The parents have to give permission for their child to participate in Lifewise. We have had Bible out of school since the 60's and morality, family unit and crime have all gone in the wrong direction. We need to educate children on the Bible so they can make an informed decision.
There’s a 5th grader in my son’s school that is literally in the principal’s office every single day for hurting kids, anger, and once being escorted out of the building by police because he pushed a teacher down. Yesterday this child told my son that he was invited to church and he gave his life to Jesus. My son said he wasn’t in trouble at all yesterday and it’s like he’s a brand new kid not getting in trouble. Kids learning about the Bible and Jesus will have positive impacts in their lives, not negative. The Bible teaches to love people, be kind, gave perseverance, peace, joy, forgiving…how could you not want that for yourself or children? It’s sad to see stories like this where you are trying to make Jesus and the Bible look like they are a horrible thing when it’s the exact opposite
Well, the Bible class has children throwing things at a picture of Goliath. That's violence, not love and kindness. The program is clearly offering only an Evangelical interpretation of the Bible, not including any critical apparatus in approaching it as something other than a book of facts. Evangelicals are not known for their positive attitudes towards LGBTQ+ issues, women's autonomy in health issues, immigration, or helping the less fortunate. That is hardly love and kindness. That is a dishonest "educational" program.
Former Secretary of Education, William Bennet, revealed in his cultural indexes that between 1960 and 1990 divorce doubled, teenage pregnancy went up 200 percent, teen suicide increased 300 percent, violent crime went up 500 percent. Coincidence?
Yeah… this is pretty wild the way the story was presented. If anything is being “slanted” it is definitely this story as NBC News has presented it. I’m not sure what this man’s crime is! All I know is the way y’all spoke about him I am supposed to think he and Lifewise did something wrong.
Parents forcing their kids to do this crap is fine because it's "their" kid. But Kids in school learning that some people love people of the same gender and learning it's not a crime is "indoctrination". Make it make sense.
I'll help it make sense but first off, how do you know the parents are 'forcing' the children ? And even if they were, they have a right to because it certainly is not a negative or even a crime to go that nonprofit academy. Are kids forced by adults to go to public school ?Why is that okay and the other not ? By the way, indoctrination is not a bad thing... we've all been indoctrinated, most people with good AND bad teaching from little children on up. What makes the difference is whether the indoctrination is good or bad. The fact that you refer to Bible studies as 'crap' demonstrates you're either living with a lot of ignorance, or living with some sort of bitterness.
@@davidedmonds6737 The issue is people who put their child in Public school then try and Force Feed THEIR Christianity to the rest of the students. Maybe I am not religious and don't want the school teaching MY child about the bible. OR, maybe I am a practicing Buddhist, how dare the school or other parents with children attending the school, impose THEIR religion on my child, against my will and wishes. I don't have a problem with people wanting to merge school work with their church beliefs, that's what Private schools are for.
Has anyone kept a record of fighting in private Christian schools and compared them to public schools? Violence against teachers? Teenage pregnancies? Drug use? Asking for a friend
@@moonshoes11but yet you and I are here, where do you think everything you and I know of came from. Some particle exploding and somehow finding its way to complex life such as you and me?
There is in one Article of the Constitution which says; year of our Lord. So God is referenced. He is certainly referenced in the Declaration of Independence and in most of the states' constitutions. So before you gloat in the fact that some of the Founders and Presidents were 'Deists', they referenced a Higher Power and Providence and held to certain 'Christian' principles. I would guess (tell me if I'm wrong) that you probably wouldn't like or agree with some of these 'Deists.' And there's not 'an absence of proof' for God, or Intelligent Design if you prefer. Those who say there's an absence of proof are not demonstrating too much Intelligence themselves. In the absence of truth they both can be right? Absurdity. They are not equal opposites.
@@arkatheistcc2353 I don’t know it. I see nothing in the constitution that prohibits teaching about God in schools. It didn’t even become an issue until the 1960s. If it so blatantly violated the first amendment, why did it take so long to be removed from schools?
