by the fact that im military officer and as such i must remain socially isolated in order to do my job. Leading men is the most unnatural job in the world. I also move frequently which prevents me from maintaining those necessary social bonds.
    I would love to talk with you for an hour at some point if we could manage that.

  • @jamiemason7924
    @jamiemason7924 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There are pros and cons to everything in life. Would love to get your perspective on the good things about doing things on your own.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      Interesting, I'll give that some thought for a future video, thanks

  • @bigchief2331
    @bigchief2331 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Early 30's here too and never felt more alone and unhappy, particularly with the way the world is going. Everything has gone bloody mad. I have no career and can't hold a stable job, as I have an issue with authority and hate the thought of wasting 30-40 hours a week at work getting scraps whilst the boss gets richer and richer. I crave freedom and autonomy. I was previously making a modest income online, and now thanks to AI that's been drained to almost nothing. Don't know what to do anymore?? A bit of manual labour such a mowing lawns and the like makes me feel good, and I don't want to be stuck on a computer anymore, but I can't do that on a full time basis. Haven't had friends in years and basically live a very low cost, introverted lifestyle. I go hiking, driving, metal detecting etc by myself and only really spend on food and petrol for my car. All I want is a humble abode and some genuine connections with other like minded people, but it's impossible within this capitalist hellscape we are forced to conform to.

  • @UnusSedLeo-w5l
    @UnusSedLeo-w5l ปีที่แล้ว

    The fears you mention are all burried so deep inside, but only you can resolve this blocking of your happyness. I hope you can talk with professionals. It will mean you have to abandon the comfort zone. You love the people you avoid. I guess you will find a way, given the fact that you are both smart and know exactly what the challenges are.
    And, although it won't help much, you are not alone.

  • @wonkygustav4457
    @wonkygustav4457 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tbf mate socialising is a lot harder now for everyone, since lockdown people don’t do the things they would of done before. The key to attracting what you wish is to let go of it. You can’t have what you want. Wanting only leads to wanting.

  • @Ingram024
    @Ingram024 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi. My name is Sam and I am 34 years old. I have watched a few of your videos now and I have experienced pretty much the same as you. I was born and raised in England and left there when I turned 24, before I left to search for a new life in the Netherlands. I have since set up my own business here (barbershop), which has of course an extremely social aspect. But I found myself experiencing a little to no social activity outside of my work. The more this happened, the worse I felt about it.
    I ask myself as well, why am I anxious around other people? I don’t know if you would agree with me, but I always felt that I had less to give than the other people involved. If you have a little going on in your private life And aren’t living your best (stopping smoking, going to the gym and eating well), then you give yourself even less reason to integrate with the world, let alone your younger, more interactive colleagues. I heard a saying, which changed my life, ‘create the man you want to be, and give it away to the world’.
    It may sound like a cliché, but food and exercise really is crucial. If you went from a Fiat to a Ferrari, you wouldn’t keep it locked in the garage five days a week. See yourself in the same way. You can complement other peoples lives with a refined, fine tuned version of your own. You just have to be honest to yourself. You have to control the self talk. You have to control the emotion. Again, this is all easier with good nutrition, an active lifestyle and refraining from consuming addictive things.
    I don’t say this as the one, and only answer to your problems, but after spending the morning, watching some of your videos, I can relate. And I know these things helped me and changed my life. I am 34, engaged, have a child, and I am running a successful business. Most of my social activity is done through boxing or going to the gym. Instead of spending my weekends drinking, I will either plan quality time with my family or friends. I feel blessed to be able to do that.
    I hope you read this, and I hope it helps. Send me a message. If you ever want to talk, I won’t find it weird. Sam