@@arkatheistcc2353 I don’t know it. I see nothing in the constitution that prohibits teaching about God in schools. It didn’t even become an issue until the 1960s. If it so blatantly violated the first amendment, why did it take so long to be removed from schools?
This is OPTIONAL people your kid doesn't have to learn about this yet kids can learn about how zir xir is a pronos and they NEED to know about being rainbow and parents can't opt out. All the religious parents and traditional parents said "no" but the school said they HAVE to learn that. If it's against someone's beliefs then make it optional. (If you say black history lesson should be optional. That's not even accurate) Pick a poison already. Making things like this optional is FINE. Idk if it's God the Father l, Allah, or All father. It's Optional. They had Christian club at school. I went there once. I stopped because it wasn't in my branch of the church. False teachings. I'm not reading the comments. You either agree or don't
I was gunna say as long as they dont keep them isolated from the real world and not force it on others but they convert the kids they do have to go out and convert others …. So weird like how they don’t want anything forced on them which isnt even true .
Former Secretary of Education, William Bennet, revealed in his cultural indexes that between 1960 and 1990 divorce doubled, teenage pregnancy went up 200 percent, teen suicide increased 300 percent, violent crime went up 500 percent. Well something went wrong
Wow what nimrods, first off this is NOT paid for by taxpayers it's nonprofit donations, second The Establishment Clause is that the government can't be like it is in England where the Royal head of the government is also the "Pope" of the only church sanctioned by the government. The constitution mentions God the Creator many times and describes that all rights come from him, not the Government. There is NO "separation of church and state in the Constitution" that is from a letter by Thomas Jefferson o the head of a Baptist church, that the Government WILL NOT INTREFERE I CHURCH ACTIVITIES, TEACHING OR PUBLIC IUTREACHES.. You would know that if you ever read the Originating Documents in a civics class, oh, right, they don't teach civics anymore. Shows how well indoctrinated you are, you cannot check the sources materials, you just believe everything you were been told! 😮
Wow what nimrods, first off this is NOT paid for by taxpayers it's nonprofit donations, second The Establishment Clause is that the government can't be like it is in England where the Royal head of the government is also the "Pope" of the only church sanctioned by the government. The constitution mentions God the Creator many times and describes that all rights come from him, not the Government. There is NO "separation of church and state in the Constitution" that is from a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the head of a Baptist church, that the Government WILL NOT INTREFERE IN CHURCH ACTIVITIES, TEACHING OR PUBLIC OUTREACHES.. You would know that if you ever read the Originating Documents in a Civics Class, oh, right, that shows that you went to school AFTER they stopped teach civics in school. Shows how well indoctrinated you are, you cannot check the sources materials, you just regurgitate what you were indoctrinated with! 😮
The only context in which religion should be taught in schools is the Constitutional right of freedom of religion. When I was a teacher and the kids asked about freedom of religion (especially with respect to the Bill of Rights), I taught them American historical facts concerning religious freedom: 1) 1st Amendment - The Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses lay the foundation of freedom of religion. 2) The first 6 presidents, and many Founding Fathers, were NOT christians, they were Deists - big difference. 3) Thomas Jefferson said, "Of our superstition, christianity, I find not one redeeming feature. Based on fables and mythology, it makes half of its worshipers fools, the rest hypocrites." 4) Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists - "The Constitution established by the American people has created a 'wall of separation between the church and state." 5) The Treaty of Tripoli, signed UNANIMOUSLY by the US Senate states, "The US is not in any way founded on the christian religion." 6) The Constitution does not say god anywhere in it. 7) The US has no official religion. I also introduced them to the concept that faith (absolute belief in something without proof) works both ways in that an Atheist has just as much faith that man created god as a religious person does that god created man. Who's right? In the absence of proof? They both are. So make religion a private matter, not public. America is for all religions, including none at all. Help spread the truth and end childish, christian entitlement.
Sounds like in the video they were saying this is a voluntary program that parents specifically have to sign off saying they want their kids to attend this. So, not sure how this infringes on anyone’s freedom.