    • @Ingram024
      @Ingram024 ปีที่แล้ว

      I just went back to your videos, and I saw that you also went boxing. I wanted to draw a light to how you felt driving to boxing.
      You were shitting yourself because you didn’t know anyone there. I almost knew what was going to happen, so I skipped ahead a few minutes. And then you were talking about how good it felt and how you are happy that you went.
      I want you to focus on the negativity and realize that is who you are. Then I want you to focus on the positivity and realize that is who you are. Now and again, the scales will tip. It’s OK not to go boxing and be social. It’s OK to go boxing and be social. And how you will feel choosing either one of those two things, is who you are inside. Try to zoom in on the more positive emotion and you’ll find yourself acting in a way which is congruent with your positive mind state. This is when you will start to look forward to things rather than to mentally search for the negative emotion you would likely experience in the run up.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story. I love to hear from people that have been in the same shoes and worked a way out of it. You are right, I guess when you cherish anything you look after it and your body/mind are no different.
      Best I felt was when I was going to the gym, had my diet in check and was focusing on my goals, then the smaller things didn't bother me as much.
      Congrats on making a life for yourself overseas, that took courage.

    • @Ingram024
      @Ingram024 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JayWallace No worries mate. I have just finished work and ask you for a pint if I lived closeby hahaha. Take care pal.

  • @tommyduncan12
    @tommyduncan12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm 30, have a 3yr old girl, and a fiance of 6 years. basically it's not working out with my partner, so facing the prospect losing my relationship and seeing my kid less, trying to navigate life more or less alone just seems like such a daunting prospect. I feel like your videos will help me

    • @dystopian7940
      @dystopian7940 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm 33 with a 4 y.o. who escaped a narcissist marriage. I've been through absolute hell.
      You may be afraid of what it looks like on the other side, but I it's going to be dependent on how you look at yourself. Be kind to yourself... your own best friend and seek to add to your life by challenging yourself a little bit everyday.
      Shared custody allows me time to nurture myself and pursue new friendships. I've made friends with people I've seen at my gym a few times.
      Quality over quantity. I'm a better father and my child gets all of me even though we have less time. It's genuinely better this way considering what it was.
      You're still in it though... no reason you can't start trying to get things ready if it's time to get out.

    • @tommyduncan12
      @tommyduncan12 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dystopian7940 thanks for sharing mate. a lot of people I speak to do say how it can work out. its Just hard to actually go ahead with it, but I know i need to. thanks man

  • @Gage_Welch
    @Gage_Welch ปีที่แล้ว

    I made a discord server in 2016 to corral my online friends (& their friends) into one place. Those of us who work from home sit in voice while we work. It helps with the cabin fever. We stream for each other when work isn’t busy & we chat.
    On the flip, those people who know each other at work were all the new person before. They do understand and it’s an opportunity to be a member.
    You have to actually take it

  • @loogen9011
    @loogen9011 ปีที่แล้ว

    Watching some of your videos and I see myself perfectly in these videos. Im only 18 but I feel exactly the same in your first video. I have always wanted to make content like this just for fun but theres always that feeling of embarrassment.

  • @apex9177
    @apex9177 ปีที่แล้ว

    We cant have success if there is no failure
    Life is supposed to be Hard, its meant to be a struggle but our society has made life so easy and safe to live that it has affected us as humans, we are here to adapt and overcome problems, we are supposed to survive after all what doesnt kill us makes us stronger and we know thats a fact, just some words from a homeless lonely australian guy, you got this mate, you got this
    Remember indulge on real human entertainment, men who have already struggled and forced results, Tom Platz is just one of them

  • @jonathaningram8157
    @jonathaningram8157 ปีที่แล้ว

    A scenario that will fill me with dread is a room full of busy people talking to each other. I just want to gtfo as fast as I can. I'm ok with a small group of people but if there is too many people and I have to fight to go through, it's just too much and I chose to leave.

  • @kjellkanin
    @kjellkanin ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a 41 year old woman and even though I have no friends, I rarely, if ever, think of myself as lonely. I may be fooling myself because I too see great value in spending time with other people. I tend to dive deep into solitary hobbies and find purpose in that. My latest hobby challenges me on that though. I've gotten into modern board gaming (nothing like Monopoly!) and although I can and do play online with other people, half the point of playing a board game is for the social interaction. In more populated areas (I happen to live remotely as well) board gaming groups are quite common and my impression is that they are very welcoming to new people. It is how I would try and meet new people if I could. I imagine that maybe it is easier if connecting over a mutual interest. Otherwise I'm not very good at friendships, probably never felt quite worthy of other people's time and attention. It is just easier to stay out of the way.

  • @ac5788
    @ac5788 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are very hard on yourself. I can tell that you don't feel like you are enough. You're picking up on energy though, this is why the confusion. You're likely more empathic than you realise especially being in sales and the anxiety that you get around people is projected onto you. See if you make it about you, then you can't find the boundaries of your self. I am extremely confident and have next to no anxiety. So I hope this helps. And if you want a friend, reply to me and I'll provide a way to get in touch. The best way to make a friend is to be one.

    • @jonathaningram8157
      @jonathaningram8157 ปีที่แล้ว

      "The best way to make a friend is to be one." sounds good until you find out nobody wants to hang around you.

    • @ac5788
      @ac5788 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jonathaningram8157consider that rejection is protection.

  • @HunxRepair
    @HunxRepair ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Jay. Please check out the carnivore diet. It helped me immensely with my social anxiety and depression. Search for anecdotes, because while there aren't any studies on it the experiences that people recount are hard to ignore.
    Also I totally get the idea how it sounds that your diet is influencing your anxiety. I didn't think it would help anything at all when I first tried it out. But the results cannot be denied...

  • @Level-Mind
    @Level-Mind ปีที่แล้ว

    The thing you want the most at any given time in life, is the thing you will think about the most. It will highlight the good things about it, but will also highlight the bad things about it too.
    If you do think too much about something too much, it shows. Your sub-conscious will shine through in every aspect. Your body language, your tone etc. Because you really don't want to mess this one thing up.
    It's a strange thing, like a paradoxical thing. In the case of social encounters, the best thing you can do is not over think it. People notice, whether they realise or not.
    Seeing the same people every day, it is better to be your authentic self, good with the bad, because that is what makes you human. It will highlight your true self, that you know is good. It will attract the right people, friends and more. With some situations, no words are better than words. You can preserve your energy by simply being an active listener.
    It's easier to write this than implement this, but just relax and allow yourself to be.

  • @MitternachtssternXIII
    @MitternachtssternXIII ปีที่แล้ว

    we all alone bro its just the way the world is for some man for 10 years i havent really had a talk with another human i have no friends nothing just the gym maybe we will be luckier in the next life

  • @northofbrandon
    @northofbrandon ปีที่แล้ว

    Brother, you need to try the Wim How Method - it makes stress and anxiety melt away and kinda 'swaps your blood out' like a nascar. In regards to most rewarding - most scary matrix, ah yes, that is how it tends to go; in German the word for Weight is the same as Worth. I think there is definitely something to moderation, balance, and social exposure over time -- you want to be awesome, but too much awe is awful.

  • @caxhd8047
    @caxhd8047 ปีที่แล้ว

    Keep the consistency, love your videos bro!

  • @ofkgjsl
    @ofkgjsl ปีที่แล้ว

    I can 100% relate. Making excuses, playing games at home, craving connection… at some point, we should learn how to deal with the fear of negative outcomes. Actually we are so connected to what we want, we can‘t accept what‘s gonna happen in reality. I am longing for love and friends, but I actually need to learn how to handle rejection or being alone first. Because otherwise I am not really making real friends, but I am projecting my fantasies on people and then thinking of them as being this or that instead of just ASKING them. Because right now, I am the weirdo, who doesnt show up and hides, which is actually making me look like an arrogant prick, which is the worst outcome out of all 😂 so I chose to rather be vulnerable and judged. I got nothing to lose. Sometimes you already make friends by being curious to see who they are and accept them unconditionally. We all are seeking exactly this. And giving this type of love will be appreciated and returned, which then again creates connection. It‘s all in living here and now and accept whatever the outcomes are

    • @MaitreSpader
      @MaitreSpader ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, but that's just theory. You need the terrain. You need to go out there and challenge your fears and welcome rejection as a therapy. And to actually do it and repeat it, you need an accountability and support system (other people to check you, coach you)

  • @AManInAGreySuit
    @AManInAGreySuit ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Why are you being so needy, you are focusing way too much on the need for other people to make you happy. Consider this, you put up a front to people, so you internally think they are doing the same to you. Seriously, stop caring so much, your needy behaviour puts people off. I know this isn't the good happy comment people like to leave to make you 'feel' better but is simply this, you are over analysing everything, live your life, expect there to be up's and down's, accept you don't get to control everything and others. Have a long term objective and each day make sure you do something towards that objective. Once you focus on a long term goal, your neediness will disappear.