Your gonna find out it's not a myth sooner rather than later. Your statement just shows ignorant you are, you have no spiritual eyes what so ever, that would be embarrassing to me. The Lord blinds the eyes of those who do not believe so that they will not see. Everything happening around us and that's your opinion. Amazing, may God have mercy on you
You do realize lots of parents send their kids to Catholic Schools. even non christians send their kids to catholic school. How a catholic operated hospital too. Christian charties and soup kitchens. give it a rest.
Wrong. Satanic statues are not "put up everywhere." The "Church of Satan" puts them up next to religious statues on public land. If a public place that kept to the rules about Church & State did not allow Christian statues on public land, the Satan statues would not be allowed either. But, of course, facts have no meaning for you.
Fortunately, I was never hauled off to a church from school, but I do remember someone handing out pocket sized bibles to my 5th grade class. However, as I grew older, I recognized religion for the nonsense it is.
Hey man, religion and knowing the risen Lord Jesus are two very different things. Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to God except through Me.” Not through an organization through knowing a living Person, in right relationship. All the other religions say He was some kind of good guy, Jesus said He is the only way. You can claim He lied or lost his mind. But Jesus is alive today! When I faced problems and spiritual forces beyond my ability to fix, I called to Jesus and everything changed. Not only did He immediately take me out of a dark situation, but I experienced love like I had never felt before. After I gave my life and heart to Jesus, His love, joy, and peace have not left me a single day since, and it’s been 12 years. I was addicted and suicidal when I first trusted Him. Now I am clean and never even have a thought of self-harm or self-hate. The most amazing thing though is forgiveness. Everyone needs forgiveness of sins. And there is no other way but Jesus. Lord bless you James.
We see what keeping prayer & God out of schools has done for the educational and moral erosion happening since the 70's. After school Satan is completely respectable though? #goodForTheGoose #thasWotRightsGetYou #EveryoneGetsRights
After all of the chair-throwing and brawling vids I’ve seen coming out of public schools, maybe this ain’t such a bad idea, lol. It probably gives more mellow kids a break from the bad ones.
Some Christians take things too far, but modern schools are shitholes. The more behaviorally challenged kids are not going to Bible study, which gives the more mellow kids and out and some respite from dealing with their peers that have more severe issues. I am a Satanist, but I deliberately took the advanced math and language classes to get a break from the chair-throwers. It doesn’t represent my belief system, but I do see the value in giving kids a chance to get some mental rest, lol.
TH-cam deleted my initial reply. But the gist of my logic is that public schools are not great places to be, especially now. I am a Satanist, and when I was in school, I deliberately took advanced math and language classes to get away from the disruptive clowns. Something like a Bible study would give other kids the same opportunity to get some mental rest away from their more damaged peers, because the crazed chair throwing kids would never go anywhere near a Bible. I can see the value in something like this even if it does not represent my own belief system.
TH-cam keeps deleting my reply. I guess that I am upsetting their demons, even if I am a Satanist myself. I do see the value in Bible study at school, especially public school. The kids are removed from the disruptive clowns and have exposure to adults that will try to guide them and not act like they are their friends. The chair-throwing kids won’t go anywhere near a Bible until they go to jail, but a young child with those inclinations deserves some mental rest during the public school circus hours. So, let them have their Bible study,
Former Secretary of Education, William Bennet, revealed in his cultural indexes that between 1960 and 1990 divorce doubled, teenage pregnancy went up 200 percent, teen suicide increased 300 percent, violent crime went up 500 percent. Data don't lie like atheists lie
Bringing Johannes Gutenberg without him we wouldn't have the Bible. And we need to bring to the table that Jesus Christ never paid rent so if you want to stay poor then you pay the landlord. Without the printing press then there would be no one Bible in the world. And we need to bring back the ten commandments that's the only thing we need to follow.
You might want to get a new dealer, because what you're smoking is not good stuff. There was one Latin Bible text in Western Europe since the 9th Century. Its copying was carefully overseen. The printing press just allowed that translation to be copied in a more efficient manner.
Hatred? Let's teach the children who they should hate. This is why we shouldn't be allowing one narrowly defined religious group to have broad access to other people's kids.
The parents have to give permission for their child to participate in Lifewise. We have had Bible out of school since the 60's and morality, family unit and crime have all gone in the wrong direction. We need to educate children on the Bible so they can make an informed decision.
There’s a 5th grader in my son’s school that is literally in the principal’s office every single day for hurting kids, anger, and once being escorted out of the building by police because he pushed a teacher down. Yesterday this child told my son that he was invited to church and he gave his life to Jesus. My son said he wasn’t in trouble at all yesterday and it’s like he’s a brand new kid not getting in trouble. Kids learning about the Bible and Jesus will have positive impacts in their lives, not negative. The Bible teaches to love people, be kind, gave perseverance, peace, joy, forgiving…how could you not want that for yourself or children? It’s sad to see stories like this where you are trying to make Jesus and the Bible look like they are a horrible thing when it’s the exact opposite
Well, the Bible class has children throwing things at a picture of Goliath. That's violence, not love and kindness.
The program is clearly offering only an Evangelical interpretation of the Bible, not including any critical apparatus in approaching it as something other than a book of facts.
Evangelicals are not known for their positive attitudes towards LGBTQ+ issues, women's autonomy in health issues, immigration, or helping the less fortunate. That is hardly love and kindness.
That is a dishonest "educational" program.
Former Secretary of Education, William Bennet, revealed in his cultural indexes that between 1960 and 1990 divorce doubled, teenage pregnancy went up 200 percent, teen suicide increased 300 percent, violent crime went up 500 percent. Coincidence?
This is awesome!!!!!
Yeah… this is pretty wild the way the story was presented. If anything is being “slanted” it is definitely this story as NBC News has presented it. I’m not sure what this man’s crime is! All I know is the way y’all spoke about him I am supposed to think he and Lifewise did something wrong.
This is awesome! Glad this is an option and will definitely be utilizing it!
Exciting news… time to get Jesus involved with the kids
Jesus drowned babies, according to the Bible.
🎉😊I’m Muslim & I think this is Excellent 👍🏽!!!
you just know that parents would be bursting into flames, had this been an Islam, Hindu, or Buddhist program
No , you just think that
It’s fact, believer.
@@moonshoes11 Prove it
I’d much rather see any believer prove any God exists.
So, believer…do,you think you could do that?
Better yet, a Satanic club.
Parents forcing their kids to do this crap is fine because it's "their" kid. But Kids in school learning that some people love people of the same gender and learning it's not a crime is "indoctrination". Make it make sense.
I'll help it make sense but first off, how do you know the parents are 'forcing' the children ? And even if they were, they have a right to because it certainly is not a negative or even a crime to go that nonprofit academy. Are kids forced by adults to go to public school ?Why is that okay and the other not ?
By the way, indoctrination is not a bad thing... we've all been indoctrinated, most people with good AND bad teaching from little children on up. What makes the difference is whether the indoctrination is good or bad. The fact that you refer to Bible studies as 'crap' demonstrates you're either living with a lot of ignorance, or living with some sort of bitterness.
This is such a wonderful ministry! Praying for the leadership and children!
When another religion, other than christian exploits the same loopholes, to do this same thing, then it won't be allowed anymore.
The parents have to give permission. What's the issue?
@@davidedmonds6737 The issue is people who put their child in Public school then try and Force Feed THEIR Christianity to the rest of the students. Maybe I am not religious and don't want the school teaching MY child about the bible. OR, maybe I am a practicing Buddhist, how dare the school or other parents with children attending the school, impose THEIR religion on my child, against my will and wishes. I don't have a problem with people wanting to merge school work with their church beliefs, that's what Private schools are for.
@@LoCoLorHay ??? Noone from this program is forcing their religion on your kid!