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Appreciate your comments. I agree to some extent that having something bigger to focus on makes you care less about the smaller things. However, making changes is uncomfortable and will throw up all sorts of insecurities and anxieties for even the strongest of people, mine just happen to be socially-related.
      I don't want to be another TH-camr who shares their experiences in hindsight and dispenses advice like they've got it all figured out. I agree it's important to take responsibility for your life and part of that is setting intentions for the direction you want to head in.
      I hope one day to have your apparent lack of care for other people's opinions but in the meantime, I want to show people that their feelings are normal and show them what it looks like for a real person to go through these changes, in real time.

    • @AManInAGreySuit
      @AManInAGreySuit ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@JayWallaceYou don't owe people anything, you don't need to "show people that their feelings are normal", that is their responsibility to deal with , not yours. I do understand that uncomfortable feeling you are talking about, but embrace it, it means you are growing in life. Life is uncomfortable, it is not meant to be comfortable. Comfort is just a bi-product of the west living in relative luxury compared with the rest. Your feelings of uncomfortableness are temporary in the moment and show you are growing. It's easier said than done, granted, just don't take the weight of the world on your shoulders, it will crush you if you do, instead, set some goals so you are progressing. As time goes on and you get older, you will naturally care less and less about other people and wonder why you worried so much when you were younger. Embrace life and all the uncomfortableness it has to offer.

    • @mufasahm8238
      @mufasahm8238 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@AManInAGreySuit I agree with you. As much as the man in the video thinks you have a lack of care, In fact think you care because you put time and effort to put your opinion and replied in a appropriate manner with no insults like many do on the Internet. Its true what you said, don't put other people's worries on your shoulder. Set goals to be productive and you'll be better rather than ruminating on this constant anxious feeling. I mean easier said than done. 🤷‍♀️

    • @kahancimen5377
      @kahancimen5377 ปีที่แล้ว

      You should frame this comment from aManinaGreySuit and look regulary on it. Fear and Anxiety is also a Habbit. You have slowly overcome that Bad Habbit. Also, nobody like needy People and that is the Vibe you give off. I wish you the very best and hopefully you will get soon enough a Lot of Self Love and Respect to your True Self.

    • @antray8481
      @antray8481 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Disagree..someone telling you what will make you happy is not helpful in my mind.. because when it doesn't happen, you feel like you have failed. You have never met Jay and have no idea of who is outside of these videos. Fair to have an opinion, but just because this works for you doesn't mean it will work for him. From my own experience people asking me questions and pushing me on my answers for me to come to conclusions is a lot more productive. But....that is just my own opinion.

  • @brainfreeze7979
    @brainfreeze7979 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve been in your position. I’m struggling my way through it. Look into CBT and DBT. Especially considering your issues seem to stem from emotional disregulation and poor self image. I understand the social side too. You are good socially, but your image of yourself tends to masking and chameleon like behavior. People tend to pick up on this and unless you portray some personal strength, however your self image is letting you down. I hear a lot of me in your video, and want to let you know there’s many of us out there. That doesn’t help you here and now. Look into traits of BPD and methods for dealing with those issues, this is what’s helping me ATM. It’s not enough and I still have a lot of stuff to unpack. I am at least starting to get a hold on my emotions. Then I can work on getting the rest of my crap together.

  • @johno4377
    @johno4377 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can relate to a lot of the things you say and it's not something I have ever spoken about so I suppose have never really dealt with, it's just a weight I carry around on my shoulders and ignore. It's never occurred to me that it is something I should really be dealing with and how unhealthy it is for my mental state.

  • @michaelazarov2065
    @michaelazarov2065 ปีที่แล้ว

    "I don't really know what to do about it"
    That is so me..
    I am sure you actually do know, but you are afraid or don't feel complete or ready with doing it yet.