Has anyone kept a record of fighting in private Christian schools and compared them to public schools? Violence against teachers? Teenage pregnancies? Drug use? Asking for a friend
This is upsetting. On the other hand, I attended 12 years of Catholic schools and Catholic indoctrination and am now a confirmed atheist.
You were indoctrinated by man not God/Jesus. God did not betray you but the church most likely did.
God doesn’t exist.
@@moonshoes11but yet you and I are here, where do you think everything you and I know of came from. Some particle exploding and somehow finding its way to complex life such as you and me?
There is in one Article of the Constitution which says; year of our Lord. So God is referenced. He is certainly referenced in the Declaration of Independence and in most of the states' constitutions.
So before you gloat in the fact that some of the Founders and Presidents were 'Deists', they referenced a Higher Power and Providence and held to certain 'Christian' principles. I would guess (tell me if I'm wrong) that you probably wouldn't like or agree with some of these 'Deists.' And there's not 'an absence of proof' for God, or Intelligent Design if you prefer. Those who say there's an absence of proof are not demonstrating too much Intelligence themselves. In the absence of truth they both can be right? Absurdity. They are not equal opposites.
This violates Constitutional laws.
No it doesn’t
@@Frenite it does and you know it. Keep your chosen immoral god myth too yourself.
@@arkatheistcc2353 I don’t know it. I see nothing in the constitution that prohibits teaching about God in schools. It didn’t even become an issue until the 1960s. If it so blatantly violated the first amendment, why did it take so long to be removed from schools?
@@arkatheistcc2353 I don’t know it. I see nothing in the constitution that prohibits teaching about God in schools. It didn’t even become an issue until the 1960s. If it so blatantly violated the first amendment, why did it take so long to be removed from schools?
Religion does not belong in the classroom. End of story.
It’s not in the classroom.
And LGBT propaganda does?
@@strongpeterer You're a groomer; indoctrinating kids into hate!
It's not in the classroom but even if it is then good because we need it. The founding fathers wanted the Bible taught in schools.
This is OPTIONAL people your kid doesn't have to learn about this yet kids can learn about how zir xir is a pronos and they NEED to know about being rainbow and parents can't opt out. All the religious parents and traditional parents said "no" but the school said they HAVE to learn that. If it's against someone's beliefs then make it optional. (If you say black history lesson should be optional. That's not even accurate)
Pick a poison already. Making things like this optional is FINE. Idk if it's God the Father l, Allah, or All father. It's Optional. They had Christian club at school. I went there once. I stopped because it wasn't in my branch of the church. False teachings.
I'm not reading the comments. You either agree or don't
I wonder why it says "controversy"...
If that's the case, then ALL religions should be allowed
Presumably any other religion could have a group like this if they wanted to or cared to. No one is not being forbidden from doing anything.
I was gunna say as long as they dont keep them isolated from the real world and not force it on others but they convert the kids they do have to go out and convert others …. So weird like how they don’t want anything forced on them which isnt even true .
"Religion Poisons Everything" - Christopher Hitchens
"I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of the glass."
David lee Roth.
Quotes are fun.
Former Secretary of Education, William Bennet, revealed in his cultural indexes that between 1960 and 1990 divorce doubled, teenage pregnancy went up 200 percent, teen suicide increased 300 percent, violent crime went up 500 percent.
Well something went wrong
Someone needs to reach out to the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
@@brailriceit’s subtle coercion from government funded programs.
This violates Constitutional law.
The Establishment Clause prohibits the state from preferring one religion over another.
Wow what nimrods, first off this is NOT paid for by taxpayers it's nonprofit donations, second The Establishment Clause is that the government can't be like it is in England where the Royal head of the government is also the "Pope" of the only church sanctioned by the government. The constitution mentions God the Creator many times and describes that all rights come from him, not the Government. There is NO "separation of church and state in the Constitution" that is from a letter by Thomas Jefferson o the head of a Baptist church, that the Government WILL NOT INTREFERE I CHURCH ACTIVITIES, TEACHING OR PUBLIC IUTREACHES.. You would know that if you ever read the Originating Documents in a civics class, oh, right, they don't teach civics anymore. Shows how well indoctrinated you are, you cannot check the sources materials, you just believe everything you were been told! 😮
Wow what nimrods, first off this is NOT paid for by taxpayers it's nonprofit donations, second The Establishment Clause is that the government can't be like it is in England where the Royal head of the government is also the "Pope" of the only church sanctioned by the government. The constitution mentions God the Creator many times and describes that all rights come from him, not the Government. There is NO "separation of church and state in the Constitution" that is from a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the head of a Baptist church, that the Government WILL NOT INTREFERE IN CHURCH ACTIVITIES, TEACHING OR PUBLIC OUTREACHES.. You would know that if you ever read the Originating Documents in a Civics Class, oh, right, that shows that you went to school AFTER they stopped teach civics in school. Shows how well indoctrinated you are, you cannot check the sources materials, you just regurgitate what you were indoctrinated with! 😮
The only context in which religion should be taught in schools is the Constitutional right of freedom of religion. When I was a teacher and the kids asked about freedom of religion (especially with respect to the Bill of Rights), I taught them American historical facts concerning religious freedom: 1) 1st Amendment - The Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses lay the foundation of freedom of religion. 2) The first 6 presidents, and many Founding Fathers, were NOT christians, they were Deists - big difference. 3) Thomas Jefferson said, "Of our superstition, christianity, I find not one redeeming feature. Based on fables and mythology, it makes half of its worshipers fools, the rest hypocrites." 4) Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists - "The Constitution established by the American people has created a 'wall of separation between the church and state." 5) The Treaty of Tripoli, signed UNANIMOUSLY by the US Senate states, "The US is not in any way founded on the christian religion." 6) The Constitution does not say god anywhere in it. 7) The US has no official religion. I also introduced them to the concept that faith (absolute belief in something without proof) works both ways in that an Atheist has just as much faith that man created god as a religious person does that god created man. Who's right? In the absence of proof? They both are. So make religion a private matter, not public. America is for all religions, including none at all. Help spread the truth and end childish, christian entitlement.
Sounds like in the video they were saying this is a voluntary program that parents specifically have to sign off saying they want their kids to attend this. So, not sure how this infringes on anyone’s freedom.
@@healingoilmusic I understand your point, but please see my reply above in the general chat as I seem to be unable to reply here.
Sunday school? Keep it out of schools.
Oh no! People learning about Jesus and how to function in this wicked world.
Violating the law, believer.
@@moonshoes11What law?
How many times do,you need this answered, and why don’t you already know the Constitution?
Its inappropriate.
Talk about indoctrination.
no kidding...this is not ok
Absolutely disgusting that they are allowed to teach this immoral myth to children.
Your gonna find out it's not a myth sooner rather than later. Your statement just shows ignorant you are, you have no spiritual eyes what so ever, that would be embarrassing to me. The Lord blinds the eyes of those who do not believe so that they will not see. Everything happening around us and that's your opinion. Amazing, may God have mercy on you
All public schools teach immoral myths to children these days. Why not teach them God’s truth.
You do realize lots of parents send their kids to Catholic Schools. even non christians send their kids to catholic school. How a catholic operated hospital too. Christian charties and soup kitchens. give it a rest.
how is it a myth? its true
Darwinism working as intended
Ya, we can put up satanic statues everywhere but the bible study in school is controversial...🤷♀️...ok.
Wrong. Satanic statues are not "put up everywhere." The "Church of Satan" puts them up next to religious statues on public land. If a public place that kept to the rules about Church & State did not allow Christian statues on public land, the Satan statues would not be allowed either.
But, of course, facts have no meaning for you.
Brain washing.
Good let them yea h the Bible and yes we need church in school get right with God
I am sure you will be okay with Muslims and Hindus doing the same.
Fortunately, I was never hauled off to a church from school, but I do remember someone handing out pocket sized bibles to my 5th grade class. However, as I grew older, I recognized religion for the nonsense it is.
Why do you not believe? There is still time.
@@davidedmonds6737 Why would anyone with half a brain believe something so ridiculous as religion?