  • @DaGleese
    @DaGleese ปีที่แล้ว

    Something may have been making you anxious subconsciously. The problem is, if you are not present in the office, it's possible that whatever it is may be unable to reveal itself and ultimately be resolved.
    I also have huge ups and downs with work. If you'd asked me how I feel about my job last Sunday night, I'd have reasoned I don't need the job anyway, so it doesn't matter if what I am feeling is going to play out as something catastrophic. I didn't know what was up, but I knew I felt really anxious about going in.
    But as the week went on, I had a few wins, got some stuff done, had a few positive interactions with some colleagues who I previously thought disliked me, and by Thursday/Friday I was feeling good. The solution is being there, definitely. Working remote you won't get those little opportunities for positive reinforcement that occur during the workday. I think you just need to go in and give yourself the potential for them to happen. It might not work out in one day, but consistently being there.

  • @joyceleentvaar
    @joyceleentvaar ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This loneliness you are talking about has nothing to do with not having a lot of people around. It's because your mind keeps focusing on what you don't have instead of what you dò have. If you really see the wonder of life all around you, in nature and in the fact of being alive, you will not feel lonely. We take this whole being alive thing for granted. The second thing is not caring what anybody thinks of you, it really doesn't matter. Their opinion does not make you more or less of a person.. you are as worthy as anybody else. Good job on sharing your story and vulnerabilities on the internet as a lot of people feel disconnected from life.

    • @MrAbhix7
      @MrAbhix7 ปีที่แล้ว

      True indeed

  • @stuontwo677
    @stuontwo677 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are you in the uk driving a left hand drive car? I'm so confused right now lol

  • @starwarsroo2448
    @starwarsroo2448 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lonely a nice good looking guy like you, hope things change man

  • @nathanpalmquist2031
    @nathanpalmquist2031 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I never experienced this level of anxiety until two years ago and i never understood it but some fuck shit happened and now it's hard to go to the gas station without throwing up ive become a shudden and my world is getting smaller and i fucking hate it cause this is never who i was

    • @JayWallace
      @JayWallace  ปีที่แล้ว

      If you haven't tried it, I would recommend therapy. It can really help to talk to someone impartial about what sounds like a real tough time for you. Good luck

    • @nathanpalmquist2031
      @nathanpalmquist2031 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JayWallace i appreciate good luck to you as well

  • @ellleigh1216
    @ellleigh1216 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I feel you mate, I really really do. If you ever just want to chat and feel heard, I think we 'd both have a lot to say and understand each other well. Hit me up.

  • @ammarahsajid8164
    @ammarahsajid8164 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was doing my masters I camer across 2-3 groups that were cool to hang out with but at some point I would feel left out even though were nice people. After some time I realized the problem wasn't with me or them but they were just different. Instead of pushing myself I would go out with them at times but apart from that I just focused on my studies. I would suggest not pushing yourself so hard and focusing on your job. And maybe finding another place to socialize

  • @danphillips7572
    @danphillips7572 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Have you read the book "Healing the shame that binds you" by john bradshaw. Been instrumental in helping me overcome this

  • @playerskilz
    @playerskilz ปีที่แล้ว

    It's like I hear myself speaking. Unbelievable but in my case I've lost my successes in sales I quit being in sales. My advice is go back to your childhood maybe you can find some answers there. An office environment made me so anxious vs the outside sales function that I made the switch from the office sales job to an outside sales job but still it got worse
    I'm still working 💪🏼 on my self esteem etc and removing some old traumas goodluck friend.
    My escape was always take my BMW out for a drive because that calmed me down in the weekends but i'm in a state that such a thing where i have a big passion about don't even help anymore

  • @Emlav22
    @Emlav22 ปีที่แล้ว

    Living in comfort is basically slowly dying.

  • @DTmaster
    @DTmaster ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there did you ever have therapy for your anxiety and have you looked into your diet since some foods are the worst for anxiety, e.g too much sugar, trust i know bc i definitely resonate with your story and diet is one of the most important things you must consider when having anxiety 😊