@@davidedmonds6737 Why should anyone believe nonsense?
Hey man, religion and knowing the risen Lord Jesus are two very different things. Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to God except through Me.” Not through an organization through knowing a living Person, in right relationship. All the other religions say He was some kind of good guy, Jesus said He is the only way. You can claim He lied or lost his mind. But Jesus is alive today! When I faced problems and spiritual forces beyond my ability to fix, I called to Jesus and everything changed. Not only did He immediately take me out of a dark situation, but I experienced love like I had never felt before. After I gave my life and heart to Jesus, His love, joy, and peace have not left me a single day since, and it’s been 12 years. I was addicted and suicidal when I first trusted Him. Now I am clean and never even have a thought of self-harm or self-hate. The most amazing thing though is forgiveness. Everyone needs forgiveness of sins. And there is no other way but Jesus. Lord bless you James.
We see what keeping prayer & God out of schools has done for the educational and moral erosion happening since the 70's. After school Satan is completely respectable though? #goodForTheGoose #thasWotRightsGetYou #EveryoneGetsRights
After all of the chair-throwing and brawling vids I’ve seen coming out of public schools, maybe this ain’t such a bad idea, lol. It probably gives more mellow kids a break from the bad ones.
Some Christians take things too far, but modern schools are shitholes. The more behaviorally challenged kids are not going to Bible study, which gives the more mellow kids and out and some respite from dealing with their peers that have more severe issues. I am a Satanist, but I deliberately took the advanced math and language classes to get a break from the chair-throwers. It doesn’t represent my belief system, but I do see the value in giving kids a chance to get some mental rest, lol.
@FreedaPeeple-in2mnyou’re so far off and wrong it’s delusional.
TH-cam deleted my initial reply. But the gist of my logic is that public schools are not great places to be, especially now. I am a Satanist, and when I was in school, I deliberately took advanced math and language classes to get away from the disruptive clowns. Something like a Bible study would give other kids the same opportunity to get some mental rest away from their more damaged peers, because the crazed chair throwing kids would never go anywhere near a Bible. I can see the value in something like this even if it does not represent my own belief system.
TH-cam keeps deleting my reply. I guess that I am upsetting their demons, even if I am a Satanist myself. I do see the value in Bible study at school, especially public school. The kids are removed from the disruptive clowns and have exposure to adults that will try to guide them and not act like they are their friends. The chair-throwing kids won’t go anywhere near a Bible until they go to jail, but a young child with those inclinations deserves some mental rest during the public school circus hours. So, let them have their Bible study,
Former Secretary of Education, William Bennet, revealed in his cultural indexes that between 1960 and 1990 divorce doubled, teenage pregnancy went up 200 percent, teen suicide increased 300 percent, violent crime went up 500 percent.
Data don't lie like atheists lie
Question: Are the people presenting this "Life wise" indoctrination certified teachers or merely groomers?
Bringing Johannes Gutenberg without him we wouldn't have the Bible. And we need to bring to the table that Jesus Christ never paid rent so if you want to stay poor then you pay the landlord. Without the printing press then there would be no one Bible in the world. And we need to bring back the ten commandments that's the only thing we need to follow.
You might want to get a new dealer, because what you're smoking is not good stuff.
There was one Latin Bible text in Western Europe since the 9th Century. Its copying was carefully overseen. The printing press just allowed that translation to be copied in a more efficient manner.
This vacuous one-sided report merely reinforces why the left should be treated with contempt, scorn and hatred.
More than one side was presented. But, facts mean nothing to you.
Let's teach the children who they should hate.
This is why we shouldn't be allowing one narrowly defined religious group to have broad access to other people's kids.
@@OxbowisaMstie Right on! Thank you for your support.
She is woke eh
Is that a question? Who are you referring to? You realize some of us aren't "woke" because we were never asleep, right?
And, I'm guessing you're intellectually comatose.
@@dannywilliams2358 confusing response, triggered?
@@ladyblayze which part confused you?
@@dannywilliams2358 no part.